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Practical Report of Environment knowledge Title of the report: Integrated waste treatment plant (IPST) By : Juen Carla Warella Nim : 2012-40-2012 Prody : Biology Class : ICP PATTIMURA UNIVERSITY AMBON, 10 July 2013

Masalah sampah IPST AMBON (Juen Carla Warella )

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Page 1: Masalah sampah IPST AMBON (Juen Carla Warella )

Practical Report of Environment


Title of the report:

Integrated waste treatment plant


By : Juen Carla Warella

Nim : 2012-40-2012

Prody : Biology

Class : ICP


AMBON, 10 July 2013

Page 2: Masalah sampah IPST AMBON (Juen Carla Warella )

1. Preliminary

1.1 Global waste problem

The term waste would have been familiar to our ears. If you hear the

term waste, surely that comes to mind is a pile of waste that cause the stench

was overpowering.

- In general, waste is defined as the residue of a business or human

activity that are solid in the form of organic and inorganic

substances that are biodegradable and non-biodegradable and

deemed no longer useful so that discharged into the environment.

- According to the dictionary of Indonesian residual waste is defined

as goods that are no longer useful and should be discarded.

- According to the environmental Dictionary (1994) is a waste

material that has no value / worth is not to be used specifically in

the production.

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- According to the WHO (World health organization) waste is

something that is not used, not used, not liked or something derived

from discarded human activity and does not happen by itself.

- Act number 18 of 2008:


1. Garbage is leftover day-to-day human activities or natural

processes that shaped solid.

2. Specific waste is waste that because of the nature,

concentration, or volume and require special management.

- Government Regulation. 18/1999 Jo.PP 85/1999:

Garbage is defined as waste or waste from a business or

human activity.

Global waste problem is a social phenomena that needs attention from

all sides, because every human being must produce waste, on the other hand

people don’t want to be near waste. Garbage is inseparable part of people's

lives, especially in urban areas. Trash if not handled properly from the source

of waste, it will lead to health problems, social, economic and beauty.

Growth in the world economy has improved the lives of its inhabitants.

The increase in revenue in this country is shown by the growth of production

and consumption activities. This growth also led to the use of natural

resources and greater exploitation of the environment for industrial, business

and social activities. With the increase in production and consumption

activities, the greater the amount of waste generated by society and often

have trouble handling waste. Landfills that are not taken care of properly, will

lead to big problems. Because the accumulation of waste or throw it

carelessly into the open area would result in contamination of the soil will

also affect the soil drains. Likewise incinerator will cause air pollution, waste

disposal into the river will result in water pollution, clogged drains and

flooding. Waste problem is time views of the national context. Difficulty to

find the location of landfill waste.

Concern for the environment, and health has become a major issue and

it's time the state administration was reducing the number of waste, water

waste, as well as increased activity in handling waste. Therefore, many large

countries do Incineration or burning, which is an alternative to landfills.

Meanwhile, the problems faced in this process is the cost of burning more

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expensive compared to the end of the exhaust system (sanitary landfill).

Where waste is used for agriculture in large numbers, it will cause a problem

because they contain heavy metals.

In Indonesia, the waste problem is big enough problem, and the current

population growth, especially in cities with rapid runs about 36%, by 2020

the number is expected to increase to 52% or as many as 40 million people.

The rapid growth of population in cities - big cities in Indonesia than bring

profit to the growth and development of the town - the town became the

center of economic, industrial, social and cultural impact of the rising social

costs, so that urban areas will eventually arrive at the level of diseconomies of

scale (economic slowdown). This is due to the deterioration of the quality of

the urban environment such as noise, traffic congestion, pollution of water,

air and soil caused by industrial and domestic waste. According to estimates

from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) the amount of waste in 2020 in 384

cities in Indonesia reached 80,235.87 tons per day. Of waste generated is

estimated at 4.2% will be transported to the final disposal (landfill), as many

as 37.6% burned, dumped into the river by 4.9% and approximately 53.3%

untreated. Approximately 53.3% of the untreated waste disposed of in

sanitary and not according to the National Urban Development estimates

Srtategy (NUDS) 2003 average - average volume of waste generated per

person approximately 0.5 to 0.6 kg / day. So the global waste problem is very

broad and associated with the economic growth of a nation.

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1.2 Sources of waste

Sources of waste associated with land use and zoning for different uses.

In Indonesia, approximately 60% -70% of the total volume of waste

generated is wet with waste water content of 65-75%. Most sources of waste

derived from traditional markets and settlements. Trash traditional markets

like the market side dishes, and vegetables are throwing nearly 95% of

organic waste. In most of the waste of human life resulting from several

activities, namely:

- Settlements population or households

Garbage in a settlement usually generated by one or several

families living in a building or dormitory located in the village or in

the city. Type of waste generated is usually leftover food and food

processing waste materials or wet waste (garbage), dry waste

(rubbsih), household items, garden plants or residual ash.

- The common or trade places and offices

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Public place is a place that allows a lot of people get together and

do activities including trade places. Type of waste generated from

such a place may be the remnants of food (garbage), dry waste,

ashes, rest of the building, special waste, and sometimes dangerous

waste. In the area of trade waste from shops, stalls, traditional

markets and supermarkets, which consists of waste cardboard,

paper, packaging and organic materials including food waste and

restaurant. Waste from educational institutions, government offices

and private companies such as paper, stationery (pens, pencils,

markers, etc.), copy toner, printer ribbons, batteries, chemicals from

the laboratory, typewriter ribbons, film strip, and a broken

computer. Used batteries and chemical waste should be collected

separately and must obtain special treatment because of dangerous

and toxic.

- Means of government-owned public service.

Means of public service in question here, among others, and

general entertainment, public roads, parking lots, where health

services (eg hospitals and clinics), military complexes, conference

hall, four beach vacation, and other government facilities. The place

usually generate special waste and dry waste.

- Heavy and light industry.

Waste from industry, including the food and beverage industry,

wood industry, chemical industry, metal industry and the

wastewater treatment and drinking water, and other industrial

activities, both the nature of distributive or processing raw

materials alone. Waste generated from these places usually wet

waste, dry waste, debris, special waste and hazardous waste.

- Agriculture and estates

Garbage produced from plants and animals. Agricultural

locations like gardens, paddy fields or generate waste in the form of

food ingredients that have been rotting, agricultural waste,

fertilizers, insecticides and plant material. Waste from agricultural

activities classified as organic material, such as straw and the like.

Most of the waste generated during the harvest season burned or

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used for fertilizer. For waste chemicals such as pesticides and

artificial fertilizers need special treatment in order not to pollute

the environment. Other agricultural waste is a plastic sheet cover

plants that serve to reduce evaporation and weed growth inhibitor,

but this plastic can be recycled.

- Waste from the rest of the building and construction

Waste from construction and building renovation inorganic

waste such as cement, sand, bricks, tiles, iron, steel, glass and cans.

While organic waste such as lumber, plywood, and bamboo.

- Trash nature

Waste produced in the wild and in integration through natural

recycling process like leaves that can be explained to the ground.

- Human Waste

Is a term used for human digestion results, such as feces and

urine. Human waste can be a serious hazard to health as it can be

used as a vector (means of progression) diseases caused by viruses

and bacteria.

- Nuclear Waste

Nuclear waste is the result of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission

that produces uranium and thorium that are harmful to the

environment and humans. Then the nuclear waste stored at the site

which is not high impact activity. Such as salt and seabed mining.

- Mining

Derived from mining areas such as rocks, soil, and charcoal.

- Fisheries and livestock

Such as livestock manure, food waste and carcasses.

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1.3 Types trash

Broadly speaking, the waste can be classified into four, namely:

A. The types of waste by its nature, namely:

1. Organic waste - can be parsed:

Perishable rubbish like leftover food, vegetables, dried leaves, and so


2. Inorganic waste - do not decompose:

Are not easily decomposed litter, such as plastic food packaging

containers, paper, plastic toys, bottles and drink cups, cans, wood, and

so on.

3. Nuclear waste :

Is the result of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission that produces

uranium and thorium are very harmful to the environment and


4. Industrial waste

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Results of operations Waste plant, used batteries, tin cans, used oil, et.

5. Trash mining

Burden over land that is not managed, mine waste, B3 (Toxic

Hazardous Materials)

B. The types of waste based on its source, namely:

1. Natural litter

Waste produced in integrated wildlife through natural recycling

process, such as dead leaves on the forest breaks down into the soil.

2. Human waste

Garbage man (human waste) is the term commonly used for the results

of human digestion, such as feces and urine.

3. Litter consumption

Trash consumption is waste generated by the (human) user of goods,

in other words, is the garbage being dumped into the trash.

C. The types of waste based on its shape :

1. Solid waste

All waste material other than feces, urine and liquid waste. May include

household waste: kitchen waste, garden waste, plastic, metal, glass and


2. Liquid waste

Liquid materials that have been used and do not need to use again and

dumped into landfills.

- Black waste: liquid waste generated from the toilet. The bins

contain harmful pathogens.

- Household waste: liquid waste generated from the kitchen,

bathroom and laundry. This trash may contain pathogens.

D. The types of waste based on the ability parsed by nature


1. Biodegradable

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Waste that can be perfectly described by a process either aerobic or

anaerobic biological, such as kitchen waste, animal remains, waste and

plantation agriculture.

2. Non-biodegradable

Waste that can’t be broken down by biological processes. Can be

subdivided into:

- Recyclable: waste that can be processed and reused because it has

economic value such as plastic, paper, clothing and others.

- Non-recyclable: garbage that has no economic value and can’t be

prepared or amended return as tetra packs, carbon paper, thermo

coal and others.


1.4 Current Lifestyle

In life, modern humans are always trying to improve their quality of

life. It is characterized by rapidly evolving science and aplication in the form of

cutting-edge technology that aims to simplify human life. A variety of

sophisticated tools made man makes him arrogant and conceited. Ownership

advanced tools it is now a standard and goal of life for a person to be labeled as

a classy guy. Instant consumptive lifestyle and also the negative impact of

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technological advances. There are just some people who feel classy if you have

the latest smartphone, latest car, the latest television, and so on. If someone has

a classy feel has the goods, but not necessarily suitable or appropriate to his

needs. There is also another lifestyle which were seen, such as hanging out in

cafes, bars, shopping bags are expensive, have a luxury villa, gold diamond, and

wasting money on things that are not important.

But, you know, that there are also some people who did not take that

money, gadgets, and the glamorous life is not the only way that people can call

to have a classy lifestyle. By doing the little things and trivial and without

money or gadgets we've been able to be considered by many as the person who

has the classy lifestyle.

This is the phenomenon classy lifestyle today :

- Dispose of trash in the trash. Do as you please delicious trash, trash

look away despite relative. Not throwing garbage in the gutter, let

alone on the river.

- Needless to smoke carelessly. Cigarette smoke bothers other people

who are not familiar with the smoke and smell. Respect for others

who do not smoke by not smoking in bus / public transportation, do

not smoke in enclosed spaces.

- Queued. If you're going to pay at the supermarket checkout or on

the go, do not grab the queue. queued order.

- Say thank you when getting attention / respect from others.

- Holiday by visiting the museums

- Eat vegetables every day

- Eat tofu or tempeh

- Proud to wear batik

- Appreciate the culture their own country and other countries

- don’t cheat

- Love the green environment, including forest

- Plant needs to live in the home page kitchen (peppers, tomatoes,

celery, spinach, kale, papaya trees, and so on)

- Pharmacies have live plants (turmeric, ginger, kencur and so on)

- Planting fruit trees

- Recycle the used goods

- Reducing the use of plastic bags (such markets to bring their own

shopping cart

- Read the book

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- Turn off lights when not necessary

- Conserve water usage

- Walk if the distance is close

- Sport

- Cycling to work / school when distance and road conditions allow

- Use banana leaves or teak leaves to wrap food

By doing so, we can reduce the consumption of products that generate waste,

and neighborhoods free of litter.

1.5 Disposal of waste at the landfill last (landfills)

Final disposal place (TPA) or landfills (TPS) is a physical means for

ongoing waste disposal activities. Landfill is the final link of urban waste as a

means to hoard land or process waste. Waste process itself begins from the

onset at the source - the collection - the transfer / transport - processing -


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TPA is a place where the waste safely isolated so as not to cause

disruption to the surrounding environment. Hence require the provision of

facilities and proper treatment so that security can be achieved with either.

There are still a lot of misperceptions about the TPA is more often considered

just a landfill. This has caused many local governments still feel saying to

allocate funding for the provision of facilities at the landfill that is felt less

priority compared with other sectors of development.

In landfill, waste is still undergoing a process of natural decomposition

with long term. Some types of waste can decompose quickly, while others are

slower to tens and hundreds of years such as plastic. This case illustrates that

in the landfill there are processes which produce some substances that can

affect the environment. With the landfill, then the condition and beauty of the

city can be well ordered.

Negative and positive impacts of the landfill :

- Being a highly productive economy of land to the surrounding

community. Amount of inorganic waste pile at the landfill, has led to

new initiatives in the sectors of the economy for the community

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around the landfill, they assume the scrapheap economy is highly

productive land, by collecting inorganic waste, such as plastic, or

used goods are not easy to crumble, and the plastic junk that has

been able to meet the needs of their daily lives, even according to

the responses that are around there, the income they get from the

landfill by collecting junk plastic and more than enough. In fact

there are people around who want to leave his merchandise

business, because they felt better able to meet the needs of TPA

their day-to-day economy.

- Fatal accident, example: bird carcasses were buried under waste

piles will cause foul odors and damage the soil.

- For example, damage to infrastructure damage to access roads by

heavy vehicles transporting waste to the landfill. every day there

are at least 30 garbage trucks coming into the landfill, and it is

definitely over time will cause damage to the roads impassable.

- Pollution of the local environment such as groundwater

contamination by leakage and residual soil contamination during

landfill usage, as well as after landfill closure

- The release of methane gas caused by the decomposition of organic

waste, methane is a greenhouse gas many times more potent than

carbon dioxide, and can endanger the population of a place.

- Simple example dust nuisance, foul odor, vermin, or noise


Thus, the presence of TPA in urban areas is very important, because it

can reduce the indiscriminate disposal of waste on public roads and sewers,

so the existence of the city free of floods and other harmful things.

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1.6 Solution of the problem of waste

The presence of litter from year to year to cause problems such as

pollution and improve the procurement needs of the landfill. overcome by the

use of litter bins existence as a material for making briquettes. Results

obtained showed manufacturing briquettes from waste can help reduce

landfill waste, especially organic waste and can be an alternative fuel for the

community while reducing the high consumption of petroleum. Every day we

can’t be separated from the trash, because we throw either at home or in the

office and wherever we are. No wonder when it will cause pollution of soil,

water and air. Based on the calculations in the book Bappenas Indonesian

infrastructure in 1995 estimated waste generation in Indonesia amounted to

22.5 million tons and will increase more than doubled in 2020 to 53.7 million

tons. While in the big city waste products ranged between 600-830 grams per

capita per day ( Mungkasa, 2004). Based on these data the need for landfill in

1995 covering an area of 675 ha and increased to 1610 ha in 2020. This

condition will be a big problem with limited vacant land in major cities.

According to BPS data on waste generation in 2001 is transported only

reached 18.3%, 10.46% stockpiled, composted 3.51%, 43.76% was burned

and dumped in the yard the other side of the river or vacant land by 24.24% .

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One of the alternative waste management is useless burned by

combustion pyrolysis of organic waste, despite having to be sorted organic

waste that can dipirolisis. This process will produce a solid (char) in the form

of charcoal and a liquid (tar) which has a high calorific value. (Bramono,

2004). Char can be further processed into bio-coal briquettes and make

alternative energy contributed in reducing the amount of waste that is.

Manufacture of alternative energy in the amount of energy conditions

dwindling oil reserves, as well as costly breakthroughs beneficial, both in

terms of the utilization of waste as well as a strategic effort to train people to

use alternative energy. According to (Siteur, 1996) an increase in energy use

since the 1970s has caused the energy crisis, it is because the energy supply

can’t keep pace with the amount of energy needs to increase from year to


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2. Methodologic

Once we understand the considerable waste problem and recognizes

that all the waste we produce is taken to landfills (landfill). Thus biology

courses, International Class Program 2012 held observation force to

integrated waste disposal installations (IPST) in the city of Ambon.

Waste problem that occurred in the city of Ambon certainly very

seized the attention of Ambon city government, because the development of

Ambon city as the capital of Maluku province is the center of government,

education, trade and services directly implicates the tendency effluent /

waste increased and varied. various problems that arise are many waste

disposal into rivers, irrigation canals, the yard, the limited waste transported

to the landfill as well as the range of services is still limited. In the lives of

the people of Ambon, the garbage problem has been the crucial point.

Almost all corners of Ambon City filled with garbage bins that can be said to

have become the main competitor to occupy the city space. Plus other

environmental issues, there can be complications environmental problems

in Ambon that would threaten the life in this city in the future. Ironically, in

the midst of Ambon City Government's efforts in tackling the waste problem,

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the frequency increasing. Cause of the garbage problem in the city of Ambon

is actually just a lack of awareness of the people of Ambon in the trash. The

high frequency of waste matter need to be linked to the complexity of

people's lives today Ambon City. In this case, the location can be connected

society Ambon is directly proportional to the waste problem itself, which is

expressed with IP 2, (two commas IP), namely:

1. Intensity of energy consumption, the mind and the time the

people of Ambon.

2. The intensity of the problems of life the people of Ambon.

The high level of energy consumption, the mind and the time to

work, learn and perform other daily activities lead to the city of Ambon

forget or lazy to dispose of waste in place. Another factor is the intensity of

life issues faced, usually personal issues, economic and social (especially

unemployment and poverty), causing the people of Ambon no longer care

about the environment around it. Indifference in this environment also

causes waste material from discarded daily activities in any place.

Habits and the nature of the communities that have not participated

Ambon assist the government in addressing the problem of waste:

1. Behavior Langsung ka bawah, it means littering behavior directly

from his position. For example, if he was in the car for sure between

the two places, the floor or the highway, when he was aboard a ship

bound between sea water or the floor of the boat, when he was in the

room (such as a den or study room) room floor was definitely the

place , when he was on the bridge for sure where the water or under

a bridge, and so on.

2. Behavior Tinggal lempar This behavior usually occurs among

children but can also in adults. On this behavior, the rest of the

material is in the hands thrown anywhere without regard to its

place. For example, a child who drank mineral water on the roadside

and then tossed the can to the left or right of the child.

3. Behavior asal Taru , is a semi-conscious behavior in terms of taking

out the trash where trash has been collected in a suitable container

but its disposal at the place and time that is not appropriate. For

example, in the hallway which is not suitable for vehicles

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transporting garbage or at at 07.45 CEST (not on at 10:00 p.m. to

5:00 a.m. CDT).

With the election of Ambon City to receive Adipura 2013 that were

presented by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Ambon city mayor, as

the city clean by fulfilling aspects which have been determined as

environmental hygiene in particular land area of the islands and became an

icon as well as the potential for tourism. Consequences of receiving the

award is very heavy, because it must be supported by the behavior of society

and government officials in protecting the environment every day. And the

garbage problem in the city of Ambon in fact can be overcome with the

cooperation and partnership between the City and the community. Thus,

waste is initially a source of the problem will be a source of blessing for

Ambon city and its people.

2.1 Observation

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Which we have an observation of Final Disposal (TPA) integrated

garbage processing installation (IPST), on Thursday, July 4, 2013 at 10:00

CEST in Passo village, hamlet Amaori, Baguala District, Municipality of


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Observation techniques (observation): technique performed to obtain

a general description of the circumstances or conditions of observation


We observe the day Thursday, July 4, 2013 at 10:00 CDT located in the

village of Passo, with the car up to do an interview about the final disposal in

an integrated garbage processing installation (IPST). After arriving at the

landfill on an integrated garbage processing installation (IPST) we heard an

explanation of the integrated administration of Installation Manager (IPST)

Regarding the circumstances and conditions of IPST, before our interview

which originally consisted of nine groups with the number 3, which consists

of a reconstituted 5-member group that each group of 7 people.

After dividing the group me with 6 friends began to make observations

and interviews with landfill conditions landfill workers in integrated

garbage processing installation (IPST) observation process starts from

garbage collection (Collection) were transported by trucks. Garbage

collection process based on existing categories, such as waste plastic,

cardboard, zinc, vegetables and other organic and inorganic waste. Then the

waste separation process based on the types and colors, then the processing

of waste plastic, cardboard and organic to be shredded and composted

manure, and process water treatment leachate generated from waste, but

with the observation of leachate water has been processed by waste landfill

in Passo village, then the process of selling vegetables grown using compost.

After that we started doing interviews in the form of questions

corresponding to the observation instrument field that is given by our

lecturer. And we began to ask questions of each worker and scavengers that

exist around the landfill and they answered our questions according to what

is experienced by the landfill. Besides, we conduct our interviews also took

pictures as documentation, that we really do interviews with workers and

scavengers around the landfill waste in the village of Passo.

Completed the interviews and observations we gathered in the same

place, along with faculty and manager IPST. we are given the opportunity to

submit the question of the observations that we do, and manager IPST we

answer all the question clearly. We were also given the opportunity to give

their opinions, suggestions and input to the installation of integrated

garbage processing in order to pay attention and develop a better TPA also

about leachate water treatment so as not to contaminate the soil in vicinity

of landfill waste.

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After a round of questions and suggestions submitted as IPST

development is complete then it was time for us to go home, at 12.30 CET In

the car that we were arrived, we said goodbye to the workers and manager

mother. and we also returned to their homes.

2.2 Interview

Interview techniques (interview): to obtain the primary data using

semi-structured interview techniques (semi-structured interview)

interviews are more free implementation and use of open-ended questions

were conducted with informants or respondents porpusive which in this

case was a worker at the plant integrated garbage processing (IPTS) and the

local scavenger.

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Some questions and answers based on observations and interviews:

Garbage collection

- Question:

1. How does the process of garbage collection?

2. Waste management techniques at IPST Ambon?

3. What are the obstacles faced when garbage collection

4. On average how many trucks were used in compiling the garbage?

5. The net amount of waste transported each day?

- Answer:

1. The process of garbage collection is done on source of waste,

namely the market, residential, offices, schools etc.. Collection

process is performed using a garbage truck has been provided by

the government. And once collected, it will be transported in

Ambon IPST.

2. IPST waste processing techniques in Ambon is Open damping. the

garbage continues to pile up high.

3. Obstacles encountered in the garbage collection load capacity

excessive garbage truck, the roads are too narrow, broken roads,

and residential conditions, which generally live in the hills.

4. The average number of trucks that carry garbage every day is

garbage truck in 2470.

5. The net amount of waste generated daily garbage uncertain,

because depending on the source of waste generated.

Separation of waste

- Question:

1. How the waste separation process carried out?

2. What are the types of waste to be separated?

3. Is there a cleanup of waste which has been sorted?

4. Is there any use of masks, hand in sorting rubbish saying?

5. After sorting garbage at how the next process?

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- Answer:

1. TPA integrated waste treatment plant (IPST) Ambon, which is

under the process of sorting waste by truck will be weighed at the

weighbridge and is broken up according to the type of waste and

rubbish colors. Waste separation process is done by scavengers,

then sold to IPST for processing

2. Separate types of waste is waste plastic, cardboard and organic

waste. Separation of the waste to be processed.

3. There! trash cleanup after separated by scavengers.

4. Medical equipment is prepared, it's just that the workers feel

disturbed when using it.

5. The next process is washing and processing into useful things like,

compost, shredded plastic and cardboard pressing.

The processing of waste

- Question

1. Types of waste that can be processed at IPST Ambon?

2. In the plastic processing how?

3. Type of plastic that can be counted by the machine?

4. How much the results obtained from the enumeration process?

5. Organic waste that can be processed?

6. Composting like what?

7. Amount of compost produced every day?

8. How does cardboard press machine?

9. How many cartons are produced every month?

10. The number of machines used in each process of waste


- Answer

1. Types of waste that can be processed is plastic waste, bottles,

vegetables, fruit, cardboard, plastic and other objects.

2. Plastic processing starts from the separation by color and type, and

then put into cutting machines, the result will be shredded into a

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tank and will be thoroughly washed, then dried and ready to be


3. types of plastic

- Pet: Clear plastic bottle

- CO: Bandages dye hard (Close-food, bottle caps, etc.)

- Natural + IA

- Bluving: colored plastic.

- Dokolait: loud rubbish

4. Results obtained from pencacaha by 2 container per month.

5. Organic waste is treated like the rest of bias fruits and vegetables,

grass, leaves and all organic food.

6. Prsoses composting assisted by EM4 is coupled with sugar to speed

up the compost that is 1 month. Amount of compost produced in

accordance with the amount of waste that goes to IPST Ambon. As

for how to compost using yeast, lees saws, water and sugar. With

this process compost formed within 1 week.

7. Depending on the source that produces waste. So, is uncertain.

8. Carton press machine works the way, include cartons that have

been released lebelnya. Later in the press until thin.

9. 250 Kg

10. Thrasher 1 piece, 2 pieces of compost-making machine and

pressing machine 1 piece.


- Question:

1. Whether water leachate is treated at IPST Ambon?

2. How does the handling of the leachate is almost full?

3. Whether there upayah of the government to handle it?

4. Leachate water come from?

5. There are a number of leachate tank?

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- Answer:

1. There is no leachate treatment, because of limited equipment and


2. There is no handling of leachate water Penury, if full then left alone


3. There has been no government intervention on the matter.

4. Leachate coming from the exhaust pipe under the trash buildup.

5. Until now there are 9 tank is nearly full.

Marketing Process

- Question:

1. What kinds of vegetables are grown?

2. How the comparison is made to grow vegetables using compost?

3. Where only the sale of compost and vegetables?

4. How long to process penanamab vegetable harvest?

5. Are there plans to plant other vegetables?

- Answer:

1. Mustard greens, spinach, kale and eggplant

2. The proportion is 3:1 ie 3 beds and 1 fertilizer

3. Sales made to agencies organic vegetables, and most people who come

to buy.

4. Vegetable planting 1 month 2 days.

5. Not exist, due to the limited land available.

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3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Result

3.2 Discussion

The observation of the discussion as follows:

In the final disposal place (TPA) integrated garbage processing

installation (IPST) Ambon. Installation of sewage treatment in an integrated

garbage processing using OPEN damping system and is divided into Stage 5.

First, Phase garbage collection In Block 1 the source of waste. All trash

must be taken to Ambon city landfill, in accordance with Law No. 18 of 2008

concerning waste management. IPST TPA using the method of open dumping

garbage continues to pile up high without being covered with a layer of

geotextile and drain leachate. In the open system (open dumping), garbage

dumped in a landfill without any treatment. One of the problems in the

technical aspects of the operation which is generally still encountered is the

limited amount of equipment waste (including collection equipment),

maintenance has not been well planned and the lack of suitable methods of

operation. In the integrated waste treatment plant in Ambon, found the

remains of waste is not transported due to its efficiency in ways not yet

garbage collection is implemented. This calls further will bring negative

impact on public health. Garbage collection is a labor-intensive activity and

the most expensive compared to other processes in the waste management.

In general garbage collection problems that occurred in the city of Ambon is:

1. The use of working time which is inefficient because the delay

in starting work, the length of time to load and unload, loss of

time, and others.

2. Use of improper load capacity, such as too full on 1 rit and

empty the next. Charge is too full to make the vehicle easily


3. Type placement improper, no uniform and standardized so that

the slow process of garbage collection by enumerator.

4. These services are not optimum, so the time savings obtained

for salvage operations.

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5. The behavior of officers and community cooperation is not

good, such as the cooperation between officers and the public

as well as officers working poor efficiency.

6. Poor accessibility, such as the streets are too narrow, broken

roads, and residential conditions, which generally live in the


Garbage collection process must also be viewed from the health aspect,

namely the provision of masks, gloves, shoes boat to the janitor who collects

garbage. In garbage collection operations, problems placement holds a very

important role. Therefore trash is the responsibility of the individuals who

generate waste (waste source), so that each source has a waste container /

garbage alone. The storage of waste in resources needed to accommodate the

waste it produces so as not scattered or scattered. Volume depends on the

amount of waste per day generated by each source and frequency of garbage

collection and the pattern is done.

After garbage collected then will be transported landfills (TPA) and after

transport by a garbage truck in the trash at the weigh in weigh stations, to

obtain the net weight of waste transported.

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Garbage that had been in the next weigh in will be aggregated.

Here the number of trucks carrying garbage bins at IPST:

Types Truk Number Truk Dump Truck besar 2456

Dump Truck 2465

Amrol 2460

Pick up 930

Second, waste sorting process. Waste sorting can be defined as a process

of waste management from the source by utilizing the effective use of

resources beginning of the placement, collection, transportation, processing,

up to disposal, through the control of environmentally sound management of

the organization, so as to achieve the goals or objectives that have been the set.

litter-free environment. Sorting means an attempt to separate a set of "things"

that are heterogeneous by type or group to be some classes that are

homogeneous. Sorting Waste Management can be defined as a process of waste

management from the source by utilizing the effective use of resources

beginning of the placement, collection, transportation, processing, up to

disposal, through the control of environmentally sound management of the

organization, so as to achieve the goals or objectives has been established that.

litter-free environment. Waste separation becomes very important to know the

waste that can be used and exploited. Waste sorting is done in the landfill, as

this would require a complete infrastructure. Therefore, sorting must be done

at the source of waste such as housing, schools, offices, community health

centers, hospitals, markets, terminals and other places where human activity.

But at the landfill integrated waste treatment plant (IPST) Ambon, which is

under the process of sorting waste by truck will be weighed at the weighbridge

and is broken up according to the type of waste and rubbish colors. then do the

cleanup of waste that has been sorted. The selection process is done by waste

pickers and then sold to an integrated waste treatment plant (IPST).

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The rubbish that has been sorted is then able to be recycled into compost

and shredded plastic. If at any point do the sorting activity, the transport of

waste to be more organized. Sanitation departments to transport live every

day and no longer difficult to sort them. Local government in collaboration

with private companies to process the waste into useful items. In this way, the

volume of waste to landfill to be reduced as much as possible

Until now the performance of waste management in the city of Ambon

according to normative standards are good enough. Views of priority waste

management services also have the right commercial areas, markets, and

residential population density of 50 to 100 inhabitants / ha. Volume of waste

transported to the landfill every day, and the vast areas that have been

underserved population that is over 50%. Waste management performance

results based on the public perception is pretty good, but not fully subject to

the satisfaction or expectations of society. The factors that affect the

performance of waste management, among others, the number of personnel

and infrastructure is still limited, which is not optimal transport operations,

income from fees low so need subsidy for operations, operating costs are very

limited, people do not fully support the management of waste and the lack of

enforcement against violations of regulations on waste. The study recommends

that the government needs to increase the range of waste management

services, personnel, equipment, and provide discussions on the waste


Third, the waste treatment process. Waste management is the collection,

transport, processing, recycling, or disposal of waste material. Waste

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management is also carried out to recover resources. Waste management can

involve solid substance, liquid, gas, or radioactive methods and expertise

specific to each type of substance. The process of recycling is done at the

landfill IPST process of taking items that still have value for reuse of waste

referred to as recycling. There are several ways of recycling, the first is to take

the waste materials to be processed again or take the calories from materials

that can be burned to generate electricity. New methods of recycling will

continue to be discovered and described below. This method is the most

popular activity of recycling, which collect and reuse of waste disposed, for

example, used bottles are collected for reuse. Collection can be made from the

waste that has been separated from the initial (litter box / junk vehicle

specific), or from the waste is mixed. Regular garbage is collected aluminum

drink cans, steel cans of food / beverage, HDPE and PET bottles, glass bottles,

cardboard, newspapers, magazines, and cardboard. Other types of plastics such

as (PVC, LDPE, PP, and PS) can also be recycled. Recycling of complex products

such as computers or cars more difficult, because the parts must be parsed and

grouped according to type of material.

Recycling process is carried out in Ambon IPST divided into 3 processes.

1. Immunization process includes plastic enumeration. What do plastic enumeration cent FUNDS IPST Ambon New Articles using machine the enumeration. There is 1 piece The machine is used in, the process of review of the enumeration. The steps are as follows.

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Image processing of shredded plastic

- Plastic which has been sorted by type and color are gathered into

one, and then put into a thrasher, thrasher occurs in the water circulation which aims to clean up the shredded plastic. Account after the enumeration process of shredded plastic straight into the tank. Aims to clean up the tank shredded plastic. In the enumeration process there are 4 tubs used for washing, but washing it depends on whether or not dirty plastic. Once washed and shredded plastic will then filtered using a basket, and then dried. At IPST Ambon no

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plastic so that the process of making seeds that have been shredded plastic will then be sold to Surabaya for further processing.

In Ambon IPST thrasher used only for certain types of plastic, such as: - Pet: Clear plastic bottle - CO: Bandages dye hard (Close-food, bottle caps, etc.) - Natural + IA - Bluving: colored plastic. - Dokolait: loud rubbish Every month IPST Ambon produce 2 plastic containers that have been enumerated.

2. Composting process. Waste material ((organic)), such as plant matter, food waste or

paper, can be processed using biological processes to compost, or known as composting. The result is compost that can be used as fertilizer and methane gas that can be used to generate electricity.

IPST processing organic waste in Ambon using 2 engine with diesel fuel. On the processing machine is used for all types of organic materials. Proces composting assisted by EM4 is coupled with sugar to speed up the compost that is 1 month. Amount of compost produced in accordance with the amount of waste that goes to IPST Ambon. As for how to compost using yeast, lees saws, water and sugar. With this process compost formed within 1 week.

At IPST Ambon there is a conveyor belt that serves to incorporate organic matter into the engine, it's just not used anymore.

Composting process that has so can collected in one place and will be in the pack to be marketed.

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Picture: The processing of Compost

3. Cardboard pressing process

Pressing process using a cardboard press machine. In Ambon are 1 piece IPST press machine. Cartons to be in the press should be separated with labels attached later in pres. IPST Ambon production 250kg each month because it depends on the climate in Ambon.

Cardboard pressing process

Fourth, waste water (Leachate). Leachate is the result of degradation of

waste water and can cause pollution if not treated before in the exhaust into the environment. This leachate in general are toxic because they contain high amounts of microorganisms, contain heavy metals that are harmful if exposed to the environment, and others. In addition, the level of skills in the natural degradation of the leachate is low, it is characterized by the low value of the ratio of BOD / COD. Source water pollution by waste occurs because of waste disposed by open dumping and buried in a landfill decompose with rain water

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produces leachate (leachate). Leachate is the liquid that contains dissolved and suspended substances are very smooth as a result of decomposition by microbes, usually consisting of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), chloride (Cl ), sulfate (SO4), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), water, nitrogen (N2), ammonia (NH3), acid sulfide (H2S), organic acids and hydrogen gas (H2).


Leachate is a potential pollutants disturb the environment and human

health. Leachate can seep into the soil, or flows on the surface of the soil and

lead to the flow of river water. Always accompanies leachate disposal of solid

waste. Leachate containing organic compounds and inorganic concentrations

5000 times higher than in groundwater, in and contaminate groundwater or

river water.

IPST leachate treatment process in Ambon has not handled properly, so it

is likely to contaminate the soil can occur. 9 pool artifacts made to

accommodate leachate, but until now this fact has been no government

interference in the processing and handling of leachate. At IPST Ambon there is

a hole made for the methane gases produced by waste. leachate is

characterized in that the areas of high rainfall, leachate be more easily formed

and the amount will be more. Mechanism of entry of leachate into groundwater

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layers, especially the shallow groundwater (wells) through the following


2) The water leachate was found in the soil used as open dumping, which

is approximately 2 meters below ground level,

3) In particular, if the incoming leachate by infiltration in soil, water

saturated soil surface immediately,

4) Due to factors such as rain water, accelerating leachate into the

subsoil aeration zone has a depth of 10 meters below ground level,

5) Due to the amount of water cause leachate formed leachate into a

shallow aquifer or aquifer saturated,

6) In the saturated soil layer, water collected leachate mixes with water

where shallow groundwater is used for drinking water sources

through shallow wells.

So the need for cooperation with the public works department and city

local agencies in order to address the issue of leachate.

Fifth, Marketing. at IPST Ambon there are some vegetables grown using

compost produced at the landfill, types of vegetables such as kale, collards,

spinach and eggplant. Planting is done with a ratio of 3:1 ie 1 3 beds with

compost. Vegetable planting process does not use chemical fertilizers, but by

using compost. Vegetable harvest period is 1 month 2 days. Vegetable

marketing is provided directly to the receiver and subscription, which will be

under by the distributor. Marketing is done not only to the vegetable but also

to compost on though.


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4. Conclusion and Suggestions

4.1 conclusions

From observation and interviews conducted, it can be concluded that

the waste is unwanted residual material after the end of a process. Garbage is

a man-made concept, in the processes of nature there is no waste, only

products that are not moving. Trash can be at any phase of matter: solid,

liquid, or gas. When released in the latter two phases, especially gas, can be

regarded as waste emissions. Usual emissions associated with pollution. In

human life, large amounts of garbage coming from industrial activities (also

known as waste), such as mining, manufacturing, and consumption. Almost

all industrial products will become waste at a time, with the amount of waste

which is roughly similar to the amount of consumption. Efforts made by the

government in an attempt to overcome the problem of waste that is currently

getting responses pros and cons of the community is the provision of

environmental tax imposed on any products industry which will eventually

become garbage. waste problem is a consequence that is due to human

activities. However, people do not realize that every day people produce both

organic and inorganic waste. Most people do not want to process waste that

they produce, because they assume that the objects are not garbage is useless

and a waste of time to process them.

Therefore, the role of each individual is required to deal with the

garbage problem forever. And the garbage problem in the city of Ambon can

be overcome with the cooperation and partnership between the City and the

community. Thus, waste is initially a source of the problem will be a source of

blessing for Ambon city and its people. We especially as younger generations

are expected to be able to process waste properly so as not to contaminate

the environment, especially where we live 'CITY OF AMBON MANISE'.

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4.2 Suggestion

1. To the next generation:

we must realize that the garbage is a big threat to the future of the

nation. To that end, as the younger generation we must cultivate new

creations by utilizing waste. With this, we realize we have to save the

future of the nation from the shadows garbage.

2. Community :

Do not litter. So that the amount of waste that is not improved. And

Maintain cleanliness, hygiene activities can be initiated by lifting the

garbage that is around us and throw trash the place.

4. Government special to Government in Ambon city

- Meetings and information dissemination to the public at the

settlement level to establish community awareness and

understanding about the environment, especially the trash;

- Provide special officer on duty to transport waste from homes in

certain residential communities, especially those living in the hills

(Batumeja, batugajah, batu gantung ) that are far from roads and

garbage bins, and then dumped in the bins provided .

- Promoting environmental actions, such as mass devotion, greening

and other periodic and continuous, involving members of the

community (Students, students, and all agency offices).

- Increasing the number of facilities that support garbage processing

on an integrated garbage processing installation (IPST) like (plastic

seed maker, and other infrastructure.

5. Installing the integrated garbage processing (IPST)

- Need to do a study related potential waste reduction at source of

waste, it is to reduce the volume of waste that goes to the garbage

processing integrated installation

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- To reduce waste odors in the vicinity of the installation of

integrated garbage processing effort required spraying with

insecticides periodically by the administration of an integrated

waste management installation

- To harness the potential of gas arising in integrated garbage

processing installation, necessary to study the use of gas-related

technologies as well as alternative sources of income in the

integrated management of the garbage processing Installation

- In the integrated installation has been no garbage processing and

administration of water use leachate, may be processed and utilized

so that water can be useful leachate. Management systems can be

used more leverage, so the results DAPT felt by more people.

- Need for adequate health insurance for workers in an integrated

garbage processing Installation

- Improved coordination among relevant agencies and improvement

of facilities and infrastructure in the waste management