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How do I establish a work group and make sure that it remains successful Martin Herrmann ICV – Management Conference 2011 Building elements of a successful work group’s performance Controlling – Shaping the Future
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Page 1: Martin Herrmann

How do I establish a work group and make sure that it

remains successful

Martin Herrmann

ICV – Management Conference 2011Building elements of a successful work group’s performance

Controlling – Shaping the Future

Page 2: Martin Herrmann

Internationaler Controller Verein eV | | Bausteine erfolgreicher AK-Arbeit | 26.11.2011| Seite 2

At the beginning there is an idea

Establishing a work group – so easy? Grasping opening up opportunities? Slowly increasing demand? ”Pressure” from somewhere?

The first consideration for realization Slow specification ‘A new work group‘ project is ripening Agreement within the region Decision by the Board Announcement

Controlling – Shaping the Future

Page 3: Martin Herrmann

Internationaler Controller Verein eV | | Bausteine erfolgreicher AK-Arbeit | 26.11.2011| Seite 3

A project is launched: founding a work group

Strategic and conceptionalquestions such as type and


Practical questions about construction

Integration into the ICV organization

Project – organization of a new work group

• Description• Work group management

(search, decision..)

• Marketing (having a plan..)

• Planning the inaugural meeting

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Internationaler Controller Verein eV | | Bausteine erfolgreicher AK-Arbeit | 26.11.2011| Seite 4








Checkliste fürAK-Gründung

im ICV

a) Ziele

b) AK-Typ

c) ZuständigkeitICV-Struktur

1. Entscheidung

2. Koordinator/Kümmererbenennen

3. für die Anfangsphase:

1. Meldung Interessierter an Kümmerer

2. Antw ort durch Koordinator

3. Zw ischenkontakte Interessent : Koordinator

4. Einladungen, (nach Phase V. 3)


Anforderungenan AKL

Ausw ahl

1. Vorträge

2. Referenten

3. Organisation

4. Moderationdurch AK-Leiter

1. Klärung: Termin, Ort

2. Bekanntgabe

3. Tagesordnung

4. Rahmen-organisation

5. Finanzierung

a) Empfängerkreis

b) Medien

1. Vorankündigung

2. Bekanngabe Gründungstermin

3. Einladung

4. Nachbereitung

c) ICV-WEB-Seite

d) Flyer

1. Info übererfolgte Gründung


Dank an


A great deal of work shouts – supporting the implementation plan

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Internationaler Controller Verein eV | | Bausteine erfolgreicher AK-Arbeit | 26.11.2011| Seite 5

ExcursionGoals and tasks of a work group leader Arbeitskreisleiters

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Inaugural meeting The ground is prepared!

Much is to be done for ”the little plant” to flourish.

E.g. careful preparation of the inaugural meeting

”Taking along” the interested persons for the first time

Wrap-up Making active participants from interested persons!

Members & Organizers ‘carry‘ the WG WG Management = Leadership &

Moderation Good leadership leads to success! Success encourages! The way to maximum performance!?

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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From the little plant becomes a plantThe plant should grow

Who makes - what - when - how - why?

A corn develops?close circle= carrying pillars?

Conference places, hosts, …, …

How do work groups live and develop?

Themes for listening, tackling, co-designingexperincing together, networking, enjoying, profits offer & reap. . .

Themes -wishes, -offers, -storage

Mixed presentation/discussionpreparation, problem solution

teams, workshops, events,visits

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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What motivates the work groups members to actively participate and what they feel?

– Distance – Soberness – Curiosity– Interest Courage – Engagement – Commitment

– Services – Professionality

–Top-Class-Performance !Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Internationaler Controller Verein eV | | Bausteine erfolgreicher AK-Arbeit | 26.11.2011| Seite 9

Building elements of successful work group performance

Which themes and actions make us interested and enthusiastic

What are the aims of WG members?

Walk-out of BSC West III

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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The most important questions for WG members concern the vision and climate

How are we as a work group, how do we want to be like?

Why do we belong to this work group?

Which benefits brings cooperation in a work group?

How do we want the work

group to be seen?

Which potentials can/should

we develop?

How should our WG in 3 to 4

years look like?

• work group development?

• members development?

What should distinguish our work group?

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Internationaler Controller Verein eV | | Bausteine erfolgreicher AK-Arbeit | 26.11.2011| Seite 11

Aims of a work group’s leaders somewhere in the region– quote:

„The members of our work group

• feel good in the work group’s meetings,

• take an active part in the meetings and its organization,

• guarantee through their high engagement a high level of the meeting,

• show high satisfaction with the WG-result/-results

• profit directly and indirectly from the WG-membership ,

• are proud to belong to the WK and use its network,

• strongly identify with the ICV values! The participation in the WG is important for them and they

value it as their personal success! Our work group belongs to the best in the ICV! I hope that out work group will make it well!“

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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The plant becomes a tree

The plant develops and flourishes!

The tree grows!

The number of members increases

The work group works

The work group is known, it is integrated, it breathes it exists!

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Internationaler Controller Verein eV | | Bausteine erfolgreicher AK-Arbeit | 26.11.2011| Seite 13

The tree

‘‘To fell a beautiful tree needs barely half an hour.

To grow it 'til one can admire it needs a century.‘‘

Eugen Roth

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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You need to cross seven bridges!

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Back uponly if required

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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ICV study: success factors WG performance

Controlling – Shaping the Future

11 most important criteria of work group’s perfromance

Experience exchange with colleagues

To look once beyond once nose and see how others do it

Gaining from other companies’ experience

Receiving information about current trends

Extending specialist competencies

Making business contacts

Further education in controlling topics

Preparing individual themes in detail

Gaining experiences from other sectors

Building and maintaining personal contacts

Exchange of experience between practice and theory

The most important criteria of the work groups activities for the members refer to the issues:

-exchange of experience

-developing knowledge / competence

-contacts and network

Rather unimportant are:-collecting orders

-developing theories, working scientifically

-controller training

-extra-professional engagement

From there the most important forms of the cooperation are also:

-exchange of experience

-lectures by colleagues and professional lecturers

-workshops / team work

-discussions and debates

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Tasks for the work groups

tasks arisen since foundation = obligatory duties!

free of charge further education and training camps

promotion of the member’s expert qualifications

promotion and stregthening the experience exchange

building a controlling community spirit (community)

voluntary exercises?


which general conditions to


which design opportunities can we use and which do we indeed use?

Controlling – Shaping the Future

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Internationaler Controller Verein eV | | Bausteine erfolgreicher AK-Arbeit | 26.11.2011| Seite 19

Tasks for the members and guests

our WGs live from engagement of their active members!

expectations and requirements for members and guests

active participation | lecture | presentation | plant tours

expert lecture | moderation | workshops

host’s role | organizational support

activities and members’ engagement out of work groups

work groups between WG meetings

involvement in statements, congress, regional conferences

linking WG leaders with other levels

participation in congress | CAB | other regional conferences

specialised work group

Controlling – Shaping the Future