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MBC Welcome Packet

Mar 24, 2016



Nathan Didlake

To find out everything there is to know about MBC, its current ministries, and how you can get involved, please browse this informative guide.
Welcome message from author
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Table of Contents MBC ESSENTIALS ............................................................................... 2

SERVICE TIMES ................................................................................................................. 2

CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 2

OFFICE HOURS ................................................................................................................. 2

LETTER FROM PASTOR KEN .......................................................... 3

LETTER FROM PETE TOMKO ......................................................... 4

STATEMENT OF FAITH .................................................................... 6

ELDERS AND STAFF BIOS ............................................................... 10

ELDERS ............................................................................................................................ 10

STAFF ............................................................................................................................... 12

MBC MINISTRIES .............................................................................. 15

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY (MBC KIDS) ......................................................................... 15

DEACONESS MINISTRY ................................................................................................ 16

FOOD CLOSET ............................................................................................................... 16

MEN’S MINISTRY ........................................................................................................... 17

MOPS .............................................................................................................................. 17

SERVE OUR SHORES (SOS) .......................................................................................... 17

SONSHINE ....................................................................................................................... 18

WOMEN’S MINISTRY (G.I.G) ....................................................................................... 18

WORSHIP MINISTRY ...................................................................................................... 19

1935 (YOUNG ADULTS) ................................................................................................ 19

YOUTH MINISTRY ......................................................................................................... 20

MBC SMALL GROUPS ....................................................................... 22

MBC MISSIONS .................................................................................. 24

QUESTIONS ....................................................................................... 29

LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (LCA) .............................. 31

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MBC Essentials Service Times

Sunday School: Sundays, 9AM

Sunday Worship: Sundays, 10AM

For other service and event times, please see individual ministry/small group information below. If you have any questions, please contact the MBC office for more details.

Contact Information 400 Beach Avenue, Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Phone: (609) 597-7586

Fax: (609) 597-4194

To reach the MBC secretary: [email protected]

For prayer, email [email protected] or call the church office.


Office Hours Sunday: 9am–Noon

Monday: Closed

Tuesday-Friday: 9am–3pm

Saturday: Closed

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Letter from Pastor Ken Welcome to Manahawkin Baptist Church! We exist to share and demonstrate the love of God shown to us in God’s one and only Son, Jesus. We believe that Jesus came to this earth from heaven to demonstrate for us how we were created to live. He is the only “normal” human being who ever lived. He lived in total obedience to His Father in heaven. His life wakes us up to our self-focused, self-directed lives and tells us we are “lost” in ourselves. In spite of this, God loves us and sent His Son to live his life for us and then to die on the cross to the pay the sentence of death we each deserve. He then rose from the dead to prove that He can forgive our sin and give us eternal life. Jesus invites us to be ‘found’ and ‘get our lives back’ by trusting in Him. He said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). People who meet Jesus by faith become part of God’s family forever! MBC is a place where God’s family meets to worship God for the great love and grace shown to us in Jesus. We exist to make Jesus known to those who have never heard this good news. Also, we exist to encourage each other as we all learn to obey Jesus better every day. We hope you may find a new home here at MBC. If you have any questions or I can be of any help to you, please let me know. It is our prayer that you may know Jesus and in knowing Him you may find eternal life. In Christ, Pastor Ken Kirby [email protected]

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Letter from Pete Tomko Hello! Welcome to MBC! Before I moved to NJ in May 2000, I attended MBC on the weekends my family and I spent at the shore. As a visitor then, I enjoyed the preaching and the fellowship and friendliness of the church family. Once my family moved to the Shore, my wife and I began serving in the children’s ministry and joined a couples’ small group. In the small group setting, we felt at ease quickly and were able to grow in our faith as we studied and fellowshipped together. The relationships we’ve formed through serving and participating here at MBC have grown into deep, lifelong friendships that are truly blessing to my wife, me, and my family. Now, I have the privilege of serving as the chair of the elder board. The elder board at MBC wants – more than anything – to be servant leaders in our congregation. We want to help provide, alongside our pastors and staff, a place where all people are comfortable and safe in Jesus. A place where the grace, mercy, and love of God the Father, the salvation of Jesus Christ, and the power of Holy Spirit permeates our community of believers. If you are new to the area, new to the faith, or are looking for a church home, I pray that you would find the same love, fellowship and growth at MBC we found – through getting connected with a small group or adult Bible study. Please, feel free to contact me via cell phone or email with any questions you may have regarding our church family, worship services, or small groups. All glory to God!

Peter Tomko, Elder Chair (609) 548-3824 | [email protected]

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Statement of Faith THE SCRIPTURES

We believe that "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God" (2 Timothy 3:16) by which we understand the whole Bible as it appeared in the original manuscripts was divinely inspired (2 Peter 1:21; Romans 15:4), in the sense that holy men of God were moved by the Holy Spirit to write the very words of Scripture.

We believe that all scripture centers about the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, no portion of Scripture, even the Old Testament, is properly understood until it leads to Him (John 5:39; Romans 15:4).

We also believe that all Scriptures were designed for our practical instruction (2 Timothy 3:16).

THE GODHEAD We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three are one God (Matthew 28:19; 3:16-17) having the same nature, attributes and perfections (2 Corinthians 13:14) inexpressibly glorious in holiness (Exodus 15:11) and worthy of all honor, confidence, love (Mark 12:30) and obedience (Acts 5:29).

We believe that Jesus Christ is the "only begotten Son of God" (John 3:16) conceived by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20), born of the Virgin Mary (Matthew 1:23), and is true God and true Man (Philippians 2:5-11; John 1:1-4; Luke 1:35).

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead (Acts 5:3-4), whose ministry to the world is to convict of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16:7-11). His ministry to the believer includes regeneration (Titus 3:5), baptism (I Corinthians 12:13) into Christ, indwelling (I Corinthians 3:16), filling (Ephesians 5:18), and sealing "unto the day of redemption" (Ephesians 4:30).

SATAN We believe that Lucifer, having sinned through pride, became Satan and under the permission of God, led our first parents into transgression, accomplishing their moral fall. He now rules as the "god of this world", the "accuser of the brethren", and having been judged at the cross will ultimately be cast into the

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lake of fire to be tormented forever and ever (Isaiah 14:12-15; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:10; 20:7-10).

FALL OF MAN We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he sinned, and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also that spiritual death which is separation from God; that all human beings are born with a sinful nature; and that all are sinners in thought, word, and deed (Genesis 1:27; Romans 5:12; Ephesians 2:1-3).

SALVATION We believe that God, in His sovereign grace and in His eternal purpose, has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4).

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice and that all who believe in Him are justified on the basis of His shed blood (I Corinthians 15:3; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 5:9).

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ arose from the dead on the third day, according to the Scriptures (I Corinthians 15:3-6; Mark 16:1-14); that He ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:9-11); and is seated at the right hand of God (Hebrews 1:3) as the believer's High Priest (Hebrews 4:14; 7:25) and Advocate (I John 2:1-2).

We believe salvation is by grace through faith, not of works, that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit, thereby becoming children of God (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 1:12; 3:3, 7).

We believe that all the redeemed are kept by God's power, and are thus secure in Christ forever (John 5:24; 6:37; 10:27-30; I Peter 1:5).

SANCTIFICATION We believe that sanctification, which is setting apart for God, is threefold:

1. Positionally, believers are eternally set apart for God by redemption, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once (Hebrews 10:9-10; I Corinthians 1:2).

2. In experience, the believer is being sanctified progressively by the work of the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures (John 17:17; Ephesians 5:25-26; I Thessalonians 5:23).

3. The believer's complete sanctification awaits the appearing of the Lord, when "we shall be like Him" (Ephesians 5:27; I John 3:2).

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THE LORD'S RETURN We believe in the imminent, personal return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which is the "blessed hope" set before us, for which we should be constantly looking (Titus 2:13; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11; I Thessalonians 4:16-17).

THE ETERNAL STATE We believe that the souls of those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation do at death immediately pass into His presence, and there remain until the resurrection of the body at His coming, when soul and body, reunited, shall be with Him forever in glory (Philippians 1:23; 3:20; 2 Corinthians 5:5; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corinthians 15:35-37; John 17:22-24).

THE CHURCH We believe that the Church is composed of all those who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. It is the body and the bride of Christ, of which He is the head; that every believer, whether Jew or Gentile, is baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, and having thus become members one of another, we are responsible to "keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace", rising above all sectarian prejudice, and loving one another (Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:19-22; I Corinthians 1:10, 12:12-27; Romans 12:4-5; Ephesians 4:3-6; Philippians 2:1-5).

We believe that the local visible church is a company of believers in Jesus Christ, associated together for worship, service, and fellowship (I Corinthians 12; Acts 2:42-47).


We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, and symbolizes our death to sin and resurrection to a new life (Acts 8:36-39; Matthew 28:19).

The Lord's Supper We believe that the Lord's supper is the ordinance in which all believers, by the sacred use of bread and wine, commemorate together the broken body and shed blood of Christ, "until He comes" (I Corinthians 11:23-24).

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Elders and Staff Bios Elders


“I feel called to be an elder to provide leadership, especially in times of need. I don’t know that I’m unique, but I see myself as stable and sensible. I depend on prayer for answers. My hope is that we serve our people so that they can serve God – and that we provide services that our congregation and community need. It’s not about us.” Reach Paul at paulmcfadden914@gmai l . com.


“I’ve been called to disciple and to share the Gospel with people within our church and those with whom I come into contact. I hope for the love of Christ to shine truly in my everyday actions and reactions. I rely on God for everything – even the simplest things. My hope for MBC is that we become Spirit-filled: that we become disciples, confident about spreading the Word so people realize who Christ was and is.” Reach Rick at r i ck. j .barre t t@gmai l . com.


“As an elder, I really want to care for each person in our congregation because each person is important in God’s sight. I feel called to make sure we are communicating the Bible’s message in a theologically correct way. But I would rather do one thing that exhibits the love of God than know everything! My hope is that the next 268 years at our church would be greater than the first, and that we would continue to preach the Gospel and reach out to our neighbors.” Reach Alvah at a lvsmi609@comcast .ne t .

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“I have always been a servant leader. In the last five years, I’ve been inspired even more to do this by studying the Word and by having deeper, more meaningful relationships with people in our church. I rely on the Lord to help me listen and to seek His will rather than mine, and when I wait, He makes the right direction obvious. My greatest hope is that MBC continues the tradition of sharing the Gospel and passing it on to the next generation.” Reach Peter a t pe t e . tomko@gmai l . com.


"I have an unquenchable desire to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The calling to serve as an elder is humbling, and I have prayed and examined my heart daily concerning the great responsibility and burden the Holy Spirit has put on my heart. My calling is to serve the Lord by helping equip the church to be bold in sharing the gospel and demonstrating the grace of God. I will serve MBC prayerfully and give freely of myself to the work God has prepared for us to do." Reach Brian at br l coyne@comcast .ne t .

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Staff KEN KIRBY Inter im Pastor

"I have been a church-planting pastor for over 35 years and also have served as a dean of men at a Christian college. I am serving as our present interim pastor until the Lord leads us to the man He has called to be our next senior pastor. My passion is to teach and preach the Word of God so that those who know the Lord Jesus can understand who they are in Christ and live fruitful lives as His servants.” Reach Ken at ken@manahawkinbapt i s t church .org .

NATHAN DIDLAKE Youth, Worship , and Young Adults Direc tor

"When Jesus saved me at a young age, I knew pretty quickly afterward that I was meant to serve him in ministry. I am quite a normal guy: but I believe that Jesus is the risen Son of God. I believe that sharing this truth is the single most important thing I - or anybody else - can do. That's why I work at MBC, at a church - because I know Jesus, and I want to devote my life to helping others know him, too." Reach Nathan at nathan@manahawkinbapt i s t church .org .

KATHLEEN THULIN Girl f r i ends Into God (G.i .G)

“I’m called to pull women together to connect with the Lord. We need each other, and the more we connect with each other, the more we reach out to others. There’s so much joy in serving, and my hope is that women experience that.” Reach Kathleen at kathleen@manahawkinbapt i s t church .org .

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MAGGIE HUTTON Adminis t rat ive Assis tant

“Serving God in practical ways is what God has called me to do at the MBC office. I am grateful that the Lord enables me to meet unique needs and to assist in ministering to His Church for His Glory. Colossians 3:17 says, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Reach Maggie a t admin@manahawkinbapt i s t church .org .

JIM GOGANZER Inter im Chi ldren ’s Minis t er

If it’s youth, children’s ministry, music ministry, deacons, or benevolence, Jim Goganzer is involved in it all. Longstanding member at MBC and teacher in LCA’s elementary school, Jim is known as someone who loves Jesus, understands people, and cares for the future of MBC. We are grateful to have him leading MBC Kids! Reach J im at j goganzer@comcast .ne t .

HAROLD ROBERTS Grounds and Custodia l

A good man and a faithful friend, Harold Roberts is the reason MBC’s facilities stay clean, orderly, and ready to use for our ongoing ministries. He’s always ready for a fun conversation and is an incredible gift to the work of our church. If you’re interested in hearing a funny joke – or to be encouraged by someone who’s seeking to follow Christ with his whole life, Harold is the man to find. To contac t Harold , ca l l the MBC of f i c e .

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MBC Ministries Children’s Ministry (MBC Kids)

GIGGLES & WIGGLES! (6mo. – 2 yrs.) A baby learns and grows all the time. We care about your child and provide a loving, tender and safe learning time. So go ahead and worship with the “Big People.” Your children are safe and secure with our experienced team.

MOVERS & SHAKERS! (3yrs. – Pre-K) Everything is fresh and new to preschoolers! That's why our program encourages kids to move around and explore God's world in a safe and supervised environment. They learn what the Bible says through creative activity, a Bible story, singing, and sharing what they learned. Note : Reg is t er your 6mo. to Pre -K kids be fore the s erv i c e in the CM rooms lo cated in the f ront o f the church .

MBC KIDS! (K – 5TH) At MBC Kids, our children learn from the Bible at their own level, using a format designed just for them. Children spend time moving and thinking as they reinforce the lesson through games and activities. We apply the Bible's wisdom and values in practical ways to their world. And we help kids learn to trust Jesus. Note : MBC Kids part i c ipate in the worship por t ion o f our Sunday morning serv i c e . Please , r eg i s t er your ch i ld in the church foyer be fore the serv i c e .

When you check your child in for the first time, please fill out an information card. If your child has an allergy please use the orange card. Your child will be assigned an ID number. This number serves as a security check as well as a pager number. Should your child need you during the Worship Service, the number will appear to the left side of the stage near the ceiling. If you see your child’s number, please go immediately to your child’s room.

If you have any questions regarding the Children’s Ministry, please contact Jimmy Goganzer at (609) 597-7586.

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Deaconess Ministry Deaconesses assist the Pastor(s) and Elder board in serving the Spiritual needs of the church by ministering to the shut-ins, sick, afflicted, and those habitually absent from church services. Also, they ensure that everything is properly supplied and arranged for the orderly administration of ordinances of baptism and community. Deaconesses also prepare Thanksgiving Baskets for those in need within the church and help with funeral receptions held at the church. Deaconesses serve on a rotating basis with two women being responsible for each month. During the month for which they are assigned, Deaconesses will be responsible for the preparation of communion, assistance at baptism, and acceptance of requests for assistance (such as requests for visit, calls, meals, etc.)

To contact the deaconesses, please call the MBC Office at (609) 597-7586.

Food Closet The Food Closet’s mission is to provide a three-day supply of food on an emergency basis and a resource list for additional aid. This mission helps to fulfill physical needs. A further mission of the Food Closet is to offer prayer to those who request, to share the gospel through distribution of tracts in the food bags, and to provide an example God’s love through our volunteers’ compassion and willingness to serve others. Through this aspect of our mission, we hope to start to meet spiritual needs.

The Food Closet is missions-minded and servant-led and serves as both an internal ministry for those members and attendees of MBC who may need it services as well as an outreach service to the community. The ministry assists the residents of Ocean County from Lacey Township down to Little Egg Harbor.

If you need nonperishable food, contact us. We accept donations and nonperishable food can be dropped off at the church office between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, or Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

To reach our Food Closet, call (609) 597-7586, ext. 525 and leave a message. Our Food Closet staff will contact you further.

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Men’s Ministry MBC Men’s ministry is a growing ministry, seeking to be moved by the direction of the Holy Spirit. The men of MBC are caring and actively engaged in worship and serving the family of God. We are growing in our relationship with the Lord and are willing to be used in His service what ever that may be (Isaiah 6:8).

Contact Brian Kilcoyne at [email protected] for more info.

MOPS MOPS stands for “Mothers of Preschoolers” – but don’t let that confuse you. MOPS is about meeting the needs every mom of a child from conception through kindergarten. Being a mom is what brings us together and allows us to build a community, and our MOPS group allows you to meet and build friendship with other moms. The early years of being a mom are just as foundation to you as they are to your baby, and those years are filled with unique needs that other moms instinctively understand.

We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 9:15am at MBC. Childcare and brunch are provided.

Contact Sherry Roth at (609) 713-6386 or [email protected] for more information. Also, please, visit for more information or simply come to a meeting to check us out!

Serve Our Shores (SOS) Sharing the Gospel and Christ's love through practical service to our community. SOS conducts numerous service projects throughout the year and has many ways in which you can serve others through this outreach ministry. Inquiries or service ideas can be directed to David Biggy, either by email at [email protected] or by text message or call to (609) 742-0021.

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Sonshine Providing encouragement, sympathy and Christ's love through greeting cards and notes to those who are struggling, have lost a loved one, are new to the church or have a birthday coming up. If you know somebody who can use a lift or has a special occasion in the near future, please contact Melissa Biggy via email at [email protected] or by call/text to (609) 742-6855.

Women’s Ministry (G.i.G) What is a GiG? We are the women of Manahawkin Baptist Church. We are between ages 18 and 99.

Our mission is to be like Christ in the world by reaching women and equipping them to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Our vision is that each woman who attends a GiG event would be encouraged, be loved, and be grown into the woman that God has created her to be.

Our ongoing objectives are to offer opportunities for women to know Jesus Christ, God incarnate, and His Word; to grow in their relationships with the Lord and one another; and to go with God to reach other swathe Good News of the Gospel.

Our motivation is found in 2 Peter 3:18. Here, Peter encourages us “…to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Are you new to MBC – or are you a regular attender? Would you like to meet and fellowship with women who love the Lord? Do you want to participate with the women’s ministries? Do you just want to check out the groups to see what’s happening? We welcome you to visit with us and get to know us! Need prayer and/or support? We would be honored to pray for and encourage you in whatever you’re experiencing in life. If you have a prayer request or a need, email [email protected] or call Kathleen at (609) 597-7586.

For more information about GiG ministries, contact Kathleen at [email protected]

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Worship Ministry All of God's creation was made and designed to worship the Lord. And in God's wisdom and love, despite sin and its deadly affects, God has redeemed a people for himself to worship him again. To worship and to bring the message of His great love to others, redeeming in turn the world around us. Worship is for the whole life. Songs are an expression of a person's right response to proclaim aloud the greatness of our God.

The worship ministries of Manahawkin Baptist Church exist to further enable people to engage the Lord in the reflective reading of His word, the public declaration of and faith in His promises and attributes, the serving and administration of church sacraments, and (like the Psalmist and many others) in joyful proclamation of songs.

If you are interested in joining the worship ministry, please contact Nathan Didlake at (903) 399-2326.

1935 (Young Adults) The 19 through 35 years can be a bit overwhelming. Not only do you learn (suddenly) that working now dominates your time – but also that finding and keeping friends of depth and worth is extremely difficult. This group exists to connect young Christian adults with other adults for the context of deep, ongoing friendship and accountability. But l e t ’ s be c l ear : This i s not an awkward s ing l e s group. The Young Adults ministry is for married and singles alike to share in life together, to encourage one another, and to enjoy the depths of good, rich Christian friendships.

MONDAY NIGHT SMALL GROUP: Have Monday evenings free? Then, please join our small group! It’s every Monday Night at 6pm in the MBC Fellowship Hall (=Upstairs). The content of our study will be J.I. Packer's timeless work, Knowing God. Copies are available at the study for $10.

If you are interested in joining, contacting Nathan Didlake at (903) 399-2326 or [email protected].

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Youth Ministry WHAT’S IT ABOUT? In a world where youth are taught that self-worship is the highest form of living, the good news of Jesus Christ comes in like war – and declares boldly that such a life is a wasted life. Everyone – even the youngest among us – can live fully for the glory of God and have a life of eternal significance. Youth matter to Jesus. So, the youth ministry seeks to disciple kids with intentionality so they might… • Know more than just “the stories” of the Bible – but see

the world “as Christians,” having the mind of Christ and the lens of truth to understand reality around them.

• See themselves as part of God’s mission to save the earth. They are not the second-generation byproduct of religious fluff. They are pursued people, loved by the God of the universe, adored by the Maker of all things.

• Find their identity in their pursuit of God. Beyond “getting saved,” we want to disciple the youth to have God as their chief affection so that their relationship with him is the single most important aspect of their lives.

WHO CAN COME? Anyone in ages Junior through Senior High.

WHEN DOES YOUTH GROUP MEET? Tuesday Night Youth Group @ MBC 6:00pm-6:45pm – Pre YG Games 7:00pm-8:30pm – Youth Group

For more information about the youth group, please contact Nathan Didlake at (903) 399-2326 (call/text), [email protected], or on

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MBC Small Groups I f you are in teres t ed in jo in ing a smal l group, p l ease contac t the smal l group l eader d ire c t ly wi th the contac t in format ion l i s t ed be low – or , contac t Pastor Ken at ken@manahawkinbapt i s t church .org .

1935: the Young Adult Bible Study: Mondays (6:00-7:30pm) upstairs. We’re reading through J.I. Packer’s profound book Knowing God. The cost for the book is $10. Please contact Nathan Didlake at (903) 399-2326, if you have any questions.

A.A.: Mondays through Friday (7:00-8:00am) in Fellowship Hall.

Couples Small Group: 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month (8:00-9:00pm) at Brian Kilcoyne’s home. Contact Brian at (609) 638-4355 or [email protected]

Deeper into God (D.I.G.): Youth Girls’ Bible Study meet each Sunday night (7:00-8:30pm) in the Conference Room. We’ll continue surveying the attributes of our amazing God. Contact Rachel at (810) 241-5413.

Ladies who Lunch: Luncheon get together for the Senior Ladies. Third Thursday (11:30am) of the month. Contact Margot at (609) 978-8714.

Men’s Bible Study: Wednesday (6:30-8am) in the Conference Room. Call Ken at (609) 812-5254.

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers): 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 9:30am. If you’re a mother of one or more children who have not yet entered the 1st grade, come join us. Childcare provided. Contact the church office at (609) 597-7586 for more information.

Senior Bible Study. Thursdays (7:00pm) Hosted at the Hague’s. Old Testament Video Series. Led by Vern Richens. Call Mary Ellen at (609) 597-2430.

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Widows of Worth (W.O.W.): Women meet at Alice Hazeltine’s house once a month (usually the third Wednesday) for dinner and discussion from 6:00-8:30pm. Contact Alice at (609) 857-3430.

Women’s Lunch Bunch Bible Study Mondays at 12 noon. StudyingThe Lord’s Prayer. Bring a sandwich. Contact Edna at (609) 698-5191 [email protected].

Women’s Study. Thursdays (9:30-11:30am) in the Conference Room. Studying the book of Revelation. Contact Ruth Ann at (609) 709-3242.

Small groups start, run, stop, and restart throughout the year. If you do not see your small group listed – or if you have a different need and would like to know if such a small group exists, please contact the MBC office at (609) 597-7586.

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MBC Missions MBC is a “Missions-Minded” church. We send support monthly to ten missionaries located in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the USA. Our church has ben supporting some of our missionaries for more than 20 years. Our missions team acts as a liaison between our church and the missionaries, posting their lettings in the foyer near the Missions Matters bulleting board. Also, we communicate with our missionaries through letters about local church activities. Our team meets monthly, and we welcome new members to join us as we pray and support our missionaries! To contac t the miss ions commit t ee , contac t Mary Ellen Hauge at (609) 597-2430 or pmehauge@comcast .ne t . MICHAEL AND DEBBIE BANNON CBI Internat ional : World Venture , Lithuania Email: [email protected] We evangelize, plant churches, and conduct leadership training in Lithuania. Each year, our team partners with Operation Christmas Child. The gifts, put in shoeboxes by you, make their way to our country in February. Last year, we received 450 boxes, and they were all given to first-time participants! Each child yard a clear gospel presentation – and then received the gift box and a gospel track. You can pray for the seeds that have been planted – and that the Spirit of God will bring about growth and fruit in many lives.

JAMES AND SUE ELLEN GUTACKER Child Evange l i sm Fel lowship , New Jersey Email: [email protected] We want to glorify God with our lives through building his Kingdom. We believe ministering the Gospel to children is the best way for us to do this. WE are a part of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), which is a Bible-centered, worldwide organization whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the

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gospel, disciplings t them in the Word of God and connecting them with a local church for Christian living.

Last year, 3000 children were reached through direct ministry. There were 307 professions of faith, 38 Good News Clubs in public elementary schools, and 66 5-Day Clubs during the summer!

BOB AND RACHEL KERR InFaith , An Ameri can Miss ion , South Texas Email: [email protected] We teach Hispanic men, women, and children in South Texas. We see it as an awesome responsibility to handle God’s word and be responsible to teach it clearly to others: it is a gift God has given us! Between the two of us, we teach the Bible either one-on-one or in groups about 55 times a month, mostly to Spanish speaking people and families. We serve in Weslaco Texas area, but many of our students are from around the world, and our time is pent teaching and preparing them to return home to do God’s work there. Also, we have a heart for preparing men to lead. Furthermore, we have been pastoring a small church for 15 years, and it is our hope that others will soon lead this church and be firmly established and growing. We do what we do because we know no other life! We are about to finish 44 years in ministry and plan on continuing on until we see the Lord face to face!

MONIQUE LADOSZ Global Outreach : Widow’s Might , Uganda and Rwanda Email: [email protected] | website: Widow’s Might in Uganda and Rwanda has touched more than 10,000 widows, orphans, and young people, all know being impacted by the gospel and being given a hand up out of poverty and semi-primitive circumstances. Sharing the gospel is vital, but Jesus also saw the physical need. For those who now belong to the family of God, we help them to put it into practice. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, “If any would not work, neither would he eat.” –But how can they work if they have nothing? We provide work for orphans of this poor region who live without hope – hungry in rags – and God gives them the opportunity to have something in their hands to do, such as earn money to fend for their basic needs. Many walk miles for devotions, the Good News, and to work.

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CHRIS AND DANIELE LORIMER Operat ion Mobi l izat ion , France Email: [email protected] We have seen and felt the need of people in France! When we see spiritual light come into darkness, it makes all the challenges and problems we face here worth it! Our mission is for young Christians to be trained in leadership in such a way that they gain not only management and leadership skills – but a new vision for their potential growth and development. This leadership training benefits the local church ministries in France and also those in French speaking Africa. We have recently been given the challenge to connect with other churches and missions teams to send Evangelistic teams to 21 countries as part of Transform 2010. Pray that we play our part with our gifts!

TIM AND MARCIA MONAHAN CB Internat ional : World Venture , Italy Email: [email protected] In Italy, only one in 10,000 of the population knows the Lord! Italians do not have the resources or training materials to reproduce churches and spiritual leaders. Given this, we’ve been called to be church planters and leadership trainers. We planted and pastor the International Baptist Church, where we have trained three men who are now working as pastors. We teach Bible school in Rome and work diligently to disciple the women and youth in our church.

BILL AND IRENE RIDGEWAY Chris t ian Miss ions in Many Lands , Washington Email: [email protected] We were inspired to reach Hispanics when five missionaries were killed in Ecuador. We prayed, “Lord, let us take their place.” If you give your life to the Lord, it doesn’t matter who or where… the field is the world! Crossing the world doesn’t “make a missionary…” it’s here, too! The mission field has come to us! We pray, “Lord, what do you want us to do?” And we follow that.

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Right now, we teach Spanish-speaking prisoners six times a month, reaching 50-100 men. Then, they request that we visit their families, where we have the opportunity to show the Jesus DVD for Kids! WE also teach Bible courses in a Justice Center where “students” take the course and share it… Praise God!

TOM AND CAROL TATLOW Pioneers , Thailand Email: [email protected] Out of our bedroom window, we see a mountain to the west with a large Buddhist temple on it. The 300 temples here in Chiang Mai Thailand remind us daily of why we are here. In Thailand, the church makes up for only one-half of one percent of the people, which means most Thai people have not heard the Gospel, nor do they know a Christian who can share it with them. That’s why we are here! The small Thai church is struggling: we equip the church to be more effective in reaching its people. Many missionary families have difficulty serving the Lord because of the difficulty of educating their own children. We educated, also, young missionary kids to enable their parents to serve.

RHONDA TOMKO Grace Ini t ia t ives , New Jersey Email: [email protected] Thinking back to the beginning, I remember a deep desire to provide a safe place and loving assistance to young women who were trying to gain independence with a new baby. However, never did I realize the deep profound difference a ministry like Grace Initiatives would make in their lives. We have had the privilege of working with over 30 young women. Our clients have ranged from 11 to 21 years old. We have served girls from a wide variety of ethnicities. We have literally rescued women from the street, from abuse, from depression and, sometimes, from themselves. I am grateful for how God has faithfully equipped us to do this incredible work in the lives of young women and their children!

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DENNY AND SUE BARGER Dreams Alive , Bahrain Email: [email protected] Website: Dreams Alive is a ministry of Arabs and Americans working together for the education & inspiration of the church. The ministry has 3 basic components:

1) Comforting Persecuted Christians in the Arab world. We do this by prayer and by assisting ministries of evangelism and micro-finance projects for the poor & needy. 2) Connecting Americans with Arab Christians in the Middle East by leading tours and operating "The Arab World School of Ministry" a two-month evangelical, educational, and mission experience in the Middle East. We also offer internships for Americans to serve for various lengths of time in the region. 3) Calling Muslims to hear the truth about Jesus the Messiah.

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Questions What is the “gospel?”

The “gospel” is the “good news” of Christianity, the message that Christians declare in the world. This good news is that humanity, though lost in sin and its devastating effects, has been pursued by God for forgiveness, healing, and salvation through the work of Jesus Christ. This forgiveness and restoration comes as a free gift from Jesus to all who reach out to him in faith. These can finally be people who live to their fullest potential, as servants of God (rather than his enemies) in the world. It all begins with God. The Bible describes God as holy (Revelation 4:8). Holy is who God is. This means he is utterly perfect in all of his attributes and character; he is completely other than and above everything he’s created (Isaiah 40). He is God. And he deserves the worship of all creation. The problem came when rebellion against entered the world. This is what the Bible calls “sin.” Sin is when we creatures say to God, the creator, “Thank you, but now you can leave. I’m God now.” Humanity was created to worship God and to enjoy His presence for all eternity (Genesis 1-3). However, we rebelled. In choosing sin, humanity severed its relationship with God. All humans have done this, and we can see the effects of rebellion in the tragedies that surround us. Suffering and loss, loneliness and death, are the result of sin. Though we were made to have a close relationship with God, we are now his enemies and are subject to his eternal anger… unless something changes. Humanity cannot do enough good to bridge this gap and become “friends of God” again. So, God took the sav ing o f humanity upon himse l f . This is the story of Christmas – and of Easter. Jesus, God himself, became a human and took upon himself the punishment we were to receive. He did this by dying on the cross as the sacrificial lamb. He willfully took upon himself the punishment that was ours. Our death became his. Our punishment became his punishment. God the Father doesn’t have to turn his face away from us because he already did so to God the Son. But, three days later, Jesus rose from the dead, forever conquering the effects of sin and death. This showed he was truly who he said he was: and that his sacrifice for us was perfect.

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The cross and empty grave are proof that God has looked evil in the face – and has won. Now, anyone who would call upon Jesus for forgiveness of sins can be saved. Now, our severed relationship with God can be restored – by God himself. Now, we are free to be the people God has created us to be.

Is church membership important? Absolutely! These days, people shop for churches much like they would shop for clothing or the perfect cup of coffee. However, the call to join and participate in the local church was sounded by the Apostles in the first century so that (1) the world might know who God’s people are and that (2) God’s people might encourage one another to stay faithful to God in a dark world. Hebrews 10:19-25 gives an interesting depiction of this. In these verses, three commands are given: 1) to draw near to God with the full assurance of faith, having our evil consciences cleansed (sanctification); 2) to hold fast to our hope without waving, understanding that God is faithful (endurance); 3) to stir one another onto good works (assembly). In verse 19-21, we see that obedience to these three commands comes from the work that Jesus has done to bring us into the presence of God! Upon that reality, we have the ability to obey these commands. The local church is an assembly of people who gather together to celebrate that they have been saved by Jesus, are being transformed by the power of His Holy Spirit, and will be saved (one day) for good. The church is designed to be the local place wherein saved people can encourage one another intentionally to keep the faith and to draw close to God in hope. God has given Christians the local church to aid in their sanctification and growth. Commit to a local body of believers who are listening to the Lord through his word; who are seeking to grow; and who, though imperfect, have put their trust in Jesus to set them free from their sins.

What are the qualifications for membership at MBC? 1. Trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. 2. Experienced Christian believer's baptism by immersion. 3. Expressed agreement with the covenant, doctrinal statement, and have agreed

to abide by the constitution of this church. 4. Completed membership instruction.

Got a theo log i ca l or prac t i ca l ques t ion? Contac t one o f our church s ta f f or e lders d ire c t l y a t the emai l address l i s t ed above – or f ind them on a Sunday morning .

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The mission of Lighthouse Christian Academy is to partner with parents and community churches in the discipleship of children through a quality academic program infused with Biblical truth.

AGES FOR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: LCA hosts a wide variety of programs from our Tiny Tots program (for children 3 years old) to elementary school (1-6th grade).

CORE VALUES: • The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the authority and source of guidance

for life and education. • The school is in partnership with family and church in training up children to

have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. • Academic excellence is fostered in a loving environment which glorifies God. • Prayer by parents, teachers, board members, and students is essential to the

school experience. • Parent involvement, service, and fellowship are encouraged. • Gratitude, morality, and patriotism are reflected in all school activities and


CONTACT INFORMATION: 400 Beach Avenue, Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Phone: (609) 597-3915 Fax: (609) 597-9659 Email: [email protected] Online:

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Manahawkin Baptis t Church …Serving our shore for the glory of Christ since 1745!