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MASERATI QUATTROPORTE s - … · maserati north america, inc. · 250 sylvan avenue · englewood cliffs, nj 07632

Sep 03, 2018



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Page 1: MASERATI QUATTROPORTE s - … · maserati north america, inc. · 250 sylvan avenue · englewood cliffs, nj 07632

M A S E R A T I N O R T H A M E R I C A , I N C . · 2 5 0 S Y L V A N A V E N U E · E N G L E W O O D C L I F F S , N J 0 7 6 3 2

W W W . M A S E R A T I A M E R I C A . C O M · 1 - 8 7 7 · M Y M A S E R A T I

M A S E R A T I Q U A T T R O P O R T E • M A S E R A T I Q U A T T R O P O R T E s

Page 2: MASERATI QUATTROPORTE s - … · maserati north america, inc. · 250 sylvan avenue · englewood cliffs, nj 07632

“I ’ v e r a c e d a n d w o n I n c a r s o f a l l m a r q u e s b u t I a l w a y s h a d

a s p e c I a l r e l a t I o n s h I p w I t h m a s e r a t I: n o t o n l y w e r e t h e c a r s

s a f e, r e l I a b l e a n d a l wa y s a b s o l u t e l y t e c h n I c a l l y ava n t- g a r d e,

b u t t h e r e w a s a v e r y s p e c I a l f r I e n d s h I p a n d a t m o s p h e r e

b e t w e e n m y s e l f a n d t h e m a r q u e e. I f e l t c o m p l e t e l y a t h o m e.”

J u a n m a n u e l f a n g I o

Page 3: MASERATI QUATTROPORTE s - … · maserati north america, inc. · 250 sylvan avenue · englewood cliffs, nj 07632

Maserati takes pride in the ongoing italian tradition of the design and construction of superb autoMobiles.

a tradition of striving for perfection in every detail, enabling drivers to experience the power of thoroughbred

engines while enjoying coMfort and bespoke luxury. each Maserati is a testaMent to a 95 year history of unrivalled

racing achieveMents, exquisite interiors, and unMistakable, stylish design. every Maserati eMbodies these principles

and benefits froM an unMatched heritage while showcasing the best of italian design and craftsManship.

M a s e r a t i. e x c e l l e n c e t h r o u g h p a s s i o n.

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M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e .

d r i v i n g i n i t s M o s t e x Q u i s i t e f o r M .

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p h e n o M e n a l p o W e r, i n s p i r e d h a n d l i n g, s u M p t u o u s l u x u r Y, a n d t h e g r a t i f Y i n g K n o W l e d g e t h a t W h a t e v e r Y o u r d e s t i n a t i o n

Y o u ’ l l a r r i v e i n s t Y l e. t h i s i s W h a t t h e M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e a s s u r e s i t s o W n e r s – t h e f o r t u n a t e f e W. M a s e r a t i ’ s f l a g s h i p

i s u n i Q u e i n i t s a B i l i t Y t o B l e n d a l l t h e Q u a l i t i e s o f a l u x u r Y s e d a n W i t h t h e u n c o M p r i M i s i n g p e r f o r M a n c e a n d d r i v i n g

e x h i l a r a t i o n o f a h i g h p e r f o r M a n c e g r a n d t o u r i n g c a r. n o W M a s e r a t i e x p a n d s t h e Q u a t t r o p o r t e f a M i l Y o f l u x u r Y

s p o r t s s e d a n s W i t h t h e a d d i t i o n o f t h e n e W Q u a t t r o p o r t e s. t h e Q u a t t r o p o r t e r e t a i n s t h e 4 0 0 h o r s e p o W e r 4 . 2 l i t e r v 8,

W h i l e t h e Q u a t t r o p o r t e s r e c i e v e s a f o r M i d a B l e n e W v e r s i o n o f t h i s e n g i n e, e n l a r g e d t o 4 . 7 l i t e r s W i t h 4 2 5 h o r s e p o W e r.

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M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e • 4 . 2 l i t e r v 8 • v e r d e d e e p e M e r a l d

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M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e s • 4 . 7 l i t e r v 8 • g r i g i o a l f i e r i


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s t Y l e t h a t t r a n s c e n d s f a s h i o n

a n d s t a n d s t h e t e s t o f t i M e.

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t h e M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e ’ s e x t e r i o r i s t h e W o r K o f t h e u n r i v a l l e d d e s i g n h o u s e p i n i n f a r i n a , a n d r e f l e c t s t h e c a r ’ s c h a r a c t e r t o p e r f e c t i o n .

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i t s s t Y l e a n d e l e g a n c e a r e c o M B i n e d W i t h a M u s c u l a r p r e s e n c e t h a t B e g i n s W i t h t h e c o n v e x v e r t i c a l s l a t s i n t h e f r o n t g r i l l e a n d e x t e n d s

a l l t h e W a Y d o W n t h e s i d e s t o t h e t a i l l i g h t s . B i - x e n o n h e a d l i g h t s , W i d e W h e e l a r c h e s , a n d a l o n g , a e r o d Y n a M i c n o s e s e r v e t o s Y M B o l i z e t h e

Q u a t t r o p o r t e ’ s p e r f o r M a n c e – a n d p r o v i d e a c l e a r i n d i c a t i o n o f t h e p o t e n c Y t h a t e x i s t s u n d e r n e a t h t h e h o o d o f t h i s M a s e r a t i M a s t e r p i e c e.

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e x Q u i s i t e d e t a i l i n g.











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t h e e x c e p t i o n a l e x t e r i o r d e s i g n o f t h e M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e i s c o M p l e M e n t e d B Y t h e e x Q u i s i t e i n t e r i o r . i t a l i a n c r a f t s M a n s h i p , Q u a l i t Y

a n d d e s i g n a r e d i s p l a Y e d t h r o u g h e l e g a n t W o o d t r i M a n d s o f t p o l t r o n a f r a u® l e a t h e r , a d e l i g h t t o t o u c h a n d t o s M e l l . t h e e x t e n s i v e

r a n g e o f c o l o r s , t r i M s a n d o p t i o n s a v a i l a B l e c a n M a K e e a c h Q u a t t r o p o r t e t r u l Y u n i Q u e . t h e s u M p t u o u s i n t e r i o r a d d s t o t h e l u x u r Y a n d

s o p h i s t i c a t i o n o f t h e M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e .

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M a r r o n e c o r n i o l a l e a t h e r W i t h p o l i s h e d W e n g É W o o d t r i M a n d o p t i o n a l s t e e r i n g c o l u M n - M o u n t e d s h i f t p a d d l e s

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p u r c h a s i n g a M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e M e a n s c h o o s i n g t h e v e r Y B e s t . i t i s a s t a t e M e n t o f p e r s o n a l s t Y l e a n d u n W i l l i n g n e s s

t o c o M p r o M i s e . i t i s a c e l e B r a t i o n o f p o W e r a n d p e r f o r M a n c e t h a t t u r n s e v e r Y d a Y d r i v e s i n t o e x h i l a r a t i n g e x p e r i e n c e s.


o p t i o n a l r e a r t a B l e s

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s u p e r i o r p e r f o r M a n c e.











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a t t h e h e a r t o f t h e Q u a t t r o p o r t e l i e s t h e l e g e n d a r Y M a s e r a t i v 8 e n g i n e , n o W a v a i l a B l e i n t W o v e r s i o n s : t h e 4 0 0 h p 4 . 2 l i t e r u n i t o f t h e Q u a t t r o p o r t e,

a n d t h e M o r e p o W e r f u l 4 2 5 h p 4 . 7 l i t e r u n i t o f t h e Q u a t t r o p o r t e s . i n d e v e l o p i n g t h e l a t t e r , M a s e r a t i ’ s e n g i n e e r s c o n c e n t r a t e d n o t o n

o u t r i g h t p e r f o r M a n c e B u t o n p r o d u c i n g s M o o t h a n d p r o g r e s s i v e d e l i v e r Y – t h e o p t i M u M B a l a n c e B e t W e e n r e s p o n s i v e n e s s a n d d r i v i n g c o M f o r t.

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a u n i Q u e B l e n d o f e l e g a n c e a n d s p o r t i n e s s a l l o W s t h e Q u a t t r o p o r t e t o s t a n d a l o n e i n t h e l u x u r Y s e d a n s e c t o r : W h i l e

c o s s e t e d i n a n o p u l e n t a n d Q u i e t i n t e r i o r B o t h d r i v e r a n d p a s s e n g e r s c a n e n j o Y t h e c a r ’ s i n c o M p a r a B l e d Y n a M i c h a n d l i n g

a n d e f f o r t l e s s r a W p o W e r . p r a i s e d B Y t h e p r e s s a n d a d o r e d B Y i t s o W n e r s , t h e M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e i s W i t h o u t Q u e s t i o n

o n e o f t h e p u r e s t e x p r e s s i o n s o f d r i v i n g p l e a s u r e .




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c o M f o r t i n a c a r M e a n s c o n f i d e n c e i n i t s s a f e t Y.











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p e r f o r M a n c e i s n o t j u s t h o W f a s t Y o u c a n g o , B u t h o W Q u i c K l Y Y o u c a n s t o p a n d h o W W e l l Y o u c a n h a n d l e i n e M e r g e n c Y s i t u a t i o n s;

p e r f o r M a n c e a n d s a f e t Y g o h a n d - i n - h a n d . i n t h i s r e g a r d t h e M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e i s e x c e p t i o n a l , W i t h B r a K i n g p e r f o r M a n c e t h a t r i v a l s

s u p e r c a r s a n d h a n d l i n g t h a t i s e x e M p l a r Y i n i t s s e g M e n t .

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c o M B i n e t h i s e x c e p t i o n a l h a n d l i n g W i t h a s t r u c t u r e t h a t M e e t s o r e x c e e d s c u r r e n t c r a s h t e s t s t a n d a r d s a n d s i x a i r B a g s

a n d t h e M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e a l l o W s t h e d r i v e r a n d p a s s e n g e r s t o r i d e W i t h c o n f i d e n c e .

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a n a d d i t i o n a l a c t i v e s a f e t Y f e a t u r e i s t h e M a s e r a t i s t a B i l i t Y p r o g r a M ( M s p ) - a t r a c t i o n a n d s t a B i l i t Y c o n t r o l s Y s t e M t h a t

i s d e s i g n e d t o i n t e r a c t W i t h t h e a n t i - l o c K B r a K i n g s Y s t e M ( a B s ) , e l e c t r o n i c B r a K e f o r c e d i s t r i B u t i o n ( e B d ) a n d a u t o M a t i c

s l i p r e g u l a t i o n ( a s r ) f u n c t i o n s t o h e l p M a i n t a i n t h e d Y n a M i c B a l a n c e o f t h e c a r i n e x t r e M e c a s e s , o f t e n B e f o r e t h e d r i v e r

e v e n r e a l i z e s t h e r e i s a n e e d .




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BB u i l t t o Y o u r t a s t e.











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e v e r Y Q u a t t r o p o r t e i s B u i l t s p e c i f i c a l l Y t o i t s o W n e r ’ s p a r t i c u l a r t a s t e s . M u c h l i K e a h a n d - M a d e s u i t e a c h Q u a t t r o p o r t e i s c r a f t e d

a c c o r d i n g t o t h e p e r s o n a l r e Q u i r e M e n t s o f i t s o W n e r . a n a l M o s t l i M i t l e s s c h o i c e o f c o l o r a n d t r i M c o M B i n a t i o n s a r e o f f e r e d , g i v i n g

o W n e r s t h e i r a B i l i t Y t o M a K e t h e i r c a r t r u l Y u n i Q u e a n d o n e o f a K i n d .

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W e o f f e r t h e a B i l i t Y t o M a K e e v e r Y M a s e r a t i t r u l Y u n i Q u e B e c a u s e t h e p e o p l e W h o d r i v e t h e M a r e u n i Q u e a s W e l l - d e M a n d i n g

a n d e x a c t i n g i n d i v i d u a l s W i t h u n c o M p r o M i s i n g s t a n d a r d s W h o v i e W e x c l u s i v i t Y a s a n e s s e n t i a l p a r t o f t h e i r l i f e s t Y l e s .

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Quattroporte: 4.2 liter v8 engine. the Quattroporte is equipped with Maserati’s

renowned 4,244 cc v8 engine with wet sump lubrication, designed in collaboration with ferrari. the

90° v8 generates a stirring 400 hp (295 kW), along with generous amounts of torque: 339 lb-ft at 4,750

rpm. the crankcase and cylinder heads are made of an aluminum and silicon alloy, the main crankshaft

is tempered steel, and there are five main bearings for exceptional balance. two chain-driven overhead

camshafts per bank control the timing, and its 32 valves are controlled by hydraulic tappets. the camshafts

on the intake side are fitted with high pressure variable valve timing, with valve actuation times of less

than 0.15 seconds.

t e c h n o l o g Y.











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the ignition and injection systems are fully integrated, with features that help detect operating

malfunctions and provide emissions control. the ecu (electronic control unit) communicates with

the other drive-train systems through a can line (controlled area network) to help optimize engine

management, and the accelerator uses electronic ‘drive by wire’ technology.

all these features combine to deliver exceptional, smooth performance. this Maserati v8 has its own

unique power delivery curve which results in Quattroporte drivers experiencing supreme driving comfort

and an impecably smooth ride combined with stirring performance.

harnessing the prodigious power of the Quattroporte’s engine is a perfectly matched automatic 6-speed

transmission that helps ensure truly effortless gear changing on local roads and in heavy traffic, along with

the option of shifting manually when the opportunity for sportier driving presents itself. the automatic

transmission features six gears: when the overdrive sixth gear is engaged, fuel consumption improves and

sound levels fall. the Quattroporte’s power and performance figures say it all:

Max power: 400 hp (295 kW). top speed: 168 mph. 0 to 60 mph: 5.5 seconds.te





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Quattroporte s: 4.7 liter v8 engine. under the hood of the Quattroporte s is Maserati’s

definitive v8 powerplant: the new 4.7 liter unit that generates 425 hp at 7,000 rpm, and 361 lb-ft of

torque at 4,750 rpm.

identified by its red cylinder head covers, this 4,691 cc engine has been specially developed to boost the

car’s performance and make the Maserati Quattroporte s a totally exhilarating drive. the 447 cc difference

in size versus the Quattroporte’s 4,244 cc engine has been achieved by proportionally increasing both

the bore and stroke of each cylinder. Maserati also paid particular attention to the length of the engine,

allowing it to have a very short piston bore-to-cylinder center ratio. the thin steel cylinder liners are

coated with a low friction compound to maximize the engine’s efficiency, while the 90° crankshaft keeps

vibration levels to a minimum. although designed to produce immense power and a rapid rise and fall

in engine revs – characteristics typical of racing engines – fuel consumption, smooth running, and quiet

operation were also high priorities to engineers of the Quattroporte s.

this remarkable engine manages to produce a massive 82% of its maximum torque at just 2500 rpm. this

translates into exceptional pick-up from low speeds without having to change gears, which in turn means

relaxed and comfortable driving, especially during highway driving. the power and performance figures

of the Quattroporte s are highly impressive:

Max power: 425 hp (317 kW). top speed: 174 mph. 0 to 60 mph: 5.3 seconds.

o p t i o n a l p a d d l e s h i f t e r s M o u n t e d o n c o l u M n o f s t e e r i n g W h e e l .






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autoMatic transMission. in keeping with its role as a luxury sedan, the Quattroporte offers

a six-speed, hydraulic automatic transmission system that is a model of smoothness and refinement. the

collaboration between Maserati and german transmission expert zf has resulted in an exceptionally

flexible and responsive unit that allows changes at engine speeds of up to 7200 rpm.

in normal circumstances, gear shifting is managed automatically, the system’s computer software determines

at what engine speeds the changes are to take place, and how quickly. however, the driver is also given

two options that impact the gearshifting pattern: sport mode and ice mode. By pressing the ‘sport’ button

gearchanges are still managed automatically, but up-shifting happens at higher engine speeds and the

actual changes take place more rapidly creating a sportier drive. the ice mode is used when driving over

low-grip surfaces. to reduce the risk of traction loss, it limits the amount of torque transmitted to the

wheels by activating the asr traction control, and prevents the engine from revving above 3,000 rpm. ice

mode also starts the car off in second gear instead of first, for less wheelspin in inclement conditions.

the transmission also gives the driver complete control over the gearchanging with Manual mode, where

sequential changes are made via the gearstick on the central console for a more sporty, involved style of

driving, or via optional steering wheel-mounted paddle shifters.

in the Quattroporte s, the extra power of the larger 4.7 liter engine is exploited to the fullest, assisted

by upgraded software within the transmission unit. this enhances the car’s acceleration and its sporty

response up through the gears.

Q u a t t r o p o r t e 4 . 2

Q u a t t r o p o r t e s 4 . 7






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g e a r s h i f t K n o B a n d c e n t r a l c o n s o l e

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handling: suspension, traction control and steering. the outstanding

torsional rigidity of the Quattroporte’s unibody leads to superb handling and improved levels of safety –

dynamic aspects of the car that are matched by its ride quality and driving comfort. a highly sophisticated

anti-dive and anti-squat suspension system, with front and rear wishbones, enhances the car’s stability and

safety engineering by preventing the front end from diving during heavy braking, and the rear end from

pitching down under hard acceleration.

recent improvements to the suspension system of the 4.2 liter Quattroporte, along with new settings,

provide extra comfort and provide a very smooth ride, with minimized movement. alternatively,

Maserati’s highly acclaimed skyhook active suspension is available as an option.

the new 4.7 liter Quattroporte s comes with skyhook suspension standard – a system designed to

automatically control the damping and allows the driver to alter the suspension’s behavior. new valve

and damper settings have led to the optimization of the car’s roadholding and responsiveness with the

increased power of the 4.7 liter engine. te





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M a s e r a t i Q u a t t r o p o r t e s s u s p e n s i o n s Y s t e M

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the sKYhooK sYsteM. Maserati’s skyhook system continually monitors and adjusts the suspension

settings via aluminum, gas-filled dampers with proportional valves. the optimum damping rates are

automatically set according to the prevailing road conditions and the current driving style. this provides

a smooth and comfortable ride without sacrificing any sportiness or driver involvement. skyhook uses

sensors that monitor the movements of each wheel and the car’s body; its control unit then analyzes this

information, together with feedback about how the car is being driven, and instantly adjusts the damper

settings by acting on their proportional valves.

in addition, the skyhook system allows the driver to choose the way the suspension behaves with the

option of two different settings: Normal and Sport (selected via the ‘sport’ button). ‘normal’ offers

comparatively soft damping for a more comfortable ride. By pressing the ‘sport’ button, the system

switches to a harder, stiffer set-up that enhances the agility and responsiveness of the car.






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staBilitY control and traction control. the Quattroporte’s dynamic handling is

further assisted by the Maserati stability program, or Msp – an important safety system specially developed

by Maserati that is designed to detect any anomalies in the car’s trajectory, and then activates the brakes or

cuts power from the engine to help restore the car’s equilibrium. this works in conjunction with the anti-

lock Braking system (aBs), electronic Brake force distribution (eBd) and automatic slip regulation

(asr) traction control functions. the Msp can operate in two different modes (sport mode - more

permissive, normal mode - more restrictive), selected by the driver using the ‘sport’ button on the central

console, which simultaneously changes the damper set-up, stability control and gear shifting speed.

steering. steering responsiveness is yet another important part of the Quattroporte’s dynamic appeal.

the electronic servo system helps ensure that the power steering acts in direct proportion to the car’s

speed, so there is always the right amount of ‘feel’ when driving fast, along with light and easy handling

when maneuvering in tight spaces and parking.


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Weight distriBution. crucial to a car’s dynamic handling is its overall balance, which is

optimized in the Quattroporte due to its unique weight distribution. in the Quattroporte the engine is

located behind the front axle, toward the cabin, transferring more weight to the center of the car. With

the transmission located behind the engine the Quattroporte is ideally balanced, with 49% of its weight

at the front and 51% at the back. traction is enhanced due to the additional load over the rear, driving

wheels, improving acceleration and braking perfomance.

Quattroporte BraKing sYsteM. the Maserati Quattroporte’s braking system comprises four

ventilated discs (13 in/330 mm at both the front and rear) with four-piston fixed calipers at the front and

four-piston calipers at the rear. to optimize its performance and stability, the system features aBs which

helps to prevent the wheels from locking during hard braking, and eBd (electronic Brake distribution)

which optimally distributes braking force between the front and rear axles. these are both integrated

into the Maserati stability program (Msp), a control system including features that are instrumental in

shortening stopping distances and helping the driver maintain directional control of the car while braking

hard, even on slippery surfaces. MANCA

Q u a t t r o p o r t e • t h e 1 3 - i n c h v e n t e d B r a K e r o t o r s W i t h f o u r - p i s t o n c a l i p e r s






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d r i v e t r a i n o f t h e Q u a t t r o p o r t e

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Quattroporte s BraKing sYsteM. the Quattroporte s has an exclusive high performance

braking system, which uses the very latest technology: dual-cast front brake discs. developed in

collaboration with Brembo, a world leader in braking systems, the front dual-cast discs consist of a

cast iron rotor and an aluminum hub - combining cast iron’s superior braking performance at high

temperatures with the light weight of aluminum. at the front, the discs are operated by six-piston mono-

bloc aluminum brake calipers, which provide more resistance to brake-fade in extreme conditions. the

use of the aluminum hub helps keep the unsprung weight of the rotor down, which improves the handling

and balance of the car.

Q u a t t r o p o r t e s • t h e 1 4 . 2 - i n c h v e n t e d a n d p e r f o r a t e d d u a l - c a s t B r a K e r o t o r s W i t h s i x - p i s t o n c a l i p e r s






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1 9 - i n c h W h e e l s - s t a n d a r d o n Q u a t t r o p o r t e s1 8 - i n c h W h e e l s - s t a n d a r d o n Q u a t t r o p o r t e

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lights. the turn signals on the new Quattroporte range, both front and rear, feature 10 distinctive and

exceptionally efficient leds (light emitting diodes).

Both the Quattroporte and Quattroporte s feature self-levelling Bi-xenon headlights. the Bi-xenon

headlights are enhanced further by the new adaptive light control system, a mechanism that makes

the headlights turn in the direction of the car when going around curves. this improves illumination of

the road and surrounding areas, and is therefore an important safety feature when travelling at night on

winding roads. While the headlights are on, an electronic control unit monitors the steering wheel and

its angle, as well as the car’s speed. With this information the headlights activate special electric motors

that rotate the light cones through angles of up to 15° on the inside light and 7.5° on the outside while

driving around curves. for safety reasons the system only works at speeds over 3 mph, and deactivates

above 75 mph.the foglights are separate units that are integrated into the front bumper, and provide a

particularly broad beam. the rear light units also feature leds. some key advantages of leds are they

illuminate quicker than ordinary lightbulbs, are brighter, last longer, and use less energy.






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safetY engineering. the passive safety features on the Quattroporte are designed to work

together to form an advanced passenger protection system. airbags are controlled via four sensors which

are located at the front and sides of the car, and through a control unit next to the central console. in

the case of a collision sensors are designed to allow the dual stage front airbags to inflate in proportion

to the severity of the impact. the Quattroporte is also fitted with side airbags incorporated in the front

seats, and window curtain airbags to help provide front and rear passengers with additional protection in

the event of a lateral impact. the seatbelts, both front and rear, feature pretensioners and load limiters,

so that passengers are held securely even under extremely strong deceleration. rear isofix fasteners offer

secure mountings for child-seats so that even the youngest passengers can be properly protected.

the Quattroporte is also specified with tpMs (tire pressure Monitoring system) to continuously

monitor the tire pressure and alert the driver to air pressure loss.

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coMfort. from the driver’s point of view, perhaps the most important change to the new

Quattroporte’s interior is the driver’s seat, which is now even more comfortable and ergonomic – an

improvement that has been achieved without impinging on the generous legroom in the rear. in addition,

the seat shape has been altered, featuring a new cushion design. other interior alterations include:

modifications to the multifunctional steering-wheel which now has racing-inspired hand grips; controls

located closer together on the central console; new graphics on the instrument panel and clock face; and

a small storage compartment that has been added to the central console.

the Quattroporte features 14-position electronically adjustable front seats with 4-way lumbar adjustments.

the driver’s seat has a 3-position memory and an easy entry/exit system in which the seat moves back and

the steering column is raised when the driver enters or exits the vehicle. the comfort pack that provides

air ventilation, and a massage function on the front seats is an option on the Quattroporte models.

the rear seats also have a 4-way adjustable range for both reach and angle so that the people in the back

can easily find a comfortable position by just the touch of a button. the comfort pack is also available

on the rear seats to provide all passengers with maximum comfort.






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the 15.9 cu-ft trunk is uniform in shape and can accommodate up to two golf bags, depending on their

size. to maximize the carrying capacity there is an optional luggage set that has been specially designed

and fitted for the Quattroporte. trunk space is also optimized by the provision of a tire repair kit with

its own compressor instead of a spare wheel. however, a 17-inch spare wheel is available as an option,

which can be fitted under the floor of the trunk (in the case of the Quattroporte s, this is an 18-inch

spare wheel).

the high level of standard equipment in the new Quattroporte range includes a refrigerated compartment

inside the front armrest, two retracting cupholders in the central rear armrest, and an electric sunblind

for the rear window.

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controls. the Quattroporte’s interior is a masterpiece of ergonomic design, with all the most

important controls and buttons within immediate reach to the driver. the dynamic controls (ice, sport,

and Msp off buttons) are located close to the driver. the central locking on/off button and rear window

sun blind control are situated separately to the right of the central display. the bottom of the console then

contains a bank of controls with its own display screen for the front and rear climate control system.

simplicity and user-friendliness are key to the equipment and features found in the Quattroporte, so each

button has just one function, and the graphics on it immediately identify its function.

the central console controls include the electric handbrake, which is slightly inset to prevent accidental

use. to disengage the electric handbrake, the driver lifts the lever or simply shifts the car into gear

(reverse or drive). not only is this a more convenient way of using the handbrake, it is an important

safety feature as well since the brake is automatically engaged every time the engine is turned off. the

‘park off ’ button on the dashboard allows this function to be disabled if the car has to be moved with the

engine off. last but not least, the central console is fitted with a double cupholder with chromed edges.






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QualitY of life on Board. the Quattroporte’s navigation and entertainment systems have been

completely updated with the new Maserati Multi Media system.

developed in cooperation with Bose®, the Maserati Multi Media system is truly state-of-the-art, with an

xM® satellite radio, satellite navigation system, cd and Mp3 player, music file library, ipod® interface, 40

gB hard drive, voice controls, Bluetooth®, and a usB port with usB reader function.

audio is provided by the Bose® surround sound system, which comes standard in all Quattroporte. this

system performs magnificently for everyone on board, wherever they are seated, because it has been

acoustically engineered specifically for the new Quattroporte interior.

a 7-inch high-resolution tft color screen in the center of the dashboard displays all of the unit’s

functions. the system is easy to operate via the system’s controls, while some features can be accessed

more safely when driving by means of the buttons on the multi-functional steering wheel. voice controls

for the audio and satellite navigation systems, plus the Bluetooth® cellphone interface, mean that the driver

need not look away from the road when operating these features. the on-board computer displays the

trip data: average fuel consumption, journey time, distance travelled and average speed.






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Maserati Bose® Multi Media sYsteM. the new Multi Media system developed in

collaboration with Bose® takes the concept of in-car entertainment to new heights with a “retro” style

and distinctive user interface characteristics. it features a dvd player, .wav, .wma and .acc file reading,

uMusic®, Music library, display proximity sensors for functional controls, a special radio tuning system,

special personalization functions, as well as an ipod® interface.

the display proximity sensor is particularly innovative. the sensor automatically detects that the user

is about to touch the right-side control knob or ring, and in response the system then enlarges the

appropriate information menu in the center of the screen. When the hand is moved away, the display

returns to its original view. another extremely useful innovation is the uMusic® function, which acts as

a virtual dj by playing the user’s favorite tracks as previously memorized by the system. the driver can

also use voice controls for displaying the menu or scrolling through chapters or tracks.

Bose® surround sound sYsteM. the new Maserat i Quat t ropor te range features a 4 x 25

Wat t rMs 11-speaker Bose® sur round sound system with integ rated equa l izer. Bose® ha s acoust ica l ly

eng ineered it s system into the Quat t ropor te so that no mat ter where you are s it t ing you wi l l hear

concer t ha l l st andards of music in terms of depth, cla r it y and tone. in add it ion, it s bu i lt in audiopi lot®

technology cont inua l ly monitor s and measures the ambient noise level s with in the cabin and in response

constant ly adjust s a l a rge number of aud io s igna l parameter s , creat ing f i r st cla s s sound qua l it y.


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autoMatic dual-zone cliMate control. the automatic dual-zone climate control system

helps maintain comfortable conditions inside the cabin by automatically adjusting the interior temperature

and ventilation in relation to the outdoor temperature, sunlight intensity, and air humidity. there is a sensor

that monitors incoming air quality and prevents contaminated air or unpleasant odors from entering the car

by automatically activating the air recycling function. the system is also fitted with an anti-misting sensor:

if glass temperature drops below the point when glass surfaces begin to fog, this function automatically acts

to reduce the humidity content of the air. the concept of maintaining an ideal climate also extends to the

rear, where six vents are located - two on the central console, two on the central pillars and two at foot

level. this can be further enhanced with an optional rear climate control console that allows passengers in

the back to set their own ventilation rates through the various outlets independently.

additional on-Board eQuipMent. other standard electronic features installed on the

Quattroporte include the light sensor that monitors the amount of light in the surrounding environment and

switches the headlights on and off accordingly, and the rain sensor that detects the presence of rain on the

windshield, and activates the wipers adjusting their speed in relation to its intensity. all Quattroporte models

come with cruise control, which maintains a set cruising speed, an anti-theft system, volumetric ultrasound

sensors, perimeter protection and an alarm hidden in the engine compartment, plus automatic door locking

that is activated when the car pulls away from rest. tire pressure sensors, electrochromatic interior and

exterior rearview mirrors and rear parking sensors are standard, while the front parking sensors are optional.






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o p t i o n a l r e a r c l i M a t e c o n t r o l s

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fine Woods. the ultimate care and attention is lavished on the interior detailing of the Quattroporte,

and the fit and finish reflects the very best in italian craftsmanship. the extensive use of wood for large

areas rather than just small decorative inlays gives the interior a special feeling of luxury and warmth. a

wide range of wood types are available, including two new varieties that have been specially introduced

for the new range: vavona and polished Wengé. there is also the option of piano Black finish, and now

Blue lacque, as well.











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M a r r o n e c o r n i o l a l e a t h e r a n d p o l i s h e d W e n g É W o o d s h o W n h e r e

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Vavona wood has a warm, amber hue. its grain pattern is curved and almost floral, with a comforting

natural look. vavona blends in perfectly with all the warm leather colors in the range.

Polished Wengé, with its deep graining and dark shade of brown, comes from the tropics. it is a dark, dense

wood that projects feelings of warmth and reassurance.

Blue Lacque is the new alternative to piano Black. this has been specially introduced to match the navy

Blue leather or to create a fresh contrast with the other light colors in the range.

carefully selected for their flawless quality, all the woods undergo a lengthy process that involves

hand-crafting techniques as well as the latest preparation and treatment methods. customers can then

personalize their car still further by opting for exquisite inlays to be added to the wood trim.








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p o l i s h e d W e n g É

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s a B B i a l e a t h e r o n c o M f o r t p a c K s e a t s








M a r r o n e c o r n i o l a l e a t h e r o n c o M f o r t p a c K s e a t s

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poltrona frau® leather. Quattroporte interiors are upholstered in the finest leather from

poltrona frau®, a company famous for the quality of its hides and the traditional processing techniques it

uses. its products are magnificent examples of italian craftsmanship. the poltrona frau® leather used for

the interior trim of the Quattroporte goes through a rigorous selection process that rejects all but the

softest and most tactile of high quality hides. the treatments they then undergo add durability, strength,

and a protective finish. hand finishing processes create a leather that is soft and snug in winter, yet cool

and comfortable in the summer - and help give it that very special feature that makes ageing a factor that

actually enhances its appeal.

for customers seeking the most extravagant and exclusive leather, Maserati is proud to offer poltrona

frau® ‘luxury’ natural leather. extraordinarily soft to the touch, it gives the car’s occupants a unique

feeling of sensuality and refinement. the poltrona frau® logo and double stitching bring added cachet to

the upholstery, and make the Quattroporte’s interior even more luxurious and sophisticated.

two new colors of leather make their debut in the new Quattroporte range: sabbia, which is a natural earth

tone and very elegant, and Marrone corniola, a contemporary brown shade with a striking sporty look.

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interiors. literally millions of different color combinations can be chosen for the interior of the

Quattroporte. there are six different types of fine wood: rosewood, Burl Walnut with Bois de rose

inlays, Mahogany with Bois de rose inlays, polished Wengé (also available with inlays in Bois de rose),

or vavona. alternatively there are solid interior finishes in piano Black or Blue lacque. heated front

seats are standard and heated rear seats are optional, along with the full comfort pack that provides air

ventilation and massage. the optional alcantara roof lining can be ordered in Beige, pearl Beige, grey

or Black, while the upper dashboard, rear shelf, and stitching are available in many different colors. the

wood and leather steering wheel comes in all the types of wood and piano Black finish (Blue lacque not

available on steering wheel), while for the ultimate in opulence there’s the luxury version of the poltrona

frau® natural leather.








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driving dYnaMics. various options are available to emphasize the Quattroporte’s sporty character

and intensify the driving experience. these include special ball-polished 19-inch 9-spoke wheels, 7-spoke

20-inch alloy wheels, and ‘active shifting’ gearshift paddles on the steering column.

executive gt pacK. available on the Quattroporte and Quattroporte s, the executive gt pack

includes the front comfort pack (seats with air ventilation and massage), rear climate control, rear side

blinds, wooden ‘airline type’ rear tables, and an alcantara suede roof lining.


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p a i n t c o l o r s

grigio touring grigio alfieri grigio granito Blu nettuno Bianco eldorado

Bordeaux pontevecchio nero carbonio nero verde deep emeraldBlu oceano







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giallo granturismo rosso Mondiale grigio nuvolari grigio palladioBianco fuji

Blu Mediterraneo Blu sebring Blu Malagò argento luna


*special order paints may require a longer wait time.

s p e c i a l p a i n t*

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rear shelf, upper and loWer dashBoard areas: standard as interior coMBinations scheMe (color upon reQuest at extra cost)

standard steering Wheel and gear KnoB in BlacK leather; color upon reQuest at extra cost

color upon reQuest for Main interiors area







p :






d o




l e





color upon reQuest for roof lining cloth at no extra cost

color upon reQuest for interior carpet at no extra cost

standard piping color as intc (color upon reQuest at extra cost)

color upon reQuest for seat Belts at no extra cost

Q u a t t r o p o r t e

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sabbia cuoio Marrone corniola grigio ghiaccioavorio

Blu navy rosso corallo Bordeaux nerogrigio Medio




Marrone corniola

grigio ghiaccio


grigio Medio

Blu navy

rosso corallo



l e a t h e r c o l o r s

p i p i n g

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rosewood (standard on Quattroporte)

Walnut Briarwood Mahogany polished Wengé (standard on Quattroporte s)








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i n t e r i o r W o o d t r i M

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Blue lacque

Black piano

i n t e r i o r l a c Q u e r e d t r i M

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light alloy wheels - 7-spokes “v” style (8.5 j x 19” front; 10.5 j x 19” rear) Standard on Quattroporte S

light alloy wheels 18” (8.5 j x 18” front; 10.5 j x 18” rear) Standard on Quattroporte

Brake calipers painted red 13”Brake calipers painted silver 13”Brake calipers painted Black 13” Brake calipers painted Yellow 13”Brake calipers painted Blue 13” Brake calipers paintedtitanium 13”

Brake calipers paintedtitanium 14.2”

Brake calipers painted Yellow 14.2”Brake calipers painted red 14.2”

Brake calipers painted Blue 14.2”Brake calipers painted silver 14.2”Brake calipers painted Black 14.2”

light alloy wheels - 9-spokes Ball polished, (8.5 j x 19” front; 10.5 j x 19” rear)

light alloy wheels - 7-spokes (8.5 j x 20” front; 10.5 j x 20” rear)














W h e e l s a n d B r a K e s







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Bi-xenon headlights with headlight washing system adaptative headlights daytime running lights function (drl) automatic headlight activation front and rear indicators with high visibility led lights foglights taillights with high visibility led lights central stop light parking light

18” alloy wheels (8.5 j x 18” front; 10.5 j x 18” rear) x19” v-style alloy wheels (8.5 j x 19” front; 10.5 j x 19” rear)

19” ball-polished, 9-spoke alloy wheels (8.5 j x 19” front; 10.5 j x 19” rear) 20”, 7-spoke alloy wheels (8.5 j x 20” front; 10.5 j x 20” rear) 17” space saver spare wheel x18” space saver spare wheel x

19” run-flat tires 13” brake discs - front and rear x14.2” perforated front brake discs, 13” perforated rear brake discs x

Brake calipers painted Black

Brake calipers painted silver Brake calipers painted red Brake calipers painted Blue Brake calipers painted Yellow Brake calipers painted titanium electronic parking Brake (epB) hill-holder speed sensitive power-assisted steering single rate damping suspension (comfort set-up) xskyhook - electronically variable active damping system tire sealing compound and electric air compressor

W h e e l s a n d c h a s s i s

s a f e t Y

standard optional not availaBle x


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air-bag system: dual-stage front bags, low risk deployment for the front passenger bags. two window curtain airbags (front to rear) - two front side airbags front and rear seat belts with pre-tensions and load limiters child seat isofix attachments Maserati stability program (Msp) - includes: - stability control (Msp)

- traction control (asr)

- anti-lock braking system (aBs)

- electronic brake distribution (eBd)

- engine torque control (Msr)

tire pressure Monitoring system (tpMs)

Metallic paint (no cost option) special color chromeline exterior trim (windows + door handles) door mirrors - electrically operated, folding and heated side vents electric unlocking for trunk lid and doors electric closing assist for trunk lid power sunroof saetta logo on c-pillar Maserati designation - rear rear parking sensors front parking sensors twin, dual pipe exhaust system in chrome-plated stainless steel car cover - Quattroporte x

car cover - Quattroporte s x

s a f e t Y

e x t e r i o r e Q u i p M e n t







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standard optional not availaBle x



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aluminum sill protectors with Maserati designation “Quattroporte” badge on dashboard x“Quattroporte s” badge on dashboard x instrument dials in Maserati Blue color with white graphics dashboard-mounted, Maserati-design clock 3-spoke multifunction sports steering wheel Maserati “active shifting” (shift paddles) sport mode setting affecting gear change, accelerator response and Msp system (plus skyhook suspension setting when fitted) power steering column tilt/telescopic power adjustable front seats with 14 settings and 3 memory postions on driver’s side easy entry/exit system heated front seats comfort pack front seats (ventilation, massage) front passenger seat electrically adjustable from the rear independently adjustable power rear seats heated rear seats comfort pack rear seats (heating, ventilation, massage) electric sunshade for the rear window clima pack (manual rear side window sunblinds, rear climate controls) laminated glass trident logo embossed on head restraints - anterior and posterior folding front armrest with illuminated and cooled storage compartment folding rear armrest two front cup-holders two rear cup-holders lockable, illuminated glove compartment storage compartment in center console seatback pockets luxury natural leather six rear air vents (two floor-mounted)

i n t e r i o r

standard optional not availaBle x


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fabric roof lining alcantara roof lining

poltrona frau® leather upholstery polished Wengé wood on selected interior details

vavona wood on selected interior details

rosewood trim on selected interior details

Walnut Briarwood trim with rosewood inlay on selected interior details

Mahogany trim with rosewood inlay on selected interior details

Wengé trim with rosewood inlay on selected interior details

Blue lacque or Black piano finishing on selected interior details

steering wheel and gear knob in colored leather

steering wheel in wood trim and black leather (Wengé polished, vavona, rosewood, Walnut Briarwood, Mahogany, Black piano)

steering wheel in wood trim and colored leather (Wengé polished, vavona, rosewood, Walnut Briarwood, Mahogany, Black piano)

rear tables in wood trim (Wengé polished, vavona, rosewood, Walnut Briarwood, Mahogany, Black piano, Blue lacque)

piping color upon request

stitching color upon request - steering wheel and gear knob excluded

dashboard and rear shelf color upon request

colored piping for carpets upon request

u p h o l s t e r Y a n d t r i M s







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standard optional not availaBle x


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executive gt (exterior: chromed side vents, exterior badge. interior: front comfort pack, alcantara headlining, wood-rimmed steering wheel, wood rear tables)

standard optional not availaBle x

electronic immobilizer

alarm system (perimeter and volumetric sensing, anti-theft device, electronic immobilizer) remote key (on/off alarm system, lock/unlock doors, unlock trunk lid) automatically dimming rearview interior and exterior mirrors

cruise control homelink - garage door opener

dual-zone automatic climate control with two rear air outlets in center console demist sensor Bose® surround sound system Bose® infotainment system

Bluetooth® communication system rain sensor ipod® interface

e l e c t r o n i c d e v i c e s

p a c K a g e s



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diMensions and Weights

length 200.7 in (5,097 mm) 200.7 in (5,097 mm)

Width (without side mirrors) 74.6 in (1,895 mm) 74.6 in (1,895 mm)

Width (with side mirrors) 80.9 in (2,050 mm) 80.9 in (2,050 mm)

height 56.6 in (1,438 mm) 56.6 in (1,438 mm)

Wheelbase 120.6 in (3,064 mm) 120.6 in (3,064 mm)

front track 62.3 in (1,582 mm) 62.3 in (1,582 mm)

rear track 62.8 in (1,595 mm) 62.8 in (1,595 mm)

front overhang 35.1 in (891 mm) 35.1 in (891 mm)

rear overhang 45.0 in (1,142 mm) 45.0 in (1,142 mm)

turning circle 40.5 ft (12.3 m) 40.5 ft (12.3 m)

trunk capacity 15.9 cu-ft (450 l) 15.9 cu-ft (450 l)

fuel tank capacity 23.8 gal (90 l) 23.8 gal (90 l)

fuel tank reserve 4.7 gal (17.8 l) 4.7 gal (17.8 l)

curb weight 4,389 lb (1,990 kg) 4,389 lb (1,990 kg)

gross vehicle weight 5,294 lb (2,400 kg) 5,294 lb (2,400 kg)

Weight distribution 49% front; 51% rear 49% front; 51% rear


Maximum speed 168 mph (7,000 rpm) 174 mph (7,050 rpm)

acceleration 0 to 60 mph (0 to 100 km/h) 5.5 s (5.6 s) 5.3 s (5.4 s)

Quarter mile acceleration 14.2 s 13.7 s

Braking distance from 60 to 0 mph (100 km/h to 0) 114 ft (35 m) 114 ft (35 m)


displacement 4.2 l (4.244 cm3) 4.7 l (4.691 cm3)

Bore 3.62 in (92 mm) 3.7 in (94 mm)

stroke 3.14 in (79.8 mm) 3.33 in (84.5 mm)

compression ratio 11:1 11:1

Max power output 400 hp (295 kW) 425 hp (317 kW)

Max power output revs 7,000 rpm 7,o00 rpm

Max torque output 339 lb-ft (460 nm) 361 lb-ft (490 nm)

Max torque output revs 4,750 rpm 4,750 rpm

Max torque 7,200 rpm 7,200 rpm


200.7 in (5,097 mm)74.6 in (1,895 mm) 62.3 in (1,582 mm)




38 m


200.7 in (5,097 mm)


first service at 2,500 miles or after two years of the vehicle‘s life and

subsequently every 25,000 miles. refer to the owners manual for full

scheduled maintenance.


transferable four-year/50,000 miles new car limited warranty with

24/7 roadside assistance. ask your Maserati dealer for more details.

t e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s







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carefullY Built and MeticulouslY tested. the Quattroporte is built in the historic

Maserati factory complex in viale ciro Menotti in Modena, italy. over the last several years the factory

has been completely renovated to ensure the highest production standards and is now amongst the most

advanced small series production facilities in the world, combining traditional hand-crafting techniques

with cutting-edge technology. each new Quattroporte, after being thoroughly examined and tested in the

engine running-in and diagnostic area where its torque and power output are verified, is put through its

paces by our professional test-drivers. excellence is a matter of pride at Maserati.

M a s e r a t i s e r v i c e s.











• Q






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certified pre-oWned and extended service coverage. Maserati ‘trident discoveries’

provides for exclusive pre-owned and extended service coverage for qualified Maserati vehicles for one

year, up to a total of 90,000 miles as shown on the vehicle’s odometer. to enjoy the same type of assistance

reserved for new vehicles, a certified pre-owned Maserati must satisfy a range of strict specifications.

the pre-owned Maserati must be less than 5 years old, must not exceed 90,000 miles, and is subjected to a

series of 120 technical checks before being declared Maserati certified. the certification of a pre-owned

Maserati also helps ensure that the vehicle has not been involved in any serious accidents, and that the car has

undergone all the scheduled maintenance services required by Maserati (not currently available in florida).

the owner of a new or used Maserati can also purchase the extended service coverage for an additional

year past the standard new car limited warranty period. eligible Maserati models must be less than 5 years old

and not exceed 90,000 miles. for complete details of the terms and conditions, and eligible models, consult

your nearest authorized Maserati dealer or visit (not currently available in florida).

four-Year WarrantY and roadside assistance. confident in its high performance

automobiles, Maserati north america covers them with a transferable four-year/50,000 mile new car

limited warranty. Because daily use includes the risk of road hazards, Maserati north america includes

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Maserati roadside assistance on all new Maserati vehicles sold in the usa and canada throughout

the new car limited warranty period. available 24/7 toll-free at 1-888-371-1802, the program provides

transport to the nearest authorized Maserati dealership if the car cannot be made roadworthy by the

responding technician. if overnight warranty repairs are necessary, limited rental reimbursement may also

be provided through the program. ask your local Maserati dealer for more details.

Maserati financial services. Maserati financial services offers the financing, leasing, and other

products necessary to provide performance-minded Maserati customers with unprecedented results. We are

passionate about providing the highest quality financial products and services available to the Maserati customer.

Maserati financial services offers competitive retail financing for those customers who prefer the benefits

of ownership at the end of their contract. With our retail financing program, customers will own their

vehicles at the end of the contract and as an additional benefit, there are no mileage restrictions. leasing

allows you to experience all the benefits of the trident marque with lower monthly payments. We offer

a wide variety of closed-end leases ranging from 24 to 60 months. the key to our leasing program is that

we fully understand the allure and mystique of the Maserati brand and we appreciate how an automobile

renowned for its beauty, engineering and sophisticated luxury can hold its value. Maserati financial

services offers leasing programs that are as flexible as they are affordable.









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the WeB and car configurator. to discover all the ways in which the Maserati Quattroporte

or Quattroporte s can be personalized, we have created an innovative and unique car configurator. it has

been developed to bring your Maserati Quattroporte or Quattroporte s to life by giving you the chance to

personalize many of the vehicle’s features. the system has been enhanced with “x-ray” software to make

the experience all the more enjoyable and to see inside the car and appreciate all its interior technological

elements. create your own Maserati Quattroporte at, or learn more about this

new Maserati model at

to browse the entire Maserati range, the services on offer, or simply to see how the company’s heritage

blends perfectly with modern day living, visit

neWsletter. all owners registered on the site will receive the monthly online newsletter for regular

updates on all the latest news and events. the newsletter summarizes the latest news from the world of

Maserati, highlighting the main events and focusing with greater detail on the most interesting topics.

You can also read the newsletter by visiting the website

Q u a t t r o p o r t e W e B s i t e

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factorY deliverY. You’ve chosen your Maserati, its color scheme and its accessories. now at last,

it’s time to take delivery of your car. the thrill of getting the keys of a Maserati Quattroporte that’s been

tailored specifically to suit your own personal style is hard to match. and now you can experience that

very special moment at the Maserati factory itself. direct personal delivery at the Maserati factory will also

include a tour of the production line where you will see first-hand just how Maserati are built. for further

details and to book your own personal delivery, contact your nearest authorized Maserati dealer.

factorY tour. discover how the Maserati cars are born, learn the secrets to their craftsmanship, fully

understand their engineering and really become part of the Maserati family. the tour is by appointment

only and reservations can be made at any Maserati dealership.









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Maserati experience. for those who truly wish to discover Modena, its culture, history and

cuisine. the Maserati experience program (“Maserati one day” or “Maserati deluxe” packages) introduces

you first hand to the Maserati world: Modena, with its works of art, its history and its fine cuisine. You

can tailor your Maserati experience to your personal taste by combining a variety of activities:

• Panini Museum and/or Stanguellini Museum visit

• Guided tour of the town

• Guided tour of a traditional balsamic vinegar

establishment, with tasting

for more information please contact us by writing to: [email protected]

Master Maserati driving courses. a unique opportunity that allows clients and potential

customers to experience the thrill of being behind the wheel of Maserati models with the support of a

highly professional staff and the latest equipment. the Master Maserati driving courses are a terrific way

to experience the race track under a supervised environment. the courses are designed to teach how to

properly handle a Maserati while still pushing and controlling the powerful sports car to its limit. the

courses take place at the varano de’ Melegari circuit, located near parma, italy (a few miles from the

Maserati headquarters), a circuit that puts technical skills to the test and is also equipped with special

driving instruction features, under the technical direction of the former f1 driver ivan capelli and the

constant supervision of a team of professional instructor-drivers.

• Guided tour of a winery, with tasting of local wines

• Cooking school

• Day at the “Modena Golf & Country Club”









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Master Maserati courses include:

MaSter Gt. a two-day all-inclusive package spent behind the wheel of the various Maserati models.

a thrilling, intensive training course that introduces participants to a sequence of exciting dynamic

phases. it includes driving sessions on the circuit with a variety of procedures (bend trajectory technique

with instructor in the car, acquisition and analysis of telemetry data, driving with pace-car) and practice

controlling the car in different simulated road surface conditions (quick direction changes, controlled skid

and braking techniques).

MaSter MaSerati raCinG. an intensive one-day course spent behind the wheel of the trofeo,

gransport and granturismo models, the Master Maserati racing option takes the racing-driving

techniques studied in the Master gt course to their highest level. the course, designed to provide an

extremely professional service and cover the latest techniques, allows participants to test-drive the cars

that compete in the trofeo championship on the track.

for information and registration, please contact your local official Maserati dealer or: tel. +39 0525 55 11 38 | [email protected] | fax: +39 0525 55 11 40 |


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Maserati Quattroporte accessories. especially designed to address the needs of the

Quattroporte owner, Maserati accesssories come with a guarantee of the highest quality, a characteristic

that has always been associated with our brand. accessories such as car covers, leathers kits and battery

chargers are just some of the many items available.

Maserati collection. now you can reflect your car’s timeless style and elegance with a

completely updated collection of clothing and accessories. the collection, conceived and produced in

line with the Maserati philosophy of excellence and fine design, comprises six product lines:

• Pure for clothing

• executive for accessories and leather goods

• Leisure for leisure items

the exclusive Maserati collection products are available from all official Maserati dealers, from the just

opened Maserati store at the Maserati headquarters in Modena and from the Maserati showroom on park

avenue at 55th street in new York city. call +1 212 593 2080 to place your order by phone or e-mail

the showroom at: [email protected]

items can also be purchased directly from your home, from the on-line trident store

• Gift for elegant gift ideas

• Passion for models and publications

• MC for the more sporty clothing and accessories line.








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© 2 0 0 8 M a s e r a t i n o r t h a M e r i c a . a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . t h e i l l u s t r a t i o n s a n d t e x t s c o n t a i n e d i n t h i s B r o c h u r e a r e B a s e d o n t h e i n f o r M a t i o n a v a i l a B l e

a t t h e t i M e o f p r i n t i n g a n d d o n o t c o n t a i n a d e s c r i p t i o n o f s p e c i f i c c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e c a r B Y t h e M a n u f a c t u r e r . s o M e M o d e l s , e Q u i p M e n t a n d

a c c e s s o r i e s M a Y n o t B e a v a i l a B l e o r M a Y o n l Y B e c o M e a v a i l a B l e a f t e r t h e c a r ’ s l a u n c h o n t h e M a r K e t . M a s e r a t i r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o M o d i f Y c o l o r s ,

d e s i g n s a n d t e c h n i c a l f e a t u r e s a t a n Y t i M e a n d W i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e . c o n t a c t Y o u r a u t h o r i z e d M a s e r a t i d e a l e r f o r f u r t h e r d e t a i l s .