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ME Unit9 Risk

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Pablo Sheridan
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  • 7/25/2019 ME Unit9 Risk


    Managerial Economics

    Unit 9: Risk Analysis

    Rudolf Winter-Ebmer

    Johannes Kepler University Linz

    Winter Term 2012

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    Explain how managers should make strategic decisions when facedwith incomplete or imperfect information

    Study how economists make predictions about individuals or firmschoices under uncertainty

    Study the standard assumptions about attitudes towards risk

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    Management tools

    Expected value

    Decision trees

    Techniques to reduce uncertainty

    Expected utility

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    Consumer and firms are usually uncertain about the payoffs from theirchoices.

    Some examples . . .

    Example 1: A farmer chooses to cultivate either apples or pears

    When she takes the decision, she is uncertain about the profits that shewill obtain. She does not know which is the best choice.

    This will depend on rain conditions, plagues, world prices . . .

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    Example 2: playing with a fair dice

    We will win AC2 if 1, 2, or 3

    We neither win nor lose if 4, or 5

    We will lose AC6 if 6

    Example 3: Johns monthly consumption:

    AC3000 if he does not get ill


    C500 if he gets ill (so he cannot work)

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    Economists call a lottery a situation which involves uncertain payoffs:

    Cultivating apples is a lottery

    Cultivating pears is another lottery

    Playing with a fair dice is another one

    Monthly consumption another

    Each lottery will result in a prize

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    Risk and probability

    Risk: Hazard or chance of loss

    Probability: likelihood or chance that something will happen

    The probability of a repetitive event happening is the relativefrequency with which it will occur

    probability of obtaining a head on the fair-flip of a coin is 0.5

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    Frequency definition of probability: An events limit of frequency in alarge number of trials

    Probability of event A= P(A) =r/R

    R= Large number of trials

    r= Number of times event A occurs

    Rules of probability

    Probabilities may not be less than zero nor greater than one.

    Given a list of mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive list of the

    events that can occur in a given situation, the sum of the probabilitiesof the events must be equal to one.

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    Subjective definition of probability: The degree of a managersconfidence or belief that the event will occur

    Probability distribution: A table that lists all possible outcomes andassigns the probability of occurrence to each outcome

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    If a lottery offers n distinct prizes and the probabilities of winning theprizes are pi(i= 1, . . . ,n) then



    pi=p1+p2+ . . . +pn = 1

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    Expected value of a lottery

    The expected value of a lottery is the average of the prizes obtained ifwe play the same lottery many times

    If we played 600 times the lottery in Example 2

    We obtained a 1 100 times, a 2 100 times . . .

    We would win AC2 300 times, win AC0 200 times, and lose AC6100 times

    Average prize= (300 2 + 200 0 100 6)/600 Average prize= (1/2) 2 + (1/3) 0 (1/6) 6 = 0 Notice, we have the probabilities of the prizes multiplied by the value of

    the prizes

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    Expected Value. Formal definition

    For a lottery (X) with prizes x1, x2, . . . , xn and the probabilities ofwinning p1, p2, . . . pn, the expected value of the lottery is

    E(X) =p1x1+p2x2+ . . . +pnxn

    E(X) =n



    The expected value is a weighted sum of the prizes

    the weights are the respective probabilities

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    Comparisons of expected profit

    Example: Jones Corporation is considering a decision involving pricingand advertising. The expected value if they raise price is

    Profit Probability (Probability)(Profit)

    $ 800,000 0.50 $ 400,000-600,000 0.50 -300,000

    Expected Profit = $ 100,000

    The payoff from not increasing price is $ 200,000, so that is theoptimal strategy.

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    Road map to decisions

    Decision tree: A diagram that helps managers visualize their strategicfuture

    Figure 15.1: Decision Tree, Jones Corporation

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    Constructing a decision tree

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    Decision fork: a juncture representing a choice where the decisionmaker is in control of the outcome

    Chance fork:a juncture where chance controls the outcome

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    Expected value of perfect information

    Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI) The increase in expected profit from completely accurate information

    concerning future outcomes.

    Jones Example (Figure 15.1)

    Given perfect information, the company will increase price if thecampaign will be successful and will not increase price if the campaignwill not be successful.

    Expected profit = $500, 000 soEVPI= $500, 000 $200, 000 = $300, 000

    Why is this useful?

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    S l d l

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    Simple decision rule

    Use expected value of a project

    How do people really decide?

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    I h d l d i i d id b

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    Is the expected value a good criterion to decide between


    Does this criterion provide reasonable predictions? Lets examine acase . . .

    Lottery A: Get AC3125 for sure (i.e. expected value = AC3125)

    Lottery B: get AC4000 with probability 0.75, and get AC500 withprobability 0.25 (i.e. expected value also AC3125)

    Probably most people will choose Lottery A because they dislike risk(risk averse).

    However, according to the expected value criterion, both lotteries are

    equivalent. The expected value does not seem a good criterion forpeople that dislike risk.

    If someone is indifferent between A and B it is because risk is notimportant for him/her (risk neutral).

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    M i i d d i k h ili h

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    Measuring attitudes toward risk: the utility approach

    Another example

    A small business is offered the following choice:

    1 A certain profit of $2,000,000


    A gamble with a 50-50 change of $4,100,000 profit or a $60,000 loss.The expected value of the gamble is $2,020,000.

    If the business is risk averse, it is likely to take the certain profit.

    Utility function: Function used to identify the optimal strategy for

    managers conditional on their attitude toward risk

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    E t d Utilit Th t d d it i t h

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    Expected Utility: The standard criterion to choose among


    Individuals do not care directly about the monetary values of theprizes

    they care about the utility that the money provides

    U(x) denotes the utility function for money

    We will always assume that individuals prefer more money than lessmoney, so:

    U(xi)> 0

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    E t d Utilit Th t d d it i t h

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    Expected Utility: The standard criterion to choose among


    The expected utility is computed in a similar way to the expectedvalue

    However, one does not average prizes (money) but the utility derived

    from the prizes EU=



    piU(xi) =p1U(x1) +p2U(x2) + . . .+pnU(xn)

    The sum of the utility of each outcome times the probability of the

    outcomes occurrenceThe individual will choose the lottery with the highest expected utility

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    Can e constr ct a tilit f nction? E ample

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    Can we construct a utility function? Example

    Utility function is not unique:

    you can add a constant term

    you can multiply by a constant factor

    the general shape is important

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    How do you get these points?

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    How do you get these points?

    Start with any values: e.g. U(90) = 0, U(500) = 50Then ask the decision maker questions about indifference cases

    Find value for 100

    Do you prefer the certainty of a $100 gain to a gamble of $500 with

    probability Pand $-90 with probability (1 P)? Try several values ofPuntil the respondent is indifferent

    Suppose outcome is P= 0.4

    Then it follows

    U(100) = 0.4U(500) + 0.6U(90)

    U(100) = 0.4(50) + 0.6(0) = 20

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    Attitudes towards risk

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    Attitudes towards risk

    Risk-averse:expected utility of lottery is lower than utility ofexpected profit - the individual fears a loss more than she values apotential gain

    Risk-neutral: the person looks only at expected value (profit), butdoes not care if the project is high- or low-risk.

    Risk-seeking:expected utility is higher than utility of expected profit- the individual prefers a gamble with a less certain outcome to one

    with a certain outcome

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    Attitudes toward risk

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    Attitudes toward risk

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    Attitudes towards risk

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    Attitudes towards risk

    What attitude towards risk do most people have? (maybe you want todifferentiate between long-term investment and, say, Lotto)

    What attitude towards risk should a manager of a big (publiclytraded) company have?

    Whats the effect of a managers risk attitude?

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    A risk averse person gets Y1 orY2 with probability of 0.5

    Expected Utility< Utility of expected value

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    Measure of Risk: Standard deviation and Coefficient of

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    Measure of Risk: Standard deviation and Coefficient of


    as a measure of risk we often use the standard deviation

    = (N


    Pi[i E()]2)0.5

    to consider changes in the scale of projects, use the coefficient ofvariation

    V =/E()

    Figure 15.4: Probability Distribution of the Profit from an Investmentin a New Plant

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    How can we measure risk?

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    How can we measure risk?

    Probability Distributions of the Profit from an Investment in a New Plant

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    Definition of certainty equivalent

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    Definition of certainty equivalent

    The certainty equivalent of a lottery m, ce(m), leaves the individualindifferent between playing the lottery m or receiving ce(m) forcertain.

    U(ce(m)) =E[U(m)]

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    Adjusting for risk

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    j g

    Certainty equivalent approach

    If the certainty equivalent is less than the expected value, then thedecision maker is risk averse.

    If the certainty equivalent is equal to the expected value, then thedecision maker is risk neutral.

    If the certainty equivalent is greater than the expected value, then thedecision maker is risk loving.

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    Adjusting for risk

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    j g

    The present value of future profits, which managers seek to maximize,can be adjusted for risk by using the certainty equivalent profit inplace of the expected profit.

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    Adjusting for risk

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    j g

    Indifference curves

    Figure 15.5: Managers Indifference Curve between Expected Profit andRisk

    With expected value on the horizontal axis, the horizontal intercept ofan indifference curve is the certainty equivalent of the risky payoffsrepresented by the curve.

    If a decision maker is risk neutral, indifference curves will be vertical.

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    Managers Indifference Curve

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    Definition of risk premium

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    Risk premium=E[m] ce(m)

    The risk premium is the amount of money that a risk-averse personwould sacrifice in order to eliminate the risk associated with aparticular lottery.

    In finance, the risk premium is the expected rate of return above therisk-free interest rate.

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    Lottery m. Prizes m1 and m2

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    Risk Premium

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    Examples of commonly used Utility functions for risk

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    averse individuals

    U(x) =ln(x)

    U(x) = xU(x) =xa where 0

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    The most commonly used risk aversion measure was developed byPratt

    r(X) =



    For risk averse individuals, U(X)

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    If utility is logarithmic in consumption U(X) =ln(X) where X>0

    Pratts risk aversion measure is

    r(X) = U(X)

    U(X) = 1X

    Risk aversion decreases as wealth increases

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    Risk Aversion

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    If utility is exponential

    U(X) = eaX = exp(aX) where a is a positive constant

    Pratts risk aversion measure is r(X) = U

    (X)U(X) =


    aeaX =a

    Risk aversion is constant as wealth increases

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    Lotteries A and B

    Lottery A: Get AC3125 for sure (i.e. expected value = AC3125) Lottery B: get AC4000 with probability 0.75, and get AC500 with

    probability 0.25 (i.e. expected value also AC3125)

    Suppose also that the utility function is

    U(X) =sqrt(X) where X>0

    U(A) = 55.901699

    certainty equivalent: E(U(B)) = 0.75*U(4000) + 0.25*U(500) = 53.024335 (53.024335)2 = 2811.5801 = U(ce(B)))

    risk premium: 3125 - 2811.5801 = 313.41991

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    Willingness to Pay for Insurance

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    Consider a person with a current wealth of AC100,000 who faces a25% chance of losing his car worth AC20,000

    Suppose also that the utility function is

    U(X) =ln(X) where X>0

    the persons expected utility will be

    E(U) = 0.75U(100,000) + 0.25U(80,000)

    E(U) = 0.75 ln(100,000) + 0.25 ln(80,000)

    E(U) = 11.45714

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    Willingness to Pay for Insurance

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    What is the maximum insurance premium the individual is willing topay?

    E(U) = U(100,000 - y) = ln(100,000 - y) = 11.45714

    100,000 - y = exp(11.45714) y= 5,426

    The maximum premium he is willing to pay is AC5,426.

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    Roy Lamb has an option on a particular piece of land, and mustdecide whether to drill on the land before the expiration of the optionor give up his rights.

    If he drills, he believes that the cost will be $200,000.

    If he finds oil, he expects to receive $1 million; if he does not find oil,he expects to receive nothing.

    a) Can you tell wether he should drill on the basis of the availableinformation? Why or why not?

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    Example contd

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    No, there are no probabilities given.

    Mr. Lamb believes that the probability of finding oil if he drills on thispiece of land is 14 , and the probability of not finding oil if he drills here

    is 34


    b) Can you tell wether he should drill on the basis of the availableinformation. Why or why not?

    c) Suppose Mr. Lamb can be demonstrated to be a risk lover. Shouldhe drill? Why?

    d) Suppose Mr. Lamb is risk neutral. Should he drill or not. Why?

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    Example contd

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    b) 1/4(800) 3/4(200) = 50>0, so a person who is risk neutralwould drill. However, if very risk averse, the person would not want todrill.

    c) Yes, since the project has both a positive expected value andcontains risk, Mr. Lamb will be doubly pleased.

    d) Yes, Mr. Lamb cares only about expected value, which is positivefor this project.

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