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Veldenz, L., Potter, K., Kim, B. C., Di Francesco, M., & Giddings, P. (2019). Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using the analytical hierarchy process. Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer and Composites Science, 4(4), 83-96. Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record License (if available): CC BY Link to published version (if available): 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 Link to publication record in Explore Bristol Research PDF-document This is the final published version of the article (version of record). It first appeared online via Taylor and Francis at . Please refer to any applicable terms of use of the publisher. University of Bristol - Explore Bristol Research General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available:

Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using ... · and increase productivity. Automated fiber placement (AFP) using pre-impregnated materials (prepreg) is already widely

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Page 1: Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using ... · and increase productivity. Automated fiber placement (AFP) using pre-impregnated materials (prepreg) is already widely

Veldenz, L., Potter, K., Kim, B. C., Di Francesco, M., & Giddings, P.(2019). Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using theanalytical hierarchy process. Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer andComposites Science, 4(4), 83-96.

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Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science

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Material selection for automated dry fiberplacement using the analytical hierarchy process

Laura Veldenz, Mattia Di Francesco, Peter Giddings, Byung Chul Kim & KevinPotter

To cite this article: Laura Veldenz, Mattia Di Francesco, Peter Giddings, Byung Chul Kim &Kevin Potter (2018) Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using the analyticalhierarchy process, Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science, 4:4, 83-96, DOI:10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377

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Page 3: Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using ... · and increase productivity. Automated fiber placement (AFP) using pre-impregnated materials (prepreg) is already widely

Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using the analyticalhierarchy process

Laura Veldenza , Mattia Di Francescoa, Peter Giddingsa, Byung Chul Kimb and Kevin Potterb

aThe National Composites Centre, Bristol, UK; bAdvanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science, Department ofAerospace Engineering, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

ABSTRACTDry fiber tapes have become an alternative to pre-impregnated tapes for automated fiberplacement. However, their industrial adoption is inhibited by high upfront research anddevelopment cost. To reduce the cost of material selection as part of such an investment,this work presents the application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to material selec-tion with a focus on material processability and manufacturing quality. The selection isbased on procurement, material and its performance throughout the manufacturing process,and some laminate quality indicators. Criteria and sub-criteria were identified and imple-mented into the AHP. This established decision making tool was compared to a more effi-cient derivative using the chain of interaction method. Two materials, including the selectedmaterial, were used to manufacture a small-scale L-section composite component. This dem-onstrates that the proposed material selection method predicted the more preferable mater-ial for manufacturing quality when applied to a complex geometry.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 24 August 2018Revised 24 October 2018Accepted 2 November 2018

KEYWORDSCarbon composites;analytical hierarchy process;fiber reinforced plastic;material selection;automated dry fiberplacement; chain ofinteractions; automatedmanufacturing; multi-criteriadecision making


The demand for carbon fiber reinforced composites isestimated to grow significantly over the next decade,especially for use in the aerospace industry [1,2]. Thisgrowth has led to research and development focusedon automated manufacturing processes to lower costand increase productivity. Automated fiber placement(AFP) using pre-impregnated materials (prepreg) isalready widely used in the aerospace industry on fly-ing parts [3]. Only more recently, dry fiber tapes suit-able for automated deposition by conventional AFPmachines were developed as a low cost and out-of-autoclave solution, where the resin is introduced at alater stage, after the material deposition process. Thistechnology is in its early stages of development and

material suppliers are entering the market with arange of different fiber materials. Due to the noveltyof the process, very limited research has been con-ducted and published, which makes it challenging toselect the most suitable material for a specific applica-tion. Furthermore, particularly in the AFP process,material and manufacturing equipment is stronglylinked and cannot be assessed separately. Materialdriven manufacturing issues can increase the produc-tion cost (e.g. due to machine stoppage) and can havea significant effect on the properties of the laminate(e.g. due to defects). Therefore, the early stage ofproduct development requires a significant budgetand time commitment. A reliable method for materialsuitability assessment is essential to minimise iterative

CONTACT Laura Veldenz [email protected] The National Composites Centre, Bristol and Bath Science Park, Bristol BS16 7FS, UK.� 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Page 4: Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using ... · and increase productivity. Automated fiber placement (AFP) using pre-impregnated materials (prepreg) is already widely

manufacturing trials, which are currently common-place in industrial development.

Multi-criteria decision-making tools are suitablefor such material selection to enable objective, struc-tured, transparent and cost effective decision making[4]. It is advised to use such tools as guidance onlyin an engineering context, as the choice of a deci-sion making tool (decision making paradox) and theconsidered criteria may have an impact on the result[5]. However, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks:in addition to guiding material selection, the assess-ment process can build up a reusable database whenthe same materials are the candidates to be used fordifferent applications.

The material selection methods most frequentlyused feature the same three basic steps: (1) criteriaand alternatives are established; (2) numerical meas-ures are determined to the relative importance ofthe criteria and alternatives are assessed and (3) anoverall ranking is calculated [6]. One of the maindifferences among decision-making tools is whetherthe weightings for the criteria can be determined aspart of the process or not. Commonly used exam-ples such as ‘Technique for Order of Preference bySimilarity to Ideal Solution’ (TOPSIS), ‘ELiminationEt Choix Traduisant la REalit�e (ELimination andChoice Expressing REality)’ (ELECTRE) and ‘SimpleAdditive Weighting Method’ (SAW) require weight-ing factors as an input, but do not offer a methodto determine the weighting, or are unable to handleobjective and subjective criteria at the sametime [7–9].

In the case of a less mature and therefore onlypartially characterized manufacturing process, theweighting factors of different criteria cannot easilybe predefined. Therefore, a systematic approach todefining the weighting factors is needed. A methodthat offers a way to define criteria weight as part ofthe process is the analytical hierarchy process(AHP) and derivatives thereof [10,11]. The AHPallows the use of qualitative and quantitative criteriain the same model and has been applied in a wide

range of context, but only limited examples on com-posite materials and manufacture thereof are avail-able. While the AHP is the most suitable selectionmethod in this instance, it was shown by Adhikariand Mirshams that it is beneficial to interrogatematerials using multiple selection tools to gain con-fidence in the result [12]. Therefore, as a secondmethod a variation of the AHP will be used forcomparison. This less frequently used selectionmethod in the area of material selection is the AHPextension chain of interactions (CoI), as a way ofweighting criteria [13]. While the weighting of eachcriterion is reliant on experts’ judgements in theAHP, the CoI method uses the number of interac-tions between criteria to calculate the weighting of acriterion instead. The AHP extended by CoI(AHPþCoI) could minimise the subjective influ-ence of the decision makers, which has proven to besuccessful and less costly in the context of supplierselection [13].

The AHP process has been successfully applied toidentify a design concept of a composite bumperbeam [14], to select a fiber material for an automo-tive brake lever [15], to select a matrix for an auto-motive armrest [16] and to determine the mostsuitable composites manufacturing method for abicycle crank arm [17]. In the case of the materialselection for the automotive brake lever, only thefour criteria weight (density), cost (raw materialcost) and performance (strength and stiffness) wereconsidered, the manufacturing process of the com-posite material was excluded. Often, a sensitivityanalysis verified the robustness of the decisionagainst various scenarios. The process selection byLuqman et al. took into account a wider range ofcriteria, such as production characteristic, thedesign, cost, material and ease of maintenance [17].While these works indicate that the use of AHP wassuitable for composite materials, parts have notbeen manufactured to verify the selection madethrough AHP.

Table 1. Different material trade names and provided information.

Material ID Supplier Product nameNominal fiberdensity, g/cm3

Nominal arealweight, g/m2

Nominal tapewidth, mm Binder type

Binderapplication Tape type

A Cytec SolvayGroup, US

TX1100IMS65 [38]

1.78 196 6.35 EP CFveilþ EPpowder

Slit tape

B Toho Tenax EuropeGmbH, Japan


1.76 126 6.35 EP EP powder Tow based

C PorcherIndustries,France

TP bind-ered yarn

1.77 126 6.35 TP TP powder Tow based

D HexcelCorporation, US


[33] 1.79 210 6.35 TP TP veil Tow based

E PorcherIndustries,France

TP bind-ered yarn

1.78 261 6.35 TP EP powder Tow based

CF = carbon fiber; EP = epoxy based; TP = thermoplastic based.


Page 5: Material selection for automated dry fiber placement using ... · and increase productivity. Automated fiber placement (AFP) using pre-impregnated materials (prepreg) is already widely

In related areas, such as additive manufacturing,material selection processes are also frequently used.Zaman et al. use a very detailed list of criteria forboth, material and machine, however the perform-ance of a material on a particular machine is not con-sidered [18]. In this and similar work, the materialselection often relies on Ashby charts or other

material property data as input to the process[12,18–20], assuming that the material performanceis independent of the machine and manufacturingprocess. While this may be the case for manufacturingprocesses using isotropic, single-phased materials,this assumption does not apply to composite materialmanufacture. The influence of manufacturing defects

Table 2. Micrographs (left) and high-resolution scans (right) of Material A (top) to E (bottom).


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on a wide range of material properties is widely rec-ognized [21–24], and more recently more specificresearch regarding defects induced by the AFP andsubsequent consolidation process [25–29] and there-fore the performance of the material during the man-ufacturing process has to be included.

This paper aims to:

1. Identify sophisticated material selection criteriafor AHP based on industrial scale AFP manu-facturing trials and in-depth knowledge of dif-ferent dry tape materials.

2. Apply the AHP to select a dry fiber AFP mater-ial based on small-scale manufacturing trialsand build up a database with material andmachine specific test results.

3. Compare two different weighting methods usedin AHP (weightings established through experts’judgement compared to using CoI) to addressthe the dependence of the approach on the cri-teria weighting.

4. Identify the most suitable material for the pre-sented case out of the available options based onqualitative and quantitative metrics, and verify theselection method through manufacturing trials ofan industrially representative demonstrator.

Materials and methods

Dry fiber tapes

The dry tape materials assessed in this work were lim-ited to commercially available products for AFP.There is currently no dominant design on the market,

and therefore different suppliers provide substantiallydifferent products. The specific composition and man-ufacturing processes of the different materials is pro-prietary information of the suppliers, but some basicinformation on structure and constituents has beenprovided and is shown in Table 1.

The variation in the constituents and manufac-turing process of the dry fiber materials results insignificant differences in their processability on anAFP machine. The differences originate in their dis-similar manufacturing methods. To shape the rawmaterial into tapes, either a binder stabilized broadgood is produced and slit into tapes (as Material A),referred to as slit tapes; or a raw carbon tow (orroving) is transformed into a tape form, and thenstabilized with a binder.

A further difference in dry fiber materials iscaused by different binder application techniques.The binder used in the different tapes is eitherepoxy or thermoplastic based and was applied usingdifferent methods, which is part of the proprietaryinformation from the suppliers. In Table 2, the dif-ferent resulting surfaces of the chosen materials areshown, exhibiting different surface characteristicsdue to different binder application methods. Mostmaterials have the same finish on both sides, exceptMaterial A that has distinct features on either sideof the tape. Material A has a carbon fiber veil onthe top side and epoxy-based binder spots on thebottom side. Materials B, C and E have binder spotsevenly distributed on both sides, where B exhibits alower density of spots than C and E. Material D hasa thermoplastic fiber veil on both sides.

Figure 1. Left: convex corner defects (wrinkles), right: concave corner defects (bridging), adapted from [37].

Figure 2. (a) AFP machine (National Composites Centre, UK), (b) details of the deposition head and (c) roller and nip-point ofthe deposition head.


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Automated dry fiber placement

In order to assess the characteristics of different drytape materials and their processability on an AFPmachine, a series of lay-up tests were carried out.These tests investigated the quantitative and somequalitative sub-criteria required as input to the AHP.The process parameters were established within a day

of trial and error and visual assessment, where possiblein collaboration with the respective material supplier.The deposition velocity, compaction pressure andmachine hardware was kept constant. The use of a sin-gle deposition speed eliminates the need to establish afunction to control laser power and deposition speed,only one laser power has to be established [30]. The

Table 3. Criteria and sub-criteria used in the AHP.Criteria Sub-criteria Assessment Impact

Procurement Lead time, weeks Obtained by counting the weeks betweenorder and arrival on site.

Can be a critical factor for completing aproject on time and budget.

Risk Likelihood of receiving false informationfrom the supplier (e.g. wrong lead time,wrong technical information) and therisk of a supplier terminat-ing production.

Customer service Answering questions about procurementsatisfactorily (e.g. prompt response toinquiries and its validity, etc.).

Technical support Answering questions about manufacturingsatisfactorily (e.g. recommendation ofprocessing parameters).

Material cost, £/kg Obtained through quotes fromthe suppliers.

Can be prohibitive to the usage ofa material.

Procurement conditions Restrictions on material usage (e.g. use ofspecific resins or any other formalconstraints).

Relevant for the R&D environment inwhich a project was completed.

Raw materialcharacteristics

Width deviation, mm Double standard deviation of the tapewidth, indicating its consistency.

Random width deviation may causeunintended gaps and overlaps in thepreform [39,40].

Width compliance, mm Width deviation from nominal width (inthis case 6.35mm), indicating compli-ance to product specification [31,41].

Material consistently too wide or toonarrow for the machine may causedistortion of the tapes or gaps.

Material complexity Number of constituents within the material(reflecting the material and produc-tion costs)

Taken as a proxy of the potential forraw material cost to decrease inthe future.

Binder quantity devi-ation, wt.%

No binder quantity target is available, onlythe consistency of the binder applica-tion is used (double standard deviationof binder quantity) [31].

May cause local inconsistencies in thepreform quality and impact the infu-sion behavior.

AFP depositionprocess

Defect occurrence, count/100 m

The number of defects per 100 meterscounted by visual inspection withoutaccounting for severity.

Defects have a negative effect on ultim-ate strength of the laminate (up to13% difference to material withoutdefects) [29].

Preform fiber volume fraction(preform Vf), %

Calculated using nominal fiber density,nominal areal weight, number of pliesand measured preform thickness.

A high preform Vf is a positive indicatorfor high Vf in the part. A preform Vfshould be between 50 and 55% [31].

Areal weight, g/m2 Measured by weighing a known length ofmaterial on a scale [31].

A high fiber areal weight is a positiveindicator for high deposition rate.

Steering capability Visual assessment of the equality of thesteered tapes by trained technician.

Indicates the suitability of the materialfor deposition of complex struc-tures [42].

Preform integrity Preform integrity is the perceived stiffnessand coherence assessed by the techni-cian handling the preform.

A stiff preform is a positive indicatorfor ease of handling.


Infusion time, min Measured between opening the resin valveand the completion of infusion whenresin appears at the outlet.

A faster fill of the preform indicates ahigher production rate.

Bulk factor (BF) of preform Ratio of the measured preform thicknessto the measured thickness of the con-solidated laminate.

A low bulk factor is a positive indicatorto avoid wrinkles when closing thetool in complex geometries[37,43,44], common values are 1.1 to1.5 for prepreg materials [45].


Void content, % Percentage of air trapped in the laminatemeasured using microscopy. (Three cutsamples, ten images per cross section.)

A low void content is a positive indica-tor for a high-quality lamin-ate [46–48].

Laminate fiber volume fraction(laminate Vf), %

Calculated based on nominal fiber density,nominal areal weight, number of pliesand measured total laminate thickness.

A high Vf is a positive indicator for ahigh-quality laminate [49]. The targetvalue is 55%.

Geometrical tolerance, mm Deviation of the thickness against thenominal tool cavity of 3mm.

Predictability of the outcome of theprocess is considered positive.

Ply areal weight, g/m2 Measured by weighing a known length ofmaterial on a scale [31].

Thinner plies are considered positive forhigh mechanical performance of thelaminate [50].

Notes: If no unit is given, the criterion is assessed qualitatively by pairwise comparison; uniformity is considered a positive feature.


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chosen temperature for deposition delivered a preformfiber volume fraction within 95% of the maximumachievable fiber volume fraction achievable on the usedsystem. While this is a quick way of determining theprocessing parameters, the drawback to this approach isthat the ideal conditions may not have been used fordeposition. A high preform fiber volume fraction wasconsidered favorable over lower values to mitigatepotential defect generation during consolidation similarto prepreg material processing (see Figure 1).

The AFP system used for this work is equippedwith a laser-heater supplied by Coriolis CompositesSAS (Queven, France), see Figure 2. The machinedeposits eight 6.35mm wide tapes. The bobbins ofdry fiber material are mounted in an environment-controlled creel and guided through individual chan-nels to the deposition head. When the material leavesthe deposition head, it is heated by a 3 kW diode laserwith a wavelength of 1025±10nm and a laser beamsize at the focal point of 8mm � 57mm to activatethe binder. The processing temperature was measuredas close to the nip-point as possible, where the incom-ing material meets the substrate (see Figure 2(c)). Thematerials are deposited at a constant speed of400mm/s. The flexible roller (40 Shore hardness,60mm wide, ؼ 70mm) applies a compaction forceof 446±23 N (95% confidence interval), to promoteadhesion of the incoming tapes to the substrate.

The as-supplied material was tested after it passedthe tape feeding system of the machine to capture pos-sible distortions caused by the feeding process ( with rollers and guiding elements). A flat pre-form with a stacking sequence of [0/90]ns was manu-factured with each material using the same machineprogram defining the fiber paths and identical process-ing parameters apart from deposition temperature, asdiscussed. The number of plies was flexibly chosen tofill the 3mm deep cavity of the mold, which led to afiber volume fraction as close to 55% as possible. Thesepreforms were infused with an epoxy resin in a closed

mold (500mm � 500mm � 3mm). The epoxy resinused was Epikote RM135/H137 (Hexcel, US) and thepreform was infused peripherally under vacuum pres-sure only keeping the tool temperature at 30 �C withthe resin outlet in the center [31].

Analytical hierarchy process

The first step in the AHP is the determination ofcriteria. In addition to the authors, staff of theNational Composites Centre considered experts infields closely related to dry fiber AFP were consultedto list relevant criteria and sub-criteria. The identi-fied criteria were procurement, manufacturing proc-esses and the assessment of the resulting laminate.The sub-criteria break down each criterion intoassessable components, and their definitions areshown in Table 3.

All materials were assessed with the methods out-lined in Table 3, but not all materials were assessedthrough to the end of the process. Materials wereexcluded from further experimental work, if

� The preform manufacturing has >200 defectsper 100 m and/or

� The preform was not fully infused whereby theflow front is stagnant for 20min.

The second step is to determine the relativeimportance of different criteria as a set of normal-ized weights, Wi. The same principle was applied tothe sub-criteria yielding the weights wi,j. The scoresfor all the sub-criteria si,j were determined and thencombined using

S ¼X


Wiwi;jsi;j (1)

where S is the overall and comparable score. Theconcept of the hierarchy is shown in Figure 3.

Two different approaches to determine the rela-tive importance of the criteria weights were used in

Figure 3. Simplified structure of the hierarchy used in the AHP, adapted from [13].


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this work. In the first approach, the establishedAHP, the criteria weights Wi and wi,j are deter-mined by pairwise comparison. Two criteria arecompared at a time using a scale of 1–9, followedby a consistency check [10,11].1 Weightings arederived from experience and potentially incomplete

knowledge. In this case, all experts have gatheredtheir knowledge and experience in related fields asthe dry fiber AFP technology is still immature. Ifthe consistency check fails, it indicates that theexperts are unable to agree and all options are givenequal weighting. The experts were asked to basetheir decisions on a specific application; a small-scale, thin L-shaped section.

A second approach to determine the weighting ofthe criteria is CoI, which was initially developed tocut the cost of gathering the experts’ judgement.CoI reduces the reliance on subjective estimates andperceptions [13]. This method gives a higher weightto a criterion dependent on the number of other cri-teria with which it interacts (i.e. has a direct

Figure 4. Exemplary process of CoI. Left: diagrammatic representation of CoI; center: CoI responses for the given example;right: resulting elative weightings of criteria (factors), adapted from [13].

Figure 5. (a) Dimensions of corner preform used to support the material choice including detail of the corner apex; (b)infused laminate.

Table 4. Results of all quantitative material test results.

Sub-criteria name Unit



Lead time weeks 52 3 3 3 3Material cost £/kg 223 80 80 114 100Double standard deviation of width mm 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4Deviation from nominal width mm 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.3Material complexity n/a 8 4 4 5 4Double standard deviation of binder quantity wt.% 0.79 1.73 2.05 1.15 2.0a

Defect occurrence count/100 m 24 195 244 84 19Preform Vf % 54.2% 55.8% –c 43.9% 33.8%Measured ply areal weight g/m2 211 128 139 203 268Infusion time h 1 –b –c 2.5 2Bulk factor 1.0 1.0 –c 1.2 1.6Void content % 1.7 –b –c 0.5 0.8Laminate Vf % 50.2 –b –c 43.8 47.5Ply areal weight g/m2 211 –b –c 203 268Geometrical tolerance mm 0.0 0.0 –c 0.2 0.1

Bold: best value achieved.aData provided by supplier.bDid not fully infuse.cFault count higher than permitted.

1‘The procedure requires calculating the “inconsistency index,” that is,the difference between the largest eigenvalue and the number ofelements of the matrix, divided by the number of elements minus one.The largest eigenvalue of a matrix of perfectly consistent comparisonsequals the number of elements. The higher the eigenvalue is,compared to the number of elements, the more inconsistent thepairwise comparisons are. By dividing the inconsistency index by asimilar index based on randomly chosen pairwise comparisons, the“inconsistency ratio” is obtained: Saaty suggests that acceptable valuesfor this ratio should not exceed 0.1.’ [33, p. 119]


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relationship: influence each other or are dependenton each other). This approach simplifies the nine-step scale in a pairwise comparison to a binary con-dition describing if two criteria interact (1-state) orare independent (0-state). The sum of the totalinteractions of a criterion are normalized and usedas wi,j. The concept is shown in Figure 4.

The CoI approach gives weight to a criteria basedon interactions with other the criteria listed, while theexperts may consider wider ranging implications when

assigning a ranking on a numerical scale. A directcomparison of the approaches highlights the differen-ces in material selection outcome due to the methodrather than due to the actual material suitability.

Manufacturing of corner laminate component

In order to make the proposed material selection anindustrially viable process, the selected materialswere applied to a part that has a higher complexity

Table 5. List of different defect types observed during AFP deposition.


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than the individual material characterization testsconducted in the sub-criteria assessment stage. Thepart was a small-scale representative of geometriescommon in the aerospace industry, which was asymmetrical corner section of 600mm length and225mm flange height, with a 10mm inner cornerradius (see Figure 5). The preforms consist of 26plies for both materials with a quasi-isotropic stack-ing sequence. The deposition velocity was limited bythe complex machine kinematics and was as low as5mm/s in the apex region, and up to 200mm/s inthe flange region. Due to the variable deposition vel-ocity, the laser power was adjusted accordingly. Thepower law was derived through the process pro-posed by Di Francesco et al. [30]. The resin usedwas RTM6 (Hexcel, US), and the preform wasinfused at supplier recommended set-up and param-eters [32,33].

The quality of the corner laminates was assessedagainst key quality factors: preform and laminate Vf

as well as the resulting bulk factor, in addition to voidcontent. A portable ultrasonic C-scanner (OlympusOmniscan MX2 with a 5MHz 64 El Array) was usedto check imperfections and voids within the laminates[34]. The part thickness was converted into preformor laminate fiber volume fraction based on nominalareal weight, fiber density and number of plies. Tocapture any influence of the increase in geometry,two distinct areas of a corner (flanges and the apex)were assessed and compared.

Results and discussion

Material and manufacturing process assessment

A summary of the results of the various quantitativetests of material A to E are shown in Table 4. Thebold values are the highest scoring values of the cri-terion, showing that each material has at least onecriterion that scores highest.

The two materials with the lowest areal weight (Band C) showed a very high fault count, as the thintapes were not as rigid as the other materials andhence prone to twisting or folding. For these lightermaterials, a high count of twists and folds (Table 5;defect type 6 and 7) were induced by contact withguiding elements such as the inner ducts in the tapefeed tubes (Figure 2(a)) as they shifted due to therobotic motions during the deposition. Tape materialmanufactured by a slitting process has the lowest vari-ability in width, but at the same time creates edgesthat might exhibit loose fibers, leading to an increasein fiber residue on the substrate (Table 5; defect type5 and Figure 2(a)). Tow-based processing results inan areal weight dictated by the fiber count in the pre-cursor tows, while the process of creating a broadgood prior to the slitting process allows control overthe areal weight and thickness of tapes.

A trained operator inspects each ply of the 3mmthick [0/90]ns preform during the deposition trials.A defect library was generated, and nine differenttypes of defects were identified (see Table 5).

Material B was the only material not to infusefully during the vacuum infusion. It was visiblefrom the micrographs that the binder quantity onits surface was lower than all other materials, whilethe overall binder quantity by weight was close tothe quantity in other materials. This indicates thatthe binder was present within the material ratherthan on the surface, which could be the reason forits low bulk factor as well as a low permeability.Rimmel et al. have already reported an influence ofbinder distribution on permeability (in this instancebinder content and binder particle size), wherebythe latter has greater influence [35]. The materialthat infused the preform fastest was Material A,which has the distinctive feature of a carbon fiberveil. It was inferred that the veil acted as a highlypermeable resin distribution layer between the pliesand provides additional flow channels.

Figure 6. Weightings determined by the established AHP based on the experts’ judgement.


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Analytical hierarchy process results

Two different methods were used to determine theweighting of the criteria and compared, as shown inFigures 6 and 7.

As shown in Figure 6, the experts’ judgement indi-cates the highest priority for the laminate characteristics,and therefore a lower importance to the remaining

criteria. Experts are more focused on laminate quality ofthe manufactured part rather than the manufacturingaspects. The part quality is a metric often used in theaerospace industry when buying or selling parts, some-thing all experts are familiar with. Commonly, materialsare selected based on their laminate characteristics onlyas it is assumed any manufacturing challenges are elimi-nated prior to start production. This, however, may notbe the case in this instance of a novel material which is inthe product development phase. The AHPþCoI, asshown in Figure 7, shows overall more balanced weight-ing factors, disregarding external factors such as indus-trial influence, but only capable of taking the definedcriteria into account.

The experts chosen and the way the experts arebriefed prior to providing their opinion may have a sig-nificant impact on the results. It is important to inter-rogate experts from a variety of fields relevant to theselection. This is strength and weakness of the estab-lished AHP at the same time, the experts are able to tai-lor the results to the specific case queried and therefore

Figure 7. Weightings determined by AHP in conjunction with CoI.

Figure 8. Result of the AHP using different weighting methods for materials A to E; shaded: established AHP, solid: AHP with CoI.

Table 6. Three selected criteria for comparison of two cor-ner panels and their results (error indicates stand-ard deviation).

Material A Material D

Sound loss in C-scan 3-6db 3-6dbAverage preform VfCorner apex 56.4 ± 1.7% 58.5 ± 1.7%Corner flange 50.2 ± 0.8% 46.2 ± 2.3%Difference 6.2% 12.3%

Average laminate VfCorner apex 56.7 ± 0.8% 58.5 ± 0.6%Corner flange 57.2 ± 0.8% 53.4 ± 2.0%Difference 0.5% 5.1%

Bulk factorCorner apex 1.0 1.0Corner flange 1.1 1.2Difference 0.1 0.2


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make the result more relevant to the case considered,but is relying on the surrounding factors that are intan-gible and cannot be captured within the framework. Inorder to mitigate this, a large pool of people may needto be asked for their opinion. The result of the CoI onthe other hand is less dependent on such external fac-tors, but at the same time may neglect relevant indus-trial influences and the choice of criteria has a moresignificant impact. The selection of the method usedbecomes engineering judgement, leading to a decisionmaking paradox.

The results of two different weighting methods foreach material are shown in Figure 8, which wereobtained by the material assessment results (shown inTable 4) multiplied with their respective weightings(Figures 6 and 7) and summarized using Equation (1).

Material A is ranked equally favorable by both meth-ods. Materials D and E show similar results; a decisionbetween D and E should not be made with confidencedue to their close results. Materials B and C are only par-tially tested, as Material B did not fully infuse andMaterial C exhibited a high defect count, therefore thesematerials received the lowest scores. Both methods over-all recommend the same material. The manufacturingprocess has a higher priority within the AHPþCoImethod and is well suited to objectively assess a materialfor manufacturability, while the experts give a higherweight to the laminate and take into account the widerindustrial impact. A hybrid method could be explored inthe future where main criteria could be assessed byexperts to capture the industry needs and the more tan-gible sub-criteria could be assessed using CoI to provideimpartial weighting of the aspects within a criterion. Thiswould keep the effort associated with the opinion gather-ing at a minimum but enables the capture of a widerindustrial focus.

Demonstration of material selection incomponent manufacture

Material characterization data used in the material selec-tion processes was gathered through layup tests for flatpanels. In order to demonstrate the applicability of thematerial selection processes as well as their suitability

for predicting the manufacturing quality of non-flatcomponent, two corner panels were manufacturedusing Material A (highest priority) and Material D (lowpriority) and their manufacturing quality was assessed.The quality difference between the corner apex andflanges was of particular interest to check the influenceof increased geometrical complexity on the materialselection. The key criteria assessed and their results forthe two corner laminates are shown in Table 6.

Figure 9(a) shows the top view of the corner paneland the areas used for thickness measurements to cal-culate the fiber volume fractions before and after resininfusion and cure. Figure 9(b) shows an exemplaryresult of the C-scan of the flat flange area, where redindicates a very low loss of the back wall echo andtherefore signifies a low void content. The green areasshow a slightly higher loss of the echo, indicating thepotential presence of voids, however, this loss wasbelow the allowable limit of 12 dB for a laminate withless than 5mm thickness [36]. Both materials show avoid content within the acceptable limits.

In the laminates manufactured with Materials Aand D, the bulk factor on the apex was lower thanthat on the flanges, indicating an over-compactionof the material on the apex. The bulk factors of theflat areas were close to the target (1.1), with a lowerbulk factor for Material A which indicates higherlaminate quality in comparison to Material D. Theseresults are consistent with the flat preform trials.

Material A resulted in a higher average laminate Vf

overall, with both apex and flange regions having a Vf

above the target of 55%. The difference between apexand flanges was minimal, which is a positive indicatorfor high consistency and quality. Material D resultedin a low Vf below the minimum target laminate Vf

and a higher difference between the apex and theflanges, both indicators for low laminate quality.

Overall, the higher quality laminate was manufac-tured with Material A, which is consistent with theprediction by the AHP. The detailed comparisonbetween the flat area and the apex area suggests thatMaterial D results in a much more variable laminateinduced by geometrical complexity, which has notspecifically been captured by the small-scale material

Figure 9. Exemplary measurement results for Material D (a: laser line scan with height color plot; b: ultrasonic scan of flange).


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characterization tests conducted for the selection cri-teria. In order to account for this, the material selec-tion process could be expanded by assessing thematerial behavior under different process condi-tions, which vary depending on the geometry of thecomponent, i.e. high deposition pressure or lowdeposition velocity, which would give a higher con-fidence in the material selection at the penalty of amore extensive test campaign. Despite such a limita-tion, it was found that the selected criteria were suf-ficient to suggest the best candidate materials forachieving high manufacturing quality.


A knowledge-based material selection process of dryfiber materials for the use in AFP was proposed onthe basis of the AHP.

Most of material selection methods for metals, plas-tics and sometimes well-characterized composite mate-rials are based on the material properties readilyavailable from literatures or suppliers’ catalogues. Thereare two challenges to apply such methods to the dryfiber AFP process. Firstly, most of the dry fiber tapematerials used in the AFP process are relatively newand have not been well-characterized. Secondly, in thedry fiber AFP process, the material behavior of the dryfiber tapes and their respective process ability should betaken into account in the material selection process,which is critical to the final production quality.

This work developed a material selection tool andcriteria suitable for the dry fiber materials whosematerial characteristics and processibility are insuffi-ciently characterized for a conventional decision mak-ing process. In order to prevent industrial usershaving to select suitable materials by spending timeand effort with a trial and error approach during theproduction process, a data driven material selectionapproach based on lab-scale layup tests was proposed.

Selection criteria were established for commerciallyavailable dry fiber materials, the production processand the manufacturing quality by industry experts. Fivemajor criteria (procurement, raw material characteris-tics, AFP deposition process, consolidation process,laminate characteristics) and 21 sub-criteria definingthese criteria were outlined. Five different materials cur-rently available on the market were compared againstthese criteria, which involved an experimental program.A combination of measurements in manufacturing tri-als and pairwise comparisons was used to generate thematerial specific scores for each criterion used in theAHP, resulting in a reusable database.

Using AHP as a knowledge based decision makingtool could provide a framework for an extendable data-base to account for future findings and insights. Forinstance, upscaling of the process to larger components

can require investigating material behavior at highdeposition rate, repeatability or robustness of the process.Two different criteria weighting methods were com-pared; the established AHP which has been used in simi-lar contexts and the CoI method which has beendeveloped to decrease the cost of using the AHP in sup-plier selection. Both weighting methods recommend thesame material but with some difference in scoresbetween materials. Experts’ judgement resulted in ahigher emphasis on the laminate characteristics thanAHPþCoI. The experts are able to tailor their responsesto a particular part geometry for the application in theaerospace industry resulting in a focus on laminate qual-ity. CoI exclusively takes into account the selected crite-ria, resulting in a focus on the manufacturing aspects.The choice of method may alter the result in other cases,a hybridmethod to capture both aspects was proposed.

The selected materials were used to manufacture arepresentative part geometry, and the quality aspectsinfluenced by the increased geometrical complexitywere examined. It was found that the results of amaterial selection based on flat samples recommendthe same material as a direct comparison of a morecomplex part. A more extensive material test cam-paign could increase certainty for selecting a suitablematerial for AFP production of highly complex geo-metries at the penalty of increased cost to gather data.


This work was supported by the National CompositesCentre Core Research and Technology Programmes ( Conducting the infusion tests by MaxSasnauskas and the Liquid Resin Cell team as well as con-structive discussions with Giuseppe Dell’Anno at theNational Composites Centre, and Matthew Tolladay at theUniversity of Bristol are kindly acknowledged. LauraVeldenz and Mattia Di Francesco would like to acknow-ledge the support of the Engineering and Physical SciencesResearch Council through the EPSRC Centre for DoctoralTraining in Composites Manufacture [EP/K50323X/1]. Theraw and processes data required to reproduce these find-ings cannot be shared at this time due to legal reasons, butcan be made available upon request.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


Laura Veldenz


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