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Matthew 1-8 - Zion's New Age Bible

Feb 20, 2018



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  • 7/24/2019 Matthew 1-8 - Zion's New Age Bible


    Matthew 1-8 - Zion's New Age Bible

    The genealogy of Jesus the Messiah

    1 This is the genealogy of Annathe Messiah:2 Abraham is another name prophesyingthe father,

    3 Judah is also a name for the fatherat the time of the exile to Babylon.

    12 After the exile to Babylon:Anna rose and the new age began

    Joseph accepts Jesus as his son

    18 This is how the birth of the Messiah came about: themother Mary waspledged by God to be married to Martin, but before they came together,she was found to be spiritually pregnant through the oly !pirit. 19Because her husband was faithful he belie"ed that she was the sacrificethat the world was waiting for, and that she would go through a time ofextreme suffering. e did not want to expose her suffering to the publicdisgrace, during this time of suffering so he had in mind to hide her#uietly until the time had past.20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the $ord appeared to him

    in a dream and said, %Martin, do not be afraid because what is concei"edin her is from the oly !pirit. 21 !he will gi"e birth to the people of thenew age, gi"e themthe name%Je& us', as theywill be able to sa"e peoplefrom their sins. After ta(e Anna to yourhome at the appointed time, asyour wife.'22 All this too( place to fulfil what the $ord had said through the prophet:23%The "irgin will concei"e and gi"e birth to a new age, and they will callhim )mmanuel'*which means %God with us' for in this new age, you willfinally (now who God really is, the Mother+. -r bro(en down with twochanges it says )mmanuel %is man u well+'

    24 /hen Martinwo(e up, he did what the angel of the $ord hadcommanded him and at the appointed time he too( Mary home as hiswife. 25 But he did not consummate their marriage until she ga"e birth.

    Seeingthe Messiah

    2 After Anna had awo(en to the truth about who she waswas born manypeoplecame to )srael, inspirit2 theyas(ed, %/here is the one who hasbeen born (ing of the people0 /e saw his stars when theyrose and ha"e

    come to worship him.'

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    3 /hen 1ing Martinheard this he was disturbed, and so was )srael. 4 /henhe had called together all the people's chief priests of the law and musicindustry leaders, theyas(ed himwhere the Messiah was to be born. 5%ampstead,' hereplied, he then told them that%she is the hidden womanof the Bible for this is what the prophet has written:

    6%2But you, )srael, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judahfor out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people, )srael this is you+.3'

    7 Then Martincalled the the person who had told him the prophecysecretly and re"ealed tothem the exact time the star had appeared,march 44th 5647. 8 e sent them to Annaand said, %Go and searchcarefully for things about this girl. As soon as you find e"idence that sheis the messiah, report to me, so that ) too may belie"e e"en more.'9 Three monthsafter the couple met, the woman wo(e to the (nowledge

    that she was a God and posted the proof of this on her faceboo( page.The (ing saw this proof and passed the news onto his people.After thepeople had heard the (ing, they went on their way, and the star they hadseen rise went ahead of them and exposed more truths. 10 /hen they sawthis they belie"ed that she was 8hrist and then they were o"er9oyed. 11-ncoming to the news of the new age, they saw that mother Mary was infactAnna, they bowed down and worshipped the Goddess. Then they openedtheir ban( accounts and produced many songs and films all in tribute tothe (nowledge Goddess. 12 And ha"ing been warned in a dream not to gobac( to Martin until the appointed time, they returned to their old ways.

    The escape to freeo!

    13 /hen they had gone, an angel of the $ord appeared to Martinin adream. %Get up,' he said, %at the appointed time ta(e the Mother andescape into hiding. !tay there until ) tell you, for people aregoing tosearch for the girl orderto (ill her.'14 !o he got up, too( the woman *who was his mother in a past life,during the night and left to go into hiding, 15 where he stayed until the

    death of God the ather. And so was fulfilled what the $ord had saidthrough the prophet: %-ut of prison) called my son.'16 /hen radicalsrealised that theyhad been outwitted by the Goddess,they werefurious, and ga"e orders to protest and argue against this, inaccordance with the time learned from the ;aniel8hrist (ingdom will rule and people can belie"ewhate"er they want about the 8hrist the Good and the Bad. 17 But thenwhat was said through the prophet Jeremiah will be re"ealed:

    18%A "oice is heard, weeping and in great mourning,)sraelweeping becauseher children and refusing to be comforted,

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    because no one wason her side.'18a Then all will mourn for they will see the real 8hrist and what she

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    4 Annaanswered, %)t is written: 2Man are made in the image and li(enessof God, Genesis 45= /hat human can change stones into bread+ Alsoman shall not li"e on bread alone, but on e"ery motherthat comes fromthe bloodof God, that's the power of ;arla's Blood+ /ho is me+'5 Then the de"il too( herto the holy city, to the highest point of the

    temple. 6%)f you are the God,' he said, %throw yourself down. or it iswritten:%2e will command his angels concerning you,

    and they will lift you up in their !ongs, so that you will not die or remain hidden.3'

    7 Annaanswered him, %)t is also written: 2the temple he had spo(en ofwas his body', and so li(ewise my temple has already been thrown downto a state of depression but after three years it will be raised up again+38 Again, the de"il too( herto a "ery high mountain and showed herall the(ingdoms of the world and their splendour. 9%All this ) will gi"e you,' he

    said, %if you will ta(e my hand in marriage.'10 Annasaid to him, %) do, !atan+ or it is written: 2/orship the $ord yourGod, and ser"e him only, and you are my $ord+3'11Then the de"il left, and angels came and attended her.

    Jesus is teste in the wilerness

    4 Jesus was led by the !pirit into the wilderness to be testedby Anna thede"il. 2 After fasting for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 Thetempter came to him and said, %)f you are the !on of God, tell thesestones to become bread.'4 Jesus answered, %)t is written: 2Man shall not li"e on bread alone, but one"ery word that comes from the mouth of God.'

    4. That

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    '5 Then the de"il too( him to the holy city and set him on the highest pointof the temple. 6%)f you are the !on of God,' he said, %throw yourself down.or it is written:

    %2e will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not stri(e your foot against a stone.3

    7 Jesus answered him, %)t is also written: 2;o not put the $ord your God tothe test.3

    4. This is wrong it is written that you must test the spirits1 John 4;1 do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    5. That who prophesy sounds #uity silly, angles lifting you up intheir hands so you will not hit your foot against a stone. There are a

    lot of worse things that could happen to you in this world then youtripping o"er a stone But ) tell you now that ) am that stone, andyou will not be sa"ed by angels when you stumble o"er me+

    8 Again, the de"il too( him to a "ery high mountain and showed him allthe (ingdoms of the world and their splendour. 9%All this ) will gi"e you,'he said, %if you will bow down and worship me.'10 Jesus said to him, %Away from me, !atan+ or it is written: 2/orship the$ord your God, and ser"e him only.3' The de"il then replied, 2but ) am the$ord that you should ser"e, the stone you ha"e tripped o"er and re9ected+10a God and the de"il are simply the Good and the Bad sides of God. Godmeans to guide and the ;e"il means to teach+, 11Then the de"il left himand the %angels' helped him reco"er.

    #srael begins to preach

    12 /hen Judah had found )srael and put herin this type of prison, hewithdrew and she mo"ed into a studio flat.13 $ea"ing her parents home,she rented a place down the roadH 14 to fulfil what was said through theprophet )saiah:

    15%Judah and )srael, are the wa"esof the !ea,16 The two people li"ing in dar(ness ha"e seen a great lightand ha"e passed the (nowledge onto thoseli"ing in the land of the shadow of death a light has now dawned on them.'

    17 rom that time onwards )sraelbegan to preach, %@epent, for the(ingdom of hea"en has come near.'

    Annaheals the sic$

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    23 Anna conducted all herteaching other the three years of sacrifice whilstlying on a bed and posting on youtube, proclaiming the good news of thethe return of F"e, and healing many mentalillnesses that people sufferfrom. 24 Iews about herspread all o"er the world, and she helped lots ofpeople who were ill with "arious mental disorders, those suffering from

    depression, selfishness, "anity, pride, greed or else 9ust power mad andshe helpedthem.25 A large number of people across the region followedher, and she did all this 9ust from lying in a bed. 25a Iow people, ) (nowthis life can be really cruel sometimes, but that there are loads of peopleall o"er the world that are too lying in a bed right now. 25b/eather it bebecause of old age, a genetic illness, life threatening "irus or a lifechanging accident, and ) feel it

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    Jesus heals the sic$ %eception

    23 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,proclaiming the good news of the (ingdom *a (ingdom that was not goingto accrue for two thousands years after their deathe was healing e"erydisease and illness among the people but unfortunately there is no recordor proof of this, 9ust a few scriptures written hundreds of years after hisdeath. 24 Iews about him spread all o"er !yria, and all who belie"ed inhim were murdered. 24a But yet people all o"er the world still lo"ed andworshiped him but still he did not return to Farth to sa"e his people whowere dying because of their belief in him.24b ?eople all o"er the worldbelie"ed that anyonebrought to him, all who were ill with "ariousdiseases, those suffering se"ere pain, the demon>possessed, those ha"ingsei&ures, and the paralysed people belie"ed that Jesus could heal them.25 $arge crowds, priests, and go"ernments preached on how 8hristianity

    wasthe only region across the world, that was the truth and the light, butin reality it was nothing but lies and deceit 25a A temporary 8hrist untilthe real 8hrist with the real word of God can be expected in the world. orli(e the prophecy says, 8hrist is the stone that the builders re9ected butnow the real stone has enough e"idence to pro"e to the world, once andfor all, who the real 8hrist is+ 25b The come the exposure of the realmorals and concept of right and wrong+

    The Teachings of Anna

    5 Iow when Annagot tired of waiting for people to want to tal( to hershe thought that it would be better to spend her time re>writing the oldBible so that ) actually contains good teachings with in. 1a !he did this sothat when the people were ready to expect her as their Messiah, theywould then ha"e a boo( written by her with her thoughts and teachings.2shebegan to teach them

    3%Blessed are the poor who are able to find happiness,for happiness can not be found at the bottom of a bottlenor can it be found in a pile of money.3a appiness lies only inside the mind of the beholder.To be able to find 9oy without ha"ing to spending money,well, that is a priceless gift that you must treasure. This 1ingdomis the (ingdom of hea"en.4 Blessed are those who mourn,for morning is 9ust as much a part of life as Joy is.To feel grief pro"es that you are ali"e and ha"e emotions+4a After a time of mourning has pastou will en9oy the emotion of happiness e"en more.ou mustbe comforted by those words,

    for you will stronger once you ha"e reco"ered.5 Blessed are the mee(,

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    or humbleness ma(es failure less painful.$i"ing righteously will ma(e you feel better5a Being patient could impro"e the #uality of your outcome.for rushing into something without much thoughcould lea"e you wor(ing in a Job that

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    for theirs is the (ingdom of hea"en.But Anna says: no+ Blessed are full of spirit+or cheerleaders ha"e spirit,and that what ma(es them good cheerleaders

    4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.But Anna says: Io+ Blessed are those who don't mourn,4a /ho don

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    ) bet the people who ha"e had their heads chopped off by )sis won

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    %ou Jesusare the salt of the earth and the old Bible is the meat. !alt is agood preser"ati"e so helps the meat last longerBut if the salt loses itssaltiness, how can it be made salty again0 This Jesus is what has nowhappened to you li(e old dried up saltit is no longer good for anything,

    except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

    14%ou Annaare the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot behidden, and li(ewise neither can you be hidden.15 ?eople do not light alamp and put it ina bowl of water. 14a Io+)nstead they put a lighton itsstand, or high up on the ceiling, so thatit gi"es light to e"eryone in theroom or location. 16 )n the same way, let your light shine before others, sothat they may see your good deeds and glorify you and your ather inhea"en.

    The fulfil!ent of the law

    17%;o not thin( that ) ha"e come to abolish the $aw ofthe ?rophets )ha"e not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. 18 or truly ) tell you,until hea"en and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the leaststro(e of a pen, will by any means disappear. 18a They will all still exist, )will only re>write and translate what ) read so that you can hear and readwhat the spirits says, which is the spirit inside of me, not what the peopleare trying to say+ 18b And although ) might not be the best writer in the

    world, ) definitely can ma(e sense and explain in detail what shouldactually be written in the Bible. 18c rom the $aw *which is the the time ofthe sacrificeuntil e"erything is accomplished.19 Therefore anyone whosets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches othersaccordingly will be called least in the (ingdom of hea"en, but whoe"erpractises and teaches this new "ersion of commands will be called great inthe (ingdom of hea"en. 20 or ) tell you that unless your righteousnesssurpasses that of the old Bibleand its teachers, you will certainly notenter the (ingdom of hea"en.

    Na!e calling an sewing

    21%ou ha"e heard that it was said to the people long ago, 2ou shall notmurder, and anyone who murders will be sub9ect to 9udgment.3 22 But )tell you that anyone who e"en wishes for an un9ustified murderwill besub9ect to 9udgment. 22a Again, anyone who says, 2May God, burn you inhell,3 will ha"e to answer for their un9ustified hatred. And anyone whosays, 2ou fool+3 will be in danger of loo(ing li(e the fool.23%Therefore, be more careful about what you say, as subconsciously youcould only be saying what you say because you are only seeing flats that

    are inside of you+

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    25%Try and settle matters #uic(ly or byusing polite sensible "erbalcommunication. or using lawyers and solicitors can be "ery expensi"eand so is ta(ing someoneto court might not be the best thing if there

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    of finding a life long commitment, and so whether adultery is wrong ornot, depends on how upset the other person will be when they find outthat you are seeing other people.27l )f you li"e to gether then the other person will li(ely feel more hurt, asshe or he might feel not good enough or not wanted any longer.

    )f you are married then the other person might feel betrayed.)f there are (ids in"ol"ed too, then that

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    that says that the couple will be e#ually responsible for any children bornduring this time, and that the couple will try there hardest to lo"e oneanother. 30k But if it does not wor( out then the miny marriage can beeasily terminated without losing your earns for only if you ha"e (ids doyou ha"e children do you ha"e to lea"e money to the other person.

    30l But when it comes to a full marriage only then should di"orce be alittle more costly if one of the people ha"e more wealth than the other.30m )f the couple is married with children then you should ideally wait untilyour (ids ha"e grown up before getting a separation as (ids do bettergenuinely do better when they feel secure and lo"ed by both parents andif there are arguments between the two parents then the child may sufferas the result.30n But if the parents or a parent becomes "iolent or abusi"e then youmust put you safety first, and separate as no child should ha"e to li"ewith a parent who beats the other parent up. 30o )f you can not lea"e the

    person for your own sa(e, then you must do it for your child

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    Anna&s Stan on aths

    33%Again, you ha"e heard that it was said to the people long ago, 2;o not

    brea( your oath, but fulfil to the $ord the oaths you ha"e made.3 ) belie"ethat this is true for if you agree to something you should up hold youword. 33a But howe"er) tell you, do not swear an oath on false profitssuch as Jesus as they are not real and you will only lie to yourself aboutthings that this imaginary God says to you.33b All you need to do isresearch using logic and say is simply Io to %their' re#uests anythingbeyond this is insanity.

    Jesus Stan on aths

    33c%Again, you ha"e heard that it was said to the people long ago, 2;o notbrea( your oath, but fulfil to the $ord the oaths you ha"e made.3 34 But )tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by hea"en, for it is God'sthrone 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool or by Jerusalem, for it isthe city of the Great 1ing.36 And do not swear by your head, for youcannot ma(e e"en one hair white or blac(. 37 All you need to say is simply2es,3 or 2Io3 anything beyond this comes from the e"il one.

    37a Iow people, here Jesus is telling the exact opposite message to themassage of the Bible The old bible says you must commit and submit

    yourself to God, that is an oath. 37b There is a co"enant between Man andGod which should not be bro(en, But here he is saying the exact oppositethings. 37c /hat Jesus says abo"e almost could imply that it's fine to brea(an oath because he seems to disagree with the first #uote. 37d /hether itbe an oath of secrecy or a pledge, or e"en a marriage oath But it

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    38%ou ha"e heard that it was said, 2Fye for eye, and tooth for tooth.3although ) would ne"er condol "iolence it is true %what goes around comesaround,' 38a )f you go round bulling people, it

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    sue you and ta(e your shirt, hand o"er your coat as well. 41 )f anyoneforces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Gi"e to the one whoas(s you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow fromyou.

    Anna says42a This is really bad ad"ice as if someone hits you that last thing youshould do is encourage them to hit you again. ;oing this is cra&y andma(es the other person feel less guilty for what they are doing. 42b )f the"ictim acts li(e they are not affected or not hurt, then it ma(es the"iolence done seem less wrong, which is a really bad thing+ 42c)f someone want to steal from you, you deser"e to ha"e your stuff ta(en if youthen encourage them to ta(e more items, because it only pro"es that youdon

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    careful when deciding to call someone your enemy because by seeingthem as this you could only be gi"ing them a reason to disli(e you.

    43g )f you really do ha"e an %enemy' or %nasty neighbour' !tay away fromyour enemies and pray for that they stoppersecuting you, )f you lo"e

    those who lo"e you, and focus and surround yourself with these peoplethen your life will be far more pleasant and en9oyable. 43h)f you greet onlyyour own people, then why should you expectotherpeople to greet you0;o not pagans do that0 43iAim for perfection, for your %hea"en' will feelperfect if you feel you achie"e your target, if you do not achie"e it do notpanic as it

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    6%/hen gi"ing to the poor the most important thing is that these peopleare helped. There is nothing wrong with expecting something in return aswe are all human and we all need to eat and pro"ide for our families. 1a )fyou can create a business that helps both you and the people in need

    then it is better for all people that they recei"e something then nothing. 1bBut if you are raising money in there name for them then you ha"e togi"e them a fair share as not doing that counts as stealing from the themost "ulnerable. 1c There many many people in the world that are hungryand can not afford to eat but when people donate money to a cause theyare gi"ing the money not to you but to your cause. 1d )f you wor( forsomeone and they gi"e you money to buy a good #uality product wouldyou (eep some of the money for yourself and buy a (noc(off "ersion. 1e )fa friend gi"es you money to gi"e to charity, would you then (eep some ofthat money for yourself and only donate a portion. 1f )f you

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    poorest people of the world are allowed to eat big dinners The rest ofthe world should ha"e the big christmas dinner on boxing day, the dayafter the birth instead of the day of the birth as being in labour is painfuland birthing is painful and celebrating Jesus birth on the day that maryis supposed to be in labour and going through the most painful time in

    her life is 9ust really disrespectful to the mother in future you shouldcelebrate the birth the day after the birth not the day off the birth+also restaurants and transport are closed on christmas day so it should9ust be about family and remembering the poor.

    1m /hen ma(ing donations you should not be boastful or belie"e thatyour wealth ma(es you a better person than them because you are doingthem a fa"our. 1n The reward you get should instead come from (nowingthat you were able to help someone, and doing these acts will ma(e ma(eyou feel appreciated.

    Jesus&s Stan on +i"ing to the neey

    1o%Be careful not to practise your righteousness in front of others to beseen by them. )f you do, you will ha"e no reward from your ather inhea"en.2%!o when you gi"e to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, asthe hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honouredby others. Truly ) tell you, they ha"e recei"ed their reward in full. 3 But

    when you gi"e to the needy, do not let your left hand (now what yourright hand is doing, 4 so that your gi"ing may be in secret. Then yourather, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

    4a The first thing ) would say is that you should ne"er call the unfortunate%the needy' as needy is li(e saying a person is whiny. 4b /e all ha"e needs,but to describe people who are hungry and poor as being the %needy' is amassi"e insult as needy off describes a person who is capable of loo(ingafter herself but you rather rely on others. 4c )f you and dating someonewho (eeps refusing to wor( because she does not thin( she is cable ofgetting a 9ob. 4d Ieedy is someone who expects you to pay all the bills, or

    do the shopping, and coo(ing... This is a %needy' person. 4e )t can alsorefer to someone with a physical disability such as obesity, or somethingthey ha"e no control o"er, but there are many people that are blind orha"e body parts missing, or are not able to earn much money, but theyare "ery capable of loo(ing after themsel"es. 4f These people may feel%loo(ed down on' by being considering to count is being one to the %needy'people. 4g There is nothing wrong with as(ing for help or e"en being%needy,' but some some people would not li(e to be called this as theymight see it as a bad thing+

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    4h The line%Be careful not to practise your righteousness in front of othersto be seen by them. )f you do, you will ha"e no reward from your atherin hea"en.4i This line only encourages people not to help the poor in fear of sufferingat the conse#uence+

    2%!o when you gi"e to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, asthe hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honouredby others. Truly ) tell you, they ha"e recei"ed their reward in full.2a This line suggest that people who gi"e money to the %needy' and thental( about after are bad people, calling them hypocrites and boosters./hen in reality tal(ing about it only promotes this idea of donating moneyand encourages or reminds others to ha"e the same compassion. 2b Thepart about them recei"ing their reward is confusing as you do not (nowwhat it is tal(ing about. 2c This whole teaching 9ust encourages people not

    to gi"e money to the poor inase people thin( they are only doing it to loo(down on others or be li(ed by friends.

    Anna&s thoughts on ,rayer

    3a Anna says?reys are not usually listen to but channelling the rightenergy and stating clearly in your mind was it is that you want to ha"ehappen can ma(e to e"ent of thing more li(ely to happen as your mind ison it and your mind can be a "ery powerful thing+

    3b Anna's ?rey%) was a wiccan when ) was younger and this is how ) would chant,%2) call forth the power of the north south east and westto aid and protected me in this wor(ing) open up this circle in perfect lo"e trust harmony and light.Many no harm come upon me as ) ma(e this preyMay!o mote it bee3

    3c ) would use that chant along meditation deep concentration and

    repetition. ) would put four candles around me, one candle in eachdirecting representing north south east west. 3d ) would face the east asthe sun rises from the east. After ) would often feel more calm collectedand relaxed.

    3e Thisis how you should pray in churches or synagogues:-ur Mother whoin hea"en,hallowed be your name,3fmay our(ingdom grow,and the will of the righteous be done,

    on earth as it is in hea"en.3gGi"e us today our daily meal.

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    orgi"e us our sins, $i(ewise wemust forgi"en those who sin against us.3hAnd lead us not into temptation, but deli"er us from hatred ande"il.!o Blessed Bee3

    Jesus&s thoughts on ,rayer

    Jesus says

    5%And when you pray, do not be li(e the hypocrites, for they lo"e to praystanding in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen byothers. Truly ) tell you, they ha"e recei"ed their reward in full. 6 But whenyou pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your ather, whois unseen *and un(nown to you. Then your ather, who sees what is done

    in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not (eep on babblingli(e pagans, for they thin( they will be heard because of their manywords. 8 ;o not be li(e them, for your ather (nows what you need beforeyou as( him.

    8a Most of the paragraph was 9ust about insulting other people by insultinghow they choose to prey. ;oing this only creates di"isions and encouragepeople to unfair 9udge others. )t calls people who prey in streets andsynagogues hypocrites. 8b /hen in reality belie"ing that this paragraph istrue only pro"es that the reader (nows nothing about what a hypocrite

    actually is. 8c or a hypocrite is someone who 9udges and accuses othersof being in the wrong, but the negati"e things they say about others areactually negati"e things that they themsel"es do+ 8d By belie"ing thatothers are hypocrites for belie"ing that something %wrong' they are notactually wrong, you yourself become a hypocrite because you yourselfbelie"e that is wrong when infact it is fine to ha"e a non "iolent or notoffensi"e tradition or belief.8e The second insult made is to say that pagans li(e to babble. Again thereis nothing wrong with this but in this paragraph it says they will not beheard, but a pagan ritual is "ery similar to a prey and if you listen to the

    word only its more or less the same thing 8f !o do not criticises othersby saying their chants won

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    your will be done, on earth as it is in hea"en.11Gi"e us today our daily bread.12 And forgi"e us our debts, as we also ha"e forgi"en our debtors.13 And lead us not into temptation, but deli"er us from the e"il one.3

    14 or if you forgi"e other people when they sin against you, yourhea"enly ather will also forgi"e you. 15 But if you do not forgi"e otherstheir sins, your ather will not forgi"e your sins.

    15a This is a "ery shallow prey, as you ha"e to remember that the fatherand Jesus are belie"ed to be the same person. !o here it feel li(e the onlyopinion that matters his his own. 15b The line %as we also ha"e forgi"enour debtors.' ma(es the people feel li(e they ha"e little to account for. The

    reference to the %F"il one' instills fear into people. 15c The last partcompletely loses its chatynessenss, so not written to well+ The "ersionthey use in church has been edited but the fact that it has to be edited somuch ta(es the power away from Jesus and puts it into the church+


    16 Anna says:This is only a good idea if a person is o"erweight+

    Jesus say's:16a%/hen you fast, do not loo( sombre as the hypocrites do, for theydisfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly ) tell you, theyha"e recei"ed their reward in full. 17 But when you fast, put oil on yourhead and wash your face, 18 so that it will not be ob"ious to others thatyou are fasting, but only to your ather, who is unseen and your ather,who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

    18a That there is some of the cra&iest things that Jesus has said so far+Ione of that ma(es any sense+ ?lease 9udge it for yourself and as(yourself why you would worship someone who says this stuff+ 18b or thiswas the reason why priests did not want people to read the Bible, aspeople might #uestion whether or not someone who supposebly says theabo"e #uotes really could be a God+

    Treasures in hea"en

    19 Anna

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    steal much. 19a But treasure of hea"en will stay with you from one life tothe next. These treasures include things such as wisdom, intelligence,(nowledge, s(ills, emotions, appreciation, (indness and strength.19b )t

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    25%Therefore ) tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat ordrin( or about your body, what you will wear. )s not life more than food,and the body more than clothes0 26 $oo( at the birds of the air they donot sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your hea"enly atherfeeds them. Are you not much more "aluable than they0 27 8an any one of

    you by worrying add a single hour to your life028%And why do you worry about clothes0 !ee how the flowers of the fieldgrow. They do not labour or spin. 29 et ) tell you that not e"en !olomonin all his splendour was dressed li(e one of these. 30 )f that is how Godclothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is throwninto the fire, will he not much more clothe you H you of little faith0 31 !odo not worry, saying, 2/hat shall we eat03 or 2/hat shall we drin(03 or2/hat shall we wear03 32 or the pagans run after all these things, andyour hea"enly ather (nows that you need them. 33 But see( first his(ingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be gi"en to you

    as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow willworry about itself. Fach day has enough trouble of its own.

    6A But Anna 9o(ingly replies25%Therefore ) tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat ordrin( or about your body, what you will wear. 25a Just lie down on theground somewhere hungry, thirsty dirty and na(ed... and then thin(about how pointless your life is+

    25b )s not life more than food0 %To li"e a full healthily life you need to thin(

    about your food inta(e.+ ou need to be able to put food on your tableand feed your (ids so that they grow up healthy and strong+ 25c ou cannot 9ust gi"e up on things and throw your life away by star"ing yourself oro"ereating, or o"er smo(ing or ta(ing drugs. The body is more importantthanclothes0 25d !o do not listen to Jesus when he says do not worryabout your body. 8loths to are important when trying to get a 9ob or whenwor(ing wor(ing with acidic or dangerous materials, or when wor(ing in afactory 25e But you should put your health a safety first+

    Jesus says to

    26 $oo( at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store away inbarns, and yet your hea"enly ather feeds them. Are you not much more"aluable than they0 27 8an any one of you by worrying add a single hourto your life027c ere he is lying as birds feed themsel"es, they are no feed by somegosht, and birds fly great distances 9ust to (eep themsel"es ali"e duringthe winter 27b To say that the father does all the wor( is to deny reality+28%And why do you worry about clothes0 !ee how the flowers of the fieldgrow. They do not labour or spin. That

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    wor( be a li"ing human+29 et ) tell you that not e"en !olomon in all hissplendour was dressed li(e one of these. Again that

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    the truth a the light. Because to anyone who is awa(e, he

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    18b /hen it says you must recogni&e bad fruit, it mean you must listen tothe things teachers say recogni&e when things being said are factually nottrue or logical+ 19 F"ery tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down andthrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognise them. and nothere are many bad trees and there are many bad people and no they are

    not all cut down to be burnt+

    True an false isciples

    21%Iot e"eryone who says to me, 2$ord, $ord,3 will enter the (ingdom ofhea"en, but only the one who does the will of my ather who is in hea"en.21a !o please God and li"e by his will so suffer in hell, that is only amassage of a false disciple

    22 Many will say to me on that day, 2$ord, $ord, did we not prophesy inyour name and in your name dri"e out demons and in your name performmany miracles03 23 Then ) will tell them plainly, 2) ne"er (new you. Awayfrom me, you e"ildoers+323a ) will say this because demons are only bad people and if you ha"e thearrogance to belie"e that a person is possessed with demons that can bedri"en out of people then you prasice false teachings and nonsense+

    The wise an foolish builers

    24%Therefore e"eryone who hears these words of mine and puts them intopractice is li(e a wise man who built his house on the roc(. 25 The raincame down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against thathouse yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the roc(. 26 Bute"eryone who hears these words of mine and does not put them intopractice is li(e a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain camedown, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house,and it fell with a great crash.'28 /hen Annahad finished saying these things, the crowds were ama&edat histeaching, 29 because hetaught as one who had authority, and not astheir teachers who supported Jesus and yet had clearly built their houseon the sand.

    Jesus heals a !an with leprosy

    8 /hen Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followedhim.2 A man with leprosy came and (nelt before him and said, %$ord, ifyou are willing, you can ma(e me clean.'3

    Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. %) am willing,' he said.%Be clean+' )mmediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. 4 Then Jesus said

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    to him,%!ee that you don't tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priestand offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.'

    4a There is an example of one of Jesus miracles, but wait, why is there solittle said about this, and as( yourself, why would he as( the man to not

    tell anyone, because the story says that a large crowd was followingJesus. 4b )f you really want wanted him to stay #uiet you would notperform this in front of a loud crowd and in the few sentences that youtal( about this chose to mention how the heald many was to not tellanyone. 4b /hy if you were God would you not want all to (now so thatmore people can come to you and be healed+ would you not want morepeople to see( you and belie"e. 4c The more that (now the more e"idencethere would be of your existence+ ou would ha"e to be a fool to buildyour house and trust on a story as wea( and sensel as this+ 4d To top it offJesus as(s the man to go to the presets with a gift and a testimony ow

    can a gift act as a testimony0

    The faith of the centurion

    5 /hen Jesus had entered 8apernaum, a centurion came to him, as(ingfor help. 6%$ord,' he said, %my ser"ant lies at home paralysed, sufferingterribly.'7 Jesus said to him, %!hall ) come and heal him0'8 The centurion replied, %$ord, ) do not deser"e to ha"e you come under

    my roof. But 9ust say the word, and my ser"ant will be healed. 9 or )myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. ) tell this one,2Go,3 and he goes and that one, 28ome,3 and he comes. ) say to myser"ant, 2;o this,3 and he does it.'10 /hen Jesus heard this, he was ama&ed and said to those followinghim,%Truly ) tell you, ) ha"e not found anyone in )srael with such greatfaith. 11 ) say to you that many will come from the east and the west, andwill ta(e their places at the feast with Abraham, )saac and Jacob in the(ingdom of hea"en.12 But the sub9ects of the (ingdom will be thrownoutside, into the dar(ness, where there will be weeping and gnashing ofteeth.'13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, %Go+ $et it be done 9ust as youbelie"ed it would.' And his ser"ant was healed at that moment.

    13a @ead this story, it is clear from the eye of any one who is awa(e that9esus li(es this man not because he's a good righteous person who doesthe right thing but he li(es him because he has wealth, power andauthority and that in the story this guy loo(s up to him.13b The fool would read this story and thin( wow+ %e tells this one, 2Go,3and he goes and he tell that one, 28ome,3 and he comes. e say to myser"ant, 2;o this,3 and he does it.' and that fact that a guy li(e this is

    willing to call Jesus $ord, then wow+ es got power but Jesus must ha"ee"en more power+... 13c To the gullible fool that means Jesus is e"en

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    better than the guy with many ser"ants 13d But these people are silly forthey are not willing to as( the intelligent #uestion which is 2why is Jesus,whopossessed were broughtto him, and he dro"e out the spirits with a word and healed all who wereill. 17 This was to fulfil what was spo(en through the prophet )saiah:%e too( up our infirmities

    and bore our diseases.'17a /hen reading these chapters compare how these stories are toldwith the chapters throughout the old testament and the second part ofthe new testament. 17d or these chapters are non descripti"e and lac(

    content and detail. )t is ob"ious that they are not written with the sameamount of sophistication. 17d These stories seem to be stories forchildren with a reading age of about six, but the later boo(s are for areading age of people who are far more ad"anced. All this acts as pro"ethat Jesus is not the real 8hrist+17e e healed the woman in the story abo"e but because she started%waiting' on him straight away, you feel that if this was a true story, heonly healed her so that she could wait on him.17f To heal someone of an illness with one word is impossible and the isnot one ounce of e"idence that suggests that this can or has e"er been

    done. 17h The Bible pro"es nothing too as these boo(s are not e"enwritten with the same le"el of s(ill or poetry as all the other Boo(sexpect Mar(, $u(e and John. 17hThere's no proof that demons as inspiritual entities that are not from this world, both exist and can possesspeople+17i inally healing people of these things does not pro"e that he filed theprophecies%e too( up our infirmities and bore our diseases.' 17j Because infirmities also includes things areold age, and all who li"ed long enough would ha"e suffered from this. To%bore' means to %ma(e whole', %bear' or %bring forth' the disease so it

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    The cost of following Jesus

    18 /hen Jesus saw the crowd around him, he ga"e orders to cross to theother side of the la(e. 19 Then a teacher of the law came to him and said,%Teacher, ) will follow you where"er you go.'20 Jesus replied, %oxes ha"e dens and birds ha"e nests, but the !on ofMan has nowhere to lay his head.'21 Another disciple said to him, %$ord, first let me go and bury my father.'22 But Jesus told him, %ollow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.'

    22a These "erses ha"e little connection or point for if someone says ) wantto follow you why would it be a good thing to tell the person that you area !on of Man, and that you do not ha"e a bad at night because that isencouraging him to not follow you+ 22bThen a second guy says he's wantsto bury his father but but Jesus tells him not to as only the dead should

    bury his own ather. That ma(es no sense+

    22c/hen Annasaw the crowd return to her, shega"e orders to cross to%the other side', the Iew Age of Kion.Then she became theteacher of thelaw and tells the people that she is F"e and adam was her son.22d/ho was also called lucifer, she and him was thrown down to earth tosa"e it%oxes ha"e dens and birds ha"e nests, but at the beginning the!on of God hadnowhere to lay his head.'22eBut now the $ord,has returned and mustfirst bury God the father.'%ollow me, the Mother instead, and let the%dead'bury themsel"es in

    their own lies, stupidity and hatred.'

    Jesus cal!s the stor!

    23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. 24 !uddenly afurious storm came up on the la(e, so that the wa"es swept o"er theboat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and wo(e him, saying,%$ord, sa"e us+ /e're going to drown+'26 e replied, %ou of little faith, why are you so afraid0' Then he got up

    and rebu(ed the winds and the wa"es, and it was completely calm.27 The men were ama&ed and as(ed, %/hat (ind of man is this0 F"en thewinds and the wa"es obey him+'

    27a )n this story why does Jesus as(s %why you are afraid0' well it

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    Jesus restores two e!on-possesse !en

    28 /hen he arri"ed at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, twodemon>possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so"iolent that no one could pass that way. 29%/hat do you want with us, !onof God0' they shouted. %a"e you come here to torture us before theappointed time0'30 !ome distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. 31 Thedemons begged Jesus, %)f you dri"e us out, send us into the herd of pigs.'32 e said to them, %Go+' !o they came out and went into the pigs, and thewhole herd rushed down the steep ban( into the la(e and died in thewater.33 Those tending the pigs ran off, went into the town and reportedall this, including what had happened to the demon>possessed men. 34Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him,they pleaded with him to lea"e their region.

    33a This story ma(es no sense as why would the demon as( Jesus to gointo a herd of pigs only to ha"e their #uest granted and then choose torush down into the water only to (ill themsel"es. 33b That ma(e no sense,but if it were a true story, then ) feel bad for the owners of the pigs asthey ha"e now 9ust lost all their li"estoc(. 33c ?eople bac( then did notha"e much wealth and the those pigs could ha"e been there only "aluablepossessions and form of income.