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Mastery of Chemical Formula Through CHEMIMATCH by Khor Sim S

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Mastery of Chemical Formula Through CHEMIMATCH by Khor Sim S



    Mastery of Chemical Formulae through CHEMIMATCH




    This paper describes the use of CHEMIMATCH, a card game designed to improve the

    students memory skills of the ionic formulae in the subtopic Chemical Formulae. The

    basic idea of this design is to have the students construct the chemical formulae bymatching the correct combination of the cations and anions. CHEMIMATCH is different

    from other types of card games as it consists of three sets of cards which require the

    students to master SET I and SET II before playing SET III. The uniqueness of this card

    game is that students can play the game on their own with or without the teachers


    1.0 Introduction

    As a chemistry teacher, I often come across students having difficulty in giving the

    correct chemical formulae of substances. As a result, it will affect the students ability to

    write balanced chemical equations. Sometimes I have no choice but to force the

    students to memorise the ionic formulae in the hope that they will be able to come out

    with the correct formulae of the ionic compounds. However, I realise that this strategy is

    sometimes not workable as some students will not take the initiatives to memorise and

    find it boring. Thus, the question arises on how to help my students solve this problembesides making it interesting enough to learn the chemical formulae of substances on

    their own.

    Through discussion and brainstorming sessions with my chemistry colleague, I finally

    come out with this idea of chemical formulae matching through a card game called

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    CHEMIMATCH to help my students. I first conceived the idea of the CHEMIMATCH

    game after conducting a survey to gage my students interest. The survey results

    revealed that most of the students enjoy playing POKEMON during their leisure time. I

    then decided to come out with an interesting game of chemical formulae matching to

    alleviate students difficulty in writing chemical formulae of substances. Thus, the

    CHEMIMATCH game is designed in such a way that students can have fun while

    competing with each other to win the game. As the total point for the correct matching of

    a chemical formula is 1000, the students can check on each others cards and play with

    or without the teachers supervision.

    2.0 Objectives of CHEMIMATCH

    The CHEMIMATCH card game is designed with the following objectives:

    (a) To familiarize students with the ionic formulae of cations and anions, and

    chemical formulae of all types of elements or compounds.

    (b) To develop the thinking skills of students when constructing the chemical

    formulae of ionic compounds.

    (c) To help students utilize the knowledge learnt in an interesting and active manner.

    (d) To create a fun and lively atmosphere for students to communicate and solve

    problems among themselves.

    (e)To instill students confidence and interest towards learning Chemistry,

    particularly in the subtopic CHEMICAL FORMULAE.

    3.0 Construction of CHEMIMATCH

    The innovation of CHEMIMATCH was carried out within a period of 2 months starting

    from March until April 2009. In the first month, a preliminary survey was conducted

    through interviews with students and feedback from teachers followed by observations

    and analysis of Progressive Test 1. During this period, the teacher constructs the three

    sets of cards which involve two major stages such as follows:

    A. Matching of ions to form chemical formulae of ionic compounds

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    (a) Level Iinvolves simple ions (SET I) as shown below:

    Cations Points Anions Points

    K+ 250 Cl- 200

    Na+ 300 I- 300

    Cu2+ 250 O2- 150

    Mg2+ 450 Br- 250

    Al3+ 100

    Zn2+ 150

    Ag+ 600

    Fe3+ 100

    Pb2+ 200

    P+ 150 Cl2- 100

    So+ 200 O- 100

    Mn2+ 150

    Co2+ 200

    [Note: P+, So+, Mn2+, Co2+, Cl2-and O-are purposely added to distract the students.]

    Name of compound Formula Points

    Magnesium oxide MgO 400

    Zinc chloride ZnCl2 450

    Sodium chloride NaCl 500

    Sodium oxide Na2O 250

    Potassium iodide KI 450

    Lead(II) iodide PbI2 200

    Copper(II) oxide CuO 600

    Aluminium oxide Al2O3 350Zinc bromide ZnBr2 350

    Iron(III) chloride FeCl3 300

    Sodium iodide NaI 400

    Silver chloride AgCl 200

    Potassium bromide KBr 500

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    SET Icaters for students who simply cannot write chemical formulae of ionic

    compounds at all. In this set, there are altogether 150 cards which comprise

    90 cation cards (10 of each cation), 40 anion cards (10 of each anion), 6

    distractors and 14 cards with names of formulae of ionic compounds.

    (b) Level IIinvolves polyatomic ions (SET II) as shown below:

    Cations Points Anions Points

    Cu2+ 250 CO32- 150

    Na+ 300 SO42- 250

    Ca2+ 350 OH- 250

    Mg2+ 450 Cl- 200

    Fe2+ 200 NO3- 150

    Al3+ 100

    Pb2+ 200

    NH4+ 250

    So+ 200 SO2- 150

    Silver bromide AgBr 150

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    Mn2+ 150 OH2- 150

    Ca+ 200 CO2- 100

    [Note: So+, Mn2+, Ca+, SO2-, OH2-and CO2-are intentionally added to distract

    the students.]

    SET II caters for

    students who

    have acquired the

    mastery level of

    SET I which involves

    simple ions. In

    this set, the

    students are

    introduced and

    exposed to

    polyatomic ions. There are altogether a total of 150 cards in this set which

    comprise 80 cation cards (10 of each cation), 50 anion cards (10 of each

    anion), 6 distractors and 14 cards with names of formulae of ionic


    B. Matching of chemical formulae to all types of elements or compounds (SET III) as

    shown below:

    Substances Formula of



    Name of substance Points

    Potassium 650 K 350

    Aluminium oxide 350 Al2O3 650

    Name of compound Formula Points

    Iron(II) sulphate FeSO4 550

    Calcium carbonate CaCO3 500

    Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 250

    Copper(II) carbonate CuCO3 600

    Magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2 250

    Copper(II) sulphate CuSO4 500Ammonium chloride NH4Cl 550

    Lead(II) sulphate PbSO4 550

    Aluminium hydroxide Al(OH)3 150

    Iron(II) chloride FeCl2 400

    Sodium hydroxide NaOH 450

    Magnesium carbonate MgCO3 400

    Lead(II) nitrate Pb(NO3)2 500

    Ammonium sulphate (NH4)2SO4 250

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    Potassium nitrate 750 KNO3 250

    Ammonium sulphate 250 (NH4)2SO4 750

    Hydrogen 700 H2 300

    Chlorine 680 Cl2 320

    Carbon monoxide 450 CO 550

    Sulphur dioxide 250 SO2 750

    Phosphoric acid 400 H3PO4 600

    Ethanoic acid 350 CH3COOH 650

    Sodium chloride 500 NaCl 500

    Hydrochloric acid 800 HCl 200

    Sulphur trioxide 730 SO3 270

    Calcium hydroxide 150 Ca(OH)2 850

    Oxygen 660 O2 340

    Copper 720 Cu 280

    Iron 540 Fe 460

    Sulphuric acid 640 H2SO4 360

    Magnesium 480 Mg 520

    Water 670 H2O 330

    Nitric acid 470 HNO3 530

    Magnesium carbonate 400 MgCO3 600

    Ammonia 550 NH3 450

    Zinc 570 Zn 430

    Potassium hydroxide 500 KOH 500


    Formula of


    Points Formula of



    Cl 300 K2NO3 350

    Mg2 250 CO2 450

    O 650 HSO4 260

    P 320 Co 500

    NH4 400 HNO 330

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    SET IIIalso involves card matching whereby the players will have to match the

    chemical formula of a substance to the name of substance displayed. This set

    includes all types of substances and altogether there are 110 cards which

    comprise 25 cards with name of substance, 75 cards with formula of substance

    (3 of each formula) and 10 distractors.

    For the construction of CHEMIMATCH SETS I, II and III, I prepare a total of 150

    cards each measuring 6 cm x 10 cm for SET I, 150 cards for SET II and 110

    cards for SET III. For SET I (see P-1) and SET II (see P-2), one side of the card

    is labelled CHEMIMATCH and CATION (red card) or ANION (blue card) while

    the other side is the ionic formula and point. Another type of the card shows the

    name of ionic compound and point with CHEMIMATCH (yellow card) printed

    over-leaf. As for SET III (see P-3), one side of the card shows the formula of

    substance and point while the other side is printed CHEMIMATCH (green card).

    Another type of the card shows the name of substance and point with

    CHEMIMATCH (yellow card) printed over-leaf.

    The letterings and designs of the laminated cards are done using computer and

    printed on A4 coloured papers. Overall, the cost incurred for the construction of

    CHEMIMATCH SETS I, II and III is RM 41.00. The cost is relatively low as

    compared to the vast benefits obtained for the teaching and learning of chemistry

    particularly on the subtopic Chemical Formulae in the Form Four Chemistry


    4.0 Examples of CHEMIMATCH Sets I, II and III

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    5.0 Implementation of CHEMIMATCH

    The implementation of CHEMIMATCH was carried out in the second month of April

    2009. The rules set for the game are as follows:

    (a) SET I and SET II

    1. The basic idea is for each player to make up a chemical formula by matching the

    correct combination of cations and anions to the name of ionic compound given.

    2. The game is suitable for up to a maximum of 4 players.

    3. For a start, each player takes one set of anion and cation cards.

    4. Each player in turn plays the cards by matching the cards according to the name

    of ionic compound displayed on the table. The correct matching of cards will

    have a total point of 1000.

    5. If unable to match the cards, the player will have to draw one card either from the

    cation or anion stack of cards.

    6. The game continues until all the cards with names of ionic compounds are used


    7. The winner of the game will be the player with the highest total points.

    (b) SET III

    1. The basic idea is to have the players match the correct chemical formula of a

    substance to the name of substance given by the team manager.

    2. The game is suitable for up to a maximum of 8 players.

    3. For a start, the team manager will deal each player one chemical formula card at

    a time until all the cards are given out.

    4. The team manager will display one card with the name of substance on the table.

    5. The fastest player to place the correct chemical formula of the substance given

    will get to keep the matching cards.

    6. The game continues until all the cards with names of substances are used up.

    7. The winner of the game will be the player with the highest total points.

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    6.0 Benefits of CHEMIMATCH in the teaching and learning process

    Initially many students gave the following reasons for failing to master the subtopic


    1. Find it boring to memorise the ionic formulae.

    2. Too many ions to remember.

    3. This subtopic is so difficult.

    After introducing SET I and SET II to the students, many of them could not wait to

    play the game as they wanted to compete with their friends to win the game. When

    playing SET III, the students were even more excited as they tried to keep pace with

    their friends. The following were the comments given by students about the

    CHEMIMATCH game:

    1. I enjoy very much playing the game.

    2. Its easier to memorise the ionic formulae now.

    3. I wish I have more time to play CHEMIMATCH.

    4. This game helps me to improve on ionic formulae.

    5. I have much fun playing the game.

    After a few rounds of CHEMIMATCH (SET I and SET II), the students were more

    familiar with the ionic formulae and the principles of constructing chemical formulae

    of ionic compounds. The teacher observed that the students even started to keep a

    check on each others chemical formula whenever a student placed the matching

    cards showing the formula (SET III) on the table. They were able to confirm the

    correct matching easily since the total point must be equal to 1000.

    The CHEMIMATC card game has enhanced and improved the students memory

    skills on the ionic formulae and chemical formulae of substances. The use of

    CHEMIMATCH has enabled the students to give the correct chemical formulae of

    substances with ease and confidence. Through card matching, the students had

    also learnt to determine the ratio of cations and anions in an ionic compound. For

    example, when forming zinc chloride compound, one Zn2+ ion card needs to be

    matched with two Cl-ion cards so that the total charge is zero.

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    7.0 Conclusion

    The CHEMIMATCH game can be used as an effective tool in the teaching and learning

    of the subtopic Chemical Formulae in Chapter 3: Chemical Formulae and Equations of

    the Form 4 Chemistry Syllabus. In the process of playing the game, students

    misconceptions and uncertainties in constructing chemical formulae will be eliminated

    after a few rounds of the game. The card game certainly outweighs the routine chalk

    and talk and drill and practice of examination questions methods of teaching and

    learning. This is because the CHEMIMATCH game is fun, enjoyable and exciting as it

    involves students participation and interaction in a lively atmosphere.

    Students critical thinking and decision making skills can also be enhanced when playing

    CHEMIMATCH as they need these skills to choose either the cation or anion cards to

    match the name of the ionic compound. Besides, this card game can also be used in

    one of the Science Club activities and for recreational activities. In conclusion, the use

    of CHEMIMATCH certainly has a positive impact on the students learning interest and

    attitudes towards chemistry.


    A Handbook for Teachers (1992). Chemistry Card and Board Games. Science

    Teachers Association of Singapore.

    Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelidikan Dasar Pendidikan, Kementerian Pelajaran

    Malaysia. (2006). Manual Kajian Tindakan. Kuala Lumpur: BPPDP, KPM.

    Curriculum Development Centre. (2004). Curriculum Specifications for Chemistry Form

    Four. Ministry of Education, Malaysia.