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Mastering Leadership_other Article

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  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-2999

    Master ing LeadershipA Deep Structure Approach

    Charles Sheppard , Management Communication Systems, inc.

    Kelly Gerling, The Leadership Project

    Excellence comes from a never-ending journey taken in little steps. That journey is called Mastery. Mastery

    of leadership is creating a context where extraordinary events occur routinely. To bring about this state of

    affairs, senior executives will coach, stimulate, catalyze, and propose visions. They'll see the big picture, build

    community, work to solve the problems of the 21st century and lead each person to be a leader. When a

    whole organization can learn how to learn, these characteristics will develop naturally. Imagine the challenge,

    creativity and fun you'll have when you learn specific strategies for creating these characteristics in yourorganization for this century and beyond.



    Every minute of every day organizations experiencewhat Jan Carlzon, CEO of SAS airlines, calls"moments of truth" . . . those extraordinary eventsthat define your organization and its potential forexcellence.

    American businessman, Rudy Peterson arrived atthe Stockholm airport without his SAS flight ticket,

    having left it back at the hotel. He thought he hadmissed his flight and business meeting, but he toldthe ticket agent anyway. Don't worry, Mr.Peterson, she said. Here's your boarding card, Ifyou just tell me your room number at the GrandHotel, I'll take care of the rest. The ticket agent thencalled the hotel, they found the ticket, and the agentsent a SAS limo to pick it up. She gave the ticket toRudy Peterson when it arrived and he made hisflight. (from Moments of Truth, by Jan Carlzon)

    "A young man I know went to eat lunch one day at

    his regular restaurant. It was unusually busy. Hemanaged to get a menu, but before the waitresscame to take his order his lunch hour hadevaporated. Genuinely concerned that the ownershould know what had happened, he mentioned itto the cashier in a friendly way and went back towork. That night, the owner of the restaurant arrivedat the young man's house, unannounced, withenough dinner for two nights." (From Leadership isan Art, by Max De Pree)

    What sums up leadership in your organization? Andwhat about the future? For organizations to chargewith vigor into the changing world of the 21stcentury, these extraordinary events of quality andservice must be routine. Setting an example is thetask of the leader. And while you think of goals forleadership take a look at ours.


    Effective leadership means constantly improvingthroughout different facets of your organization.

    That means:

    Ever-improving innovation in products and services.

    Ever-improving quality for your customers and clients.

    Ever-improving excellence for your whole organization.

    Ever-improving service to the larger community.

    The profound challenge of Mastering Leadership isto immerse you in our proven methods so you'llmaster:

    1) How to adapt your skills effectively to a range ofentirely new situations such as new businessgroups, cross-cultural settings, the need forincreased service speed and a rapidly changingenvironment.

    2) How to become consciously and acutely aware ofyour own thinking and relationship skills so you'll

    Management Communicat ion Systems, Inc.

    4000 Bridgeway, Suite 404

    Sausalito CA 94965

    (415) 339-2990 FAX (415) 339-2999

  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-29992

    been based on four things:

    The behavior of leaders

    The abstract "traits" of leaders

    Various abstract principles of management.

    The performance of their organizations.

    Key management experts such as Tom

    Peters, W. Edwards Deming and PeterDrucker have analyzed the essentialobservable aspects of business in theU.S. and abroad.

    They describe the kinds of behaviors,traits, principles and performancecharacteristics that lead to better, moreprofitable, higher-quality organizations.These descriptions represent the visiblesurface structures that businessesimplement. These surface structurestypically include compensation methods,policies, executive behavior, service

    know how to pass them on to futureleaders.

    The Mastering Leadership process youwill take important steps towardsmastering the outer and inner skills ofmaster leaders like Ewing Kauff m a n ,founder of Marion Laboratories, and

    Thomas J. Watson, former CEO of IBM.The result will be increased awareness ofyour own considerable skills, plus you'lllearn the skills of master leaders, thefaculty and your colleagues in theprogram. And this will be accomplishedusing methods of leadership trainingmarkedly different than those traditionallyused in the past.


    In the past, the dominant forms ofleadership research and training have

    " . . . simp le under -

    ly ing deepstructur es express

    al l of the relat ions

    and functions that

    appear in any


    L inguis t

    Noam Chom sky

  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-29993

    practical reality. There is nothing newabout attempting to explore inner space.Traditional psychology has tried, but it haslargely failed. to offer practical answers tothe questions that leaders need answeredand the skills they need developed.

    What made the current revolution possible

    was the synthesis of the scientific fields ofn e u r o - p s y c h o l o g y, biology, linguistics,cultural anthropology and neuro-linguisticprogramming into a whole new paradigm.This new combination of ideas andmethods created the amazing revolutionthat offers you practical explorations ofinner space, the deep structure.

    Applied to leadership, this revolutioncreates an astonishing opportunity foryou. Inner resources that wereunconscious now become conscious.The detailed inner workings of your mindand the minds of other leaders can betapped. Previously unsolved problemscan be solved. And crucial aspects ofperformance, once thought to be basedon talent are now learnable.

    This new revolution will give you atremendous capacity to improve thequality of products and services you offeryour customers. And it will assist you inbringing about those profound changes in

    your organization and in the largercommunity that will characterize the worldof the 21st century. We call those changesthe transformation.


    Our world has reached a turning point.We're in the early stages of a globaltransformation whose effects will be as farreaching as those of the IndustrialRevolution. And today's leaders can helpshape a fantastic future in their

    businesses, schools and communities. Orthey can drop the ball for America.

    In other words, today's leaders canchoose to master leadership during thistransformation . . . or be swept along bythe tidal forces of change, pretending theyare still living in industrial society. Ifenough choose not to meet the challenge

    improvements, recognition methods andorganizational structures. And theseideas are useful, revealing and necessaryfor continued improvement. Unfortunately,they are incomplete. Implementingsurface structures alone is akin totransplanting a tree without it's roots . . .the landscape may be transformed

    temporarily, but in the long run, no realgrowth occurs.


    Underneath the surface structures ofleader behavior and observableorganizational performance are the deepstructures . . . the roots if you will.

    The breakthrough methods revealed inthe Mastering Leadership processdemonstrate, for the first time, the deepstructures of master leaders . . . thosehidden, involuntary and often unconsciouspatterns present in the thinking of masterleaders . . . the very building blocks thatwill allow you to achieve mastery, andyour organization to achieve ever-improving innovation, quality, excellenceand service.

    Why haven't these building blocks beendiscovered until now? Because, theadvances in science that have made this

    possible are part of an amazing revolutionthat is just beginning.


    Just over 400 years ago, Galileo createdthe new science of modern astronomyand the scientific method. For the firsttime, humanity could gain detailedknowledge of outer space. T h o s erevolutionary discoveries have now beenrepeated for another previously unchartedrealm, inner space.

    Imagine a new science that allows you toreach into the minds of master leadersand create a detailed map of their "mentalsoftware programs."

    Revolutionary discoveries in the cognitiveand social sciences have combined tomake this new scientific revolution a

    "B eneath the

    clearly perceived,

    highly expl ic i t

    surface culture,there l ies a wh ole

    other wor ld ,

    which , when

    understoo d, wil l

    ult imately

    radical ly change

    our v iew of hum an


    Anthropolog is t

    Edward T. Hall

  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-29994

    What are these qualities?

    VISION: The capacity to develop andexpress a vision of the future in such away that members of the team arecharged with emotion and imagination.Vision is based on understanding vastamounts of information about people,

    markets, society and the future.

    INTUITION: This is the quality ofautomatic whole body thinking that leadsto remarkable, wise, almost unexplainabledecisions. Gut-level judgments andhunches often guide the major decisionsof master leaders.

    F L E X I B I L I T Y: This is the boundlesspotential for change. This quality enablesleaders to find new pathways, ideas andmethods for solving overwhelming

    problems and achieving the mission of theorganization and specific goals along theway.

    TRUST: This quality is best described as afeeling of firm reliance on the honesty,dependability and character between twopeople. Mutual trust characterizes therelationships between people in toporganizations. Leaders with this qualityplant the seeds of trust and respectwherever they go.

    INTEGRITY: The strongest commitment

    to ethics, the rigorous adherence tohonesty and the deepest knowledge of theeffects of one's actions on others, arereflections of integrity. Leaders withintegrity balance internal organizationalobjectives with objectives of service to thelarger community. The outwardexpression of integrity stems from aparticular configuration of the deep self.

    CHARISMA: Wonderful moments ofspontaneous, attractive, believablecommunication are what we call

    charisma. The outer side of charisma is aconsistency of messages sent with wordsbody and voice. The inner side ofcharisma, the deep structure, is the key tomaking your charisma happen naturallyand by choice.

    How do we further develop thesequalities?

    then their legacy will be a tragic decline inour national prosperity and well-being.

    The either/or nature of the situation iscaused by many factors. While the world-system shifts to a new form oforganization, vast changes are upon us.European unity and Pacific Rim

    development are creating entirely newforms of global competition.

    This new competition, along withenvironmental challenges, the nationaldebt, educational decline, growing healthissues and rapidly advancingtechnological change present a collectionof unprecedented challenges to today'sbusiness leaders.

    These challenges call for entiretransformations of thinking, ofrelationships, and of organizations. Theycall for a fundamental re-definition ofsuccess to a philosophy where successmeans service . . . service to customersand one another . . . service to the largerc o m m u n i t y, the ecology of theenvironment, and the whole society.Success means transforming how wecreate new alliances and joint ventures.

    Today's executives must join thetransformation by mastering leadership.

    And to do that, the place to start is bystudying certain great leaders - not just"successful" leaders, but those leaders,like Ewing Kauffman, who distinguishthemselves as agents of thetransformation by the service philosophythey live. Let's explore some of thequalities of these leaders.


    The great master leaders demonstratespecific qualities of leadership. Without

    them, the leader, and ultimately theorganization, are like a sapling, heldhostage to the winds of change in anincreasingly chaotic world. These qualitiesallow the tree of leadership knowledge togrow tall and strong . . . like the mightyoak. Each person has the capacity withinthemselves to develop and demonstratethem.


    organizations that

    wil l truly excel in

    the future wil l bethe organizations

    that ... learn at all


    Peter Senge

  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-29995

    So instead of having solutions that includethe inner world of thinking, leadershipconsultants, until now, have presented aseemingly endless array of outer styles,strategies and approaches that ared ifficult to implement in organizations.They can and should be imitateds o m e h o w. And yet they are on the

    surface. They are surface structures.

    These surface structures are theobservable behaviors and actions that

    businesses implement as procedures andpolicies, compensation and rewardsystems, new supervision forms,alternative organizational structures,different rituals for recognition, and thevarious suggested kinds of executivebehavior.

    Each is important for leadership. . . butthey are insufficient. That's becauseunderneath these surface structures is thedeep structure. From the deep structure aleader's every action is guided. Now you

    can incorporate these thinking skills intoyour own inner realms . . . your own deepstructure.

    You can now draw upon the most usefuldeep thinking skills from today's topleaders and integrate them into your own

    We further develop these qualities bybuilding skills. The skills are taught in aprocess called Mastering Leadership: ADeep Structure Approach. It starts with aconcept of the inner world of thinkingcalled the deep structure.


    Great leaders develop greatorganizations. And their organizations getoutstanding results.

    Yet, underneath the diversity of the styles,strategies and approaches of greatleaders, there are simple underlyingmental patterns the deep structure.

    Recent advances in the cognitivesciences have allowed us to uncover thedeep structure patterns of top leaders.These deep structures form the basis forthe outstanding results that great leadersand their organizations achieve. Withoutunderstanding the deep structures, youcan't transfer the surface structures ofgreat organizations to your organization.You can't transplant a tree withoutincluding the roots.

    That explains why so many attempts atimitating the observable behaviors ofexcellence uncovered by researchers like

    Tom Peters and Peter Drucker often fail.The deep, inner mental structures thatneed to be present in the organization'sleaders are left out. (The description ofprofound knowledge in Dr. Deming'sforthcoming book, The New Economics, isa delightful exception to this trend.)

    Sadly, it's often by design that such innermental structures are excluded. InInnovation and Entrepreneurship Druckerstates up front:

    "This book . . . does not talk of thepsychology . . . of entrepreneurs; it talks oftheir actions and behavior."

    Drucker rightfully excludes psychologybecause up to now it has failed to offerleaders practical solutions.

    "We shal l require

    a subs tantia lly

    new manner of

    th ink ing i fmank ind is to


    Albert Einstein

  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-29996

    When executives learn to improvethinking skills, many of the previouslyhidden mental resources of top leadersbecome learnable. And then innerresources are more fully available for theachievement of personal andorganizational vision.

    PRESENTATION AND MEDIA strategieshelp executives reach people throughouthis or her organization to keep the visionalive and perpetuate organizationalvalues. As organizations are increasinglymade up of people who work in manydifferent places, an executive's capacity tocommunicate with them through mediatechnology is crucial.

    O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L LEARNING hasmicro and macro strategies. The micro-strategies include problem solving,planning, managing performance,developing organizational talent, andmeeting strategies. The macro-strategiesinclude structural change, mission andvision, corporate culture change, anddeep structure interventions such as thetransformation of organizationalmetaphors and organizational myths.Organizational learning strategies, whenaccompanied by deep structure thinkingskills and high quality relationships, willincrease your organization's effectiveness

    at being a learning organization.

    RELATIONSHIP SKILLS are so importantthat they alone make up one-third of theoverall program. Relationship skillsnurture the social context in which allorganizations function. The leader mustorchestrate a context to which peoplewant to belong. How each person in yourorganization feels in his or her body aboutyou will influence how the changing tasksat hand get done.

    Change cannot thrive without its everpresent twin: stability. Each persondesires a balance of both change andstability. If relationships are high-qualityand stable then change is free to reign inthe task related areas of work life.However if relationships are not stable . . that is, if they are shallow, changing andlow-quality, then people desire stability intheir tasks they want to do the same old

    thinking and way of life. These deepstructure patterns are represented onpage 2 as the tree of leadershipknowledge.


    P E R S O N A L CHANGE too often is

    associated with difficult struggles.Winston Churchill struggled so terriblywith his personal change issues that hisdeep depressions would keep himisolated and incapacitated for weeks at atime. With systematic training in deepstructure personal change strategies,leaders can learn to solve problems andbring about the inner harmony, personalfulfillment and genuine happiness that areall too elusive for most of them.

    NEGOTIATION refers to a number ofactivities that resolve conflicts and buildteamwork. Direct negotiation is somethingthat leaders engage in daily. Mediation isnegotiation with a third party assisting inthe process. Thomas J. Watson, Jr., whoheaded IBM from 1955 to 1970, used over25 percent of his time mediating conflictswith people from lower levels of theorganization through their "open door"p o l i c y. Negotiation strategies areespecially needed in organizations withmatrix structures, self-managing work

    teams and clusters, or to transformtraditional hierarchies into these and otherorganizational structures that create moreparticipation. Executives who are superbnegotiators and mediators enhancerelationships, make deals and facilitatethe development of an organization thatlearns.

    THINKING SKILLS are the foundation forthe whole Mastering Leadership program.Direct education and detailed training inthinking skills makes up about one third of

    the program and are prerequisites for allof the other skills. Our deep structureapproach to thinking skills emphasizesbecoming conscious of inner facets ofthinking. Once participants becomeconscious of their inner deep structuresthey can choose the default settings ofthose structures, so that certain thinkingpatterns occur automatically in situationsof their choice.

    "The change

    required is

    transformation in

    industry,education and

    governm ent. The


    must be led by top


    W. Edward s


  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-29997

    culture are developed. These small-scaleancient cultures still exist today and theyhave much to teach us about how todevelop effective and enlightenedcorporate cultures for the 21st century.

    We will become, during the training, alearning community . . . a kind of village

    for accelerated change and mastery ofleadership. We will accomplish this byincorporating some of the methods smallscale cultures use, appropriately adaptedfor us.

    DEMONSTRATIONSThe program faculty and guest experts willdemonstrate, on the spot, powerful innerand outer leadership skills for you to learn.They will also use demonstrations onvideotape.

    LECTURESProgram faculty will offer key ideas in theform of mini-lectures that integrateknowledge from many different fields in away that enhances leadership.

    SMALL GROUP EXERCISESThrough small group exercises you'llpractice the demonstrated skills andstrategies, so you can transfer them tothe real world. Real world interactionsmay include situations such as: recruiting,

    selection, regular meetings, interactionswith politicians, media interviews,mediation of conflicts, policy decisions,team-building opportunities, contractnegotiation, internal self-conflict,implementing quality programs,stimulating innovation, performanceplanning and evaluation.

    ONE-ON-ONE COACHING EXERCISESA coach provides direction for practicingthe skills and strategies of MasteringLeadership for application in the real


    HIDDEN COACH EXERCISESThe hidden coach provides challengingand useful directions to perform inner andouter skills.SKILL LAYERING EXERCISESParticipants will practice adding layer afterlayer of skills to realistic situations.

    thing, fearing change. Therefore, createstable, high-quality relationships tobalance the ever-changing approachesthat are required for bringing aboutextraordinary events of quality, innovation,excellence and service.


    The new scientific revolution revealsmany previously hidden skills of leaders.However, knowing what they are is notenough! Knowing how to learn them is thenext step. What's needed is a technologyof learning.

    A technology is an endeavor whosepatterns have been made explicit.Electronics is a technology because thedynamics of electron flow have beenmade explicit with scientific research inphysics. The patterns made explicit inorganic chemistry led to the technology ofplastics. And detailed, effective learningtechnology has emerged primarilybecause of discoveries in the field ofneuro-linguistic programming, also knownas NLP.

    Training and Development Journal saidthat: ". . . what has NLP got thathumanistic psychology, organizationaldevelopment practice and prevailing

    training theories lack? A set of techniquesfor making changes . . . usually quicklyand, at times, dramatically. During thelast 15 years, NLP researchers havedeveloped many of the specific learningtechniques used in Mastering Leadership.Now you and your organization can usethis technology of learning to facilitateyour journey on the path of leadership.The primary technologies of learning thatwe will use in Mastering Leadership aredescribed below.


    Henry Ford said, ". . . mankind was oncewiser . . . than we are today. What we nowonly believe, they knew."Ancient cultures have spent thousands ofyears developing profound knowledge ofthe social context in which learning,relationships and sustainable high-quality

    " The abi l i ty to

    learn faster than

    your com pet itors

    may be the onlysustainable

    compet i t ive


    Ari e De Geus

    Dutch Royal/Shell

  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-29999

    THE EXPERTS Words, theories andconcepts are insufficient. You needexperts to demonstrate each set of skills.With an expert model you see and hearprecisely what to practice.

    THE ATTITUDE Envisioning the processyou are engaged in - your path of mastery- gives you both the awareness of the goaland knowledge of the journey. A centralrequirement for mastering complex skills

    is loving the plateau. The path of masteryis a journey of practicing the details,engaging in what master dog-sled racerSusan Butcher calls "a labor of love" . . .practicing for the sake of practicing.

    THE LEARNING T E C H N O L O G Y Yo uneed to know how to practice the details.An advanced learning technology bringsout the whole range of your inner andouter capacities for learning the skills thatyou are practicing. Systematic disciplinedpractice of the detailed, fundamental skills

    is as necessary for mastering leadershipas it is for mastering golf, tennis, a musicalinstrument, marriage or any othercomplex human endeavor - even life itself.

    The pages that follow describe theleadership skills you will master as a resultof this program.

    and effortless joy, making mistakes andcorrecting them all along the way. Thisuniversal process of natural learning, isthe journey we call the path of mastery.Leadership is a set of skills to be learnedin the same way.

    Mastering leadership, like other complexskills in sports, music or martial arts,consists of reaching a series of levels.And to reach the levels, those who seek to

    master leadership need to practice thedetails.



    You've been a leader for years. You'velearned a lot. And yet you may sense thatthere is much more to learn. The skillsdescribed on the following pages arelearnable skills those skills that make upthe human side of executive performance. . . leadership. If you are actually going to

    master leadership, you need these fourthings.

    THE DESCRIPTION You need adescription of the set of skills that make upleadership. This includes both the outerdimensions of behavior and the innerdimensions of thinking . . . the deepstructure.

    "You h ave the

    same basic brain

    and nervous

    system 'hardw are'as the best top

    leaders, and no w

    you can develop

    the same 'talent'

    they have- their

    mental so ftware."

  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-299910

    more are subject to your first-hand internalevaluation. And once you have thisknowledge, you know intuitively what ittakes to lead that person for optimumresults. This particular part of the deepstructure is one of many learnable thinkingskills that you'll use daily after attendingour Mastering Leadership program for

    senior executives.

    The complexity in our minds must mirrorthe increasing complexity of our outerworld. Practicing the many detailedpatterns within the deep structure helps toachieve this inner complexity.

    The following categories represent theMastering Leadership core competencies,the learning process a participant wouldgo through and the model of inner andouter skills of top leaders from around theworld.


    Learn how to master problem-solving,planning and decision-making.

    Learn to fine-tune your internal feelings,sounds and images as easily as turningthe knobs on a stereo system.

    Learn how "special effects" in the visual,

    auditory or feeling realm can enhanceyour thinking and performance.

    Anchoring - Reproduce feeling states ofexcellence and transfer them to situationswhere those feelings are desired.

    Circuitry sensing - Learn to recognizeand respond to subtle body cues from theinner wisdom of your deep structure. Focused states - Reproduce the periodsof focused concentration that all masterleaders have in common.

    Beliefs: understand deeply-held beliefsthat may be hindering your performanceand learn how to change them.


    Achieve clarity . . . create peace of mindin a world of chaos.


    To master leadership, you must firstmaster your thinking skills. The inner skillsof thinking the deep structures are few innumber yet they exert a profoundinfluence on attitudes, non-verbalbehavior, and decision making.

    Through years of research we havedeveloped specific exercises which willallow you to gain awareness of manyfacets of the deep structure and ultimatelyto achieve mastery of them. Here's just

    one of the deep structure thinking skillsyou can master: An Other Position Shift.

    Master leaders develop the capacity touse imagination and the whole nervoussystem to temporarily become someoneelse - that is, to adopt the specific point ofv i e w, feelings, perceptions, beliefs,desires and needs of another person.Federal Express Chairman, Fred Smithsaid in a recent interview: "One of the bigthings about getting employees involvedis to make them kind of have an "out ofbody" experience to help them look at theworld as a consumer as opposed to aproducer."

    This flight of imagination, when sufficientlydetailed, allows top leaders to gain a deepbody-based knowledge of the other'swhole experience. Images, feelings,beliefs, values, identity, objectives and

    "B alance, next to

    love, is the mo st

    important th ing in

    the wor ld ."

    John Wooden

  • 8/13/2019 Mastering Leadership_other Article


    11 1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-2999

    organization, the world and the future . . .including yourself.


    Discover the origin of your hiddendefinitions of self and how to changethem.

    Learn to fully experience the fivedifferent perceptual positions used bymaster leaders to gain intuition about

    people (and themselves).

    Learn the deep structure pattern thatmakes master entrepreneurs like StewLeonard so intensely concerned withcustomers . . . and learn how it can boost

    your business.

    Differentiate between those qualities of aperson that are learned and those that arepart of each person's inherent nature.

    Determine your deep goals . . . andknow, perhaps for the first time, exactlyhow to reach them.

    Discover the state of mind and body thatis the deep essence of many of the worldsreligions . . . and great organizations.

    Learn to sub-consciously adjust your

    self-boundaries and to expand (or shrink)your "circle of leadership" whenever youchoose.

    Optimization of a system through shiftsin perceptual positions and self-boundaries. The resulting profoundknowledge and deep wisdom contrastssharply with the thinking that maximizes asingle or limited set of objectives (MBO).


    Consider what normally happens when anadult greets a baby . . . even a stranger'sb a b y. The adult becomes somehowdifferent . . . softer, more open, certainlyquite sensitive to the needs of this younghuman being. What happens is that theadult perceives the baby's inherentpositive nature he or she possesses. Andif left alone with the baby, the adult

    Create alignment between thinkingmodes and perceptual positions.

    Mission Alignment: Create alignmentbetween your organizational mission, your

    personal mission and your deeply heldvalues.

    Make sure your desired state of mind ispresent now, as a means to achieveaccomplishments rather than having sucha state happen later, as a reward forachieving accomplishments.

    Neuro-logical levels use the natural,multilayered architecture of the deepstructure.

    Develop an almost unnaturally powerfulmemory through a keen knowledge of"logical levels".

    Create a harmonious relationshipbetween your conscious mind and yourdeep structure.

    Learn how to fully internalize the rulesyou believe in . . . and how to decide aboutthe exceptions to those rules.


    Gain an understanding of the "inner

    architecture" of human beings . . . whatmakes us tick, how we make meaning andtherefore how to create profound change,including the work of George Lakoff, MarkJohnson and Charles Faulkner.

    Learn to choose the underlyingstructures of your values and beliefs tobetter serve you.

    Learn to organize your inner world intolevels and categories that greatly expandyour thinking capacities

    Recognize and choose the metaphorsyou use to increase the complexity of yourthinking.

    Determine your personal mission andhow to live that mission

    Discover how people organize theirapproaches to self, relationships, the

    "L eadership is

    enabl ing every

    voice to f lour ish,

    f ind ing newchords and


    Thomas J.

    Savage, S.J.

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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-2999

    normally takes on a commitment to thebaby's safety and well-beingautomatically.

    This same commitment, understanding,and quality of service exists in the greatorganizations.

    Master leader, Sam Walton says: "This isstill the most important thing I do, goingaround to the stores, and I'd rather do itthan anything I know of." Mr. Walton loveshis people and his people's love of theircustomers has made Wa l t o n ' sorganization the most successful retailerin history. At Hallmark Cards, Hewlett-Packard and other excellent companies,it's the same story.

    When customers feel more nurtured,valued, respected and cared for . . . theycome back for more. So sacred, high-quality human relationships are goodbusiness.

    No matter what the product or service anorganization provides, its top priority

    should be the quality of its humanrelationships.

    The quality of relationships shows up inevery communication, good or bad inevery promise made or broken, in everyneed satisfied, denied or left unfulfilled.High-quality relationships are based ontrust, not contracts, and are a foundation


    Excel lence comes

    from a never-

    ending journey

    taken in l i t t lesteps. That

    journey is cal led

    Mastery. Mastery

    of leadership is

    creating a context



    events occur


    for leadership. These human relationshipslead to quality, service and innovation outof a deep concern for the well-being ofcustomers and the larger community inwhich we live.

    As a participant in Mastering Leadershipyou will learn the inner skills of thinking,

    feeling and knowing that bring about high-quality relationships. Of course,relationships cannot be reduced to a set oftechniques. Mastering the art of effectiverelationships, like mastering any art,requires both the practicing of techniques(until they are automatic) and expressingone's self naturally, from your values.

    Each participant will have ampleopportunities to practice relationship skills.Plus, we'll all learn from one another.Moreover, you'll learn how to engenderrelationships of high-quality throughoutyour organization.


    Learn to be a great persuader with verbalpresuppositions and implications.

    Master the language patterns ofeffectively influencing and motivating


    Become a master questioner.

    Learn question-asking skills for "gettingto the heart" of any problem.


    Learn simple techniques to adapt topeople in other cultures and subcultures.

    Understand the deep structures of thevariables in their culture setting.

    Read non-verbal body cues todetermine: -Emotions -Thinking modes -Self Boundaries -Self Positions -DeepMetaphors.

    Create alignment between personalmission, departmental mission, andorganizational mission in each person.

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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-2999

    Learn to communicate with intuition,charisma and integrity.

    Develop personal charisma by aligningthe messages of voice, body and words.

    Build immediate trust through non-verbalbehavior.

    Know how to make others feel better andmore productive.

    Transform others' upset feelings inseconds with deep structure patterns andsimple non-verbal pacing and leading.


    Learn methods to elicit and understandpeople's specific values and deep criteria.

    Elicit from people their criteria of

    excellence for tasks and relationships.

    Examine your personal criteria ofexcellence for relationships.

    Call forth relationship criteria.

    Storytelling: Parables with a purpose.

    Deep structure strategies for enhancingrelationships.

    How to encourage perceptual position

    shifts in others.

    When to encourage boundary shifts.

    Ways to encourage a well-formed,accurate self-definition.

    Framing skills to creating meaning in acontext.

    Learn about problem frames versusoutcome frames.

    How to enter another's metaphoric world.

    How to engage in another's deep thoughtprocess.

    How to identify and utilize anotherperson's deep structure rules.

    Humor - Arrange your own deep structure


    so humor occurs naturally in your ownstyle.

    How to develop a way to get others todeal with issues in the relationship.

    Use your own deep structures toautomatically guide your behavior.


    Why engage in personal change? Yoursuccess is evident and secure. And yet,why are so many executives unfulfilled with

    their lives as whole human beings?

    Leadership researcher Jan Halper found,in her exhaustive study of executives, aprofound need for change. Of 1349 seniorexecutives interviewed, 68 percentreported being happy in their professionalives but they felt their family life sufferedas a result.In the middle of a changing world, there isso much to re-examine on a personal level.Any personal changes you make internallywill ripple out to every bay and cove in yourorganization.

    Think of your body and mind as anorganization. One hundred trillion cells andten billion neurons are organized in such away as to constitute your nervous system.

    This internal organization of a humanbeing has many divisions, departments,supervisors, workers as well as a "senior

    "Leaders w ho

    seek to lead into

    the 21st century

    must st im ulatechange. And th e

    ski l ls of change

    start with personal


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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-299914

    Specify the evidence to let you knowyou're achieving your mission.

    Negotiate internally to create innerharmony and outer charisma.

    Use body movements to systematicallyenhance your thinking and state of



    Root out the "bugs" in your personalhistory to add resources to an imperfectpast and dramatically increase yourflexibility as a leader and as a person.

    Locate and transform troublingmemories.

    Utilize your own inner "time line" toreprogram your brain and create yourdesired future.

    Learn how to "clone" the thoughtpatterns of master leaders.


    Become more open to differences inpeople . . . giving you a greater capacity to

    deal with the increase of cultural diversityin the workplace.

    Take on the behavioral patterns of yourpersonal heroes by incorporating theirdeep structure.

    Create a new self-definition based onyour personal mission.C R E ATE MORE VIBRANT PH Y SI C A LHEALTH

    Learn strategies for personal health and

    physical well-being.

    Use imagery to address commonphysical problems.

    Learn to increase your energy level.


    Make fundamental decisions that will

    executive" known as the conscious mind.The relationship between the "seniorexecutive of the self" . . . the consciousmind, and the rest of you, is similar toanother relationship. It's like therelationship between the leader and his orher organization. The executive providesvision, direction, conflict mediation,

    service, and rallying support.

    The energy, the power, and the work toget things done for customers, lies withinthe lower levels of the organization. Andthe power to actually bring about personalchange does not rest with the consciousmind. Beneath the conscious mind andour outward behavior is the deepstructure. What is within the deepstructure?

    1) Capacities of imagination in all thesenses the deep thinking modes.

    2) Schemes of organization such asmyths and neurological levels the deepmetaphors.

    3) Identity functions such as self-definitions, self-boundaries, self-positionsand the deep self.

    4) Spiritual dimensions still uncharted . . .

    And interwoven through these structuresare a series of rules that relate thestructures to one another, forming a wholeparadigm. You can learn to change yourrules and thus re-design your mentalsoftware.

    At any level of functioning, we can becontrolled by the programming we've hadin the past. Or we can do something else,we can design and orchestrate our owninner and outer functioning according toboundless possibilities.


    Learn a comprehensive strategy forpersonal change.

    Define your personal mission - a six-stepstrategy. Set visionary goals for living yourmission.

    "Leaders wh o

    seek to lead the

    flexible learnin g

    organizations ofthe 21st century

    mus t be master

    negotiators and


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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-299915

    departmental disputes all representopportunities for the master mediator.

    The effective mediation of disputes formsthe heart of successful corporate culturessuch as Marion Merrell Dow and IBM,where open-door policies for solvingproblems make mediation necessary.

    Gossip and backstabbing criticismtowards decision makers vanish whenexecutives are able to orchestrate acontext where criticism "goes up." In thewords of master leader Ewing Kauffman:"Make complaints up the ladder, notsideways or down, because it's the onlyway to get action."

    Since the crucial variables that make anynegotiation successful are in the minds ofthe participants, deep structure variablesare incorporated into the negotiationstrategies offered in MasteringLeadership.

    The negotiation and mediation strategiesyou learn during the two-week programwill work effectively in any situation youare likely to encounter especially thosethat have been traditionally difficult toresolve permanently.


    Master the seven-step negotiation andmediation strategy.

    Understand how to win with fairness.

    Gain "leverage" with those who are more"powerful''.

    Develop criteria for a successfulnegotiation. Learn to deal effectively with difficultnegotiators.

    Become expert at recognizingnegotiation moves and planning countermoves.


    Determine the range of possibleagreements that are acceptable to you. Know whether to negotiate yourself, usea representative or get a mediator.

    reduce stress in your life.

    Learn to accurately interpret themeaning of body feelings of stress anddeal with them directly and wisely.

    Develop creative states of mind that willalter your responses to situations that

    used to really bother you.


    Executives participate in a world of

    constant negotiating. Included in thisworld are family members, friends,investors, government off i c i a l s ,associates, customers, vendors, jointventure partners, competitors, interest-group representatives and others. Eachcontact is an opportunity, and witheffective negotiating those opportunitiescan bear fruit for all concerned, they canbe extraordinary events.And then there are cross-culturalnegotiations. Because the businessenvironment today is planetary, the ability

    to negotiate successfully with people froma diversity of cultures is essential as well.

    In addition to negotiating, executivesencounter opportunities to mediateconflicts and create a culture of team-workand nurturing, effective relationships.That's where effective mediating skillscome in. Labor/management disputes,"subordinate" conflicts and inter-

    "Make com plaintsup th e ladder, not

    s ideways or dow n,

    because it 's theonly way to g etaction."

    Ewing K auf fman

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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-299916

    for negotiation and mediation.

    Use categories of options to increase therange of possible creative solutions todeadlocks.

    Induce creative states of mind forinventing creative solutions - ones that

    surprise you.

    Learn when to use analogies, similarsituations and deep metaphors to createoptions.


    Find potential dovetails when theoutcomes of each person are different.

    Use deep structure skills to makeeffective decisions.

    Learn to evaluate your options inrelation to objectives, resources andobjections.

    Respond effectively to people whonegotiate in bad faith.


    How to develop scheduling, verificationand reporting methods to specify and

    monitor the implementation of thenegotiation.

    How to build flexibility into thenegotiation.

    Overcome key obstacles toimplementation. Master worst-case planning proceduresto eliminate future objections.


    Understand and use the deep structuredifferences that exist in people from othercultures such as time perception, use ofspace, action sequences, and normallyhidden criteria for a business relationship.

    Explore cultural differences forconducting business with people fromother cultures.

    Use deep structure skills in yourpreparation to develop the quality ofrelationships that form the basis of anysuccessful negotiation.

    Learn the Best Alternative To aNegotiated Agreement to be on an equalfooting in any negotiation.

    Learn how to use emotion in anegotiation setting.


    Implicitly and explicitly establish theground rules for the negotiation.

    Develop success criteria while agreeingto agree.

    Utilize a technique to keep thenegotiation on track.

    Know how to make the physical settingconducive to a successful negotiation.

    Create guidelines based on fairness,principle and everyone winning.


    Learn how to separate positions andinterests into outcomes.

    Master the values question-askingpatterns that allow you to focus in on anyaspect of a person's outcome.

    Know how to loosen someone from anentrenched position.

    Learn how to deal with objections andcriticism.

    Master a simple technique topersuasively encourage the other person

    to see, feel and understand youroutcomes.

    Tailor your communication to the deepstructures of the other person


    Cutting-edge brainstorming techniques

    "Leaders w ho

    seek to maintain

    the miss ion must

    connectconstant ly wi th

    the ir w hole


    th rough presen ta -

    t ions and media."

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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-299917

    This means observing master speakers tolearn subtle aspects of verbal and non-verbal behavior. Then you'll practice andlearn, in a comfortable and non-threatening environment, those patternsof communication that separate averagespeakers from the masters.


    In 1947, John Watson, Sr. gave frequentin-house telephone broadcasts to tens ofthousands of employees at IBMsimultaneously. This constant connectionbetween the leader and the groupmaintained IBM's mission and revitalizedtheir values, on the way to IBM becomingthe world's most profitable company.

    R e m a r k a b l y, in 1947, there were novideotapes, no cellular phones, nocassette tapes, no tele-conferencingsystems and no personal computers. Mr.Watson had to creatively use the availablemedia system in ways no business leaderbefore him had ever done.


    How often do you and your people need torespond to media questions? What do you

    do when something appears in the mediathat pertains to your organization?

    To d a y, both knowledge of the mediabusiness and mastery of communicationskills are essential. With the knowledgeand skills you'll learn, in the use of mediatechnology, you can carry your messageto your organization and in fact, to theentire community. What a powerfuladvantage that will give you!


    How to design a presentation sequencethat will facilitate understanding andaction. Use deep structure skills to know theneeds and desires of the participants.

    Mental rehearsal techniques forbecoming systematically spontaneous

    Learn how sub-cultures within thediversified workplace negotiate differently.Study the work of anthropologists EdwardT. Hall and Judith Ann DeLozier.


    Have you ever seen a master speakerhold an audience spellbound? Have youheard people say: "What charisma thatspeaker has?" Did you know charisma is alearnable skill? Charisma is theexceptional ability to secure otherpeople's devotion or loyalty. It has at least

    two parts.

    Charisma has an outer dimension. Thequalities of voice and movement, theskillful use of space and pause, thelanguage patterns of eloquence , all carrytheir own messages. When all of thesemessage systems work in harmony, theeffect is like a symphony.

    Charisma also has an inner dimension,the deep structure of charisma. No matteryour current skill-level as a presenter,

    upon completion of the program, you'llreturn to your organization anaccomplished, more charismatic leader.

    Mastering presentation skills isaccomplished by practicing the details. InMastering Leadership, you'llsystematically study the behavioral anddeep structure skills of master presenters.

    Treat others -



    suppl iers, or otherassociates - the

    same as you

    would want to be

    treated an

    indiv idu al, with

    integri ty, trust and


    Ewing K auf fman

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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-299918

    How to communicate with the camera sothat your natural (or learned) charismacomes across.


    How to use media to communicate withand unify your people.

    How to prepare for media interviews.

    Perpetuate your mission, organizationalvalues and vision with media technology.


    There's a management and leadershiptransformation sweeping the globe andthe leaders recognize this early will helptheir organizations thrive in such anenvironment.

    In 10 or 20 years the followingcharacteristics will be commonplace inbusinesses that make it:

    1) Organizations will occupy specialized

    niches in the diverse global businessecosystem.

    2) Autonomous, self-managing workteams and intrapreneurial, small-scalebusiness groups will search out, createand occupy these niches.

    3) Each person in the organization will

    and resourceful in front of an audience.

    Understand available options to increaseflexibility in your presentation.

    Learn techniques to model and emulatethe verbal, nonverbal and deep structure

    patterns of master presenters.


    Learn to master the verbal and non-verbal patterns of charisma andeloquence.

    Learn to use the deep structure patternsof charisma.

    Practice ways to naturally foster emotionin others about your vision for theorganization.

    Learn to recognize non-verbal feedbackso your presentation becomes aresponsive "conversation" with eachmember of the audience.

    Enhance the sense of group identity andtogetherness with deep structuretechniques.


    Overview the technology available foruse inside your organization.

    What media technology to use in yourorganization. The future of media technology inbusiness.

    How to go public with information.

    Media coverage - explore the differencebetween news and publicity.

    News anchor skills adapted for thesenior executive.

    Deep structure patterns to use when infront of the camera.

    Script writing - how to prepare yourscript.

    " I f we don't

    change our

    direct ion, we're

    l ikely to end upwhere we're


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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc., 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404, Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339-2990 Fax: 415 339-299919

    Performance evaluation.

    Reverse the Peter Principle with deepstructure techniques.


    Doing a deep structure assessment.

    Create a climate for development andlearning.

    Orchestrate a social environment safefor risk-taking, challenge and flexibility.


    Increase productivity.

    Control information.

    Get a valuable contribution from the"quiet" person.

    Keep meetings on track.


    Structure change strategies.

    Learn to manage the organizationalstructure continuum from hierarchy to

    matrix to self-managing teams to clusters

    Discover any relationship limitationsinherent in your corporate physicalarchitecture and how to correct them


    Create a shared vision and mission.

    Learn the crucial difference between avision and a mission.

    Create a mission that operates as aflexible "constitution" to guide theorganization with a common purpose.

    Mission alignment.


    Rituals for groups that lead to enhancedworking relationships and group identity.

    experience a deep consistency betweenhis or her own mission, the mission of thebusiness group, and the mission of thewhole organization.

    4) Innovation, quality, excellence andservice will grow in a steady, masterycurve.

    5) People will bring about a "learningculture" in their organizations wherepeople throughout the organizationparticipate fully.

    6) New paradigms of organizationalstructure will evolve that are as differentfrom a matrix as a matrix is from atraditional hierarchy.

    To bring about this state of affairs, seniorexecutives will coach, stimulate, catalyze,and propose visions. They'll see the bigpicture, build community, work to solve theproblems of the 21st century and leadeach person to be a leader. When a wholeorganization can learn how to learn, thesecharacteristics will develop naturally.Imagine the challenge, creativity and funyou'll have when you learn specificstrategies for creating thesecharacteristics in your organization in the1990's and beyond.


    Learn both analytical and non-analyticalmethods for synthesis of information.

    Survey the range of visual analyticaltools for deciphering the nature ofcomplex problems.


    Learn strategies for the short term, thelong term and the very long term.

    Execution and delegation methods thatuse deep structure methods.

    Learn how to plan with multi level loyalty.


    Performance planning and coaching.

    With a new worldof bus iness

    emerging, being a

    leader is not ju stabout prof i tabi l i ty ,competi t iveness,

    strategic planning ,team b uild ing,re-engineering,

    management, totalquality , etc. Its all

    of that, and it'smuch more.

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    1997 Management Communication Systems Inc 4000 Bridgeway Suite 404 Sausalito CA94965 Tel: 415 339 2990 Fax: 415 339 2999

    What kinds of relationships arenecessary to create that future?

    While the community spirit of your groupgrows, each person can shape the visionof the organization and the relationshipsneeded to help make that vision come

    true. Once that happens, then you are onthe path to mastering the kind ofleadership needed to create a special kindof organization - one based on thedeepest values of its staff and thecustomers they serve.

    Understanding the matrix of culturalvariables.

    Design a corporate culture that fits whatyou and your people want.


    Organizational metaphors - detect andchange harmful ones.

    Learn from ancient, small-scale cultures.

    Learn strategies to spread values,thinking patterns and behavior consistentwith your vision and mission.

    Learn how to engender healthy deepstructure thinking skills throughout yourorganization.


    With a new world of business emerging,being a leader is not just aboutp r o f i t a b i l i t y, competitiveness, strategicplanning, team building, reengineering,management, total quality, etc. Its all ofthat, and it's much more. If you arelooking for ways to create leaders andteams of leaders throughout yourorganization, then we have something for


    Choose to work with us and you willembark on an exciting journey. MasteringLeadership is a process, not a program,that helps leaders transform theirorganizations by using their own deeplyheld values, their deep structure as aguide.

    You and your colleagues will focus on howto access and develop your vitalleadership capabilities. Youll explore the

    the primary inner capabilities. Youll alsodevelop and practice certain outercapabilitiesthose most needed by yourparticular group.

    Additionally, youll explore two questions:

    What is my desired future, both for myselfand the organization?

    While thecommuni ty sp ir it

    of your group

    grow s, eachperson can shapethe vis ion of theorganization andthe relat ionship sneeded to help

    make that vis ioncome true.