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12 Assistance/2016-17/Drought/Gujarat_Drought...Gujarat for National Progrnmme ofMid Oay Meal inschools for the year 2016-17. ... existing BPL rates

May 08, 2018



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Page 1: Assistance/2016-17/Drought/Gujarat_Drought...Gujarat for National Progrnmme ofMid Oay Meal inschools for the year 2016-17. ... existing BPL rates
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F. No. 17-1/2016-MDM I-I CEE-5)Government of India

Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentDepartment of School Education & Literacy

[Mid-Day Meal Division]


Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi,the dated 17'hJune, 2016

ToThe Principal Accounts Officer,Ministry of Human Resource Development,Principal Accounts Office,ShastTi Bhavan,New Delhi.

Subject: Release of Recurring Central Assistance for Drought Affected Areas to State Govt. ofGujarat for National Progrnmme of Mid Oay Meal in schools for the year 2016-17.

Sir,I am directed to convey the sanction of the President of India to release of Rs.123.57 (Rupees

One Crorc Twenty Three Lakh and Fifty Seven Thousand only) to State Govt. ofGujaral as recurringCentral Assistance for Drought Affected Areas on the basis of PAB-M DM approval for the year2016-17 under National Programme of Mid Day Meal 111 Schools for the year 2016-17, as percomponenl wise details given below:-

(Rs. ill LaSI. No. Compollellt/norm Central Share Minimum Mandatory

State. Share1 2 3 4

Primary + Upper PrimaryI Cost of Food grains 10.942 Cooking Cos I 100.51 67.003 Honorarium to Cooks-cum-Helpers 6.69 4.464 Transportation Assistance 3.255 Management Monitoring & Evaluation (MME) 2.18

TOTAL 123.57 71.46


2.(i) The S/{fte F/lla/lce Departmellf must release Central ASslstllllce alollg IVlth the 111111111111111lIIatchillg clJluribuli{)n ()f Slate share to the Educatioll Departllle/lt or the /lodal departme/lt forimplementatio/l oIMit/ Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) immetlillleiy.(ii) The Educatioll Departme/lt or the /lot/al departmellt for MDMS mllst release the CelltmlAssistallce liS wef{ liS Stllte Goverull/ellt's matchillg cOlltributioll to the .\'C!/Oo/~/implellle/ltil/g IIgel/cies.vithillll .veek.

3. The expenditure of Rs.123.57 (Rupees Olle Crore Twenty Three Lakh alld Fifty SevellThousand only) will be debited to Demand No. 51- Department of School Education & Literacy, 360 I(Major Head) - Grant-in-Aid to State Governments This amount is to be trifurcated into following heads:

(i) Rs. 93.15 Lakh (Rupees Ninety Three Lakh alld Fifteen Thousand 0111y) will be debited toDemand No. 51 - Department of School Education & Literacy, 360 I (Major Head) - Grant-in-Aid toState Governments, 02 - Grants for State Plan Schemes (Sub-Major Head), 187 - Elementary.Education-National Programme of Mid Day Meals ill Schools (MillOI' Head), 0 I - Assistance toStates (Sub Head), 01.0 I - Amount to be met from G.·oss Budgetary Support (Detailed Head), 01.01.31- Grants-in-aid for 2016-17 (Pian).

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-2-(ii) Rs. 8.97 Lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh and Ninety Seven Thousand Only) will be debited toDemand No.5 1- Department of School Education & Literacy, 360 I (Major Head) - Grant-in-Aid to StateGovernments, 02 - Grants for State Plan Schemes (Sub-M~or Head). 789 - Special Component Planfor Scheduled Castes (Minor Head), 57 - Elementary Education-National Programme of Mid DayMeals in Schools, 57.0 I - Assistance ro States-(Amount to be met from Gross Budgetary Support),57,01.31 - Grants-in- aid for 20 16-17 (Pian).

(iii) Rs. 21.45 Lakh (Rupees Twenty One Lakh 'Illd Forty Five Thousand Only) will be debited toDemand No. 51- Department of School Education & Literacy. 360 I (Major Head) - Grant-in-A id to StateGovernments, 02 - Grants for State Plan Schemes (Sub-Major Head), 796 -Tribal Area Sub Plan(Minor Head), 57 - Elementary Education-National Programme of Mid Day Meals in Schools, 57.01 -Assistance to States-CAmount to be met from Gross Budgetary SUpPOI·t), 57.01.31 - Grants-in- aid for2016-17 (Pian).

4. Accordingly. I am directed to convey the sanction of the President of India to release ofRs. 8.97 Lakh (Eight Lakh and Nincty Seven Thousand Only) to GOVI.of Gujarat as recurring Centralassistancc under National Programme of Mid Day Meal in Schools for the year 2016-17,

5. The expenditure of Rs. 8.97 Lakh (Eight L••kh ilnd Ninety Seven Thousand Only) will bedebited to Demand No. 51 - Department of School Education & Literacy, 360 I (Major Head) - Grant-in-Aid to State Governments, 02 - Grants for State Plan Schemes (Sub-Major Head), 789 - ElementaryEducation-National Progl'3mme of Mid Day Meals in Schools (Minor Head), 57 - Assistance toStates (Sub Head), 57,0 I - Amount to be met from Gross Budgetary SUpPOI·t (Detailed \-lead), 57,01.31- Grants-in-aid - General for 2016-17 (Pian).

6. The above grant is subject to the following conditions: -IAI Cost of foodgl'llins:

(iv) District administration will ensure that evelY consuming unit maintains a buffer stock offood grains required for a month to avoid disruption due to unforeseen exigencies,

(v) Foodgrains under Mid Dlly Meal Scheme for Ihe I" IWOquarters during 2016-17 wouldbe supplied al NFSA rates i.e. Rs. 2 per Kg of wheat and Rs. 3 per kg. of rice instead ofexisting BPL rates as per the guidelines issued by this Department vide letter No. 5-112016-Dcsk(MDM) dated 29.04.2016. The taxes if any levied by the State/UT would beborne by the Gov!. of India,

(vi) State Government wiIJ nominale an officer who wiIJ be responsible for receiving the billssubmitted by FC! and ensuring payment to it in time. FCl wiIJ intimate its accountnumber and mode of receiving of pl.yment to the nodal officer, who should be maderesponsible for transferring money/depositing cheque in that aCcount. 81M. Gov!. willensure timely payment to FCI by district authority.

(iv) All other provisions made in the above guidelines issued should be strictly complied.(v) The States/UTs may evolve a system for on-line payment to FCI to avoid delay.(vi) The information on 1110nlh-wise payment to Fel may be made available to this

Department on regular basis.

Inl Cooking Cost:(i) State/UT's norl11of expenditure towards COOkingcost shall under no circumstances be

fixed at a level less than ~ 3.59 upto 30'" June, 2015 and ~ 3.86 from I" July, 2015onwards per child per school day for primary stage and ~5.38 upto 30'" June, 2015and~5.78 frol11 I" July, 2015 onwards per child per school day for upper primary stage andNCLP schools.

(ii) Stare Government should release 40% minimulll mandatory Srate Share of cooking costsimultaneously.

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-3-States/UTs will not reduce its own budgetary allocation for cooked Mid-Day MealProgramme below the level of BE: 2005-06. .As stipulated in the MDM Guidelines, 2006 [para 3.3(iv»), States/UTs shall ensure that aminimum of one-month's requirement of cooking cost is available in each school asadvance through-out 2015-16.The StateslUTs may evolve ani ine transfer of funds to schoolslimplementing agencies.

(i i i)


[CJ Transportation Cost:(iv) Grant of Central Assistance towards transportation cost is based on nat rate of

~ 750 per MT for State/UT as a whole or actual expenditure whichever is less. Theutilisation of this grant should be commensurate with the actual quantity of food grainslifted and transpOlted under the Scheme. Requirement of Transportation cost may varyfrom district to district within State/UT depending upon the topography and distance tobe transported. States/UTs may therefore, reallocate this grant amongst the districts asper the requirement and as per State/UT norms.

101 Honorarium to Cooks-cum-Helpers(i) State Gov!. must also release minimum matching contribution of ~ 400/- per cook-cum-

helper as State's share without any delay so that minimum amount of honorarium of~1000/- per month per cook-cum-helper is paid through e-transfer in to their bankaccount. The States may top up their share for releasing more than~I000/- per month per cook-cum-helper.State Gov!. may give priority to weaker section oflhe society like women, SCIST,OBC, Minorities in engaging the cook-cum-helpers.The cook-cum-helper should be engaged purely on part time basis. Central Gov!. will notbear any past service liabil ity in respect of cook-cum-helper.Separate account will be mainlllined by the State Government lor the Central assistancebeing released under each category (PrimaJY and Upper Primary) separately to meet thepayment or cook-cum-helpers under the Scheme.




IEIMME:(i) Central assistance will be utilized for Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (MME)

i.e. 1.8% of lora I recurring Centl'al Assistance i.e. (a) Cost of food grains. (b) cookingcost. (c) transport assistance & (d) honorarium to cook-cum-helpers as pel' the guidelinesissued by this Ministry'S letter No. 1-15/2009-Desk (MDM), dated 21.6.20 10.

(F)GENERALThe grant shall be subject to.the following conditions:

(i) It shall be utilized only for undertaking activities proposed in the Annllal Work Plan& Budget for the year 2015-16 and as approved by the Programme Approval Board,and by the Government of rndia on the basic norms of expenditure.

(ii) The assets. if any, acquired wholly or substantially Olltof this grant, should not, withoutlhe prior sanction of the Government of India, be disposed off, encumbered 01' utilizedfor purposes other than those for which the grant has been sanctioned.

(iii) The grantee shall maintain a separate and proper account of the expenditure incurredout of the grant and the accounts so maintained shall be open to audit by theComptroller & Auditor General of India or any authority deputed by him for (he purposeas per rules.

(iv) The State Government shall contribute and release their minimum mandatory sharesimultaneously to implementing agencies.

(v) The grantee shall fUJ'Ilishthis Departmcnt with item-wise statement of expenditure Onn quarterly basis and other reports on physical and Onancial progress in the prescribed

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-4-formats. The grantee will also submit annual progress within one month from the close ofthe financial year. The unspent balance, if any shall be taken into account before fundsof subsequent years are released.

(vi) The grantee shall follow strictly all the instructions issued by the Gov!. of India fromtime to time with regard to the implementation of the Scheme and the fundsearmarked for Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled TribesSub Plan. Therefore, the funds are required to be further bifurcated into these minorbudget heads i.e. for SCs and STs.

7. It is certified thai the pattern of assistance lInder the Scheme has the prior approval of Ministry ofFinance. It is also certified that the grant is being released in conformity with rules and principles of theScheme.

8. The utilization certificate of this grant may be submitted to Govt. of India within three m011lhsofthe next financial year.

9. The accounts of the grantee shall be open to inspection by the sanctioning authority and audit,both by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under the provision of CAG (DPC) Act 1971 andImernal Audit by the Principal Accounts Office of the Ministry of Human Resource Development,Department of School Education and Literacy. whenever the grantee is called upon 10 do so.

10. The amount of grant-in-aid is finaily adjustable in the books of Principal Accounts Officer.Ministry of HRD, Department of School Education & Literacy, D-Wing, Ground Floor, Shastri Bhawan,New Delhi-II 0 liS. On receipt of sanction letter, the Principal Accollnts Officer may issue an advice tothe Reserve Bank of India (Central Accounts Section), Nagpur for affording credit to the balance of theState Government. The Principal Accounts Officer may forward a copy of the advice to the AccountalllGeneral and Finance Department of the State Government alOJlg with a copy to undersigned in theDepal1ment of School Education & Literacy. State Government shall send intimation regarding receipt ofgrant-in-aid to Principal Accounts Officer, Minislty of HRD. Depaltment of School Education &Literacy, Shastri Bhawan. New Delhi-I 101 IS.

II. Grantee is located in Gujarat circle ofaccoun!.

12. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division vide their Dy. No.2227/2016dated 06.06.2016 and funds certified by IF.2 vide Dy. NO.247/2016-IF.II datcd.14.06,2016.

13. The Sanction ID and E-bill pCI,t3ining to above release has already been generated.


__ or,_Sh. SUjit Gulati, Principal Secretary (School Edu.), GOvernl11el!t.~~r"em-~~(.ij(t~o.Depal1menr,New Sachivalaya, BlockNo.5, 8" Floor, Gandhinagar- 3820 I0 GUJ~~·~lon & Llt.racyShn Mukesh Kumar, lAS, CommIssIoner (MDM), Government of Gujaral, Block No.9, 'l'''''MlllJr,Dr. Jivaraj Mehta Bhawnn, Gandhinagar-3830 IO.Shri D. V. Mehta, Joint Commission (MDM), Commissionerate of Schools, Block No.911. Dir.Jivraj Mehta Bhawan Gandhinagar -383010.Director General or Audit. Central Revenues, AGCR Building, New Delhi-II 000 I.Accountant General, Government ofGujarat.Desk (MDM) f Guard File.

Copy to:-(i)



(Arna haki)Unde,' Secret:ll), tQ the Govt. 0 India

t~ <rTIIIl/AR DHAKI)"""" """"'/Under Secretary''!"' ",,",,",/GovL of Ind••'q'•~/Mln.of H.R.D.

""to< ttr"" "'"' "'....... ••••.•••0/0 School Educallon &

q ~/N8W O.'hl

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