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Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD Computations Trevor Hastie Stanford Statistics with Rahul Mazumder, Jason Lee, Reza Zadeh and Rob Tibshirani Reykjavik, June 2015 Mazumder, Hastie, Tibshirani, Lee, Zadeh Matrix Completion 1/ 27

Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD · Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD Computations Trevor Hastie Stanford Statistics

Aug 25, 2018



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Page 1: Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD · Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD Computations Trevor Hastie Stanford Statistics

Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVDComputations

Trevor HastieStanford Statistics

with Rahul Mazumder, Jason Lee, Reza Zadeh and Rob Tibshirani

Reykjavik, June 2015

Many thanks to Kourosh Modarresi for oranizing this session,and for his care in managing the arrangements.

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Page 2: Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD · Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD Computations Trevor Hastie Stanford Statistics

Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVDComputations

Trevor HastieStanford Statistics

with Rahul Mazumder, Jason Lee, Reza Zadeh and Rob Tibshirani

Reykjavik, June 2015

Many thanks to Kourosh Modarresi for oranizing this session,and for his care in managing the arrangements.

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Page 3: Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD · Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD Computations Trevor Hastie Stanford Statistics

Outline of Talk

I Convex matrix completion, collaborative filtering(Mazumder, Hastie, Tibshirani 2010 JMLR)

I Recent algorithmic advances and large-scale SVD(Hastie, Mazumder, Lee, Zadeh Arxiv Oct 2014, to appear JMLR)

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The Netflix Prize

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The Netflix Data Set










· · ·User A 1 ? 5 4 · · ·User B ? 2 3 ? · · ·User C 4 1 2 ? · · ·User D ? 5 1 3 · · ·User E 1 2 ? ? · · ·...



. . .

I Training Data:480K users, 18K movies,100M ratingsratings 1-5(99 % ratings missing)

I Goal:$1M prize for 10 % reductionin RMSE over Cinematch

I BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaosdeclared winners on 9/21/2009

used ensemble of models, animportant ingredient beinglow-rank factorization

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Matrix Completion/ Collaborative Filtering:Problem Definition



Movie Ratings

I Large matrices# rows | #columns ≈ 105, 106

I Very under-determined(often only 1− 2 % observed)

I Exploit matrix structure, row | columninteractions

I Task: “fill-in” missing entries

I Applications: recommender systems,image-processing, imputation of NAs forgenomic data, rank estimation for SVD.

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Model Assumption : Low Rank + Noise

I Under-determined – assumelow-rank

I Meaningful?

Interpretation – User & itemfactors induce collaboration

Empirical – Netflix successes

Theoretical – “Reconstruction”possible under low-rank &regularity conditions

Srebro et al (2005); Candes and Recht(2008); Candes and Tao (2009); Keshavan (2009); Negahban and Wainwright (2012)

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Optimization problem

Find Zn×m of (small) rank r such that training error is small.


∑Observed(i ,j)

(Xij − Zij)2 subject to rank(Z ) = r

Impute missing Xij with Zij

True X Observed X Fitted Z Imputed X

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Our Approach: Nuclear Norm Relaxation

I The rank(Z ) constraint makes the problem non-convex— combinatorially very hard (although good algorithms exist).

I ‖Z‖∗ =∑

j λj(Z ) — sum of singular values of Z — is convexin Z . Called the “nuclear norm” of Z .

I ‖Z‖∗ tightest convex relaxation of rank(Z )(Fazel, Boyd, 2002)

We solve instead


∑Observed(i ,j)

(Xij − Zij)2 subject to ||Z ||∗ ≤ τ

which is convex in Z .

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Our Approach: Nuclear Norm Relaxation

I The rank(Z ) constraint makes the problem non-convex— combinatorially very hard (although good algorithms exist).

I ‖Z‖∗ =∑

j λj(Z ) — sum of singular values of Z — is convexin Z . Called the “nuclear norm” of Z .

I ‖Z‖∗ tightest convex relaxation of rank(Z )(Fazel, Boyd, 2002)

We solve instead


∑Observed(i ,j)

(Xij − Zij)2 subject to ||Z ||∗ ≤ τ

which is convex in Z .

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Our Approach: Nuclear Norm Relaxation

I The rank(Z ) constraint makes the problem non-convex— combinatorially very hard (although good algorithms exist).

I ‖Z‖∗ =∑

j λj(Z ) — sum of singular values of Z — is convexin Z . Called the “nuclear norm” of Z .

I ‖Z‖∗ tightest convex relaxation of rank(Z )(Fazel, Boyd, 2002)

We solve instead


∑Observed(i ,j)

(Xij − Zij)2 subject to ||Z ||∗ ≤ τ

which is convex in Z .

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Our Approach: Nuclear Norm Relaxation

I The rank(Z ) constraint makes the problem non-convex— combinatorially very hard (although good algorithms exist).

I ‖Z‖∗ =∑

j λj(Z ) — sum of singular values of Z — is convexin Z . Called the “nuclear norm” of Z .

I ‖Z‖∗ tightest convex relaxation of rank(Z )(Fazel, Boyd, 2002)

We solve instead


∑Observed(i ,j)

(Xij − Zij)2 subject to ||Z ||∗ ≤ τ

which is convex in Z .

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Following Cai et al (2010) define PΩ(X )n×m: projection onto theobserved entries

PΩ(X )i ,j =

Xi ,j if (i , j) is observed0 if (i , j) is missing

Criterion rewritten as:∑Observed(i ,j)

(Xij − Zij)2 = ‖PΩ(X )− PΩ(Z )‖2


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Page 14: Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD · Matrix Completion and Large-scale SVD Computations Trevor Hastie Stanford Statistics

Soft SVD — Prox operator for Nuclear Norm

Let (fully observed) Xn×m have SVD

X = U · diag[σ1, . . . , σm] · V ′

Consider the convex optimization problem


12‖X − Z‖2

F + λ‖Z‖∗

Solution is soft-thresholded SVD

Sλ(X ) := U · diag[(σ1 − λ)+, . . . , (σm − λ)+] · V ′

Like lasso for SVD: singular values are shrunk to zero, with manyset to zero. Smooth version of best-rank approximation.

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Convex Optimization Problem

Back to missing data problem, in Lagrange form:


12‖PΩ(X )− PΩ(Z )‖2

F + λ‖Z‖∗

I This is a semi-definite program (SDP), convex in Z .

I Complexity of existing off-the-shelf solvers:

– interior-point methods: O(n4) . . .O(n6) . . .– (black box) first-order methods complexity: O(n3)

I We solve using an iterative soft SVD (next slide), with costper soft SVD O[(m + n) · r + |Ω|] where r is rank of solution.

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Soft-Impute: Path Algorithm

1 Initialize Z old = 0 and create a decreasing grid Λ of valuesλ0 > λ1 > . . . > λK > 0, with λ0 = λmax(PΩ(X ))

2 For each λ = λ1, λ2, . . . ∈ Λ iterate 2a-2b till convergence:

(2a) Compute Znew ← Sλ(PΩ(X ) + P⊥Ω (Z old))

(2b) Assign Z old ← Znew and go to step (2a)

(2c) Assign Zλ ← Znew and go to 2

3 Output the sequence of solutions Zλ1 , . . . , ZλK .

This is an MM algorithm for solving the nuclear-norm regularizedproblem

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Soft-Impute: Path Algorithm

1 Initialize Z old = 0 and create a decreasing grid Λ of valuesλ0 > λ1 > . . . > λK > 0, with λ0 = λmax(PΩ(X ))

2 For each λ = λ1, λ2, . . . ∈ Λ iterate 2a-2b till convergence:

(2a) Compute Znew ← Sλ(PΩ(X ) + P⊥Ω (Z old))

(2b) Assign Z old ← Znew and go to step (2a)

(2c) Assign Zλ ← Znew and go to 2

3 Output the sequence of solutions Zλ1 , . . . , ZλK .

This is an MM algorithm for solving the nuclear-norm regularizedproblem

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Soft-Impute : Computational Bottleneck

Obtain the sequence Zk of guesses

Zk+1 = argminZ

12‖PΩ(X ) + P⊥Ω (Zk)− Z‖2

F + λ‖Z‖∗

Computational bottleneck — soft SVD requires (low-rank) SVD ofcompleted matrix after k iterations:

Xk = PΩ(X ) + P⊥Ω (Zk)


PΩ(X ) + P⊥Ω (Zk) = PΩ(X )− PΩ(Zk) + Zk

Sparse Low Rank

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Computational tricks in Soft-Impute

I Anticipate rank of Zλj+1based on rank of Zλj , erring on

generous side.

I Compute low-rank SVD of Xk using orthogonal QR iterationswith Reitz acceleration (Stewart, 1969, Hastie, Mazumder,Lee and Zadeh 2014 [arXiv]).

I Iterations require left and right multiplications U ′Xk andXkV . Ideal for Sparse + Low-Rank structure.

I Warm starts: Sλ(Xk) provides excellent warm starts (U andV ) for Sλ(Xk+1). Likewise Zλj for Zλj+1


I Total cost per iteration O[(m + n) · r + |Ω|].

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Computational tricks in Soft-Impute

I Anticipate rank of Zλj+1based on rank of Zλj , erring on

generous side.

I Compute low-rank SVD of Xk using orthogonal QR iterationswith Reitz acceleration (Stewart, 1969, Hastie, Mazumder,Lee and Zadeh 2014 [arXiv]).

I Iterations require left and right multiplications U ′Xk andXkV . Ideal for Sparse + Low-Rank structure.

I Warm starts: Sλ(Xk) provides excellent warm starts (U andV ) for Sλ(Xk+1). Likewise Zλj for Zλj+1


I Total cost per iteration O[(m + n) · r + |Ω|].

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Computational tricks in Soft-Impute

I Anticipate rank of Zλj+1based on rank of Zλj , erring on

generous side.

I Compute low-rank SVD of Xk using orthogonal QR iterationswith Reitz acceleration (Stewart, 1969, Hastie, Mazumder,Lee and Zadeh 2014 [arXiv]).

I Iterations require left and right multiplications U ′Xk andXkV . Ideal for Sparse + Low-Rank structure.

I Warm starts: Sλ(Xk) provides excellent warm starts (U andV ) for Sλ(Xk+1). Likewise Zλj for Zλj+1


I Total cost per iteration O[(m + n) · r + |Ω|].

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Computational tricks in Soft-Impute

I Anticipate rank of Zλj+1based on rank of Zλj , erring on

generous side.

I Compute low-rank SVD of Xk using orthogonal QR iterationswith Reitz acceleration (Stewart, 1969, Hastie, Mazumder,Lee and Zadeh 2014 [arXiv]).

I Iterations require left and right multiplications U ′Xk andXkV . Ideal for Sparse + Low-Rank structure.

I Warm starts: Sλ(Xk) provides excellent warm starts (U andV ) for Sλ(Xk+1). Likewise Zλj for Zλj+1


I Total cost per iteration O[(m + n) · r + |Ω|].

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Computational tricks in Soft-Impute

I Anticipate rank of Zλj+1based on rank of Zλj , erring on

generous side.

I Compute low-rank SVD of Xk using orthogonal QR iterationswith Reitz acceleration (Stewart, 1969, Hastie, Mazumder,Lee and Zadeh 2014 [arXiv]).

I Iterations require left and right multiplications U ′Xk andXkV . Ideal for Sparse + Low-Rank structure.

I Warm starts: Sλ(Xk) provides excellent warm starts (U andV ) for Sλ(Xk+1). Likewise Zλj for Zλj+1


I Total cost per iteration O[(m + n) · r + |Ω|].

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Soft-Impute on Netflix problem

rank time (hrs) RMSE % Improvement

42 1.36 0.9622 -1.166 2.21 0.9572 -0.681 2.83 0.9543 -0.3

Cinematch 0.9514 0

95 3.27 0.9497 1.8120 4.40 0.9213 3.2· · ·· · ·Winning Goal 0.8563 10

state-of-the-art convex solvers do not scale to this size

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||PΩ(X )− PΩ(Z )||F

This is not convex in Z , but by analogy with Soft-Impute, aniterative algorithm gives good solutions.

Replace step:

(2a) Compute Znew ← Sλ(PΩ(X ) + P⊥Ω (Z old))


(2a’) Compute Znew ← Hr (PΩ(X ) + P⊥Ω (Z old))

Here Hr (X ∗) is the best rank-r approximation to X ∗ — i.e. therank-r truncated SVD approximation.

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Example: choosing a good rank for SVD

20 40 60 80



10−fold CV Rank Determination



t Mea

n S


e E


10−fold CVTrain

Truth is 200× 100 rank-50 matrix plus noise (SNR 3). Randomlyomit 10% of entries, and then predict using solutions fromSoft-Impute or Hard-Impute.

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Soft-Impute beats Hard-Impute on Netflix


The competition identified a “probe set” of ratings, about 1.4 million ofthe entries, for testing purposes. These were not a random draw, rather moviesthat had appeared chronologically later than most. Figure 7.2 shows the rootmean squared error over the training and test sets as the rank of the SVDwas varied. Also shown are the results from an estimator based on nuclearnorm regularization, discussed in the next section. Here we double centeredthe training data, by removing row and column means. This amounts to fittingthe model

zij = αi + βj +r∑

`=1ci`gj` + wij ; (7.8)

However, the row and column means can be estimated separately, using asimple two-way ANOVA regression model (on unbalanced data).

0 50 100 150 200










0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90








Training RMSE

Test R





Netflix Competition Data

Figure 7.2 Left: Root-mean-squared error for the Netflix training and test data forthe iterated-SVD (Hard-Impute) and the convex spectral-regularization algorithm(Soft-Impute). Each is plotted against the rank of the solution, an imperfect cal-ibrator for the regularized solution. Right: Test error only, plotted against trainingerror, for the two methods. The training error captures the amount of fitting thateach method performs. The dotted line represents the baseline “Cinematch” score.

While the iterated-SVD method is quite effective, it is not guaranteed tofind the optimal solution for each rank. It also tends to overfit in this example,when compared to the regularized solution. In the next section, we presenta convex relaxation of this setup that leads to an algorithm with guaranteedconvergence properties.

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Soft-Impute beats debiased Soft-Impute on Netflix

0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90







Training RMSE





Netflix Competition Data

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Alternating Least Squares

Consider rank-r approximation Z = Am×rB′n×r , and solve


||PΩ(X )− PΩ(AB ′)||2F + λ(‖A‖2F + ‖B‖2

F )

X ≈ A


I Regularized SVD (Srebro et al 2003,Simon Funk)

I Not convex, but bi-convex : alternatingridge regression

Lemma (Srebro et al 2005, Mazumder et al 2010)For any matrix W , the following holds:

||W ||∗ = minA,B: W=ABT



F + ‖B‖2F


If rank(W ) = k ≤ minm, n, then the minimum above is attained at afactor decomposition W = Am×kB

Tn×k .

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Connections between ALS and soft-impute

ALS : minimizeAn×r ,Bm×r

12 ||PΩ(X )− PΩ(AB ′)||2F + λ

2 (‖A‖2F + ‖B‖2

F )

soft-impute: minimizeZ

12 ||PΩ(X )− PΩ(Z )||2F + λ‖Z‖∗

I Solution-space of ALS contains solutions of soft-impute.

I For large rank r : ALS ≡ soft-impute.

−4 −2 0 2 4 6







log λ

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Synthesis and New Approach

I ALS is slower than soft-impute — factor of 10.

I ALS requires guesswork for rank, and does not return adefinitive low-rank solution.

I soft-impute requires a low-rank SVD at each iteration.Typically iterative QR methods are used, exploiting problemstructure and warms starts.

Idea: combine soft-impute and ALS

I Leads to algorithm more efficient than soft-impute

I Scales naturally to larger problems using parallel/multicoreprogramming

I Suggests efficient algorithm for low-rank SVD for completematrices

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New nuclear-norm and ALS results

Consider fully observed Xn×m.

Nuclear : minimizerank(Z)≤r

12 ||X − Z ||2F + λ‖Z‖∗

ALS : minimizeAn×r ,Bm×r

12 ||X − AB ′||2F + λ

2 (‖A‖2F + ‖B‖2

F )

The solution to Nuclear is

Z = UrD∗V′r ,

where Ur and Vr are first r left and right singular vectors of X , and

D∗ = diag[(σ1 − λ)+, . . . , (σr − λ)+]

A solution to ALS is

A = UrD12∗ and B = VrD


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Consequences of new nuclear-norm / ALS connections

For SVD of fully observed matrix:

I Can solve reduced-rank SVD by alternating ridge regressions.

I At each iteration, re-orthogonalization as in usual QRiterations (for reduced-rank SVD) means ridge regression is asimple matrix multiply, followed by column scaling.

I Ridging speeds up convergence, and focuses accuracy onleading dimensions.

I Solution delivers a reduced-rank SVD.

For matrix completion:

I Combine SVD calculation and imputation in Soft-Impute.

I Leads to a faster algorithm that can be distributed to multiplecores for storage and computation efficiency.

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Consequences of new nuclear-norm / ALS connections

For SVD of fully observed matrix:

I Can solve reduced-rank SVD by alternating ridge regressions.

I At each iteration, re-orthogonalization as in usual QRiterations (for reduced-rank SVD) means ridge regression is asimple matrix multiply, followed by column scaling.

I Ridging speeds up convergence, and focuses accuracy onleading dimensions.

I Solution delivers a reduced-rank SVD.

For matrix completion:

I Combine SVD calculation and imputation in Soft-Impute.

I Leads to a faster algorithm that can be distributed to multiplecores for storage and computation efficiency.

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Back to matrix imputation.

1. Initialize Un×r , Vm×r orthogonal, Dr×r > 0 diagonal, andA = UD, B = VD.

2. Given U and D and hence A = UD, update B:2.a Compute current imputation:

X ∗ = PΩ(X ) + P⊥Ω (AB ′)

= [PΩ(X )− PΩ(AB ′)] + UD2V ′

2.b Ridge regression of X ∗ on A:

B ′ ← (D2 + λI )−1DU ′X ∗

= D1U′[PΩ(X )− PΩ(AB ′)] + D2V

2.c Reorthogonalize and update V , D and U via SVD of BD.

3. Given V and D and B = VD, update A in similar fashion.

4. At convergence, U and V provides SVD of X ∗, and henceSλ(X ∗), which cleans up the rank of the solution.

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Timing Comparisonsof computing on a Linux cluster with 300Gb of ram (with a fairly liberalrelative convergence criterion of 0.001), using the softImpute package in R.

0 5 10 15









Time in Hours



e O






Netflix (480K, 18K) λ=100 r=100


0 10 20 30 40 50 60








01Time in Minutes



e O






MovieLens 10M (72K, 10K) λ=50 r=100

Figure 3: Left: timing results on the Netflix matrix, comparing ALS withsoftImpute-ALS. Right: timing on the MovieLens 10M matrix. In bothcases we see that while ALS makes bigger gains per iteration, each iterationis much more costly.

Figure 3 (left panel) gives timing comparison results for one of the Netflixfits, this time implemented in Matlab. The right panel gives timing resultson the smaller MovieLens 10M matrix. In these applications we need notget a very accurate solution, and so early stopping is an attractive option.softImpute-ALS reaches a solution close to the minimum in about 1/4 thetime it takes ALS.

6 R Package softImpute

We have developed an R package softImpute for fitting these models [3],which is available on CRAN. The package implements both softImpute andsoftImpute-ALS. It can accommodate large matrices if the number of missingentries is correspondingly large, by making use of sparse-matrix formats.There are functions for centering and scaling (see Section 8), and for making


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Software Implementations

I softImpute package in R. Can deal with large sparsecomplete matrices, or large matrices with many missingentires (ie Netflix or bigger). Includes row and columncentering and scaling options.

I Spark cluster-programming. Uses distributed computing andchunking. Can deal with very large problems (e.g. 107 × 107,139 secs per iteration). See

with documentation in Scala.

Thank You!

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Software Implementations

I softImpute package in R. Can deal with large sparsecomplete matrices, or large matrices with many missingentires (ie Netflix or bigger). Includes row and columncentering and scaling options.

I Spark cluster-programming. Uses distributed computing andchunking. Can deal with very large problems (e.g. 107 × 107,139 secs per iteration). See

with documentation in Scala.

Thank You!

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