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Jan 23, 2021



Peter Maurer

Matcha tea is a finely powdered form of shade-grown green tea leaves. At its essence, matcha tea is the purest and most nutritionally dense form of the tea plant Camellia sinensis, the evergreen tree plant from which all basic teas originate. What defines if tea is green, yellow, black, white, or blue is the level of oxidation that has occurred from the fermentation process.

Since green teas are non-fermented, they retain their flush green colour as and their nutritional profile. Matcha tea especially is shaded for several weeks during the last stage of cultivation, protecting the tea leaves from direct sunlight.

In this way, matcha remains delicious due to the development of theanine, a cordial flavour arising from amino acids. Teas which are grown and then cultivated in full sunlight develop catechins, which add an astringent flavour to the brew. Growing the leaves in the shade also increases their chlorophyll content, giving them a bright green colour and rich taste.

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Like green tea, matcha comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. However, it’s grown differently and has a unique nutrient profile.