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materials science engineering and physical sciences undergraduate brochure 2012

materials · PDF filebridges and biomedical implants? All of these have relied on knowledge of materials science ... materials technology is the fundamental building

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Page 1: materials  · PDF filebridges and biomedical implants? All of these have relied on knowledge of materials science ... materials technology is the fundamental building

materialsscienceengineering and physical sciences

undergraduatebrochure 2012

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the facts contents

• The largest and most widely based universitymaterials activity in the western world

• 80% of research activity in materials rated as“world-leading” or “internationally excellent”

• Access to state-of-the-art research facilities duringpractical laboratory sessions

• MATSOC, our active students’ Materials Society,organises diverse social and sporting events

• 4 million books in one of the UK’s best universitylibraries

• Best careers service in the UK

• Guaranteed accommodation for all first-years

• The UK’s largest students’ union

‘Manchester is a place for individuals, brilliant kidswho like to do their own thing… and if you areready it will release you to do the same...’

The Virgin Guide to British Universities

The University 2

Materials Science 4at Manchester

Course details 8

Find out more 18

Contact details 21

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DistinguishedMore than 5,600 academic and research staff – manyleaders in their fields, with international reputations –provide stimulating learning environments andexcellent standards of teaching.

As a Manchester graduate, you will join a prestigioushall of fame, including 25 Nobel Prize winners amongour current and former staff and students. We havemore Nobel Prize winners on our current staff thanany other UK university.

Sought after by employersEmployers actively target University of Manchestergraduates, giving you excellent job prospects.

Our worldwide community of 240,000 graduates canbe found in top positions in every imaginable field,including Sir Terry Leahy, former chief executive ofTesco; former Secretary General of AmnestyInternational Irene Khan; writer/performer Meera Syaland author Louis de Bernieres.

Full of opportunityYou can take advantage of countless exciting personaldevelopment opportunities at Manchester, includingcareer development programmes run by a universitycareers service that has consistently been voted thebest in the UK by graduate recruiters.

Choose The University of Manchester and you willjoin one of Britain’s most forward-thinkinguniversities, which builds on its success year on year –and invites you to do the same.

Find out more…

Part of the prestigious Russell Group of universities,Manchester has much to offer you. As well as theoutstanding facilities, resources and opportunitiesfound within an institution of this calibre, theUniversity is highly respected amongst academic andbusiness communities alike – a respect that isconferred upon its graduates.

InnovativeOur tradition of success in learning and researchstretches back over 180 years, encompassing the birthof the modern computer, the splitting of the atom andthe founding principles of present-day economics. All these and many more world-changing innovationshave their roots here, at The University of Manchester.

Rated third in the UK in terms of ‘research power’ inthe last Research Assessment Exercise, today we enjoya global reputation for our pioneering research, whichinforms our problem-based approach toundergraduate learning.

Internationally renownedSince 2005, the University has risen in the influentialAcademic Ranking of World Universities Surveyconducted by Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, from53rd to 44th in the world, and ninth in Europe –confirming us as a progressive and world-classteaching and research institution.

Our campus is home to more than 37,000 studentsfrom around 150 countries, creating a diverse andinclusive multicultural community.

AmbitiousOur mission is to become one of the top 25 universitiesin the world by 2015 and the preferred destination forthe best teachers, researchers and students.

It’s a goal that we’re well on the way to achieving,backed by a multimillion-pound investmentprogramme in facilities, staff and buildings. Thisincludes a virtual learning environment that offers youflexible access to study resources 24/7, and the AlanGilbert Learning Commons, a new £30 million resourcecentre for students opening in 2012.

the university

With a distinguished history of academicachievement and an ambitious agenda for thefuture, The University of Manchester offers you a learning experience rooted in a rich educationalheritage and boosted by cutting-edge researchand innovation – all at the heart of one of theworld’s most vibrant cities.

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materials science at manchester

Have you ever thought about therange of materials used inapplications as diverse asaerospace, motor vehicles,pharmaceutical drugs, foodstuffs,bridges and biomedical implants?All of these have relied onknowledge of materials scienceand engineering principles.

Ever since the Stone Age, improvements to the qualityof life have been linked to developments in materialstechnology, as new processing skills are developed andnew materials invented. This same situation appliestoday: materials technology is the fundamental buildingblock on which modern industry has developed and willcontinue to develop in, for example, areas such ascomputer hardware and aerospace.

What you could learnMaterials science and biomaterials science and tissueengineering are exciting and rapidly expandingsubjects that are directly focused to the needs ofindustry, teaching you to handle the world’s physicaland technological resources in ways that are creativeand responsible.

Materials science is based on the physics andchemistry of solids. It extends from the extraction ofores from their mineral sources to their refining andfabrication into finished products. It examines theirchemical, crystal, molecular and electronic structure,because this influences not only a material’s magneticand electrical characteristics, but also its mechanicalproperties, such as strength and toughness. It studiesthe degradation of materials in service by wear,corrosion and oxidation and is concerned withdeveloping methods of combating these. It considersthe proper selection of materials for particularapplications and the development of new materialsfor today’s sophisticated technology.

Biomaterials science and tissue engineering is thestudy of the interaction of materials with the humanbody. It covers a wide range of biological processesand aims to use a range of materials (polymers,ceramics, metals) as implants for repairing the bodyand substrates onto which cells can be grown togenerate new materials for transplantation. Thebiomedical materials industry is one of the key growthareas in the world, and employers now seekgraduates with knowledge of both materials and howthey interact with the human body.

As a materials or biomaterials scientist, you will beskilled in the design and use of metals, ceramics,polymers, semiconductors and composites with newproperties, or combinations of properties, for novelapplication.

Manchester offers you…

• One of the largest and most diverse universitymaterials activities in the world, bringing togetherexcellence in teaching and research

• Strong links with relevant industrial and clinicalunits, ensuring that your degree will be highlyvalued by employers

• Self-contained, purpose-built Materials ScienceCentre exploiting a full range of well-equippedlaboratories, lecture rooms and advanced researchequipment

• Professional accreditation by IOM3 on all ourcourses, fulfilling the academic requirement for theaward of chartered engineer (CEng) status

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Why study at Manchester?Manchester has the largest and most widely baseduniversity materials activity in the western world,bringing together a large number of staff and expertisein a number of disciplines. The Materials Science Centreat Manchester has a long history of the development ofreal materials in an ever-expanding industry. Ourgraduates go on to work with some of the largestcompanies in the world, in a wide range of careers.

Taught by leading researchers

Our School is internationally reputed as one of theacademic leaders in materials teaching and research,with excellent ratings in the recent ResearchAssessment Exercise. This means you will be taught byinternational leaders in their fields and get to usestate-of-the-art equipment during your studies.

The quality of teaching you will receive at Manchesteris evidenced by the prestigious awards that ourstudents have won in recent years. For example, theScience, Engineering and Technology Student of theYear Award for Best Materials Student was won byUniversity of Manchester undergraduate students in2002, 2003 and 2006.

Support and social activities

We are also well known for our congenialatmosphere, with a high level of staff-to-studentcontact. You will be allocated a tutor to whom youcan turn for advice on any matter. Tutor groups of nomore than six students meet with their tutor on aweekly basis to discuss progress, questions arisingfrom coursework, lectures, and any other matters.There is also a staff-student committee, whichprovides a channel for you to advise, comment andinput on the organisation and conduct of your courseand other aspects of departmental life.

The Materials Society (MATSOC), run by our students,is the hub of our flourishing social and sportingactivities. The society organises many social andsporting activities, as well as the annual ball andexcursions to places of interest.

Contemporary resources and facilities

Since the Materials discipline has been taught atManchester for several decades, our library resources areextensive and continually being updated and expanded.For studying, we offer a large communal area that youcan use to meet together at any time in the day todiscuss your courses and to complete assignments.

The Materials Science Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities, including an electronmicroscopy suite, advanced mechanical testingequipment, metal processing laboratories,nanofabrication equipment and cell culturelaboratories. You will use these facilities duringpractical laboratory sessions throughout the degreeand you will find them particularly invaluable duringyour final-year research project.

Computers are available within our own self-housedcomputer suite (30 terminals) in the Materials ScienceCentre, which gives you access to databases, librarycatalogues, email and the internet. You also haveaccess to many other computer clusters on campus,including several with 24-hour access.

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BSc/ MEng in MaterialsScience and EngineeringThe Materials Science and Engineering degree atManchester provides an in-depth exploration of thestructure, characterisation, properties and selection ofthe full range of materials used in industry today.Teaching is delivered by research-active lecturers whohave international reputations in their fields.

A strong focus on industrial relevance and applicationis common across the units. All our courses areaccredited by the Institute of Mining, Minerals andMaterials, enabling our graduates to go on to achieveprofessional Chartered Engineering (CEng) status.

What is materials science?Materials science is a synthesis of physics, chemistry,and engineering. It is integral to major industrialsectors, from aerospace and power generation, toelectronics and telecommunications; advances inmaterials science drive the technology developmentsin all these fields.

Materials scientists have unique combinations of skills,which make our graduates highly sought after byprospective employees. Because they are trained in aunique combination of subjects, materials scientistsare versatile and ideally suited to manage themultidisciplinary research teams usually found inindustrial research and development.

Our BSc and MEng Materials Science and Engineeringcourses follow the same syllabus for the first twoyears, which means that your final choice of degreemay be deferred until the end of your second year.

At that point, subject to satisfactory performance andattendance, you can move from a three-year BSc to afour-year MEng.

What you studyThe first two years of the course are designed toprovide you with a thorough grounding in the scientificprinciples governing the physical, chemical andmechanical properties of all solid materials. You willlearn how the structure of a material, from the nano-scale to the micro-scale, determines its behaviour.

Through course units like Crystallography andDiffraction, you will be introduced to the techniquesand methods that scientists use to study the structureof materials. In Processing and Production, you willlearn how advanced materials are made. You will alsodiscover how the structure of materials can bemanipulated to give materials the remarkableproperties that make jet engines, nuclear powerplants and microelectronic devices possible.

Year 1

Your year begins with the Materials Science courseunit. This gives an overview of the full range ofengineering materials used today and the keyprinciples of materials science and engineering thatwill be used throughout the course. This provides anopportunity to get to know both your tutors andfellow tutees right at the start of the course.

Other units – such as Principals of FunctioningMaterials, and Principles of Structural Materials –provide an understanding of materials fundamentalsthat are built on in later years. In addition, units inessential scientific skills – such as computing andanalytical methods – are also undertaken to give youthe supporting skills required by materials scientistsand engineers.

Year 2

You build on your first-year foundations by focusingmore on the processing, design, selection andapplication of different material types in real industrialsituations. Course units include: Characterisation andMaterials Physics, Control of Microstructure andFunctional Materials.

Year 3

From the start of this year, you will be able to choosefrom a variety of higher-level lecture course units coveringcutting-edge topics such as functional ceramics andpolymers, advanced engineering alloys and nanobiomaterials. You will also have the opportunity tobecome familiar with state-of-the-art analysis techniques,such as electron microscopy and synchrotron and neutrondiffraction through lectures and practical laboratories.

In the BSc course you are offered core topics, alongwith the opportunity to specialise through a choice ofoptions. Core units covering advanced materialstopics – such as Composite Materials, PhaseTransformations, and Joining of Materials – arecomplemented by optional units that cover emergingtopics in materials science and engineering, such asNanotechnology, or Cellular Materials.

An important part of your final year is the individualresearch project. Working as part of one of theestablished research groups in the School, you willhave the opportunity to use your initiative andimagination to work on actual research problems in amaterials science topic of your choice. During yourproject – which makes up one-quarter of your finalyear – you will develop essential practical andanalytical skills and gain real experience of materialsresearch that prospective employers are looking for. Inthe past, such projects have led to students presentingtheir work at international scientific conferences, aswell as winning prestigious national awards.

If you are on the MEng ‘with Industrial Experience’course, you will undertake your year placement inindustry during your third year (for details, see thesection on Industrial Training).

Students on the MEng (without industrial experience)undertake a course structure similar to final-year BScstudents, with additional units on advanced topics such asMaterials Research, an in-depth design unit and high-leveltransferable skills units (eg Organisational Behaviour).

course details

Typical offerA-level: AAA-AABIB: 37-35

For full entry requirements,

Biomaterials Science and Tissue EngineeringMEng 4yrsUCAS Code BJ82

Biomaterials Science and Tissue Engineeringwith Industrial Experience MEng 4yrsUCAS Code J2B8

Materials Science and Engineering MEng 4yrsUCAS Code J501

Materials Science and Engineering withIndustrial Experience MEng 4yrsUCAS Code J503

Biomaterials Science and Tissue EngineeringBSc 3yrsUCAS Code J2BV

Materials Science and Engineering BSc 3yrsUCAS Code J500

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course details


Year 4 (MEng students)

Students on the MEng course undertake a number ofcore research-level units on technical topics coveringthe full range of materials technologies – such as LightAlloys, Chemical Processing of Materials, and PolymerPhysics – along with further management units, suchas Human Resource Management. Alongside superiorresearch skills, our MEng graduates also boast anenhanced understanding of the principles of businessmanagement and administration.

For students on the full-time MEng course, youundertake a major research project (twice the lengthof the BSc research project). This enables you to gainin-depth experience of working in a research teamconducting a cutting-edge project. For studentsinterested in higher-level study (eg leading towards aPhD), the research project provides an ideal experienceof the research environment and methodologies. Forstudents on the MEng ‘with Industrial Experience’course, a shorter research project is undertaken(equivalent to the third-year BSc project), along withadditional taught units.

Teaching and learningThe course contains a balance of lectures and practicalwork, accompanied by regular tutorials that will helpyou with your learning through guided practice andinstant feedback. Practical work and tutorials are oftencarried out in teams, which not only aids your learning,but also helps to you develop valuable intra-personalskills. You will also benefit from weekly small-grouptutorials, during which you can discuss any course-related matters and others like career choice, or how toimprove your attractiveness to employers.

Alongside the dedicated materials science teaching, wealso provide formal teaching in communication andtransferable skills, including management, organisationalbehaviour, computing and presentation techniques.

BSc/ MEng in BiomaterialsScience and TissueEngineeringIf you are interested in a career that combines biologyand physical sciences, this course is well worthconsidering. Our dedicated teaching staff leadinternationally renowned research teams, and you willwork with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

What is biomaterials science and tissueengineering?Biomaterials science and tissue engineering isconcerned with the use of materials in biomedicalapplications, principally for the treatment of a widerange of diseases and/or disabilities. It is a rapidlyexpanding, applied interdisciplinary subject that is ingreat demand both in industry and in university-ledresearch environments. It covers many areas of biology,biochemistry, anatomy, cytology and materials science.

The BSc and MEng Biomaterials Science and TissueEngineering courses follow the same syllabus for thefirst two years, which means that your final choice ofdegree may be deferred until the end of year two. Atthat point, subject to satisfactory performance andattendance, you can move from BSc to MEng.

What you studyDuring your course, you will gain an understanding ofthe interactions that occur between differing classesof material and the many tissues of the human body.This knowledge is the key to the development of newmaterials for implants and prosthetics, scaffolds fortissue engineering, stem cell differentiation, drugdelivery and many other biomedical applications.

You will gain an understanding of the interactionsthat occur between different classes of materials andthe many tissues of the human body, in particular, theinterface between the two. Biomaterials sciencecontributes to the design of new materials for themanufacture of orthopaedic implants, contact lenses,artificial implantable lenses for the eye (intra-ocularlenses), heart pacemakers, artificial skin for thetreatment of burns, and novel drug delivery systems.

AssessmentYou are assessed by a combination of coursework andexamination. The topic is, by nature, practical and thisis reflected in the teaching methods and assessment.All units contain a significant coursework element (atleast 20%) made up of laboratories, problems classes,computing exercises, team projects, case studies, oressays. This greatly enhances your understanding ofthe subject and your learning experience. A large partof the final year is devoted to a project. For those onthe MEng ‘with Industrial Experience’ pathway, theplacement year contributes 30% towards your finaldegree classification.

Career opportunitiesMaterials Science and Engineering graduates arehighly sought after by employers, and all of ourgraduates either find employment in industry, or goon to higher-level study at the end of their degree.

Careers include research and development,management positions and technical roles within bothlarge multinationals and smaller businesses.Companies that our recent graduates have gone ontowork for include Rolls Royce, Airbus, Jaguar, 3M,Alcoa, and Corus.

Other graduates choose to apply their technical andanalytical skills in fields such as patent law, oraccountancy.

A Materials Science and Engineering degree alsoprovides an ideal springboard for higher-level study(eg towards a PhD), and approximately one-third ofour graduates follow this route.

Some students choose the more advanced Masters ofEngineering degree (MEng), which is a four-yearcourse, and there is the option of spending the thirdyear in industry with a suitable company. Alternatively,you could choose the four-year MEng pathway, whichallows you to take additional taught units andundertake further advanced research.

Year 1

You will learn what controls the properties of materials.This provides you with a strong foundation for thestudy of biomaterials. At the same time, we willintroduce you to the fundamentals of biomedicine,with lecture course units on anatomy and physiology,biochemistry and cell biology. Mathematics, computingand communication skills are also covered.

Year 2

As you progress, you will learn the implications ofapplying synthetic materials for clinical applications indetail. This year, there are lecture courses on oral andcraniofacial biomaterials science, biomechanics andtissue interactions and biocompatibility. The focus ison cell and tissue interactions. The biocompatibility ofmaterials in the body is considered in detail and youwill learn about tissue repair and regenerativemedicine, including the use of stem cells. You will alsocontinue to develop as a materials scientist andengineer, with course units on materials processingand materials degradation, alongside team-basedengineering design projects.

Laboratory and factory visits to some of our industrialpartners provide you with an interesting insight intoapplication of materials in industry and the medicalenvironment.

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course details


Year 3

For those on the three-year course, this is the finalyear and leads to graduation with BSc (Hons). You willbe able to choose from a variety of higher-levellecture courses covering new emerging areas, such asnano biomaterials, tissue engineering and advancedbiopolymers and colloids.

An important part of your final year is made up of anindividual research project. Working as part of anestablished research team in one of the UK’s leadingcentres for biomaterials, you will have the opportunityto use your initiative and imagination to work oncutting-edge problems in biomedical materialsscience. During your project – which makes up onequarter of the final year – you will develop essentialpractical and analytical skills that are highly soughtafter by employers.

If you are on the MEng ‘with Industrial Experience’course, you will undertake your year placement inindustry during your third year (for details, see thesection on Industrial Training).

Students on the MEng (without industrial experience)undertake a course structure similar to final-year BScstudents, with additional taught units and furtherenhanced research.

Teaching and learningThe course contains a balance of lectures andpractical work, accompanied by regular tutorials thatwill help you with your learning through guidedpractice and instant feedback. Practical work andtutorials are often carried out in teams, which notonly aids learning, but also helps you to developvaluable intra-personal skills. You will also benefitfrom weekly small-group tutorials, during which youcan discuss any course-related matters and othermatters like career choice, or how to improve yourattractiveness to employers.

Alongside the dedicated biomedical materials scienceteaching, we also provide formal teaching incommunication and transferable skills, includingmanagement, organisational behaviour, computingand presentation techniques.

AssessmentYou are assessed by a combination of coursework andexamination. The topic is, by nature, practical and thisis reflected in the teaching methods and assessment.

All units contain a significant coursework element (atleast 20%), including laboratories, problems classes,computing exercises, team projects, case studies andessays. This greatly enhances your understanding ofthe subject and your learning experience. A large partof your final year is devoted to the research project.The industrial placement year accounts for 30% ofyour final degree weighting.

Year 4 (MEng students)

Students on the MEng course undertake furtherresearch-level units on technical topics, along withfurther management units. Alongside superiorresearch skills, our MEng graduates also boast anenhanced understanding of the principles of businessmanagement and administration.

For students on the full-time MEng course, youundertake a major research project (twice the lengthof the BSc research project). This enables you to gainin-depth experience of working in a research teamconducting a cutting-edge project. For studentsinterested in higher-level study (eg leading towards aPhD), the research project provides an idealexperience of the research environment andmethodologies. For students on the MEng ‘withIndustrial Experience’ course, a shorter researchproject is undertaken (equivalent to the third-year BScproject), along with additional taught units.

Career opportunitiesBiomaterial scientists are in demand, both in theresearch environment and in technical areas, ascompanies expand their opportunities in a developinghealthcare sector. In addition, pharmaceutical andmedical device industries seek graduates with keyskills in this area.

Companies that our recent graduates have gone towork for include GlaxoSmithKline, Systagenix andBiocompatibles UK.

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course details


All courses

Industrial trainingTo prepare you in terms of experience and training inthe industrial sector, we offer you the opportunity tospend your third year working for a company onprojects related to materials, or to biomedicalmaterials. The MEng Materials Science andEngineering and Biomaterials Science and TissueEngineering degree courses are both offered with theoption of industrial experience. This degree optionalso integrates a Financial Accounting course unit, sothat you may learn skills required for the world ofbusiness, as well as that of science and engineering.

Industrial experience is very useful in helping you tounderstand the relevance of the course material andperhaps to decide upon future career objectives, aswell as providing you with an opportunity to earnsome money.

The teaching part of the ‘with Industrial Experience’degree is an enhanced version of the three-yearcourses, offering more opportunity for specialisationin your final year. Your ‘year out’ is spent in industry,or in a research establishment within the UK orabroad. Through their teaching and global researchactivities, our academic staff have a wide range ofcontacts throughout the world, which they use tohelp place students.

In conjunction with the Institute of Materials, thesecourses also offer you the opportunity to gain creditstowards Chartered Engineer status during your year inindustry.

If you want to gain industrial experience duringvacations to enhance your CV, we have contacts atmore than 80 industrial companies who can provideappropriate work and training, includingestablishments in Sweden and Belgium. There are alsoopportunities to undertake placements in many othercountries, or during the summer vacation period.

Research excellenceThe School of Materials is the largest academic materialsfocus in Europe, with over 60 academic staff and around1,000 students. Comprising the Materials ScienceCentre, the Corrosion and Protection Centre and Textilesand Paper, the School encompasses an exceptionalbreadth of research and training in materials, fromdesign and development, to performance andprotection and management and marketing.

We were assessed in the 2008 RAE as having thehighest level of research power (quality multiplied byvolume) of any university materials activity in thecountry. The RAE also showed that 80% of ourresearch activity is internationally rated.


International Excellence undergraduatescholarships

The Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciencesoffers up to ten scholarships of £2,000 per year forwell-qualified international undergraduate students.The awards will take the form of a scholarship againstthe tuition fees. All international students who areholding an offer of a place within the Faculty will beautomatically considered for a scholarship.

For details of eligibility, see:

All other scholarships and bursaries

At the time of going to press, the University is unableto announce its full fees and scholarship package untilwe receive formal approval by the Office of FairAccess (Offa). However, we are committed toproviding everyone with the opportunity to study via arange of scholarships and bursaries, informationabout which will be on our website over the summer.

We therefore encourage you to keep checking onlineprior to submitting your UCAS application for sourcesof funding that may be available to

The School's research is organised into ten researchgroups, although research projects often involveresearchers in other groups, other schools, otheruniversities and industry. Research in the school ofmaterials covers a wide range of subjects, from biomaterials, through metallic and nano structuredmaterials all the way to textile science and technology.

The School's state-of-the art research facilities areused by members of the School and researchers inother groups, other schools, other universities andindustry. Most of our research is carried out incollaboration with industry, with emphasis on thenuclear materials, energy and aerospace sectors.




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what our students sayGiovanni OffedduMEng Materials Science and Engineering

“Since I always had a keen interest in materials, I found this course very appealing, as it offers me the chance to experience both thescientific/theoretical and the engineering/practicalaspects of the field. It allowed me to exploreareas of interest and to gain new skills – and I also had the chance to meet lots of friendlypeople, both classmates and staff.”

Kate ThorntonMEng Biomedical Materials Science with Industrial Experience

“There are many different aspects to thecourse, so you can find areas you enjoy and itreally opens your eyes to the many applicationsof biomaterials. Because the courses are small,you get to make friends with people quicklyand feel more comfortable in the lectures toask questions.”

Zara SandifordBSc Biomedical Materials Science

“Biomedical Materials Science was the perfectcourse choice; I was able to expand on myexisting knowledge gained at A-level and Ienjoyed being able to apply this to innovativeideas and concepts in the medical field. This is asubject where the teaching and learning is at theforefront of technology, combining aspects ofengineering and biology within a range of units.”

Syed AhmedBSc Materials Science and Engineering

“The course has been challenging; however, theacademic and administrative staff are a greatteam, readily approachable and have beennothing but supportive. It has also been fantasticbeing in a community where the main objectiveis the pursuit of knowledge. The School ofMaterials boasts a global reputation as one ofthe leaders in materials teaching and research.”

Omavuayere EmisovweMEng Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Experience

“The best thing about the course for me hasdefinitely been the year in industry. I love totravel and was able to incorporate this passioninto my degree course by living and working inBelgium for a full year.”

Aamod MishraMEng Biomedical Materials Science with Industrial Experience

“I did my placement at RegenTec Ltd. I found myyear in industry to be a pivotal moment in myunderstanding of biomaterials. Applyingclassroom teachings to ‘real world’ applicationsis the best way to understand them. The chanceto work on ‘live’ research has also beeninvaluable. I would unequivocally recommend a year in industry to those considering it.”

TEM image of cellulose nanowhiskers extracted from cotton linterNodes of Ranvier in myelinatednerve fibers

Optical micrograph of the as-cast Al-4%Cu-0.2%Zr alloy, showing a cellular-dendritic microstructure including relatively coarse Al2Cu particles

Morphology of a localized corrosion on AA2024 aluminiumalloy surface after accelerating corrosion testing

Immunostaining analysis of nerve sections,using a fluorescence microscope Polarised optical image of irradiated graphite

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AccommodationAs long as you apply by our deadline, all first-yearstudents holding an unconditional offer are guaranteedan offer of a place in university accommodation. Forinternational students, this promise is extended to thefull duration of your studies. We are proud to offer morespaces in university-managed accommodation thanpractically any other UK university.

Discover our diverse range of university accommodation,bustling student areas, halls of residence visits, privateaccommodation options and more:

Admissions and applicationsWe welcome applications from people of allbackgrounds, and are fully committed to equality of opportunity. All applications for full-timeundergraduate courses in higher education arecoordinated by the Universities and CollegesAdmissions Service (UCAS).You must apply online at If you are unable to access theinternet, contact the UCAS Customer Service Unit on+44 (0)871 468 0468.

Find out more about the application process, policies,procedures and support:

Careers ServiceOur award-winning Careers Service will work inpartnership with you throughout your degree toimprove your employability and prepare you for thecompetitive jobs market. It will help you find part-timejobs, volunteering and work experience opportunities.

Since Manchester is one of the most targeteduniversities by graduate recruiters, you will meet manyemployers on campus. You might also take part in theunique Manchester Leadership Programme, to helpyou develop skills and boost your CV.

Find out more about careers events, mentoringprogrammes, accredited course units and a wholerange of other services:

ChildcareThere are two centres associated with the Universityfor children between six months and five years of age:Dryden Street Nursery and Echoes Nursery. Find outmore about funding options, private nurseries,playgroups and schools:

City of ManchesterOne of the great benefits of being a student atManchester is that all the joys of Britain’s number onestudent city are right on your doorstep. You’ll bespoilt for choice for food, drink, culture, music,history, nightlife, festivals, shopping, sport and muchmore – with the quiet countryside of two beautifulnational parks also within easy reach when you wantto get away from it all. Find out what one of ourcurrent students has to say about the capital of theNorth West:

Disability support/applicants withadditional support needsWe welcome applications from people with additionalsupport needs and all such applications areconsidered on exactly the same academic grounds asother applications. If you have additional needsarising from a medical condition, a physical or sensorydisability, or a specific learning disability, you arestrongly encouraged to contact the University’s DSOto discuss your needs, any arrangements that may benecessary and the extent to which appropriatesupport is available:

Information is also available from the Students’ UnionWelfare Officer:

Funding and financeThe University of Manchester will charge a headlinefee of £9,000 per year to UK and EU undergraduatesfrom September 2012, following changes touniversity tuition fees approved by Parliament in2010. This fee will enable the University to maintainthe quality of a Manchester degree, invest in thewider student experience and offer a range ofbursaries and discounts for students from less well-offbackgrounds.

However, more than one-third of all students whosuccessfully apply to study here will receive bursariesof up to £3,000 per year – and many will be offeredeven more generous support. Students who areeligible will be able to choose how they receive thissupport – either as a cash bursary, or as a discount ontheir fees or accommodation bill.

For the most up-to-date details, including informationon our proposed bursaries, scholarships and feediscounts, see our website:

International studentsThe University is a multicultural environment andhome to more than 9,500 international students fromaround 160 countries. A range of services is availablefor international students, to help you both beforeand during your studies. This includes an airportcollection service, orientation courses and specialiststudent advisers.

Find out more, including information specific tostudents from your country, such as entryrequirements and useful contacts:

IT servicesAs a student at Manchester, you will have access to ahuge range of up-to-date IT services, including: onlineand mobile learning, PC clusters with a wide range ofsoftware, extensive WiFi networks, halls of residenceinternet service, email and technical help andsupport.

Library The John Rylands University Library (JRUL) is one ofthe best-resourced academic libraries in the UK and iswidely recognised as one of the world’s greatresearch libraries, with diverse special collections andelectronic resources unrivalled within UK universities.


find outmore

Our University website holds awealth of information on the manyvaried aspects of student life. Beloware some of the most popular topics– use the web links for full details…

Page 12: materials  · PDF filebridges and biomedical implants? All of these have relied on knowledge of materials science ... materials technology is the fundamental building

In 2009, the Main Library underwent a large-scalerefurbishment to the ground floor, improving accessboth to the building and to the collections and alsointroducing new social and learning spaces to caterfor a range of learning styles.

Find out more about the information services andresources available to you:

MapsGet to grips with your future home and take a closerlook at our campus, the city and Universityaccommodation by viewing our maps:

ProspectusOur 2012 undergraduate prospectus offers acomprehensive overview of The University ofManchester. You can view a copy online:

Religious supportThere are two chaplaincy centres for the majorChristian churches. St Peter’s House provideschaplains for the Anglican, Baptist, Methodist andUnited Reformed Churches, while the Roman CatholicChaplaincy is at Avila House. Hillel House providesfacilities for Jewish worship. There are prayer facilitieson campus for Muslim students and student societiesfor many religions.

SportWe have an exciting sport and fitness scene withsomething for everyone at every level, from complete

beginner to high performance athlete. Discover morethan 40 sports clubs; a vibrant ‘Campus Sport’programme, allowing you to play in friendly,recreational leagues; a huge variety of health andfitness classes; plus sport volunteering and scholarshipopportunities.

Find out more about our superb sport facilities andopportunities to get active in Manchester:

Student supportWhatever the issue – financial, academic, personal, oradministrative – we have experienced and sympatheticpeople, support groups and advice centres to helpyou. Find out about counselling, academic advice andvarious other student support services:

Students’ UnionThe University of Manchester Students’ Union (UMSU)is the largest Students’ Union in Europe, offeringeverything from live bands to welfare advice, cheapstationery to student representation. UMSU has someof the largest and most active student societies in thecountry, as well as support and welfare services,student media, shops and bars and the famousManchester Academy. Have a look at the SU website:

Video libraryWatch and listen to our students and staff introducingvarious aspects of student life and The University ofManchester with our selection of online videos:


For further information about the courses, or aboutqualifications, please contact:

addressMaterials Science CentreSchool of MaterialsThe University of ManchesterManchesterM13 9PLUnited Kingdom

tel +44 (0)161 306 5942fax +44 (0)161 306 3586email [email protected]

For the most up-to-date course information, please visit our


This brochure is prepared well in advance of theacademic year to which it relates. Consequently,details of courses may vary with staff changes. TheUniversity therefore reserves the right to make suchalterations to courses as are found to be necessary. Ifthe University makes an offer of a place, it is essentialthat you are aware of the current terms on which theoffer is based. If you are in any doubt, please feel freeto ask for confirmation of the precise position for theyear in question, before you accept the offer.


Page 13: materials  · PDF filebridges and biomedical implants? All of these have relied on knowledge of materials science ... materials technology is the fundamental building

Materials Science CentreSchool of MaterialsThe University of ManchesterManchesterM13 9PLUnited Kingdom

tel +44 (0)161 306 5942fax +44 (0)161 306 3586email [email protected]