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?o.t-L1I- /,/' Jo ' tF' 2or"2 Project No. 564807 ProjectServices Agreement between THE MUNICIPALITY OF DURRES ano INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION Dated:September , 2010 Projekti Nr. 564807 Marr6veshja e Sh€rbimeve te Projektit n de rmjet sA.surrsE sii nunniislr xonponarEs FINANCIARE xoEnxoNrsEraRB dhe Date: Shtator,2010

Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

Mar 24, 2016



Vangjush Dako

Dokumenti i paraqitur eshte marreveshje zyrtare e Bashkise Durres me IFC ( World Bank Group ) per studimin e nje landfilli ne Durres .
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Page 1: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

?o.t-L1I-/ , / ' Jo ' tF ' 2or"2

Project No. 564807

Project ServicesAgreement



a n o


Dated:September , 2010

Projekti Nr. 564807

Marr6veshja eSh€rbimeve te


n de rmjet

sA.surrsE sii nunniislr

xonponarEs FINANCIARExoEnxoNrsEraRB

d h e

Date: Shtator ,2010

Page 2: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

Shtator ,2010

{1) THE MUNICIPALITY OF DURRES, an organ (1} BASHKISE SE DURRESIT, organ io f the local adminis t rat ion of the munic ipal i tv of adminis t ratds lokale td bashkisd se Durres i t ,Durres, the Republ ic of A lbania ( " the Republ ika e Shqiper is€ ( "Bashkia") ; dheMunic ipal i ty" ) ; and



AGREEMENT dated September201.0 between:

(21 TNTERNATTONALFTNANCECORPORATTON,an in ternat ionai organizat ion establ ished byArticles of Agreement among its membercountr ies, inc luding the Republ ic of A lbania { " lFC") .


(A) lFC, a member of the Wor ld Bank Group, isan international organization whose mission is topromote sustainable private sector lnvestment indeveloping countries, helping to reduce povertyand improve people's lives.

IFC Advisory Services in Europe and Central Asia("lFC AS ECA") provides advisory services tosupport the development of the private sector inWestern Balkan countries in the area of access tofinance, infrastructure, value addition to firms andbusiness enabl ing envi ronment .

(B) IFC AS ECA Integrated Solid WasteManagement Program ( the " ISWMP") issupporting the profitable, environmentally andsocially responsible solid waste management andrecycling businesses in the Western Balkans. TheISWMP is managed by IFC Europe and Centra l As ia.The objective of the ISWMP is to stronglyencourage measures improving the solid wastemanagement practices in the region by introducingthe lntegrated Solid Waste Management Principleand promoting private sector participation in thesecror.


MARREVESHIA dAt6nd€rmjet :

FINANCIARENDERKOMBETARE, nje organizate nd€rkomb€taree themeluar mbi baz6n e Neneve te Marreveshjesndermjet vendeve te saj anaitare, duke pdrfshirdRepubl ikdn e Shqip€r isd ( " lFC" ) .


(A) lFC, anetare e Grupit t€ Bankes Botdrore,dsht€ n jd organizate nddrkomb€tare mis ioni isecil€s dshtd nxitja e investimit td qdndrueshdm tesektorit privat ne vendet n6 zhvill im, dukendihmuar ne reduktimin e varfilrisd dhe n6pdrmirdsimin e jetds se njerdzve.IFC Sherbimet e Konsulences pdr Evropen dheAzine Qendrore ("lFc AS ECA") ofron shdrbimekonsulence pdr tt! mbeshtetur zhvill imin e sektoritprivat nd vendet e Ballkanit Perendimor ne fushate aksesit nii financim, infrastruktures, shtimit tevleriis n€ firma dhe pairmirdsimit te klimds kuoperon b iznesi .

(B) Program i IFC AS ECA pi i r Menaxhimin elntegruar td Mbetjeve te Ngurta ("lSWMP")mbeshtet menaxhimin piirfitues e td pergjegjshdmsi nga ana mjedisore e sociale te mbetjeve tengurta dhe bizneset e riciklimit ne vendet eBal lkani t Perdndimor. ISWMP menaxhohet ngaIFC ne Evropi! dhe Azine Qendrore. Ob.iektivi iISWMP esht€ te inkurajojd fort masat te cilatpdrmirilsojnd praktikat e menaxhimit tti mbetjevete ngurta ne ra.jon duke prezantuar Parimin eMenaxhimit t€ Integruar te Mbetjeve te Ngurtadhe duke nxitur pjesemarrjen e sektorit privat ndsektor.

Page 3: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

(c) The Program is co-financed by theRepublic of Austria through its Federal Ministry ofF inance ( the "Donor") , which suppor ts thedevelopment of private sector as a means toestablish a sound economy in emerging countries,the social integration of specific groups of societyand c lean envi ronment through funding a widerange of technical assistance programs ofin ternat ional f inancia l inst i tu t ions.

(D) The Munic ipal i ty is an organ of the localadministration of the municipality of Durres. ltscompetences are determined by the Constitutionof Albania. Durres is located in the western part ofAlbania and is the second largest city of Albaniawith a population of over 200,000 inhabitants. lt isalso the biggest port in the country and a touristdestination. Based on the recommendations ofIFC's previous waste management studies, theMunic ipal i ty is consider ing star t ing the s i teselection process for a new landfill to improveperformance of existing solid waste managementsystem in Durres, deliver more efficient services toi ts inhabi tants and to protect the envl ronment . lnth is respect , the Munic ipal i ty is consider ing toconduct a siting study (the "study"), which willinclude preliminary technical, economical, legaland environmental assessment of up to threeshortlisted potential sites for the development of anew waste disposal site (sanitary landfill) (the

" P roject" ).

(E) The Municipality has requested IFC toprovide advice in respect of the implementation ofthe Project.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Munic ipal i ty and IFC(hereinafter sometimes jointly referred to as the"Parties" or individually as a "Party") hereby agreeas follows:

Section 1. The Services.

(a) The Munic ipal i ty is engaging IFC to prov ide

the services set forth in Annex A hereto (the

(C) Programi bashk€-financohet nga Republikae Austrise ndpermjet Ministrise sd saj Federale teFinancave ("Donator i " ) , e c i la mbt ishtet zhv i l l imin

e sektorit privat si njai mjet per td krijuar njdekonomi td shdndoshd ne vendet nd zhvill im,integrimin social te grupeve specifike te shoqeris€dhe nj€ mjedis te paster nep€rmjet financimit tenje game te gjerd programesh te asistences

teknike tend€rkom biitare.

inst i tuc ioneve f inanciare

(D) Bashkia dshte nje organ i administrateslokale td bashkise sd Durrdsit. Kompetencat e sajvendosen nga Kushtetuta e Shqip€rise. Durr€sisht r ihet ne p jesen perdndimore td Shqiper ise dhe€shte qytet i idytd me imadh n€ Shqipdr i me n j€popullsi prej me tepdr se 200,000 banortish.Gjithashtu, 6shte porti m€ i madh ne vend dhe n.iedest inac ion tur is t ik . Bazuar ne rekomandimet estudimeve td mdparshme te IFC-sd pdr

menaxhimin e mbetjeve, Bashkia po merr nekonsiderate fil l imin e procesit td perzgjedhjes seterritorit per nj6 fushEgrumbullim te ri p6r tdpermiresuar performanciin e sistemit ekzistues tdmenaxhimit tti mbetjeve te ngurta nd Durr€s, per

t'u siguruar shdrbime m€ efigente banor€ve te sajdhe p€r td mbrojtur mjedisin. Nd kdtd aspekt,Bashkia po merr nE konsiderate kryerjen e njestudimi per pdrzgjedhjen e territorit ("Studimi"),qd do t€ p€rfshij€ vlerdsimin paraprak teknik,ekonomik, ligjor dhe mjedisor td deri n€ treterritoreve td mundshme te p€zgjedhura per

zhvi l l imin e n ie ter r i tor i td r i pdr asgles imin embetjeve (fushdgrumbullim higienik) ("Projekti").(E) Bashkia i ka kdrkuar lFc-se td japd

konsulencdn e nevojshme ne lidhje me zbatimin eProjektit.

PRANDAI, TANI, Bashkia dhe IFC-ja (me poshtd

ndonjeherd referuar bashkarisht si "Palet" oseindividualisht si nj€ "Pale") kand r€nd dakort si mdDoshte:

Seksioni 1. Sh€rbimet.

(a) Bashkia angazhon IFC-nd p6r of r imin eshdrbimeve td parashtruara nd Shtojc€n A m€

Page 4: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

"services"). The Services shall be performed by IFC

through its own staff and through external

consultants selected and hired by IFC (the

"Consultants") as lFc deems appropriate.

(b) The Munic ipal i ty shal l cooperate wi th IFC

in good fa i th and do in a t imely manner a l l th ings

necessary to enable IFC to work with the

Municipality to achieve the Project obiectives, and

to enable lFC, its staff and the Consultants to carry

out the Services, including without limitation:

( i ) prompt ly prov ide to IFC a l l in format ion onthe Municipality or such other information asis necessary or desirable for the purpose ofproviding the Servicesi and

( i i ) permi t representat ives of lFC, inc luding IFCstaff and the Consultants, to have access tothe Municipality's books of account andrecords and to its employees, managers,auditors and agents.

(c) The Munic ipal i ty and IFC expect that

successful completion of the Project will permit

achievement of the minimum targets set out in

Annex A.

Section 2. Timetable.

{a) Subject as hereinafter provided,

the Services will be performed by IFC in

accordance with the timetable set forth in Annex A


(b) Whi le lFc under takes to mobi l izereasonable means available to it to carry out the

Serv ices in a t imely manner, complet ion of theServices during the proposed timetable is subject

to the Municipality complying with Section 1(b)

above. IFC's performance may also be delayed:

poshtd ("Shdrbimet"). Shdrbimet do te kryhen nga

IFC nepermjet stafit te saj dhe ndp€rmjet

konsulentdve te jashtem te perzgiedhur e tepun€suar nga IFC ("Konsulentet") ashtu si e ka

gjykuar te pershtatshme IFC-ja.

(b) Bashkia do td bashk€punoje ne mirdbesim

me IFC-n€ dhe do t6 zbatoje ne kohe te Siithagiitrat e nevojshme te cilat do tE mundesojnd lFc-

ne te punoj6 me Bashkine per t€ arritur objektivat

e Projektit, dhe do t€ mund€sojn€ IFC-nii, stafin e

saj dhe Konsulentet te kryejne Sherbimet, duke

mos piirjashtuar:

(i) sigurimin e menj€hershijm IFC-se tE tEgjith€ informacionit mbi Bashkind oseinformacione t€ til la si kdto sipas nevojave

apo deshirave n€ lidhje me q€llimin e ofrimitte Sh€rbimeve; dhe

{ii) lejimin e p€rfaqdsuesve te IFC-se, dukep€rfshird stafin e IFC-sai dhe Konsulent€t, qe

td kenai akses ne librat e kontabilitetit dherregistrat e Bashkisd dhe tek punonjdsit,

menaxheret, kontrolloralt dhe agjentet e saj.

(c) Bashkia dhe lFc pres in qd pdr fundimi me

sukses i Projektit te lejoje arritjen e synimeveminimale te parashtruara nd Shtojcen A.

Seksioni 2. Prosrami.

(a) si9 parashtrohetSherbimet do t€ realizohen ngame programin e paraqitur neposhtd.

dhe me poshte,lFc nd perputh.ieShtojc6n A m€

(b) Nd€rkohe qe lFc-ja nddrmerr td

mobilizojd mjetet e nevojshme qe disponon per

zbat imin e Sherb imeve n€ kohdn e duhur ,perfundimi i Shdrbimeve gjate programit t€propozuar dshte subject i Bashkise qai vepron nepdrputhje me Seksionin 1(b) m€ sipiir.

Performanca e lFc-se mund td vonohet:

{i) ndse numri dhe kompleksiteti i gdshtjeve

t€ identifikuara nga IFC gjate ofrimit te( i ) i f the numberidentified by lFc

and complexityin providing the

of issues5ervices

Page 5: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

proves to be significantly greater than theParties anticipated as of the date of thisAgreement; and

(ii) by the occurrence of events outside ofIFC's control.

Sh€rb imeve 6shte shume me imadh sesakan€ parashikuar Paldt nd datdn e kdsajMarrdveshjeje; dhe

(ii) nga rr.jedha e ngjar.ieve jashte kontrollit tEIFC-s€.

Section 3.Notices.

Municioalitv'sReoresentativeand Seksioni 3.Nioftimet.

PErfaodsuesi i Bashkisd dhe

(a) Bashkia do tE perzgjedhe dhe caktoje njEperson i cili do te veproje si perfaqesues i Bashkis€("Per faq€suesi i Bashkisd") emr i i td c i l i t do t ' i jepetIFC-se brenda dhjete (10) dit€ve kalendarike pasdates sd kdsaj Marrdveshjeje. Pdrfaq€suesi iBashkise duhet te jete i nje niveli td caktuar e menjd pergegjdsi e pervojd te til ld qd td jetd negjendje t'i IFC-se aksesin e nevojshdm teketo informazione dhe persona sipas gjykimit enevojave td IFC-se per qellimet e kdsajMarrt veshjeje.

(b) Ptirfaqdsuesi i Bashkis€ duhet te ket€autoritetin e plotd dhe fuqine e nevojshme pdr tdvepruar nd em€r td Bashkisd per te gjitha gdshtiete mbuluara nga kjo Marreveshje dhe per te gjithasynimet e qdl l imet pa per jasht im; s i v i jon:

(i) t€ gjitha raportet, rekomandimet dhekomunikimet e tjera td 9do lloji qe i jepenPerfaqesuesit te Bashkise nga IFC-ja duhet t' idor€zohen s i duhet Bashkise

(ii) te gjitha udhezimet, miratimet, vendimetdhe komunik imet e marra nga IFC pre jP€rfaqesuesit te Bashkisd duhet t' i jepen apob€hen e merren si duhet nga Bashkia; dhe

(iii) Pdrfaqdsuesi i Bashkise duhet qd n€ qdokoh6 td realizojd koordinimin dhebashkepunimin e duhur dhe ef iqent , dhe tes iguro jd mkobi l iz imin e t6 g j i tha bur imeve tdnevojshme nd menyre qe IFC te zbato.ieSherbimet .

(a) The Munic ipal i ty shal l se lect and appoint aperson to act as Municipality representative (the"Municipality Representative") whose name shallbe provided to IFC within ten (10) calendar daysfollowing the date of this Agreement. TheMunicipality Representative shall be of such level,responsibility and experience as to be able toprovide IFC with access to such information andpersons as IFC may deem necessary or advisablefor the purposes of this Agreement.

(b) The Municipality Representative shall befully authorized and empowered to act on behalfof the Municipality on all matters under thisAgreement and for all intents and purposeswithout limitation; accordingly:

(i) all reports, recommendations and othercommunications of any kind given by IFC tothe Municipality Representative shall bedeemed to have been duly given to theMunic ipal i ty ;

(ii) all instructions, consents, decisions andcommunications received by IFC from theMunicipality Representative shall be deemedto have been duly given or made by, andreceived from, the Municipality; and

(iii) the Municipality Representative shall at alitimes conduct proper and efficientcoordination and cooperation, and ensure themobilization of all necessary resources toenable IFC to carry out the Services.

(c ) Any notice, request other (c) Qdo njoftim, kdrkese apo komunikim tjeter

Page 6: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

Section 4. Budset. Contributions.Remuneration and Costs Reimbursement.

(a) The budget for the Project ("Budget") is as


Seksioni 4. Buxheti. Kontributet, Pasat dheRimbursimi i Kostove.

(a) Buxheti per Proiektin ("Buxheti") eshte simii poshtai:

Parties Amounts(in usS)

The Munic ipal i ty(cash contribution)


The Municipality( in-k ind contr ibut ion)


rFc 100,000

TOTAT 130,000

(b) The contributions to cover costs incurred

in accordance with the Budget are as follows:

(1) Contributions by IFC; IFC will cover the

costs of the Project up to the amount onehundred thousand Us Dollars {USS100,000).

(2) Fees Payable by Munic ipal i ty to IFC: wi threspect to the services, the Municipality shallpay to IFC a non-refundable fee of one mi l l ionand five hundred fifty thousand Albanian Leke(1,550,000 ALL) equal to fifteen thousand USDollars (U5515,000), payable in one installmentas follows:

i. Installment One: 1,550,000411 payable

within fifteen {15) calendar days of the dateon which IFC delivers the Study to theMunic ipal i ty .

(3) Contr ibut ions by Munic ipal i ty : TheMunicipality will participate in the Project withan in-kind contribution estimated at fifteenthousand US Dollars (US515,000) in the form ofproviding labor by the Municipality staff, office

space, office equipment and office supplies.

(c) The Parties undertake to consult with eachother, on a monthly basis, or such other periodic

Palet Shumat(n€ 5 AmerikanE)


{kontribut nti para kesh)15,000

Bashkia(kontribut nd natyrd)


tFc 100,000TOTAT 130

(b) Kontributet pdr mbulimin e kostove tii

akumuluara ne p€rputhje me Buxhetin jan€ si mdposht6:

(L) Kontributet nga IFC: IFC-ja do td mbuloje

kostot e Projektit deri nd shum€n prej njeqindmijE Dollare Amerikan€ (USS100,000).

(2) Tarifat qe do i paguhen IFC-se nga Bashkia:Ne lidhje me Shdrbimet, Bashkia do t'i paguaje

IFC-se njd tarifd td pakthyeshme prej njd millione peseqind e pes€dhjete mije Leke shqiptare(1,550,000A11) ekuivalente me pesembedhjete

mijd Dollard Amerikan€ (USS15,000), tepagueshme me njd kest si mE Posht6:

i. Kesti Njd: 1,550,000411 td pagueshme

brenda pesembedhjete (15) ditevekalendarike nga data kur IFC i dorezonStudimin Bashkisd.

(3) Kontributet nga Bashkia: Bashkia do temarrd pjese ne Projekt me njai kontribut nenatyri-i vleresuar me pesdmb€dhjete DollareAmerikand (UsS15,000) nd formdn e sigurimittE punes nga stafi i Bashkise, hapdsir€n e

zyrave, pajisjet e zyrave dhe mjetet e

nevojshme per to.

(c) Pal€t angazhohen te konsultohen me

njdra-tjetren, 9do muaj, ose mbi bazd t€ til16

Page 7: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

basis as they shall agree to in writing, with respect

to the status of Project implementation, proposed

changes in Budget pro ject ions and actual Budget


(d) The Municipality agrees that, if the actualcosts of the Project exceed the Budget, theMunic ipal i ty shal l pay such excess costs.

Section 5. Pavments.

Al l payments to IFC hereunder shal l bemade to IFC when due in fu l l , in Uni ted StatesDol lars (unless another currency is speci f ied byIFC), in immediate ly avai lab le funds, wi thout anydeductions whatsoever for taxes, duties, charges

or other withholdings (all of which shall be borneby the Munic ipal i ty) , a t such bank in such p lace asIFC may f rom t ime to t ime designate. In th isregard, the Munic ipal i ty conf i rms that i t wi l lpromptly apply for all exchange control and othergovernmental approvals it needs for thisAgreement and for the payment of amountsrequlred to be paid hereunder when due.

section5. Termination.

(a) The Munic ipal i ty may at any t ime in i tsdiscretion terminate this Agreement by giving IFCwritten notice at least fifteen (15) calendar daysprior to the effective date of terminationwhereupon, and subject to the provisions ofparagraph (d) of this Section 6, the obli8ations ofthe Parties shall forthwith terminate, except thatthe Munic ipal i ty shal l prompt ly pay to lFC, inaddition to any other amounts due and payable inaccordance with Section 4, above:

( i )a l l costs ( inc luding t ravel , accommodat ion,subsis tence and communicat ion) incurred byIFC staff up to the effective date oftermination in excess of U551,000; and

(ii)all fees, costs and expenses of Consultantsaccrued up to the effective date ofterminat ton.

periodike sipas marriiveshjes me shkrim qd dovendosin, ne perputhje me statusin e zbatimit tdProlektit, ndryshimeve td propozuara neparashikimet e Buxhetit dhe n6 shpenzimet e

Buxhetit aktual.

(d) Bashkia bie dakort qe, nese kostot aktuale

te Projektit tejkalojne Buxhetin, Bashkia do t'ipaguaje kdto kosto shtese.

Seksioni 5, Pagesat.

T€ gjitha pagesat p€r lFc-ne duhet td

b€hen t€ plota e nE koh6, nd Dollard Amerikane

lme perjashtim te rasteve kur IFC ka specifikuarnjd monedhd tjeted, ne fonde menjehere te

disponueshme, pa ndonjai zbritje pdr taksat,

detyrimet, tarifat apo pagesat e tjera (ku te gjitha

do te paguhen nga Bashkia), nti bank€n dhe ndvendin q€ do td caktoje IFC-ja. Nd kdte aspekt,Bashkia konfirmon qe do td aplikoje si duhet pdr tdgjitha kontrollet e ktimbimeve dhe miratimet etjera qeveritare qE nevojiten ptlr kdte Marr€

dhe pdr pages€n e shumave qe kerkohen tepaguhen n€ moment te caktuara.

Seksioni6. PErfundimi.

(a) Bashkia dshtd e lird qd n€ gdo koh6 tepdrfundojd kdte Marrdveshje duke iderguar lFc-sd

njoftim me shkrim te paktdn pesembedh.iet6 (15)

ditd kalendarike para dates s€ hyrjes ne fuqi t€p€rfundimit te saj, dhe sipas dispozitave teparagrafit {d) te kdtij Seksioni 6, detyrimet ePaleve do td pdrfundojne, perveq rastit kur Bashkia

duhet te paguaj€ menjEher€ IFC-n6, p€rveg

shumave tii tjera qd duhet te paguaje ne p€rputhje

me Seksionin 4, md s ipdr :

(i)te gjitha kostot (duke perfshire udhetimin,fjetjen, ngrdnien dhe komunikimin) pdr

stafin e IFC-se deri nd dita:n kur hyn nd fuqip€rfundimi i kontrat€s me shume seUS51,000; dhe

(ii)t€ giitha tarifat, kostot dhe shpenzimet eKonsulentijve qd jand mbledhur deri ditenkur hyn nd fuqi pdrfundimi imarrdveshjes.

Page 8: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

tb) IFC may, upon written notice to the

Munic ipal i ty at least f i f teen (15) ca lendar daysprior to the effective date of termination,

terminate this Agreement at any time if theMunicipality fails to perform any of its obligationshereunder, including, without limitation, failing tomake payments in a t imely manner and fa i l ing tocomply with the requirements of Section 1(b)

above, whereupon, and subject to the provision ofparagraph (d) of this Section, the obligations of theParties shall forthwith terminate, except that theMunicipality shall promptly (any in any eventwithin fifteen (15) calendar days of IFC's request)pay to lFC, in addi t ion to any other amounts dueand payable in accordance with Section 4 above:

(i)all costs (including travel, accommodation,subsistence and communication) incurred byIFC staff up to the effective date ofterminat ion in excess of U551,000; and

{ii)all fees, costs and expenses of Consultantsaccrued up to the effective date ofterminat ion.

(c) IFC may suspend or terminate th isAgreement upon fifteen {15) days written notice if

at any time IFC reasonably believes that anyrepresentative of the Municipality (or any otherrecipient of IFC's funds) has engaged in corrupt,fraudulent, coercive, collusive or obstructivepractices ("Sanctionable Practices") in connectionwith the Project.

(d) Notwithstanding anything herein orelsewhere to the contrary, the provisions ofSections 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 16 shall survive thetermination of this Agreement.

SectionT. Authorizations.

The Munic ipal i ty agrees to obta in and mainta in at

(b) IFC mundet, qe me ane te njd njoftimi me

shkrim drejtuar Bashkise te paktdn pesemb€dhjetd(15) d i t6 ka lendar ike para dates kur hyn n€ fuqi

Derfundimi i marreveshjes, te p€rfundoje ketd

Marreveshje n€ gdo kohd nese Bashkia nukp€rmbush ndonj€ nga detyrimet e saj ketu meposht€, duke pErfshire, pa kufizim, dhe mospagimin ne kohd si dhe mos permbushjen e

kiirkesave te Seksionit 1(b) me sip6r, si dhe n€perputhje me dispozitat e paragrafit (d) t€ k6tii

Seksioni, detyrimet e Paleve do td pdrfundoin6,por Bashkia do t'i paguajd nd kohe IFC-se (brenda

pesdmbedhjete (15) diteve kalendarike nga

k€rkesa e IFC-se) pdrveq td gjitha shumave te tjeraqd duhet td paguhen ne pdrputhje me Seksionin 4

m€ sio€r:

(i)td gjitha kostot (duke pdrfshire

udhdtimin, fjetjen, ngr€nien dhekomunikimin) e stafit te lFc-s€ deri nddatijn kur hyn nd fuqi Perfundimi imarr€veshjes me shumd se USS1,000; dhe

(ii)te gjitha tarifat, kostot dhe shpenzimet eKonsulenteve td grumbul luara der i ne d i tene hyr.ies n€ fuqi td Perfundimit teMarreveshjes.

(c) IFC mund t€ pezulloje ose pdrfundoj€ keteMarreveshje pas pesembedhjetd (15) ditevekalendarike te dortizimit td njoftimit me shkrimnese ne edo koh€ IFC-ja beson se gdo perfaq€sues i

Bashkis€ (ose ndonje marr6s tjet€r i fondeve teIFC-se) dsht€ pdrfshird nE praktika korruptuese,mashtruese, detyruese, bashk€veprime t€paligjshme ose praktika penguese ("Praktika te

Sanksionueshme") ne lidhje me Projektin.

(d) Megjithate, pavaresisht nga saparashikohet kdtu apo ne marr6veshje te tjera,d ispozi ta t e Seksioneve 6,8, L0, 17, 12 dhe 16 dote zbatohen edhe pas pdrfundimit t€ kdsaj


SeksioniT. Autorizimet.

Bashkia bie dakort te sigurojd e te mbajd ne fuqi

Page 9: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

all times in effect, or cause to be obtained andmainta ined in ef fect , a l l adminis t rat ive, corporateand other author izat ions and consents necessaryfor the effective performance by IFC of theServices and the payment and remittance of allamounts pavable to lFC.

Section 8, Standard of IFC Performance.

IFC shal l per form the Serv ices wi th duediligence and in a professional manner. TheMunicipality acknowledges and agrees that therecommendat ions of IFC wi l l not inc lude and shal lnot be deemed to constitute legal or accountingadvice or advice with respect to the compliance bythe Munic ipal i ty wi th any secur i t ies or companylaw and regulation, stock exchange requirementsor any similar legislative, regulatory or contractualdut ies and obl igat ions to which the Munic ipal i tymay be bound; and that for advice with respect tosuch mat ters, the Munic ipal i ty shal l re ly so le ly onits own legal advisors, accountants, auditors andother professional advisors authorized to providesuch advice in the jurisdictions in which theMunicipalitv conducts its activities.

Section 9, lmpact Measurement.

{a) The Municipality acknowledges that, inaccordance with IFC's internal procedures, theProject's performance should be assessed usingdevelopment and other performance indicators.To ensure the effectiveness of such assessment,the Munic ipal i ty agrees that , a t thecom mencement of the Pro ject i t wi l l prov ide to IFCaccess to such of the Municipality's books andrecords as shall be necessary to establish datapoints to serve as the baselines against which theperformance of the Project may be subsequentlym easu red.

(b) The development and other performanceindicators are set out in Annex B. The Municipalityundertakes to provide lFC, promptly upon ProjectCompletion, with an evaluation report detailingthe information set out in Annex B. For thepurposes of this Agreement, "Project Completion"shall mean the submission of "the Studv" to "the

n€ gdo koh€, ose te b6je t€ mundur mbajtjen nefuqi, t€ t€ gjitha autorizimeve administrative, tekorporatats dhe autorizim€t e miratimet e tjera tenevojshme per performance efikase te IFC ndlidhje me Shdrbimet dhe pagesat dhe diirgesat e tt!gJitha shumave t€ pagueshme ndaj IFC-se.

Seksioni 8. Standarti i Performancds s6 IFC-sE.

lFc do te kryejd Shdrbimet mepergjegjshmeri dhe me profesionalitet. Bashkianjeh dhe €sht€ dakort qe rekomandimet e IFC nukdo te perfshijnd dhe nuk perbejne konsulenceliglore apo kontabile ose konsulencii nd lidhje merespektimin nga Bashkia te 9do sigurie apo t€ligjeve dhe rregulloreve te kompanise, me kerkesate tregut tA aksioneve/burs€s ose me detyrat dhedetyrimet e ngjashme legjislative, rregullatore osekontraktuale qe ka Bashkia; dhe p€r kdshilla n€lidhje me Ceshtje te til la, Bashkia do te mbdshtetetvetdm tek konsulentet e vet ligjore, kontabiliste,kontrollordt dhe konsulentijt e tjerU profesionist6t€ autorizuar pdr te dhene nje konsulenc€ te til len€ juridiksionin ku Bashkia ushtron aktivitetet esat .

Seksioni 9. Matia e Ndikimit.

(a) Bashkia n jeh qd nd pdrputh je meprocedurat e brendshme te IFC-s€, performanca eProjektit duhet te vlerEsohet duke pdrdorurtregues te tjere t€ zhvill imit dhe performanc6s. Meq6llim qe te sigurohet efektiviteti i nje vleresimi tdt i l ld , Bashkia b ie dakor t qe me f i l l imin e Pro jekt i tdo t'i siguroje IFC-sd akses nd rregistrat dhe tddh€nat e Bashkis€ sipas nevojave per te krijuarp ika t€ dh€nash qd do te sh€rbejnd s i te dhdnatfil lestare kundrejt te cilave do td matetperformanca e Projektit.

(b) Zhvill imi dhe treguesit e tjerd tdperformancds parashtrohen ne Shtojcen B.Bashkia nd6rmerr t' i siguroje IFC-sd, menieherepas Perfundimit te Projektit, nje raport vleresimiqd detajon informacionin e paraqitur tek Shtojca B.Per qellimet e kdsaj Marrtiveshjeje, "Pdrfundimi iProiektit" do te thote dordzimi i "Studimit"

Page 10: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

Munic ipal i tv" . The Munic ipal i ty fur ther agrees toprovide such other feedback with respect to theProject as IFC may reasonably request.

Section 10. Reoorts and Documents.

All reports, analyses, memoranda and documentsprepared by, or with the assistance of, IFC may be

distributed bV the Municipality as needed amongits emplovees and officers but may not bedis t r ibuted to th i rd par t ies wi thout the pr ior

written consent of lFC.

Section 11. Representation of IFC'S Views anduse of IFC'S Name. Marks and Loqo.

(a) The Municipality agrees that it shall notrepresent, or permit the representation of, IFC'sviews without the prior written consent of lFC.

(b) The Municipality further agrees that it

shall not use, or permit the use of IFC'S name,marks or logos in any advertisements, promotional

literature or information without the prior writtenconsent of lFC, and that if such consent is provided

that i t shal l use the name, marks and logos st r ic t lyin accordance with the permission provided andwith the insertion of IFC's usual disclaimers.

(a) While IFC will make diligent efforts in itsperformance of the Services, IFC makes no expressor impl ied representat ion or warranty as to theaccuracy, completeness or sufficiency of anyreports, documents, analyses or memorandaprepared by or with the assistance of IFC or anyConsultant.

(b) IFC shall not be liable for any loss, cost,damage or liability that the Municipality or any ofits subsidiaries and affil iates or any of theirrespective shareholders or any lender or investoror potential investor or other third party maysuffer or incur as a result of the performance by

"Bashkisd". Md tej Bashkia bie dakort te jap€

reagimet e komentet e saj pairkatdse ne lidhje me

Projektin sipas kiirkesave te IFC-se.

Seksioni 10. Raoortet dhe Dokumentat.

Te gjitha raportet, analizat, memorandumet dhe

dokumentat e pergat i tura nga, ose me ndihmdn eIFC-se, mund t€ shpdrndahen nga Bashkia s ipas

nevojave te punonjesve dhe drejtuesve te saj por

nuk mund t'i dorezohen paleve te treta pa

miratimin paraprak me shkrim te IFC-s6.

Seksioni 11. Perfao6simi i PikDamieve te IFC-

s6 dhe PErdorimi i Emrit. Sheniave dhe Logos sdIFC-se.

(a) Bashkia bie dakort qe te ajo nuk do tepdrfaqesoje, apo lejojd prezantimin e pikepamjeve

te IFC-se pa miratimin paraprak me shkrim te IFC-


(b) ME tej Bashkia bie dakort q€ nuk do t€pardord, apo lejoie perdorimin e emrit te IFC-se, te

shenjave apo logove tii saj nA reklama, literature

apo informacione promocionale pa miratiminparaprak me shkrim te IFC-se, dhe n€se nj€mirat im i t i l le jepet , duhet td pdrdor€ emr in,shenjat dhe logot plotdsisht ne p€rputhje me lejene dh€nd ku ian€ perfshir€ dhe deklaratat e IFC-s6.

(a) Nddrkohd qe IFC-ja do te beje p€rpjekje tdpdrgjegjshme pdr td kryer ShErbimet e saj, IFC-januk b€n asnjE deklaratd te shprehur apo tenenkuptuar apo garanci per sa i perket saktdsis6,plotdsimit apo m.jaftueshmerise se raporteve,dokumentave, analizave apo memorandumeve t€pergatitura nga ose me ndihmdn e IFC-s€ osendonje Konsulenti tjeter.

(b) IFC nuk do te per&iigjet per humbjet,

kostot, demtimin apo detyrimin qe mund td pdsoj€

Bashkia ose ndonjd nga vartesit apobashkepunuesit e saj ose ndonje nga aksionerEt esaj perkatos ose ndonjti huadhen6s apo investitorose ndonj€ invest i tor i mundshdm ose ndonje pal€

Section 12. Disclaimers and lndemnification. Seksioni 12. Deklaratat dhe DEmshp€rblimet.

Page 11: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

IFC of the Services, or from using or relying on anyof the Serv ices or on any repor ts , documents,analyses or memoranda prepared or d is t r ibutedby, or with the assistance of, IFC or any Consultant,unless a court of competent jurisdiction

determines by a final judgment that such loss,cost, damage or liability was the result of gross

negligence or willful misconduct on the part of lFC.

(c) The Munic ipal i ty shal l { i ) indemni fy andhold IFC harmless against, and pay or otherwisere imburse IFC for , any losses, c la ims, damages orliabilities that IFC and/or any Consultant and/orany of its/their respective employees, officers, oragents may incur or become subject to, includingwithout limitation as a result of any claim, suit oraction brought against any of them by any thirdparty {whether or not affil iated with theMunicipality) on whatever grounds in connectionwith the performance of the Services by lFC, or thereliance by any person on anything done or notdone by lFC, and ( i i ) re imburse IFC for anyexpenses, including any legal expenses, reasonablyincurred by IFC in connection therewith; provided,however, that the Municipality shall not be liableunder the foregoing indemnity to the extent that acourt of competent jurisdiction determines in afinal judgment that any such loss, claim, damageor liability resulted from the willful misconduct orgross negligence of lFC.

(d) Notwithstanding anything herein, IFC'sliability, if any, to the Municipality hereunder shallnot extend to any indirect damage, loss of profit orloss of opportunity, nor exceed the amount of thefees actually received by IFC for its accountpursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement.

Sectionl3. Disclosure/Confidentialiw,

In accordance with its Policy on Disclosure ofInformation, IFC makes available to the public

e tretd si rezultat I performances s€ Sh6rbimeve teiFC-sd, ose nga pdrdorimi apo mbeshtetja tekSherbimet ose raportet, dokumentat, analizat apomemorandumet e tjera tti pdrgatitura apo t€shp6rndara nga ose me ndihmen e IFC-se oseKonsulenteve tai tjere, me p€rjashtim te rastit kurnje gjykate nd juridiksionin kompetent vendos mevendim final qe njo humbje e til le, kosto, demtimetapo detvrimet ishin rezultat i neglizhences semadhe apo s.jelljes s€ keqe te qellimshme t€ IFC-se.

(c) Bashkia do te ( i ) ddmshperble j€ dhe nukdo td fajesoje IFC-nd, dhe do td paguaj6 apoddmshpdrbleje IFC-nd per humbjet, ankesat,demet apo detyrimet qe mund te pesoje apo findodhin IFC-se dhe/ose ndonje Konsulentidhe/ose ndonj€ prej punonjesve, nilpundsve apoagjenteve te saj perkates, duke perfshire rastet pa

kufizim kur mund te kete ankesa, padi apoveprime kund€r tyre nga ndonjd pale e trete (td

lidhur ose jo me Bashkind) mbi gfar€dolloj baze, ndlidhje me ecurine e Shdrbimeve nga lFC, osebesimi nga gdo person mbi 9do gje qe dshtd bErEapo nuk eshte berd nga lFC, dhe ( i i ) td r imbursojelFc-nd per shpenzimet, duke p€rfshir€ shpenzimete ardsyeshme ligjore tE IFC-sd ne lidhje me k€to;me kusht qd Bashkia td mos jete perg;eg1dse per

d€mshp6rblimin e mdparshem deri nd masiin evendosur nga nje gjykate ne juridiksionin

kompetent me nj€ vendim flnal ku pdrcaktohet qd

keto humbje, ankesa, ddme apo pergjegjesi kaneardhur nga s je l l ja e keqe e qdl l imshme apo nganeglizhenca e madhe e IFC-s6.

(d) Pavaresisht nga sa parashikohet ketu,pdrgjegjesia e IFC-se, ndse ka, ndaj Bashkis€ nukdo td shtrihet tek ndonje ddm indirekt, humb.iefitimi apo humbje e mundtisisti, dhe as nuk do tetejkaloje shumgn e tarifave q€ merren aktualishtnga IFC pdr llogari te saj nd perputhje me Seksionin4 te k6saj Marreveshjeje.

seksioni 13. Nxierria e informacionit/Konfidencialiteti.Nd me Politik€n e vet pi:r Zbulimin elnformacionit, IFC-ja i b€n te disponueshdm

Page 12: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

certain information about its activities. Examplesof such information include, with respect to itsadvisory services activities, good practices orlessons learned reoorts which aim to enhance thedevelooment impact of IFC's initiatives. Pursuantto the policy, IFC does not disclose to the publicfinancial, business, proprietary or other non-publicinformation provided to IFC by its clients or thirdparties without the consent of such clients or thirdparties. The policy is available on IFC's web site.

Section 14. No Partnershio, Joint Venture orlnvestment Commitment.

The Parties acknowledge and agree that it is notthe . purpose of this Agreement to create apar tnership, jo in t venture or s imi lar arrangementwhereby the Par t ies could be held jo in t ly l iab le v is-a-vis third parties or for any other purposes.Nothing herein shall constitute a commitment byIFC to provide financing to the Municipality inrespect of the Project or otherwise.

Section 15. UN Securitv Council Resolutions,Sanctionable Practices.

The Munic ipal i ty agrees that i t shal l not ( i ) enterinto any transaction, or engage in any activity,prohibited by the United Nations Security Councilor i ts Commit tees pursuant to any resolut ionunder Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter or(ii) engage in (or authorize or permit any person orentity acting on its behalf to engage in) anySanctionable Practices with respect to the Projector any transaction contemplated by thisAgreement. More information about SanctionablePractices is available on IFC's web site.

Section 16. Disoute Resolution,

The parties hereto will endeavor in good faith toresolve any differences and disputes arising under,

publikut informacione te caktuara pdr aktivitetet esaj. Shembuj td njd informacioni te til le p€rfshijne,

nd lidhle me aktivitetet e saj tE sherbimeve tekonsulenc€s, praktikat e mira apo mesimet enxjerra, raportet te cilat kan€ si synim rritjen endikimit td zhvill imit te iniciativave te IFC-se. Sipaskesaj pol i t ike, IFC nuk i ben td n johur publ ikut

informacione publike financiare, te biznesit, nelidhje me prondsine ose informacione te tjera jo-

publike qd klientet apo palet e treta i.iapin IFC-s€pa miratimin e kiityre klienteve apo paldve tetreta. Politika eshtt! e disponueshme nii faqen einternetit td IFC-se.

Seksioni 14. Asnia Partneritet, Ndermarrie ePErbashk€t ose Aneazhime oEr lnvestime.

Paldt n johin dhe b ien dakor t q€ nuk dshtd qdl l imi ikesaj Marreveshjeje td krijoje nje partneritet,nddrmarrje te porbashket, apo sipdrmarrje t€ til laku Pal€t jand njesoj pdrgjegjese perpara paleve tetreta ose p€r qdllime te tjera. Asgje nd kdtddokument nuk do t€ pdrbeje angazhim nga IFC p€r

t€ financuar Bashkind ne lidhje me Projektin apome nje tjeter objekt.

Seksioni 15, Rezolutat e Kishill it t€ Siqurimitt€ UN, PraKikat e Sanksionueshme.

B ashkia bie dakort qd nuk do t€ (i) hyje netransaksione, ose angazhohet nd aktivitete, qdjan€ td ndaluara nga Kdshi l l i i S igur imi t teKombeve te Bashkuara ose Komiteteve tti ti j, sipasrezolutave ne Kaoitullin Vll te Deklarat€s s€Kombeve t€ Bashkuara ose (ii) angazhohet ne (osetai autorizojd apo lejojd ndonjd person apo organqe vepron nd emer td tij td angazhohet) Praktika teSanksionueshme nd lidhje me Projektin ose ndonjetransaksion tjetdr qe merret ne konsideratd ngakjo Marrdveshje. M€ shumd informacion perPraktikat e Sanksionueshme gjenden nii faqen einternetit te IFC-s€.

Seksioni 16. Zgiidhia e mosmarrEveshieve.

Palet e siperpermendura do td perpiqen, mebesimin e tyre tE mire, dhe miqesisht, te zgjidhin

Page 13: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

or in connection with, this Agreement by amicable


SectionlT. Amendments.

Any amendment or waiver of, or any consent given

under, any prov is ion of th is Agreement shal l be inwr i t ing and, in the case of an amendment , s ignedby the Par t ies.

Section 18, Successors and Assignees.

This Agreement binds and benefits the respectivesuccessors and assignees of the Parties, provided

that neither of them may assign this Agreement inwhole or in part without the prior written consentof the other.

Section 19. Entire Agreement andCounterparts.

(a) This Agreement, together with all itsAnnexes, constitutes the entire agreementbetween the Parties and supersedes any and allprior agreements, understandings andarrangements, oral or written, between the Partieswith respect to the subject matter hereof. lf anyterm of th is Agreement shal l be held to be inval id ,il legal or unenforceable, the validity of all otherterms hereof shall in no way be affected thereby,and this Agreement shall be construed and beenforceable as if such invalid, il legal orunenforceable term had not been inc luded here in.

(b) This Agreement may be executed inseveral counterparts, each of which is an original,but all of which constitute the same agreement.

Section 20, Enslish Version Prevails.

The Parties hereby acknowledge and agree thatthe English version of this document shall be thegoverning version and shall in all cases prevail overthe Albanian translation which is provided forreference only.

diferencat dhe mosmarr€veshjet qe dalin sipas,

apo nd lidhje me kete Marreveshje.

SeksionilT. Amendimet.

Cdo amendim apo heqje e, ose gdo miratim tjeter,i edo dispozite td kesaj Marreveshjeje duhet te jete

me shkrim, dhe ni! rastet e amendimeve, duhet tejend td firmosura nga Paldt.

Sekioni 18. Pasuesit dhe PErfaq€suesit

Kjo Marreveshje lidh dhe u krijon perfitimepasuesve dhe pdrfaqesuesve td Paleve, me kushtqe asnje nga ata te mund ta quaje kete

Marriiveshje te plote ose pjeserisht pa miratiminparaprak me shkrim te tjetrit.

Seksioni 19. Marreveshia e Plote dhe Kooiet e


(a) Kjo Marritveshje, bashke me td SjithaShtojcat e saj, perbdn te gjithe marreveshjennd€rmjet Pal€ve dhe ka epdrsi mbi t€ gjitha

marreveshjet e mdparshme, marreveshjet emirdkuptimit dhe rregullimet e bera, me gojd oseme shkrim, ndermjet Paleve n€ lidhje me kete

Ceshtje. N€se ndonje term i k€saj MarrEveshjejedo t€ konsiderohet i pavlefshdm, i paligjshdm apo ipazbatuesh€m, vlefshm6ria e te gjitha termave te

tjera nuk do te preket, dhe kjo Marreveshje do tdkuptohet dhe do td jetd e zbatueshme sikur ketaterma te pavlefsh€m, td pa ligjshem ose tdpazbatueshtim nuk do te ishin pdrfshird kdtu.

(b) Kjo Marrdveshie mund td ekzekutohet n€

disa kopje, secila prej te cilave dshte origjinale, porq6 te gjitha perbejnE te€n marreveshje.

Seksioni 20. Versioni Anslisht MbizotEron'

Palet e s ip€rpermendura n johin dhe b ien dakor tqe versioni anglisht i kdtij dokumenti do te jete

versioni kryesor dhe ne tE gjitha rastet do te

mblzot€ro je mbi p€rkth imin shqip ic i l i jepet

vetdm per reference.

Page 14: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

communicat ion to be g iven or made under th isAgreement shal l be in wr i t ing and shal l be deemedto have been duly given when delivered by hand,airmail, established courier service, or facsimile tothe Party to which it is given at such Party'saddress specified below, or at such other addressas such Party shall have designated by notice tothe Party giving such notice, request orcom municat ion.

For the M unicipality:

Address for communications:

The Munic ipal i ty of DurresSheshi l l i r iaDurres, Albania

Attention: Mr. Vangjush DakoTelephone: +355 (0) 52 24 800Facsimi le : +355 (0) 52 22 310

For IFC:

Address for comm unicat ions;

Internat ional F inance Corporat ion2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20433United States of America

With a copy to:

International Finance Corporation

Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 861L000 Belgrade, Serbia

Telephone;r381 11 3023 750Facsimile: +381. tL 3023 740Attention: Mr. Giovanni Daniele

qe do t6 jepet apo behet ne baz€ tE kdsajMarreveshjeje duhet te jete me shkrim dhe duhette s igurohet qe dshte dhdne s i duhet kurdorezohet dorazi, poste ajrore, shdrbimin korier,ose me faks tek Pala sd cilds do ijepet ne adresene specifikuar m€ posht€, apo nd adresat e tjerasipas njoftimeve td dh€na nga kjo Pale Pales tjeterqe ldshon nje njoftim, kerkesd apo komunikim tdt i l le .

Pdr Bashkine:

Adresa pdr komunikimet:

Bashkia e DurresitSheshi l l i r iaDurrds, Shqipdri

Drejtuar: Z. Vangush DakoTelefon: +355 {0) 52 24 800Faks: +355 (0) 52 22 310

Pdr IFC-nd:

Adresa per komunikimet:

International Finance Corporation2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20433U nited States of America

Me nje kopje drejtuar dhe:

International Finance Corporation

Bul . Kra l ja Aleksandra 8611000 Belgrade, serbia

Telefon: +381 LL 3023 750Faks: +381 LL3023 74ODrejtuar: Z. Giovanni Daniele

Page 15: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

WITNESS WHEREOF, the Par t ies have causedis Agreement to be s igned in the i r respect ive

name5 a: D1 lDe Sa\e 5\r5\ abD.Je \rl\\\en.


Name: Vangjush Da

Ti t le : Mayor

Signed at : Durres,September_, 2010



Ti t ie : Resident Representat ive

Signed at : Belgrade, September- , 2010

NE PRANTNE E wRE TE PLorE, Patdt pon€nshkruajn€ k6te Marrdveshje ne emrin e tyrep6r\ales nE dater e S\D€rp€rmendur .


Emri : Vangjush

Ti tu l l i : Kryetar

Firmosur ne: Durres, Shtator ,2010

Ti tu l l i : Per faq€sues Rezident

Fi rmosur nE: Beograd, - Shtator , 2010

Emri : Gidvanni Da n ie le

Page 16: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it


Description of Services - Timetable - MinimumTarPets - Kev Milestones

The main Project objective is to conduct the Studyto assist the Municipality in selecting a new wastedisposal s i te (sani tary landf i l l ) . The Munic ipal i tyitself does not have internal human resources andcapacities to complete this task. Thus, theMunicipality has requested IFC's assistance toimplement the Project. After completion of thestudv, the Munic ipal i ty wi l l be in a posi t ion todecide on the new landf i l l s i te and take thenecessary steps to build it, thus improving thewaste management services. IFC should maintain atight control over the process in order to ensurean unbiased decision on site selected.

The Study shall adequately address theobjectives:

1. Determine the service area, wastequantities {including sludge from wastewatert reatment p lants) and land requi rements for asanitary landfill site which achieve economies-of-scale and cost-effective transport of waste.

2. ln cooperat ion wl th and as recommendedby the Municipality, identify and assess at leaste ight s i tes and evaluate them under the s i teselection criteria (per EU best practices), such asenvironmental, safety, economic, engineering andsocio-political feasibility for a sanitary landfill. Indoing so in a co l laborat ive fashion, IFC a lso in tendsto t ransfer sk i l ls and capaci t ies which wi l l equipthe Munic ipal i ty to under take such s imi larexercises on its own in future, while applying theprinciples of best practices as acquired during thisexercise.

3. ldentify at least three potential sites thatappear to meet most of the site selection criteria,


Pershkrimi i ShErbimeve -. Proqrami -Svnimet

Minimale - ObieKivat Krvesore

Objektivi kryesor i Projektit 6shtd kryerja e njdStudimi per te ndihmuar Bashkind nd pdrzgedhjen

e nje territori p€r nj6 fushdgrumbullim te ri per

asgjesimin e mbetjeve (fush€grum bullim higjenik).Vete Bashkia nuk ka burime te brendshmenjeraizore dhe kapacitete per ta permbushur ketedetyre. Prandat, Bashkia ka k€rkuar ndihm€n eIFC-s€ pdr td zbatuar Projektin. Pas pdrfundimit tdStudimi t , Bashkia do te je t€ ne pozic ionin e duhurpiir t€ vendosur per territorin e fushEgrum bullim itt€ ri dhe do td ndermarre hapat e nevojshdm p€r

ta ndertuar ate, duke pairmiresuar ne kete mdnyreshdrbimet e menaxhimit te mbetjeve. IFC do teketd ndn kontroll gjith€ proEesin pdr tii siguruarnjd vendim te paanshem per perzgjedhjen eterritorit.

following Studimi do te trajtoje efektivisht objektivat emeooshtme:

1. Do te zonen e shdrbimit, sasitde mbetjeve (duke pdrfshird llumin e krijuar ngauzinat e ptlrpunimit td ujrave td zeza) dhe kdrkesate tok€s pdr nje territor fushdgrubullimi higjenik qecilat td arrihet ekonomia e shkall6s dhe transoorti imbetjeve me kosto efikase.

2. Ne bashkdounim me dhe s i rekomandohetnga Bashkia, do te identifikoje dhe vleresoje tdpakten tetd territore dhe do ti ' i vleresojd ato sipaskriterev€ t€ perzgjedhjes se territorit (sipaspraktikave me te mira td BE-sd), sig jan6 kriterimjedisor , is igur isd, a i ekonomik, inxhin jer ik dhemundshmi i r ia soc ia l -pol i t ike pdr n j6fushdgrumbul l im h ig jenik . Duke vepruar k€shtu n€m€nyrd bashk€punuese, IFC synon gjithashtu tetransferojd aftdsitd dhe kapacitetet qd do tdpa.iisin BashkinE ta! nddrmarre ushtrime td til la nete ardhmen vete, duke zbatuar praktikat mti t€mira s iE kdrkohet g jate kdt i j ushtr imi .

3. Do td identifikojd te pakten tre territore temundshme te cilat duken se plotdsojnd pjesen md

Page 17: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

based on avai lab le data, oreconomical ly to address thecr i te r ia .

could be engineeredintent of most of the

4. Provide an environmental audit report andeconomic analys is compar ing the three pot€nt ia l


5. Recommend one s i te based on thecom parative assessment outlined before.

By performing this task, the Municipality will takefurther steps to prepare itself for potential PPPtransactions or/and self financing for a new wastedisposal site (sanitary landfill).

Minimum Targets:

The munic ipal i ty of Durres and potent ia l ly thesurrounding communes wi l l use the f ind ings of theStudy to implement changes in the wastemanagement practices by preferably creating apartnership with a private investor, or by eitherut i l iz ing the EU accession funds or loans f romcommercia l banks or in ternat ional f inanceinstitutions. In a s-year period it should lead tothe construction of the new waste disposal site(sani tary landf i l l ) .

Kev milestones

Capaci ty Bui ld ing of Munic ipal i ty Staf fthrough on job training and closecollaboration with IFC consultants toprepare the Siting Study by December2010.

Regional Waste Management Planapproved by Durres Region Authoritiesby December 2010.Local Waste Management Planapproved by Municipality by December2010.Munic ipal i ty presents a p lan to IFC onintroducing the revision of WasteManagement tariff at its earliest

te madhe td kritereve tA perzgjedhjes sai territorit,bazuar nE t€ dh€nat e d isponueshme, ose te c i la tmund t€ projektohen ekonomikisht pdr tai trajtuarqellimin e shumices sE kritereve.

4. Do t€ hartojd nje raport mjedisor auditimidhe n je anal ize ekonomike ku do te krahasohen t t rtre territoret.

5. Do te rekomandoie njd territor bazuar n€vlerdsimin krahasimor td pi!rshkruar m€ sipdr.

Duke kryer kete detyrd, Bashkia do td nddrmarrehapa td mdtejshwm pa:r t'u pergatitur pdr

t ransaksionet e mundshme PPP ose/dhe per vetdf inancimim e n je ter r i tor i te r i pdr asgies imin embetjeve (lendfill higjenik).

Svnimet minimale:

Bashkia e Durresit dhe potencialisht komunat e sajpatrreth do t'i pdrdorin rezultatet e Studimit piir

zbatimin e ndryshimeve ne praktikat e menaxhimitte mbetjeve duke krijuar nd rastin me te mire njepartneritet me nje investitor privat, duke pdrdorurose fondet e hyrjes nd BE ose huate nga bankattregtare apo institucionet financiarenddrkombetare. Ne njd periudhe 5 vjeqare kjoduhet te gojd nd ndertimin e nje territori te ri pdr

asgiesimin e mbetjeve (fush€grumbullim higienik).

Obiektivat krvesore

Ngritja e Kapaciteteve te Stafit te Bashkisenepermjet trainimit nd pund dhebashkepunimit te ngushte me konsulent€te IFC pdr pdrgatitjen e Studimit tdPdrzgedhjes se Territorit deri me Dhjetor2010.Plani iMenaxhimi t Rajonal te Mbet jeve iaprovuar nga Autoritetet e Qarkut Durresderi md Dhjetor 2010.Plani i Menaxhimit Lokal te Mbetieve iaprovuar nga Bashkia Durres der i m€Dhjetor 2010.Bashkia i prezanton IFC n je p lan ku tdparaqi te t r ish ik imi i tar i fes se Menaxhimi tte Mbetjeve n€ takimin me te afert te

3 .

2 .

1 .

2 .

3 .

4. 4 .

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6 .

munic ipal counci l meet ing by ear lyNovember. This should inc lude a ser iesof publ ic consul ta t ions and publ icengagement sessions which shouldoccur before the end of November.Waste Management Tariff rateincreased in phases by June Z0t7/201.2.Site selection process completedfo l lowing the steps out l ined below:

Discussion with other surroundingcommunes on potential solid wastedisposal sites by October 2010.

Municipality provides (up to 10) optionsfor landfi l l location by October 2010 (itshould take jnto consideration propertyissues).All sites are assessed and short l isted to 3(by mayor and/or heads of communes)byNovember 2010.

Siting Study is conducted for each of thethree short l isted sites regarding technicaland economical feasibil i ty {including theland expropriation issue if the case) as wellas so€ial and environmental issues byDecember 2010.

3 options are compared based on resultsof the Siting Study and the best option isselected as a site for new solid wasted isposa l .

kesh i l l i t bashk iak der i nd f i l l im te Ndntor i t .

Kd tu duhet te pdr fsh ihen edhe n je serd

konsu l t imesh pub l ike dhe ses ione te

angazh imi t te pub l i ku t td c i la t duhen

organizuar para fundit t6 Niintorit.

Tarifa e Menaxhimit t€ Mbetjeve e rritur

n€ faza deri md Qershor 2011/2012.

Proeesi i pdrzgedhjes se territorit ipiirfunduar, duke p€rfshird hapat e

theksuara md poshtti:

Diskutim me komunat e tjera fqinje nelidhje me territore potenciale palrasgjesimin e mbetjeve te ngurta deri meTetor 2010.Bashk ia s iguron (der i ne 10) ops ione pbrvendodhjen e lendfil l j t deri md Tetor2010 (duhet tE marrd parasysh Cdshtjet epronave).Td gjitha territoret jane vleresuar dhe prejtyre jand zgjedhur 3 territore (ngakryetari i bashkisa dhe / ose kryetardt ekomunave) deri md NEntor 2010.Studimi iterritorit 6shta kryer pdr secil€nnga tre territoret e zgjedhura nd l idhjeme fizibil i tetin teknik dhe ekonomik(pdrfshire Ceshtjen e shprona:simit tetokes nese dsht6 rasti) si edhe qeshtjetsociale dhe mjedisore deri md Dhjetor2010.3 opsionet krahasohen bazuar nerezultatet e Studimit td Territorit dheops ion i me im i r€ zg idhet s i te r r i to r i i r ipdr asgjesimin e mbetjeve tE ngurta.

5 .

6 .

I ,

i i .

I t .

Other relevant milestones

After the site is selected, the following steps should betaken by the Municipality following the deliverables bylFCl

1. The detailed design is developed (9 to 12months after the site rs selected).

2. Site permission is requested byMunicipality and granted by the Councilof Territory Adjustment of the Republic ofA lban ia { in l year ) .

3. Expropriation (if the case) is performed bycourt (in l year).

4. Construction permission is granted (in 1.5

Obiektiva te tiera oE kan€ lidhie

Pasi perzgjidhet territori, Bashkia duhet tA ndjekd hapate meposhtem nE vij im td produkteve ti i IFC :

1. Planprojekti i detajuar 6shtE hartuar (9deri 12 muaj pas pdrzgjedhjes sdterritorjt).

2. Bashkia ka kdrkuar lejen e territorit dheK€shil l i i Rregull imit td Territorit ta:RepublikEs se Shqipdrise e ka dhdne lejen(per l v i t ) .

3. Eshte kryer shpron€simi (n€se 6sht6 rasti)nga gykata {pdr l vit).

4. Eshte marrd leja e nddrtimit (per 1.5 vjet).

Page 19: Marreveshja e Studimit te landfill-it

vears) .5. Construction works for the new solid 5. Fil lojnd punimet p€r ndErtimin e territorit

waste disposal site start (in 2 years). te ri te asgjesimit t i- i mbetjeve te ngurta(p€r 2 vjet).

6. Municipality ready for PPP transaction (in 6. Bashkia Eshte gati p€r transaksion PPP

2 vears) (Pdr 2 vjet)

Timins Afatet kohore

The project (3 shortlisted sites) is expected to be Projekti (3 territore td pdrzgjedhura) parashikohet

accomplished by December 31,2010. te p€rmbushet deri ne 31 Dhjetor 2010.

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Evaluation lndicators for the Proiect


Trequesit e Vlerdsimit tE Proiektit

The Project will be evaluated according to the Projekti do td vlerdsohet sipas kritereve tdfo l lowing cr i ter ia : mdposhtme:

Outouts: Produktet:-4-5 municipal official received on job training; -4-5 punonjds te Bashkise jand trajnuar nE pune;-Number of munic ipal o f f ic ia ls repor t ing feedback; Numri i punonjesve td Bashkise qd kand rapor tuar

fidbek;-8o% of trained municipal officials reporting -80% e punonjesve tg trainuar td Bashkise jane tesatisfied; kdnaqur;-Required documents: l Study completed. -Dokumentet e k€rkuara: l Studim i kryer.

Outcomes: Rezultatet:-Number of entities implementing recommended -Numri i enteve qe zbatojnd ndryshimet e

changes; reKomanouara;-Number of reports accepted by client {Study -Pranimi iStudimit nga Bashkia;accepted bythe Municipality); -Territori i zgjedhur nga Bashkia dhe tw Sjitha-site selected by Municipality and all l icences lieensat tw marrarecerveo -Rritja e interesit te partnereve te mundshdm-lnterest of potential private partners raised, private, matur nga njd numer firmash q€ i jand

measured by a number of firms that approached afruar Bashkise.the Munic ioal i tv .

lmoacts Ndikimet:tmoacts expected within 3 vear time after the Ndikimet e pritshme brenda 3 vietesh neacomoletion of this Asreement are as follows: p€rfundimi i kelallEgEveshieie iand si viion:-Public Private Partnership in WM sector in Durres -T€ jete iniciuar Partneriteti Publik Privat ngor /andsel f f inancingin i t ia ted; sektor ineMM ne Durres ose/dhe vetw f inancimi ;- lnvestment ra ised: 16 mi l l ion Euro investment in a - lnvest im i ngr i tur : 16 mi l l ion Euro invest im nd n jdnew waste disposal slte (sanitary landfill); territor td ri per asgjesimin e mbetjeve

( fushdgrumbul l im h ig jenik) ;-Bet ter access to improved waste management -Akses me imirE ne sherb imet e pai rmirdsuara td

services for over 200,000 inhabitantt, Ienaxhimit

tE mbetjeve per me teper se 200,000oanore;

-Reduction of 23,000 CO2 eqv. t/year after the -Reduktimi i 23,000 CO2 eqv. t/vit pas ngritjes seestabl ishment of the sani tary landf i l l . lendf i l l i t h ig jenik .