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QUID 2017, pp. 2267-2273, Special Issue N°1- ISSN: 1692-343X, Medellín-Colombia MULTI-MODE RESOURCE-CONSTRAINED PROJECT SCHEDULING AND SOFT AND HARD TIME WINDOWS FOR ENDING ACTIVITIES (Recibido el 23-06-2017. Aprobado el 27-08-2017) Maryam Avar Department of industrial engineering, Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Ghazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran. [email protected] Behrouz Afshar Najafi Department of industrial engineering, Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Ghazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran Abstract: This study developed a mathematical model to optimize multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem and soft and hard time windows for ending activities. The developed model optimized project scheduling problem in the near real world, taking into account multi-mode time of activities, as well as hard and soft time windows simultaneously. In order to optimize the model, meta-heuristic genetic algorithms and simulated annealing algorithm were used. Input parameters of these algorithms were set by response level method; then, performance of the algorithms was measured in small sized problems using exact solution software. Statistical tests were applied; efficiency of the algorithms was evaluated in solving large-scale real-world problems. Computational results showed that the genetic algorithm had a higher efficiency in optimizing the suggested model and was able to achieve higher quality solutions in lower computing time. Keywords: project scheduling, resource constraints, time windows Citar, estilo APA: Avar, M., & Najafi, B., (2017). Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling and soft and hard time windows for ending activities . Revista QUID (Special Issue), 2267-2273

Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

Aug 03, 2020



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Page 1: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

QUID 2017, pp. 2267-2273, Special Issue N°1- ISSN: 1692-343X, Medellín-Colombia



(Recibido el 23-06-2017. Aprobado el 27-08-2017)

Maryam Avar

Department of industrial engineering, Faculty of

Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Ghazvin

Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran.

[email protected]

Behrouz Afshar Najafi

Department of industrial engineering, Faculty of

Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Ghazvin

Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran

Abstract: This study developed a mathematical model to optimize multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling

problem and soft and hard time windows for ending activities. The developed model optimized project scheduling

problem in the near real world, taking into account multi-mode time of activities, as well as hard and soft time windows

simultaneously. In order to optimize the model, meta-heuristic genetic algorithms and simulated annealing algorithm

were used. Input parameters of these algorithms were set by response level method; then, performance of the algorithms

was measured in small sized problems using exact solution software. Statistical tests were applied; efficiency of the

algorithms was evaluated in solving large-scale real-world problems. Computational results showed that the genetic

algorithm had a higher efficiency in optimizing the suggested model and was able to achieve higher quality solutions in

lower computing time.

Keywords: project scheduling, resource constraints, time windows

Citar, estilo APA: Avar, M., & Najafi, B., (2017). Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling and soft and hard time windows for ending

activities . Revista QUID (Special Issue), 2267-2273

Page 2: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed


One of the biggest challenges facing projects worldwide

is their planning and scheduling. Definition of activities

in the form of certain projects seems to lead to more

clear planning and scheduling process and projects can

be accomplished in the defined frameworks. The project

can be defined as a committed plan with a certain initial

and final range which will achieve the considered

outcomes or products by using certain resources. Project

planning also involves organizing and managing

resources for predefined activities in the form of a

certain schedule at agreed cost to achieve the determined

goals, outcomes and products. It is a wish of all project

managers to succeed; however, it should not be forgotten

that this is not a coincidence. About half a century has

elapsed since development and application of project

management methods; during this period, a considerable

effort made to improve concepts of project management

has focused on development of project scheduling

models. The purpose of scheduling a project is to

determine the timing of various project activities during

its implementation and it is related to a decision making

process where one or more goals are optimized. Project

scheduling tends to find a proper sequence of activities

for a project to meet prioritization constraints of the

project network and various types of resource constraints

in the project simultaneously and optimize a certain

measurement criterion such as time and cost of the

project and the number of delayed activities.

Scheduling is a tool which optimizes the use of available

resources. Resources and tasks on schedule may have

different kinds. With development of the industrial

world, resources become more critical. Scheduling these

resources will increase efficiency and utilization of

capacity, reduce the time required to finish tasks and

ultimately increase profitability of an organization.

Effective scheduling of resources, such as human

resources and machinery, is vital in current competitive

world. Resources can be found in machines of a

production workshop, air lines at the airport, workers of

a construction project, or computer processing units. In

practice, scheduling of an organization uses

mathematical methods or heuristic methods to allocate

limited resources to current tasks. Proper allocation of

resources enables the organization to optimize and

achieve the goals. Everything has features like priority

level, standby time, and delivery deadlines. Objective

function can also be used in several ways, such as

minimizing total finish time or minimizing the number

of delayed tasks (Bosaghzadeh, et al 2010). In recent

years, extensive research has been done on project


In resource-constrained project scheduling problems

(RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project

scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed that

activities are carried out under ideal conditions, only a

time is considered for project completion, that is,

delivery time is considered as a point (Cleland, et al

1999). Soft and hard time windows have not been

discussed in this type of problems; this is not modeled

for project scheduling problems. This study tends to

model this problem in an integrated form. In fact, ideal

time to end an activity is considered as an interval. This

study tends to develop the concept of delivery time and

better manage the project by assigning delivery time to

each activity. Since allocation of point delivery time to

each activity can take a considerable part of flexibility

from the decision maker, this study considers interval

delivery time rather than point delivery time for each

activity to help make better decisions by higher


For example, Kalhor et al. (Kalhor, et al 2011) used non-

dominated archiving ant colony approach to solve time-

cost balance optimization problem. They used total time

and total cost as two optimization goals; in order to

realize the real-world conditions, uncertainty of time and

cost was examined by means of fuzzy set theorem.

Kyriadidis et al (Kopanos, et al 2014) used complex

integer linear programming models to formulate single-

mode and multimode project scheduling problems and

used a source-duty grid approach used in process

scheduling problems for display. Kopanos et al.

(Kyriakidis, et al 2012) developed a discrete and

continuous mathematical model for resource constrained

scheduling problem. Messelis et al. (Messelis, et al

2014) developed an algorithm with an automatic

selection approach for multimode resource-constrained

project scheduling problem. Sakalauskas et al.

(Sakalauskas, et al 2015) used a priority list of workable

tasks to develop a genetic algorithm.

Page 3: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed


This study tends to develop the concept of delivery time

and better manage the project by assigning delivery time

to each activity. Since allocation of point delivery time

to each activity can take a considerable part of flexibility

from the decision maker, this study considers interval

delivery time rather than point delivery time for each

activity to help make better decisions by higher

flexibility. In this study, it is assumed that both hard and

soft intervals are present simultaneously; however, the

hard interval dominates the soft interval. In practice,

point delivery time is common for project events rather

than activities. This study tends to incorporate soft and

hard time windows in the model, taking into account

interval time of each activity. Other assumptions are as


Project scheduling problem with soft and hard

time window is considered for delivery time of

each activity;

Multimode scheduling problem is considered;

Renewable or non-renewable resources are


Timing of activities is definitive;

Resources required for each activity are


Violation of soft window is subject to fines.


Activity index

Task mode index

Time index

Resource index


Earliness cost per unit time

Tardiness cost per unit time

Lower bound of soft interval

Upper bound of soft interval

Lower bound of hard interval

Upper bound of hard interval

Earliest finish time of activity i

Latest finish time of activity i

Decision variables

Tardiness rate including fines for activity i

Earliness rate including fines for activity i

If activity i starts using mode m at time t 1

Otherwise 0









Page 4: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed



The first constraint minimizes earliness and

tardiness rate. The second constraint examines the

relationship between end-start activities and zero-lag

time. The third constraint ensures that an activity is only

performed by a mode. The fourth constraint deals with

renewable resources, where T indicates upper bound of

the time of the project. The fifth constraint deals with the

use of non-renewable resources throughout the horizon.

The sixth constraint calculates tardiness rate including

fines by subtracting the end of activity from upper bound

of the soft interval. The seventh constraint calculates

lower bound of the soft interval minus the end of activity

and earliness rate including fines. The eighth constraint

ensures that activities cannot be finished beyond the hard

interval. The ninth constraint shows properties of

decision variables.


Genetic algorithm is a powerful random search

based on natural selection mechanism. The algorithm

which is derived from nature is based on random search

to optimize learning problems and processes. In nature,

combination of right chromosomes provides better

generations. In the meantime, mutations occur in

chromosomes, which may improve the next generation.

Genetic algorithm can search different regions of

solution space simultaneously. Flowchart of the genetic

algorithm used here is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the suggested genetic


3.1 Chromosome Structure

The suggested chromosome is a 3×n matrix in

which n is the number of activities and the number of

columns of the suggested chromosome. In the first row,

there is a random permutation of activities; in the second

row, there is mode number of that activity which is a

Page 5: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

random number between 1 and maximum number of

workable modes of that activity. The third row shows

tardiness of activities. This chromosomal string is not

typically seen to solve other mathematical optimization

models in the RCPSP domain, because objective

function is make span or completion time of the project

in most of these models. Therefore, activities should

begin at the earliest possible time. In the presented

mathematical optimization model, objective function is

not make span; thus, tardiness of an activity may be a

better policy in some cases. Lower bound of this

chromosomal string is zero and its upper bound is the

length of hard time window interval.

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity n

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode n



Delay 1 Delay 2 Delay n...

Fig. 2. Structure of the suggested chromosome

An initial population of chromosomes is randomly

generated. The number of population of each generation

is shown by npop. According to Figure 2, chromosomal

string related to sequence of activities is generated as a

random permutation of numbers between 0 and n. The

chromosomal string related to mode number of that

activity is generated as a random number with a

uniformly discrete distribution for the number of

possible modes for each activity. The chromosomal

string related to tardiness is also generated by a

uniformly discrete distribution between zero and length

of hard time window interval.

3.2 Fitness Function

To calculate fitness of each chromosome, a well-

known approach called Serial SGS is used. To

implement this approach, mode of each activity is

initially determined by the second chromosomal string

and information is obtained on the amount of resource

utilization and duration of each activity. Then, tardiness

of each activity is determined by using the third

chromosomal string. Finally, implementation of the

project can be simulated on a timeline by considering

sequence of activities in the first chromosomal sequence.

Given constraints of RCPSP, there are two prerequisites

for locating activities in the timeline:

1. Prerequisite constraints

2. Constraints related to resource utilization

In order to manage these constraints on the suggested

chromosome, Serial SGS strategy moves on to the

sequence of activities and places them within the

timeline. Whenever prerequisite constraints are not met,

it goes to the next activity; if prerequisite constraint is

met, the considered activity is placed within the timeline

and the list of sequences is examined from the top. This

method ensures that prerequisite constraints are placed

within the timeline. For constraints related to resource

utilization, Serial SGS strategy proceeds on the time

frame to find the first day when resources required for

the activity are available; then, the activity is placed

within the timeline. In the suggested mathematical

model, constraints related to nonconformity of hard time

window are met by using penalty function. The

suggested genetic algorithm generates initial population

and uses a roulette cycle to select parents using

crossover operator.

3.3 Crossover

In this operator, the number of parents is

calculated with crossover likelihood rate; then, parents

are randomly selected using the roulette cycle. For

crossover, parents are initially selected; to run crossover

on chromosomal string related to sequence of activities,

following steps are taken. This operator is called single-

point permutation crossover. In Figure 3, it is assumed

that 13 activities are available.

Page 6: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

Fig. 3. Structure of the suggested crossover

operator (sequence of activities)

Figure 4 shows how crossover operator works on

chromosomal string related to activity mode number in

the suggested genetic algorithm (n=9). Note that

operation of crossover on chromosomal string of

tardiness is similar to the second string, which is shown

in Figure 4.

Fig. 4. structure of the suggested crossover operator (activity mode)

3.4. Mutation

To run mutation on chromosomal string related to

sequence of activities, one of swap, reversion and

insertion operators is selected; then, this operator is

applied on the relevant chromosomal string. For

example, mutation rate considered in this genetic

algorithm is 0.1, any gene whose corresponding value is

less than 0.1 will be mutated. Figure 5 shows operation

of mutation operator in the suggested genetic algorithm.

In this example, 9 activities are defined.

Fig. 1. Structure of the suggested mutation operators

(sequence of activities)

For chromosomal string related to activity mode

number, the considered parent is selected and a random

number between zero and one is generated for each gene

in the parent chromosome and values of parent

chromosome genes are mutated with a certain mutation

rate. If the generated random number is smaller than the

considered mutation rate, the considered gene will be

randomly mutated in the parent chromosome; if the

generated random number is larger than mutation rate,

the gene will not be mutated in the parent chromosome.

For example, if mutation rate considered in this genetic

algorithm is 0.1, any gene whose corresponding value is

less than 0.1 will be mutated. Figure 6 shows operation

of mutation in the suggested genetic algorithm. In this

example, 9 activities are defined. Operation of mutation

on chromosomal string of tardiness is similar to the

second string, which is shown in Figure 6.

Fig.2. Structure of the suggested mutation operator (activity mode)

3.5. Stop Criterion of the Algorithm

This algorithm uses the number of iterations as a

criterion; that is, this algorithm stops after a certain

number of iterations and generation. In the problem, the

number of iterations is set at MaxIt.


Simulated annealing (SA) algorithm is a

probabilistic, sequential, and incremental search method

Page 7: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

which starts with an initial solution and moves to

neighbouring solutions in an iterating loop. If the

neighbor's solution is better than the current one, the

algorithm puts it as the current solution (moves towards

it); otherwise, the algorithm accepts that solution at

li likelihood as the current solution. With gradual

decrease of temperature in the final steps, worse

solutions are less likely to be accepted. Therefore, the

algorithm converges to better solutions (or to the same

quality solutions). Experiments show that starting an

algorithm with a good initial solutions leads to faster

convergence. Moreover, the search for solution space

with several initial solutions in parallel leads to better

quality solutions. This technique is called parallelization

of multiple independent runs (MIR). In MIR, each initial

solution tends to search for solution space completely


4.1. Solution Representation

Solution representation and evaluation of fit of

solutions is similar to representation and evaluation of

chromosome in the genetic algorithm.

4.2. Initial Temperature

Initial temperature should be warm enough to

allow movement to adjacent position. If initial

temperature is very high, the search can move to any

neighborhood and search is randomized until the

temperature cools enough. It is a challenging problem to

find the initial temperature and it does not have a

specific method for different problems. Let maximum

distance (cost of different functions) between a

neighborhood and other neighborhoods be known; this

information can be used to calculate initial temperature

(that is, the required energy). First, a large number of

random solutions are generated and their objective

function is determined; then, standard deviation of the

obtained result is calculated and used to determine initial

temperature. The suggested algorithm, based on

preliminary tests, uses 1.5 times the standard deviation

found in initial solutions to determine the initial solution.

4.3. Final Temperature

Different methods have been proposed to

determine final temperature of SA algorithm. This study

uses a method based on which final temperature is

determined in a way that probability of accepting the

worse solutions is as large as 10-10. Upon reaching this

temperature, the algorithm will be stopped.

4.4. Temperature Reduction at Each Stage

Temperature reduction varies from one problem

to another, depending on the type of functions and its

nonlinear behavior, as well as how the functions change.

Different researchers design this temperature reduction

based on precision and speed required to achieve

minimum solution. SA algorithm converges in the case

of temperature reduction based on Equation (10).


where, is baseline temperature of outer rings of

the algorithm. As shown in Figure 7, leads to

generation of a continuous interval of temperature in

which quality of algorithm increases. Optimal value of α

is determined through analysis of experiments.

Fig.7. Temperature reduction in SA algorithm

4.5. Iteration at Any Temperature

At any temperature, iteration continues until solution

does not change in 100 successive iterations.

4.6. Stop Criterion

Stop criterion in inner and outer loops of the

suggested algorithm is as follows. In the outer loop, the

algorithm continues to evolve without any constraint,

until MaxIt iterations are done. Optimal value of MaxIt

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000.04













Page 8: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

is determined through design and analysis of



This section analyses efficiency of the suggested

algorithms to solve the model. First, optimal values of

input parameters are determined by using response level

method. Then, a number of random sample problems are

generated in small scale and efficiency of algorithms is

measured in finding the optimal overall solution. To

measure efficiency of algorithms in solving large-scale

problems, numerical examples are randomly generated

and run on a personal computer. The results are analysed

by using statistical tests and the more efficient algorithm

is determined.

5.1. Parameter Setting

The main parameters of this algorithm are

considered in Table 1 for setting on appropriate levels.

Due to selection of two-level factor design, two upper

and lower levels are considered for each experiment. For

forwarding response level algorithm, movement on the

upper and lower bounds as well as axial points are

considered using middle bounds and a number of central

points (here 5 central points are added). For this

algorithm, the factor design 23 is considered for three

parameters. For this purpose, the experiment is run by

MINITAB16 for the algorithm and the best value is set

for the result. Moreover, MaxIt is set at 100 in each

algorithm. Response variable of the model is cost value.

After running experiments, optimal results obtained for

algorithms used are shown in Table 2.

table 1. search interval and levels of input variables

Upper bound

Lower bound

Interval Parameter

150 100 [50-

100] npop


0.7 0.4 [0.4-

0.7] pc

0.3 0.1 [0.1-

0.3] pm

50 20 [20-

50] npop

PSA 0.99 0.95 [0.95-

0.99] α

200 100 [100-

200] MaxIt

Table 2. Optimal values of GA algorithm

Optimal value Parameter

150 npop

GA 0.7 pc

0.3 pm

50 npop

PSA 0.99 α

150 MaxIt

5.2. Solving Numerical Example for the Model

This section tends to validate and solve the

suggested model. For this purpose, the suggested model

is first solved in three different sizes by Lingo 16 and the

results are compared with the genetic algorithm coded by

MATLAB 10. The problems raised in each of these three

sizes have similar dimensions and they are different only

in αi and βi values. For example, Table 3 shows input

values for the first experiment.

Table 3. Input values of the first experiment – part I

Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

αi 0 200 100 400 500 250 0

βi 0 200 100 400 500 250 0

Ei 0 3 1 2 4 4 0

Ui 0 7 5 6 9 8 9

E1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0

T1 1 9 7 8 10 10 11

Maximum value available for renewable and non-

renewable resources in this example is 5 and 20 units

respectively. The number of mode is 2 for each activity.

Table 4 shows consumption factor for renewable and

non-renewable resources and runtime of each activity in

different modes.

Table 4. Input values of the first experiment – part II

Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Mode 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Runtime 0 0 4 6 2 0 3 5 2 0 2 4 0 0

Page 9: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

Consumption factor for Renewables 0 0 2 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 2 1 0 0

Consumption factor for non-renewables 0 0 3 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 3 2 0 0

Results of 15 experiments run in Lingo as well as

genetic algorithm are presented in Table 5. Since

solutions of both methods are equal in these 15

experiments, it can be claimed that the suggested model

and genetic algorithm and SA algorithm used to solve

the model are precise.

Table 5. Results of metaheuristic and precise methods in small scale

Problem size Problem No. Lingo GA

Cost Time Cost Time Cost Time


1 0 0.23 0 20 0 23

2 0 0.11 0 22 0 27

3 0 0.32 0 21 0 24

4 0 0.08 0 19 0 22

5 0 0.1 0 17 0 19


6 0 1.4 0 32 0 38

7 0 1 0 31 0 34

8 0 1.01 0 32 0 37

9 0 0.98 0 28 0 31

10 0 0.98 0 29 0 32


11 1755 3.71 1755 60 1755 64

12 2529 3.13 2529 61 2529 65

13 2248 3.43 2248 58 2248 61

14 2886 3.23 2886 63 2886 67

15 2750 3.28 2750 31 2750 36

5.3. Comparison of Algorithms

This section measures efficiency of algorithms in

optimizing larger-scale problems. Since the problem is

NP-hard, it is not practical to solve large-scale problems

in reasonable time. In those circumstances, the only way

to achieve solution is to use meta-heuristic methods.

Therefore, only two meta-heuristic genetic and SA

algorithms are evaluated. The results are listed in

Appendix A. Figure 8 and Figure 9 show results

obtained by running algorithms on 40 random sample










1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40

Problem number

GA Cost

PSA Cost

Fig. 8. Graphical comparison of algorithms in solving sample problems (solution quality)

Page 10: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed






1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37

Problem number

GA Time

PSA Time

Fig.3. Graphical comparison of algorithms in solving sample problems (solution time)

To compare algorithms, 95% confidence interval

is used in terms of relative percentage deviation (RPD).

RPD is calculated by following formula:


where, i is algorithm number; j is problem

number and is the best solution obtained in

the problem j. 95% confidence intervals are clear in

Figure 10 and Figure 11. According to Figure 10, GA

outperforms the other algorithm in terms of solution

quality. According to Figure 11, SA is weaker than GA

in terms of computational time.

PSA CostGA Cost











Interval Plot of GA Cost, PSA Cost

Fisher 95% CI for the Mean

The pooled standard deviation is used to calculate the intervals.



PSA TimeGA Time








Interval Plot of GA Time, PSA Time

Fisher 95% CI for the Mean

The pooled standard deviation is used to calculate the intervals.

Fig. 4. 95% confidence intervals for computational time in sample problems

6. Conclusion

This study considered project scheduling model,

assuming two categories of renewable and non-

renewable resources. Non-renewable resources are

allocated once for the entire project, while renewable

resources are renewable for each period. In the suggested

model, activities are multimode. Multimode resource-

constrained project scheduling problem has been studied

by a few researchers. In this type of problems, any

activity can be done through several modes. Each mode

is a combination of duration and resource requirement.

Usually, shorter-time modes require more resources.

This assumption effectively leads to flexibility in

choosing activity modes and better decisions. One of

important goals in project scheduling is to carry out

activities at the right time with minimal resource

utilization to finish the project in the shortest time. One

way to achieve these goals is to use different activity

modes. Using different modes, the model is flexible to

select the best method to save project costs and provide

better scheduling with higher quality. As a general rule,

one can assume that more flexible assumptions improve

quality of the solutions. Since allocation of point

delivery time to each activity can take a considerable

part of flexibility from the decision maker, this study

considers interval delivery time rather than point

delivery time for each activity to help make better

decisions by higher flexibility. Main innovation of the

suggested problem is to consider soft-time and hard-time

windows, i.e. taking into account interval delivery times,

for ending activities in multimode resource-constrained

project scheduling problems. This is why the current

Page 11: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

study is different from other studies. For this reason, a

multimode resource-constrained model with hard and

soft time windows was developed for ending activities to

minimize earliness and tardiness costs. To validate the

suggested model, 15 small-scale problems were

formulated by the model and solved precisely by Lingo.

Since the problem was NP-hard and the problem size

was enlarged, Lingo was no longer able to solve the

problem in a reasonable time and genetic meta-heuristic

algorithm was used to solve the suggested model. For

further evaluation of genetic algorithm, 30 small-scale

j5, j10 and j16 examples and 15 large-scale 32-activity

examples were run in MATLAB. Parameters of the

suggested genetic algorithm were set by using response

procedure method and different examples were solved

based on these parameters.


Future works are recommended to address these


In this study, data are certain. The first

suggestion for future studies is to use modelling

approaches under uncertainties such as random

planning and robust optimization;

The problem can be addressed in allowable

discontinuation of activities;

Other additional objectives can be discussed.

Other meta-heuristic algorithms such as ant

colony and SA algorithms can be used; even

approximate solutions can be used to achieve

reliable solutions in reasonable solving time

such as branch and boundary method as an

alternative for meta-heuristic methods.

Appendix A: computational results of algorithms in 40 sample problems


Pro. Activity









Time GA Cost







1 20

272 94

293 90

0 4.44


8 0.00

2 20

289 89

318 90

0 0.00

10.0346 1.12

3 20

283 95

266 96


7 0.00

0 1.05

4 20

277 83

267 94


8 0.00

0 13.25

5 20

289 101

268 94


1 7.45

0 0.00

6 20

282 101

305 100

0 1.00


8 0.00

7 20

275 97

262 98


2 0.00

0 1.03

8 20

278 91

271 95


6 0.00

0 4.40

9 20

264 90

296 95

0 0.00


1 5.56

10 20

285 82

267 90


3 0.00

0 9.76

11 30

547 334

525 350


6 0.00

0 4.79

12 30

570 330

668 357

0 0.00


8 8.18

13 30

556 330

604 353

0 0.00


4 6.97

Page 12: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

14 30

561 359

570 359

0 0.00


8 0.00

15 30

559 293

648 352

0 0.00


9 20.14

16 30

555 354

615 350

0 1.14


1 0.00

17 30

562 368

657 350

0 5.14


1 0.00

18 30

541 347

646 351

0 0.00

19.4085 1.15

19 30

555 303

658 353

0 0.00


6 16.50

20 30

550 345

556 353

0 0.00


9 2.32

21 50

1168 1218

1357 1202

0 1.33


1 0.00

22 50

1166 1086

1182 1221

0 0.00


3 12.43

23 50

1158 1166

1342 1230

0 0.00


6 5.49

24 50

1216 1170

1388 1210

0 0.00


4 3.42

25 50

1234 1040

1430 1244

0 0.00


1 19.62

26 50

1153 1161

1338 1220

0 0.00

16.0451 5.08

27 50

1210 1072

1215 1235

0 0.00


3 15.21

28 50

1203 1100

1408 1231

0 0.00


3 11.91

29 50

1188 1068

1372 1313

0 0.00


2 22.94

30 50

1245 1080

1440 1234

0 0.00


5 14.26

31 100

2642 2305

3302 3040

0 0.00


7 31.89

32 100

2581 2392

3105 3046

0 0.00


1 27.34

33 100

2678 2389

3188 3240

0 0.00


6 35.62

34 100

2667 2645

3322 3037

0 0.00


3 14.82

35 100

2616 2359

3157 2840

0 0.00


3 20.39

36 100

2680 2573

3024 3017

0 0.00


2 17.26

37 100

2568 2644

3114 3034

0 0.00


8 14.75

38 100

2658 2458

2927 2903

0 0.00


9 18.10

Page 13: Maryam Avar Behrouz Afshar Najafi · In resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSP) and multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), it is assumed

39 100

2619 2698

3142 3041

0 0.00


5 12.71

40 100

2573 2691

3210 3212

0 0.00


9 19.36


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