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Martial Law Vigilante

Sep 26, 2015



Dan F Sullivan

An analysis of what might happen should Martial Law be declared in the US and how the average American can prepare for it.
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  • The Martial Law


    by Dan F. Sullivan

    Copyright 2015 All rights reserved

  • Disclaimer

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  • Table of contents

    Disclaimer ................................................................... 3

    Table of contents........................................................... 4

    What is martial law, anyway? ............................................ 6

    When can it occur? ........................................................ 6

    What will happen, exactly? ............................................... 7

    Martial law in the U.S. .................................................... 10

    Martial law in other countries ............................................ 10

    What will life be under martial law? .................................... 11

    (Long-term) Consequences of martial law ........................... 12

    Heres what Katrina taught us ........................................... 13

    What Can You Do? ........................................................ 13

    References .................................................................... 18

  • ts really sad for me to talk about the Martial Law threatening a

    country that enjoys such a high degree of freedom as the United

    States. However, the fact that the USA is the greatest country on earth

    also means that its subject to numerous threats, sometimes, even

    from its own leaders.

    Al-Qaeda, ISIS and so on are some of the concerns we have now but

    there are other enemies just around the corner whod just love to take

    a shot at us.

    The fact of the matter is, theres a lot of strange activity happening

    on US soil and the authorities do nothing about it. From reports of

    FEMA camps and FEMA coffins to strange military activity that clearly

    shows theyre preparing for something, we cant just stand and watch

    as they take away our liberties.

    Take Homeland Security, for example. Theyre supposed to guess

    what? protect the homeland. Yet, reports5 that they

    purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. What for? To protect us?

    Form whom?

    Only the military should buy that much ammo. I think the reason DHS

    purchased them is because theyre expecting massive riots at a

    national level and they know bullets is the only way to stop angry


    But theyre not stopping there. Apparently, DHS also bought 16 heavily

    armored personnel carriers that they claim they want to use during

    high-risk warrants.6

    These clues are nothing more than a lame attempt at taking control

    of the United States citizens in a deceptive manner, slowly and

    steadily. The less fuss they make, the easier it will be for them to

    control the population. Its the art of winning without fighting and

    theyre masters at it.


  • What is martial law, anyway?

    Martial Law is an extraordinary situation that occurs inside a state

    when the acting government cannot enforce their authority over the

    population and keep things running smooth. It involves the suspension

    of ordinary law, which is replaced by military ruling over the civilian


    In such cases, the military law takes over the civilian law and, as

    youre about to see, this comes with serious restrictions to civilian


    Its important to note that there is no definition of the Martial Law, its

    more of a set of restrictions that one can expect to happen when such

    a thing occurs. Some people call it the suspension of the


    The main things pertaining to Martial Law is the fact that now, the

    Government can seize your food stockpile, your ammo and your guns.

    They will then split the food with the rest of the population who did not

    prepare for a disaster. Obviously, thats not fair and got a lot of

    preppers angry.

    When can it occur?

    Martial law only occurs in exceptional circumstances, such as wars,

    after a coup d'tat, large popular protests and even in case of major

    natural disasters. It can be declared at a national level or at a regional

    level depending on the seriousness of the situation.

    We dont know for sure when the next Martial Law will happen in

    America, thats why we have to fully understand it and get ready for it

    before its too late. One thing we do know is that America is turning

    more and more into a police state. The cops are getting obnoxious at

    attacking American citizens. I see news of their abuse every day.

  • Heres what Sergeant Shamar Thomas told the police during a rally:

    It takes a coward to harm an unarmed civilian his is

    not a war zone, these are unarmed people. It does not

    make you tough to hurt these people If you want to go

    fight, go to Iraq and Afghanistan Leave these people

    alone, they are U.S. citizens Why are you doing this

    to our people? I've been to Iraq 14 months for my people

    and you come here to hurt them, they don't have guns

    It doesn't make any sense How do you sleep at night?

    There is no honor in this

    I dont want to fill dozens and dozens of pages with news such as

    these. Therere just too many. Lets talk about what will actually

    happen during the worst-case scenario.

    What will happen, exactly?

    What kind of restrictions can occur when Martial Law is applied? There

    are a number of things that may or may not happen (Remember how

    we said there is no exact definition? There is no way of knowing which

    restrictions will apply the next time it will happen in the United States

    but here are a few of the possibilities:

    Rationing of basic goods

    Confiscation of food to be shared with the rest of the


    Gun confiscations

    Restrictions in departure/arrival in/from cities and suburbs

    Detention of U.S. citizens by the military


    and even property confiscation!

    On March 16th 2012, President Obama released a very controversial

    executive order (EO) which allows the military to confiscate your food,

  • guns and ammo. To be more specific, he requested executive

    departments and agencies:

    [] to take actions necessary to ensure the

    availability of adequate resources and production

    capability, including services and critical

    technology, for national defense requirements [] 2

    The Government can seize pretty much anything they can get their

    hands on, even if youre a patriot American whos paid all his taxes

    and never got so much as a parking ticket. They can confiscate farms,

    food, guns, ammo, energy (including renewable energy) and anything

    else they think might help the community to survive in times of

    Martial Law.3

    In other words, Big Gov wants to take from those who prepared and

    simply share with those who are now laughing at preppers.

    And if you dont want to share your hard earned resources, guess

    what? They can even detain you if they please and send you to these

    so-called detention camps which are just prisons without the

    negative stigma attached to their name. Since those camps will be

    used during Martial Law to put there the trouble makers, there are two

    shocking conclusions to draw from this:

    #1. Preppers who refuse to share their resources will wind up in the

    same place with troublemakers who werent afraid to steal and attack

    to stay alive in times of chaos.

    #2. People will be put there without being judged for what they

    allegedly did. Remember, in times of chaos, justice will no longer work

    as we expect it to.

    The Law? Well, if you break it, dont expect to be judged like you

    would during peacetime. There will be military tribunals with a military

    commission that will decide whether you broke the law or not and

  • what punishment fits the crime. Needless to say, the guys wholl

    decide your faith are not exactly at the top of their game form when it

    comes to practicing the law.

    FEMA Camps. You probably herd about this already: FEMA (which we

    know was useless in recent U.S. disasters such as Katrina) is building

    detention camps for its own citizens. There are reports that these

    things are being built across the country and it only points to one

    thing: that FEMA expects either a nation-wide disaster or that it knows

    (as do we) that a local disaster can occur in virtually any corner of the


    Sure, we can debate whether they built these camps to keep you safe

    when, in fact, they take away your liberties and force you to stay in a

    place exposed to numerous other dangers. The point is, if youre not

    far away, possibly in your bug-out location by the time something

    happens, you might be places in one of these concentration camps

    like a sheep.

    To make matters worse (and this was all over the alternative news

    sites with photos and everything), these guys ordered $1 billion worth

    of dollars of disposable coffins and 14 million body bags7. It is the

    general perception that the U.S. Government expects mass riots and

    a lot of people to be dead during riots.

    These are just clues, obviously. But the fact that is, riots will happen

    and something at a national scale is more than likely. The U.S. has

    too many enemies and the odds are just too high to take any chances

    by doing nothing.

    Thats why having several guns, enough ammo and a home thats like

    a fortress is paramount. Plus, having a bug-out location could provide

    shelter for months and even years in a place far away from the riots

    going on around you. Thats why, in preparing for Martial Law, I

  • suggest you take care of your own home and your bug-out location

    in parallel. You just dont know which will be a more viable solution

    when men with guns come looking for you.

    Martial law in the U.S.

    There are quite a few examples of Martial Law being imposed.

    However, those were isolated incidents and not nation-wide, as we

    expect the next Martial Law to be when it will hit us unnoticed.

    General Andrew Jackson declared martial law in New Orleans during

    the war of 1812

    Mayor Roswell B. Mason declared Martial Law during the Great

    Chicago Fire in 1871

    and many more. These may seem like isolated incidents but thats

    the mistake most people make: they think that just because they didnt

    experienced something, that it doesnt exist or that its impossible to

    happen. Wrong! Better safe than sorry because it only takes one

    Martial Law event to completely shatter your family. It doesnt even

    have to be national; the folks in other corners of the country are just

    going to sit and watch whats going on in your vicinity but for you,

    its going to be Hell on Earth.

    Martial law in other countries

    You may not have heard about these situations, however, martial law

    was used plenty of times in recent history.

    For example, the last martial law in Turkey was declared between

    December 1978 and December 1983 thats a half a decade! It

    wasnt declared in the entire country, only in 13 Turkish provinces,

    however, the state of emergency remained in some provinces until


  • Thailand is another country where Martial Law is more or less a

    tradition. The last time it occurred was on May 20th 2014, when Army

    Commander-in-Chief Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha declared nation-wide

    martial law after months of bloody national protests.

    What will life be under martial law?

    A lot of folks try to imagine what will life be when Martial Law is in

    effect. However, since this hasnt happened in a while in America, its

    very hard to simulate with high accuracy. This is why we have to

    prepare for every possible scenario (and well get to that in a minute)

    but first lets try to imagine how the events might occur.

    One of the first effects of Martial Law that many people expect is for

    the free press to be literally destroyed. In an attempt to control the

    free flow of information, dont expect to hear the truth on T.V. no

    matter on which channel you flip on.

    In fact, expect to have limited access to the Internet and some

    websites because thats where all the hype and misinformation


    You might be restricted from getting in our out from where you live

    even if you have the necessary paperwork to prove youre a local.

    Expect that access to supermarket food, water and healthcare to be

    rationed and limited despite the fact that you will have cash to pay for

    these services and even a valid health insurance.

    There are a few very interesting executive orders that you may not be

    aware of that will go in effect during Martial Law. Yes, right here, in

    the U.S. For example

    Executive Order 13010 allows FEMA to control all government

    agencies should an emergency arrive

  • Executive Order 11000: all civilians can be used for community

    work in case of an emergency. The goal is to develop plans and issue guidance designed to utilize to the maximum extent

    civilian manpower resources, such plans and guidance to be

    developed with the active participation and assistance of the

    States and local political subdivisions thereof. and many other executive orders, such as 13603, 10995,

    10997 and so on. Look them up on the web, youre going to

    have a huge surprise reading them.

    Beware of impersonators. How easy would it be for a gang of killers

    to steal some uniforms and pretend to represent the law simply to get

    inside your home quicker? You should be extra weary of people trying

    to get inside your home and stand your ground until you are 100%

    sure they are who they claim to be.

    (Long-term) Consequences of martial law

    I dont need to tell you how bad it is to have an entire nation frozen

    by martial law. Thailand experienced this as tourism dropped

    dramatically in the May and June of 2014, following the nation-wide

    Martial Law Declaration. In the coming months, the rise in tourism was

    extremely slow with huge consequences on the countrys economy.

    It doesnt take a genius to figure out that, in the event of a national

    Martial Law, things are not going to go back to normal anytime soon.

    If you decided to bug in and were lucky enough not to be sent to

    detention camp, youre gonna have to not only protect your home

    24/7 but find ways to get food, water, to cook and keep warm. It

    depends on how much you have stockpiled, of course, but you wont

    make it on MREs. You need hot meals and you need to get your life

    to some sort of normal.

  • If you bugged out, youre probably safer than 99% of Americans. Your

    old house will probably be stripped away of everything and, unless

    youre willing to raid it and see if theres anything you can salvage,

    youre pretty much stuck with what you have in your alternate location.

    Heres what Katrina taught us

    In 2005, the United Stated was hit by one of the most powerful

    disasters ever. There were some tough lessons to be learned from

    that tragic event, the first one being that the U.S. authorities were

    completely taken by surprise by this. Hard to believe, given the huge

    budgets that are allocated to this but the lack of experience and

    preparedness raised the official death toll to 1,440 souls according to

    the Louisiana Department of Health.4

    I insist: dont expect any help from authorities in times of chaos

    (whether its natural or man-made). It might take days or even weeks

    before someone comes to your aid.

    What Can You Do?

    Preparing for martial law is something that preppers take very

    seriously. However, if you follow these simple rules, youll maximize

    your chances to not only survive but thrive, no matter how bad things

    get out there.

    #1. Keep your mouth shut.

    The less you talk, the less likely you are to be raided by looters, the

    police or government agents. And the more you stockpile, the more

    reasons you have to not say anything to anybody.

    Walls have ears and Big Gov. knows about the prepping community.

    They know a lot of people are stashing away their food supplies. They

    read the blogs and forums, theyre only a few clicks away!

  • If you assume that every piece of information could get you in trouble,

    youll sleep a lot better at night. And in case of Martial Law, a good

    night sleep will be a luxury for many Americans.

    #2. You wont always have to listen to what the government will tell you

    For one, you wont even know for sure the people asking to come in

    are, in fact, who they say they are. They might as well be

    impersonators whore taking advantage of all the confusion to help

    themselves with food, water and guns.

    #3. Its OK to be suspicious

    Of course, when someone wants to get into your home no matter

    what, theyre first going to try a lot of tactics before opening fire.

    Theyre going to try and act authoritative but you have every reason to

    doubt a bunch of men whore outside your house.

    Whatever they say, you have no reason to let them in and every reason

    to be suspicious. If they have good intentions, theyll understand.

    #4. Get as many people on your side as you can

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, in case of Martial Law, youre

    not looking at isolated incidents between various factions youre

    looking at something akin to war.

    Youll need men if you want to keep looters and the authorities out of

    your home. Youre gonna have to plan, prepare and fight. You may

    require others assistance and others may require yours. Be ready for


    Stay in touch with everyone you know is in the same boat as you. Do

    drills, talk weapons and establish alternate means of communications

    in case of emergency, such as walkie-talkies or HAM radios.

  • #5. Protect you privacy

    This is something you have to start doing right now, dont wait until

    its too late. Your footprint on this Earth is directly proportional with

    how reckless you are with your needs.

    Navigating anonymously (using a VPN) and incognito mode in your

    browser, reducing access to your credit reports, opt out of newsletters

    and mailings you dont need and protecting your smartphone are just

    a few of the things you can do to go under the radar. For starters.

    #6. Stockpile lots of guns& ammo

    When SHTF, you can bet your life theres going to be a shortage of

    guns and ammo. People always think short-term: they only buy what

    they need when they need it. Just like getting a new phone or a 4K


    Well, thats not going to be the case with guns and ammo. Even if

    youll be fortunate enough to find any during Martial Law, its going to

    be very dangerous to procure them. Youll be much better off sitting

    inside your home or bug-out location and let others beat up each-

    other for a few rounds of ammo.

    Even if you do decide to take the risk and getting ammo in times of

    crisis, you get a little surprise from gun shops who will limit the amount

    of rounds a customer can purchase.

    #7. Hide your stockpile

    Youre going to have to be creative about where you can hide them

    but, if you have a big house, that shouldnt be a problem. And if you

    live in a big city, I strongly suggest you consider moving into a smaller

    one or at least the suburbs.

    In any case, the first people you need to hide your guns and ammo

    are your children. The Guardian reports8 that a staggering 7,000

  • children are hospitalized each from gunshot wounds. Some of them,

    of course, are even killed.

    One thing to keep in mind is that simply hiding them just isnt enough.

    Kid are curious, they play around the house a lot so they will find them

    if you havent done a good job at keeping them safe.

    If you get a semi-automatic gun, for instance, you can break it down

    into pieces. Its not only a lot easier to hide but, if your child happens

    to find one piece, he wont be able to hurt himself.

    You can modify a lot of the things in your home to allow a gun inside

    them. From large paintings and mirrors to modified wooden cabinet

    or even bury them in your backyard. Consider putting your gun in a

    PVC pipe if youre going to bury it, place caps on both ends, then use

    PVC sealants.

    #8. Your Conceal Carry Permit

    Long story short, if you have one, you can expect your Government to

    come looking for guns. The easiest way is to have a gun you can

    spare when they come knocking on your door and give that one to

    them. Then theyll leave you alone, not knowing you have other guns

    stashed not very far away.

    #9. Guns in Your Car

    You never know whether youre going to use the car to bug out. If you

    will, a lot of perils await you on the road. Hiding your gun is tougher

    but not impossible. One way is to cut one of the seats. You should

    probably fix the seams with Velcro or something so it doesnt look


    Stay safe,

  • Founder of and

  • References



















