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Mcqs for Pgs in Prosthodontics

Nov 08, 2014



Ammar Al Zoubi

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Page 1: Mcqs for Pgs in Prosthodontics

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Page 2: Mcqs for Pgs in Prosthodontics

MCQsfor PGs • In


Vinaya 5 Bh~t

BSc BOS MDS (Prostho) ONB Assistan t Professor

Department of Prosthodontics Saveetru Denl31 CoI l"S" and Hoopibls



New DII.hl

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Page 3: Mcqs for Pgs in Prosthodontics


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Page 4: Mcqs for Pgs in Prosthodontics

51',tioll Ont:

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Fixed Partial Denture Proslhodonlics ........................................... 1

Removable partial 0 .. 0111.,.

Prosthodontics •.••••••••••••• 1O:Z

Complete Denture Prosthodontics ... 213

Gentral Topics ...................................... 317 (Full Mouth Rfhabililation. Prtciskm AIII/ehmen/s, Imp/antology, Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Misce/lllnt'Ous)

Bibliognlphy •............•••.•............... .•••..............•••••••....... ....•.......... 35J

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Page 5: Mcqs for Pgs in Prosthodontics

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Page 6: Mcqs for Pgs in Prosthodontics

Section One

Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics

1. An ,lCcurale med ical his to ry helps: A. In deciding the treatment methodology B. In identifying the possible risk factors to denia l

facul ty C. In assessing the oral manifestations D. In all of the abQve

2. Following are systemic conditions that affect the pfriodontium exupt: A. Diabetes C. MP!JS

B. Epi lepsy D. Pregnancy

3. Eroded teeth are ~ common sign of followin g conditions except: A. AIDS B. Hiiltal hernia C. Bulimia D. Anorex ia nervosa

4. Temporomandibulu jo int can be located by paipa tins : A. Just posterior to the auricular tragi B. Just antl'rior to the a uricular tragi C. Anterior to the auricular tragi, while patient opens

and doses the mand ible D . Posterior to the auricular tragi while patient opens

and doses the mandible

, " "

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m MeQs for PGs In Prosthodontics

S. Auricular palpation with light anterior pressures helps determine potential disorder in the: A. Anterior attachment of the disk B. Middle attachment of the disk C. Capsular ligament D. Posterior a ttachment of the disk

6. Maximum lateral movement of mandible is: A. 10 mm B. 15 mm C. 12 mm D. 20 mm

7. Solberg-Krogh-Poulsen and Olssen described: A. Smile analySiS B. Comprehensive muscle palpation C. 1MJ examination D. lip examination

8. Smile anillys is help5 in: A. Treatment planning B. Margin placement of crowns C. Both ' A' and 'B' D. Periodontal considera tions

9. lateral utent of smile depends on following except: A. Width of the alveolar proct"Ss B. Length of the alveolar process C. Length of the upper lip D. Mobility of the upper lip

10. The dark sp~ce visible between m.u:illary and mandibular teeth when patient laughs, is called as: A. Corridor space B. lingual space C. Negative space D. Donders space

" 9 A 10 C

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics m 11. " Walking" ci rcumferenlially through gingival sulcus

determines: A. Depth of the periodontal pocket B. Depth of the gingival sulcus C. Sudden change in attachment level D. All of the above

12. For a good .butment selection, the gingiva should be: A. Sharply pointed at the interdental area 8 . Keratinized C. Tightly bound D. AI! of the above

13. Mylu strip un be used to detect: A. Occlusal conl3cts in eccentric movement B. Fremitus C. Crepitus D. Clicking

14. Intucuspal position ha~ been earlier referred 10 as: A. Centric relation 8. Eccentric relation C. Centric occlusion D . Slide in centric

15. Slide in cenlric is: A. Present in most of the natural dentition B. Abnormal in natural dentition C. Has a vertical and a horizontal component D. Both 'A' and 'C' are correct

16. freml lus indicales: A. Periodontal mobility B. Overcrowding C. Migration D. Tooth contact during lateral excursions

11 D 12 D 13 A I ' C 15 D " D

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m MeQs lor PGs In Prosthodontics

17. In the presence of protective refiens: A. Patient moves the jaw with ease B. Jaw can be guided through hinge closure easily C. Masticatory func tion can be easily assessed D . Jaw maneuverabili ty is di fficult

18. Panor~mic films are n()t sa tisfactory f()r: A. Assessing bone support B. Root morphology C. Caries D . All of the above

19. P~noramic film s are espu ially useful in assessing: A. Buried root tips B. Impacted third molOlcs C. Bone prior to implant placement D . All of the above

20. Vila lily testing can be done us ing one of the fo llow ing exce,,' : A. Electrical s timulation B. Stethoscope C. Th(>rmal stimulation D. Percussion

21 . Vi t.ality tes ts determine only: A. Efferent nerve supply B. Blood supply C. Afferent nerve supply D . CNS

22. Mounted cas ts: A. Determine the static relationship of the teeth B. Determine the dynamic re lationship of teeth C. Revea l occlusion not detectable in the mouth D. Do all of the above

23. Articulator selection depends on the following except: A. Type and complexi ty of treatment needs B. Operator's skill s C. Demands for procedural accuracy D. General expediency

170 liD 190 20 B 2tC 220 23 B

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FIx-eel Partial Denture Prosthodontics IT] 24. In hinge articulators, premature contacts in occlusion

(l(cur due 10: A. less dist,mce betwccn hinge of thc articulator and

the tooth being restored B. Morc distance between hinge and the tooth being

restored . C. Discrepancy in the path of closures of the articulator

and mouth D. Both ' A' and 'C'

25. Arcon is: A . Mechanical fossa is related to the maxilla B. ARticulator and CONdyle C. Condylar path is fixed relative to the occlusal plane D. True for all of the above s ta tem('n ts

26. A Fae .. bow r .. cord~: A. Centric jaw relation B. Orientation rela tion C. Hinge axis D. Both 'B' and 'C'

27. Vilu .. of error for an arbitrary filce bow in recording the axis is: A. 10 mm B. 2 mrn C. 5 mm D. 3 mrn

28. O nly cusp tips an rn orded in the recording m .. dium (or fae .. bo w trans f ... , A. To facilitate easy pla(ement of the (ash B. Because lips are more accurate than fossa C. Both' A' and '8' D. To prevent damage to the natura l tee th

240 250 250 21C HC

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m MeOslor PGsin Prosthodontics

29. Denar articulator usn following anterior reference point: A. Ala of the nose B. Orbitale C. Mark 43 mm superior to incisal edge of maxillary

central incisor D. Mark 43 mm superior to incisal edge of mandibular

central incisor

30. Denar face now is caUed as: A. Quick mount face bow B. Spring face bow C. Slidematic face bow D. Twirl bow

31. Following are methods except: A. Colton rolls C. CR record

to deprogramme mandiblt'

B. Plastic leaf gauge D. Lucia Jig

32. Anterior programming device must be in plact' for at least: A. 10 minutes C. 30 minutes

B. 60 minutes D.05 minutes

33. Following are materials used for inlero<;dusal records except: A. Polyvinyl siIoxane B. Aluwax C. Baseplate wax D . Irreversible hydrocolloid

34. Following methods are used to check corred mounting except one: A. Using thin articulatin g film B. By means of split cast mounting C. With Denar veriche<:k D. Verticulator

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics m 35. Protrusive records ue used to adjust:

A. Each side shift B. Condylar inclination on one side C. C('nt ric rdation o. Condylar inclination on both sides

36. Average value for immediate side shift is: A. 7mm B. 1 mm C. 10 rum 0. 0.1 mm

37. Custom acrylic anterior guidance table can be used to determine: A. Accurate contact of ante rior teeth B. Lingual contour of the ant(' rior teeth C. Influence of anterior tccth on border movement of

mandible D. All of the above

38. Anterior guidance diffel1'l from anterior referrnce point in that it; A. Helps in orienting th(' maxilla B. ~t('rmines border movements of the mandible C. Determines arc of opening of mandible D. Determines the refer('nce plane

39. Panadent quick analysrr detrrminn: A. Condylar path inclination B. Side shift of the mandible C. Occlusal plane of the dentition O. Both' A' and '8 '

40. Treatmrnt objectives ue following except: A. Identification of patient's nccds B. Corre<:t existing disea~ C. Prevent future disease D. Restore function and esthetics

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m Measlor POsln Prosthodontics

41 . Following ue extracoronal restorations except one: A. Partial veneer crown B. Full veneer c!Own C. RJdiculJr retaine r D. L,minates

42. Inlay is con lra indiute d in highly weakened tooth brcausr: A. Not {'nough tooth s tructur{' B. R{'maining too th dot's not resist wedging effect C. Support and r{'tention is no t obtained for the

restoration D . All o f the above

43. Inl~ys ue not suitable for retainers for fixed putlal denturu because they: A. Do not have sufficient r{'lenlion B. 00 not have sufficient res istance C. Bo th 'A' and 'B' are co rrect O. Require minimal tOQth reduction

44. To gain more res is tan ce ~nd retention, following modifications can be Olad~ in prrpar~lion for full veneer crown except: A. Box C. Grooves

B. Pinholes O. Offse t

45. Esthetic5 nn be enhanced by followi ng methods ewept: A. Sufficient tooth reduc tion B. IncreaSing the taper of the preparation C. Subgingival finish margins O. Making labial margins in porcelain

46. Problems with resi n -veneered restorations are follow ing ucept: A. AbraSion and wear B. Discolora tion C. Clicking noise O. Weak physical p roperties

41 C 420 43C 44D 4S8 48C

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Fixed Partial Denlure Prosthodontics m 41. Problems with all-ceramic restoration ue following

except: A. Lack. of streng th B. Difficulty in marginal fit C. Highly complicated procedure D . Good es thetics

48. Following substances ca n be used to , Irenglhen ceramic except: A. Zirconia B. Alumina C. Lcuci te crystals D. Feldspar

49. When a weaker abutment is not s plinted to the adjacent stronger tooth in a fi xed partia l denture, the Fixed partial denture will: A. Supraerupt B. Laterally drift C. Become mobile D. Get d islodged

50. CantilevH fixed partial denture is not indicated as: A. It cannot tole ra te forces acting on it B. Prognosis is poor on long-term C. It will induce la teral forces on periodontal ligament D. All above arc true

51. Leas l preferred mode of management of tilted abutment is: A. Orthodontic uprighting B. Mesial half crown C. Non- rigid connector D. Extraction

52. Width of the normal gingiva varies from: A. 2-3 mm B. \-9 mm C. 10-12 mm 0. 15-20 mm

41 D 48 D 49 B 50 D 51 0 S2 B

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R Meas for PGs In Prosthodontics

53. Mucogingival junction st!'paratt!'s: A. Gingiva and alveolar mucosa B. Junctional epithelium and sulcular epi thelium C. Marginal gingiva and allached gingiva D. Periosteum and alveolar mucosa

54. Transition from k t!'ratinized to smooth non-keratinized mucosa occurs at: A. The junction of free marginal gingiva and attached

gingiva B. Mucogingival junction C. The junction of marginal gingiva and free marginal

groove D. The biological width

55. Col is the area of ging iva: A. Between free marginal gingiva and free gingival

groove B. Consisting of a buccal and lingual component . C. That occupies area b<! tween adjacent teeth D. Both 'B' and 'C' ace true

56. Attacht!'d gingiva is thl!' t!'X tt!'ns ion bt!'twt!'t!'n: A. Epithelial allachment and mucogingival junction B. Alveolar mucosa and mucogingival junction C. Free marginal gingiva and free gingival groove D. Periosteum and muoogingival junction

57. G ingivodental ligamt!'nt consists of: A. Alveologingival fibers B. Dentogingival fibers C. Denloperiosteal fibers D. All of the ab-ove

58. Following are functions of periodontium: A. Attachment and support for the tooth B. Nutr ition and mechanoreception C. Synthesis and resorption D. All of the above

53A 548 550 56A 510 580

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FiltH Partial DanttJre Prostnodonti« m 59. Following structures are part of the periodontium

exupt: A. Sharpey's fibers 8. Cementum C. Periosteum D. Nerves and blood vesscls supplying the tooth

60. Following is part of thl'" periodontal ligament uupt one: A. Trans-scptal fibers B. Alveolar crest fibers C. Coronal fibers D. Apical fibers

61. Alveolar crest fibers lie: A. Apical to epi thelial attachment B. Coronal to epithelial attachment C. Between cementum and alveolar crest D. ' A' and '8' are true

62. Most numerous fibers in periodontal ligament are: A. Horizontal fibers B. Apical fibers C. Oblique fibers D. Trans-septal fibers

63. Synthetic cell in periodont~ 1 ]jgamentlh~1 produces collagen is: A. Cementoblast B. Fibroblast C. Megaloblast D. Epithelial rest

64. The junctIon between bast of the gingiu and the tooth is called: A. Mucogingival Junelion (MGn B. Cementogingival Junction (CGJ) C. DcntogingivalJunction (OGH D. AlveologingivalJunction (AGJ)

500 SOC 610 aze 638 64C

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M Meas forPG.ln Prosthodontlc.

65. Dentogingival Junction A. Hemidesmosomes C. Basal Lamina

is mide up of: B. Chromosomes D. 'A' and 'C'

66. Avuage depth of gingiva l sulcus in hulthy individUil I is: A. 3mm B. 5 mm C. 1.8 mm D. 1.3 mm

67. Mituia ilbi consis ts Clf: A. Microorganisms B. Dead epithelial cells C. Leucocytes D. All of the above

68. E:dracellu l ~r matrix in plaque is made up of following I'XUpt: A. Carbohydrates B. Protein C. Calcium and phosphate ions D. Macrophages

69. AnnTobic popul~tion of plaque consists mostly of following except: A. Cram-positive microbes B. Cram-negative mic.robes C. Spirochetes D. Filamentous organisms

70. Gingivitis gets transformed into pHiodontitis when: A. Aerobic plaque gets transformed to anaerobic B. Loss of conne<:tive tissue occurs C. Attumulation of inflammatory cells occurs O. Basa l cells of junctional epi thelium begin to


&5D Me 67D ~D "A 708

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Fixed Partial Denture prO'thodontiC'@

71. Unw<lX~d floss is brU~r th~n w<lX~d flo ss bec~use: A. It is smaller in diameter 8. The squeaking noiSe it makes can be used as guide C. As it flattens, all the fibers are utilized for flossing D. All of thE' above

72. Disclosing ~g~nt for plaqu~ cont~ins :

A. Alizarin-S B. Erythrosin dye C. Cobal t dye D. Ferrous sulfate

73. Following nn caus~ gingiul irritation except: A. Overhanging restoration 8. Open proximal cont.:"t C. Heavy occlus"l force on restora tion D. FQOd impaction

74. 'Sounding' th~ periodontium dftfrmin~s:

A. If the periodontium is sound B. If the tooth is hopeless and n~ds e>;traction C. If the tooth can serv(' as abutm('nt D. All of th(' above

75. Some periodontally involved t~dh m~y require: A. Splinting with provisionals B. Splinting with etched cast r('storation C. E>;traction D. All of the abov('

76. Soft tissu~ r~sponses to i nili~1 p~rjodonlal therapy are: A . Minimum probing depth of sulcus B. Absence of inflammation C. Accurate loca tion of mucogingival junction in

relation 10 tooth D . AU of th(' above

110 n8 13C 740 150 TtO

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m Meas for PGs In Prosthodontics

77. PrOCfdurf of gingivfctomy was introducfd by: A. Dr ev Black B. l.oe and Silne5s C. Ramfjord and Ash D. Carranza

78. Gingivectomy can be done fo r following except: A . Keratinized gingiva B. Suprabony pockets C. Fibrous gingiva D. Infrabony poeket

79. Mucosal reparative therapy: A. Is done to increaSl' width of thE' keratinized gingiva B. Is a surgical grafting procedure C. Indudes free autogenous gingival gr~ft D. Includes all of thE' above

80. Fo it owing are types of mucosal reparative therapy e."""pt :


A. Free au togenous graft B. L.1te ra ll ), positioned pedicle graft C. Coronally positioned pedide graft D . Gingivectomy

An abutmen t mus t attached gingiva: A. 5mm C. 1 mm

have at teas t

B. 3 mm D. 2 mm

___ of

82. Amount of keratinized approximately:

mu cou present shou ld be



A. 5mm C. I mm

B. 3 mm 0 .2 mm

Root furcation therilpy includes following except; A. Ele<:trosurgery B. Induction of bone form3tion C. Removal of bone by surgery D. Tooth modification by root resection

, '" '" .. , "

, ." " ,

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontles m Materials used A. Cartilage C. Ceramic

to fill osseous defects include: B. Sclera D. All of the above

85. Osseous recontouring CiUl be accomplished by: A. Leveling interproximal lesions B. Thinning bony ledges C. Ramping criller defects D. All of the above

86. Osseous recontouring is aimed at : A. Sound osseous base for gingiva B. Elimination of pocket C. Elimination of excessive sukular depth D. All of the above

87. Prior to surgery, 'Sounding' of bone helps In:

A. Determining depth of lesion B. Determining width of lesion C. [)(os.igning the incision O. All of the above

88. Final tissue maturation and sulcus reformation dter surgery, takn about: A. 4--6 weeks B. 4--6 months C. 6--12 months D. 2·3 months

89. Normal position of oss eous crest is apical to cementoenamel junctioll by: A. 3mm H.I .5mm C. 4mm 0. 5mm

90. in class 1 fUr(alion, vertical loss of pC'riodontal support apical to cementOf!namel junction is: A. :> 3 mm B. :> 1.3 mm C. <3mm O. <lmm

84D ~o 860 8TO ue 8iB ~e

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m Mea, lor PG,ln PrO$lhodonlic,

91 . In class II furcalion involvement: A. Osseous loss is eviden t on radiograph B. Furca is ~netrable > 1 mm horizonta lly C. Furca docs not e><lend through and through D. All of the above are true

92. In ~ maxillary molar, the following {un:ation is more apical th~n the other: A. Mesial furca tion B. Distal furcation C. Lingual (urcation D. Buccal furca tion

93. Following roots lie in the same plane, in a maxillary molar: A. Distobuccal and palatal B. Mesiobuccal and palatal C. Mesiobuccal and distobucca l D. Distobuccal and the ex tra root when present

94. Tunneling is: A. Done on tooth with long divergent roots B. Creating a through and through defe<:t C. Done in class II and class UI furcation involvements D. All of the above

95. Ind ications for root ampublion include following except one: A. Closely approximated or fused roots B. Internal resorption C. Severe caries D. Furcation involvement not treatable

96. Following cond iti ons are contraindicated for root amputation except: A. Increased crown / root ratio B. Inability to treat endodontically C. External resorption D. Decreased general loss of osseous support

9t D 92B 93 A MD 9S A M e

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Fixed Partial Denture Prolt.hodontici [17'] 97. Bicuspidiution reff'fS to:

A. Restoration of thc premolar B. Restora tion of each half of molar after hemisection C. Cutting and removal of onc root from molar D. Separation of roots orthodontically

98. Common typf'S of 'rutmf'n t for toolh with rf'Sf'ctf'd rools ;Hf' following napt: A. Resto ring roolS as ind ividual tooth B. Tooth usetl for abutment C. Amalgam placed in roots and occlusion adjusted D. Eltt raction

99. Guided Tissue Regeneration ~ims at following except: A. Selective repopulation B. Regaining lost at tach.ment C. Allows cells from gingival connective tissue to

contact root surface D. Creating space over root surface

100. Prognosis in Fi lted Partial Dentures depends on: A. Residual alveolar bone B. Tooth mobility C. Occlusion . D. All of the above

101. The G uided Tissue Regeneralion membrane is usually placed: A. At cementoenamel junction B. Below cementoenamel junction C. Covering the enti re rool surface D. 'A' and 'C' are correct

102. Elective solt ti ssue surge ry includes following: A. Alteration of muscle at tachment B. Increase of vestibular depth C. RemOving soft tissue distal to molars D. Any or all of the above

17 B M 0 "C 100 0 101 A 102 D

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m Meas for PGsin Prosthodontics

103. Rt!.'I toration used to bui ld up a damagt!d tooth to idul anatomic fonn prior to p uparing for crown is known u: A. Core B. Partial veneer C. Foundation restoration D. 'A' and 'C' are correct

104. Selection of core materia l depends on following except: A. Extent of tooth destruction B. Availability C. Overall treatment plan O . Operator preference

105. Mate rial of choice for cort! when crown prt!paration will not ntend more thin 1 mm bt!yond core-tooth junction is: A. Glass ionomer B. Composite C. Amalgam D . Zinc polycarboxyIate

106. An extensively damaged tooth should b e rutored with: A. Amalgam core B. Composite core C. Pin retained cast metal core D. Glass ionomer core

107. Following art! trut! for cort! rt!storations exupt: A. Unsupported enamel has to be eliminated B. Acute cavosurface margins are acceptable C. Series of s teps perpend icular to occlusal fo rces

increase resis tance form D. Limit the ex tent of outline form

108. Preserving unsupported t!namel for cort! rt!.'Itoration: A. Helps resisting condensa tion fo r<:es o f amalgam B. Hetps placement of matrix C. Facili tates amalgam condensation D . All of the above

103 D 1~ B 105 C 106 C 107 '" loa 0

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodont~ DO 109. Cavosurface margin for core restoralion (an be:

A. 45-1350

B. 90° C. 9Q.1OO" D. 180-190"

110. Acute cavosurface margin for (ore rnlou tion is acceptable because: A. It will conserve the tooth structure B. It will help in condensation of amalgam C. It is not subj~ted to high stress D. All of the above

111 . Placement of pins for core restoration is different from conventional amalgam restoration, in thai: A. They should be placed more superficially B. They should be placed further pulpally C. They should be posi tioned at a slight angle to the

long Jxis of tooth D. 'S' and 'C' are correct

112. Preferred matrix retainer for core build up is followillg except: A. Copper bands B. Orthodontic bands C. Tofflemire D. Automatrix

113. In pin-retained-cast-core, a countersink is created al the gingival floor nea r the pinhole to: A. Fadlitate d efed-free die B. Prevent pin fracture C. Aid both 'A' and '6' D. For bet ter fin ish margin

114. Pilot holes for pin restorations are: A. 1 nun B. 0.1 mm C. 2mm D.5mm

109 ... 11 0 0 111 0 112 C tt3 C tt4 C

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G MCQs for PGs In Prosthodontics

115. Tapered pins are beller for: A. Obtaining some leeway in paralleling the holes B. Strength C. Retention D . 'A' and 'B'

11 6. Following tests c~n be used to uamine vitality of a tooth except: A. Ice pencil B, Gutta-percha C. Heated needle D , Pulp tester

117, To remove the broken post, following kit can be used: A. Automatrix B. Masserann ki t C. Tunnelling kit D . P~raposl kit

118. Apical s e~l that must be ret~ined for post and core res toration mus t be at leut: A. 3 mm C. 7 mm

B. 5 mm D. 1 nun

119. Following are indications for elective endodontics except: A. In difficulty obtaining same pa th of inse rtion in

multiple abutments B. Badly d~m~ged tooth C. When the buccal cusps a rc fractu red D . When additiona l preparation is likely to jeopardize

longevi ty of tooth

120. Us ually maximum th ickness of free autogenous g ingival grdt used for increasing width of attached g ingiva is: A. 2 nun C. <1 mm

B. 1 mm D. 3 mm

115 0 116 C 117 8 118 A'" C 120 e

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics rn--] 121. Limit~tions of laterally pos it ioned pedicle grafts are

following uupt: A. Retains its vas.cularity B. Recession at donor site C. Attachment of graft with root is usually epithelial D. Som('limes donor sit(' uncovers bony fenestrations

122. Usual donor situ following except:

for free autogenous gnft are

A. Hard palat(' C. Iktromolar pad

B. Edentulous ridg(' D. Vestibular depth

123. Crown lengthening procedure is indicated in following situations ~xcept: A. Clinical crown too short B. To improve appearance in anterior tooth C. In limited osseous support D. When restoration may impinge on biologic width

124. Crown ll.'ngthl.'ning can bl.' don I.' us ing followin g procl.'d ufl.'s except: A. P('riodonlics B. Surgical C. Orthodontic'p('riodontics D. Endodontics

125. Minor orthodont ic movement has following adun­t.ges except: A. Restores biologic wid th B. Directs occlusal forces along long axis C. Favorable pontic spaces D. Improves axial alignment

126. Following are usual cons idl.'fations to bl.' taken prior 10 extruding anterior tooth except: A. Amount of labial bone B. Occlusion C. E5thetics D. A diagnostic waxing procedure

t2t A 122 0 123 C t24 D t25 A 126 B

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m Meal lor PGs In Prosthodontics

127. Reorganizing occlus ion prior 10 proslhodont ic management relales to: A. Removal of e<:centric interferences B. Making iCP = CR C. Elimination of occlusal dysfunction D. All of the above

128. Following are contraindications to oc:clusal adjustment txupt: A. Tooth malalignment B. Chronic bruxer C. Anterior open bi te D. Angles class III

129. Occlusal adjuslm .. nt is done in following sl .. ps except: A. Elimination of protrusive in terference B. Elimination of la teral in terference C. Elimination of centric relalion interference D. Elimination of group function in terference

130. During a s lide in centric, protrusive interference is seen on: A. Mesial inclines of ma~illary teeth B. Distal inclines of mandibular teeth C. Mesial inclines of mandibular teeth D. Both 'A ' and 'B'

131. During a protrusive interference at the teeth, condyle gets d isplaced: A. Posteriorly B. Laterally to the right C. Anteriorly D. Laterally to the left

132. In a la terally displacing prematurity, following inclines are adjusted: A. Lingual facing incl ines of mandibular teeth B. Palatal facing inclines of maxillary teeth C. Buccal facing incl ines of maXilla ry teeth D. 'A' and 'C' aTe adjus ted

127 D 128 A 129 D 130 D 131 C 132 D

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics [2i] 133. If the lalerally dis placing prematurily occurs on

ia terotrusive s ide (lilteral slide), adjus t: A. Bucral inclines of maxillary lingual cusp B. Lingual indines of mandibular bucral cusp C. Both ' A ' and 'B' D. Lingual inclines of maxillary lingual cusps

134. If laterally dis placing prematu rity occurs on mediotrusive s id e of mandible, do the follow ing adjustment: A. Bucral indine of maxillary buccal cusps B. Buccal incline of mandibular buccal cusps C. Lingual incline of maxillary lingual cusps D. Lingual indine of mandibular lingual cusps

135. Second phase of occlusal adjustment concentrates on follow ing except: A . Laterotrusion B. Mediotrusion C. Centric rela tion D. Protrusion

136. Goals of second phase occlusal adjustment are: A . Eliminate protrusive contacts on posterior tee th B. Eliminate interferen ce on working side C. Eliminate interference on non-working side D. All of the above

137. G roup Function occlus ion is consid ered when: A. Mobili ty of canine is present B. Poor bone support for canine C. Wear of the canine D . All of the above

138. Second phase occlusal "djus-Imenl consis ts of: A. Creating a groove for centrk (USp B. Eliminating centric contacts C. Eliminating la\{'ral an d protrusive interference D. Both 'A' and 'C'

133 C 134 8 135 C 138 0 131 D 138 0

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M Meas lor PGs in Prosthodontics

139. Following are true for Twill-T~ble t~hnique used for occlusal rehabilitation, except: A. Is used for developing molar disdusion B. Has two incisal tables C. Has two condylar tables D. Del(>rmines Ihecuspshapc and angle of hinge rotation

140. Whilf a tooth is being reduced to receive a full veneer crown, the adja cent tooth can be preserved in the following methods: A. uave a slight fin of enamel on proximal B. Use of metal matrix band C. Using a thin tapered diamond D. AI! of the above

141. While prepari ng the tooth, the soft tiss ues can be protected by us ing: A . Mouth mirror B. Flanged saliva ejec tor C. Aspirator lip D. AI! of the above

142. Irrfversible pulpitis c~n occur due to: A. Extreme temperature B. Chemical irritation C. Microorganisms D. One or all of Ihe above

143. AVfrage distallce of pulp horns in a maxillary central incisor of a 50-60 yurs old patient is in the range of: A. 4-5 nun B. 6-6.5 mm C. 3-4 mm 0 .2-3 mm

144. Average distance of pulp horns in a maxillary central incisor of a 10-20 rurs old patient is in the range of: A. 4-5 nun B. 6-7 mm C. 3-4 mm D. 2-3 mm

13g C 140 D 141 D 142 D 143 B 144 A

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Fixed Partial Denture Pr015thodontlcs ~ 145. During tooth preparation, temperature may rise due

to following ruson: A. Excessive pressure B. Higher rotJlional speeds C. Condition of cutting instrument D. One of the above or all

146. During tooth prepuation, water spr .. y is useful for: A. Reducing temperature B. Removing debris C. Preventing desic.::ation of dentin D. One or all of the above

147. Long axis of the mandibular premolu is indined lingu .. lly by: A. IS" B. 25" C. 9" D.3"

148. Advantage of supragingival finish margin is: A. Easy to prepare and easy to finish B. Can be kept clean and maintenance is easy C. Impressions are easy D. All of the above

149. Following .. re reuons for subgingiul preparation rxc:ept: A. Cervical caries B. Esthetics C. When sufficient retention is available D. In the presence of root sensitivity

ISO. A skilled technician can make a c.sting fit to within: A. 20 microns B. 10 microns C. 50 microns D. 25-40 microns

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m Mea. lor PG.ln Prosthodontics

1S1. A skilled te, hnidan ,iln milke a por,elilin fused metal mugins fit to within: A. 20 microns B. 10 microns C. SO microns D. 30 microns

152. A well designed finish mugin s hou ld have c-~--cc-- configuration: A. Smooth B. Stepped c. Even D. Smooth and even

153. Fnther-edge mugin is otherwise cilled as: A. Chisel edge B. Shoulder edge C. Shoulder less D. Shoulder with bevel

154. Disadvantilge of feather edge fin ish margin includes: A. No bulk at margin B. Lead 10 over contour in restoration C. Less conservative tooth structure D. Both 'A' and 'B'

155. Long Chamhr finish margin is usually given for. A. Partial veneer crowns B. Full veneer crowns C. Laminates D. Maryland bridges

156. Chamfer finish margin is indicated in: A. All-metal crowns B. Lingual margin of all-<:e ramic restorations C. Lingual margin of porcelain-fused -to-metal

restoration D. All-metal crowns ,!rid lingual m.1rgin of porcelain­

fused-la-metal crowns

151 C 15~ 0 153 C 15. 0 1~5 C 158 D

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontles tv'] 157. A bevel margin is indicated when:

A. Caries occurring on margin B. Cervical eroSion at margin C. Previous restoration leading to a ledge at margin D. One or all of the above may be p rescnt

ISS. Beveling: A. Gives beller metal fin ish B. Minimizes marginal discrepancy C. Removes unsupported enamel D. Does all of the above

159. During porcelain firing , met~1 nown with shoulder prep~ration distorts Ius compared to a nown with chamfer margins bec~use'

A. Of rounded nature of the finish line B. Of additional bul k at the shoulder C. Of butt joint at the cervical margin D. Of sharp corner at the cervical margin

160. Amount o f unsupported en~mtl at mugins "In be reduced by: A. A shoulder finish margin B. A chamfer margin C. A sloped shoulder margin D. A heavy chamfer

161. Sloped shouldu is: A. 110 degrees C. 180 degrees

B. 150 degrees 0 .120 degrees

162. Among the cas t restorations, the following hn greatH potenti~1 to cause tooth fraclure: A. Onlay B. Inlay C. Partial veneer crown D. Full veneer crown

151 0 158 0 1St B no c 181 D 182 B

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m Mea. for PG. in Prosthodontics

163. Following ar~ faclors that aid in direct retention of a complete ciI$t crown I'xc«pt:

A. Taper of thc prcpara tion B. Mesial and distal grooves C. Luting cement D. Near parallel preparation

164. Zinc phosphale cements act by: A. Adhesion B. Increasing frictional resistance C. Contacting the tooth D. Increasing the fi lm thickness

165. In analytical mechanics, closed lower pair of kinematic e lements refe rs to: A. Lever of III order B. Retention by an und (>rcu t C. Ferrule effecl offered by the tooth D . Relation betwcen two cylindrical sur faces with

single path of movement be tween them

166. The cements used for cementation of crowns should be under stress to offer retention: A. Compressive B. Tensile C. Shear D . Flexural

167. For incrusing roughness of fitting surface of casting. the putide size of alumina used is: A. 2SO microns B. 50 microns C. 100 microns D. ISO microns

163 8 164 8 165 0 1&6 C 167 B

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Fixed Par1lal Denture Prosthodontics Ci9""] 168. Whtn ctmtntation failurt occurs, it is usually s t tn:

A. Between cement and tooth surface B. Within cement itsdf C. Between cemtnt and cas ting D. Within metal casting

169. Following ( ement hu the mal(imum adhu ion to tht tooth: A. Glass ionamer B. Zinc phosphate C. Resin cements D . Zinc polycarbOl(ylate

170. lateral forcts on il ( rown havt displacing tfftct with a fulcrum of rota tion on : A. Occlusal third B. Cusp tip C. Gingival margin D. Proxima! half

171. Areas on tooth resi s ting late ral forces ut us ually under: A. Tension C. Shear s tress

B. Compression D. Ductile st ress

In. Resist~nee depends on following: A. Magnitudt of forces B. Din'dion of fo'rees C. Ptoperties of luting agent D. All of the above

173. Rtsis ting area in .. full veneer crown tooth preparation is: A. Lingual axial wall B. Mesial axia l wall C. Buccal axial wall D. Distal axial wall

In C In C 110 C 111 II 17t 0 173 C

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M Meal for PGlln Proithodontlci

174. Following is type of tooth prepH<1tion which .. fteds resis tance form in full veneer crowns: A. Taper B. Rounding of axial angles C. Short tooth preparat ion D . All of the above

175. In a pHtl .. I coverage res to ration, resis tance is increased by givi ng: A. Boxes or grooves B. U-shap<'<i grooves C. Flared bOlles D. One or all of the above

176. To resis t defo rmation, line phosphate must have compressive s trength mOR than: A. 35 MPa at 24 hours B. 10 MPa at 24 hours C. 90 MPa at 24 hours D. 75 MPa at 24 hours

177. Axis of rotation in a part ia l veneer crown is located at: A. Bucrogingival margin B. Bucca-occlusal margin C. Linguogingival margin D. Ungua-occlusal margin

178. An incruse in tempt:rature from room tempt:ratuR to 50·Ce lsius afhcts the compressive s trength in the fo llowing way: A. Strength increases by 50% B. Strength d«:reases by 500/. C. Strength decreases by 8O'YG D. Strength increases by 80%

174 0 175 0 178 0 177 C 178 C

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics [it'"] 179. Retentive ability of zinc po lyu rboxylate cement

depends more on taper of preparation as compared to Zinc Phos phate beca use i t has: A. Lo ..... fatigue strength B. Low modulus of elasticity C. High modulus of elastici ty D. Lo ..... impact s trength

180. Rigidity for a crown can be obtained by: A. 1.5 mm alloy thickness B. Corrugated effed of all planes C. Uniform occlusal reduction D . All of the above

181. Type I or Type II gold .. lIoys COl n be used !Hltisfactorily for: A. Crowns B. Bridges C. Intra coronal restora tions D. Intraradicular r(>sto rations

182. Fad .. l margin of a maxillal)' partial crown should end: A. At ocdusafacial line angle B. Within ocdusafacial line angle C. Beyond the ocdusofacial line angle D . At the occlusal surface itself

183. A Collarless design is indicated when: A. Root surface is not discolored B. Patients have high lip line C. ' A' and '8' are true D. Root surface is discolored

184. After periodontal surgeI)', gingiva usually takes ilbout :-"""'-,::~. to s tabilize: A. 3 weeks C. 20 weeks

B. 1 week D .12 weeks

179 II 110 Dill C 11.2 C 113 C 114 C

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M Meas lor PGs In Prosthodontics

185. In a molar, for brlter ~ccess to furr~tion are~, following proc~d ur~ i s urri~d o u t during pr~p~ution o f ~butment:

A. Skyfurcation B. Bicuspidization C. Fluting D . Tunneling

186. Following ar~ indic~tjons for complel~ cast crown except: A. Gross decay B. Short crown C. Intact buccal or lingual wall D. Endodontically treated tooth

187. Idul t~p~r for c~s t crown tooth pr~p~ration b~tween axi~l surfaces is: A. 3 degrees B. 6 degrees C. 1.6 degrees D. 60 degrees

188. Met~llhickness ~t the margin for i complete cut crown should be i t l e~st:

A. I mm B. 0.8 mm C. 0.5 mm D. 1.5 mm

189. Recommend~d ocduu l reduction for non-centric cusps for .. complete cast crown is ~ t I ..... st: A. 1~5 mm B. 2 mm C. 1mm D.0.5mm

190. Functional cusp bevel is placed at about ____ _ to the long u is: A. 60 degrees B. 90 degrees C. 45 degrees D. 30 degrees

115 C 186 C 187 a 1" C 189 C 180 C

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Filed Par11a1 Denture Prosthodontics [ii] 191 . Non-centric cusp bevel refers to:

A. Slight additional redllCtion in palatal CUlipS 8. Slight additional reduction in mandibular buccal

""P' C. Slight additional reduction on IT\4\xiilary buccal cusps D. More reduction on the distal cusp of mandibular


192. Amounl of non-functional cusp reduction is: A.6mm B. O.6mm C. 1.6mm D.2.6mm

193. Advantagu of non-centric bevel includes: A. It prevents over-conloured crown 8. II p rovides more strength C. Bolh ' A' and '8 ' D. High esthetics

194. In a porcelain fused to metal ru toralion, the l"bi,,1 shoulder s hould utend alleasl lingual to proximal contact: A. 0.3 mm 8. 1 mm C. 0.8 mm D. 0.5 mm

195. 8ucco-occiusai conlrabevel in putial venter crown is helpful in: A. Protecting buccal cusp tip B. RemOVing unsupported enamel C. Connecting mesial and distal nares D . All or the above

196. Occluul offset: A. Is a V-shaped groove 8. Connects the proximal grooves C. Offers bulk and rigidity to restoration D. Ail of the above are true

III C 112 II It) C 1114 8 illS 0 1M D

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M Meas lor PGs in Prosthodonllcs

197. Indications for pin I~dg~ pr~puations ut following ~xupt:

A. Highly carious tooth B. Low caries index C. Bulbous teeth D. In tact tl'l!th undamaged

198. Indsalltdgt for a pin Itdgt prtp.aration is dont about -'--070 ctrviul to incisal ~dgt: A. 5-5.5 mm B. 2-2.5 mm C. 1-1.5 mm 0 .0.5 - I mm

199. Minimum width A. 0.3 mm

rtcommudt d fo r It dgt is:

C. 0.7 mm B. 0.2 mm 0 .1 mm

200. Ltdgu shou ld b~ madt parall tl to: A. InC"isal two-thlrds of lingual surface of teeth B. Incisa l two- th irds of labial surface of teeth C. Cervical two- th irds of lingual surface of teeth D . Cervical two-thirds of labial surface of tt'l!th

201 . Ind tn tations for pinholn u~ gtnually within th l! n.ugin,,1 ridgts about lnsidt th t utunal tooth contour: A.3mm B. I.5mm C. 4 mm D.0.5mm

202. Dtpth of tht p inholu un bt: A. 4-5 mm B. 2-3 mm C. 0. 1-0.2 mm 0 .0.5-1 mm

203. Advantagn of a ll -ct ramic ru toratiOM ind udt following tXCtpt: A. Translucency B. Es thetics C. Tissue response D. Strength

1'7,.. , ,. e ,",.. 200 e 20, e 202 e 203 D

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Filed Partial Denture Prosthodontics liD 204. In a ll ceramic anterior ru tor.dions, it is beller to place

centric contac ts i t: A. Incisal third B. Middle third C. Cervical third D. Proximal ha lf

205. Following are the fini sh mngins recommended for all ceramic res torations: A. Shoulder or chamfer B. Shoulder or chisel edge C. Shoulder or heavy cha mfer D. Chamfer or heavy chamfer

206. Bonding btlween tooth and ceramic is achieved by: A. Etching wi th hydrofluoric acid B. Usage of silane couplin g agents C. Etching with hydrochloric acid D . Combined usage of 'A' and '6'

207. Mugin des ign for ceramic inlay is: A. > 90 degrees B. < 90 degrees C. 90 degrees D. > 110 degrees

208. Recommended margin design for ceramic onlay is: A. Shoulder B. Chamfer C. Knife edge D . Heavy chamfer

209. Amount of reduction need ed for laminates is usually: A.lmm B. 0.7 mm C. 0.9 mm 0 .0.5 mm

21M B 205 C 206 D 207 C 201 D 20t D

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M MCQslor pas In Prosthodontics

210. Advantage of laminates is: A. Minimally invasive B. No local anesthesia required C. Highly esthetic D. All of the above

211 . Finish margin recommended for laminates is: A. Deep chamfer B. Heavy chamfer C. Long chamfer O. Chamfer

212. Normally, proximally laminates ~nd at: A. Ungual to contact area B. At contact area C. L,bial to contact area O. Middle third

213. Long chamfer us~d for lamina tes: A. Exposes ends of the enamel p risms B. Gives obtuse cavosurface angle C. Helps in differential etching O. Helps achieve all of the above mentioned

214. During res toring endodontically trrated tooth, r~t~ntion is aff~ct~d by following: A. Preparation geometry B. Post length and diameter C. Luting agen t O. By all above factors

215. Among various pos ts, th~ order (d~sc~nding) of amount of re t~ntion obta in~d is: A. Threaded post, parallel post, tapered post B. Parallel post, tapered post, threaded post C. Threaded post, tapered post, parallel pos t D. Parallel post, threaded post, tapered post

21D 0 211 C 212 C 213 D 214 0 215 A

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics m 216. The cri tical amount of toolh s tructure that remains to

decide ~bout usage of re tention from canals is: A.2mm B.3mm C.lmm D. > 4mm

217. Widest canal in maxilla ry molar is: A. Distoou(cal B. Mesiobuccal C. Mesiolingual D . Palatal

218. In a post and carr restoration, gru test stress concentntion occurs at: A. Shoulder B. Mesial of root canal C. Lingual wall D . On the distal side of root canal

219. Rolation of the post nn be prevented by following: A. An\iro taUon groove in the canol! B. Auxiliary pin on the root C. A small cavity and w ith amalgam condensed· half in

post, half in root D . Any or all of the ab()\'c

220. Gutta-percha can be removed using: A. Gates-Glidden drill B. Warm endo-plugg<'r C. Warm broach D . Either 'A' or 'B'

221. Amount of apical gulla-pereha to be retained for post is: A. 4-5 mm B. 1·2 mm C. 3 nun D. 0.5·) mm

215 0 217 1;1 ~ 1'''' ~1' 0 :l2O 1;1 221 ,.,

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m Meas for PGs in Prosthodontics

222. Avuage mniodistal diameter of root for maxillary central incisor at the CEJ is: A. 7.3 ± 0.5 mm B. 6.3 ± 0.5 mm C. 5.3 ± 05 mm D. 8.3 ± 0.5 mm

223. Recommended diameter of the post is: A. Half the diameter of the (oot B. One-fourth the diameter of the root C. One· third the diameter of the root O. Same as diameter o f the root

224. In mandibu lar molars, the most susceptible uea (or perfora tion in the root is: A. Distal wali of mesial root B. lvlesial wall of mesia l root C. Dis tal wall of dista l root O. Mesial wall of d ist ,,1 root

225. In the maxilla ry molars, the most susceptible area for perforation in the root is: A. Mesial or distal of distohuccal root B. Mesial or distal of pala ta l rool C. Mesial or dista l of mesiobuccal root O. Apex of the palatal root

226. Undersized (as ting fo r a pos t can be achieved by: A. Restricting expansion of investment B. Omitting ring liner C. Cas ting at a lower mold tempera ture O. Utilizing any or a ll of the above mentioned

227. Material suita ble fo r pos t is: A. Type II gold B. Type IV gold C. Nickel-Chromium .111oy D. Can be both ' A . or 'C'

222 B 223 C 224 A 225 C 2211 0 :t27 D

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics M 228. A gtoov., pla,ed alongside of the post:

A. Allows excess ,ement to esc~pe B. Usually used in the p~rallel-sided post C. Reduces hydrosta tic pressure D. Fundions as all of the above

229. To fill th., , anal with cement, following instrument is un d ideally: A. Gates Glidden B. Peeso reamer C. Lentulo spiral D. Endo plugger

230. Embedded fractured A. Kurer kit C. TMS pin

post can be retrieved by B. Masscrann kit D. Endopost kit


231. Following are true for Debasing Ag.,nt in c.,ramics except: A. They are fluxing agents B. u>wer sintering temperature C. They are antifluxing agents D. They either fo rm liquid phase or go into solid


232. Tenn " Vitreous W muns: A. Development of cloudiness in ceramics B. Development of liquid phase turni ng into glassy

phase on cooling C. Process of blending, melting and quenching glass

component D. Development of crys talline phase

233. Gap-grading system reft'fS 10: A. Three different particle sizes of ceramics are used

to obtain high densi t y B. Closing the gap during post-soldering system C. ClOSing the gap between two fragments of metal

units during soldering D. All of the above

22ID nee 230B 231C 2328 233 A

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2301. One of the following i, not .. mdhod of condens .. tion of cer .. mics: A. Whipping 8 . Vibration C. Gravitation D. Compaction

235. Brush·additive technique refers to: A. Addition of dry porce lain powder to wet porcelain B. Using s.lble hair brush 10 Iransfer wei porcelain 10

pla tinum matr ix C. Brush is touched with a paper tissue during

condensation D. Using surface tension principle while condensing


236. Following are true for Air-Firing cer .. mic procedure, <'Xrtpt: A. A slow maturation period is ideal 8. Matura tion period should be quicker to eliminate

entrapped air C. Full m.l\ura tion tempera ture should no! be achieved D. A heat-soa k, up to naif hour is re.:ommended

237. Following ;ue troe for vacuum firing ceramics, except: A. Vacuum removes all the entrapped air 8. Vacuum mus.! be applied befo l"(' the porcelain enters

hot zone of furn'}ce C. Should not be prolonged .. fter maturation of ceramic D. Vacuum should end while the ceramic is still in hoi

lone of furnace

238. Following are true for process of NThermal Shock" in ceramics, except: A. It is a process of st ressing ceramic crown B. It is caused by uneven heating and cooling C. Process of developing Crack propagation D. Crown surface e~pands more quickly than interior

234 0 235 B 236 B 231 A 238 C

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Fixed Partlat Denture Prosthodontics M 239. Bulk d iffusion refers 10:

A. Diffusion of air entrapped in ceramic to the surfare B. Diffusion of air to a condensed form due to vacuum C. Process of formation of o)!;idcs on the surface of alloy D. Diffusion of gases to the surface during sintering

240. Following are true for Griffith Flaws, t;ltUp t: A. They are occlusal errors in ceramic restoration B. Crystill!ine phase in glass malri)!; reduces them C. Flaw size is governed by distance between particles

d ispersed D. Smaller the flaws, better the s trength of ceramics

2·11. Refractive indu of denLtI pon:dain is: A. 1.51-1 .52 B. 2.51-2.52 C. 3.52-3.53 D . 4.51-4.52

242. Following art tl1,l e for Bonding Agents for (er.tmies, txupt: A. They are Colloidal Gold B. They may increase potential oxide surface area {or

bonding C. They condition the surface color of metal D. They mask the surface color of the metal

243. Stokes' Law: A. 5.1ys that surface flaws st rengthen the ceramic B. States that glazing reduces the surface flaws C. Is re lated to wavelength of tight emitted by

fluorescent substance D. Refers to components of color in ceramics

244. En.mel Veneer Ihi ~kntss required to crnte depth of translucency in ceramic ~storation Is about: A. 1.5·2 mm B. 0.5-0.8 mm C. 0.8-1 mm D. 1.0-1.5 mm

mc 2~A 241 A 242B U3C a«c

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m Meal for PGI In PrOllhodontlcs

245. Following are trut for 'Th~ Adams Co-ordinate System', except: A. Otherwise known as Munsell Color System 8 . 'Lab' sys tem C. Used for ceramic shade gUide D. Made of three c<rordinates

246. Following are the binders used for binding cer.lmic particies, except: A. Propylene glycol B. Alcohol C. Formaldehyde based liquids D . Warm water

247. Following mtdications can be ustd to control saliva except: A. Atropine B. Dicyclomine C. Clonidine D . Amoxycillin

248. Mtthantheline when used, the dosage is: A. 100 mg tds B. SO mg Ids C. SO mg once D. SO mg bd

249. Atropine is strictly contraindica ted in the pr~sence of:


A. Glaucoma B. Di.lbetes C. Epilepsy D . Carcinoma

Clonidine when used A. 2 mg C. 200 mg

to control saliva, the dosage is: B. 20 mg D. 0.2 mg

251. Displacem~nt cords may b~ :

A. Plain B. Braided C. Knitted D. Any type mentioned

252. G ingival re traction cords may be dipped in: A. Epinephrine B. Aluminum ch.loride C. Ferric sulfate D. Any of the above

245 A 246 D 247 0 248 C 2.' A 250 0 251 0 252 0

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics m 253. Percentage of aluminum chloride when used is:

A. 15.5% B. 8% C. 20-25% D. lO%

254. Polential dangers of us ing displacement cords are following except: A. R('traction of th(' marginal gingiva B. Trauma to gingiva C. Trauma to tooth structuT(, D . Trauma to smear layer

255. Dentin etching occurs around p H value: A. 3.l B. 1.7 C. 5.7 D . 2.7

256. Frequency of current used in electrosurgery unit is: A. l)XlO,OOO Hz to l,500,OOO Hz B. 1,000,000 Hz to 4,000,000 Hz C. 8,000,000 Hz to 9,000,000 Hz D. 4,000,000 Hz to 9,000,000 Hz

257. Fully rectified, filtered current is used because it: A. Breaks down the cdls B. Causes localized polarity change C. Minimizes deeper tissue damage D. CauS<!s all of the above

258. CUlling with e lectrode should be: A. Continuous B. Intermittent C. Repeated with 5 seconds interval in-between D. Fo!lowed intermittently with 5 seconds between each


259. Contact of ti ssue with e lectrode shouJd not uceed: A. 0.4 secs B. 4 sees C. 1.4 sees 0 .2 sees

253 C 154 A 255 B 2S11 B 2Jj1 D 2S11 0 259 A

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M Meal lor PGs in Prosthodontics

260. Thickness of lin foi l 10 be placed for special IrdY for eldstomers used for dentulous impressions is: A. 0_025 mm B. 0_25 mm C. 2.5 mm D. 15 mm

261. Thickness of spacer for elutornedc impression for denlulous mouth is:


A. 4-5 mm B. 2-3 mm C. 0.5-1 mm D. 5-6 nun

Border of speci,d tTdy extend apical A.lmm C. 4 nun

for dentu lous mouth should to cresl of free gingival:

B. 2 mm D.5 mm

263. Thickness of 2 I ~yers

approximately be: of modeling wax would

A. 1.5 mm C. 3.5 mm

B. 2.5 mm D. 4 nun

264. Temperature of thermoslatically controlled water bath in conditioning unit of agar is: A. IOO·C, 65·C, 40·C B. 65°C, IOO·C, 40·C C. 100·C, 40·C, 65·C D. 40·C, l OO·C, 65·C

265. Preformed celluloseacetale crowns have _____ _ thickness: A. 1-2 mm C. 0.8-0_9 mm

B. 0.2-0.3 mm D. 3-4 mm

266. All are advantages of Indirect-direct procedure of fabricating provision~ l s except: A. Reduced chair s ide time B. The ESF is lined wi th resin C. Less hea t generatt'd D. Contact b-e tween resin monomer and soft tissue is


260 A 251 B 252 D 253 B 28-4 A 25S B 256 B

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics M 261. Ease with which an impres~ion can be poured without

bubble formation is related to: A. Hardness of impression material B. Resiliency o( the impression material C. Contact angle of the die material with impression D . Surface contamination

268. Following material is easiest to pour "mong elaslomen;: A. Addition silicones B. Condensation silicones C. Polyether D. Polysulfide

269. Length of the individual dies is approximately: A . 15 mm B. 25 mm C. 30 mm D. 10 mm

270. Diagnostic casts for natural dentition are but mounted in: A. Centric occlusion B. Cl."nlric relation c. Maximum intl."rcuspal position D. Inll."TCuspai position

271. While us ing arbitrary hinge axis, a 3 mm centric relalion record can create acdusal discrepancy at fin;1 molar region: A. 2 mm B. 1.2 mm C. 0.2 mm D. 2.3 mm

272. When using arbitrary face bow, the Irue hinge axis is usually away: A.l mm B.2mm C. 4mm D.5mm

213. Conformitive occlusion refers 10: A. Occlusion of restOTJtion at Centric relation B. Occlusion of restoration at inlercuspal position C. Occlusion at Centric slidl." D. All of Ihl." abovl."

~T C ~'C ;,ell II aTOll VIC anD 27311

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m MeQs for PGs In Prosthodonllcs

274. Conform~tive occlusion is usu~lIy givt'n for: A. Full mouth restorations B. A small resloration C. One quadrant of Ihe mouth D . Both 'A' and 'C' are (orrect

275. At the margin, tht' cas ting should clost' ly adapt: A. For a good fit B. To prevent dislodgement C. To prevent dissolution of luting agent D. To get good retention

276. Oplimum dimension fDr the cement s p~ce for each wall of the CTOwn is: A. 40-80 mkrons B. 20-40 microns C. 10-20 microns D.O.S·\ minons

277. diameter of the cut crown should be ~ t least -;--;;;-;;;larger than A. 40-80 minons C. 10-20 mi(rQfls

prepilred tooth: B. 20-40 microns D. 1-3 mi(tons

278. inadequ~te expansion of inves tment matt'fia l may cause: A. Larger crowns B. Fins in the <:rown C. tnmmpJete scating of <:TOwns D. Porosities in the crown

279. In a se t of PKT instruments, no. 3 is for: A. Wax addition B. Carving C. Burnisher for refining occlusal anatomy D. All of the above

280. No.7 spatula is used for: A. Adding large amount of wax B. Burnishing C. Carving D. Both 'B' and 'C'

274 8 275 C 276 8 277 A 271 C 279 C 280 A

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics [4!J 281. Darby-Perry Trimmer no. 6 is:

A. A metal trimmer B. A wax burnisher C. Used for cutting sprues D. USt.'<i for trimming acrylic

282. Hollenback (no. J ) and Ward carv<!l'$ (no. 2) ar~ :

A. Used for carving composite core B. Used for amalgam core C. Used for compaction of gold foil D. None of the above

283. R<!commend<!d occlusal scli<!me for r<!storation is: A. Cusp to single marginal ridge B. Cusp to both marginal ridges C. Cusp to developmental groove D. None of the above

284. Typ<! of occlusal schtm<! usually prt'Sent in nonnal natural dentition b: A. Cusp to single marginal ridge B. Cusp to fossa C. Cusp to marginal ridges D. None of the above

285. Occlusal contacts can be evaluated using: A. Potassium s tearate B. Sodium stearate c. Zinc stearate D. None of the above

286. C ut-back is us ually done to a depth of: A. 0.5 mm B. 2 rum C. J rum D. None of the above are correct

211 B Z82 0 253 D "28-4 C 215 C 216 0

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M Measlor pas I" ProsthodOl'ltles

287. Cent ric stops should junction by at lust; A. lmm

be away from metal-ceramic

C. 2 mm

288. Angle at porcelain-metal A. > 90 degr~s C. < 90 degrees

8 . 1.5 mm D. 0.5 mm

interface is; 8. = 90 degr~s D. None of the above

289. Denial alloys prefened for fiud prosthodontics must have; A. Low yield strength 8. Low modulus of elastici ty C. Low elongation D. None of the above

290. In noble metals, Rutheum and Iridium are added as; A. Stwngth{!ners 8. Grain refin{!rs C. Passivators D. Surface hardeners

291. Minimum amount of gold content in high-noble alloy that should be present is; A. SO"IQ by weight B. 60"10 by weight C. 10% by weight D. 40"10 by weight

292. Tin and Indium in alloys; A. Oxidiz{! during porcelain application 8. Give s treng th C. Achi{! ve hardening of metal D. Both 'B' and 'C' are tru{!

293. Silver helps in: A. Oxidizing during porcelain application B. Castability C. Hard{'ning of metal D. 80th ' A' and 'C' are correct

287 82118 2UD 2108291 D 292 A 2938

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics m 294. G r~~n d iscolo ration of Au-Pd-Ag a lloy du r ing

porcelain firing is due 10 lhe presence of: A. High sodium B. High potassium C. High calcium D. Both ' B' and 'C'

295. Purging refers to: A. Periodic decontamination of porcelain furnace B. Using carbon block to decontaminate porcelain

furnace C. Removal of green discoloration from restoration D . 'A' and '8'

296. lower d~nsity o f metal mnn, th ~t:

A. Restorations will be lighter B. LeSli e.:.:onomic treatment C. Less restorations per unit material D. Both 'B' and 'C' are corre.:.:t

297. Semiprecious ~lIoys contain more of: A. Platinum-Palladium B. Silver-Platinum ' C. Gold-Platinum D. None of the above

298. Two pe f( ent Beryllium: A. Lowers melting range B. Lowers fluidity C. Lowers castability D. Does all of the above

299. All are symptoms of Be rylliOSiS ~Xctp t: A. Weakness B. Contact dermatitis C. Jaundice D. Respiratory symptoms

214.1. H!i D 2M.I. H YO 211.1. HOC

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300. To ,ont.ol thiekntss of oxidt laytr in ba~t mttals during firin g of poretlain following is ~ddtd :

A. Gallium B. Copper C. Beryllium D. Silver

301. Base mtlal alloys may have noble metals by: A. < 10% by weight B. < 25% by weight C. < 25% by volume D. < 10"/" by volume

302. Acule dfects of txposure to nickel include: A. Fatigue B. Weight loss C. Skin sensitization D. All of the above

303. Following are thl:' alloys of Titanium uapt: A. Ti·Cu·Nickel B. Ti·AI·V C. 'A' and 'B' D. Ti-Callium

304. Pontic! with normal buccolingu~l width ~~ prderrtd for following cases u:C;tp t~

A. When ch~k support is required B. Knife l'dgl' ridgl' C. Whl're good abulml'nts are preserved D. Both 'A' and'S'

305. The established ratio for Golden proportion is: A. I : 1.618 B. 2: 1.618 C. 0 .1 : 1.618 D. 1.8 : 1.61 8

306. In posterior mel~l ,eramic restorations, junction should bt placed: A. More buccally B. AI thl' crest of Ihl' ridgl' C. Stightly buccally D. Lingually

300 C 301 B 302 C 303 0 3().4 B lOS A 306 0

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics rsa 307. A C<lSt retaiJ1u used for removable partial denture

abutment has in addition: A. Mesial guide planC5 B. Distal guide planC5 C. Lingual guide planes D . None of the above

308. Path of withdrawal in an abutment preparation for removable parli~1 denhlTt rtlainu is: A. Lingual B. Bucral C. Mesial D. Distal

309. Remo ..... ble partial denture reta iners can have: A. Buccal line of withdrawal B. Lingual path of wi thdrawal C. Different paths of withdrawal D . Both ' A ' and 'C'

310. The rotary instrument used for milling purposts in wax is: A. Cylindrical d iamond burs B. Tapered carbide burs C. Cylindrical carbide burs with cross cuts D . Carb ide burs wi thout cross cuts

311. Exlracorona l attachments a re retained on tooth through: A. Single casting B. G la :;s ionomcr ceme nt

C. Zinc phosphate ceme nt D . None of the above

312. Retention through is by:

intra coronal predsion attachment

A. Frictional fit C. Micropores

B. Cements D. All of the above

301 C 30$ 8 309 D 310 0 311 0 312 A

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am Mea. for PG.ln Pro.thodontlc.

313. Majority of the semi-precision att.chments requl«>: A. Buccal retentive arm B. Lingual retentive arm C. Ocdusal rest D. Cingulum rest

314. Tinker's diamond points give . : A. Shoulder margin B. Long chamfer margin C. Chamfer margin D. Knife edge in tilled molars

315. Attuhmenls .. nd occ1us . 1 res t suts must be .t lust __ aw.y from metal-ceramic interface: A. 3 mm B. 2 nun C. 1 mm D. S mm

316. Rtcommtndtd diamtt". of th" . pru" for mobn ;s: A. 1-2 mm B. 1 nun C. 5 nun D. 2-3 mm

311. Mor~ u:pansion of th" mold can bt obtained by: A. Wetting the liner B. SquC{.'zing the liner C. Placing the mold in water aftl'r set ting D. Both ' A' and 'C'

318. Av"rag" length of the A. 10 mm C. 12 mm

sprue is about: B. 15 nun D.5 mm

319. Angulation of the placed sprue should be to axial wall: A. 90 degr~s B. 45 degrees C. 135 degr~s

D. 145 degrees

313 B 3U C 315 C 311 0 317" 311 C 31t C

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Fixed P,rtllil Denture Prosthodontics rsa 320. Bue metal alloys melt with:

A. Gas-oxyacetylene torch B. Gas-air torch C. Both 'A' and 'B' O. Single orifice gas-air torch

321. Preheating crucible avoids: A. Fins and cracks B. Excessive slag forma tion during casting C. Porosities O . All of the above

322. Approximate quantity of high density noble melal alloy for a molar pontic may be: A. 5-6 gm B. 2-3 gm C. 10-12 gm O . 15-20 gm

323, In nickel-chromium ,liloy, indintion for readiness for casting is that: A. It will have a shiny surface B. It will look dark C. Sharp edge of ingot rounds over D. All of the above

324, When metal in the sprue solidifies prior to in the mold -;--;;c porosity occurs: A. Back pressure B. Generali7.ed C. Subsurf ... ce D . None of the above

325. Improper poros ity in the investment may cause -:--;c--;.,-- porosity: A, Suckback B. Generalized C. Subsurface O. Back pressure

320 A 321 B 322 C 323 C 32. D 325 a

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M MeQs lor PGs in Prosthodontics

326. Conversion from Photopic to Scotopic vision takes about: A. 20 seconds B. 20 minu tes C. 40 seconds D . 40 minutes

321. Blue paint on the wall of the operatory is advised because: A. It gives shine to the tooth B. It is complementary to yellow C. It illuminates the area D . All of the above

328. Metamerism can be of following type: A. Achromatism B. Dichromatism C. Trichromatism D. None of the above

329. Comple te lack of sens itivity to hue is referred to as: A. Achromatism B. Dark adaptation C. Scotopic vision D. Photopic vision

330. The opaque layer of cenmic: A. Masks the dark metal oxide B. Gives tunslucense to resto rations C. Functions as primary source of color D. Acts as 'A' and 'C'

331. Base metal thickness recommended for framework of an ceramometallic restoration is: A. 0.5 mm B. 1 mm C. 0.1 mm D. 0.2 mm

328 0 327 B 328 0 32t A 3lD 0 331 D

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics R 332. Ultrason ic d u ning of the cas ting is done for:

A. 15 minutes B. 5 minutes C. 50 minutes 0 .25 minutes

333. Following are elements that fonn oxides in gold alloy except: A. Tin B. Magnesium C. Indium D . Zinc

334. Coefficient of thermal u :pansion of porcelain should be: A. Less than metal B. Such that ceramic is under tension C. Above its glass transi tion t ... mperature D . All of the above

335. Cont"c' angle developed between high gold alloy and ceramic is "bout: A. 40-60 degrees B, 80-100 degrct"S C. 20-30 degrees D. 70-80 degrees

336. Particle s ize of a fine-grain porcelain ranges from: A. 5-110 microns B. 110-200 microns C. 80-100 microns D. 300-400 microns

337. Thickness of opilque porcel" in should not exceed: A. 0.3 mm B. 0.1 mm C. 0.5 mm 0 . 1 mm

338. Vacuum "ltained in porcelain furnace is between: A. 20-30 em Hg B. 80-100 cm Hg C. 60-80 cm Hg D. None of the above

332 II 333 II :t34 A 335 A 33& A 137 II 338 C

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M Meas for PGsin Prosthodontics

339. Collarleu crowns have: A. Facial margin in porcelain B. Lingual margin in porcela in C. Proximal margin in porcelain D. 'A' and 'C' are true

340. Prim,try purpos .. of platinum foil during firing is to: A. Create oxide layer B. Create good bonding C. Give shape to the restora tion D. None of the above

341. In Dir .. ct Lift Tf-Chnique of porcelain firing ___ _ is applied onto the die prior to firing: A. Die spacer B. Lubricant C. Cyanoacryla te resin D. Die hardener

342. In porcelain wax technique, the ratio betw .... n porcelain and wax is approximately: A. 6 : 3 by weight B. 6: 1 by w(' ight C. 6: 1 by volume D. 6 : 3 by volume

343. First ceramic nown was made by: A. Taggart B. CH Land C. Mclean D. Hugh('s

344. High·strength ceramic WillS introduc .. d by: A. Mclean and Hughes B. C H Land C. Taggart D. P K Thomas

339 A UO D Ul C U2 B U3 B :wi A

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics CS!] 345. To improve strength:

A. Silica was added 8. Magnesium was removed C. Aluminum oxide was fused D. None of the above mentioned was done

346. Leucite is: A. Magnesium-aluminum·silicate B. Potassium-aluminum-silicate C. Zinc-aluminum-silicate D. Could be any of the above

347. Leucite: A. Decreases CTE of porcelain B. Increases CTE of porcelain C. Decreases strength D. Increases polishability

348. Following systems contain ieucite except: A, Optec HSP B. IPS empress C. Dicor D. Cerinate

349. In ion exchange method of s trengthening ceramics: A. Molten nitrate salts are used B. Molten citrate salts are used C. Potassium and zinc ions are used D, All of the above may be true

350. Ion exchange method incrnses strength by: A. 10 percent B. 20 percent C. 40 percent 0 .80 percenl

351. St~nglh of ceramics reduces in mois t environment, due 10: A. Static fatigue B. Stress corrosion C. May be 'A' or '8' O. Shear thinning

letS C :J<I6 B 347 B 34& C 34g A 350 C 351 C

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M MCQs for PGs In Prosthodontics

352. Platinum foil used for Porce lain Jacket Crown is

A. 0.001 inch thick B. 0.01 inch thick C. 0.1 inch thick D. 0.2 inch thick

353. Tinne,..'s joint is: A. Other name for TM joint B. When Tin joins aluminum C. Where Tin joins Platinum D. None of the above

354. Preferred si te for TiOller's joint placement is: A. Buccally B. Mesially C. Distally D. lingually

355. The Platinum matrix is degassed at: A. SOO· C O. SOO· F C. lOOO·C D. 9OO·C

356. In-ceram uses: A. Lost wax; technique O. Ceramming technique C. Slip cast technique D. Machining technique

357. Preuing procedure of ceramic rt!storation fabri ca tion utilizes: A. 900· temperature O. 1500· temperature C. llOO· temperature D. 920· temperature

$2 A 353 0 35. 0 355 C 356 C 357 C

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Fixed Partial Denture PTo.thodontlcs M 358. During gU.l.mming.. glu5 is co nvuled to crys lals

through: A. G rowth of leuci te crystals 8. G rowth of tetrasilicic mica C. Growth of te tra a luminum mica D. Growth of aluminum. magnesl um-siJica te

359. Puce nlilge of hydrofluori c add used for e tching ceramic laminat", is: A. 10.5 percent 8. 1.5 percent C. 15.5 percent 0 .9.5 percent

360. Etching gel for cUlmic is applied for. A. 10 seconds B. 10 minutes C. 5 minutes D. 5 seconds

361. Pro1Cimal wrap in an Resin Bonded Prosthesis helps m.l.inly: A. To re tain the res tora tion B. To support the restoration C. To resis t torquing forces D. To d o all of the above

362. Muilluy molus for Res in Bonded Pros thesis u", prepared in: A. One plane only 8. All planes C. Two planes D. Any of the above

363. Mandibular molar for Ru in Bonded Pros thuis is prepared in: A. Two planes C. Any of ' A ' or ' 8 '

B. One plane D . All planes

364. Chemlul-bonding in Resin Bonded Pros thesis Is a lso achlevt!d by: A. Tin plating 8. Glass lonomer cement C. Sand blasting D. Both '8 ' and 'C' are corre<:t

35e IS lSI 0 :JIG C 361 C 3112 C :tel II ,.. A

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M Measlor pas ]n Prosthodontles

365. Electrolytic etching utilizes approl(imatdy: A. 25% sulfuric acid B. 30% hydrochloric acid C. May be 'A' or 'B' O. 18% hydrochloric acid

366. Chrmical Etching grl of Cisting consists of: A. Sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid B. Hydrochloric acid and nitric acid C. Nitric acid and sulfuric acid O. Sulfuric acid and citric acid

367. Etch ing can be done for: A. Nickel-chromium alloys B. Nickel-a luminum alloys C. Gold alloys D . Both 'A' and 'C'

368. To improv'" bonding of nobl", m",ta! Ruin Bond",d Prosthesis to tooth: A. Tinner's joint can be formed B. Tin plating can be done C. Platinum fOil can be used D. Etching can be done

369. Adhuive resins may employ: A. 4-META B. Polyethylene glycol gel C. Both' A' and ' B' O. Hydrochloric acid

370. In brazing, th", fill",r material has temperature as: A. Same as parent metal B. Less than 450°C C. More than 450°C D. More than 550"C

365 0 368 8 3$1 A 361 8 3$11 C 370 C

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Fixed Partial Denture ProsIl10d0nlles C¥] 311. Recommended Soldering gap is:

A. 0.025 mm B. 1.25 mm C. 2.25 mm D. None of the above

372. Solder to be used for Type IV gold alloy is: A. 24 carat B. 10 carat C. 18 carat D.22 carat

373. laser welding procedure has: A. Reduced strength 8 . High corrosion C. Titanium component D . None of the above

374. Internal nodules in casting can be detected with the help of: A. DisclOSing wax B. Chloroform and rouge C. Mylar strip D. All of the above

375. To ilChieve matte finish on occlusal surface of casting. sandblasting is done u$ing: A. 250 microns alumina B. 500 microns alumina C. 75 microns alwnina D . None of the above

376. For matte finish on metal. sandblasting should be done at for ~--,-_ A. 90-100 psi for 1 minu te B. 70-80 psi for 3 ~onds

C. 70-80 psi for 1 second D. 70-80 psi for 5 se<:onds

377. Beilby layer consists of: A. Large crystills 8 . Unpolished metal surface C. Both' A' and '8' D. Rearranged microcrystalline surface layer

371 D 372 C 373 C 374 II 375 D 378 C "Sr7 D

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M MCQs lor PGs In Prosthodontics

378. A stone die from polysulfide impression is usually :---;;;-::c than the tooth: A. iO microns wider B. 10 microns nar rower C. 25 microns narrower D. 25 microns wider

379. Rem.ining luting .gent on tooth after removal of temporary restoration can be removed through following except: A. Explorer B. Water-Pumice- mixture C. Slow speed rotating ins trument D . Air-water spray

380. If careful technique is followed , the marginal adaptation of a casting can be kept to: A. 100 microns to 110 microns B. 25 microns to 30 microns C. 10 microns to 15 microns D. 2 microns to 5 microns

381. More reliable indicator of occlusal contact is: A. Ar ticulating ribbon B. Shim stock C. Both 'A' and 'B' are good ind icators D. Articulating tape

382. Among luting cements, shear thinning is a property exhibited by: A. Calcium hydroxide B. Zinc phosphate C. Zinc oxide eugenol D. None of the above

383. Working time of polycarboxylate is about: A. 2 to 2.5 minutes B. 5 to 5.5 minutes

. C. 3 to 3.5 minutes D. I to 1.5 minutes

378 0 379 C 380 B 311 B 312 0 383 II

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Fixed Partiat Denture Prosthodontics@]

384, Prior to cementation with zinc phosphate, loolh can be prepared by: A. Air ab rasion B, Applying a coating of varnish C. Both' A' and'S' D. Applying citrate

385. Prior 10 us ing polycarboxylate cement, the tooth should be prepared by: A. Applying varnish B. Oxalate treatment C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. Applying citrate

386. Ther;{peulic occlus ion for fixed parlial denture was first dtscribed by: A. DAmico C. McCollum

B. Stallard and Stuart D. Gysi

387. W.tX·~ddfd (add-on) tfchniquf of devtloping occlu­s ion in wu is credited 10: A . PK Thomas B. Meyerson C. E Payne D . Stuart

388. Centric cusps are otherwise known as: A, Functional cusp B. Stamp cusp C. Shear cusp D . Both 'A' and 'B' arc correct

389. laterosurlrusion is: A. La teral and downward B. Lateral and upward C. La teral and pos terior 0, Lateral and anterior

3M8 38511 3M8 381e 188D 3898

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M Measlor pas tn Prosthodontics

390. Latuosurtrusion demands: A. ~per grooves B. Steeper ridge angles C. Both 'A' and ' B' are correct D. Shallow groovt>S

391. GuateT immediate side shift tails for: A. Longer cusp height B. Mesial positioning of oblique grooves in the

mandible C. Both ' A' and 'B' D. Mesial positioning of oblique groove in maxilla

392. In laten.J movements, dEed of mediotrusion is seen in: A. Ipsilateral canine B. Contralateral canine C. Both canines D.lncisors

393. Non-working condyle is otherwise ta iled as: A. Translating condyle B. Rota ting condyle C. Orbiting condyle D. ' A' and 'C' are correct

394. Proximal box preparation for precis ion attachment used must have following dimensions: A. 2 mm facio linguaJ, 4 mm occlusocervical, 4 mm

mesiodistal B. 4 mm occlusocetvical. 2 mm mesiodistal, 3 mm

faciolingual C. 4 mm occlusocervical, 2 mm mesiodistal, 4 mm

buccolingual D. 3 mm occlusocervical, 2 mm mesiodistal, :; mm


395. For a small cas ting, the casting pressure required is: A. 50 to 60 psi B. 100 to 120 psi C. 15 to 20 psi D.5 to 10 psi

390 0 391 B 392 B 393 0 39. C :tH C

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Fixed Partial Denture ProslhodonlJes M 396. Pickling refl'rs 10:

A. Using 70% hydrochloric acid B. It is done for base mel~l alloys C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. 50% hydrochloric acid for gold alloys

397. Borax;lS flux during mdting mdal does following uc:ept: A. Prevents oxidation B. Increases fluidity C. Increases strength of the metal D . Minimizes porosity

398. Holtl'st zone in a flame of gu· .. !r torch is the: A. Inner most zone B. Reducing zone C. Oxidizing zone D . Combustion zone

399, Asbestos liner hn following advantages txcept: A. Prevents contaminating metal from crucible B. It bums during casting C. Insulates metal from crucible D. Facilitates melting of al loy

400. Transfer of cnting ring from burnout furnacl' to thl' casting machinl' should bl' donI' in: A. < 0. 1 minutes B. < 1 minutes C. < 1.5 minutes D . < O.S minutes

401. Agl' hardening of thl' gold alloy casting can bl' donI' by following txcept: A. Bench cooling B. Immediate quenching C. Quenching after 15 minutes D . Heat soak' at 200°C

3"D me 3M II 39111 4008 40111

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A Measlor PGsin Prosthodontics

402. Following are types of ring liners ucept: A. CellulOS(' B. A ccramic material C. Asbestos D. Polyethylene sheet

403. Orientation of wax pallern in the cas ting ring helps 10: A. Place the casting rin g in the machine B. Decrease the heat C. Achieve changes in expansion of inves tment D. Allow gases to escape easily

404. Thielemann's formula. is more relaled 10: A. Natural dentition B. Complete denture-s C. Occlusion in articula tors D. Both 'N and 'C'

405. Frankfurt Horizontal Plane is: A. Porion to orbitale B. Lower border of porion to orbi tale C. Lower border of porion to upper border of orbitale D. Upper border of porion to lower border of orbi tale

406. Freedom in centric: A. Occurs in everyone B. Helps in all adults C. Is 0.5 to 1 mm long anteropos teriorly D. Has an teroposterior and lateral component

401. Freedom in centric: A. Is rarely found in natural dentition B. Developed during occlusal adjustments C. Formed in complete dentures D. Is in all of the above

402 0 403 C 404 0 405 0 408 0 401 0

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics M 408. For less Bennett movement:

A. Cusps should be longer B. Ridge and groove direction should be distal C. Ma)(iIlary anterior lingual concavity should be more D. 'A' and ' B' and 'C' are correct

409. Following (.:actor will affect cusp h .. ight, ridg .. and groov .. dir .. ction and lingual concavity of maxillary ant .. rior t .. eth, all thr .... : A. Rotating condyle direction B, Inter condyle distance C. Bennett movement D. All of the above

410. Uses of incisal pin and tabl .. is aU except: A. Setting incisal guidance B. To Wa)( up anterior res torations C. Maintain centric relation D. Maintain vertical relation

411 . If incisal guidance of the patient is too s teep, in th .. cast: A. It has to be changed B. Incisal table must be customized C. Incisal table must be changed D. All of the above can be done

412. Schuyler incisal tabl .. has following except: A. Long centric pin B. Centric pin C. Center pin D. Off-set Pin

413. Long c .. ntric pin of S<.:huyler table can b .. raised upto: A. 3 mm B. 4 mm C. 2 mm D.1 mm

401 A 41H1 C 410 0 411 B 412 B 413 C

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414. In full mouth re(onstru(tion: A. The clinician determines amount of freedom in

centric B. Occlusal adjustments required de termines freedom

in centric C. Both ' A' and 'B' are corred D. Amount of discrepancy betw~n centric occlusion

and centric relation determines the amount of freedom in cenlric

415. Curved indsal pin: A. Is p resent in dentatus articula tor B. Helps k~p the (onstant radius for a short distance C. Helps maintain centric relation D. 'A' and'S' are true

416. Compensation for changes in centri( relation can be done using: A. Curved incisal pin B. Changing offset incisal pin C. Changing central pin D. None of the above

417. A simple face bow is used 10: A. Mount the maxilla to a transverse axis of the

Temporomandibular joint B. Mount the maxillary dentition 10 infraorbital notch C. Mount mandibular cast in relation to maxillary cast D. Mount maxilla ry cast in relation to hinge axis

418. The error of using simple fa ce bow: A. Is great when face bow is not self.centering B. May not be clinically s ignificant if centric relation

check bi te is less than 0.5 mm thick C. Is about 0.2 mm anterop,osteriorly if centric relation

check bite is 5-10 mm D. All of the above

414 A 41 5 0 418 0 417 A 411 8

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Fixed P • ..u.1 OerIture Prosthodontics M 419. Tru~ hing~ uis is oblain",d by:

A. Twirl bow B. Kinematic face bow C. Slidematic face bow D . All of the above

420. Following."", limitation. of simpl~ articulators ucept: A. Ecrentric movements are unrelated to the patient B. No provision for movement into centric relation

position C. It holds the casts in vertica l dimension D . Centric Occlusion in not accurately defined

421. Arbitrary Hing~ Axis is loc at~d to tragus: A. 13 mm posterior B. 10 mm an te rior C. 20 mm anwrior D. 13 mm anterior

422. Condylar path of a simple articulator musl be sel al: A. Zero degree B. 30 degree C. 70 degree D. None of the above

423. Ear pie~e f;l.(e bow localn. hinge axis 10 an enor of: A. :t 0.5 mm B . .r 5 mm C. :t 1.5 mm D. :t 2.5 mm

424. Whil~ using arbitrary face bow for simple articulator, intinl 'l'dge of ma ~ ittary anterior 1'I''I' th should be .,--;,-C":c abov~ low~r m~mb~r of Ihe articulator: A. 32 mm B. 50 mm


C.54mm D .60mm

'" A.




C~rvical Ditching T~chniqu~:

Porcelain is removed from shoulder <lrea after ini tial build-up The die is ditched lill the base around the cervical margin for better cxposure of finish margin It is done around thc base of a working casl for Pindex Syslem The groovcs are made on the base of Ihe cast for retention

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ru Me a s lor PGs In Prosthodontics

426. Gu~n Porc~lain ref~rs to: A. The green discoloration that occurs after firing B. The freshly built-up ceramic C. The dark e{(eet at the margin of ceramic restoration D . The type of staining porcelain for characterization

421. Following ar~ tm~ for Dual Wax Technique, except: A. Uti lizes two types of waxes for fabricati on of

patterns B. Uses hard inlay Wa)( on cervical two-thirds and soft

inlay wa)( on occlusal one-thirds C. Uses soft Removable Par tial Denture Framework

Wax on occlusal two-thirds and blue inlay wa)( on cervical one-thirds

D _ This technique helps in equal expansion of investment in all di rections

428. Following a re tme for Eamu T~chniqu e, except: A. 11 uses two coats of die spacer B. Produces approximately 25 microns die spacer C. Material is supplied in two colo rs D . Spacer must not be applied to cervical margin

429. Mandibular condyl~ measures upto: A. 10 mm in mediola!eral and 20 mm In antero-

post{'riorly B. 15 mm in mediolateral "d 20 mm '0 antero-

posteriorly C. 20 mm in mediohteral "d 10 mm '0 antero-

posteriorly D. 30 mm in mediolateral ,od 10 mm '0 antero·


430. Eagl~'s syndrom~ consists of following. except: A. Disturbance of s ty lomandibular process B. Fracture of calcified ligaments C. Associa ted with styloid complex D . Tinnitus

428 B 427 B 428 A 429 C 4:tO 0

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Fixed Partial Denture Prolthodontie. m 431. long centric applies to all but one:

A. Freedom in centric S. Advocated by D'Amico C. Used mostly in full mouth r('habili ta tion D. May be ei ther anteroposte rior or la teral

432. Range of threshold for detecting objects between ocdu5al surfaces of teeth is: A. 100-200 microns S. 1-6 microns C. 8-60 microns D. 60-100 microns

433. Each chewing cyde has ol duution of olbQUt: A. 200 milliseconds S. 500 milliseconds C . 700 m illiseconds D . 1000 m illiseconds

434, CiI5t'pi»1 coping:; in over-dentures require: A. 5<J..70 microns die spacer B. low temperature burnout C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. Overs ized posts

435, In over·denture!;, the preferred height of covered portion of retolined tooth is: A. I mm B. 2 mm C. 3mm D.4mm

436. Pontip is a: A. Pontic S, Retainer C. Prdabricaled pontic D . Metal framewo rJr,

437. Amount of lateral shift of condyle during lateral movement of mandible Is: A. 10-12 mm S, 0-7 mm C. ()..4 mm 0 .5-7 mm

431 B 432 C 433 C 434 C 435 B 438 C 431 C

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M MCOI for PG.ln Pro.thodontlc.

438. Average latual shift of condyle during lateral move· ment of milndible is: A. 0.1 mm B. 0.075 mm C. 0.75 mm 0 .0.5 mm

439. Curvature of condylilr path is in mediotrusive rathu than protrusive, by about __ , A. Less, 10 degrees B. More, 10 degrees C. Less,S degrees O. More,S degrees

440. Thickness of shim s tock is about: A. 0.05 inch B. 0.5 inch C. 0.005 inch O. 0.0005 inch

441. Functionally genuated path technique records: A. Chewing patte rn of pat ient B. Lateral movement of mandible C. Both 'A' and '8 ' D. Vertical dimension

442. Fo llowing ilre close· packed position of mandible except: A. Centric re la tion position B. Maximum intercuspation C. Maximum protrusion D. Maximum righ t lateral

443. Tek·Scan Sys tem hilS following, except: A. A sensor un it B. A milling unit C. A built-in printer w ith computer D. Provides immedia te information

m C U8 0 «0 D 441 II 442 8 443 8

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Fixed Partial OentUI1I Prosthodontics m 444. Thf most commonly uSfd fibfl15 in dfntill applin.tions

for Rfinforcfd Composites ilrt following txctpt; A. Glass B. Polyethylene C. Carbon D. Porcelain

445. Preimpregnattd Fiber Reinforced Composites are following txapt: A. Vectris B. FiberKor C. Splint-It D. Ribbond

446. Contraindications for Fiber Reinforced Compositf Prosthesis ilre following exapt: A. Long span B. Parafunctional hab its C. Nt'ed for excellent appearance O. Patients with unglazed porcelain restoration

447. Tooth preparation for Fiber Reinforced Compo!iite FrD indudes following u" pt; A. Deep chamfer finish line B. Linguoproximal step C. Occlusal isthmus D. Counter-bevel

448. Fluible die material is used: A. For making castings for three unit fixed partial

dentures B. Is used for making Provisional Restorations C. Can be used for 'A' and 'B' D. Are similar to hydrocolloid duplicating materials

449. OVA system and Zfiser systems are: A. Types of articulator systems B. Types of cast-and-die systems C. Types of crawn remover systems D. Types of casting techniques

...... D 445D 44SC 447D «IB 449B

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450. Adv~nt~gu of OVA system is th~t:

A. They allow for expansion of stone B. They are very esth.etic for ceramic work C. Th.ey delive r gentle vibrations on crown D. They can withstand high temperature

451. Following are true for Milling procedure except: A. Consists of using conventional straight hand pie<:e B. Uses cylindrical carbide burs C. Uses fine diamond points D. light pressure is used

452. While snibing survey linf"S on b~ked porcel~in,

fo llowing should be used: A. Red or green pigments B. Graphite C. lead pencil D. All of the above can be used

453. Following materials can be used with Cerec system except: A. In-Ceram Spinell B. Vi ta Mark II C. Dicor MCC D . Procad

454. In-Cuam Spinell contains following as major crystalline phase: A. Sanidine B. Magnesium spinel! C. Zirconium oxide D. Manganese spinell

455. The size of Mica crys tals prestont in Dieor MCC is: A. 10 to 50 microns B. I to 2 microns C. 10 to 15 microns D. 25 to 32 microns

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics m 456. Mica structures increas~ s trength of the c~ramic by

following m~lhod:

A. Leads to multip le crack deflections B. Leads to s tress concentrat ion at the ends C. Leads to breaking of crdck forma tions D. Leads to Ion Exchange mechanism

457. Heat Pressed Ceramics contain mainly _____ " crystalline phase: A. Magnesium Spinel! B. Leucites C. Zirconium Oxide D.Sanidine

458. When Leucite is a cryst" lline phase, the s ize of particles is: A. 1 to 2 microns B. 3 to 10 microns C. 40 to 50 microns D. 100 to 120 microns

459. Leucile strengthens ceramic due to: A. Crack deflections B. Crack bonding C. Tangential s tresses D. Thermal tempering

460. Coronafl u crown remover consists of following tXCtpt : A. Air-driven device B. Multiflex coupler C. A flexing device to flex the crown D . Loops and adhesive damp

461 . O ne of the following is wrong for Richwil crown remover. A. Consists of making a perforation in crown and lifting

it up B. Involves using an adhes ive resin tablet C. Using sharp opening action to remove crown D. Tying a floss to the res in

456 A (57 B (5' B 4Si C 460 C (61 A

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S Mea. lor PG. In o<Ion1lc.

462. The Merritt EZ CiSt Pos t System consis ts of following except: A. A stick of thl'rmoplastic resin B. Plastic rod C. A metal rod of canal size D. Can be used for direct technique

463. Following are positioner muscles of mandible except: A. Right latera l pterygoid B. Left latl' ral pterygoid C. Tl'mporal muscles D. Masseter

464. ViScular knee refers 10: A. Varicose veins under the tongue B. A shunting system for blood behind the condyle C. The pterygoid plexus behind external auditory

meatus D. Vascular rl'turn to the heart from knee

465. An improperly made anterior Jig for deprogramming the mandible will disp lace the condyle: A. Mesially B. Anteriorly C. Distally D. Downward

466. Bilateral manipulation of mandible during recording centric re lat ion helps verily the following tx<:rp t : A. The proper functioning of the ligaments B. Correctness of condylar position C. Alignment of the condyle-disk assembly D. Integrity of Mticular surfaces

467. To show that Bimanual technique is most consistently reputabt~, Dawson used: A. V('rticuiator method B. Buhnergraph or Veri Check analysis C. Leaf gage used by Long D. Dcprogramming device by Lucia

462 C 463 D 464 B 465 C 466 A 487 B

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontles m 468. Aqualin r d~vic~:

A. Is meant for Functionally Generated Path technique B. Used for muscle deprogramming C. Used for fixing Pantographs D . Used along w ith casting rings for hydroscopic


469. P~rmi~s iv~ splints: A. Also referred to as muscle deprogrammers D. Are designed to position mandible in a specific

relationship to maxilla C. Thcy align the condyle-disk assemblies D. Used when a centric re-Iation should be corrected

470. Fo llowing are diffuent types of pe rmiss ive splin ts except: • A. Full occlusal splints D. Postcrior bite plane C. Splints with occluS<11 fossae D . Anterior bite plane

471 . A Dir~ctiv~ Splint is contraindicated in followin g conditioll$ txcept: A. If condyle and disk can be aligned correctly D. If disks can maintain their alignment with condyles

during function C. If it unlocks occlusal incline contacts D . Both 'A' and 'D'

4n. Chu k bit~ art iculators: A. Have check bites on the incisal gUide table B. Condylar pa thways are limi ted to straight lines C. Condylar pathways are customizable D . Condylar pathways are curvilinear and are adjustable

_B 4eg A 470C 471 C 472 B

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473. Following sl .. temenls for Denar Combi articula tor are true ucept: A. It is a set path articulator B. It is ~ fully adjustable articulator C. Condylar path is interchangeable D. Cannot accept stereographiC clu tches

474. Set P,lIh Articulators have horizontal condylar path sd at: A. 30 degrees B. 20 degrees C. 45 degrei.'s 0 .15 degrees

475. Fabrication of customized condylar path "'quires: A. Use of simple stereograph;c recording B. Use of gothic .arch tracing C. Use of broadric],.; plane "analyzer D. Both 'A' and 'B'

476. Pankey-Mann ins trument: A. Is a special ized oct;;!\IS;I1 plane devke S_ [t is a type of face bow C. It is a type of gothic arch tracer 0 , Is a type of device to measure condylar angle

477, Hinge Axis Angle refers to:


A. Inclina tion of hinge axis to condylar path B. Inclination of true hinge axis to condylar pa th C. Inclination of low!.'r incisor to a line drawn from incisal

edge to center of the condyle D. Inclination of rna",illary incisor to center of the


Average Hinge Axis Angle is: A. 45 degrees B. 90 degrees c. 110 degrees D. 135 d('gr('es

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics m 479. Mashed·potato occlusion refers to:

' 80.


A. Tripod contact B. Surface-Io-surf"ce cont"cl C. Cusp tip- to-foss" contact D. Cusp lip· to-marginal ridge contact

Following are choices for natural dentition except: A. Group function C. Parti,,1 group function

Following are methods disdus ion except: A. Harmoni:wd an lerior


working sid!! ocdusion in

B. Cusp tip to fossa contact D . Posterior disclusion

to accomplish posterior

guidance with bord er

B. Anterior group function C. Lateral group function D. Cuspid prote<: teG occlusion

482. Most practical method for discluding posterior teeth is: A. Ante rior group function B. Canine guided occlusion C. Lateral group function D. Cusp to fossa occlusion

483. Altering Anterior Guidance depends on following main factors except; A. Envelope of function B. Esthetics C. Periodontal support D. Phonetics

484. following are common methodti of utablishing an acc!!pbbl!! occlusal plane in natural dentition, exupt: A. Using fo)!; plane B. Analysis on natural teeth through selective grindig C. Using face bow mounted casts with corre<:1 condylar

paths D. Use of Pankey-Mann instrument

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485. The assembly of Broadrick Plane Analy~er cOrulisb of following exupt: A. A survey centC'r B. An art icula tor C. Caliper set at 8 inch radius D. A plastic flag

486. Following art' true for Occlusal Plane Culling Guide rxupt: A. Consists of C'x lra hard base plate wax B. A mouth temperature wax reinforced with base plate


C. Is kept on the tooth to be corrected to established occlusal plane

D. Is prepared on the articulator and is scribed by the caliper

487. Following are true for Fossa Contour Guide exupt: A. It is used if only upper teeth arc to be restored B. Ensures non.interfering accommodation of upper

palatal (usPS C. Is used on tower p osterior teeth D. Can be easily modifit-od to accommodate Bennett Shift

488. Advantages of Functionally Generated Path ate following napt: A. They record the border pathways B. It is a Mush-bite C. Shape of occlusal surfaces can be carvC'd by this

method D. Occlus ion is generated by the patient while


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Fixed Parllllli Denture Prosthodontics em 489. Following <lire true for Johnson.Oglesby spring

Articulator ~xcept: A. Can hold casts for s ingle tooth re~ loralions using

Functionally Generated Path B. Does nol require bite record C. Can hold casts for extensi\'e tooth restorations using

Functionally Generat{'d Path D. Each incline of the tooth can come in contacl when

Articulator is closed

490. Following are instruments that can be used to mount cuts for Functionally Gener~ted Path Technique except: A. Yerticulator B. Twin-Stage Occluder C. Johnson-oglesby Ar ticulator D. A Jectron yig

491. An anterior slide in natural dentition can be produced due 10: A. Interferences to the line of closure B. Interferences to the arc of closure C. Interferences in protrusion D. Both 'B' and 'C' are correct

492. The basic Selective Grinding rule for anlerior slide is: A. BULL B. MUDL C. DUDL D . BUBL

493. Photocdusion refers to: A. Qualitative analysis by measurement of the strains

induced in a photoplastic wafer B. Quantitative analysis by IT\{'asurement of the s trains

induced in II photoplastic wafer C. Involves frequency analYSis through phototelemetry

during occlusion D. Study of temporomandibular joint during occlusion

by photoclastic measures

419 C 4110 0 491 II 4n II 493 II

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M Meal for PGlin Proithodonlici

494. Tek·Sn n S)'lIlem: A. Is used for qUil Iitat.iv(' analysis of occlusion B. Used for quanti tative analysis of occlusion C. Uses ul trasonic methods D. Both '8' and 'C' are true

495. Protedive muscle splinting refeB to; A. Limited mouth opening due to tonic contraction of

muscles due to infection B. Chronic resistance of a muscle to passive st retch C. RcduU'd jaw motion to avoid pain due 10 movement D. Sudden involuntary contraction of muscles

496. Distal Displacement Theory fefeB to: A. Distal migration of premolars in the long abse~ of

molars B. Monson's theory that the articular disk gels

displaced during mandibulM closure C. Costen's a rgument that mandibular overc\osure can

\XC V! if vertical dimension is more D . Monson's theory that distally displaU'd condyle can

causc deafness due to mandibular overclosure

497. Lateral mandibular monments have a mun value of: A. 15 mm B. 10 mm C. Smm D.20mm

498. All about MORA art true but one: A. Takes the condyle to re truded position B. Brings mandible forward and downwilrd C. It is a repositioning device for mandible D. It recaptures disc in in ternal derangements of TMJ

499. Following are true for Pivot Appliance, except: A, Pivots are created on the maXillary 2nd molar areas B. Pivots ate created on the mandibular 2nd molar

areas C. It reli(.'v('s s tr(.'ss on TM] D. It improvcsocclusion by increasing vertical dimension

4948 495C 4960 497B 4HA 4990

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodonttcs Cii] 500. Following an' not true for Beilby l;tyer except:

A. Molecular disorganized surface layer of a unpolished metal

B. Molecular disorganized surface layer of a polished metal

C. Mo lecular organized surface layer of it polished metal

D. Molecular organized surface layer of a unpolished metal

SOl. Bezold-Brucke effect refers to: A. Metamerism effe<:t B. A change in hue with change in luminance C. Change in brilliance when translucent ceramic is

applied D. Formation of in ternal opacity in ceramic during


S02. Bio logic width rders t,,: A. Width of epithelial attachment B. Combined width of epithelial attachment and wid th

of connective tissue C. Combined width of connective tissue and epithelial

a ttachment inferior to crestal bone D. Combined width of connective tissue and epithelial

attachment superior to crestal bone

S03. Essig Splint: A. It used to stabilized fractured or repositioned t('{' tn .

and alvffilar bont' B. [s used to correct TM] problems C. Is used to correct occlusal discrepancies D. Is a mandibular orthopaedic repositioning device

504. Cantileve r find partial den tu re is othelWise called as: A. Sectional bridge B. Extension bridge C. Unsupported bridge D. Removable bridge

500 B 501 B 502 D 503... 500l II

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G Meal for PGI In Proi thodontici

S05. Mush bite refers to: A. Inter-occlusal record made in impll"Ssion paste B. Inter-occlusal record made in beeswax without

record base C. Triple tray bite of natural dentition D. Inter·occlusal record made in protrusion of mandible

506. Spring lock Bridge is a lso called as: A. Swing lock denture B. Spring fixt.>d partia l d enture Co Spring p la te denture D. Spring cantilever bridge

507. Primary colors of subtractive color sys tem m following, except: A. Yellow B. Red c. Magenta D. Cyan

SOS. Following are true for Sleeve Coping of CSC Prosthesis, except: A. Made of Type IV gold casting B. Proteo;:ts abutmt'nt tooth from caries C. It furnishes support for gingival tissues D. Sl~ve Coping has a conical taper

509. Average dimensions of a Sleeve Coping are following, t xapt: A. 0.2-0.3 mm thickness buccaUy B. 0.3·0.4 mm thickness in o ther axia l surfaces C. 0.4-0.5 mm thickness on occlusal surfaces D. 0.5-0.6 mm thickness buccaUy

510. Finish margin for Sleeve Coping is: A. Shoulder at buccal and lingual aspeo;:t B. Chamfer at buccal and lingual aspect C. Modified chamfer at labial or buccal surface D . Knife edge all around

505 II SOlI C 507 II 501 A ~ a StO C

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics M 511 . The amounl of space Ihal must be presenl between

Slel'vl' Coping and Seco ndary Crown at thl!' gingival third of a CSC pl'05the5is is: A. 0.001-0.002 inch B. 0.002-0.000 inch C. 0.003-0.010 inch D . 0.010-0.015 inch

512. Amount of milling to be done at cervical third of CSC Pl'05thl!'sis is dd l!'rminl!'d by following. tXCf'pt :

A. Amount of yield of mucoperiosteum B. Number of abutments C. Occlusal forces D. Angle of the milling device provided

513. The main di fference bd ween CSC Prosthesis and Hybrid Tel l'scopic Prosthesis is in: A. Sleeve Coping apical third B. Sleeve Coping occlusal third C. Design of the secondary crown D. All of the above

514. Following arl!' trul' for Caninl!' G uidl'd O(clusion, exupt: A. It p rotects the other teeth B. It is a type of balance-d oa::Jusion given for romplete

dentures C. It is a type of occlusion D. It is a mutually protected occlusion

515. In cenlric relation position of the m,l.ndibl l!', th l!' ( ondyll!'


is in with the glenoid fossa: A. Anteroinferior rela tion B. Poeleroinferior C. Posterosuperior D. Anterosuperior

AVl!"age fi5(hu angle is A. 10 degrees C. 15 degrees

about: D. 5 degrees D. 45 degrees

811 C 812 0 513 C 814 a 51 5 D 51& 8

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M Measlor PGs In Prosthodontics

517. Average discrepancy between cenlric occlusion and Cl.'nlric relation in complete dentures is: A. 0.5 10 I mm B. I 10 1.5 mm C. 2t03mm D . None o f Ihi:! above

518. Following are differenlthird-poinls of reference, except one: A. OrbitalI.' B. Nasion guide C. 43 mm superior to incisal edge of the maxillary


519. Average intrusion ot teeth is: A. 56 microns B. 20 microns C. 28 microns D. 10 microns

520. Teeth lilil.'d --- should bl.' I.'Xlracll.'d: A. :> 10 degrees C. :> 5 degrees

B. >20 degrees D. > 25 degrees

521. Unila teral, optimum taper of the p axial wall of looth 10 receive a full ve neer crown is: A. 6 degrees B. 3 degrees C. 5 degrees D. 12 degrees

522. Path of insertion for fixed prosthesis can be evaluated from a dist.nce of: A.30 cm B.40em C. IOcm D.25 em

523. Ml.'tal-cl.'r.mic rl.'s loration rl.'quires reduclion on fundional cusps: A.3mm B. 1 mm C. 1.5 to 2 mm D . 3 to 3.5 mm

524. PI.'r(l.'ntage of epinephrine present in gingival retraction cord is: A. 80% B. 8% C. 18% D. 28%

517 0 51' B 51' C 521) 0 521 B 522 A 523 C 52' e

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics raa 525. Setting lime of addition silicone impression material

is: A . 9-10 mts. e. 6-8 mts.

B. 15-20 mts. D.3-4 mts.

526. The gingival bevel serves the following pu.rposn: A. Wea k enamel is removed B. Metal on bevell"<l margin is burnishable e. A lap sliding fi t is produced at the gingiva D. All of the above

527. The mineral content of enamel on a weight buis is: A. 81).-85 percent B. 6O-6S percent C. %-97 percent D. 40-45 percent

528. Watn content of enamel A. I percent C. 5 percent

amounts to: B. 4-5 percent 0. 2-3 pew mt

529. The amount of organic malin in enamel amounts to: A. < 1 percent B. > 1 percent C. < 5 percent D. < 10 percent

530. The main minnal of enamel is: A. Calcium phosphate B. Calcium carbonate C. Hydroxyapati te D. Sodium (Juoride

531. Enamel i~ :

A. Not pl'rml'abll' to ionic ma terial in saliva B. Permeable to ionic materials e. Not permeable to ionic materia ls in pulp D. Only occasionally permeable to ionic materia ls

525 C 52e D 527 C 521 D 529 A 530 C 53\ B

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M Meas forPGsln ProsthodonUcs

532. Enlm~l contain. following tr.c~ eI~menl!i: A. Fluoride, zinc, sodium and magnesium B. Fluoride. zill<:. a nd magn",,;um only C. Fluoride, sodium. ~nd 7.;n, only O. Calcium, ~<)dium and phosphate

533. Th~ u.~ of vacuum invuting i. pos.ibl~ only wilh an invutment: A. With no silica cont~"I1t

B. Wi th an a" erage silica con tent C. With a high 511ic,' content O. With a low si lica content

534. O n M ing hut~d, the casting gold pas.H through the following vi .ible otages: A. They ronge. ! into ~ bUllon B. They torn d lCHy red C. 1Rcy b<.-come spher<>i da l in shape D. All 0/ the above

535. The radic.1 method for ...,Iraction of g ingiv.lliM"~ i. : A. Use 0/ 1 pt',cent Epinephrine B. Use 01 8 perc .. nl Epinephrine C. Use <>1 ek"clric~1 instwments OT chemical agents D. COllon stra nd dipped in Al .. m

536. Con5<'rvltive .et.action of the marginal gingival can be achieved by: A. Removal of gingival by eleclrical iflSlrumenlS B. Removal of gingiva l Ii .. "" by chemical agents C. Single <Ollon strand dipped in alum crystals D. Gingilage

537. Followi ng dru gs can be used u che mica l agen l$ 1m gi ng;"al tl .... ~ .droclion, e>:upt: A. 8'1'. zinc chloride B. 20% ta nnic acid C. 8% epinephrine 0.40% zi"" chloride

532 A uac U4D 53SC SHC 537C

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Fb:ed P.rtJel\lr. Pr<nthodontlcs M 538. Indnl Gu idanc~,

A. Guid..,. the mand ible into cen tric positiQn as the mandible protrudes

8. Is not influenc.-d by the amount of overjet C. Guides the mandible into centric positiQn as the

mandible retrud..,. D. Is not influenced by the amount <>I overbite

539. If th condyle on the working .ide il pivoting and if th~ re i. no side shift, th en: A. There is nQ condyla r pa th 8 . There is nO hinge ""is C. There i~ no Benne tt movement D. There i. no «nlcr of rotation

540. Re'lul",m~nl5 of a H jng~ Axi. l ocator all' following.. erupt: A. It should be he~vy ,;0 that it is s table 8 . It should be stable c. It should be read ily ad justable D. It . hQuld be light in weight

541 . The Protrusive and Bennen Shift r« ordings: A. Are c~ trcmely variable 8 . Are not constant to the true . ~ i s-orbital plane C. Always remain romt"nl to the true a>:i.-orbital plane D . Vary very lightly

541. When interceptive contact involve. I cu.p incline: A. Reduce thedi.ul indine on the upper and the mo..os;al

indine on the IQwcr k",'h B. Reduce ~ial incline on upper and distal incline of

lower C. "educe a cusp tip D. Deepen the fQSS;l. of the lower molars

5SI C 5H C 540" 54t C 54~ B

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M Meas lor PGsin Prosthodontics

543. A tip of the cusp is reduced: A. When the mesial incline on the upper tooth is reduced B. When it is an interfering contact in rentric, working

and balancing posi tions C. When the fossa is deepened D. When the distal indine of the lower is reduced

544. When reducing the non-working sidt' contacts, dt'cide which supporting cusp mainlains bellt'r ct'nlric ocdusion and then reduce: A. Its adjacent tooth in the same affh B. Its opponent C. The buccal slopes of the lingual lower cusps D. The lingual slopes of the upper buccal cusps

545. Indica tions for occlusal t'quilibration are: A. Severe occlusal wear B. Periodontal problems C. Occlusion re la ted TMJ problems D. All of the above

546. Contraindicalions for occlusal t'quilibration art' following.. except: A. When one arch is la r ger than the other B. Dual quadrant restoration with TMJ disturbances C. When tee th do not occlude in centric relation D. When funclional occlusion is being restored in its

enti rety

547. Tt'mporomandibular joint disturbances due to occlusal imbalanct' art' followin g.. except: A. Disharmony between centric occlusion and

protruSion B. Locked bite due to deep vertical overlap C. Premature contacts on the non-working side D. Long centric contacts

543 B 544 B 545 D 546 B 547 D

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontie. fill 548. Indic.tions for Inlay abutment are following. except:

A. Mutilated tooth B. ?ingle tooth replacement C. Minimal occlusal forces D. Good crown length for the abutment

549. Contraindications for Inlay abutment are following. except: A. Long span bridge B. Short span bridge C. Mutilated tooth D. Poor alignment of abutments

550. Dowel pin retainers ue contraindicated in: A. Triangular shaped central incisors B. Caries frl"(' dentition C. Young person with large pulp D. All the above

551. Advantages of ultra·high speed hand pieces are following. except: A. Firm pressure on the tooth can be applied B. Less time to prepare the abutment C. Less annoyance to the patient D. Minimized vibration

552. In fixed partial denture prosthodontics, the plane of occlusion is: A. The anatomic curvature of the occlusal alignment B. An imaginary surface that is related to the cranium C. A fixed (actor D. The oppasing functional occlusion

553. Most of the cases of fixed partial dentures have incisal guidance as: A. An surface related to the cranium B. Variable factor C. A fixed faclor D. A steep curvature

548 A 548B 5~C 551 A 552B 553C

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M Meas for PGs In Prosthodonllcs

554. A high occlu5;l\ plant will product : A. Too short cusps of posteriors B. Too long cusps of posteriors C. Too short ante riors D. Too long anteriors

555. A short radius Curve of Spte will produce: A. Long cusps for molars and short cusps for premolars B. Long cusps for molars and long cusps for premolars C. Short cusps for molars and short cusps for premolars D. Short cusps for molars and long cusps for premolars

556. A nat Curvt of Sptt will product: A. Long cusps for molars B. Short cusps for molars C. Long anterior teeth D . Short an terior teeth

557. Too low pl~nt of occlusion will cause posterior cusps to: A. Appear too long B. Appear too shor t C. Appt'ar norrn.l\ D. Appt'ar in disdusion

558. A Curvt of Spee, which is reverse in nature products: A. Too long molar cusps and too long premolar cusps B. Too short molar cusps and too long premolar cusps C. Too long molar cusps and too short premolar cusps D. Too short molar cusps and too short premolar C\.lSps

559. When a knift t dgt ridgt is encountertd in tht mandibular anterior rt gion, usually tht pontic is: A. Adapted lingual to the ridge in positive contact B. Adapted labial to the ridge in positive contact C. Adaptt'd labial to the ridge in a negative contact D. Adapted lingual to the ridge in a nega tive contact

5:>4,. $$$ 0 sse ,. 557 ,. 551 C 559 C

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Filed Partial Denture Prosthodontics M 560. Rt'quirt'mt' nts of .. connedor ue following.. e;"'pt;

A. Their dose adaptation to the crest of the ridge B. Supply mechanical strength to the prosthesis C. Provide convenient embrasures D. Correct occlusal function

561. Tht' dimt'nsion of tht' ,onnt',tor thai is importolnt for jill strength is: A. Buccolingual width B. Indsal-mesial thickness C. Occlusal-cervical thickness D . Mesio-dislal thickness

562. Following ue the factors for incomplt'tt' suting of the mt'tal framt'work, txupt: A. Nodules present within the retainer B. No parallelism between abutmenlll C. Undercuts present in abutmenlll D. Over trimmed pro)(imal contacts of the retainer

563. Following factol"!'l should b .. ch .. ck .. d in 01 ' oIsling during its try-in. txupt: A. Contact areas B. Centric occlusion C. Centric relatiot:\ D. Functional stability

564. Too small sprut rtsullll in: A. Distortion of casting B. Shrinkage porosity C. No alteration in casting D. Causes fracture of the casting

565. Sprue that is improperly positioned Coluses: A. Fracture of the casting B. Turbulence and porosity in the casting C. No changes in the casting D. Shrinkage porosity

560 A 561 C 562 D 563 C 564 B 565 B

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S Mea. lor PGs In Prosthodontlc.

566. A non· rigid connector is selected: A. When the alveolar bone is excessively reduced B. When the alveolar bone is receding C. For long span bridges D . As a broken·stress joint

567. A solder joinl must have: A. A partial and convex periphery B. A partial and concave periphery C. A complete and concave periphery D. A triangular periphery

S68. The accepted rate of increase in firing temperilture for porcelain is: A. 25 degree/minute B. 100 degree/minute C. 76 degree/minute D. 120 degree/minute

5069. A bridge may become loose because of following. except: A. Torque B. Solubility of cement C. Presence of undercuts D . Mobility of the abutment

570. Richmond Crown: A. Cannot be used as an intraradicu]ar crown B. Is an intracoronal ret.liner C. Is an in traradicula r retainer D. Is an ext racoronaJ retainer

571. A shoulderleu preparation: A. Gives a well -defined finish margin B. Is a least conservative finish margin C. Facilitates use of copper bands while making lube

impression D. Rt.'Sists occluS<l1 forces better

S66 D 567 C 568 B 569 C 570 C 571 C

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572. Following",gis troltions olre required to olccur.lttly mount the casts on the olrticuloltor to reproduce Ih~ mandibulolr movements, txupt: A. Terminal Hinge Axis position B. A face bow transfer C. Angular s lope of the condyla r pa th D. Beyron and Bergstrom points

573. The critical ttchniqut in cas ting procedu", for a fi n d partioll dtntu", is: A. Good w ax pattern B. Investing the pattern C. Melting the meta l D. All the above

574. Befon: qut nching a gold cas ting, it has to be cooled for: A. 1 minute B. 2 minutes C. 5 minutes D . 15 minutes

575. An idul occlusion rtfen to: A. An arrangement of teeth for functiona l and esthetic

goals B. Arrangement of teeth that is conducive to ocdusal

stabil ity C. Both ' A' and 'B' D . Angle Class I

576. Following fador will a ff t<:1 all Ihe three bcton: cusp h tlgh t, ridge and groove direction, and lingual conuvlty of upper olnl rrior teelh: A. Direction of the rotating condyle B. Benne\! movement C. Intercondylar distance D. All o f the above

5120 5710 514C 575e 578 8

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M MeQs lor PGs In Prosthodontics

577. The smaller the Bennett Movement: A. Shorter the cusps B. Longer the cusps C. Greater the maxillary anterior lingual concavity D. Both 'B' and 'C' ar(' corr('ct

578. Gruter oUlwud-upwud direction of the rotating condyle in vertical plane, gruler Bennett movement, and greater intercondylar distance: A. Gr('at('r th(' lingual concavity of the maxillary anl('riot

tC<'th B. Long('r the cusps C. Both ' A' and 'B' D. More dis tal the ridge ;!nd groove direction on

maxillary teeth

579. Occlusal interferences will interfere with: A. Swallowing B. Speaking C. Centric occlusion function D. All the above

580. Following are reasons for a cemented full casl crown that requires occluul grinding. ucepl One:

A. Case mounted in centric rela tion B. Case mounted in centric occlusion C. Thickness of cement film D. Poor temporization

58t. Freedom in cent ric: A, Is rarely found in natural dentition B. Form('d in restorations C. Dewlop<.><! in comple te d('nturcs D. All of th(' abov('

582. Freedom in centric: A. Has anterior-posterior and [ateral components B. Occurs in everyone C. Is best when about 1.5 mm long D. All of the above

S77B 571 A 5nD 5SOA SliD 5UA

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics CW] 583. Physiological rest position in natural dentition:

A. Should be used to rela te the mandibular (ast to the maxillary ( ast

B. Should be considered in a single res toration C. Should be taken in considera tion only in multiple

res torations D . All the above .ue correct

584. A Hanau H2 PR articulator: A. Is zeroed with the incisal tab le set to zero B. Is 7.erocd wi th the condylar e lement «'ntric stop set

to zero C. Both 'A' and 'B' are correct D. Is zeroed with the condylar element centric stop set

to 30 degrees

585. On a uroed Hanau H2 PR ;u1iculator, when the casts art' mounted and later the spacer is removed and the centrk s top is moved anteriorly, following events take place, except: A. Incisal pin will be centered on th{' table

(anteroposteriorly) 8. Centric occlusion remains the same C. The most re lative retrusiv{' position of the

mandibular cast would be 3 mm D . Inc isal pin wil! not be centered on the table


586. Usually, when an Hanau H2 PR articulator is adjusted correctly, all of the following <lTe correct, except: A. The condylar element seats in di rect contact with the

(entri( s top wi th the incisal pin centered B. The maxillary cast wil! usually have adequate room

to move in a protrusive direction C. The condylar element should bind on the shaft

housing D. The housing for the condylar shaft res ts lightly

agains t the surface of the condylar element

513 B 584 C 515 A SI6 C

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587. In Hanau H2 PR articulator, following may affect the latrral positioning of the incisal pin: A. Centric stop adjustment B. Anterior gllidance C. Centric re lation record D. All of the abov('

588. The Whip-mix and the Hanau H2 PR articulators are s imilar in following manner: A. lnterocdusal record is used to S('t condylar guidance B. Both have provisions for adjustm('nt of intercondylar

distance C. Both 'A' and '8 ' a re correct D. A is the correct answ er

589. If the condylar indin.tion is moved from 0 to 70 degrees following events would take place: A. Maxillary cast would move upwards B. Maxillary cast would move backwards C. Both ' A' and 'B' arc true D. Non(' of the above a re correct

590. A steep incisal guidance is: A. Not related to vertical overlap B. Not import"nt for neuromuscular harmony C. Simulated on the articula tor by the lateral wings of

incisal table D. All of the above are true

591. When the maxillary incisors lire missing, the incisal gu ide table is se t using: A. Maxillary posterior teeth B. Indination of the condylar gUidance C. Slide in centric D. Cuspid guidance if they are pn.'S('n l

587 A 588 0 589 0 590 8 59' 0

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics Ci9"] 592. One of the following is not a fun,tion of an adjustable

anterior pin .. nd table; A. To maintain ,entri, relation D. To prevent wearing down of stone cast C. To fadlitate an increased vertical dimension D. To help in fabrkation of wax patterns for a restoration

593. A 5<:huyler pin and table is used for following.. except: A . Complete dentures D. Full mouth re<:onstruction C. . Splinting procedures D. Single restoration

594. When there is no freedom in ,entric on the casts, one of the following is wrong: A. A Schuyler pin and table should be used B. The FC pin should be below the surfare of the indsal

table C. If the vertical dimension is not to be changed, a

straight indsal pin can be used D. Both'S' and 'C' are wrong

595. Vertic;tl dimension may be maint;tined by ;tn inciul pin that: A. Can be adjusted in length B. Is curved with radius related to the axis of the

articulator C. Has an off~set pin related

the articulator to the arc of closure of

D . Both '8' and 'C' are true • 596. True hinge axis is obtained by:

A. CR registration bite B. The k.inematic face bow C. An ear piece face bow D. All of the above

592 A 593 C 5114 A 595 0 598 B

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R MeQs for PGSln Prosthodontics

597. Th~ simpl~ f .. c~ bow: A. Loca tes the centric relation B. Locates the terminal hinge ax is C. Is a nonear piece device D. Relates the mandible to maxilla

598. A s imple fac~ bow: A. Is centered on the articulator B. Is not centered on the articulator C. May be ' A' or ·B' D . Is not centered to the axis of an articulator

599. The O rbital point~r ilnd the damp on a simple fa ce bow are used to r~l a le foll owing. exupt: A. Maxillary cast to an infraorbital point B. With an ear piece face bow c. To locate the third point of reference for mounting

the maxillary cas t D . Both ' A' and ·C'

600. A s imple articula tor: A . Is related to the motion of the TMJ 8. May permit face bow record C. May permit both vertiCil! and horizontal movement D. May be ' B' and 'C' are true

601. A th ick c~ntric occlus ion int trocclusal record may result in following. except: A. Premature contact in centric occlusion B. Absence 01 centdc stops C. interfert'nces in eccentric movements D. Absence of contact of teeth during function

602. Use of a la rge-size articulil tor: A. Often gives better r('sults B. Is always indicated C. Is always practical D. Both 'A· and 'C' are correc t

~91C 593 A 5"8 $(lOA &01 0 &02 A

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Filed Partlal Denture Prosthodontics A 603. Usage of following will lead to lust errors in a simple

articulator that hu np.lbility for lateral movements: A. Molar group (unc tion B. Balanced occlusion C. Cuspid guidance only D. Anterior open bite

604. In a s imple articulator, the occlusal interferences un be minimiz.ed by following, tXCI'pt:

A. Moving the oblique ridge distally B. Reducing the axial contours of maxillary lingual cusps C. Removing wax mesially from contact areas for

maxillary supporting cusps D . Moving the oblique ridge mesially

605. Absencl!' of centric stops in thl!' mouth signifil!'s following. txCl'p t : A. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction B. Infraocclusion in restoration C. Excessive occlusal adjustment D. Shifting of teeth has occurred

606. The condylar indination to use the s imple face bow must be about: A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 70

607. The distance between the articulator axle and the ur piece pin when the condylar inclination is set to right position is about: A. 10 mm B. 11 nun C. J2 mm D. 13 nun

603 C 504 0 &05 B 606 0 1107 C

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[W21 Mcaslor PGs in Prosthodontics

60S. Whiif' using an fOar pif"f' fa,f' bow, thf' inciui f'dgf's of th f' muillary anlf'rior tu lh should be,-",--,--_ abovf' the surface of the lower rof'mber of the articulator: A. 50 mm C. 58 mm

B. 54 mm 0. 62 mm

609. In .ubilrary mounting of thf' muillary whf'n " face bow is not uSf'd, the most important principle to follow is: A. Maximize horizontal condylar guidance B. Maximize lateral condylar guidance C. Maximize tooth guid ance O. Both 'B' and 'C' are corr~ t

610. Whf'n a centric rela tion rf'cord is not utilized to mount Ihf' mandibular cas t on a arliculator, the mf'thod uSf'd to mount the cast is: A. To mount it in centric occlusion with PR adjustment

moved clockwise B. To mount it in ~ntric occlusion with a shim inserted

between condylar elements and condylar stops C. To mount the cas t in c('ntric occlusion with PR

adjust('d to minus zero D. To mount the cas t in centric occlusion with PR

adjusted to zero

611. f ollowing cli nical information is necessary when a protrusive check bite is not ava ilable to set the condylar inclinati on: A. Angle of eminentia B. Balancing interferences C. Balancing cont3(!S D. Both ' B' and 'C'

612. The most common nror that O(curs during mounting casts in cen tric relation occurs due to: A. Curved articubtor condylar guide B. Use of arbi trary hinge axis C. Incorrect centric relat ion check bite D, Incorrect third point of reference

&08 C 609 C 810 B 611 0 812 C

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics Goo] 613. The most common cilluses for an incorrect centric relation

record are following. PXCl'pt: A. Failure to use thoroughly softened wax for recording B. Muscle hypertonicity C. Patient not trained properly D. Muscle hypotonicity

614. Facets of wear do not occlud~ on the articulator, but they do in the mouth. The probable causes may be following, txupt:

A. Incorrect condylar s.etting B. Inadequate articulator design C. Incorrect vertical relation D. lncorre<:t centric relation record

615. Third point refer~nce is more important for a ear·piece face bow than for the nonur·piece face bow, because: A. The third point of reference for the nonear·piere face

bow can be set at any point B. The nonear'piece face bow is not related to the hinge

axis C. The ear pit"Ce does not rest on the transverse axis

of the articulator D. The ear pit"Ce face bow is more accurate

616. One of the following is most accurate in taking a centric relation to mount lower cut: A. Use of centric relation check bite B. Use of PR adjustment C. Use of shim between condylar element and rondylar

s top D. Protrusive bite that is s traight

617. The most common cause for the difference in condylar indination of about 7 degrees between sides, is: A. Not enough protrusion in taking the ret:ord B. Face bow positioned incorrectly C. Protrusion not straight while taking the re<:ord D. Protrusive record obtained too far forward

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S MCa.'or PG.'n Prosthodontics

618. Among ~ II the m~ndibular supporting cusps and opposing f05sae, thl' cus p is ground: A. When it makes premature contact in centric and not

in lateral e:w;cursions B. When it is ~ premature con t~ct in «,ntric rcl~tion,

centric oo: lusion and prot rusive relat ions C. Only when it makes a prematull' contact in cent ric

and lateral e:w;cu rsions D. In all thl' above cases

619. Following is trul' for cl'nlrk stops: A. Should never be removed B. If required to be removed, BULL rule should be

followed C. May be rcquirt'(\ to be removcG, under very spt'Cific

rules O. All of the above

620. On the casts, the fi rs t s tep in occlusal adjustment is: A. Mark centric stops and supporting cusps B. Mark balancing in te rferences and prematull' contacts C. Adjust working side contacts D. Adjus t balancing side in t{'rferences

621 . A rull' for adjustment of supporting buccal cusps and cusp ridges of mandibular molar tee th is: A. To grind tow~rd thl' intl'rfer{'nc{' B. Adjust 10 c{'nlric rebllon C. Not to grind on mandibular molar buccal cusp tips D. Grind away from function

622. Balancing sidl' adjustment is completed wht'n: A. Grinding of the balancing side results in smooth

gliding movements B. Grinding of Ihe working side results in s moolh

gliding movements C. Teeth are no longer mobile D. Dentin is smooth

IIIB Ilec &20 A UIC '~ A

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Fixed Partial Denture Prosthodontics CWS] 623. In wn·added method of fabrintion of a wax pattern,

the first wax 10 be added should be: A. Supporting cusp tips B. Nonsupporting cusp tips C. Centric stops in fossa D. Triangular ridges

624. Lingual concavities of the maxillary anterior teeth are detennined by: A. Molar guidance B. Mandibular moveme nt, only C. Condylar inclination, !TIJinly D. Tooth guidance, mainly

625. During fabrication of wax pattern, the part of the waxing instrument that is huted to pick up wax is: A. The tip of the blade B. Midd le of the blade C. Shank of the blade D. Full blade ,md Ihe shan k

626. The dusting powder that is used for checking occlusal relation in wax patterns is: A. Zinc carbonate B. Diatomaceous earth C. Zinc stearate D. Calcium carbonate

627. Main aim of occlusal bile plane splint therapy is: A. To isola te the occlusal contacts from mas ticatory

sys tem B. To protect the tee th from wea ring d own C. To prevent p ressure on the joints D. None of the above

623 '" 62~ 0 625 B 626 C 627 '"

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S Meas for PGs in Prosthodontics

628. Following is not true for the Twin-Hoby articulator: A. Has a simplified condylar guide ml'Chanism B. Has a prcrise anterior guide ml'Chanism C. Believes in Ihat condylar path affects the incisal

guidance D. The anterior guidance c['('atN controls the condylar


629. Twin-Stage procedure for producing precise eccentric occlusal relations can be used for following treatment procedures, except: A. Occlusal diagnosis B. Single crown fabrica tion C. Complete mouth re<:onslruction D. Training flange pr05theS<!S

621 C 629 D

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Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics

1. A rl'monble partial denture may be: A. All tooth-supported B. Tooth and tissue supported C. Both 'A' and '8' D. All tissue supported

2. Following condition(s ) is/are also called as distal extens ion partial denture: A. Kennedy's class IV B. Applegates class VI C. Kennedy's class I D . Both 'A' and 'C'

3. Stability is mainly against: A. Horizontal forces B. Functional forces C. Both 'A' and '8' D. Forces against removal of prosthesis

4 . He ight of contour is: A. A line encircling the tooth B. Ma~imum bulge area of the tooth C. Determined by surveyor D. All of the above

, ,

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~ 108 j Meas tor PGs in Prosthodontics

5. An undercut in re lation to tooth lies: A. Below the survey line B. Above the survey line also C. Both 'A' ~nd 'B' D. On ocdusal surface

•• Guiding plants are: A. Usu~Uy single B. Usu~lIy multiple C. Usually p~rallel D. Both 'B' and 'C-

7. Inte rnal attachment: A. Or precision attachment B. Frictional ~ttachment C. Contains internal rests D. 'A' and 'B'

•• Retention in a edracoronat retainer is through: A. Frictional resistance B. Resistance of metal to deformation C. Both ' A' and 'B' D. Tight contact of retention arm with tooth

9. Palatal bar ;5 a lways: A. > 8 mm width C. <: 8 mm in width

B. > 8.8 nun width D. 1.8 mm in width

10. Indirect reta iner: A. Assists direct retainer B. Resists lever Jction C. Prevents displacement of RPD D. M~intains all of the above

n. Rest: A. Is placed on rest scat always B. Need not have rest seat C. Mainly offers stability D. Both ' A' and 'C' are true

• , " " .. " '" " ,

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Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics [ 109 ~ 12. Functional impression refers to:

A. Functional ridge form B. Anatomical replica of teeth C. Supporting tissues of the edentulous area D. Both ' A ' and 'C'

13. Functjonal occlusal registration: A. Registers dynamic relation of opposing dentition B. Registers s tatic relation of opposing dentition C. Records border movC'ments D. Both 'A' and 'C' are correct

14. PI~nned relief is required under. A. Mandibular major conne<:tor B. Nonmovable soft ti ssues C. Both' A' and 'B' aTe true D . Maxillary major conne<;:tor

15. In removable partial denture, health of gingivallissue is ensured by: A. Keeping minimum of 6 mm distance fo r major

connedor B. Keeping minimum of 4 mm distance for major

conne<;:tor C. Both' A' and 'B' are true D. Minor conne<:tors joining major (onnC'(tor at < 90

degrC'C's E. All of the above arC' correc t

16. Lingual Bar major (onnetlor is filbricated using __ _ plastic pattern: A. 12 gauge B. IS gauge C. 6 gauge D.8 gauge

17. Method 10 delem,ine height of floor of the mouth is: A. Use of periodontal probC' B. Use of straight probe C. US<' of individu.alized impre~sion tray D. Both 'A' and 'C'

12D 134 144 ISC leC 170

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ij 112 ] Measlor PGsin prosthodontics

30. A major connt'clor should: A. Provide vertical stabilization B. Horizontal support C. Both 'A' and ' B' D. Not be flexible

31. Lust rigid palatal major connt'ctor is: A. Single palatal bar B. Palatal strap C. U shaped palatal connector D. Anterior~posterior palatal bar

32. Rt'sts without suts can cauSt': A. Orthodontic movement of tooth B. Slippage of the denture C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. Breakage of the res t

33. Complrtt' palatr major connt'ctor is indkatrd: A. When the abutment tee th are canine in class I

situation B. When there is less resorption of the ridges C. Both 'A' and 'B' Jre right D. When resistance has to be accomplished

34. Purpose of buding maxillary cast art' following. ~xc;"pt: A. To ensure intimate contact with palatal tissues B. To provide visible finishing line for cas ting C. To incorporate the valleys of rugae in casting D. To transfl'r major connector dl'Sign to investment


35. Depth and width of beading of Maxillary cast is: A. ::> 0.5 mm B. ::>1.5 mm C. 1.5 mm D. <0.5 mm

~o l'C 32C 33 C ~C 35 0

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Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics [ 113 ~ 36. Following are functions of minor connectors, except:

A. Joining denture parts B. Join parts from one side of the prosthesis to o ther

side C. Abutment to prosthesis function D. Transfer functiona l stress to abu tment teeth

37. The only minor connector that is fl exible is: A. That which connects major connector to den ture base B. That which connects direct retainer to major

connector C. Vertical arm of an bar clasp D . That which connects embrasure hook to ma jor


38. A minor connector located al embrasurt' should bt': A. Thinnes t toward lingual surface B. Tapering away from contact area C. 80th 'A' and '8' D. Thickest toward lingual surface

39. When a minor connector contacts tooth surface on either side of t'mbruu"" it should: A. Abruptly end at the tooth B. Be sharply angled C. Not have space between it and the tooth D. All of the above are true

40. Bulki t'st portion of a proximal minor connt'ctor is towards its: A. Buccal side C. Lingual

B. Centre D. Inferior

41 . Angle Oil junction bt'lwt'(Jl ma jor connector il nd denture base minor connector should be: A. ;,. 90 degrees B. > 11 0 degrees C. 90 degrees D. <'" 90 degrees

368370 laD 3110 40C .10

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ij 114 ] Mea, lor PG"n Pro,thodontic,

42. Minor connector for mandibular distal extension will e"tend unto: A. One-third the length of edentulous ridge B. Two-thi rd the length of the edentulous ridge C. Entire length of edentulous ridge D. Half the length of the edentulous ridge

43. Att .. chment of acrylic trays to the latticl' minor Conneetor can bl' I'stablishl'd by: A. Tray adhesives B. Nail head minor connector C. 80th 'A' and 'B' D. Nail heads on the framework

44. Minor connector for mnill .. ry dist .. 1 I'xtl'nsion dl'ntu~ base will ntend unto: A. One-third the length of the edentulous ridge B. Two- third the length of the edentulous ridge C. Entire length of edentulous ridge D. Half Ihe len/ol th of the edentulous rid/ole

45. Tissul' stops .tee u51' ful in: A. Stabilizing framework during processing B. Stops the tissue impingement by tray C. 80th 'A' and 'B' D. Engaging buccal slope of the residual ridge

46. Finishing line junction with major connector should have angle: A. = 90 degrees B. <= 90 degrees C. >= 90 degrees D. > 90 degrees

47. Sm .. U window in rl'lief w .. x distal to terminal .. butment in dist .. 1 ntension denture base ~movabll' puti .. 1 denture acts as: A. Tissue SlOp B. Finishing line C. Finishing Inde" Tissue stop D. Nail head retention

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Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics [ , , 5 ~

48. Settling 01 a removable putial denture may occur due to one of the following renons, except: A. Improper rest design B. Row of amalgam underneath restorations C. Giving canine rest seat D. Intrusion of abutment

49. Deepest part of a rest seat is tow .. rds: A. Distobua.:al line angle B. Distolingual line angle C. Central fossa D. Marginal ridge

SO. Base of the rest sut should be .. t lust ____ fo, Mola rs and Premolars: A. 1.5 mm C. 2 mm

B. 1 mm 0.2.5 mm

51. Marginal ridge for a rest sut should be reduced by at least: A.lmm B. 2mm C. 1.5 nun D.3 mm

52. Floor of the rest sut should be: A. Convex B. Spoon·shaped C. 'A' or'S' D. Flat

53. An angle > 90 degrees bdween rest and its minor connector may result in: A. Slippage of prosthesis B. More support for prosthesis C. Both 'A' and'S' D. Orthodontic correction of the abutment

54. When it is not pouible to make the angle between rest and its minor connector < 90 degrees: A. Give a rest -less denture B. Use secondary rest on opposing side C. Either ' A' or'S' D. Give embrasure hook

4aC 41C 500 StC 5211 53,""11

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~ 116 1 MeQs lor PGs In Prosthodontics

55 . . Wh~n r~st snts are pr~pa~d at intHproximal aru on two .. djaCfnt tffth: A. It should extend far lingually B. They avoid wedging by the framework C. They do not shunt food D. Both 'A' and '8' are true

56. Interproxim .. 1 occlusal rt'st seats: A. Violate contact points B. Extend rar lingually C. Both 'A' and 'B' are true D. Do not avoid wedging effect by framework

57, Internal occlusal res ts ire indicat~d in: A. Tooth-tissue supported class I designs B, Tooth-tissue supported class 11 designs C. Tooth supported class III designs O. All distal extension denture baS(' designs

58, following st ructur~ of nmov;oblf p;ortial dfntUff giv" both occlusal support and horizontal slabHiution: A. Occlusal rest B. Interproxim.1t OCduSlt rest C. Internal occlusal res! D , Indirect retainer

59. Oifferencf b~tween internal occlusal rest and int~mal attachment is thai: A. Internal attachment 1150 provides support D, Internal occlusal res; also provides reten tion C. internal occluSJI rest also provides stabilization D. internal at tachment also provides ret"ntion

60. Whfn intern"] occlusal rests are used, Wf , .. n use: A, Buccal reCiprocal arm B. Proximal retentive arm C. Lingual reciprocal arm D, Lingual retentive arm

550 sia S7C sse !i~D 60 0

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~ 118 1 Meas for PGs In Prosthodontics

66. Mov~m~nt of r~movabl~ PlIrtilll d~ntur~ away from tissue is l'Hist~d by following. txupt: A. Tissues of residual ridge B. Action of re tentive clasp C. Stabilizing minor connector D. Indirect re tainer

67. Rotations occurring about an nis through most post~rior abutm~nts aK: A. Towards the ridge B. Away from the ridge C. Either 'A' or 'B' D. Rotation along a longitudinal axis

68. Mov~ment of removabl~ partial denture about longitlldinal nis: A. Occurs around residual alveolar ridge B. Is resistL'(\ by di rect retainer C. Both 'A' and 'B' are true D. Is resisted by stress breaker

69. Movement around longitudinal nis if not resis ted, may cause: A. UnQue st ress to sides of ridge B. Sinking in denture C. Horizontal shifting of denture base D. Both 'A' and 'C' are true

70. Rotation of .emovable partial denture in vertical axis O(curs due to: A. Vertical occlusal forces B. Diagonal forces C. Both 'A' and 'B' are true D. Diagonal and horizontal occlusal forces

71 . components of ~movable paTtial denture act against forces "ting from: A. Ipsilateral side B. Contralateral side C. Both 'N and 'B' D. Occlusal side

I58A 57C HA "D 700 718

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Page 121: Mcqs for Pgs in Prosthodontics Partial o.ntureProlthodontlcs [119 ~

72. Magnitude of lateral fo rtes may intreilS~ in th~

presence of following.. fiXapt: A. Ocdusion without lateral interference B. Abnormal jaw relation C. Malpositioned teeth in the arth D. Improper ocdusal plane

73. In a tooth-supported d~ntur~ the significant mov~m~nl that has to M considered is: A. Vertital B. Horizontal C. Sagittal D. Frontal

14. In a looth-support~ d~ntu"" th~ horizontilll forces ar~ re5ist~d by Ih~: A. Ocdusal rests·floor D. Internal ocdusal rest·floor C. Internal occlusal rest-walls D. Occlusal rests-walls

15. A lingual re5t: A. Is nearer to axis of rotation D. Has less tendency to tip the tooth C. Is more esthetic D. All of the above are true

16. Ungual cingulum rest sut may b~ prepared: A. On the mandibular canines B. Just incisal to cingulum C. Both 'A' and 'D' are true D. On steep lingual surface

11. Following are lrue for cingulum Test, rxupt: A. Mostly done on mandibular anterior B. It can be prepared just incisal to cingulum also C. It is mostly done on maxillary anteriors D. It is done on thicker tooth labiolingually

nA 73B 74C 750 7e B TT A

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~ 120 I MeaS for PGs in Prosthodontics

7S. Usually rtst seats art loc.ttd .t: A. The junction of enamtl and dentin B. Enamel C. Dentin D. At cemento-enamel junction

79. Roor of tht cingulum rest St.t is plactd towards: A. Ml'Sial axial wall B. Distal ;lxial wall C. Cervical end D. Incisal end

SO. Approach for. cingulum rest is: A. Perpendicular to lingual slope B. Horizontal to lingual slope e. Parallel to lingual slope D. Cep,ical to lingual slope

81. Incisal·apical A. 2 mm

dtpth of cingulum rest is minimum:


e. 1 mm

Mtsio-Dislal Jt·ngth of A. 2.5 to 3 mm C. 3.5 to 4 mm

B. 1.5 mm D. 0.5 mm

cingulum rest is B.l to2mm D. 4~5 mm


83. Labiolingual width of tht cingulum rtst is minimum: A.lmm B.3mm C.2mm D.4mm

84. Most apical portion of a cingulum rtst is: A. Mesial corner B. Distal corner C. Apex of the preparation D. Floor of the preparation

85. A lingual rest can bt A. Laminate veneer C. Mandibular canine

plactd on following. except: B. Composite restoration D. Etched metal restoration

788 nc &oC 818 82", 13C ... 0 IS C

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Removable Partial Denture ProsthodonUcs [ 121 ij 66. Ban ty~ rests are indicated in following. except:

A. Where thin enamel is present B. Where overly sufficient enamel is present C. On amalgam restoration placed on the teeth D. On compacted gold restoration

87. Incisal rests: A. Mostly used as auxiliary rests B. Mostly used as indirect retainer C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. Mostly preferred for maxillary Jnteriors

88. Disadvantages of incisal rest are following.. except: A. Less esthetic B. Unfavorable leverage on teeth C. Causes intrusion of anterior teeth D. Causes ortho movement of the teeth

89. Dimensions of an incisal res t seat is: A. 1.5 mm wide, 2.5 mm deep B. 3 mm wide, 2 mm deep C. 2.5 mm wide, 1.5 mm deep D. 2 mm wide, 3 mm deep

90. Full incisal rests are indicated in following. except: A. To provide anterior gUidance B. In abraded anatomy of tooth C. To provide retention D. To provide stabilization

91. Parts that offer support for removable partial denture are following: A. Rest and reciprocal Jrrn B. Rest and retentive Jrm C. Rest and denture base D. Rest and minor connector

MA UC MC S9C ~c 91C

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ij 122 J Mea. for PG. in Pro.thodontics

92. Retention for removable partial denh1re is obtained by: A. Retaining elements and denture bases B. Denture bases and minor connectors C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. Rests and rest seats

93. Direct Retainers offer. A. Primary retention B. Mechanical retention C. Both 'A' and 'B' are true D. Secondary retention

94. Denture bases of removible putiil denture offer. A. Primary retention B. Mechanical retention C. Both 'A' and 'B' are true D. Secondary retention

95. Mech .. niCil retention in removible parti .. ) denture m .. y be .. chieved through: A. Frictional means B. By t>ngJging a depression on tooth C. Engaging an undercut cervically D. Anyone of the above

96. Inlricoron .. 1 reliiner mech .. nism is: A. Engaging the undercut intracoronally B. Frictional resistance C. Dimpling D. Any of the above

97. Exlricorona) retainers may be: A. Placed on the extemal surface of crown B. Attached to the extem .. l surface of the crown C. Either 'A ' or '8' D. Precision attachments

HA 93C ~D MD ~B 97C

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Removable Partlll Denture Prosthodontics [ 123 ~ 98. Extr;IComnal retainers may be of following types,




A. Dalbo attachment B. Clasp type retainers C. Attachment with f1~xible dips or rings D. Chayes attachment

Internal albchm~nt A. Dalbo C. Ney

is first formulated B. Chayes D. Kennedy

Precision a ttachments ." otherwise following. txcrpt: A. Internal attachment B. Internal rest seats C. Intracoronal retainers D. In tlacolonal attachments


known ..

101. lntracomnal attachment: A. Eliminates visible utentive component 8 . Gives betler vertical support through a rest seat C. Offers less vertical support D. Has both 'A' and '3'

102. Limitations to un of Internal attachment are following. txcrpt: A. Size of the pulp B. Availability C. Clinical crown-short D. Cost of the prosthesis

103. A stress-breaker i ii a must in dis tal extension denture base when using intemal a ttachment, for following reason: A. To prevent transmission of horizontal forces to

abutment 8. To prevent vertical forces to abutment C. To prevent rotational forces to abutment D. Any one of 'A' or'C'

M D " II 100 II 101 D 10: II 103 D

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~ 124 1 MeQs lor PGs In PrOSlhodonlics

104. Thoe .. pic;tl ~ngloe formoed boetwoeoen survoeyor bl .. d l.' .. nd Ih oe tooth surf .. coe is known .. 5: A. Angle of ocdusal convergence B. Angl{' of occlusal divergence C. Angle of cervical convergenc{' O. Angle of cervical divergence

l OS. If grutl." .. ngll.' of cl.'rv ical convl.'rgence is present, clasp terminus should be pl .. ced height of contour: A. Away B. Far away C. Nearer D . A t

106. The amount of retention, ~ clasp may be generating depends on following. except: A. Size of angle of cervical convergt'nct' B. How far into angle of cervical convergence clasp

Ic rm..i'HlS is p laced C. Flexibility of dasp aIm D. Tilt of the cast

107. Term Height of Contour is coined by: A. Cummer B. Dc Van C. Kennedy D. Craddock

108. Term Suprabulge A. Cummer C. Kennedy

109. Guiding pl~nn:

is coined by: B. Dc Van D. Craddock

A. Help maintain pOSition path of placem'mt B. Are prepared tooth ,ut faces C. More the number, the better D. All of the above are true

16<1 C 105 C 106 0 107 C 108 B 109 0

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Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics r 125 ~ 110. Unifonnity of "'tention between 2 clasps depends on

Location ot retentive tip: A. In relation to height ot contour B. In rela tion to angle of cervical convlO'rgenre C. Both ' A' and ' B' are true D. In relation to gUiding plane

111. Even though the length of the retentive .re of a bar clasp is longer than that of the circumferential clasp ann, retention obtained is less because: A. Flexibili ty is not proportionate to its length B. It lies in several p lanes C. It s tarts from gingival side D. It lies in several planes thereby preventing its flexibility

112. Nonnally, diameter ot a clasp ann is detennined at: A. Its point of origin B. Midway between origin and terminal end c. Its terminal retentive lip D. A point of flexure

113. Edgewise flexing means: A. Half round flexion B, That offered by cast clasps C. Universal flexion of round clasp D. Both 'A' and 'C' are corre<:t

114. Retentive clasp /Inns in a tooth supported ",movable partial denture flex during: A. Placement and remov,,1 B. Functional movement C, Both 'A' and ' B' D, All rotations of removable part ia l denture

115. Advantage of wrought wire clasp are following. ,xupt: A. Higher toughness B. Greater tensi le s trength C. Greater bul k D. Greater flexibili ty

110 B 111 D 112 B 113 C 114 A 115 C

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Removable PartJal Denture Pfolthodonta r 127 ~ 122. In a Ring Clup, th~ rdentiv~ ann ext~nd, from:

A. Principal ocdusal rest to the tip B. Strut to the tip of the clasp C. Secondary occlusal rest to the tip D. Entire length of the clasp arm

123. Supporting ,trut for Ring Clup should be pla(ed on the: A. Retentive side of the clasp B. Near the retentive te rminal C. Both ' A' and '8' are true D. On the non·retentive side of the abutment

124. Redproution in a Ring Clnp originates from: A. Portion between secondary rest to tip of clasp 8. Portion between principal occlusal rest and

se<:oridary rest C. Portion between principal occlusal rest and

supporting' s trut D. Portion between set:ondary occlusal rest and strut

125. In dist.ti ~)(tension denture bUe, when there is no modifiution area exists on opposite side of the arch, a dasp Is suilabll .. at that side: A. Ring clasp B. Reverse ring clasp C. Back action clasp D. Embrasure clasp

126. Undercut at the point approa(hed by:

of origin of a clasp un be

A. Embrasure clasp C. Hair pin clasp

8 . Back adion clasp D. Half and Half clasp

127. Following ue part of squeala of not providing double occluul rest for embrasure clasp, exupt: A. Separation of abutment B. InterprO)(imal wedging C. Food impaction D. Insufficient support for prosthesis

122 8 123 0 12-4 C 125 0 128 C 127 0

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Removable PilttYlOenturti Pro,ttMKlonUes r 131 ~ 143. While using T bac clasp, the mesial ulension serves

to: A. Give retention B. Encompass more th~n 1800 contact C. Both' A' and'S' D. Offer all the stability

144. Bar type configuration of clas~ can al!lO be used for: A. Stabilization S. Reciprocation C. Both 'A' and'S' D . Retention

145. When a survey line is high: A. A bar clasp can be given B. A circumferential clasp can be given C. Circumferential clasp cannot be designed D. Bar clasp cannot be given

146. Infrabulge clasp is a type of: A. Akers clasp B. Circumferentially approaching clasp C. Sar clasp D . Ring clasp

147. lnfrabulge clasp A. Kennedy

is advocated by:

C. Applegate B. De Van D. Wills

148. In an infrabulge clasp, the clasp ,urn arises either hom: A. Denture framework S. A metal base or framework C. Border of metal base or cast against metal shim D. Lingual flange of acrylic or border of melal base

149. Following are features of infnbulge clasp, txupt: A. Split clasp arm B. Plated lingual aspect C. Ckdusally approaching retentive arm D. Absence of proximal plate

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Removable Partial Denture ProsthodonUcl [133 ~ 156. Composite supporl for remov,Ible partial denture can

be found in following.. except: A. Class IV conditions B. Extensive Class (If

C. Class I conditions D. Class II conditions

157. Tissueward movem~nt Df the removable partial denture depends on following. except: A. Oa.:lusal lOild B. Quality of tissues C. Extent of denture base D. Material used for den ture base

158. Fukrum line is an imaginary line through which: A. Removable partial denture can rotate anteropos·

teriorly B. Removable partial denture can rotale away from

ridge C. Removable partial den ture can get displaced D. May ~e anyone of the above

159. Most common fulcrum line on dass I removable partial denlure is: A. One passing through ri gid component of direct

retainer occlusal to he ight of contour B. One passing through flexible component of direct

retainer C. One passing through minor connectors of direct

retainer below heigl'll of contour D . One through crest of the edentulous ridge

160. FOKes that try to lift the dfnture away from bual Stat an! counter~cted by: A. Activation of dired retainer B. Part of removable partial denture framework located

on basal scat area on opposite side of fulcrum side C. Both 'A' and 'S' D. The activation of both occlusal cest that acts as a

indirl'Ct reta iner and a ~so the direo::t cetainer

'Sf!.a 111 D 1Sf! 0 ISi.a 1110 0

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Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics r 137 ij 176. AUa,hment between aCl)' lk resin and metal base may

be achieved by followin&: A. Nail heads B. Retention loops C. Diagonal spurs D. All of the above

177. Tube teeth are made up of: A. Resins B. Cast mctal C. Can be both 'A' and 'B' D. P.o rcelain fused to mela l

178. DisadvanlagH of tube teeth attached direc tly to met.l bilses include following. except: A. Unsatisfactory ocdusi(Jn B. Required grinding of teeth C. Lack of adequate functional contours D. Unaesthetic display of metal at margin

179. Metal teeth in removable putial denture is indin ted when: A. Prevention of extruSion of opposing tooth is needed B. Whcn space is too limited C. Both 'A' and'S' D. Abutmcnt tccth arc tilted

180. Chemical bonding of resin to metal involvH following. exupt: A. Silica coating B. Resin bonding agent application C. Loops and Mesh D. Thin layer of "crylic .~sin over the melal

181 . Tribochemical co~ting refel'5 to a procedure of: A. Fusing acrylic to metal B. Fusing metal to metal C. Fusing ceramic to metal D. Applying a thin film of acrylic layer on mctal fo r

chemical bonding

176 0 171 A 17' II 17' C 180 C 1'1 C

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~ 138 J Meal for PGlin Proithodontici

182. Tribocheminl pllJoCedun involv" following. except: A. Sandblasting B. Silane C. Denture base resin with 4-META D. Pressing on tube teeth chemically

183. Manife51atioM of loss of support for dist.ll exteMion denture base nn be following. except: A. Loss of occlusion B. Lifting of the denture C. Lifting of Indirect reta iner from seats D. Rota tion of prosthesis around fulcrum line

184. Besl method to check occlusion inlraon.lIy 10 U5ess relining of remov,llble p;lrtial denture is: A. Articulating ri bbon B. Green casting wax C. Mylar strips D. Acrylic-self cure

185. Methods 10 check loss of support for di5t.11 ulension denture base include following. except: A. Using free flowing irreversible hydrocolloid under

denture base B. Applyine alternate pressure over the artificial teeth C. Allowing tissue rest by removing the removable

partial denture D. Evidence fo r heavy occlusal contacts of natural

dentition .

186. Following are lrue for dist.ll extension denlun base removable partial denture, except: A. Metal denture bases can be used B. If relining is required, metal denture base Ciln be

replaced C. Metal denture bases can be used when the tissues

are displaceable D. More resorption occurs at the distal mos t end of

edentulous area

112 0 1&3 B 114 B 1&5 C III C

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Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics r 139 ~ 181. Rigidity of the connectors in removable partial denture

accomplishu following effects, txcrpt: A. Effect of stabilizing components B. Retention of the removable partial denture C. Broad distribution of stress D. Structural durability

188. Following are forms of s tress-breakers, txcrpt: A. Wrought-wire clasp arm B. Cast clasp retentive arm C. Articulated prosthes:s D. Split major connector

189. Stress-brnkfT ability of wrought wire clasp is due to following. f'XUpt: A. Its half round form B. Its flexibility C. Its taper D. Its round form

190. In a distal extension denture bue, stress on abutment is minlmiud by following: A. Less coverage denture base B. Harmonious ocdusion C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. Anatomic basing

191. Methods to minimizt' stress on abutment tooth in dis tal extension dt'ntull' bast' are following. uupl: A. Functional basing B. Less coverage denture base C. Correct choice of direct retainer D. Use of stress-breakers

192. Action of stress·bruktr separates: A. Major connector from denture base B. Minor connector used for denture base and the

denture base C. Retaining elements (direct retainer) and distal

extension base D. Indirect retainer from direct retainer

117 e '" e 110 '" 100 e '" e "2 C

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~ 140 J Meal for PGlin Prosthodontici

193. Stress-breakers are of following types, except: A. Those with hinge action B. Those with flexible connection C. Those w ith frictional movement D . Those allowing vt rtical movements

194. Following designs of stress-breakers have movable joint, except: A. Sleeves and cylinders B. Hinges C. Ball and socket devices D . Double bar major connedor

195. Movable joint s tress-breaker pennits: A . Vertica l mo vement of the denture base B. Horizontal movement of den ture base C. Both 'A' and 'B' D . Hinge ac tion as well as vertical movement

196. B .. , .. d u ign of s tress·breaker usn: A. Hinge movement O. Lateral movement C. Both ' A' and '0' D . Vertical and hinge movement

197. Dnigns of strus-breahrs whkh penni! limited vertical and hinge movements are following, except: A. Dalbo attachment O. Oaca design C. Spl it majo r connector D. ASC-52 attachment

198. Stress-breaker des igns with n exib te connection are following. ""upt: A. Wrought wire conn&tor B. Divided major connector C. Ticonium-Hidden·Lock D . Split bars

193 C 194 D 195 D 11'" 0 1117 C l iS C

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Removable Partial Denlure Proathodontlet: r 149 ~ 245. Guiding plilnn mily be contacted by following puts

of pilrtial denture, ",xu"t: A. Body of extracoronal direct retainer B. Stabilizing arm of direct retainer C. Minor connector of indirect retainer D. Minor connector of denture base

246. Guiding planl!:s which are not in thl!: saml!: paraHl!:l plane horizontOlIly: A. De<:rease the stabili2ation 8. Enhance cross-arch resistance to horizontal rotation C. De<:rease cross-arch resistance to horizOntal rotation D. Increase the food tnp

241. Following ut' tht' inlendl!:d functions of guiding plann, exupt: A,. Provide one path of placement B. To support the retainer arm and reciprocal arm C. Ensure intended aclion of retainer D. Eliminate food trap

248. Thl!: minor (onnl!:ctor that contacts thl!: guiding plant': A. Has the same contour as gUiding plane B. Is thicker lingually than buccaUy C. Has both' A' and '8' qualities D. No change in thickness buccolingually

249. The reduced thicknl!:S5 of minor connl!:ctor contact guiding planl!: buC(ally: A. Helps in more resistance to forces B. Pl'('ven ts food trap more efficiently C. Helps to abut the artificial tooth more dosely to

natural tooth D. Helps in stability

245 0 248 B 247 B 248 C 24g C

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Remevebole Partial Denture Prosltiodontlcs [ 153 ~

267. following is the primary purpose of us ing Surveyor: A. To determine internal rests B. To locate undercuts C. To plan modifications of tooth surfaces D. To design intracoronal retainers

268. Main difleffnce bttwefn Ney and Jelenko Surveyor is in: A. The platform in which base is moved B. Swiveling of the horizontal arm C. In the undercut gauges D . Tilt that can be given to the cast

269. Best Surveyor for placement of internal attachment is: A. Wills B. Ney C. Williams D . Jelenko

270. Williams Surveyor: A. Best suited for analyzing cast B. Has jointed and spring-supported survey rod C. Both 'A' and'S' a rc true D . Has immovable horizontal arm

271 . Gimbal Stage table is advantageous in that: A. It cannot be tilted in any direction B. Center of rotation 01 any tilt remains constant C. Degree of inclination can be recorded D . Both'S' and 'C' are true

272. Main advantage of jointed ho rizontal ann is: A. It permits the horizontal a rm to be moved B. It permits the vertical arm to be moved to scribe the

survey lines without moving the cast C. It filles the relation of the cast to the Surveyor D . Can be used to placement of intracoronal


2111 C 2aI B 26 C 210 B 211 0 112 B

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Removable Parti,l Denture Prosthodontics [ 155 ~

2.79. FunctiollS of guiding planes are! A. EllSuring defin ite path of placement B. Ensure predictable clasp retention C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. They make all the teeth parallel to each other

2.80. Clasp retenlion is! A. Perpendicular to p~ th of placement B. Resistance of metal to deformation C. Both 'A' and '8' D . Tighl holding of tooth by the clasps

2.81. Wh,m anl..,ior teeth are to be replaced, the bes t path of placemenl Ihat can be selected is! A. Righ t la teral B. Vertical C. Horizontal D. Anlero-posterior

282. TI,,,, main aim of .. ntuo- p<>s t",rior tilt of th", c .... t during surveying is to establish: A. Good esthetics 8 . To provide parallel proximal surfaces C. To avoid interferences D. To dete rmine retention

283. later;!.1 tilt of the cas t has to be considered for: A. Creating guiding planes on the axial surfaces 8. To determine s tabilizing component of the direct

relainer C. To local" resl s"ab D. Both 'A' and '8'

2S4. Non-retentive clasp arm is bes t placed at the: A. Gingival third of the tooth B. Between occlusal and middle third C. Between middle and gingival third O. On the occlusal third

2N C 210 C 281 II 282 II 213 D 2&4 C

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~ 1621 Meas for PGsin Prosthodontics

319. Chromium·cobalt has: A. High modulus of elGsticity B. High density C. Low flexibility D. 'A' and 'C'

320. Modulus of ~I~sticity of gold ~lIoy is: A. Higher than chrome.cobal t alloy B. Lower than chrome.cobalt alloy C. Ha lf of tha t o f chrome.cobalt alJoy D. One·third that of chrome·cobalt alloy

321. Chrom~·cobalt has: A. High modulus of elasticity B. Low yield s trength C. High yie ld strength D . 'A' and '8 '

322. O~gru of d~fonnation exp~ded for chrome-cobalt should b~ th~t of gold ~lloy:

A. More than B. Half of C. Less than D. Same as

323. Chrome·cob;l lt ;llloy has proportional limit ___ _ gold alloy: A. Same as B. Lower than C. Higher than O. >= same as

324. High modulus of ~l;ostidty of chrome-cobalt is advantag~ous for: A. Grea ter rigidity of major connectors B. Lesser rigidi ty o f minor connectors C. Can be used when undercut is minimum D. 'A' and 'C'

3 1' 0 320 C 321 0 322 C 323 B 324 0

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~ 164 ] Mea. for PG.ln Prosthodontics

331. Wrought ilnd gold wire un be of following type': A. High precious metal alloy D. Low precious meta l alloy C. Ei ther ' A' or 'D' D . Medium precious ,1110),

332. Wrought wire hH to be embedded in framework 10 lie in two planes: A. For mechanical retention B. Since oxidation occurs it prevents wetling of the

wi re C. For chemical retention D . 'A' and '8' are true

333. Wrought wire retentive clasp arm when s tiected, it un be: A. Mechanically retained in denture base D. Cast 10 d,mlure base C. Soldered to den ture base D. Ei ther cast or soldered or embedding in denture


334. Soldering method prt:ferred for aUaching wrought wire to framework is: A. Torch soldering B. Oven soldering C. Electric soldering D. Gas-oxygen soldering

335. Electric soldering is best for iltlilching wrought-wire to metal framtwork for: A. High recrystalliza tion of molc<:ules B. Rapid localization of heat a t site C. To allow grain growth quickly D. To allow surface oxidation for better bonding

336. Fluoride typt flux can be used: A. When chrome-cobalt alloys are soldered B. When gold allo)'s are soldered C. When gold alloy is soldered to chrome-alloy D. For both 'A' and 'C'

U tc 3320 3330 3:W C 3S5 B 338 0

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~ 1661 Mea, lor PGs in Prosthodontics

343. Commonly used probes for examination of perio­dontium for removable partial denture: A. Is Nabers probe B. Michigan-O probe C. Explorer D. Ei ther' A' or'S'

344. Nabers probe is used to: A. Check for pocket depth B. Check for bleeding on probing C. Check the furcation involvement D. Feel crest of the bone

345. Fi rs t objective in selective grinding is: A. Coordination of occlusion in protrusive B. Coordination of occlusion in righ t lateral C. Coordination of occlusion. in left lateral D. Coordina tion of occlusion in centric relation

346. Cusp point is reduced only when: A. It is in premature contact B. It is in premature contact in centric C. It is in premature contact in eccentric D. It is in p rema ture contact both in centric and

ecrentric relation

347. lingual inclines of muillary anterior are conecled when: A. Anterior teeth are in premature contact only in

centric relation B. Anterior teeth are in prema ture contact only in

('(centriC relation C. Anterior tee th are in premature contact both in

centric and eccent ric relation D. All of the above

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Removable Partial Denture Pro.thodontlc. r 1 71 ~

310. True reciprocation; A. Is when continuous (orces are applied to the tooth B. Is when an orthodontic forces is applied to the tooth C. Is obtained when redprocal arm contacts tooth prior

to the retentive arm D. 'A' and 'C' are true

311. Crown ledge is usually prepared on the: A. Mesial surface B. Distal surface C. Buccal surfact' D. Lingual surface

312. Crown ledge or shoulder is contacled by; A. Retentive arm N. Prollima! plate minor connector C. Redprocal arm D. Embrasure hook

313. Crown ledge is: A. Prepared at the junction of gingival and middle third B. Curved according to gingival tissues C. Both ' A' and 'B' D. Slightly diverging occlusally

314. Crown ledge is: A. Usually placed on the lingual aspect B. Converging occlusally C. Continuous with prOllimal gUiding plane D. 'A' and 'C' are true

375. Best to mill internal rcst seats or lingual groovt'$ and ledges on crowns is: A. A hand piece altached to Surveyor is used 8. A drill is used for precise milling C. A parallellometer can be devised D. Faro hand piece can be used on Surveyor

370 C 371 D 372 C 373 C 374 D 375 B

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ij 176 1 Measlor PGsin Prosthodontles

399. Prt<:autions to be taken during making of intert>cdusal record aR following. except; A. Occlusion should be satisfactory B. Casts are accurate C. Records should be trimmed D. It should record the undercuts also on the tooth

400. Shellac bues can be s tabilized by following method,: A. By burnishing tin foil onto lubricated casts B. Using impression paste C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. Lined by hea t cure resin

401. Jaw relation records may be: A. Functional B. Static C. Of occlusal pathways D. Of all types

402. In ntablishing occlusion for nalural dentition, the diffeffnt schools of thought that exist aff: A. Incisal guidance prior to occlusal rehabilitation B. Canine guidance prior to occlusal rehabilitation C. Mutual protection D . All of the above

403. Advantages of canine guidance for mandibular move"­ments is following, except: A. Transmission of proprioception B. It is the corner tooth in the arch C. It has long roots D . Canine is a st rong tooth

404. A dynamic registration of occlusion helps in developing hannony with following structures: A. Facial skeleton B. Muscles C. Join ts D. All of the above

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ij 180 1 Mea. for PGsin Prosthodontics

424. During duplin.ting. remonl of the muter cut from the mold "'n be accompli, hed by: A. Flexing the mold B. Applying a rubber suction tip C. Both 'A' or ' B' D. Breaking the mold

425. During duplication, th~ filled mold i, immersed In

water: A. Fully B. Partially C. To supply needed water of crys tallization D. 'A' and 'C' are correct

426. Immersion of filled mold of a duplicating material should be done for: A. > '" 30 minutes C. > 45 minutes

8. <: 45 minutes D . " 60 minutes

427. While separating freshly duplicated cut: A. It should be retrieved from mold carefuUy B. The mold should be broken away from the cast C. Care should be taken not to abrade the mold D . Mold should be preserved to pour second time

428. An inves tment cast: A. Should be trimmed on a model trimmer B. Should be washed under running tap water C. Should be washed In slurry water D. Should be trimmed with a sharp knife and residue

blown off

429. Adnntages of sprayins cut are following. except: . A. Provides dense surface

B. Prevents marring of cast during handling C. Gives a slimy, shiny surface D. Facilitates adherence of pattern on the cast

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Removebte Pertlal Denture Prosthodontles [ 181 ~ 430. Whitt fabri cating wrollght-win> clasp, tht foot is

plactd: A. Buccally B. Far-lingually C. On the crest D. Just lingual to crest

431. Lingual bar wax patttm: A. 6 gauge half pear Wal< form B. 24 gauge sheet wax c. Should be st retched to alter its thickness D. 'A' and 'B' are true

432. Guiding Plant art madt up of A. 6 gauge wal< pattern B. 6 gauge half round wax pattern C. 8 gauge half round patlem D. 24 gauge pattern

433. Use of 24 gaugt pink shetl wax on tht dentUn> but acta: A. Facilitates trimming it accurately to the design B. Helps to alleviate SQre spots, if any, later C. Both 'A' and 'B' O. Helps in nexibility of the denture base

434. Rungs of tht laddtr-likt construction for mi;;or connt(tor an> plactd ap/lrt: A. 3mm B.2mm C. 5mm O. 4mm

435. Bar typt rtt/linu is fanned from _____ wax: A. 8 gauge wax B. 10 gauge half round wax C. 12 gauge half round wax D. 20 gauge half round wax

430D 4310 432 C 433 C U4C USC

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~ 188 1 MCQI for PGlin Prolthodontlcs

471. When gold ocelu"ls are used for artificial teeth in rtmovable partial dentllres: A. Resin teeth should be reduced by 2 mOl B. About 3 mOl of rtsin are trimmed C. An undercu t should be prepared along central fossa

of resin teeth D. 'A ' and 'C' are true

472. The gold ocelu"ls which are casl, lire attached to the denlure by: A. Sprinkling tooth shade acrylic B. Cementing using zinc phosphate C. Mechanical retention D. Press-on method

473. Process of attaching auylic resin teeth dirtctly to rttentive elements on metal frame with matching resin is known as: A. Cementation of teeth B. Sprinkle-on method C. Pressed-on method D. Tube tee th attachment

474. The rules for varying height of gingival tissue at cervical portion of artificial teeth are listed by: A. Hippocrates B. Tylman C. Frush D. Fischer

475. Rules for formation of interdental papilla for artificia l dentition were advocated by: A. Frush B. Fisher C. Fish D. Lcon Williams

476. Interdental papilla in dentures should be: A. Flat in all directions B. Concave in all di rections C. Convex in all directions D. None of the above are correct

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Removable PartlalOenture ProsthodonUes [ 201 ij 541. Proximal Occlunl Res ts:

A. Are locatl'd in a meSial fossa adjacent to another tooth

B. Arl' located on mesial or d is tal fossa adjacent to another tooth

c. Are located on mesial or distal fossa adjacent to edentulous space

D. Are located on mesial fossa adjacent to edentulous space

548. The ",515 thai are localtd in a mesial or distal (OMa adjacenl to anothtr tooth is calltd as: A. Proximal OCCIUS.ll rest B. Embrasure occlusal res t C. Embrasure incisal rest D. Proximal incisa l hook rest

549. When an occlusal res l approaches ocdunl surfac .. from midlingual Or midbcial suriacl', it can bl' tl'nlIed: A. Occlusal rest B. Mid-cervical rest C. Basic facial o r lingual occlusal rest D. Incisal occlusal rest

550. Following are tru .. fo r linguallrdge Rest Seal!., txcept: A. They havl' to bl' prepared on when cingulum is

prominent B. Not a vl'ry (,(ficil'n t p rl'paration C. Base of the seat is very na rrow D. It can be preparl'd on tl'eth wi thout prominent


so C S4I B S(9 C 550 A

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Removeble Pertlet DentUn! Prosthodontics [ 205 ~

567. Following are true for Interstitial Grinding.. except: A. Should be done for patients below 30 years B. Done to correct minor displacement of tooth C. Can be done betw~n all teeth D. It transforms contact point to an area

568. Th .. prematuN: contacts b .. lw .. en O(dusat surfae .. , and nalura] t .. eth are dassifi .. d by: A. McCollum B. Cross C. Gysi D. D'Amico

569. Incisal edge pr .. parition propM .. d by: A. Kratochvil C. Kelly

for Rut Seats hav .. been

B. Krol D. Kennedy

570. A right-angl .. Carbon Mark .. r for Surv .. yor is us .. d: A. When the teeth have large space between them B. When there are too many abutments to be surveyed C. When two teeth tha t have only · a small space

between them have to be surveyed D. When the abutment ta be surveyed is severely tilted

571. Following d .. sign of d .. ntur .. base for partial d .. ntur .. Is undesirabl .. : A. Enlarged space between it and abutment B. Without any space between it and abutment C. Small space between saddle and abutment D. None of the above

572. Combination Onlay: A. Ha s metal casting over which acrylic reSin is

attached B. Has acrylic lhlse 0'11'/ which metal is bonded using

Silane agent C. Has metal only combined with metal retentive arm D. Both 'A' and 'C' are true

w. 5&$11 ~$C UOC U tC 512 .

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Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics [ 211 ij 601. Following are true for Infrabulge Reta in ~r, except:

A. Maximum tooth contact B. Minimal interferenCE' with natural tooth C. Better esthetics D. Maximum natural cleansing action

602. Following an true for Thielemann's Diagonal Law, except: A. It refers to elongation of single tooth into opposing

'p<>re B. Elonga tion of entire side of one arch C. Reduction of the elongated teeth/tooth is required D. Cause is pos terior deflective contact

603. Most Advantageous PO$ition (MAP) rtiers to: A. Face bow transfe r B. It is the bes t position of the cast on the surveyor C. Position of the occlusal rest D. Position of the guiding plane

604. Following facto rs detu mine MAP: A. Guiding surfaces of teeth and retentive areas B. Placement of indirect retainer C. Placement of major conne<:lor D . Both 'A' and '8'

605. In a distal n tension dentu re ban the re tentive portion of the r~ ta in er:

A. Should engage an undercut forward of the axis of rotation

B. Should not (,ngage an undercut forward of the axis of rotation

C. Moves upwards during function D. Engages the tooth when load is applied.

1501 A 602 A IS03 II e.o. A 150~ A

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Section Three

Complete Denture Prosthodontics

1. In C'volution, Bipedal pos ture of humans: A. Has eHed on feeding me.:hanism B. Was Studied by Bennett C. Both 'A' and'S' are true for this D. Was s tudied by McNamara

2. The lIl.:anifes t.1l tions of upright position of humans ,ue following. uc,p l : A.SJ-h B. Influence on skull C. Feeding mechanism D. Maximum opening of rt\iIndible is possible only with


3. Epithelium tha t lin~ oral cavity is: A. Keratinized B. Non-keratinized C. Para-kera tinized D. Stratified squamous type

4. Mucosa on hard palate> is: A. Non-keratinized B. Pa ra-keratinized C. Keratinized D. 5pe<:ialized

, . , . "

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~ 214 J Meas 'or PGs In Prosthodontics

5. In natural teeth, the A. Cementum

occlusal load is absorbed by: B. By enamel

C. Dentin D . Periodontal ligament

6. Aftf'r resorption, maxilla becomes nllrow, due to following reasons: A. Changes in incisive papilla B. Oblique placement of teeth in alveolar process and

laterally inclined alveolar process itself C. Both 'N and 'B' D. Pressure from facial surfaces

7. Arthroidal movement in Temporomandibulll joint occurs between: A. Condyle and d isc B. Disc and temporal bone C. Both 'A' and ' B' D. Condyle and lateral pterygoid muscle

8. The parts of glenoid fossa that participate9 in activity is: A. Posterior slopt' of the articular eminence B. Pos terior wall of glenoid fossa C. Central area D. 'A' and 'S'

9. Squamous portion of Temporal bone cons is ts of following, exCtpt: A. Articular errunel'lCe B. Tympanic p<}rtion C. Mandibular fossa D. Post-glenoid tuberde

10. Retrusion of Condyle is mainly influenced by: A. Supt'rior belly of medial pterygoid B. Superior belly of lateral pterygoid C. lnf{>rior belly of lateral pterygoid D. Medial belly of medial pterygoid .. .. 118 lac

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~ 215 ] MCQI for PGlin Proithodontici

17. The uticulu surfaces of Temporomandibulu joint: A. Contain nerves 8. Hyaline cartilage C. ConLlin nonvascular, nerve-free tissue D . Hdp in drainage of blood easily

18. Portion of articulu disc that is aYl.sculu is: A. Ant('rior part B. Central part C. Post('rior part D. Peripheral part

19. In the Temporomandibulu joint, the fibrous con· nKtin tiu ue is thicbd at: A. Crest of articular eminence B. Posterior slope of the articular eminence C. Anterior slope of ntirular eminence D. 'A' and ' 8'

20. In natural dentition, bears predominantly:

the Temporomandibulu joint

A. Tensile forces C. Shearing forces

B. Compressive forces D. Both 'A' and '8'

21. In completely edentulous sta te, the temporomandi­bular joint takes up: A. Shea r forces B. Tensile (orces C. Compressive forces ·0 . Both ' A ' and 'C'

U . In Temporomandibular joint, physio logic adaptations to fun ction consists of following. uupt : A. Joint remodeling 8. Increased vascularity of art icular disc C. Appearance of cartibge cells D. Clycosaminoglycans

11 C " II " D 20 C 21 D Z2 II

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~ 215 ] MCQI for PGlin Proithodontici

17. The uticulu surfaces of Temporomandibulu joint: A. Contain nerves 8. Hyaline cartilage C. ConLlin nonvascular, nerve-free tissue D . Hdp in drainage of blood easily

18. Portion of articulu disc that is aYl.sculu is: A. Ant('rior part B. Central part C. Post('rior part D. Peripheral part

19. In the Temporomandibulu joint, the fibrous con· nKtin tiu ue is thicbd at: A. Crest of articular eminence B. Posterior slope of the articular eminence C. Anterior slope of ntirular eminence D. 'A' and ' 8'

20. In natural dentition, bears predominantly:

the Temporomandibulu joint

A. Tensile forces C. Shearing forces

B. Compressive forces D. Both 'A' and '8'

21. In completely edentulous sta te, the temporomandi­bular joint takes up: A. Shea r forces B. Tensile (orces C. Compressive forces ·0 . Both ' A ' and 'C'

U . In Temporomandibular joint, physio logic adaptations to fun ction consists of following. uupt : A. Joint remodeling 8. Increased vascularity of art icular disc C. Appearance of cartibge cells D. Clycosaminoglycans

11 C " II " D 20 C 21 D Z2 II

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Complete Dentur. Prosthodontics r 21 7 ij 23. The estimated r.l tio of neuron to mu tic.l tory muscle

fi bers is: A. 1 : 3 Cl:700

B. 1 : 1000 0 .1 : 10,000

24. Elev.ltion of m.lndible is produced by: A. Sup(' rior belly of lateral pterygOid B. Superior belly of lateral pterygoid and digastric C. Inferior belly of lateral p terygoid and digastric D. Non(' of the above

25. Posterior fibers of Temporalis help in: A. Protrusion B. RetfUsion C. Centric occlusion D. Lat('ral movement

26. In somatic awallow, following muscles are active: A. Facial B. Circumoral C Elevator muscles D. Tongue muscle

27. Silent period of the muscle: A. When the muscle is not contracting B. Can be elicited during contraction of muscle C [s shortened in pain dysfunctions D . All of the above are true

28. Facial nerve supplies following, t xupt: A. Buccinator B. StapediUS C Stylohyoid D . Anterior digastric

29. Hypoglossal nerve suppl ies a ll extrinsic muscles of tongue, exupt: A. Palatoglossus C. Genioglossus

B. Hyoglossus D. Styloglossus

2:3C 24 D %511 Z8 C 21 11 280 2IIA

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~ 224 1 Meas for PGsin Prosthodontics

67. Following Uf' lruf' for Tori, except; A. They are growing slowly B. They are not growing C. They are benign D. They are abnormal oral structures

68. Tori consist of: A. Laminated cortical rone B. Thick layer of mucus C. Thick layer of sub-mucus D. All of the above

69. Tori are: A. Delayed over growth; of medial margins of palatine

processes B. Delayed overgrowths of the medial margins of

horizontal processes of maxilla C. Overgrowth from premaxilla D. Present during development of maxilla itself

70. A Tori affects following, except: A. S~h B. Mastication C. Posterior palatal seal in denture D. Stability of the dent·;re

71. Following are techniques used for vestibulopluty, I'XC~pt:

A. Mucosal advancement B. Usage of hydroxyapatite C. Secondary epithelialization D. Usage of epithelial gufls

72. The minimum amount of vertical bone height requirf'd to conduct veslibuJopbsty is: A.S em B.2 cm C. 1.5 cm D. 0.5 em

678 68A 69A 708 718 nc

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~ 232 1 Measlor PGsin Prosthodontics

112. Deepest portion of posterior palatal seal area is scraped approximately: A. 3-3.5 mm B. 1-1.5 mm C. 2-2.5 nun D.4-4.5 mm

113. Adv,ml/lge of placing posterior palatal seal in trial base are following.. except: A. I I is a physiologic technique B. More accurate maxillo-mandibula r record C. Early determination of re tention D. Indica tion of poslerior ext('llt of the denture, 10 the


114. Dindvantage of placing postt'rior palatal seal in lrial bue are following.. except: A. Potential for over compression of tissues B. Trial denture base will be too relentive C. It is nol J physiologic technique D. Depends on careful ;craping of Ihe cast

11 5. In Fluid W..,. technique, the posterior palatal 5eal ,un is recordt'd in tht': A. Trial denture base B. Final wash impression C. Primary impression D. Special tray

116. Preferred imprusion malnial for Fluid Wax technique of placing posterior palatal seal area is: A. Elastic impression material B. Zinc oxide eugenol C. Either 'A' or 'B' D. Reversible hydrocolloid

117. Disadvantage of using elastic impN:ssion malerial for placing of poslerior palatal seat aN:a in Fluid Wax technique is: A. They arc not resilient B, Wax will not adhere to the material C. Both 'A' and 'B' D. More expensive mJterials

112 B 113 A 114 B 115 B 11& 8 117 8

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CompleteOenture Prolthodontlel [ 239 ij 152. Following articulators will accept face bow Iransfer,

rxcept: A. Grittman articuliltor 8. Kinoscope articulator C. Stansberry articulator D. Teledyne articulator

153. In Gysi simple;{ articulator, the condylar path is fixed a l and incin l guidance is find at : A. 60 dcgrees and 30 dcgrccs 8. 30 degrces and 60 degrees C. 33 degrees and 45 degrecs D. 25 degrees and 60 degrees

154. In G rillman Articulato r, the casts are mounted based on: A. Monson's C UTVC

8. 8onwill's trianglc C. Conical theory D. Curve of Spec

155. Articulator that incorporates a rotary guidance for milling-in purposes is: A. Gritlman 8 . House articulator C. Dentatus D. Denar

156. Hanau-Mate articulator: A. Has horizontal condylar guidance fixed at 25 degrees B. Bennett angle fixed at 20 degrees C. Will not accept pro trusivc or lateral in terocdusal

records D . All of the above are true

152 A 153 B 154 B 155 11 156 C

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~ 2441 Meas lor PGs In Prosthodontics

183. Following articulator in class IV-S have non­cus tomizable Bennett gUide: A. Denar 4A S. Gna thoscope C. Simulator D. Denar 5A

1M. Pantographic tracings for condylar pathways are not necessary for complete denture patient because: A. It is time consuming to make B. Resiliency of supporting tissue does not call for its

accuracy C. Both' A' and '8' D. Teeth are not present to gUide the mandible

185. Anterior Reference Point helps in following, except: A. Face bow transfer S. Minor adjustment in vertical dimension C. Facilitate arrangement of anterior teeth D . Recording centr ic relation

186. Immediate Side Shift influent": A. Inclination of grooves of posterior teeth S. Inclination of cusps o f posterior teeth C. Both 'A' and ' B' D. Width of the central groove of the posterior teeth

187. In comple te denture, an average intercondylar distance of is sufficient: A. 94 mm B. 110 mm C. 124 mm D. 138 mm

188. Lack of Bennett adjus tmf'nt in complete df'nture is conlpenuted by providing: A. Occlusal ad justment for freedom in protrusive B. Occlusal adjustment for frE'Cdom in right lateral C. Occlusal adjustment for freedom in left la teral D. Both 'B' and 'C'

113 C lU II 115 D lae D 1.1 II lSI D

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CompletaDenture Prosthodontics r 245 ~

189. "anau "2 Non-Arcon articula tor can accrpt following facr oows, exupt: A. Fada face bow 8 . Twirl bow C. Kinematic face bow D. Quick-Mount face bow

190. Whrn using Adjustable A"is face oow for "anau "2 articulator: A. The intercondylar distance must be modified using

extendible condylar shaft B. The adjustable a" is race bow has to be e"tended to

meet the requi rements C. A Hanau H2-X articulator should be used D. Both 'A' and 'C' are true

191. When UlIing a protrusivr rrcord to obtain latrra l condylar guidancr, the error will be: A. Heavy ocdus.:ll contact on balancing side 8. Heavy occlusal cont~ct on working side C. Heavy ocdusal contact on balancing side and light

on working side D. Light occlusal contacl on balancing side and heavy

on work ing side

192. La teral condylu guidancr obtainrd from protrusivr records: A. Is same as prolrusiv<' B. Is s teeper than true lateral inclinations C. Is less s t~p than true lateral inclinations D. Is better than true lateral measurements

193. Hanau H2 articula tor hiS: A. Adjustable, angled 'foot' incisal gUide pin B. Curved incisal gUide pin C. Straight incisal gUide pin D. Split incisal guide pin

I" D 100 0 111 1 0 lU C In A

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ij 2461 Measlor PGs In Prosthodontics

194. Twirl-bow relates muilla to: A. Axis-orbital plane B. Ala- tragus plane C. Frankfort Horizontal Plane D. Horizontal occlusal plane

195. In Hanau AKon H2,the notch on incinl guide is about below thl! condylar planl!:

A. 7 mm D. 47 mm C. 23 mm D. 34 mm

196. Hanau radial shift: A. Has curved Immediate Side Shift D. Has non-adjustable Progressive 1k>nnett Shift c. Has both' A' and ' 0 ' D. Adjustable intercondylar distance

197. Thl! curvature for Imml!diate Sidl! Shift in Hanau Radial Shift Articulator has about: A. 5 mm radius D. 6 mm radius C. 3 mm radius D. 2 mm radius

198. Thl! sUp1'rior wall curva ture in Hanau Radial Shift articulator has a radius of about: A. 0.25" B. 0.75" C. 0.50" D.1"

199. The available Incinl GuidI! Tables for Hanau Radial Shift Articulator arl! foJlowing. ~xupt:

A. Curved D. Flat table C. Mechanical table D. Pantacrylic tab le

1M C 195 8 196 A li1 C 191 B le11 A

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~ 2481 Meas for PGs in Prosthodontics

206. Detent mechanism: A. Is used in Hanau radial shift articulator B. Helps return the upper member of articula to r to

U'ntric position C. Is used along with protrusive guides D. All .of the above are true

207. For Whip Mho: articulator, Immediate Side Shift can be set using: A. Protrusive interocdusal record B. Centric interocc!usal record C. QUick set recorder D. Both 'A' and 'C'

208. Following are articulators designed by Denu Corporation, except: A. Mark II B. Omni C. D4A D. Panadent

209. Following adjustments in articulators has to be done to accept adjustable axis bce bow, txupt: A. Telescopic mounting studs B. Transfer fixture C. Extendible pins D . Quick-set recorder has to be added

210. Denar Reference Plane Locator locates the: A. Anterior reierence point B. A point 15 mm anterior to External Auditor Meatus C. A posterior reference point D. Both ' A' and 'C'

211. Following are ins trulllents des igned by Denar Corporation, exctpt: A. Mark II articulators B. Slidematic face bow C. Omni articulator D. Quick·Mount face bow

206 B 207 C 201 0 209 0 210 0 211 0

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~ 250 j Mcal 'or PGI ln PrOlthodontlcl

218. Dt'nar Mini Rt'Co rder un bt' un d fo r following. uupt :

A. To locate the hinge axis B. To standardize articula tor C. Protrusive horizon tal inclination D . Immedia te Side Shift

219. Richey condylar miuk.., is Lind: A . To stribe an a rc 10 mm a"terior to External

Audi lo ry MNtus B. To stribe an a rc 13 mm anterior to E)(terna l

Audilory Meatus C. To determine Axis-Orbi tal plane D. To determine Frankfort Ho rizontal Plane

220. Arbitrary axis for HaniLi face bow is within ___ _ of true ct'n le r of opt'nins axi, o f th t' jaws! A. 10 mm B. 1 mrn C. 8 mm 0. 2 mm

221. Antulor rdt'rence poii'll fo r SHdemitic face bow is: A. 34 mm above inc isIve edge of right central incisor B. 43 mm above lower border of upper lip C. 54 mm above lower borde r o f upper lip D . 26 mm above lower border of upper lip

222. The K ile on the s lid t'matlc face bow reprnenl8: A . The in tercond yla r d is tance B. 3/4th of intercondylar di$tance C. 1/ 2 the inte rcondyla r distance D . 1/ 4th o f intercond yla r dis tance

22.3. Ad vantage o f Slidematk face bow is: A. It is kin('matic B. Multip le transfer jigs can be osed with face bow C. Incisal table ca.n be removed to attach face bow O . Cast support is not required

~1' " ~1' 8 uo 0 221 " 222 C 222"

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Complete Denture Prosthodontics r 273 ~ 347. In a Hanolu Protrus ive-Retrusive articulator, 1I8th tum

of the Protrus ive-Retrusive screw equals _ _ _ _ movement of the condylu e lement: A. 1 mm B. 0.08 inch C. 0.005 inch D . O.008 mm

348. Arbitrary ve rticoll landmuks for folce bow trolnsftr in 01 Hanau articulator appNr& on the Incisal pin. -C-:;;'--_ and below tilt Frankfort Horizonul Plane: A. 54 mm and 47 mm B. 37 mm and 54 mm C. 54 mm and 37 mm D . 43 mm and 54 mm

349. The width of the central guiding table of the Incisal Guide table in Holnau l rti culator is ; A. 5 mm B. 5.76 mm C. 5.20 mm D . 5.56 mm

350. The lateral wings of Incisal Guide table III Hilnau articulator is adjus tible up to: A. 70 degrees B. 45 degrees C. 60 degrees 0. 120 degrees

351. The audilory pins in Hmau ilrticulilo r a re ___ _ to the condylu center: A. 13 mm anterior B. 13 mm p<)S terior C. 12 mm pos terior D . 16 mm poster ior

352. In Hanau oIrticulators, in balancing side, the condylar element will mike contact with: A. Centric SlOp B. Condylar shaft C. Auditory p in D . Condylar track

347 C 348 II 3.' 0 350 II 3$1 C. 3$2 II

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ij 274 1 MeQslor PGsin Prosthodontics

353. The met.ll is used to m.lnuf.lcture uti<:ublor is: A . Alwninwn B. Nickel C. Chromium D. Stainless-steel

354. Buccin.tor muscle uises from following. except: A. Pterygomandibular raphe B. Alveolar process of maxilla C. Alveol~r process o. m~ndible D . Zygom~

355. Following .I .. ~ true about linguliz.ltion of occlusion in complete dentures, except: A. Helps in ~chieving good seal buccally B. Creates a space between cheek and teeth and

external surface of the denture C. Helps to accumulate food in the buccal area D . It prevents bu~dnator from neu tralizing th .. 13teul

forces from tongue

356. One of the follow ing is true for Modiolus: A. It is at the angle of the mouth B. Is just dis!~l to angle of the mouth C. Is formed of 7 muscles D. Affects denture flange in maxiflary molar area

357. Following is true for sublingual flange aru, during construction of complete denture: A. If used correctly. can aid in retention of lower

denture B. It extends from canine to canine C. Flange in this area should be extended vertically D. It cannot form a valve seal

353 A U. 0 355 A 358 B 357 A

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~ 286 PI Mea. for PGs in Prosthodontics

424. Centric relation is a A. Antero'pos terior C. Postero-superior

------position: B. Antero-inferior D . None of the above

425. Buccal shelf is a s tress bearing area because: A. It has cortical bone C. Both 'A' and 'B' ar~ corn...::t B. Mucosa is non~keratinized to the occlusal load D . Buccinator fibl'-rs are parallel

426. Retromolar pad contains following.. eXrl'pt: A. Buccinator fibl'-rs B. Mylohyoid fi bers C. Superior constrictor fibers D. Glandular tissue

427. The res idual monomer level in denture bases:



A. Is about 3% in correctly polymerizl'<l hea t cured resin

B. Is about 30% in correct ly polymerized heat cured reSIn

C. Is likely to bt.' high if a short curing cycle is employed D . Both 'A' and 'C' are correc t

Denture s tomatitis: A. Is usually associatc<i with a sore mouth B. Is usually associated wi th wearing denture at night C. Is more common in men than women D. Both A and B are correct

Thickness of buccal flange of a complete denture is affected by: A. Zygom<lticus muscle B. The position' of the mandible C. Determined by the orbicularis oris D . The pterygomandibubr raphe

424 0 425 C 4~ B 427 D 428 0 429 B

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~ 296 j Mea, for PG,ln PrOithodontifa

478. Balandng side occlusal error includes: A. Balancing side contact B. Heaving contact on balancing side, working teeth

out of contact C. Ma)(i llary cusps He distal to thei r intercusping

positions D. Maxillary cusps H e mesial to their intercusping


479. The leas t needed information while selecting teeth for es thetics in compltle denture is: A. Size of the face B. Form of the face C. Color of the eye D. Length of the upper lip

480. The lingu .. l flange of the mandibular denture should be: A. Made concave H. Made concave under the lingual surfaces of the teeth C. Slightly concave but not under the lingual surfaces D. Convex in nature 10 keep the longue away

481. Following at .. advantages of wearing an immediate denture , exrept: A. No edentulous p~riod for the patient B. Esthetics is main tained C. Can be relined later D. Prevents excess bleeding

, 482. In a comple' .. dentuR, 'he common cause for fraclure

of teeth as well as the d .. nlure is: A. Thermal conductivity B. Change in occlusal relation C. Inc reased bulk in palate D. Decrease in tiSSUf tolerance

411 II 47i C 4IlI C 411 C 412 11

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~ 3041 MeQllor PGlln Proltl'lodonilci

524. In speech, palatolingu.1 consonants ue following. except: A. '5' C. 'P'

B. 'N' O. 'L'

525. One of the following i, not true for Transograph: A. [t is a split axis instrument B. Each condyle functions independently C. Insis ts on a true hinge axis O. Dot.'S not believe in a:'l imaginary line through which

the two condyles mlate

526. A record of (on tact made between tongue and the hard palate during 'puch, is called:


A. Pan togram B. Palatogram C. Electromyogram D. Electrokinesiogram

Speaking wu consists A. Paraffin wax

mainly of: B. Beeswax

C. Microcrystalline wax O. Carding wax

528. Chris ten5en'5 Distance is menu red from: A. Distal cusp of maxillary second molar to the posterior

end of the denture B. Distal cusp of maxil lary second molar to the dist,ll

cusp of mandibular molar C. Distal cusp of maxillary second molar to

perpendicularly downwards to mandibular second molars

D. Oistobuccal cusp of b st mandibular molar to a point perpendicular to the maxillary occlusion rim

529. During Gothic arch Ira(ing. a blunt apex may be the ruult of following. t""pt: A. Ins tab ili ty of trial bases B. Interference between the bases at distal ends C. Lack of equalization of pressure D. Limited range of movement of mandible

524('525(' 528B 527B 52'0 5~0

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~ 318 1 Meas for PGs In Prosthodontics

4. During a Iranslalory mov~m~nl of mandibl~, following mov~mtnls (Kcur at th~ joint in i ts ..... rious stl'1.lctun's, except: A. Head of the condyle rotates on the superior surface

of the meniscus B. Upper surface of disc contacts articular eminence C. The complex slides as condyle rotates D. Condyle rotates on underside of disc

5. On~ of Ih~ foll owing is not cDlncl: A. Inferior surface of disc is convex B. Superior surface of disc is concave-convex from

before backward C. Superior surface is in contact with articular suriilce

of temporal bone D. Inferior surface of the disc is conCilve and fits to


6. Th~ sln'ss bnring arn of disc is: A. Anterior part In contact with ilrtleular eminence B. Inferior part in contact with ilrticular eminence C. Central part in contact with ilrticular eminence D. Supero-anterior surface of the disc

7. D~t~rmination of hing~ axis h~lp$ us in following. except: A. Making the patien t use this location for function B. Tracing its path for duplica tion C. Making the casts in the same dynamiC relation to each

other D. Permitting to have ver tical dimension under our


8. Actual loc.tion of c~nter of robtion of condyles is -;---cC "c::c:-- to th~ loc. ted hing~ axis on the skin: A. 10-13 mm, lateral B. 10-11 mm, medial C. i3 mm, superior D. i3 mm, inferior

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9. In nonnal denlititon, the , enlric rd oltion , oincides with: A. Hinge axis B. Centric occlusion C. Maximum inlercusp~l position D. Terminal hinge axis

10. During recording hinge axis, if the patient has difficultyfpain in exuuting molndible, following un be done: A. Use a jig to Irain the patienl B. Manually handl!.' the mandible C. Use bite plane for some days D. Either' A' and 'C'

11 . The Split-US! technique of mounting usts u n demonstrate discrepancy of about: A. l/l00th of the inch B. 1110th of the inch c. l(lOOOth of the Inch D. 1/ 10,000 of an inch

12. The writing apparatus () f the Hinge Axis Locollor can be attached to patient's jaws using one of the following. except: A. Customized clutches·metal B. Reference plales by ,Iuarl C. PI"s!ic custom made clutches D. Compound clutches

13. An oulwnd and downward Progru siv" Sid" Shift is otherwise called u: A. Lateroretrusion B. Lalerosurtrusion C. Lalerodetrusion D. Lalcrotrusion

• D 10 D 11 C 12 D 13 C

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~ 3221 Meas for PGs in Prosthodontics

24. Foliowing aN' tro~ for lingual bradng arm for an attachm~nt used in distal ~xt~nsion d~ntur~ bas~, except; A. It should be in the same height as a ttachment B. Should be carried around to opposi te proximal space C. Should occupy o nly the occlusal 1/3rd of lingual

surface D. It adds s tability to the prosthesis

25. Chann~l Should~r Pin (CSP) sys tem cons is ts of followin g.. except: A. A «,mented and a removable section B. Parallel·sided pins C. Retention grooves D . Occlusal rests

26. Fo llowing are true for Channel·Shoulder pin sys tem, except; A. Have lesser frictional area o. Can be u,;.cd in areas whe re vertical spa~e i~ lacking C. Gives firm bracing action D . Milling machine is not required

27. Follo wing statements ue true for semiprecis ion rests, ex cep t ." A. They have parallel sides 8 . They have tapt'red sides C. Bracing action is less D . They may be carved in wax

28. In Semi precision Attachments follo wing aN' tru~, e_Tcept;

A. Lingual a rm provides re ten tion B. Lingual arm provides bracing C. The semiprecision rest provides bracing D. They can be intracoronal

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General Topic. r 323 ~ 29. Thompson Dowel system consists of following. except:

A. Intracoronal retainer B. Retention through ~ minor conn~tor engaging ~

dimple on lingual aspe<:t C. Retention through a minor connector engaging

buccal ~spect D. Retaining dimple is pl~ced in line with dowel

30. When constnu::ling iI Unililteral removilble bridge using Precision Attachment, the male attachment can be joined by il gold bar - advant~ges are following. except: A. Attachments are better retentive in acrylic B. Processing changes that occur in acrylic will not

affect location of attachment C. Will increase surface area for attachment of acrylic D. Accidental breakage of acrylic is unlikely

31. Following statements are wrong for alignment of hinge in a extracoronill iltlilchment, except: A. Hinges do not wear with time B. They must be aligned with sagittal plane C. They must be aligned with edentulous ridge D. They have to be aligned slightly twisted lingually

32. Following are tme for Dalbo Allchment, except: A. They do not allow any play between male and

female sections of the attachment B. They are available in two configurations C. They provide resistance to rotational and lateral

displacing forces D. No addi tional bulk

33. In a Dalbo system the verticill load Ciln be transferred through any of the following, .. xapt: A. Spring B. Solid spacer C. Reducing vertical space in female section D. Bracing arms

HC JOC 310 32A 330

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~ 328 J Mea. lor PGsin Prosthodontics

56. Following statements ire true for direct transfer coping. except: A. [t has ,1 hollow transfer coping B. Has a long central screw C. It rem~ins within impression till m~ster C~5t is

poured D. [t requi res impression materials with elastic p rO"­


57. The force applied to the implanllo check ils mobility is approximately: A. 1000 g r~ms B. 250 grams C. 400 grams 0 .500 grams

58. Following are s igns and symptoms of failure of <In implanl, except: A. Severe radiO"-opacity around the implant B. Bone loss around omplant C. Pain during percussion D . Huril:unta l mobility ;> 0.5 mm

59. Rr-5 in implantology is a: A . Removable prosthesis completely supported by

implants and / or teeth B. Removable prosthesis CQmbining implant and soft

tissue support C. Fixed/removabJe prosthesis that replaces natural

crowns and portion of soft tissues D. Removable prosthesis that restores anatomic crowns

and portion of root of natural too th

60. Following are true for Computed Tomography, tJecept: A. [t was invented bv House B. [t enables differentiation and quan ti fication of both

hard and soft tissues C. It is a digital and mathematical imaging tffhnique D. Does not require .ny invasive tl'Chnique

SSD 57 D seA U8 so.

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General Topic. r 331 ~ 73. Disadvantage of D4 bone for implant placement are

following. except: A. Has high amount of trabecular bone B. Greater diameter hydroxyapa tite coated implants

are needed C. Offers limited me<:hanical advantage D . Difficult to obtain ri ~id fixation

74. Following are troe about Reverse Torque Testing. except: A. Involves placing revers.e torque on implants B. Involves verification for rigid fixation of implants C. May not be aff('(;ted by bone density and implant

design D . It is most beneficial in less dens.e bone

75. Advantages of posterior single tooth restora tion for Implants are following, except: A. Variable bone quali ty B. Greate r initial bone width C. Thicker facial plate of bone D. Non--t:ritical esthetics

76. Most idul posterior tooth to replace with an implant is: A. First molar B. First p remolar C. 5e<:ond premolar D. Second molar

77. Following are troe while replacing maxillary first premolar with implants. except: A. Canine may be angled d is tally and roots curved B. Verticill height limitations should be considered C. It is placed more palatally to enhance esthetics D . Occlusal contact is (YVef central fossa

13/1.. 1'C 15/1.. 168 TIC

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~ 334 j Meas for PGsin Prosthodontics

91. Following are factors to be considered fo r keeping the implant screws tight: A. Minimi«e clamping force B. Maximize joint separating force C. Implan t placed w ith 20-30 N...:m torque D. All of the abQvc

92. Following ~rt' true for Es thetiCone ~butment for impl~nb, except: A. Made of titanium alloy B. Have hexagonal base C. Are tapered D. Designed for screw-retainerl res torations

93. Cera One abutment: A. Pure titanium B. Screw-reta inerl C. For multiple restora tions D . All o f the above are true

94. O nplanl is : A . A surface adherent titanium disc B. A type of Hollow BlSkct implant C. Embedded into bone D. All of the above are true

95. First evidence o f u se of implanb dates back to approximately: A. 100 AD B. 1000 AD c. 600 AD D. 1500 AD

96. Ramus blade endosseous implant was developed by: A. Roberts and Roberts B. Lee C. Linkow D. Goldberg

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156. Cuspid-guided disclusion is iI requirement in splints for: A. Prevention of bruxism B. Prevention of temporomandibular dysfunction C. Both 'A' and '8' D. Centric relation achievement

151. Freedom in (entrk is usenliil l in splints beuuse; A. Patient has to disdude posterior teeth B. Obtaining exact centric relation is not possible during

function disturbances C. Patient has to masticate with splint D. All of the above

158. Incisal tab le i8 not used for splint because; A. Patients cannot masticate B. It is difficuJtto adjust once mandible is refXlSitioned

after treatment C. Mandibular incisors will not get entrapped behind

maxillary incisors D. All of the above are true

159. Occlusal splint ciln be used as one of the following tXCt pt;

A. Treatment of temporlmandibular joint dysfunction B. Diagnostic device C. To measure vertical dimension O. Aid for registering centric relat ion for restorative

pu"""" 160. Increase of vertical dimension during splint therapy

depends on following tXctp t: A. Aggravated curve of spee B. Presence of balancing interferences C. Increase in high overjet D. Presence of deep overbite

154i C 157 8 153 8 1St C 160 C

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~ 352 J Meas for PGs in Prosthodontics

195. Bryron's de trrminants of a phys io logical occlusion for implants indudr s foll owing, except; A. Acceptable inter ocdusal distance B. Monoplane ocdusion C. Bilateral contads in retruded closure D. Freedom of contact movement

195 B

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