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THE TKIBUNE.- F. . . M. & E. M. KUXBXEIiIi , I'ubn- .McCOOK . , : : : : JJEB NEWS OF NEBRASKA. * AHBOII DAY THEE PLANTING. Following is- a complete list of the trees planted and prise awarded last Arbor day : Hi Sr Sucdd' ABhlund : ash 3.800, elm i 3,800 , maple 3SUO , box elder 3800. . . 15,200 I. C. Seddow , Indlanola : ash 4.100- T S2wyvT' Pawnee county 7.50C . bbepnerd , Omaha : Catalna 4.220, Scotch pine 500 , Austrian pine and Nor ¬ way spruce 60 , arbor vltnj 60 4.82C S. W. Selbuuer , Danbury ; ash 4,000, wal- n - ut 150 4 Messlnar , Meridian " " '' ' ' ' ' Robert FiPher , L ncoln".I' . .... . . 3.70C . For ; oil , Neligh : ash J.850 , box elder HO ff j(59 W. Campion , Beaver Crossing : ash 950 , box older 100. catalpa 110 1,27 J.J.Townsend , Albion 3,00 W. P. Stancliff , Friend : cottonwood 1,000 , maplett ) , R. mulberry 5 , box older COO. . 1, X John Putz , Qakdaio : maple 4.00C B. H. Dotnrlas , Mncon : ash 4,150 Adam W lken = haw, llaird 3,04- J. - . P. DwlghtDunlapDwight ( P.O. ): Aus- trian ¬ pine tXX), Scoteh pine 600. juniper If0. whfto pine 500 , red cedar 100 , white cedar 600. 2,5X ( E. Purson. O'Neill : box older SCO , maple W, cottonweed 170 6 i( Now ton Combs , Raymond 82- PREMIUMS. . Per largest number planted on Arbor Day H. H.hedd. . Ashland 50.00 Second largest number planted on Arbor Day-M. Messing , Meridian ; largest number hard wood trees planted Arbor i Day H. H. t-hcdd 25.00 THE STATE IN BRIEF. Scotia improved 00.000 worth In 1884. Albion saloons pay a tax of $1,000 per year, Douglas county issued 614 marriage licenses In 1884. Crelghton's business for 1884 foots up in grand total to 1319900. .1 Thirty-nine members of the legislature arc farmers by pro/esslon. The railway company is erecting several largo warehouses at Valentine. * H. D. Weller , of Richardson county , lost over one hundred hogs by disease.- A . large number of fine buildings will be erected in Creighton the coming year. The public schools of Columbus have closed in consequence of diphtheria in the town.f The dog poisoner is plying his vocation in Kearney with results serious to the canines- .Indianola . is blesp"d with twelve land agents and none of them are said to wear a hungry look.- A . lodge of the Scottish rite of the Masonic order has recently been established in Lin- coln. ¬ . It is claimed that the Sioux City and Pacific railway will be completed to Gordon by Au- gust 1- .The . Buffalo county jail contains nine pris- oners ¬ , but a number of them belong to other counties. Diphtheria continncs to ravage the town of- Kearney. . Some families are said to have lost all their children. Internal revenue collections in the Nebras- ka ¬ district for the month of January amount- ed ¬ to 1509GG3S. Moody , the evangelist , will hold a conven.- tion . , lasting three days , in Omaha about the middle of March. Seven hundred dollars has be'en promised toward the erection of a church at Maple Creek the current year. The Republican Valley country is highly pleased with the location of the state fair for the coming flve years.- A . man who has been selling BB drinks in- Osceola was arrested and his cose will soon como before the courts. Beatrice will do herself proud on the occa- sion ¬ of the G. A. R. reunion , which occurs at that place in September next. The Nebraska university has an enrollment of 292 students , 214 of whom are in the college of literatures , science and arts- .Indianola . is makiug a strong effort to se , cure the Methodist seminary , which is to bo located in the Republican valley. The Arapahoe packing company have en- larged ¬ their facilities and are now slaughter- ing ¬ large numbers of hogs daily. The talk of an exposition in Omaha has sub- sided ¬ somewhat. It is not likely the show * will get under headwajhis year- .Valentine's . population'has been considera- bly ¬ increased by settlers from further west returning there for winter quarters.- Mr. . . Kimball , of the Union Pacific , and Mr- .Eustis . , of the B. & "M. addressed the senate and house railway committee on the 3d- .J.P. . . Crother , of Nemaha , has just celeDrated his 61st year. He has been in Nebraska 27 years , in all that time "pegging away" at- shoemaking. . The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson , of Hardy , got the cap of a 22-calibrc revolver in his throat and choked to death before help could be procured.- A . reward of $100 is offered by the trustees of the Lincoln cemetery for discovery of the body recently stolen therefrom and for infor- mation ¬ of the ghouls. The roller-skating croze has struck the state harder this winter than ever before" Old and young journey for miles to engage in the exhilirating sport. The union meetings in progress at Colum- bus ¬ for some time closed last week. The meetings were very well attended and much good was accomplished. The young ladies of Seward have been giv- ing ¬ what is called a pancake festival , which was largely attended , notwithstanding the extremely cold weather. The people of Platte Center arc in need of money to complete the church begun last fall and will soon make a canvass for means to- go ahead with the work. Eight loads of Indians camped several days it the vicinity of Nemaha City , and in that time made the citizens decidedly weary with their begging proclivities.- A . man recently died in Seward , and having no relations there , friends telegraphed to his uncle at Chicago and an answer came back : "Have no recommendations to make ! " The people of Scotia have endured great hardship the past winter on account of in- sufficiency ¬ of the coal supply. There was money to buy , but no coal to be had.- Mrs. . . Belva Lcckwood , the woman suffrage candidate for-president In the late campaign , epe.itafe\v hours in Omaha last week , and was wrll pumped by newspaper reporters. The fate which awaits SImmorman Is re- ceived ¬ with approval in Kearney county , where the citizens are fully cognizant of . .al- lcircumstani es attending the crime fqr which he is to be hanged- .Plainvlcw . Is not a large place , but th Ga- zette ¬ says it uos its full complement of slan- derers ¬ , some of them even going so far as to attack the character of an estimable young lady for not dying to suit thorn. Among tbo railroad rumors for spring is the report that the IT. P. contemplates the early completion of Its line from Manhattan to Maryevlllo. This will in effect giro Beatrice another southern outlet and an nddltiona through line to Kansas City. David Hudson , a farmer living in the north part of Butler county , i eoently sold to parties at Schuyler , a hog weighing 085 pounds. The parties who bought the hog will feed him a month or two and then send him down to Now Orleans , to go into the Nebraska exhibit The editor of the Thayer County Herald thinks that the man who deliberately leaves his horse standing hitched to a post in the open street for hours facing the cold wlnd without food or covering , should ba obliged to keep company with the poor animal In his Ehirtrslcovcs. The Ulysses Dispatch says that another strange freak of nature has como to pass. A cow of Godfrey Rihart , near that place , has given b.rth to twin calves , their birth being six weeks apart. One was born December 13th and the other January 24th. The calves are both doing well. Harrison Young , a youn ? man living five miles west of Junlatn , was killed about mid- dlght - on the 30th by Irvln Farabee. The quarroi was abcuc the sister of'Young , with whom Farabee peristed In keeping compa- ny. ¬ . They met on the road , and in an alterca- tion ¬ Faraboe struck Young a powerful blow uudcrthe chin , breaking his neck and killing him instantly. The report of Chancellor Manatt to the board of regents of the university, for the two years ending November 30 , 1884 , has been published in pamphlet form. It includes the reports of the heads of the various depart- ments ¬ to the chancellor , and is a very com- plete statement of the condition and needs of the university.- A . Masonic Grand Custodian Lodge will be- held in Freemasons' hall , Hastings , Neb. , Feb runry 9 to 14 , Inc. , 5S85. Under direction of- W. . ' . Benjamin F. Kuwait , Grand Custodian , there will bo Apprentice work on Monday. February 9, audThursday , 12 ; Fellow Crafton Tuesday , 10, and Friday , 13 ; Master's work on Wednesday, 11 , and Saturday , 14- .H. . . A. Bacon , who formerly resided in Jef.- ferson . county , was recently killed at Simpson , on the U. P. He was in the emplo3' of the railroad compan yas brakeman , and was sit- ting ¬ in a car by the window when , in round- Ing - a curve , a broken switch caused the car- te leave the track and upset , throwing Bacon partially out of the window. .The car fell on him and crushed him. He was a young man about 23 years of age- .At . Columbus the other day a man left the train , accompanied by his little half-starved , half-clad , motherless daughter, who , shiver- ing ¬ with cold and hunger, followed her drunken father from one saloon to another pitifully pleading in her earnest , childish way with the dastardly brute to resume their journey. The sheriff finally arrested the man , sobered him up , fed tbe starving little crea- ture ¬ and started them lor Minneapolis , their destination.- Postofflce . changes in Nebraska Establish- ed ¬ : Keeler , Lincoln county , Elisha N. Keeler , postmaster ; Sangco , Col fax county , Louis C- .Maycs . , postmaster. Postmasters appointed : Aldo , Hall county , Frank W. Powell ; Celia , Holt county , Hans A. Strangeland ; Cherry Creek , Buffalo county , Asael L. Taylor ; Dun- bar , Otoe county , Louis A. Jonas ; French- town , Antclopo county , Wm. Napier ; Geneva , Fillmore county , Wm. H. Cooksey ; Harting- ton , Cedar county , Henry B. Swing ; Malcolm Lancaster county , Louis C. Mayer : O'Connor , Greelej' county , John Walsh.- A . series of accidents to an Iowa family is thus recorded by the Omaha Herald : An Iowa stockman named Baker arrived at the Ooiaha stock yards Saturday with some sheep , and , in superintending their unload- ing ¬ , had one of his feet smashed. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital , sending a tele- gram ¬ from there to a brother at McPaul , Iowa , to come on and look after the stock. The brother reached Council Bluffs Sunday , and while waiting at the Transfer for the dummy fell down and fractured one of his arms. Instead of going to the stock yards he , too , went to St. Joseph's hospital. An- other ¬ member of the family has been tele- graphed ¬ for , and while mournful over their disasters , the crippled brothers are doing a- liitte speculation as to the chances of coming through safely- .BBIEFLYT.TOIiD. . . James K. Jones has been elected U. S. Sen- .ator . from Arkansas. Vice President-e'ect Hendrielcs has gone on- a visit to the New Orleans exposition.- Lizzie . Kaufman , while dancing at a ball in Cincinnati , sank to the floor and died in a few minutes. General F. C. Barlow , of New York , is being urged for secretary of war, and has the in- Jorsetnent - of Samuel J. Tilden. The public debt of the Dominion of Canada is in excess of 88,000,000 , an increase of $7,000, * 300 in the past six months. Justus Schwab , the New York communist' was held § 1,500 for a-ssaultinjr a police cap'- tain and distributing bloodthirsty circulars.- S. . . S. Merrill , general manager of the St. Paul road , suffered a third stroke of paralysis it Milwaukee , and is in a critical condition. President Taylor and several other leading Mormons have returned to Salt Lake from an inspection of the church colonies in Arizona and New Mexico. Leading clearing houses of the United States report the total gross clearances for the week ended January 31 were 5621,912,496 , i decrease of 3S.2 per cant. The clerk of the Merchants' bank of Belle- rille - , Ont. , who decamped some time since with $10,000, was arrested at Baltimore , under Lhe name of Yarwood , and taken to Canada An improvement in the iron trade is visible it Philadelphia. Nails will soon be advanced to 2.20 , no account of the exhaustion of- stocks. . Steel rails in large quantities are held it 527- .In . an address to the American public , Chief Engineer Melville expresses the belief that a successful voyage to the uorth polo can be nude bv way of Franz Josef land , and that ± o time is ripe for the attempt.- Mrs. . ! . Laura DC Force Gordon , of California , !vas admitted to tbe bar in the United States jupremo court at Washington. She is the second woman allow eJ to practice belore this : ourt , Belva Lockwood being the first. Herman Kranisch became ill at Portage , iVis. , upon which a fellow boarder adminis- ered - fifteen drops of aconite , causing Kran- sch's - death. Theboaider then hanged hiin- elf , but was cut down and resuscitated. The schedule of John J.Cisco & Son shows ; he debts and 1 abilies are §2,987,000 ; nominal issets , ? 3294.000 ; actual assets , $2,407,000.- Cho . actual value of assets will bo largely in- ircased - by a realization of the true value of- securities. . The State Miners' union has issued an ad- BJS - for a reduction of ton per cent , all over ) hio In coal ininiug. This practically ( cnds tbe Hocking Valley strike , as it brings the rate to sixty cents in that district and fifty in- most districts of the state. The dccrcaao'ln the public debt during Jan- uary was $9 , 20.040 ; decrease since- Juno 30, f40920.910 : cash In treasury , $400,841,804 ; gold certificates. $124,279, 80; silver certificates , fl ,100,701 ; certificates of deposit. $30,130,000 ; refunding certificates , $253,000 ; legal tenders , $340-081,010 : fractional currency, 09GO000. The agent of the associated charities of Milwaukee accidentally learned of the desti- tute ¬ condition of General Henry M. Strong , who was a schoolmate of President Arthur at Union college , and who commanded a brigade at Gainsvlllo. Although partially disabled by wounds the veteran would not ipply for a pension or ask as assistance.- An . Albany dispatch says it is understood that President-elect Cleveland has definitely decided to appoint Senator Bayard , of Dela- ware , to bo his secretary of state , and Con- gressman ¬ Randall , of Pennsylvania , to bo secretary of the treasury ; and thpro seems good reason to believe tliut ex-Senator Mo- Donald , of Indiana , and Colonel Vilas , of Wisconsin , will also be called to the cabinet. CAPITAL BRIEFS.- On . the 4th the president gave his annual dinner in honor of the justices of the United States supreme court The attorney-general , the chairmen of the senate and house judi- ciary ¬ committees , and a number of the presi- dent's ¬ friends , were Invited to meet the jus- tices ¬ , the whole number of guests being forty- .At . a meeting of the Virginia membera elect to the Forty-ninth congress" and the demo- cratic ¬ executive committee of that state , a resolution was adopted endorsing Bopresentr- ativu Barber for postmaster-general under the incoming administration. A committee was appointed to confer with the president ¬ elect in Barber's behalf. Minister West , of Great Britain , was asked what he thought of the shooting of O'Dono- ran Kossn , and , in reply , said : "I deeply re- gret ¬ the shooting of that man, because it makes it appear as if the party of law and ordoc were resorting to the same means as the dynamiters and pursuing a system of re- talliation - , than which nothing is more dani- rorouE - , . Of course , it would be suspecting England of being a fool to imagine it iusti gated the attack on Rossa. " POLITICAL , NOTES.- Jonn . A. Logan has been" renominated for senator by Illinois republicans. Both houses of the Kansas legislature bal- oted - for United States senator. John J. In- ? alls was chosen to succeeded himself , recelv- ng the entire republican vote of both houses 06 in the house and 37 In the senate besides two democratic votes in the latter body. The lemocrats in caucus were unable to agree upon a candidate , and in the house four voted for General Charles W. Ulair and three lor- sxGovernor Glick. The latter got one vote n the senate.- "You . may say that the next cabinet will be- shosenfrom the following ten gentlemen * , " aid a senator who is very close to Mr. Cleve and , and who has recently seen him : "Bay- ird - , Garland , Whitney , Vilas , Jones of Now lampjhire , McDonald , Lawton of Georgia , onas , McClellan , and Wallhall of Mississippi , cannot state how they will be placed , but ou can rest assured these are the only names ander 'consideration by the president-elect , nd anything else is mere guesswork. " Samuel J. Tilden is credited with the opin- on - that there should be no particular stress aid upon having rich men in the cabinet fam- y. - . He is of the opinion that the now ad- ministration ¬ will have something better to- epend on than that of mere social populari- y. - . He is opposed to W. C. Whitney and Col. villas on the ground that their reputations re not national enough. The news of Hen- ricks' - endorsement of Holman has made a- i eat stir in Indiana circles. The general ef- ect is to strengthen McDonald with his riends. The bill introduced by Mr. Holman to pro- ect - the purity of the ballot provides that it hall be unlawful for any person to give or promise any of his property, real or personal , :o bo used , directly or indirectly , in securing i vote or appointment for any office under government. Violation of this to be punished 3y a fine not exceeding $500 aud imprisonment not exceeding one year. The bill further pro- fjdes - : Every person hereafter elected or ap- oointecl - to fill any office in the United States ihall take an oath that he will not violate the ibove piovlsions. CRIMINAL. Frank Binham , the oldest son of a widow iving on a farm near the village of Radical Kansas , returned home after a three days ab- sence ¬ , and found his mother , brother and iister murdered. The trio had apparently jecn dead at least forty-eight hours. No clue 0 the murderers.- At . Portsmouth , Va. , John L. Jack shot Car- er - : B. Page in the face , the ball lodging in too neck and inflicting a serious and possibly 1 mortJl wound. Ja'ck thought himself ilJghtcd by Page in the matter of social cour- sy - and challenged him. Page went to arm limsclf. aud on his return found Jack wait- ing ¬ at the door of a-restaurant , where a quar- el - began. Page gave the word "lire , " and line shots followed in quick succession.- A . warrant was issued at Chicago for the trrest of E. A.-Barne ? , principal of one of the > ubic ! schools , for his alleged maltreatment f a 12-year-old boy named King. The boy is- ioverod with bruises and cuts caused by whip- ing - ) with a large horsewhip. The principal ill ges that the boy perform some luty and refused to take off his overcoat , for vhicb causes iho punishment was more severe ban otherwise.- A . terrible tragedy is recorded as having oc- surred - on Shaw's island , in San Juan county , ) regon. James Barker had gone on a hunt.- Lf . ter a lapse of ten days he did not return , md John Kelly , sheriff of San Juan county , rganized a search party. They arrived at- he cabin of Hugh Parks , an eccentric indi , 'idual. He refused them entrance and the iheriff swore out a warrant for his arrest.- Che . men hid near the cabin to watch. After ome time Parks emerged , dragging the body if a dead man , that of Jameo Imrker. After his Parks secured himself in tbe cabin , which he men continued to watch for three days.- fo . sign of life within being made , one of the aen stepped to the door and was immediately hot by the crazy man. The rest of the party hen saturated a bale of bay with coal oil , oiled it to the door and -fired it , burning the abin and its occupant , whose charred re- aains - were afterwards found in the ruins. FOREIGN NOTES. Advices from Korti state a number of spies lave been despatched to Khartoum to ascer- ain the late of General Gordon. There Is considerable speculation as to- rhethcr Arab ! Pusha did not have a hand in- iringlng about the fall of Khartoum. The news from Khartoum created an im- icnso - sensation in Paris. Lord Lyons , British mbassador , had an interview with the prime ninister during the day- .An . official note from Turkey declares Eng- ind - denied the agreement with IfaJy as to- he occupation of Egyptian ports , and that 1 urkoy ntn icquoaird Italy to wlthdiaw her troops from the Red go.u Humors hnvo reached Cairo that 2,000 uion were mnwioredat Khartoum. The news of- thodlsasttr cast a gloom over the entire Eu- ropean ¬ colony in Egypt. The English garri- son ¬ now consists of 1,300 men at Alexandria , 3,850 at Cairo and. 150 marines at Suez , if The fall of Khartoum produced a profound Impression in Homo. The newspapers unite In expressions of sympathy with General Gordon and give utterances to the belief that the Mahdl's victory will draw England and Italy Into yet closer relations with a view of Joint action In Egypt. The council at the English war office de- cided ¬ to advise the dispatch of 3,009 troops to- Suakim immediately. Gen. Stephonsou tele- graphs ¬ that 5,000 men will bo needed to clear a road to Berber , as the news of the fall of Khartoum will Induce the central tribes to join Osman Dlgna. Italy has replied formally to the protests of the parto against the occupation of Egyptian ports along the Red sea by Italian forces. Italy admits the claims of the sultan to Suzer- ainty ¬ over the Red sea but says It felt com- pelled ¬ to occupy certain jvrts in order to protect Italian subject * imperiled by the withdrawn ! of Egyptian garrisons. Italy says she will allow the Egyptian llag to remain side by side with the Italian at every occupied point. ' xu The Jtebels in. Possession of JfJiartoinn After a Sanguinary Struyyle llrilons 11'lld with Excitement. Intelligence was rccsivcd In London on the 5th that Khartjum had been captured by the rebels. The wher.a'iouts of Gen. Gordon is- unknown. . It is probable he is in the hands of the victors. Gen. Wolseley telegraphs that when. Col. Wilson , who went from Metemneh- to Khartoum , reached the latter place lie found it in the hands of the rebels. He re- turned ¬ to Metemneh under a heavy fire from both banks of the river- .Ths . English war ofllee I'suesl the following : "Telegrams from Gen. Wolseley announce that the fall of Khartoum took place January -G. He says that Col. Wilton arrived at Kbar- loum - January iij , and was irreatl }' surprised to find the ene'my in pcss sslou of that place.- He . immediately returned down the river under a heavy lire from the rebels. When some miles below "the Shceplaka cataract Col. AVilson's steamers were wrecked , bat Me and his party managed to reach an island in safety , where they are In safety. A st'-amcr has gone to bring thrm back to the British camp near Metemueh. Gen. WoJscley says he has no in- formation ¬ regarding the fate of Gea. Gordon and does not know whether he is deid or- alive. . " When Sir Charles Wilson reached Khartoum he found the Mahdi's forces in possession of the town and citadel. He tried to land and ascertain the fate of Gordon , but this step he found impossible. The enemy's guns were turned upon him in full force. He was there- fore ¬ compelled to turn his back upon the fallen city and return to Gubat without find- ing ¬ whether Gordon was dead or alive. A na- tive ¬ reports that the Mahdi had C00,000 men in the vicinity of Khartoum and he introduced a number of his emissaries into the city. These mixed freely with the mtlve troops under General Gordod and by bribes , threats and working on their religious feelings induced them to mutiny. Seven thousand of the garri- son ¬ deserted , leaving Gordon only 2,5'JD laith- ful - soldiers. With this small force he tried to hold the city against thq Mahdi's great army , but after severe fighting , in which a large number of rebels were lulled , he was compelled to surrender. The eucitement , says a London dispatch , over the news is at fever heat. Clubs and public resorts of everv description are thronged with crowds of peopla eager to catch the last syllable of intelligence fron the distant Egyp- tian ¬ desert. Throughout Fleet street aud ttie Strand it is almost impossible to make one's way , so crowded are these thoroughfares with throngs of curious aud excited citi- zens. ¬ . Most people too'v a gloomy view of the position of the British troops in Soudan , and the jubilant gladness which characterized England in regard to Egypt ever since the wel- come ¬ news of Stewart's successful arrival in the neighborhood of Metemneh was received , has given way to despair. Expressions of dis- may ¬ and foreboding come from almost every ¬ body. It is too early to estimate the inlluence- of the news on the political situation. The war office is besieged with army officers ten- dering ¬ their sen-ices for active duty in the Soudan. Numerous telegrams are b'eing re- ceived ¬ from oilicers throughout the country asking assignments to rescue the expedition should the government conclude to take such action. The capture of Khartoum created grave fears , especially in arm} * circles , for the safety of General Stewart and hjs army. A number of military officers of repute even ex- press ¬ the opinion that unless reinforcements are hurried forward to Korti the fall of Khar- toum ¬ may lead to disasters to the forces under Lord Wolseley and General Earlc. A cabinet counciLhas been summoned to meet at once. Gladstone is fearfully disturbed by the news and some people believe he will resign. THE RELICS OF Gi'A" GSAXT. The Generous Offer of Sirs. Grant the Subject of a Mcysaije to Conyrcss. The president recently transmitted to the house the following message : I take especial pleasure in laying before congress the gener- ous ¬ offer made by Mrs. Grant to give to the government , in perpetual trust , the swords and military ( and civil ) " testimonials belonging to General Grant. A copy of the deed of trust and of the letter addressed me by William H. Vanderbilt will explain the nature and the motive of this oiler. An appreciation of Gen- .Grant's . achievements aud a recognition of hia just fame , have in part taken shape in numer- ous ¬ mementoes and gifts , which , -while dear to him , possesses for the nation exceptional interest. These relics arc of great historical value , and have passed into the hands of another whose considerate action n.s'oreJ the collection to Mrs. Grant as a life trust , on condition that on the death o Gen- eral ¬ Grant or sooner , at Mrs. Grant's option , it shall become the property of the govern- ment ¬ , as set forth in the accompanying pa- pers. ¬ . In the exercise of the option thus eiven her , Mrs. Grant elects that the trust shall forthwith determine , and asks that the government shall designate a suitable place of deposit and a responsible custodian for the i-ollection. The nature of this gift aud the value of the relics which the generosity of it private citizen , joined to the high sense of o public regard which animates Mrs. Graut , TI hare thus placed at the disposal of the gov- crraent - demand full an l signal recognition on behalf of the nation at the hands ol its repre- sentatives. ¬ . I therefore ask congress to take suitable action to accept the trust and provide for its secure custody , at the same time re- cording ¬ the appreciative gratitude of the peo- ple ¬ to the donors. In this connection 1 may pertinently avert to the pending legisla- tion ¬ in the senate and house of representa- tives looking to a national recognition of Gen- eral ¬ Grant's eminent services by providing means for his restoration to the army on the retired list. That congress by taking such ac- tion ¬ will give expression to the aim ist univer- sal ¬ desire of the people of this nat.on is evi- lent , and I earnestly urge the passage of an let similar to senate bill No. 2530 , which , while not interfering with the constitutional prerogative of appointment will enable the president in his discretiou to nominate General Grant as general on the retired list. ( Signed ) CIIESTEU A. AIITHUR. Accompanying the papers referred to arc a- lecdof trust executed by W. H. A anderbilt- ind that gentleman's letters to the president informing him of his action. After General Grant. General A. McD. McCook , now in command at Fort Douglas , Utah , was interviewed in reference to General Grant's strictures upon him In a magazine article on the battle of- Suiloh. . McCook says that in a few days he will , through the proper channels , call utccn- tw - , "-j i ' II ill IO Ul u liniiuc . ouilllrf flu I M- Lbiiloli and his part therein , \\iilch writ E- thxiwlmt General Unuit mijvjat-uut lilmiMc- Cook ) In itio iimut'i * H nuulululf.lthout foumla'i" " MI Off M MI.M ii crnl ( Imm- h'ts persistently pursued him for twen y-twe years , and t'iu iiio ncuutc of iho loiois ue- 1'itobuig humling was u coinploe : surprise to- Ocunrul tjr.d.t. .McCooit Ultfufi from Uuneral Grant on 'a number of. oilier important point.- * , and t-uys ihU IH the first tlm ho has over broken the eilcncc 911 tt.c subject- .TAicrya . ins oirx xicuiciyr.- I . > jfHamlter O'Jlosiit lir <> njhl Down & ; / a Shot from a filial tn tlte Hands of a It'omun.- In . New York , on the 2d , Jeremiah O'Dono- van Rossa , the Irish dynamiter , so/callcd , was shot by a woman on Chambers street , near Broadway. At that hour the streets were full of people homeward hound , making their way toward Brooklyn bridge. The excitement over the shooting , although the man was re- cognized ¬ by very few , was intense. The llrst shot fired took effect in O'Donovan's body and he fell to the sidewalk. The woman continued to shoot until she emptied the fivechamberedr- evolver. . Only the first shot took t-ffcct. City Marshal James McAuley was present at the time , and breaking through the crowd that had collected , even before the shootint ; was over, seized the woman , who still held the smctkiug pistol in her hand , tlling her she was under arrest. The woman ofTereU no remon- strance ¬ , but allowed herself to be taken through the crowd to the city hall station. When the woman had ceasrd tlrinij O'Uono- van rose to his feet and made an effort to find his way back to his ollicc in Chambers street , which he had just left. He said , "I am shot , " trying to place his hand on his back, under his shoulder blade. Afler a few steps somebody suggested he should go to the Chambers street hospital. A couple of men lent their arms and O'Donovon did as suggested and directed his steps towaids the hospital. He walked all the way there , the distance being nearly a quarter of a mile. He bled considerably on- thewa }' . Once in the hospital he was un- dressed ¬ and examined bv Dr. Dennison and it was found the Millet had entered his back , di- rectly ¬ below tlit left shoulder blade. The doc- tor ¬ pronounced I Le wound not of a dangerous character and began to probe for the ball. A great crowd of people had followed the wounded man down Chambers street and blocked the roadway in front of the hospital , after the door wasel-'sed behind O'Donavan and his escort. Meanwhile the woman had been taken to the station house with another crowd closely fol- lowing ¬ her. She was placed before Sergeant Cass' desk. She was good-looking , dressed neatly , In plain dark clothing , aud wore eye ¬ glasses. She appeared like a school teach'er , with an Intellectual face. Her manner was en- tirely ¬ composed , and she answered some of the quo t ions put to her piomptly , and without embarrassment. Toothers , she simply shook her head , and smiled , with a look , which said : "I shall only answer questions which I know you have a fi ht to ask. " McAuIcy handed the pistol , of small calibre , to the sergeant and said he had seen the pris- oner ¬ shoot a man on Chambers street. The volunteer \vitnesses assented to the stated fact of the shooting A cit z-'ii here asked : "Do you kuow the man you shot ? " "Ves , " replied the prisoner , with an English accent , UI shot O'Donovan Rossa. " Further questioning by the sergeant elicited the statement that the j risoner's name was Yseult Dudley, aged 5 , an.l that she was a nurse and nurritd , and that she lived at Clinton place. She was askid wliy she shot O'Donovau , how long the had been in America and other questions , lo which s-hi : made no- answer. . After her ped gr e had been taken , she was escorted to a rear room and the crow d slowly dispersed. Her entire demeanor was that of a ratioi al person and a cool headed one at that. Rossa had been placed on a cet- in the same ward with Captain Phelan , who was stabbed by Richard Short in 1'ossa's ollice over three weeks ago. Rossa was within eight beds of Phelan. An examination of the wound by Dr. Kirov showed the bullet had penetrated the back'about halt an inch above the left shoulder blade. The ball ranged up- ward ¬ and inward toward the spinal column , but did not touch the vertebrae. The bullut evidently lodged in the muscles of the back , and beyond a slight shock , Rossa has suffered little. C031ISG MEX roil THE CA1SISET- .ClevelandSTaltcsno Ueflnile Sign What tic Intends to Do- .Presidentelect . Cleveland , when m New York city a few days ago , was called upoa by- manyprominentmen. . Amongothcrswaslsaac- H. . Hunter , the colored orator , who advocated Cleveland's claims to the presidency on the stump at the late election , who waited on Cleveland to urge his claim to be minister to- Elayti. . Senator Gorman called to nerfect in- augural ¬ plans.- A . gentleman prominently connected with the national democratic committee during the recent campaign , said to a reporter : "I liave ;oed reason to believe that Cleveland has made up his mind about at least one member of the : abinet. The choice will give general sat-sfac- : ion to the democrats of the country. Senator [ Jorman and Colonel Smallev have said to Cleveland iu plain words : 'We have no favors :o ask of you for ourselves , but if it is your vish , in any particular manner , to testifyj'ouri- pprcciation of the efforts of the na'tional- ominitte : in the last canvass , the appoint- ncnt - of Jonas iu your cabinet would je accepted by us"as a settlement n full , and we ask that , and that wily. ' Jonas has many friends in the senate vho urge his appointment , aud petitions from ill parts of the south and from business men ire continually coming in , aud others are in- reparation. . So far Cleveland has made no- lefiuite sign of what he intends to do , but I- elieve > he intends to call Jonas , of Louisiana , nto the cabinet a * "postmaster general. " The lame of AVilliam Springer is urged 'or sccre- iry - of the treasury. Editor Mnuford , of tlic Kansas City 'Mini's , pn-j-ntwl the name of- Jen. . Charles B Blair , of Kansas , for any cab- net position Clevelaad might be pleased to elect for him. THE SHOOTING OF SMSSA- .of . J'rniiiiin-nt Irishmen Inter- by - ' it Piv.-xt ttcportff.- A . number of pion : iicnt Irishmen of ihs- itv , saysaBuffa'o ( X. Vj dispatch , wcrein- erviewed - by an associate press reprtsentii- ve - relative to the shooting of Ros a. James loonei' , ex-prcsideiit ol" the Irish national 3aguesaid he-did no ! ngice with Rossa , whom e style ! an apostle of ass ; s iination. He did iot beliave Rossa was in anyway connected rith the recent explosion in England , neither id he think any one in this country had a and in this atlair. Rossa had no rollowin ; ; t" any account in t'lis ' countryRos.a ay have good ieson3 : for his bitter atred of England , but the Irish leaders ud no sympathy with his wild and im- iructicable - scheme3. . ooncy believed the utrasres in England were planned in that ouutry by persons in the employ of corn- lunists - or a similar organ.zation , and iJOSi- ly - by the Iiish constnbiilary. who want the rimes HC renewed Father Cronin. editor of- he Catholic Union and Times , said he consid- red tlut Rossa had suffered intensely at the ands of England , uii'l was to a certain cx- unt - unaccountable lor his acts and words , ' 'he wrongs had affected his mind. He did ot think Ro-sa resaonsib'.e for the outrages T i London or tiiat the dynamiters were Inshi- cn. - . Tney were , to his mind , the result of- Iritish tyranny.- Tlte . S Fits John. Porter Case- .In . 01hi response to a house resolution offered by- tepresentativo tl Slocum , the president has i-ansmitted to congress the recent appeal of- 'itz civ John Porter to him in his own behalf , tl 'he documents contibtd of a letter of Gen- ral - . ! < Porter to the picbident asking the latter C( a nominate him to the senate tor restoration orw o the army , or if the pre i lent believes that ourse not within his power that by special re icesage the president reler the ca e to coii- ress - tnm witd the uggestion that the action of lie advisory board be earned out. With his toki jtter Porter transmits a joint opinion by- ohn C. Bullet , Joseph H. Choate aud Anson- lalthy hi- In , holding that coiiKrss has the consti- itional - right to restore Porter to the army , his opinion is in controverston of Attorney eneral Brew * ter's opinion , on which the rr- th esident vetoed the bill passed by the last cn-jriES for Porter's relier. ca- th -- * . - , SENATE. The senate took up the bill to reperJ the pro etnptiou and timber culture laws. After a short discussion it was displaced by the la- terstate ¬ commerce bill. Beck moved to amend this so as to prohibit merely chartfng more for transportation ' any distance less than tbe whole length of the Hue than Is charged for similar service over the whole length of the line. " He was at- tempting > to remedy one evil that was flagrant without attempting to regulate the Intermedi- ate ¬ rates , with all the complications attributed to them. This amendment would stop the- practice of doubling up charges on local busi- ness ¬ , In order to make up what was lost In- throuch business. Without action on Plumb's amendment the senate went Into executive session and soou- .adjourned. . . MOUSE. Randall called up the resolution providing- that during the remainder of the session thirty minutes every morning shall be devoted to the consideration of measures called up by individual members , if there are not flve ob- jections ¬ made thereto , provided that while this order is in force the speaker shall not enter- tain ¬ a request for unanimous consent at any other time. Adopted , yeas 192 , nays ItJS. Collins moved that the house take a recess until 11 o'clock to-morrow. This was done for the purpose of continuing the legislative day of Monday in order that an opportunity maybehad to move the passage of the bank- rupt ¬ bill under suspension of the rule $ . Fili- bustering ¬ ensued and roll call followed roll call In monotonous succession. The friends- of the bankruptcy bill being in a majority ol two to six and voting down every motion to- adjourn. . At midnight the house was still Iu. session with no prospect of adjournment.S- ENATE. . . The credentials of Evarts , elected United States senator from the state of New York , were presented. The credentials were un- usuallv - lengthv. During their reading Hoar remarked that in his judgment a certificate from a state simply saying that the person named In the certificate was duly elected sena- tor ¬ for the stated named fora certain time was suflicicnt. The papers were referred to the committee on privileges and flections. ' Dawcs , irom the committee on Indian af- fairs ¬ , reported favorably the bill to authorize the secretary of the interior to extend the time for the payment of each of the several annual installments to be paid by the settlers- on - the Omaha and Otoe Indian lands to such V time , not exceeding one year , as he shall sec lit. The senate resumed consideration of the inter-state commerce bill , but no definite ac- tion ¬ was taken. HOUSE. C Stewart (Texas) , from the committee on N foreign affairs , reported a resolution request- ing ¬ the president to take all necessary and proper measures to assure Julio R. Santos , an American citizen imprisoned in Ecuador , a speedy and impartial trial and protect him in his life and property. The consideration of the river and harbor bill was resumed In committee of the whole. The general debate closed and the first section of the bill was read , after which the house ad- journed. ¬ . SENATE. The chair laid before the senate the presi- dent's ¬ message relating to Mrs. Grant's offer to the government of the relies of General Grant's military carer , and recommending that congress pass a bill to enable the presi- dent ¬ to place the general on the retired list. The iutcr-stat" commerce bill was amended somewhat in committee of the whole and re- ported ¬ iu the senate , where it was passed yeas 43 , nays 12. The Texas Pacific railroad bill was taken up but subsequently laid aside , in order to take up the house bill for the retirement and recoiu- age of the "trade dollar. " [ The hill , as amended by the senate , provides also for the - / suspension of the coinage of the standard sil- j ver dollar-1 The last named measure did not ' reach definite action when the senate ad- journed. ¬ . / * HOUSE. Under the new rule adopted vestcrday , . Puscy called up the hill appropriating § 100,001) / for the completion of the public huildini; at ( Council Bluffs. This was objected to au Tthe V bill was not considered. A number of other j bills of a private character met a similar fate, 1 Money , from the committee on postouiccs i and postroads , reported the bill to reduce 1 postage on mailable matter of the second class. Placed on the house calendar. It reduces " . postage of the second class , when sent by pubft \ Ishers to bona fide subscribes , to one cent er- a fraction thereof. " \ SENATE. * Van Wyck offered the following resolution , which was agreed to : Jfaoivcil , That the secretary of the Interior inform the senate what amounts were due the United States on December 31. IfeSy , from the Union Pacific railroad ; also , what amounts f have become due from that date uutil Decein- her 31,1SS4 , according to the rule laid down in j , the decision lately rendered between the Uui- } . ted State.3 and said road in the court of claims ; * also , whether the annual settlement was made j- February 1,1SS5 , as provided in the Thurman ( act. The senate then considered the redemption of the trade dollar. HOUSE. Belmont , frou.t he committee on foreign af- fairs ¬ , reported back the resolution requesting j the president to cause copies of all comrnuui- j cations received respecting the Congo confer- ance - i , and especially copies of the text of the [ * A commission or power sent by the government J to each of the throe American pknipotentia- ries - | or agents , to he i mmediately transmitted to the house. Adopted. Van Alstyne , from the committee on expen- litures - for the department of justice , reported ) ack the resolution directing the secretary of- he : treasury to inform the house of the total : xpenses incurred under the law providing for .he appointment of deputy marshals , chief supervisors and supervisors of elections , aud- n what states the money .had been expended. / Adopted. "* , | | SENATE. The chair laid before the senate the creilca- ials - of the re-election of Senator Ingalls. The bill to regulate the fees of pension igents and attorneys was taken up. j Beck said in 1834 the pension agents wanted * heir fees increased to §25 , but both houses of t- ongress declined to increase them , yet in- oulerence committee the fees were increased. Allison said it was due tlje conference coin- nittee - to say that , as he (Allison ) untlorsloo.I- he matter , the pension commissioner aud sec- etary - of the interior recommended or ap- irovcd - such legislation. After further discussion the bill was passed rithout division. The consular and diplomatic bill was then ailed up and passed.HOUSE. . After the transaction of a variety of miscel- ineous - business , the house wesit into com- littee - of the whole on the river and harbor / ill. * The amendment appropriating Sl.'i.OOO.COO Dr the improvement of the Sandv Hook chan- el - ( the mouth of New York harb'or ) was the ccasion of a long wrangle of a personal na- ire between Hiscock and King , and was ually rejected. The committee were without action and the nuse adjourned until c-veuincr , when twcnty- x pension bills were passed , including one ranting $10 each to the minor children of the .te Lieut. Kisliagbury.- liree . L.YSCIIISG Jtr Iowa Jlurdcrers Suiiunarily jJealt- It'ith by JJetennincd Citizens.- An . udubon ( Iowa ) dispatch , of the 4th , tys : Last night , about half past 2, about ic hundred masked men attacked the jail ; re , picked out and smashed u hole through ic outer wall , and with chisels and crowbats y it through into the ceils and tojk out J . J , < * 'I.'son , John A. Smythe and Cicero .lellerson ' IB parties accused of the murder ot Hiram . * * jllerson last April. Wilson and Suiythe , ac- irding - to the evidence of the otber prison ¬ 's in the jail , made a terrible resistance and- re shot In their cells. J llerson made no- sistance , and was hungin the band stand In- e center of the public square. The coro- r's - : verdict Is that Wilson and Smytae came their deaths by pistol shots. Hred by un- lown - parties , and that Jclierson came to- s death by hanging. Cicero Jellerson toM C. Leek , the prisoner who occupied th 11 with him, that the confes-ion he had therto made , but had since retracted , was ue. There Is no clue to whom the parties in- emob were.- The work of the mob .rcfully and quietly done , and \ vhen- ey as quietly dispersed.

McCook Weekly Tribune. (McCook, NE) 1885-02-12 [p ]. · 2019. 2. 1. · THE TKIBUNE.- F... M. & E. M. KUXBXEIiIi , I'ubn-.McCOOK., ::: JJEB NEWS OF NEBRASKA. * AHBOII DAY THEE PLANTING.

Jan 24, 2021



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Page 1: McCook Weekly Tribune. (McCook, NE) 1885-02-12 [p ]. · 2019. 2. 1. · THE TKIBUNE.- F... M. & E. M. KUXBXEIiIi , I'ubn-.McCOOK., ::: JJEB NEWS OF NEBRASKA. * AHBOII DAY THEE PLANTING.


.. M. & E. M. KUXBXEIiIi , I'ubn-



, : : : : JJEB


AHBOII DAY THEE PLANTING. Following is-a complete list of the trees planted and priseawarded last Arbor day :Hi Sr Sucdd' ABhlund : ash 3.800, elmi 3,800 , maple 3SUO , box elder 3800. . . 15,200I. C. Seddow , Indlanola : ash 4.100-

T S2wyvT' Pawnee county 7.50C. bbepnerd , Omaha : Catalna 4.220,

Scotch pine 500 , Austrian pine and Nor¬

way spruce 60 , arbor vltnj 60 4.82CS. W. Selbuuer , Danbury ; ash 4,000, wal-


ut 150 4Messlnar , Meridian " " ' ' ' ' ' 'Robert FiPher , L ncoln".I' . . . . . . . 3.70C

. For ; oil , Neligh : ash J.850 , box elderHO ff j(59

W. Campion , Beaver Crossing : ash 950 ,box older 100. catalpa 110 1,27

J.J.Townsend , Albion 3,00W. P. Stancliff , Friend : cottonwood 1,000 ,

maplett ), R. mulberry 5 , box older COO. . 1 , X

John Putz , Qakdaio : maple 4.00CB. H. Dotnrlas , Mncon : ash 4,150Adam W lken = haw , llaird 3,04-J.

-. P. DwlghtDunlapDwight( P.O. ) : Aus-trian


pine tXX), Scoteh pine 600. juniperIf0. whfto pine 500 , red cedar 100 , whitecedar 600. 2,5X(

E. Purson. O'Neill : box older SCO , mapleW , cottonweed 170 6 i(

Now ton Combs , Raymond 82-


Per largest number planted on ArborDay H. H.hedd. . Ashland 50.00

Second largest number planted on ArborDay-M. Messing , Meridian ; largestnumber hard wood trees planted Arbor

i Day H. H. t-hcdd 25.00


Scotia improved 00.000 worth In 1884.

Albion saloons pay a tax of $1,000 per year,

Douglas county issued 614 marriage licensesIn 1884.

Crelghton's business for 1884 foots up ingrand total to 1319900.

.1 Thirty-nine members of the legislature arcfarmers by pro/esslon.

The railway company is erecting severallargo warehouses at Valentine.


H. D. Weller , of Richardson county , lostover one hundred hogs by disease.-


large number of fine buildings will beerected in Creighton the coming year.

The public schools of Columbus have closedin consequence of diphtheria in the town.f

The dog poisoner is plying his vocation inKearney with results serious to the canines-


is blesp"d with twelve land agentsand none of them are said to wear a hungrylook.-


lodge of the Scottish rite of the Masonicorder has recently been established in Lin-coln.



It is claimed that the Sioux City and Pacificrailway will be completed to Gordon by Au-gust 1-



Buffalo county jail contains nine pris-oners


, but a number of them belong to othercounties.

Diphtheria continncs to ravage the town of-

Kearney. . Some families are said to have lostall their children.

Internal revenue collections in the Nebras-ka


district for the month of January amount-ed


to 1509GG3S.Moody , the evangelist , will hold a conven.-


, lasting three days , in Omaha about themiddle of March.

Seven hundred dollars has be'en promisedtoward the erection of a church at MapleCreek the current year.

The Republican Valley country is highlypleased with the location of the state fair forthe coming flve years.-


man who has been selling B B drinks in-

Osceola was arrested and his cose will sooncomo before the courts.

Beatrice will do herself proud on the occa-sion


of the G. A. R. reunion , which occurs atthat place in September next.

The Nebraska university has an enrollmentof 292 students , 214 of whom are in the collegeof literatures , science and arts-


is makiug a strong effort to se ,

cure the Methodist seminary , which is to bolocated in the Republican valley.

The Arapahoe packing company have en-


their facilities and are now slaughter-ing


large numbers of hogs daily.The talk of an exposition in Omaha has sub-


somewhat. It is not likely the show*will get under headwajhis year-


population'has been considera-bly


increased by settlers from further westreturning there for winter quarters.-



. Kimball , of the Union Pacific , and Mr-


, of the B. & "M. addressed the senateand house railway committee on the 3d-



. Crother , of Nemaha , has just celeDratedhis 61st year. He has been in Nebraska 27years , in all that time "pegging away" at-

shoemaking..The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson , of

Hardy , got the cap of a 22-calibrc revolver inhis throat and choked to death before helpcould be procured.-



reward of $100 is offered by the trusteesof the Lincoln cemetery for discovery of thebody recently stolen therefrom and for infor-mation


of the ghouls.The roller-skating croze has struck the

state harder this winter than ever before"Old and young journey for miles to engage inthe exhilirating sport.

The union meetings in progress at Colum-


for some time closed last week. Themeetings were very well attended and muchgood was accomplished.

The young ladies of Seward have been giv-


what is called a pancake festival , whichwas largely attended , notwithstanding theextremely cold weather.

The people of Platte Center arc in need ofmoney to complete the church begun last falland will soon make a canvass for means to-

go ahead with the work.Eight loads of Indians camped several days

it the vicinity of Nemaha City , and in thattime made the citizens decidedly weary withtheir begging proclivities.-



man recently died in Seward , and havingno relations there, friends telegraphed to hisuncle at Chicago and an answer came back :

"Have no recommendations to make !"The people of Scotia have endured great

hardship the past winter on account of in-


of the coal supply. There wasmoney to buy , but no coal to be had.-



. Belva Lcckwood , the woman suffragecandidate for-president In the late campaign ,

epe.itafe\v hours in Omaha last week , andwas wrll pumped by newspaper reporters.

The fate which awaits SImmorman Is re-



with approval in Kearney county ,

where the citizens are fully cognizant of

lcircumstani es attending the crime fqr whichhe is to be hanged-



Is not a large place , but th Ga-



says it uos its full complement of slan-



, some of them even going so far as to

attack the character of an estimable younglady for not dying to suit thorn.

Among tbo railroad rumors for spring isthe report that the IT. P. contemplates theearly completion of Its line from Manhattanto Maryevlllo. This will in effect giro Beatriceanother southern outlet and an nddltionathrough line to Kansas City.

David Hudson , a farmer living in the northpart of Butler county , i eoently sold to partiesat Schuyler , a hog weighing 085 pounds. Theparties who bought the hog will feed him amonth or two and then send him down toNow Orleans , to go into the Nebraska exhibit

The editor of the Thayer County Heraldthinks that the man who deliberately leaveshis horse standing hitched to a post in theopen street for hours facing the cold wlndwithout food or covering , should ba obligedto keep company with the poor animal In hisEhirtrslcovcs.

The Ulysses Dispatch says that anotherstrange freak of nature has como to pass. Acow of Godfrey Rihart, near that place , hasgiven b.rth to twin calves , their birth beingsix weeks apart. One was born December13th and the other January 24th. The calvesare both doing well.

Harrison Young , a youn ? man living fivemiles west of Junlatn , was killed about mid-dlght


on the 30th by Irvln Farabee. Thequarroi was abcuc the sister of'Young , withwhom Farabee peristed In keeping compa-ny.


. They met on the road , and in an alterca-tion


Faraboe struck Young a powerful blowuudcrthe chin , breaking his neck and killinghim instantly.

The report of Chancellor Manatt to theboard of regents of the university, for thetwo years ending November 30 , 1884 , has beenpublished in pamphlet form. It includes thereports of the heads of the various depart-ments


to the chancellor , and is a very com-plete statement of the condition and needs ofthe university.-



Masonic Grand Custodian Lodge will be-

held in Freemasons' hall , Hastings , Neb. , Februnry 9 to 14 , Inc. , 5S85. Under direction of-W. . '. Benjamin F. Kuwait , Grand Custodian ,

there will bo Apprentice work on Monday.February 9, audThursday , 12 ; Fellow CraftonTuesday , 10 , and Friday , 13 ; Master's work onWednesday, 11 , and Saturday , 14-



. A. Bacon , who formerly resided in Jef.-


county , was recently killed at Simpson ,

on the U. P. He was in the emplo3' of therailroad compan yas brakeman , and was sit-


in a car by the window when , in round-Ing


a curve , a broken switch caused the car-te leave the track and upset , throwing Baconpartially out of the window. .The car fell onhim and crushed him. He was a young manabout 23 years of age-



Columbus the other day a man left thetrain , accompanied by his little half-starved ,half-clad , motherless daughter, who , shiver-ing


with cold and hunger, followed herdrunken father from one saloon to anotherpitifully pleading in her earnest, childish waywith the dastardly brute to resume theirjourney. The sheriff finally arrested the man ,

sobered him up , fed tbe starving little crea-ture


and started them lor Minneapolis , theirdestination.-



changes in Nebraska Establish-ed


: Keeler , Lincoln county , Elisha N. Keeler ,postmaster ; Sangco , Col fax county , Louis C-


, postmaster. Postmasters appointed :

Aldo , Hall county , Frank W. Powell ; Celia ,

Holt county , Hans A. Strangeland ; CherryCreek , Buffalo county , Asael L. Taylor ; Dun-bar, Otoe county , Louis A. Jonas ; French-town , Antclopo county , Wm. Napier ; Geneva ,

Fillmore county , Wm. H. Cooksey ; Harting-ton , Cedar county , Henry B. Swing ; MalcolmLancaster county , Louis C. Mayer : O'Connor,Greelej' county , John Walsh.-



series of accidents to an Iowa family isthus recorded by the Omaha Herald : AnIowa stockman named Baker arrived at theOoiaha stock yards Saturday with somesheep , and , in superintending their unload-ing


, had one of his feet smashed. He wastaken to St. Joseph's hospital , sending a tele-gram


from there to a brother at McPaul ,

Iowa , to come on and look after the stock.The brother reached Council Bluffs Sunday ,and while waiting at the Transfer for thedummy fell down and fractured one of hisarms. Instead of going to the stock yardshe , too , went to St. Joseph's hospital. An-other


member of the family has been tele-graphed


for, and while mournful over theirdisasters , the crippled brothers are doing a-

liitte speculation as to the chances of comingthrough safely-




James K. Jones has been elected U. S. Sen-.ator

.from Arkansas.

Vice President-e'ect Hendrielcs has gone on-

a visit to the New Orleans exposition.-



Kaufman , while dancing at a ball inCincinnati , sank to the floor and died in a fewminutes.

General F. C. Barlow , of New York , is beingurged for secretary of war, and has the in-


of Samuel J. Tilden.The public debt of the Dominion of Canada

is in excess of 88,000,000 , an increase of $7,000,*

300 in the past six months.Justus Schwab , the New York communist'

was held §1,500 for a-ssaultinjr a police cap'-

tain and distributing bloodthirsty circulars.-S.


. S. Merrill , general manager of the St.Paul road , suffered a third stroke of paralysisit Milwaukee , and is in a critical condition.

President Taylor and several other leadingMormons have returned to Salt Lake from aninspection of the church colonies in Arizonaand New Mexico.

Leading clearing houses of the UnitedStates report the total gross clearances forthe week ended January 31 were 5621,912,496 ,

i decrease of 3S.2 per cant.The clerk of the Merchants' bank of Belle-


, Ont. , who decamped some time sincewith $10,000, was arrested at Baltimore , underLhe name of Yarwood , and taken to Canada

An improvement in the iron trade is visibleit Philadelphia. Nails will soon be advancedto 2.20 , no account of the exhaustion of-

stocks. . Steel rails in large quantities are heldit 527-



an address to the American public , ChiefEngineer Melville expresses the belief that asuccessful voyage to the uorth polo can benude bv way of Franz Josef land , and that±o time is ripe for the attempt.-



. Laura DC Force Gordon , of California ,

!vas admitted to tbe bar in the United Statesjupremo court at Washington. She is thesecond woman allow eJ to practice belore this:ourt , Belva Lockwood being the first.

Herman Kranisch became ill at Portage ,

iVis. , upon which a fellow boarder adminis-ered


fifteen drops of aconite , causing Kran-sch's


death. Theboaider then hanged hiin-elf , but was cut down and resuscitated.

The schedule of John J.Cisco & Son shows;he debts and 1 abilies are §2,987,000 ; nominalissets , ?3294.000 ; actual assets , $2,407,000.-



actual value of assets will bo largely in-



by a realization of the true value of-

securities. .

The State Miners' union has issued an ad-



for a reduction of ton per cent , all over)hio In coal ininiug. This practically (cnds

tbe Hocking Valley strike , as it brings therate to sixty cents in that district and fifty in-

most districts of the state.The dccrcaao'ln the public debt during Jan-

uary was $9 , 20.040 ; decrease since- Juno 30,

f40920.910 : cash In treasury , $400,841,804 ; goldcertificates. $124,279, 80 ; silver certificates ,

fl ,100,701 ; certificates of deposit. $30,130,000 ;

refunding certificates , $253,000 ; legal tenders ,

$340-081,010 : fractional currency, 09GO000.

The agent of the associated charities ofMilwaukee accidentally learned of the desti-tute


condition of General Henry M. Strong ,who was a schoolmate of President Arthurat Union college , and who commanded abrigade at Gainsvlllo. Although partiallydisabled by wounds the veteran would notipply for a pension or ask as assistance.-



Albany dispatch says it is understoodthat President-elect Cleveland has definitelydecided to appoint Senator Bayard , of Dela-ware , to bo his secretary of state , and Con-


Randall , of Pennsylvania , to bosecretary of the treasury ; and thpro seemsgood reason to believe tliut ex-Senator Mo-Donald , of Indiana , and Colonel Vilas , ofWisconsin , will also be called to the cabinet.




the 4th the president gave his annualdinner in honor of the justices of the UnitedStates supreme court The attorney-general ,

the chairmen of the senate and house judi-ciary


committees , and a number of the presi-dent's


friends , were Invited to meet the jus-tices


, the whole number of guests beingforty-



a meeting of the Virginia membera electto the Forty-ninth congress" and the demo-cratic


executive committee of that state , aresolution was adopted endorsing Bopresentr-ativu Barber for postmaster-general underthe incoming administration. A committeewas appointed to confer with the president ¬

elect in Barber's behalf.

Minister West, of Great Britain , was askedwhat he thought of the shooting of O'Dono-ran Kossn , and , in reply , said : "I deeply re-


the shooting of that man , because itmakes it appear as if the party of law andordoc were resorting to the same means asthe dynamiters and pursuing a system of re-


, than which nothing is more dani-


, . Of course , it would be suspectingEngland of being a fool to imagine it iustigated the attack on Rossa. "


.A. Logan has been" renominated for

senator by Illinois republicans.Both houses of the Kansas legislature bal-


for United States senator. John J. In-?alls was chosen to succeeded himself , recelv-ng the entire republican vote of both houses06 in the house and 37 In the senate besides

two democratic votes in the latter body. Thelemocrats in caucus were unable to agreeupon a candidate , and in the house four votedfor General Charles W. Ulair and three lor-sxGovernor Glick. The latter got one voten the senate.-"You


may say that the next cabinet will be-

shosenfrom the following ten gentlemen *,"

aid a senator who is very close to Mr. Cleveand , and who has recently seen him : "Bay-ird


, Garland , Whitney , Vilas , Jones of Nowlampjhire , McDonald , Lawton of Georgia ,

onas , McClellan , and Wallhall of Mississippi ,

cannot state how they will be placed , butou can rest assured these are the only names

ander 'consideration by the president-elect ,

nd anything else is mere guesswork. "Samuel J. Tilden is credited with the opin-


that there should be no particular stressaid upon having rich men in the cabinet fam-y.

-. He is of the opinion that the now ad-


will have something better to-

epend on than that of mere social populari-y.


. He is opposed to W. C. Whitney and on the ground that their reputationsre not national enough. The news of Hen-


endorsement of Holman has made a-

i eat stir in Indiana circles. The general ef-

ect is to strengthen McDonald with hisriends.The bill introduced by Mr. Holman to pro-


the purity of the ballot provides that ithall be unlawful for any person to give orpromise any of his property, real or personal ,

:o bo used , directly or indirectly , in securingi vote or appointment for any office undergovernment. Violation of this to be punished3y a fine not exceeding $500 aud imprisonmentnot exceeding one year. The bill further pro-fjdes


: Every person hereafter elected or ap-


to fill any office in the United Statesihall take an oath that he will not violate theibove piovlsions.

CRIMINAL.Frank Binham , the oldest son of a widow

iving on a farm near the village of RadicalKansas , returned home after a three days ab-


, and found his mother , brother andiister murdered. The trio had apparentlyjecn dead at least forty-eight hours. No clue0 the murderers.-At


Portsmouth , Va. , John L. Jack shot Car-er

-: B. Page in the face , the ball lodging intoo neck and inflicting a serious and possibly1 mortJl wound. Ja'ck thought himselfilJghtcd by Page in the matter of social cour-


and challenged him. Page went to armlimsclf. aud on his return found Jack wait-



at the door of a-restaurant , where a quar-el


began. Page gave the word "lire ," andline shots followed in quick succession.-A


warrant was issued at Chicago for thetrrest of E. A.-Barne ? , principal of one of the> ubic! schools , for his alleged maltreatmentf a 12-year-old boy named King. The boy is-

ioverod with bruises and cuts caused by whip-ing


) with a large horsewhip. The principalill ges that the boy perform someluty and refused to take off his overcoat , forvhicb causes iho punishment was more severeban otherwise.-A


terrible tragedy is recorded as having oc-


on Shaw's island , in San Juan county ,) regon. James Barker had gone on a hunt.-Lf


ter a lapse of ten days he did not return ,

md John Kelly , sheriff of San Juan county ,rganized a search party. They arrived at-he cabin of Hugh Parks , an eccentric indi ,

'idual. He refused them entrance and theiheriff swore out a warrant for his arrest.-Che


men hid near the cabin to watch. Afterome time Parks emerged , dragging the bodyif a dead man , that of Jameo Imrker. Afterhis Parks secured himself in tbe cabin , whichhe men continued to watch for three days.-


sign of life within being made , one of theaen stepped to the door and was immediatelyhot by the crazy man. The rest of the partyhen saturated a bale of bay with coal oil ,

oiled it to the door and -fired it, burning theabin and its occupant , whose charred re-


were afterwards found in the ruins.

FOREIGN NOTES.Advices from Korti state a number of spies

lave been despatched to Khartoum to ascer-ain the late of General Gordon.There Is considerable speculation as to-

rhethcr Arab ! Pusha did not have a hand in-

iringlng about the fall of Khartoum.The news from Khartoum created an im-


sensation in Paris. Lord Lyons , Britishmbassador , had an interview with the primeninister during the day-.An

.official note from Turkey declares Eng-


denied the agreement with IfaJy as to-

he occupation of Egyptian ports , and that

1 urkoy ntn icquoaird Italy to wlthdiaw hertroops from the Red go.u

Humors hnvo reached Cairo that 2,000 uionwere mnwioredat Khartoum. The news of-

thodlsasttr cast a gloom over the entire Eu-


colony in Egypt. The English garri-son


now consists of 1,300 men at Alexandria ,3,850 at Cairo and. 150 marines at Suez ,

if The fall of Khartoum produced a profoundImpression in Homo. The newspapers uniteIn expressions of sympathy with GeneralGordon and give utterances to the belief thatthe Mahdl's victory will draw England andItaly Into yet closer relations with a view ofJoint action In Egypt.

The council at the English war office de-


to advise the dispatch of 3,009 troops to-

Suakim immediately. Gen. Stephonsou tele-graphs


that 5,000 men will bo needed to cleara road to Berber , as the news of the fall ofKhartoum will Induce the central tribes tojoin Osman Dlgna.

Italy has replied formally to the protests ofthe parto against the occupation of Egyptianports along the Red sea by Italian forces.Italy admits the claims of the sultan to Suzer-ainty


over the Red sea but says It felt com-pelled


to occupy certain jvrts in order toprotect Italian subject * imperiled by thewithdrawn ! of Egyptian garrisons. Italy saysshe will allow the Egyptian llag to remainside by side with the Italian at every occupiedpoint. '


The Jtebels in. Possession of JfJiartoinn Aftera Sanguinary Struyyle llrilons 11'lld withExcitement.Intelligence was rccsivcd In London on the

5th that Khartjum had been captured by therebels. The wher.a'iouts of Gen. Gordon is-

unknown. . It is probable he is in the hands ofthe victors. Gen. Wolseley telegraphs thatwhen. Col. Wilson , who went from Metemneh-to Khartoum , reached the latter place liefound it in the hands of the rebels. He re-


to Metemneh under a heavy fire fromboth banks of the river-


English war ofllee I'suesl the following :

"Telegrams from Gen. Wolseley announcethat the fall of Khartoum took place January-G. He says that Col. Wilton arrived at Kbar-loum

-January iij , and was irreatl }' surprised to

find the ene'my in pcss sslou of that place.-He

.immediately returned down the river under

a heavy lire from the rebels. When some milesbelow "the Shceplaka cataract Col. AVilson'ssteamers were wrecked , bat Me and his partymanaged to reach an island in safety , wherethey are In safety. A st'-amcr has gone tobring thrm back to the British camp nearMetemueh. Gen. WoJscley says he has no in-formation


regarding the fate of Gea. Gordonand does not know whether he is deid or-alive. ."

When Sir Charles Wilson reached Khartoumhe found the Mahdi's forces in possession ofthe town and citadel. He tried to land andascertain the fate of Gordon , but this step hefound impossible. The enemy's guns wereturned upon him in full force. He was there-fore


compelled to turn his back upon thefallen city and return to Gubat without find-ing


whether Gordon was dead or alive. A na-tive


reports that the Mahdi had C00,000 men inthe vicinity of Khartoum and he introduced anumber of his emissaries into the city. Thesemixed freely with the mtlve troops underGeneral Gordod and by bribes , threats andworking on their religious feelings inducedthem to mutiny. Seven thousand of the garri-son


deserted , leaving Gordon only 2,5'JD laith-ful

-soldiers. With this small force he tried to

hold the city against thq Mahdi's great army ,but after severe fighting , in which a largenumber of rebels were lulled , he was compelledto surrender.

The eucitement , says a London dispatch ,over the news is at fever heat. Clubs andpublic resorts of everv description are throngedwith crowds of peopla eager to catch the lastsyllable of intelligence fron the distant Egyp-tian


desert. Throughout Fleet street aud ttieStrand it is almost impossible to make one'sway , so crowded are these thoroughfareswith throngs of curious aud excited citi-zens.


. Most people too'v a gloomy view ofthe position of the British troops in Soudan ,and the jubilant gladness which characterizedEngland in regard to Egypt ever since the wel-come


news of Stewart's successful arrival inthe neighborhood of Metemneh was received ,has given way to despair. Expressions of dis-may


and foreboding come from almost every ¬

body. It is too early to estimate the inlluence-of the news on the political situation. Thewar office is besieged with army officers ten-dering


their sen-ices for active duty in theSoudan. Numerous telegrams are b'eing re-


from oilicers throughout the countryasking assignments to rescue the expeditionshould the government conclude to take suchaction. The capture of Khartoum createdgrave fears , especially in arm}* circles , for thesafety of General Stewart and hjs army. Anumber of military officers of repute even ex-press


the opinion that unless reinforcementsare hurried forward to Korti the fall of Khar-toum


may lead to disasters to the forces underLord Wolseley and General Earlc. A cabinetcounciLhas been summoned to meet at once.Gladstone is fearfully disturbed by the newsand some people believe he will resign.


The Generous Offer of Sirs. Grant the Subject

of a Mcysaije to Conyrcss.The president recently transmitted to the

house the following message : I take especial

pleasure in laying before congress the gener-



offer made by Mrs. Grant to give to thegovernment , in perpetual trust , the swords andmilitary (and civil )

" testimonials belonging toGeneral Grant. A copy of the deed of trustand of the letter addressed me by William H.Vanderbilt will explain the nature and themotive of this oiler. An appreciation of Gen-


achievements aud a recognition of hiajust fame , have in part taken shape in numer-ous


mementoes and gifts , which , -while dearto him , possesses for the nation exceptionalinterest. These relics arc of great historicalvalue , and have passed into the hands ofanother whose considerate action n.s'oreJthe collection to Mrs. Grant as a life trust ,on condition that on the death o Gen-


Grant or sooner , at Mrs. Grant's option ,

it shall become the property of the govern-ment


, as set forth in the accompanying pa-



. In the exercise of the option thuseiven her , Mrs. Grant elects that the trustshall forthwith determine , and asks that thegovernment shall designate a suitable place ofdeposit and a responsible custodian for thei-ollection. The nature of this gift aud thevalue of the relics which the generosity of it

private citizen , joined to the high sense of opublic regard which animates Mrs. Graut , TI

hare thus placed at the disposal of the gov-


demand full an l signal recognition onbehalf of the nation at the hands ol its repre-



. I therefore ask congress to takesuitable action to accept the trust and providefor its secure custody , at the same time re-



the appreciative gratitude of the peo-



to the donors. In this connection 1

may pertinently avert to the pending legisla-



in the senate and house of representa-tives looking to a national recognition of Gen-



Grant's eminent services by providingmeans for his restoration to the army on theretired list. That congress by taking such ac-


will give expression to the aim ist univer-sal


desire of the people of this nat.on is evi-lent , and I earnestly urge the passage of anlet similar to senate bill No. 2530 , which ,

while not interfering with the constitutionalprerogative of appointment will enable thepresident in his discretiou to nominate GeneralGrant as general on the retired list.

(Signed ) CIIESTEU A. AIITHUR.Accompanying the papers referred to arc a-

lecdof trust executed by W. H. A anderbilt-ind that gentleman's letters to the presidentinforming him of his action.

After General Grant.General A. McD. McCook , now in command

at Fort Douglas , Utah , was interviewed inreference to General Grant's strictures uponhim In a magazine article on the battle of-

Suiloh. . McCook says that in a few days hewill , through the proper channels , call utccn-



, "-j


II ill IO U l u liniiuc . ouilllrf flu I M-Lbiiloli and his part therein , \\iilch writ E-

thxiwlmt General Unuit mijvjat-uut lilmiMc-Cook ) In itio iimut'i* H nuulululf.lthoutfoumla'i" " MI Off M MI.M ii crnl ( Imm-h'ts persistently pursued him for twen y-tweyears , and t'iu iiio ncuutc of iho loiois ue-

1'itobuig humling was u coinploe: surprise to-Ocunrul tjr.d.t. .McCooit Ultfufi from UuneralGrant on 'a number of. oilier important point.- * ,

and t-uys ihU IH the first tlm ho has overbroken the eilcncc 911 tt.c subject-



ins oirx xicuiciyr.-


>jfHamlter O'Jlosiit lir< > njhl Down &;/ a Shotfrom a filial tn tlte Hands of a It'omun.-In

.New York , on the 2d , Jeremiah O'Dono-

van Rossa , the Irish dynamiter , so/callcd , wasshot by a woman on Chambers street , nearBroadway. At that hour the streets were fullof people homeward hound , making theirway toward Brooklyn bridge. The excitementover the shooting , although the man was re-


by very few , was intense. The llrstshot fired took effect in O'Donovan's body andhe fell to the sidewalk. The woman continuedto shoot until she emptied the fivechamberedr-evolver. . Only the first shot took t-ffcct. CityMarshal James McAuley was present at thetime , and breaking through the crowd thathad collected , even before the shootint; wasover, seized the woman , who still held thesmctkiug pistol in her hand , tlling her she wasunder arrest. The woman ofTereU no remon-strance


, but allowed herself to be takenthrough the crowd to the city hall station.When the woman had ceasrd tlrinij O'Uono-van rose to his feet and made an effort to findhis way back to his ollicc in Chambers street ,which he had just left. He said , "I am shot ,"trying to place his hand on his back, under hisshoulder blade. Afler a few steps somebodysuggested he should go to the Chambers streethospital. A couple of men lent their armsand O'Donovon did as suggested and directedhis steps towaids the hospital. He walked allthe way there , the distance being nearly aquarter of a mile. He bled considerably on-thewa}'. Once in the hospital he was un-dressed


and examined bv Dr. Dennison and itwas found the Millet had entered his back , di-


below tlit left shoulder blade. The doc-tor


pronounced I Le wound not of a dangerouscharacter and began to probe for the ball. Agreat crowd of people had followed thewounded man down Chambers street andblocked the roadway in front of the hospital ,after the door wasel-'sed behind O'Donavanand his escort.

Meanwhile the woman had been taken to thestation house with another crowd closely fol-lowing


her. She was placed before SergeantCass' desk. She was good-looking , dressedneatly , In plain dark clothing , aud wore eye¬

glasses. She appeared like a school teach'er ,with an Intellectual face. Her manner was en-tirely


composed , and she answered some of thequo t ions put to her piomptly , and withoutembarrassment. Toothers , she simply shookher head , and smiled , with a look , which said :

"I shall only answer questions which I knowyou have a fi ht to ask. "

McAuIcy handed the pistol , of small calibre,to the sergeant and said he had seen the pris-oner


shoot a man on Chambers street. Thevolunteer \vitnesses assented to the stated factof the shooting A cit z-'ii here asked : "Doyou kuow the man you shot ? " "Ves , " repliedthe prisoner , with an English accent , UI shotO'Donovan Rossa. "

Further questioning by the sergeant elicitedthe statement that the j risoner's name wasYseult Dudley, aged 5 , an.l that she was anurse and nurritd , and that she lived atClinton place. She was askid wliy she shotO'Donovau , how long the had been in Americaand other questions , lo which s-hi : made no-answer. . After her ped gr e had been taken ,she was escorted to a rear room and the crow dslowly dispersed. Her entire demeanor wasthat of a ratioi al person and a cool headedone at that. Rossa had been placed on a cet-in the same ward with Captain Phelan , whowas stabbed by Richard Short in 1'ossa's olliceover three weeks ago. Rossa was within eightbeds of Phelan. An examination of thewound by Dr. Kirov showed the bullet hadpenetrated the back'about halt an inch abovethe left shoulder blade. The ball ranged up-ward


and inward toward the spinal column ,but did not touch the vertebrae. The bullutevidently lodged in the muscles of the back ,and beyond a slight shock , Rossa has sufferedlittle.


.ClevelandSTaltcsno Ueflnile Sign What ticIntends to Do-


Cleveland , when m NewYork city a few days ago , was called upoa by-

manyprominentmen. . Amongothcrswaslsaac-H. . Hunter , the colored orator , who advocatedCleveland's claims to the presidency on thestump at the late election , who waited onCleveland to urge his claim to be minister to-

Elayti. . Senator Gorman called to nerfect in-augural




gentleman prominently connected withthe national democratic committee during therecent campaign , said to a reporter : "I liave;oed reason to believe that Cleveland has madeup his mind about at least one member of the:abinet. The choice will give general sat-sfac-: ion to the democrats of the country. Senator[Jorman and Colonel Smallev have said toCleveland iu plain words : 'We have no favors:o ask of you for ourselves , but if it is yourvish , in any particular manner , to testifyj'ouri-pprcciation of the efforts of the na'tional-ominitte: in the last canvass , the appoint-ncnt

-of Jonas iu your cabinet would

je accepted by us"as a settlementn full , and we ask that , and thatwily. ' Jonas has many friends in the senatevho urge his appointment , aud petitions fromill parts of the south and from business menire continually coming in , aud others are in-reparation. . So far Cleveland has made no-

lefiuite sign of what he intends to do , but I-

elieve> he intends to call Jonas , of Louisiana ,nto the cabinet a * "postmaster general. " Thelame of AVilliam Springer is urged 'or sccre-iry

-of the treasury. Editor Mnuford , of tlic

Kansas City 'Mini's , pn-j-ntwl the name of-Jen. . Charles B Blair , of Kansas, for any cab-net position Clevelaad might be pleased toelect for him.




J'rniiiiin-nt Irishmen Inter-by

-' it Piv.-xt ttcportff.-


number of pion : iicnt Irishmen of ihs-itv , saysaBuffa'o ( X. Vj dispatch , wcrein-erviewed


by an associate press reprtsentii-ve


relative to the shooting of Ros a. Jamesloonei' , ex-prcsideiit ol" the Irish national3aguesaid he-did no ! ngice with Rossa , whome style ! an apostle of ass ; s iination. He didiot beliave Rossa was in anyway connectedrith the recent explosion in England , neitherid he think any one in this country had aand in this atlair. Rossa had no rollowin ;;t" any account in t'lis' countryRos.aay have good ieson3: for his bitteratred of England , but the Irish leadersud no sympathy with his wild and im-iructicable

-scheme3. . ooncy believed the

utrasres in England were planned in thatouutry by persons in the employ of corn-lunists

-or a similar organ.zation , and iJOSi-


by the Iiish constnbiilary. who want therimes HC renewed Father Cronin. editor of-he Catholic Union and Times , said he consid-red tlut Rossa had suffered intensely at theands of England , uii'l was to a certain cx-unt


unaccountable lor his acts and words ,''he wrongs had affected his mind. He didot think Ro-sa resaonsib'.e for the outrages Ti London or tiiat the dynamiters were Inshi-cn.

-. Tney were , to his mind , the result of-

Iritish tyranny.-



Fits John. Porter Case-



response to a house resolution offered by-

tepresentativo tlSlocum , the president hasi-ansmitted to congress the recent appeal of-



John Porter to him in his own behalf , tl'he documents contibtd of a letter of Gen-ral

- .! <

Porter to the picbident asking the latter C(

a nominate him to the senate tor restoration orw

o the army , or if the pre i lent believes thatourse not within his power that by special reicesage the president reler the ca e to coii-ress

- tnm

witd the uggestion that the action oflie advisory board be earned out. With his toki

jtter Porter transmits a joint opinion by-ohn C. Bullet , Joseph H. Choate aud Anson-lalthy



, holding that coiiKrss has the consti-itional

-right to restore Porter to the army ,

his opinion is in controverston of Attorneyeneral Brew *ter's opinion , on which the rr-

thesident vetoed the bill passed by the lastcn-jriES for Porter's relier. ca-


-- * . -,

SENATE.The senate took up the bill to reperJ the

pro etnptiou and timber culture laws. Aftera short discussion it was displaced by the la-


commerce bill.Beck moved to amend this so as to prohibit

merely chartfng more for transportation ' anydistance less than tbe whole length of theHue than Is charged for similar service overthe whole length of the line." He was at-


to remedy one evil that was flagrantwithout attempting to regulate the Intermedi-ate


rates , with all the complications attributedto them. This amendment would stop the-practice of doubling up charges on local busi-


, In order to make up what was lost In-

throuch business.Without action on Plumb's amendment the

senate went Into executive session and soou-.adjourned.



Randall called up the resolution providing-that during the remainder of the sessionthirty minutes every morning shall be devotedto the consideration of measures called up byindividual members, if there are not flve ob-


made thereto , provided that while thisorder is in force the speaker shall not enter-tain


a request for unanimous consent at anyother time. Adopted , yeas 192 , nays ItJS.

Collins moved that the house take a recessuntil 11 o'clock to-morrow. This was donefor the purpose of continuing the legislativeday of Monday in order that an opportunitymaybehad to move the passage of the bank-rupt


bill under suspension of the rule$ . Fili-bustering


ensued and roll call followed rollcall In monotonous succession. The friends-of the bankruptcy bill being in a majority oltwo to six and voting down every motion to-

adjourn. . At midnight the house was still Iu.session with no prospect of adjournment.S-


.The credentials of Evarts , elected United

States senator from the state of New York,were presented. The credentials were un-


lengthv. During their reading Hoarremarked that in his judgment a certificatefrom a state simply saying that the personnamed In the certificate was duly elected sena-tor


for the stated named fora certain time wassuflicicnt.

The papers were referred to the committeeon privileges and flections. '

Dawcs , irom the committee on Indian af-


, reported favorably the bill to authorizethe secretary of the interior to extend thetime for the payment of each of the severalannual installments to be paid by the settlers-on


the Omaha and Otoe Indian lands to such Vtime, not exceeding one year , as he shall sec lit.

The senate resumed consideration of theinter-state commerce bill , but no definite ac-


was taken.HOUSE. C

Stewart (Texas) , from the committee on N

foreign affairs , reported a resolution request-ing


the president to take all necessary andproper measures to assure Julio R. Santos , anAmerican citizen imprisoned in Ecuador , aspeedy and impartial trial and protect him inhis life and property.

The consideration of the river and harborbill was resumed In committee of the whole.The general debate closed and the first sectionof the bill was read , after which the house ad-



The chair laid before the senate the presi-dent's


message relating to Mrs. Grant's offerto the government of the relies of GeneralGrant's military carer , and recommendingthat congress pass a bill to enable the presi-dent


to place the general on the retired list.The iutcr-stat" commerce bill was amended

somewhat in committee of the whole and re-


iu the senate , where it was passedyeas 43 , nays 12.

The Texas Pacific railroad bill was taken upbut subsequently laid aside, in order to takeup the house bill for the retirement and recoiu-age of the "trade dollar." [The hill , asamended by the senate , provides also for the - /

suspension of the coinage of the standard sil- j

ver dollar-1 The last named measure did not '

reach definite action when the senate ad-journed.


. /*HOUSE.Under the new rule adopted vestcrday , .

Puscy called up the hill appropriating § 100,001) /for the completion of the public huildini; at (Council Bluffs. This was objected to au Tthe V

bill was not considered. A number of other jbills of a private character met a similar fate, 1

Money , from the committee on postouiccs i

and postroads , reported the bill to reduce 1

postage on mailable matter of the second class.Placed on the house calendar. It reduces "


postage of the second class , when sent by pubft \Ishers to bona fide subscribes , to one cent er-

a fraction thereof. "


Van Wyck offered the following resolution ,which was agreed to :

Jfaoivcil , That the secretary of the Interiorinform the senate what amounts were due theUnited States on December 31. IfeSy , from theUnion Pacific railroad ; also , what amounts fhave become due from that date uutil Decein-her 31,1SS4 , according to the rule laid down in j ,

the decision lately rendered between the Uui- } .

ted State.3 and said road in the court of claims ; *

also , whether the annual settlement was made j-February 1,1SS5 , as provided in the Thurman (act.

The senate then considered the redemptionof the trade dollar.

HOUSE.Belmont , frou.t he committee on foreign af-


, reported back the resolution requesting j

the president to cause copies of all comrnuui- jcations received respecting the Congo confer-ance

- i, and especially copies of the text of the [


commission or power sent by the government Jto each of the throe American pknipotentia-ries

- |or agents , to he i mmediately transmitted

to the house. Adopted.Van Alstyne , from the committee on expen-


for the department of justice , reported) ack the resolution directing the secretary of-he: treasury to inform the house of the total

:xpenses incurred under the law providing for.he appointment of deputy marshals , chiefsupervisors and supervisors of elections , aud-n what states the money .had been expended. /Adopted.

"* , ||SENATE.

The chair laid before the senate the creilca-ials

-of the re-election of Senator Ingalls.

The bill to regulate the fees of pensionigents and attorneys was taken up. j

Beck said in 1834 the pension agents wanted *

heir fees increased to §25 , but both houses of t-

ongress declined to increase them , yet in-oulerence committee the fees were increased.Allison said it was due tlje conference coin-


to say that, as he (Allison ) untlorsloo.I-he matter , the pension commissioner aud sec-etary

-of the interior recommended or ap-


such legislation.After further discussion the bill was passed

rithout division.The consular and diplomatic bill was then

ailed up and passed.HOUSE..

After the transaction of a variety of miscel-ineous

-business , the house wesit into com-


of the whole on the river and harbor /ill. *

The amendment appropriating Sl.'i.OOO.COODr the improvement of the Sandv Hook chan-el

-( the mouth of New York harb'or ) was the

ccasion of a long wrangle of a personal na-ire between Hiscock and King , and wasually rejected.The committee were without action and the

nuse adjourned until c-veuincr , when twcnty-x pension bills were passed , including oneranting $10 each to the minor children of the.te Lieut. Kisliagbury.-



L.YSCIIISG JtrIowa Jlurdcrers Suiiunarily jJealt-It'ith by JJetennincd Citizens.-


udubon ( Iowa) dispatch , of the 4th ,tys : Last night , about half past 2, aboutic hundred masked men attacked the jail;re , picked out and smashed u hole throughic outer wall , and with chisels and crowbats yit through into the ceils and tojk out J . J ,

< *'I.'son , John A. Smythe and Cicero .lellerson 'IB parties accused of the murder ot Hiram .**jllerson last April. Wilson and Suiythe , ac-irding

-to the evidence of the otber prison ¬

's in the jail , made a terrible resistance and-re shot In their cells. J llerson made no-

sistance , and was hungin the band stand In-e center of the public square. The coro-r's

-: verdict Is that Wilson and Smytae came

their deaths by pistol shots. Hred by un-lown

-parties , and that Jclierson came to-

s death by hanging. Cicero Jellerson toMC. Leek , the prisoner who occupied th

11 with him , that the confes-ion he hadtherto made , but had since retracted , wasue. There Is no clue to whom the parties in-emob were.- The work of the mob.rcfully and quietly done , and \vhen-ey as quietly dispersed.