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MBA Semester III MB0050 Roll No. : XXXXXXXXX Page 1 MB0050 Research Methodology Assignment Set I Q 1. Why should a manger know about research when the job entails managing people, products, events, environments, and the like? The manager, while managing people, products, events, and environments will invariably face problems, big and small, and will have to seek ways to find long lasting effective solutions. This can be achieved only through knowledge of research even if consultants are engaged to solve problems. The primary purpose for applied research (as opposed to basic research) is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so. The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge, which takes three main forms (although, as previously discussed, the boundaries between them may be fuzzy): Exploratory research, which structures and identifies new problems Constructive research, which develops solutions to a problem Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence. The research room at the New York Public Library, an example of secondary research in progress. Research can also fall into two distinct types: Primary research Secondary research In social sciences and later in other disciplines, the following two research methods can be applied, depending on the properties of the subject matter and on the objective of the research: Qualitative research Quantitative research Research is often conducted using the hourglass model Structure of Research. The hourglass model starts with a broad spectrum for research, focusing in on the required information through the methodology of the project (like the neck of the hourglass), then expands the research in the form of discussion and results. Research and development is nowadays of great importance in business as the level of competition, production processes and methods are rapidly increasing. It is of special importance in the field of marketing where companies keep an eagle eye on competitors and

MB0050 Research Methodology Assignment Set I Q 1. … Semester III MB0050 Roll No. : XXXXXXXXX Page 1 MB0050 – Research Methodology Assignment Set – I Q 1. Why should a manger

May 26, 2018



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Page 1: MB0050 Research Methodology Assignment Set I Q 1. … Semester III MB0050 Roll No. : XXXXXXXXX Page 1 MB0050 – Research Methodology Assignment Set – I Q 1. Why should a manger

MBA Semester III MB0050

Roll No. : XXXXXXXXX Page 1

MB0050 – Research Methodology

Assignment Set – I

Q 1. Why should a manger know about research when the job entails managing people,

products, events, environments, and the like?

The manager, while managing people, products, events, and environments will invariably face

problems, big and small, and will have to seek ways to find long lasting effective solutions. This

can be achieved only through knowledge of research even if consultants are engaged to

solve problems.

The primary purpose for applied research (as opposed to basic research) is discovering,

interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human

knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research can

use the scientific method, but need not do so. The goal of the research process is to produce

new knowledge, which takes three main forms (although, as previously discussed, the

boundaries between them may be fuzzy):

Exploratory research, which structures and identifies new problems Constructive research,

which develops solutions to a problem Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a

solution using empirical evidence.

The research room at the New York Public Library, an example of secondary research in

progress. Research can also fall into two distinct types:

Primary research

Secondary research

In social sciences and later in other disciplines, the following two research methods can be

applied, depending on the properties of the subject matter and on the objective of the research:

Qualitative research

Quantitative research

Research is often conducted using the hourglass model Structure of Research. The hourglass

model starts with a broad spectrum for research, focusing in on the required information through

the methodology of the project (like the neck of the hourglass), then expands the research in the

form of discussion and results.

Research and development is nowadays of great importance in business as the level of

competition, production processes and methods are rapidly increasing. It is of special

importance in the field of marketing where companies keep an eagle eye on competitors and

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MBA Semester III MB0050

Roll No. : XXXXXXXXX Page 2

customers in order to keep pace with modern trends and analyze the needs, demands and

desires of their customers.

Unfortunately, research and development are very difficult to manage, since the defining feature

of research is that the researchers do not know in advance exactly how to accomplish the

desired result. As a result, higher R&D spending does not guarantee “more creativ ity, higher

profit or a greater market share.

Q2. a. How do you evolve research design for exploratory research? Briefly analyze.

b. Briefly explain Independent dependent and extraneous variables in a research design.


a. Research design in case of exploratory research studies Exploratory research studies are

also termed as formulative research studies. The main purpose of such studies is that of

formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of developing the working hypothesis

from an operational point of view. The major emphasis in such studies is on the discovery of

ideas and insights. As such the research design appropriate for such studies must be flexible

enough to provide opportunity for considering different aspects of a problem under study. Inbuilt

flexibility in research design is needed because the research problem, broadly defined initially,

is transformed into one with more precise meaning in exploratory studies, which fact may

necessitate changes in the research procedure for gathering relevant data. Generally, the

following three methods in the context of research design for such studies are talked about:

1. The survey of concerning literature happens to be the most simple and fruitful method of

formulating precisely the research problem or developing hypothesis. Hypothesis stated by

earlier workers may be reviewed and their usefulness be evaluated as a basis for further

research. It may also be considered whether the already stated hypothesis suggests new

hypothesis. In this way the researcher should review and build upon the work already done by

others, but in cases where hypothesis have not yet been formulated, his task is to review the

available material for deriving the relevant hypothesis from it. Besides, the bibliographical

survey of studies, already made in one‟s area of interest may as well as made by the

researcher for precisely formulating the problem. He should also make an attempt to apply

concepts and theories developed in different research contexts to the area in which he is

himself working. Sometimes the works of creative writers also provide a fertile ground for

hypothesis formulation as such may be looked into by the researcher.

2. Experience survey means the survey of people who have had practical experience with the

problem to be studied. The object of such a survey is to obtain insight into the relationships

between variables and new ideas relating to the research problem. For such a survey, people

who are competent and can contribute new ideas may be carefully selected as respondents to

ensure a representation of different types of experience. The respondents so selected may then

be interviewed by the investigator. The researcher must prepare an interview schedule for the

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Roll No. : XXXXXXXXX Page 3

systematic questioning of informants. But the interview must ensure flexibility in the sense that

the respondents should be allowed to raise issues and questions which the investigator has not

previously considered. Generally, the experience of collecting interview is likely to be long and

may last for few hours. Hence, it is often considered desirable to send a copy of the questions to

be discussed to the respondents well in advance. This will also give an opportunity to the

respondents for doing some advance thinking over the various issues involved so that, at the

time of interview, they may be able to contribute effectively. Thus, an experience survey may

enable the researcher to define the problem more concisely and help in the formulation of the

research hypothesis. This, survey may as well provide information about the practical

possibilities for doing different types of research.

3. Analyses of ‘insight-stimulating’ examples are also a fruitful method for suggesting hypothesis

for research. It is particularly suitable in areas where there is little experience to serve as a

guide. This method consists of the intensive study of selected instance of the phenomenon in

which one is interested. For this purpose the existing records, if nay, may be examined, the

unstructured interviewing may take place, or some other approach may be adopted. Attitude of

the investigator, the intensity of the study and the ability of the researcher to draw together

diverse information into a unified interpretation are the main features which make this method

an appropriate procedure for evoking insights. Now, what sorts of examples are to be selected

and studied? There is no clear cut answer to it. Experience indicates that for particular problems

certain types of instances are more appropriate than others. One can mention few examples of

„insight-stimulating‟ cases such as the reactions of strangers, the reactions of marginal

individuals, the study of individuals who are in transition from one stage to another, the

reactions of individuals from different social strata and the like. In general, cases that provide

sharp contrasts or have striking features are considered relatively more useful while adopting

this method of hypothesis formulation. Thus, in an exploratory of formulative research study

which merely leads to insights or hypothesis, whatever method or research design outlined

above is adopted, the only thing essential is that it must continue to remain flexible so that many

different facets of a problem may be considered as and when they arise and come to the notice

of the researcher.

b. Dependent and Independent variables: A magnitude that varies is known as a variable. The

concept may assume different quantitative values, like height, weight, income, etc. Qualitative

variables are not quantifiable in the strictest sense of objectivity. However, the qualitative

phenomena may also be quantified in terms of the presence or absence of the attribute

considered. Phenomena that assume different values quantitatively even in decimal points are

known as „continuous variables‟. But, all variables need not be continuous. Values that can be

expressed only in integer values are called „non-continuous variables‟. In statistical term, they

are also known as „discrete variable‟. For example, age is a continuous variable; where as the

number of children is a non-continuous variable. When changes in one variable depends upon

the changes in one or more other variables, it is known as a dependent or endogenous variable,

and the variables that cause the changes in the dependent variable are known as the

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independent or explanatory or exogenous variables. For example, if demand depends upon

price, then demand is a dependent variable, while price is the independent variable.

And if, more variables determine demand, like income and prices of substitute commodity, then

demand also depends upon them in addition to the own price. Then, demand is a dependent

variable which is determined by the independent variables like own price, income and price of


2. Extraneous variable: The independent variables which are not directly related to the purpose

of the study but affect the dependent variable are known as extraneous variables. For instance,

assume that a researcher wants to test the hypothesis that there is relationship between

children‟s school performance and their self-concepts, in which case the latter is an

independent variable and the former, the dependent variable. In this context, intelligence may

also influence the school performance. However, since it is not directly related to the purpose of

the study undertaken by the researcher, it would be known as an extraneous variable. The

influence caused by the extraneous variable on the dependent variable is technically called as

an „experimental error‟. Therefore, a research study should always be framed in such a manner

that the dependent variable completely influences the change in the independent variable and

any other extraneous variable or variables.

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