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MBA 6011 Product Costing Highlights Mod 17

Feb 09, 2018



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  • 7/22/2019 MBA 6011 Product Costing Highlights Mod 17


    Module 17Highlights relating

    to Product Costing

  • 7/22/2019 MBA 6011 Product Costing Highlights Mod 17


    Inventory Costs in Various



    are soldor used,they arematchedagainst


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    Product and Period Costs

    All costs are broken into product costs or period

    costs for product costing purposes.

    Product Costs Period Costs

    All production costsnecessary to get

    products ready to sell

    All costs other thanproduct costs

    Costs are classified based on whether or notthey are related to the production process.

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    Three Product Cost Components

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    Selecting a Cost Driver

    Cost drivers are used to assign overhead costs

    Overhead cost per unit flaws Units requiring extensive manufacturing activity

    have too little cost assigned Units requiring little manufacturing activity have too

    much cost assigned

    Use an overhead application cost driverother than number of units of production.

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    Using Predetermined

    Overhead Rates

    Established at beginning of year

    Can use different cost drivers Predicted total direct labor hours

    Predicted total machine hours Calculating the predetermined rate using direct

    labor hours

    Predictedtotal manufacturing overhead cost for the year

    Predictedtotal direct labor hours for the year

    The predetermined overhead rate uses predicted

    amounts as actual amounts are unknown.

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    Using Predetermined

    Overhead Rates

    Applying overhead to productsAdded to product costs as direct labor hours are


    Predictedmanufacturingoverhead rate

    per directlabor hour





    assigned toWork-in-Process



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    Predetermined Overhead Rate


    Harmonic predicted a 2011 activity level of 40,000

    direct labor hours with manufacturing overhead

    totaling $128,000.

    Predicted total manufacturing overhead cost for the year

    Predicted total direct labor hours for the year

    Predetermined overhead rate =

    $128,00040,000 direct labor hours

    =$3.20 per direct

    labor hour=

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    Applying Overhead Example

    If Harmonic uses 2,200 direct labor hours in January,how much is applied overhead?

    = 2,200 $3.20 per direct labor hour = $7,040


    manufacturingoverhead rateper directlabor hour




    overheadassigned toWork-in-Process



    The monthly variations between actual and applied

    overhead will likely occur.

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    Basic Production Cost Flows

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    Cost of Goods Manufactured

    Current manufacturing costsCost of materials placed in production

    Raw materials, beginning of month $14,000.

    Purchases 45,000.

    Total available 59,000.

    Raw materials, end of month (25,000) $34,000.

    Direct labor 17,400.

    Manufacturing overhead applied 24,650. $76,050.

    Work in process, beginning of month 18,000.

    Total costs in process 94,050.

    Work in process, end of month (13,000)

    Cost of goods manufactured $81,050.

    For internal reporting purposes Summarizes the cost of goods completed for the


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    Income Statement One line item differs on the income

    statement for a manufacturing company ascompared to a merchandiser

    Manufacturers have no purchases of finishedgoods inventory

    Manufacturers add cost of goods manufacturedinstead of purchases

    Assume selling



    costs are


    Sales revenue $148,000.

    Cost of goods sold

    Finished goods inventory, beginning of month $15,000.Cost of goods manufactured 81,050.

    Total goods available for sale 96,050.

    Finished goods inventory, end of month (32,680) 63,370.

    Gross profit 84,630.

    Selling and administrative expenses (43,000)

    Net income $ 41,630.

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    Over and Under Applied Overhead

    Exists because the amount of overhead appliedis likely not the same amount as the overhead


    Balance in Manufacturing Overhead at end ofperiod is the over or underapplied amount

    Must be eliminated at year end

    Transfer to cost of goods soldAllow Because most of the manufacturing overhead

    should already be in cost of goods sold

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    Over and Under Applied Overhead


    The cost flow example

    used earlier has an ending

    credit balance of $450 in

    Manufacturing Overhead.

    Manufacturing OverheadBeg.bal 15,000 24,650 (5)

    (3) 2,100(4) 600(4) 2,300(4) 4,200



    More overhead was applied than actually incurred, soCost of Goods Sold must be decreased by $450.

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    Service Costing

    The assignment of costs to services performed

    Uses job costing concepts

    Many companies regard service costs asexpenses rather than product costs

    No formal procedures for reporting service

    costs on financial statements

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    Process Costing

    Used when products are produced in acontinuous manufacturing environment

    Production has no distinct beginning and end

    Determining the cost of a single unit Equal to total product costs assigned to a process

    or departmentduring a period divided by the

    number of units produced during the period

    Examples Coca-Cola 12 ounce cans

    Boxes of Cheerios

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    Cost of Production Report

    Key document in organizing and accounting forcosts in a process costing environment

    Summary of units in process Equivalent units in process Total costs to be accounted for

    and cost per equivalent unit Accounting for total cost

    A cost of production report contains

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    Equivalent Completed Units

    Refers to the number of completed units that is

    equal, in terms of production effort, to a given

    number of partially completed units

    Example: Assume 90 units in the ending

    inventory are 40 percent complete. Equivalentunits =

    90 units in ending inventory x 0.40 = 36

    Ifall efforts were put forth to starting andcompleting units, 36 full units could have been

    completed instead of 90 partial units.

    C f P d i R

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    Cost of Production Report


    Dog Divine manufactures bags of dog food using processcosting. The following information is supplied:

    Units in process, beginning of period (80% converted) 5,600

    Units started 23,000

    Completed and transferred to finished goods 25,400

    Units in process, end of period (30% converted) 3,200

    Work-in-process, beginning materials cost $22,400beginning conversion costs 10,080

    Current manufacturing costs:

    Raw materials transferred to processing 32,000

    Direct labor for the period 6,500

    Overhead applied for the period 4,200


    Production Costs

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    Cost of Production Report ExampleSummary of Units in Process Section

    Summary of units in process

    Beginning 5,600.

    Units started 23,000.

    In process 28,600.

    Completed (25,400)

    Ending 3,200.

    Of the total units in process,

    25,400 were completed, while

    the remaining 3,200 were still in

    process at month end.

    Material is incurred primarily at beginning of process.Conversion costs are incurred throughout the process.

    Equivalent units for conversion costs: 3,200 30% = 960

    Equivalent units in process Materials Conversion

    Units completed 25,400 25,400

    Plus equivalent units in ending inventory 3,200 960

    Equivalent units in process 28,600 26,360

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    Cost of Production Report Example

    Total Cost to Be Accounted For Materials Conversion Total

    Beginning work in process $22,400 $10,080 $32,480Current cost 32,000 10,700 42,700

    Total cost in process 54,400 20,780 $75,180

    Equivalent units in process 28,600 26,360

    Cost per equivalent unit in process $ 1.90 $ 0.79 $ 2.69

    Accounting for total costsTransferred out (25,400 $2.69) $68,326

    Ending work-in-process

    Materials (3,200 $1.90) $6,080

    Conversion (960 $0.79) 758 6,838

    Total cost accounted for * $75,164

    Calculations of the disposition of the total costs in process

    during the period divided between units completed and units

    still in process at month end

    *Difference due to rounding