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    CHAPTER 5. SUMMARY 46-50


    ANNEXURE: 52-53

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    INTRODUCTIONInternet Marketing

    Internet marketing, also known as digital marketing, webmarketing, online marketing, or e-marketing, is the marketing (generallypromotion) of products or services over the Internet.

    Internet marketing is considered to be broad in scope because it not onlyrefers to marketing on the Internet, but also includes marketing done via

    e-mail and wireless media. Digital customer data and electroniccustomer relationship management (ECRM) systems are also oftengrouped together under internet marketing.

    Internet marketing ties together the creative and technical aspects of theInternet, including design, development, advertising, andsales.[4]Internet marketing also refers to the placement of media alongmany different stages of the customer engagement cycle through searchengine marketing (SEM),search engine optimization (SEO), bannerads on specific websites, email marketing, and Web 2.0 strategies.

    History of Internet Marketing

    Online marketing has become an integral part of peoples lives,especially the ones living in urbanised surroundings. Every day, we, ascustomers, are exposed to several publicity gimmicks, thrown at us invaried forms on the World Wide Web. Buying and selling of products andservices on the Internet are the in-thing in todays business world.

    When Internet was first introduced, very few businessmen actuallyrealised its potential as a marketing tool. About 12 years ago, thebiggest of entrepreneurs declared it unfit for commercial purposes. Backthen, it was just used for simpler tasks like emailing and data transfer.

    One of the very first Internet service providers, Netscape, brought theonline world into prominence by exploring its commercial potentiality.The company wanted the Web to be more accessible to people willing to

    buy and sell things online. In August, 1995, Netscape went public with its
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    shares. Within weeks, public interest swelled up and advertisers lappedup at this golden opportunity. The wide reach, easy accessibility andcost-effectiveness of Internet made online marketing a highly sought-after service.

    Netscapes phenomenal success gave birth to the Internet boom thathas gone on to affect global businesses in a major way. With time, thismedium has gained prominence in the lives of entrepreneurs who wishto promote their business using this inexpensive and global platform. Infact, statistics also point to the immense success that this mass mediumhas sparked off. Americans and Europeans get the top honours in termsof marketing transactions held online. In fact, according to sources, morethan one-third of Web users are into Online Marketing. This trend is

    predicted to dominate marketing circles, as reach of the Web threatensto overpower the impact of print and electronic forms of media.

    Terms like search engine marketing, viral marketing, email marketingand affiliate marketing have been integrated into the wide sphere of thevirtual marketplace. Ideal for almost all types of products and services,irrespective of the size of the business, online marketing promises toreign the world of trade with its simple and effective guidelines.

    Internet Marketing In India

    The low cost of the PC and the growing use of the Internet has shownthe tremendous growth of Ecommerce in India, in the recent years.According to the Indian Ecommerce Report released by Internet andMobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International, The totalonline transactions in India was Rs. 7080 crores (approx $1.75 billion) inthe year 2006-2007 and expected to grow by 30% to touch 9210 crores(approx $2.15 billion) by the year 2007-2008. According to a McKinsey-Nasscom report the e-commerce transactions in India are expected to

    reach $100 billion by the 2008. Although, as compared to the westerncountries, India is still in is its initial stage of development.

    Scope of Internet Marketing In India

    Home Internet usage in India grew 19% from April 2006 to April 2007. InApril 2007 it became 30.32 million and the eMarketer accept that therewill be 71 million total Internet users in India by 2011. India is showingtremendous growth in the Ecommerce. Rival has

    700,000 registered buyers and it has the growth rate of 35% every year

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    which is likely to double in the year 2008. claimsrevenues of Rs. 38 crores and has a growing rate of 50 every year. Itreceives around 500,000 enquiries per month. Undoubtedly, with themiddle class of 288 million people, online shopping shows unlimitedpotential in India. The real estate costs are touching the sky. The travelportals' share in the online business contributed to 50% of Rs 4800 croreonline market in 2007-08. The travel portal hasattained Rs 1000 crores of turnovers which is around 20% of total e-commerce market in India. Further an annual growth of 65% has beenanticipated annually in the travel portals alone.

    Major Players1. Brain Pulse

    2. Top Rankers3. Web Art India4. Soppnox5. Machinteractive6. Rupiz Media

    The Future of Online Marketing Companies in India

    It is just the beginning of internet in India and it has already received somuch exposure that the internet using head count is on an ever risingnumbers. It is truly hard to believe that internet is just a decade old inIndia. The response that it has received is unbelievable. The numberof online marketing companies that have cropped up in the country is theproof of how well the industry is flourishing.

    E commerce is on an all time rising spree and is increasingly growing insize. As internet is growing so is the trend of online marketing. Mostbrands now prefer to be a part of the online business place so that they

    can make use of the technique to enhance their business. Almosteverything is now moving out of the real world in order to secure a placein the virtual world. Not only information and knowledge exchange butalso interaction and growth are something that the promising onlinemarketing services are providing to the businesses.

    Several online marketing companies have set their face on India nowwhere they see a lot of potential market. The growing generation here isbeing called the 'IT generation' which in the near future shall live in the

    virtual world for ever. From shopping to education to socializing and

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    even marriage proposals everything is now online. This significantlystates the importance the online marketing companies established herewill receive.

    Online marketing companies that are now mushrooming here are awareof the growing trend and the fast moving lives of the people here, andare accordingly providing a host of services to the companies that cometo them for website production and advertising. Features like searchengine marketing, online advertising, email marketing, websitedesigning, content management and several other features stand anintegral part of their business.

    In the coming years, online marketing companies are predicted to

    growing in leaps and bounds where it is predicted that amongst otherthings the search engine marketing shall be most dominant amongst allother features. Considering the fast growth of technology it would not bea surprise to see the virtual world live in reality soon.

    Characteristics of Internet Marketing

    Key characteristics of online marketing are:

    1. Longevity

    2. Reach

    3. Accountability

    4. Flexibility


    The Internet is a long-lived medium. Once a site is online, its possible to

    keep it there indefinitely at negligible cost. What is more, the longer a

    page is online, the better it is likely to perform in search engine rankings.

    And the more pages a site has, the more page views it is likely to get.

    Plan landing pages for the long term landing pages that will continue to

    receive exposure after a banner campaign has run.
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    Everyone knows that an online campaign has an enormous potentialreach. A handful of websites or online campaigns reach large numbersof Internet users within a short space of time through their virality alone,although most have to rely on other factors. Internet users are fickle, andit is nigh on impossible to guarantee virality (although smut and themisfortune of others seem to be fairly safe bets). As I noted above, thereach of a site/page increases over time. Make content linkable(especially for blogs) by providing content of interest and quality thiswill increase the reach of your website more quickly as people discoverthe site and link to it. Its fine, and indeed advisable, to start with a bigbang which generates a lot of traffic over a short space of time, be it a

    viral, banner, or online PR campaign, but over time the long tail willprove to account for a greater reach and larger number of visits/leadsthan the peaks. In the graph above the (ever-growing) volume under thelong tail section is larger than in the big bang section. The ideal wouldbe to provide bigger bangs at regular intervals, building on what hasalready been achieved.Reach and lifespan of a web campaign are inextricably linked, so Ill sayit again; plan (and budget) for the longer run.

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    The success of Internet campaigns can be more exactly quantified andqualified than those in any other medium. A media planner may tell usthat a magazine has a circulation of so-and-so million, and focus grouptesting may tell us that a group of people found a certain visualattractive, but we can never know what happens when an advertisementis actually published in a magazine, at the face-to-page level.The face-to-screen level offers other options. The detailed trackingpossibilities of the Internet allow us to analyse the success of acampaign in an unparalleled clarity, and in real-time. An onlinemarketing campaign should not be considered fire-and-forget, which isto say that those responsible should not put the campaign out of theirminds after it is launched. Use the tracking possibilities inherent in the

    Internet to the fullest, and respond to the analysis of the results. (Again,plan and budget for the longer run.)


    Hypertext documents and data are stored digitally and are delivered on-the-fly and on demand. They can be edited at any time (depending onthe sleeping habits of the web-developer responsible). Respond to theanalysis of an online marketing campaign by fine-tuning as required.

    Consider why the targets set are not being met sufficiently, and trysomething different. The Internet as a medium is conducive to a degreeof trial and error make use of this characteristic to refine a runningcampaign or website. It is a characteristic that only the online elementsin the marketing mix contain, and it is fatal not to make use of it.
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    Definitions of Marketing

    Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as "theactivity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,

    communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that havevalue for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.Marketing is a product or service selling related overall activities.

    Marketing is defined by the The Chartered Institute of Marketing asMarketing is the management process that identifies, anticipatesand satisfies customer requirements profitably.

    Meaning of MarketingMarketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value forcustomers, clients, partners, and society at large. It generates thestrategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, andbusiness developments. It is an integrated process through whichcompanies build strong customer relationships and create value for theircustomers and for themselves.

    In other words marketing means the total number of activities involved inthe transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer orbuyer, including advertising, shipping, storing and selling.

    Marketing Mix

    Marketing Mix consists of four Ps

    1. Product

    2. Price3. Place4. Promotion
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    Product is the first and most important element of the marketing mix. It isthe end result of the manufacturing process, to be offered to the

    marketplace to satisfy a need or want. Anything that is offered to amarket that customers can acquire, use, interact with, experience, orconsume, to satisfy a want or need is what is known as a product.Products that are marketed can include physical goods, services,people, experiences, events, properties, organizations, information,places, and ideas. E.g. Cars, films, restaurant services, educationprograms etc.


    Price is the amount charged for a product or service. It is theconsideration paid by consumers for the benefit of using any product orservice. Price fixation is an important aspect of marketing. Pricingdecisions of a company are affected by both internal as well as externalfactors.


    Place is another important element of marketing mix. Once the goodsare manufactured, packaged, priced and promoted, they must be madeavailable to the consumers. Activities related to placing the products arecovered under this element of marketing-mix. It consists of decisionsrelating to channels of distribution and physical distribution. Channels ofdistribution refer to the individuals and organisations which facilitatemoving the goods from manufactures to consumers. It is important thatregular and smooth flow of goods is maintained so that products are notspoiled and supplies are not delayed. To ensure this, various facilitating

    services need to be arranged like transportation, warehousing, inventorycontrol, and order processing. These are known as components ofphysical distribution.

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    Promotion refers to using methods of communication with two objectives: (i) informing the existing and potential consumers about a product, and(2) to persuade consumers to buy the product. It is an important elementof marketing mix. In the absence of communication, consumers may notbe aware of the product and its potential to satisfy their needs anddesires. Various tools of communication form part of promotion mix.Companies must decide which tool(s) should be used for larger salesand in what proportion. The tools should be combined. These decisionsare known as promotion-mix decisions. There are four components ofpromotion-mix i.e., advertising, personal selling, sales promotion andpublic relations. Thus, promotion mix is a companys total

    communication programs which consists of different blends of itscomponents and which is used to achieve the companys marketingobjectives.

    Extended Ps of Marketing Mix

    5. People6. Process7. Physical Evidence


    People is one of the elements of service marketing mix. People define aservice. If you have an IT company, your software engineers define you.If you have a restaurant, your chef and service staff defines you. If youare into banking, employees in your branch and their behaviour towardscustomers defines you. In case of service marketing, people can makeor break an organization. Thus many companies nowadays are involved

    into specially getting their staff trained in interpersonal skills andcustomer service with a focus towards customer satisfaction. In factmany companies have to undergo accreditation to show that their staff isbetter than the rest. Definitely a USP in case of services.

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    Service process is the way in which a service is delivered to the endcustomer. Lets take the example of two very good companiesMcdonalds and Fedex. Both the companies thrive on their quick serviceand the reason they can do that is their confidence on their processes.On top of it, the demand of these services is such that they have todeliver optimally without a loss in quality. Thus the process of a servicecompany in delivering its product is of utmost importance. It is also acritical component in the service blueprint, wherein before establishingthe service, the company defines exactly what should be the process ofthe service product reaching the end customer.

    Physical Evidence

    The last element in the service marketing mix is a very importantelement. As said before, services are intangible in nature. However, tocreate a better customer experience tangible elements are alsodelivered with the service. Take an example of a restaurant which hasonly chairs and tables and good food, or a restaurant which has ambientlighting, nice music along with good seating arrangement and this also

    serves good food. Which one will you prefer? The one with the niceambience. Thats physical evidence. Several times, physical evidence isused as a differentiator in service marketing. Imagine a private hospitaland a government hospital. A private hospital will have plush offices andwell dressed staff.

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    The company was established in November 2009VAVLOTECHNOLOGIES PVT.LTD.VAVLO was initially set up in 2009

    with mainProduct of BULK SMS and WEB DESINGING. It shifted itsfocus and began.To look into business opportunities in IT andcomputing industry this was at initial stages in India at that time. In 2009RISHABH SALECHA(FOUNDER) at the age 21 and RAHULAGARWAL established. And took over as the chairman of the companyand with the passage of time Transformed it into one of the finest ITservices provider of the India. VAVLO is an information technologyServices Company headquartered in Bengaluru (Bangalore).

    About Vavlo

    We make our client grow for us.

    Its just not innovation and creativity that counts. We become unique forour originality, and complete customer satisfaction with absolutely nocompromise over the quality levels of the solutions delivered, with oursurprising packages. These are actual business values that we follow.We love to see the customer delight more than just a matter of profit andproduct.


    We aim at providing highest quality of service in every phase of ClientRelationship, from initial contact to follow up support. Our technicalexpertise and experience are `unparalleled in the industry. Recognizinga client's custom software development needs and consistentlyexceeding their expectations is what sets us apart from the rest. Wetherefore focus not only on developing and maintaining the products and

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    services we offer, but also on building long term relationship.The uniqueness of PWS which really sets us apart is that we work withyou and pay constant attention to your requirements. Our services,whether before or after sale, are the most promising you can find. Tolead in the various avenues of Software market, implement novel ideasin project development and deliver cost effective and required solutionsto its prospective clients.


    To earn global admiration as IT Company, by building and maintaininglong lasting relationship with people and technology and deliverfunctional software and excellent services.

    We believe nothing works like networking. We ensure an excellentrelationship with our internal and external team; our employees and ourclients. At Vavlo, team building and close interaction transcends ourpotential to assist and improve our business productivity and growth. Wetake Customer and client satisfaction as an opportunity to expressleadership and deliver valuable services. Through expression oftransparency and commitment towards our work team and work, wehave successfully been able to create an excellent environment withinand across the company.

    Organisation function study


    Vavlos business experience enables to speak the same language withcustomers and understand their business needs easily. The knowledgeelongates from application design, development and integration tooperating processes. This knowledge base and experience helps theclients to save time and deliver the right solution for every situation.


    Vavlos approach in various technologies enables us to deliverintegrated, scalable, solutions with the cost and performance ratio.

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    Leveling the market rates we never compromise the quality of ourservices. Quality is assured and monitors activities in all phasesresulting in high quality products. Our technology is in an easy-to-upgrade form and blend to off-Shore Software for a well definedcustomer view. Vavlos development on in-house applications for ourclients and data management software and Business IntelligenceSoftware has been remarked by our clients.


    We thoroughly study each customers case. Depending on projectrequirements we engage a dedicated team of business analysts tounderstand clients specific objectives and needs to find the solutionsthat meets them. We establish a productive customer communicationenvironment providing all the required resources.


    An exceptional value to clients is Vavlos primary goal which requires

    more than just infrastructure and technology. This way we offer ourclients solutions that add real value to their business. A simpletechnique, we understand our clients thus the customer satisfaction.

    Vavlo Organization

    Vavlo is backed by a team of committed, experienced and qualifiedprofessionals. The team is the firm's biggest asset. Unlike Industrystandards, Vavlo has a retention rate of 99% for their employee which in

    turn implies very high ownership standards.Our strength is recognizing client needs and fostering an on-goingrelationship from initial contact to follow-up support. Keeping just theright balance of your industrial experience and our tech minds, ourprojects transform into long-term partnerships from day one. We gobeyond collecting 'done it' certificates!!

    At Vavlo, a vibrant, self motivated and a young team of hard-coreprofessionals with excellent academic backgrounds offers a uniqueblend of software Development experience and a strong technological

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    maturity.Our team is a total mix of experienced software developers, engineerswith expertise in different domains of technology, software development,business management, sales and marketing and research. Every one ofthem contributes to the company with their in-depth knowledge, skill andexperience in their individual fields. We nurture talent at Infinity, andindividuals are encouraged to be creative and take pride in theirachievements and initiatives.

    As we believe that every individual in the team is a valuable asset to thecompany, and acknowledge their unique skills and talents. It enables theteam to innovate within the existing constraints to come up with winningsolutions.

    Over the years, we have worked on many projects, gained knowledgeand developed expertise on various platforms. Our ability is to help yougo beyond writing code. We are great at designing user interfaces anddefining product features. Our teams significant experience in bothproducts and services sets aside us to make suggestions to yourproduct plans.

    We have a history of successful communication with our clients and astrategy of flourishing work to their expectation. Overall, the structure is

    tailored to provide cost-effectiveness and flexibility, which enables us torespond promptly to the rapid changing plans and requirements of ourclients.Vavlo has an extensive network and database of highly skilled technicalresources. This allows us to assemble a team of technical professionalsquickly with the right mix of expertise and skills exactly to meet yourunique need, and to grow that team as per your need evolving over time.

    Key benefits of software development at Vavlo are :

    Respond promptly and flexibly to any changes or additions during thecourse of project. Sincere Dedication of programmers to meet deadline Approach to building long term relationship for software developmentservices Commitment to client benefit maximization Protection of Intellectual property rights (IPR) A low risk delivery model and therefore highly predictable system We succeed by ensuring your success.

    For last minutes changes, we don't turn light off at five.

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    We cherish and nurture our values and interactions with all ouremployees and clients. We have high regards for individual value which

    creates a transparent atmosphere ensuring outstanding teamwork andrapport, built within the company. We promise to live up to our values.

    Our values reflect in:

    Bonding relationship with clients Client Intimacy Confidentiality with respect to work Reflective atmosphere

    Integrity expressed Independent business objectives


    Vavlo has a strong technical team to provide quality softwaredevelopment services. Team consists of professionals who have hadsignificant experience of designing, developing and managing projects.We combine the best people, processes and technology to achievecustomer satisfaction consistently.

    Vavlo is best defined as youthful, ambitious, amiable and passionate.Regardless to mention, it inherits its qualities from its people who have astrong drive to excel, to deliver high quality work on time thus bring valueto clients and have fun along the way. After all, the fact is the Vavlossuccess is based on their skills and commitment.We always remember that, it is our people who deliver what clientneeds. Our expectations from our people are:


    Remaining accountable for individual as well as teamwork


    Leadership being the key essence for individual and company success


    Observing honesty and trustworthiness in every dealing within company

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    Openness to innovate by questioning, disagreeing and suggesting withindisciplined environment


    Respect opinion, Share and Collaborate ideas and information, andprovide mutual support for achievement of goals


    Share ideas, Listen to clients and colleagues and accept constructivecriticism


    Consistently upgrading ones self to achieve excellence. Teamwork isthe fuel that allows the common people to attain uncommon results.

    Complete Security and Protection

    We unconditionally guarantee the protection of your intellectual property,design and development specifications, proprietary software and datawith the highest levels of security. You must have full ownership of allintellectual property and software source code. We maintain strictconfidentiality about our clients and never provide any of your personalor business information to other companies or individuals.

    Dedicated Resources with Long Term Stability

    Long-term stability is the prime fact of our company that preserves andguarantees a successful and seamless project run with the completebusiness orientation. Therefore, we get ready our team of technicalexperts to meet your explicit software development needs. This teammust be assigned and dedicated to you as an extension of your in-houseIT group. As they become expert in your software, they must build astrong foundation that expedites future development efforts.

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    Commitment to Quality

    Quality is the paramount factor for any service. Our portfolio as well asthe taken up projects speaks about our services that we have provided

    so far. The reputation on delivering top quality software to our clients isthe potentiality we have accomplished by and large. We work closelywith your in-house team during the development process to ensure thatthe finished software product delivers the full functionality required tomeet your needs.

    Transparency of Operations & Communication

    Transparency makes working at ease simplifying the distance where we

    are. We build effective communication patterns. We are open. We speakyour language on all levels. Our close and regular communicationsystem can boost up the advantage of development methodology as peryour concerns.

    Your success implies our business

    At Vavlo, it is very much possible to order the services with a singleaccess point. You can come up to inquire from software development,designing and distribution of packages with application installation to the

    technical support and maintenance. Such a "one-stop" service releasesto the clients for any additional product-related costs, which can saveyour valuable time and allow you to have a long-term partnership withus.

    Professionalism and Trustworthiness

    Professionalism and trustworthiness is one of the another importantfigure that we cherish. Vavlo is committed to have the responsibility of

    the projects that speaks about the technology competence and expertiseabilities. For each step in the project being executed, we at Vavlo, do ourbest to perform tasks with responsibility by using knowledge, creativityand skills to the maximum efficiently.

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    Registered Office:#14, Balaji complex ,1st Floor,AVS compound ,Koramangala 4th block,

    Bangalore-560 034.

    Telephone: +91-080-32218967/68Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    CLIENTS:i. Vodafoneii. Metlifeiii. Raymondiv. Samsungv. HDFC Standard Life

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Organization structure

    In this particular organisation, Rahul Agarwal is the C.E.O of thecompany. Dipak Baid is the financer; Dipak does not participate activelyin the organisations day to day activities. Whereas Rishabh Salecha isan active participant in the day to day activities. He handles everythingstarting from human resource recruitment to marketing to handling thefinances.


    1. Rahul AgarwalPresident and Chief Executive Officer

    2. Dipak BaidExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rahul Agarwal

    President and ChiefExecutive Officer

    Dipak Baid

    Executive Vice Presidentand Chief Financial Officer

    Rishabh Salecha

    Managing director

    Anoop C M

    Chief Designer

    Anshuman Sahoo

    Chief MarketingOfficer

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    3. Rishabh SalechaManaging director

    4. Anshuman SahooChief Marketing Officer

    5. Anoop C MChief Designer


    Vavlos excellent offshore development center is located in the siliconvalley in Bangalore, India. Vavlo has one of the best Infrastructure in theindustry. It also has an excellent resource base with a remarkableInfrastructure and connectivity.Our development center in Bangalore owns an independent officebuilding with a graded office space . Working round the clock, dedicatedmultiple redundant communications, Internet and power facilitiesensuring uninterrupted operations and the highest uptime.The office has a 100-mbit Fast Ethernet switch-based network as well as

    a secured Wi-Fi network. Development workstations of Pentium IV classand above with minimum 512MB/1 GB RAM ensure high productivitylevels. Data and Information is Firewalled, dedicated network access.We have aclient-specific secure VPN connections which has access tothe infrastructure setup. The development center is connected to servershosted in a world-class server farm from where we run our email serversand other hosted applications.


    VAVLO is a full service web design company based in the IT hub ofIndia, Banglore . Internet technologies have revolutionized the wayenterprises run and manage their operations and we guide you throughit.

    Our Web Solutions can handle complex campaigns that integrateSearch Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click Management, Social MediaOptimization, Website Sales Optimization, Managed E-mail Marketing,and Online Affiliate Management. Our extensive industry experiencegets your business real results like page one rankings for Search Engine

    Optimization and high click-through rates for Managed E-mail Marketing.

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    Services provided by Vavlo

    1. Product development2. Web solutions3. Online marketing4. SMS solutions5. Multimedia Solutions

    Product development

    Faster and accurate approach into the market with VAVLO Product andSoftware solutions

    Looking for a strategic product development partner? Your search endshere. A quality assured service helps businesses accelerate theirproduct cycles and reduce time in market. Vavlo is also a fast emergingcompany for software solutions in Bangalore, the IT hub of India.

    With Vavlos resources and infrastructure, can help you bring yourquality products to market economically saving your time. Vavlos

    programmers, developers, and project managers have deep knowledgein a wide area of technologies and solutions. We specialize in customsoftware development and software solutions .

    Our solutions include:

    Product development Design services Requirement scoping Prototype

    Core development

    Testing and QA Across all phases of life cycle Automated testing Manual testing Documentation

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    Maintenance Feature upgrades Product customization Performance tuning Defect resolution End-of-life support

    Implementation support Deployment support Localization of core product Professional services

    Web Solutions

    Vavlo provides high quality website designing and services, striving tocreate pleasingly strong and attractive websites that will promote yourproducts to your audience according to the needs and desires of ourclients. Your website will ultimately be a direct reflection of your brand.We design a website to achieve your on-line goals.Vavlo takes our pride in providing clients with a work that will ultimatelyreflect the professional image, business and organization. We prioritizeour work right from our customers and their preferences.

    Establishing a World Wide Web presence for your business can be oneof the most important decisions you make. Internet is much more than

    just another advertising vehicle it is an essential marketing tool and themost modern platform for interaction your targeted audience.

    When you approach Vavlo for your Web solutions, youll be calling on aprofessional website design company that prides itself on supplyingvisually stunning custom web page designs that helps your businesswork better, clean web designs that keeps your visitors happy, and aprofessional custom web development solution that helps you in doing

    more business online than ever before. We design only the best!

    Online Marketing

    Online marketing saw the transformation of the advertising landscape byenabling customized customer targets leading to a higher return oninvestment. Vavlo is a full service online marketing company that offershigh end results on our services with the ability to deliver campaignsassociating to the best technology available.

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    Vavlo handles the complex campaigns that requires the integration ofSearch Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click Management, Social MediaOptimization, Website Sales Optimization, Managed E-mail Marketing,and Online Affiliate Management. Our industry experience gets yourbusiness appropriate results like page one rankings for Search EngineOptimization and high click-through rates for Managed E-mail Marketing.As internet search queries become the primary method for collectinginformation.

    SMS Solutions

    The portability nature of the mobile phone has changed the way peoplecommunicate. It makes customers and businesses available to each

    other anytime, anywhere. Provides a tremendous opportunity forbusinesses to reach out to customers at critical moments.

    Time Saving Instead, of drafting single messages and sending it toindividual mobile subscribers, you can create one message, which isthen send to the targeted audience group based on your requirement.You can create groups based on Gender,Location,Income & more.

    Cost effective Instead of sending individual letters or brochures totheir customers, companies can choose to send bulk SMS tothousands of customers at a fraction of price.

    Instant Response from your marketing Campaigns Mobile marketingenables advertisers to send out custom-made and personalizedmultimedia campaigns.

    Reliable Report tracking Delivery of messages and the elicitedresponse can be tracked with existing systems. You can track detailsabout delivery of SMS

    Multimedia Solutions

    Its volumes that a multimedia presentation speaks. When companiesneed to communicate effectively and to promote their products andservices for business success, multimedia is the most effective andpowerful way of presentation of your company and its activities.Information about company, products and services can be delivered inan interesting and convincing form with the help of video, animations,Flash animation, spoken word and music.

    Vavlo provides its clients with a full array of services in all aspects ofelectronic and multimedia design services. Vavlo has experts indesigning user-friendly, cost-effective Intranet, Extranet, Internet, and

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    interactive media applications that fit client goals and business needs.Our multimedia design service has a levelled mixture of simplicity, styleand cost effectiveness. We ensure that our interactive multimediapresentation development is technically approved and logically formattedwith graspable opening, planned body and an apparent conclusion.

    It describes any application that uses multiple media (graphics, text,animations, audio, video). Whether its streaming video over the web orproducing a 2D/3D animation, flast presentation CDs,Vavlo SoftwareSolutions has the ability to turn all of your multimedia aspirations intoreality. Our designers are expert in 3D modeling, digital audio,animations, and interactive multimedia design services.

    Given below are our services for your choice.

    Multimedia Presentation

    Flash Banner E-Catalog/Brochure E-Learning CBT/WBT

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    Overview of V-CAMSVavlo College Attendance Management System (V-CAMS) providesmore and most secure and automatic attendance management systemfor Students. Staff roles are managed. V-CAMS has the facility ofautomatic alerts to the guardians.

    The Needs

    V-CAMS automates the student and staff attendance hence. Reducing

    irregularities in the attendance process arising due to human error. More efficient student attendance. Time Saving Important administrative and educational resources

    could be freed up by utilizing V-CAMS. V-CAMS give you the Paperless Environment. V-CAMS with its extremely small carbon footprint are a greener

    option. The system consists of the following technologies. Biometric Attendance Devices

    Local Server (CLS) Web Interface Software

    Usability Student Registration Personal Details Course Details College Details Biometric DataRegistration can be done via the web interface provided to the collegealong with the biometricfingerprint reader. Once activated with the college all devices in thecollege will accept thebiometric identification from the student. Once any student has beenactivated on V-CAMS the collegewill be sent a student ID smart card via V-CAMS card printingservice. The Student ID card will contain all the necessary details.

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    Staff Attendance

    V-CAMS also has fully integrated Time Manager Software whichprovides various employee attendanceand HR related functionalities e.g. Shift Scheduling, Shift Rotation,Attendance Summary, LeaveManagement etc. V-CAMS Time Manager Module can also beintegrated with leading payroll processingsoftware.

    Secure Login A secure state-of-the-art biometric login. Users are required to authenticate themselves using biometric

    fingerprint data before they are granted access to V-CAMS.

    Features Accurate Student Attendance Automated data Collection, segregation and up-gradation Daily Report Automated alert Segregated reports on daily, monthly and yearly basis

    Data summarizing Facility for alerts on special events and announcements

    Benefits Ensure better compliance to Home Office regulations for attendance

    monitoring of the students. Better pupil management. Minimum administrative work.

    Better accounting. Improves student attendance ratio. Better College staff attendance management.

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    Statement of the problem

    A relationship of marketing approach draws attention to the importanceof retaining as well as attracting consumers with the emphasize beingplaced on the long term relationship with existing consumer. Each andevery market player is trying to improve its market share through qualityand economising the cost process. New competitors are being attractedin to the market and research activities are going on constantly toanalyze the need and customer satisfaction.In such a situation, it isimportant for the market leader to know the current market status toformulate the strategy of the firm to suit itself in the market. Based onthe above brief sketch the research has taken up the market research onconsumer perception towards Promotional SMS in Bangalore .


    The following is the objectives of the study :

    To understand and analyze the consumer attitude towards

    Promotional SMS.

    Scope of the study

    The research study is conducted to collect the informationregarding the present status of the firm in the competitive market of theMaruti Alto.

    The study will also throw light on the factors influencing the competitivemarket of Maruti alto cars. It will also give us a clear picture of marketstrategy followed by the various players in the market.

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    The information collected is very useful to company, students and to thecustomers. The projection made will help the company to amend ormodify its market strategy based on the present scenario of the market.

    Research Methodology

    Period of study

    This study started January 2010 and ended in march 2011. Thequestionnaire were collected in February 2011. The analysis began afterthe collection of the questionnaires.

    Tools of data collection

    There after primary data collection efforts were made, questionnairewere prepared carefully giving attention to question which would fetch arequired information from the respondent. The questionnaire to thecustomer is structured non-disgusted one. It consisted of multiple-choicequestion , several dichotomous questions with two open-end questions.

    Source of Data Collection

    Primary data

    Direct acces to customers

    Meeting wiothe managerd and the staff.

    Secondary data

    Marketing text books, pamphlets, outlets and small note sheet from thecompany. The secondary data was collected after carefully choosing thetopic, which is very practical to base a research on.

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    Sample Technique

    A judgement sampling technique was restored to which personally

    administrative questionnaire to each individual as only the people whohave received a promotional SMS.

    Sample size :

    The sample consisted of 50 respondents

    Plan of analysis :

    After collecting the field questionnaire the collected data wastransformed to a worksheet being classified demographically. The datarelated to a set of objectives was then classified and tabulated. Thefindings recorded after which the data was graphically represented.

    From the process data the research could loudly speak of its finding animplication as well as the aid in arriving at the conclusion. All the workdone Under the assumption that the data collected from the respondentwas accurate.

    Sample technique:

    On behalf of Jain University Center of Management studies ( minorproject work) BBM 4th semester I am undertaking this study to study theconsumer perception towards Promotional SMS in Bangalore .

    Limitation of the study

    The project was limited by period of study.

    The survey was mainly carried out by questionnaire method and

    therefore it was restricted to the questions in the questionnaire.

    As a student , cost constrain was a limitation in carrying out the


    Assumption were made that all the respondents understood the

    question as they were supposed to. The chance of

    misunderstanding are remote but cannot be ruled out.

    As the sample size is too small compared to the population, the

    outcome may not be generalized without sampling errors.

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    Chapter- 4

    Data Interpretation and


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    Chapter- 4

    Data Interpretation and Analysis

    The following observations and interpretations have been made after a

    questionnaire sampling method was undertaken with a sample size

    constituting 30 people of all occupational fields , age , gender etc.

    Given below are the questions and the response received.

    Table 4.1 showing the awareness of the concept of promotional SMS

    Table 4.1

    Response No of respondents Percentage

    Yes 50

    No 0Total number of respondents = 50

    Analysis of the table

    From the above table it is clear that 100% of the respondent are aware of

    about promotional SMSs.

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    From the above chart it is inferred that everybody who use mobile knowsabout the promotional SMSs. This may be because promotional SMS,has become the most powerful m-commerece tool.



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    Table 4.2 showing whether promotional SMSs are useful andinformative.

    Table 4.2

    Answer No of respondents

    Yes 35

    No 15

    Analysis of the table

    70% of the people find promotional SMSs useful and informativewhereas 30% of the people find it waste of time.


    Most of the people find promotional SMS useful and informative. Butthere are few people who think it is not useful and informative. This maybe because it causes a lot of disturbance in day to day work activities.And most of them think they are unwanted. And it can be intrusion intheir privacy.



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    Table 4.3 shows whether people fed up of too many promotionalSMSs.

    Table 4.3

    Yes 30No 20

    Analysis of The Table

    60% of the respondents are fed up of promotional SMSs and the rest

    i.e. 40% dont mind receiving them.


    Out of 50 people all 30 say that there are too many promotional SMSsbeing send every day where as 20 of them say decent number ofpromotional SMSs are sent in a day.



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    Table 4.4 shows whether people read the promotional SMSs or not.

    Table 4.4Yes 18

    No 12

    Sometimes 20

    Analysis of the Table

    40% of the respondents read the promotional SMSs sometimes whereas 36% of them always read them and 24% of them do not preferreading them.


    Little less than half the majority of the people read the PromotionalSMSs sometimes and only few of them always read it and others prefernot reading them.




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    Table 4.5 shows at what time would the respondents like to receive apromotional SMS.

    Table 4.5

    Morning 7

    Afternoon 14

    Night 29

    Analysis of the Table

    58% of the respondents prefer receiving the SMSs in the night. 28% ofthe respondents prefer receiving them in the afternoon. 14% of themprefer receiving them in morning.


    Most of the people prefer reading Promotional SMSs in the night.




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    Table 4.6 shows for how many respondents the promotional SMSs havebeen useful.

    Table 4.6

    Never 10

    Few times 20

    Many times 25

    Analysis of The Table

    50% of the respondents have found promotional SMSs useful. Whereas40% of them has found it useful few times and 20% of them have neverfound them useful.


    Most of the people think that most of the times Promotional SMSs have

    been useful.


    Few times

    Many times

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    Table 4.3 shows the impact of promotional SMS as a means ofmarketing.

    Table 4.7

    Yes 38No 12

    Analysis of the Table

    76% of the respondents think that promotional SMS as a means ofmarketing is effective. Whereas 24% respondents think it is not.


    Most of the people think it is effective.



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    Table 4.8 shows how frequently would respondents like to receive apromotional SMS.

    Table 4.8

    Once a day 12Few times a day 22Never 16

    Analysis of The Table

    44% of the respondents would prefer receiving a promotional SMSs few

    times a day. Whereas 32% would prefer not receiving them and 24% ofthem prefer once a day.


    Most of the people prefer receiving a promotional SMSs few times aday.

    Once a day

    Few times a day


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    Table 4.9 shows whether promotional SMS should be a part of anorganisations marketing campaign or not.

    Table 4.9

    Yes 37No 13

    Analysis of The Table

    74% of the respondents think that promotional SMSs should be a part ofan organizations marketing campaign.


    Most of the people think that promotional SMSs should be a part of anorganisations marketing campaign.



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    Table 4.10 shows whether companies should invest more money formarketing through Promotional SMSs or not.

    Table 4.10

    Yes 34No 16

    Analysis of The Table

    68% of the respondents think that companies should invest more moneyin marketing through promotional SMSs. 32% of the respondents thinkthat companies should limit their investment in marketing throughpromotional SMSs.


    Majority of the people think that companies should invest more money.



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    CHAPTER 5 :



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    CHAPTER 5 :



    From the analysis and interpretation of data collected through survey,

    following are the findings:Out of 50 respondents 50 of them are aware of the concept ofPromotional SMSs and had a basic idea about it.

    Out of 50 respondents 35 of them think that promotional SMSs areinformative and useful. While 15 of them think that it is notinformative and useful.

    30 out 50 respondents are fed up of promotional SMSs anddesires not receive them in future. While 20 of them do not mindreceiving them on regular basis.

    Majority of the respondents i.e. 20 read the promotional SMSssometimes, 18 of them read always and 12 of them do not readthem.

    29 out of 50 respondents prefer receiving an promotional SMSs inthe night and hardly few i.e. 7 of them prefer receiving them in themorning whereas 14 of them prefer receiving them in theafternoon.

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    For 25 respondents out of 50 the promotional SMSs have beenuseful many a times. But for 20 respondents promotional SMSshave been useful and for 10 respondents never.

    38 out of 50 respondents think that the impact of promotionalSMSs as a means of marketing is effective whereas 12 of themthink it is not.

    22 out of 50 respondents prefer receiving promotional SMSs fewtimes a day. 12 out of 50 prefer receiving them once a day. 16 ofthem prefer receiving them not even once.

    37 out of 50 respondents think that promotional SMSs should be apart organisations marketing campaign. Whereas 13 of them thinkthat it should be avoided.

    34 out of 50 of the respondents think that companies should investmore money in marketing through promotional SMS. Whereas 16of them think they dont have to invest.

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    The company should send its promotional SMSs in thenight as the survey suggests that most of them read it inthe night.

    The companies should keep their promotional SMSs shortand simple.

    Companies should send their promotional SMSs in equalintervals. As it will remind their target audience about theirproducts/services.

    Companies should send different promotional SMSs.Rather than sending the same SMSs always.

    Companies should use a good database for their targetaudience. Otherwise they will be wasting their money onsending the SMSs to wrong people.

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    The promotional activity was helpful to know the customers perceptiontowards promotional SMSsRegular use of promotional tools is necessary for giving more exposureto the product in the market.Most of the respondents believe in brand name and good services. Assuch many of them are attracted to the Vavlo. Moreover, the existingusers of Vavlo are found to be satisfied from the products and services.

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    Swot analysis


    Expertise atpartner level

    in HRMconsultancy

    quality ofservice.

    Located inthe I.T hubof India .

    Pricing is verlow whencompared to

    the quality ofservice.

    High classtechnology isused.


    Unable todeal with

    multi-disciplinaryassignmentsbecause ofsize or lackof abilit

    Shortage ofconsultantsat operatinglevel rather

    than partnerlevel




    position witha well defined

    market niche.


    marketing is a


    trend in the

    indian market.


    High level of



    dictates that the

    most up-to-date

    and fastest

    services are

    always the most

    popular. Vavlo

    has to always

    keep up with

    technologicaladvancements to

    be able to




    operating at a

    minor level.

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    Web sites:

    Text books:

    Marketing Management by S.A.Sherlekar
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    Name : Age :



    1. Are you aware of the concept of promotional SMS?

    a. Yes b. No

    2. Do you find promotional SMS useful and informative?a. Yes b. No

    3. Are you fed up of too many promotional SMS?

    a. Yes b. No

    4. Do you read the promotional SMS?a. Yes b. No c. Sometimes

    5. At what time would you like to receive a promotional SMS?

    a. In the morning b. Afternoon c. Late evening

    6. How many times have the promotional SMS been useful?

    a. Never b. Few times c. Many times

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    7. Do you think the impact of promotional SMS as a means of marketing iseffective?

    a. Yes b. No

    8. How frequently would you like to receive a promotional SMS?

    a. Once a day b. Few times a day c. Never

    9. Do you think promotional SMS should be a part of all organisationssmarketing campaign?

    a. Yes b. No

    10.Do you think companies should invest more money for marketingthrough Promotional SMS?

    a. Yes b. No