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Marketing Notes for Competitive Exams Dear readers, since Marketing is a major portion of SBI Exams, so here we are presenting you some quick notes on Marketing . Hope they prove to be useful in the upcoming exam. Market : It is a physical place or an environment where sellers and buyers meet together to exchange goods and services. Marketing : It is the sum total of all activities that are related to the free flow of goods from the producer to the customer. Getting the right goods & services, to the right people, at the right place, at the right time and at the right price. Marketing Management: It is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. Market Research: It is a process of collection and analyzing information regarding customer needs and buying habits, the nature of competition in the market, prevailing prices, distribution network, effectiveness of advertising media etc for arriving at a decision. Relationship Marketing: It is basically building mutually satisfying long term relationships with key parties like customers, suppliers, distributors and other marketing partners in order to earn and retain their business. Direct Marketing: It consists of a manufacturer selling directly to the final customer. It is also called zero level channel. The major examples are door-to-door sales, telemarketing, Internet selling etc. Packaging: It involves putting the goods in attractive packets according to the convenience of consumers. Well designed packages can build brand equity and drive sales. The package is the buyer's first encounter with the product and is capable of turning the buyer on or off. Personal Selling: It is a part of promotional activity. It involves communicating directly with the target audience through paid personnel of the company or its agents for making sales. SWOT Analysis:

Marketing Notes for Competitive Exams.pdf

Nov 09, 2015




Marketing Notes useful for thr students who are preparing for Competitive Exams especially in banking Sectors.
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  • Marketing Notes for Competitive Exams

    Dear readers, since Marketing is a major portion of SBI Exams, so here we are presenting you some quick notes on Marketing . Hope they prove to be useful in the upcoming exam.

    Market : It is a physical place or an environment where sellers and buyers meet together to exchange goods and services.

    Marketing : It is the sum total of all activities that are related to the free flow of goods from the producer to the customer. Getting the right goods & services, to the right people, at the right place, at the right time and at the right price.

    Marketing Management: It is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value.

    Market Research: It is a process of collection and analyzing information regarding customer needs and buying habits, the nature of competition in the market, prevailing prices, distribution network, effectiveness of advertising media etc for arriving at a decision.

    Relationship Marketing: It is basically building mutually satisfying long term relationships with key parties like customers, suppliers, distributors and other marketing partners in order to earn and retain their business.

    Direct Marketing: It consists of a manufacturer selling directly to the final customer. It is also called zero level channel. The major examples are door-to-door sales, telemarketing, Internet selling etc.

    Packaging: It involves putting the goods in attractive packets according to the convenience of consumers. Well designed packages can build brand equity and drive sales. The package is the buyer's first encounter with the product and is capable of turning the buyer on or off.

    Personal Selling: It is a part of promotional activity. It involves communicating directly with the target audience through paid personnel of the company or its agents for making sales.

    SWOT Analysis:

  • PEST Analysis:

  • Marketing Mix (4P's):

    Product, Price, Place, Promotion

    Viral Marketing: Marketing by the word of mouth having a high pass route from person to person is called viral marketing. It can create a splash in the market place to showcase a brand and its noteworthy features.

    Product Policy: It is concerned with defining the type, volume and timing of the products a company offer for sale.

    Rights of consumers: Right to safety, Right to be informed, Right to choose, Right to be heard Right to seek redressal, Right to consumer education.

    Cross Selling: An exposure to various other unutilized services of the bank to a customer is called cross selling. It also includes identifying customer needs, matching the products to customer needs, convincing the customers of product benefits & responding to questions and objections of customers.

    SME's: It stands for Small & Medium Enterprises. Market Expansion: It is growth in sales through existing and new products by adopting

    competitive strategies. It includes expanding the total market, defending market share, expanding market share etc.

    Product Diversification: It refers to manufacturing or distributing more than one product by the producer or dealer.

    Marketing Plan: It is a written document that summarizes what the marketer has learned about the market place and indicates how the firm plans to reach its marketing objectives. It is the one of the most important outputs of the marketing process.

    Green Marketing: It is a new environment friendly marketing technique. Product Elimination: It is a process of removing product from the product line (it is a

    group of products that are closely related to each other). Drip Marketing: The method of sending promotional items to clients is called drip

    marketing. Selling: It is confined to persuasion of consumers to buy firm's goods and services. It

    involves the transfer of ownership of goods to create possession utility. Bench Marketing: A comparison of the business processes with competitors and

    improving prevailing ones is called bench marketing. Qualities of a good seller: Devotion to the work, Submissive, Sympathy, Active mind

    set, Communication skill, Creativity, Motivation. Prospect: A 'likely' interested customer of the bank is termed as a prospect. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): It allows the company to discover whom

    its customers are, how they behave and what they need or want. It also enables the company to respond appropriately, coherently and quickly to different customer opportunities.

    Call: In marketing, calling the prospective customer is known as a call.

  • Sales Forecasting: It is the expected level of company's sales based on a chosen marketing plan an assumed marketing environment. It involves sales planning, sales pricing, distribution channels, consumer tastes etc.

    Motivation: It refers to inspiring one self and others to perform better. Branding: The essence of a product, its quality and competitiveness displayed in the

    form of letters, symbols and colours is known as branding. Sales Forecasting: The method of estimating volume of sales that a company can expect

    to attain within a planned period is called sales forecasting. Marketing for Growth:

    Advertising: Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.

    Segmentation: The process of dividing a market into a number of sub markets is known as market segmentation.

    Positioning: The development of marketing mix to influence a customer's perception of a brand is called positioning.

    Consumer Behaviour: A consumer's buying behaviour is influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological factors.

    Promotion: When a marketer persuades a person or group of prospective buyers, the communication is termed as promotion.

    Product Life Cycle (PLC): It is the life period of product in the market. The different stages includes Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline.

    Bancassurance: Bancassurance simply means selling of insurance products by banks. In this arrangement, insurance companies and banks undergo a tie-up, thereby allowing banks to sell the insurance products to its customers.

    Consumer Goods: Goods meant for personal consumption by the households or ultimate consumers are called consumer goods. It includes items like groceries, cloths etc.

    Industrial Goods: Goods meant for consumption as use as inputs in production of other products orprovision of some service are termed as industrial goods.

  • Demarketing: Marketing aimed at limiting market growth; for example, some governments practice demarketing to conserve natural resources, and organizations use a demarketing approach when there is so much demand that that are unable to serve the needs of all potential customers adequately.

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    What is the market? Any structure which may be a place or may not be can be defined as the market that allows buyers and sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information. It can also be called as an arrangement constructed by buyers and sellers. It facilitates trade and enables the distribution of resources in a society. Thus a market: 1. It establishes the prices of goods and services. 2. It consists of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructure. 3. It brings a sense of competition. 4. It works on a basic force of demand and supply. Types of market: On the basis of place 1. Local market 2.National market 3.International market

  • On the basis of time 1.Very short period market 2.Short period market 3.Long period market 4. Very long period market On the basis of competition 1. Perfectly competitive It consists many sellers. E.g. Mobile market, internet providers etc. 2. Imperfectly competitive (a) Monopoly one seller. E.g. Indian Railway (b) Duopoly two sellers. (c) Oligopoly few sellers. E.g. petroleum product market (d) Monopolistic many sellers On the basis of product 1. Consumer market - These are the markets where products and services bought by consumers for their own and family use. Types: (a) Fast moving consumers goods (FMCG)

    High volume Low unit cost Fast and frequent purchase

    E.g. Biscuits, soaps, detergents, newspapers etc. (b) Consumer durables

    Low volume High unit cost

    E.g. Freeze, TV, computers, motorbikes, laptops etc. (c) Soft goods - It is like consumer durable.

    Low/high volume High/low unit cost Frequently purchased

    E.g. Clothes, shoes, specs etc. (d) Services

  • Targeted consumers Brand name more important Intangible

    E.g. Health insurance, beauty parlours, insurance etc. 2. Industrial market- These markets are not intended directly to consumers but among businessmen.

    Finished goods market Raw material market Services

    E.g. Accountancy, legal advice, security services, waste disposal services etc. What is a market economy? It is an economy system in which economic decisions regarding monetary control, products and their production and methods and control over distribution are based on supply and demand. These are decided solely by the aggregate interaction of a countrys citizens as consumers and businesses and there is very little government intervention or central planning. Since in market economy, markets are governed by the law of supply and demand, the market itself will determine the price if goods and services. Businesses can decide which goods to produce and in what quantity and consumers can decide what they want to purchase and at what price. The prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system. In such economy, the government allows and protects ownership of property and exchange. Government plays an important role as the protector of property rights and individual liberty. In theory, market economy is completely different from practical market economy. However most developed nations today can be classified as mixed economies, they are often said as market economies because they allow market forces to drive most of their activities, typically engaging in government intervention only to the extent that it is needed to provide stability. It can be contrasted with planned economy or centrally planned economy, in which government decisions drive most aspects of a country's economic activity. What do you understand by Market Penetration? Market Penetration is basically a strategy to increase the base or market share of the existing product. It is one of the four growth strategies of the product market growth matrix defined by Ansoff. It occurs when a company penetrates a market in which current or similar products already exist. Market Penetration can be done by the following means:

  • (a) Attracting nonusers of the product (b) Encouraging existing users to use more quantity of products. (c) Advertisement (d) Mega sales (e) Lowering prices (f) Bundling Market Penetration can also be mathematically calculated using following formula Market Penetration = (sales volume of the product 100) total sales volume of all competing products. What is a product? A product can be defined as anything which can be offered to a market to satisfy a need or want. Here want or need can be different from different angles. For example if a product biscuit is sold in a market, it is satisfying the need of stomach of a person and same time maximizing profit of the company selling the biscuit. In retail product are called as merchandise. Product can be classified as: 1. Tangible Vehicle, cloth, gadget etc. 2. Intangible Cannot be perceived by touch. E.g. sad songs, action movies etc. 3. Branded It carries a brand name. 4. Unbranded It does not carry any brand name. Note Goods, idea, method, information, object or service that is the end result of a process and serves as a need or want satisfier. It is a bundle of tangible and intangible attributes like benefits, features, functions, uses etc. that a seller offers to buyers for purchase. NOTE - Keep visiting for more notes on Marketing. We will try to update it everday!! Read more: On the basis of tangibility (a) Tangible goods However in economics, all goods are considered tangible but in reality certain classes are not tangible like information. All tangible goods occupy physical space. (b) Intangible goods - Cannot be perceived by touch. E.g. information (it is different from services because final in goods can be transferrable and traded but not services)On the basis of relative elasticity (a) Elastic goods It is one for which there is a relatively large change in quantity due to a relatively small change in the price.

  • (b) Inelastic goods It is one for which there is very little change in quantity due to relative change in the price. Note 1. Normal goods Elasticity is greater than zero. 2. Inferior goods Elasticity is smaller than zero. 3. Luxury goods Elasticity is greater than one. 4. Necessary goods Elasticity is less than one. Other types: (a) Convenience goods These are easily available to consumers without any extra efforts. It mostly comprises non-durable goods. E.g. fast foods, sweets, cigarettes, etc. (b) Staple convenience goods This type comprises basic demands like breed, sugar, milk etc. (c) Impulse convenience goods These are goods which are bought without any prior planning with impulse. E.g. Candies, chocolates, wafers. (d) Consumer goods These are final goods that are brought from retail stores to meet the needs and wants. (e) Emergency goods These are goods that are bought quickly when they are urgently needed in the time of the crisis. These are typically distributed at the stores. E.g. Tents, flashlights, lighters, shovels, umbrellas etc. (f) Specialty goods These goods are unique or special enough to persuade the consumer to exert unusual effort to obtain them. It means that they are bought after extensive research. E.g. Designer clothes, painting, perfumes, limited edition cars, stunning design, typically expensive, antiques, diamonds, wedding gowns etc. What is a customer? Customer can be defined as the recipient of a good, service, product or idea obtained from a seller, vendor or supplier for a monetary or their valuable consideration. Types: (a) Intermediate customer These are who purchases goods for resale. (b)Ultimate customer These are consumers. What is a Captive Market ? Captive markets are markets where the potential consumers face a severely limited amount of competitive suppliers Their only choices are to purchase what is available or to make no purchase at all. Captive markets result in higher prices and less diversity for consumers. The term therefore applies to any market where there is a monopoly or oligopoly. Examples of captive market environments include the food markets in cinemas, airports, and sports arenas and food in jails prisons. What is Marketing ? Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and process for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large. It is a function that links consumers, public to the marketer of a product through information. Here

  • the information addresses the issues regarding all aspects of the products. Products can be tangible or intangible. It differs from selling because in selling, the main motive remains the maximization of profit by way of selling a product but with absence of value but in marketing value is also considered at the par with profit. So marketing is a integrated effort to discover, create, raise and satisfy customer needs with values. It is one of the competing concepts which can be looked as an organizational umbrella function to benefit the organization with superior customer value. What is niche marketing? Niche marketing is a type of marketing in which a narrowly defined customer group is targeted. It focuses on small segment of consumers who have unique and similar needs. The market in which this marketing technique is applied is called niche market. E.g. Blackberry application or Android application, sports car, luxury cars, internet based marketing etc. This technique of marketing can be contrasted with mass marketing. What is Relationship Marketing? Relationship Marketing is a technique of marketing which involves creating and maintaining strong ties with customers and other parties like dealers, suppliers, contractors, shareholders, stakeholders, employees etc. This technique revolves around a concentric chain of long term relationship. It also includes Partner Relationship Management (PRM) apart from Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Its main objective is to find, maintain and enhance the customer base and mutually long term satisfying relationship.In Relationship Management buyer and seller continuously improves their understanding and thus they build up more loyalty towards each other. The final product of this system is a unique asset that is marketing network. This marketing technique includes following steps:

    Creating a customer database Identifying key customers Creating details Getting closer through different channels Maintaining relationship Advantages of Relationship Management Consistency of business within the marketing network Long term brand recognition Easy redressal of customer grievances

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  • What is marketing process? This is the process, which is performed by marketing managers using all marketing mixes as and when required. The marketing process involves the following variables: (a) The product itself (b) Place for selling (c) Marketing channel (d) Price These variables combine in a market offering which the consumers may decide to buy if it provides satisfaction as per their needs. The marketing process seems to be very easy in theory However it is very complex one to perform. If any small change occurs in the marketing environment, the whole concept of marketing offering and strategy changes drastically. What is cross selling? Cross selling is the practice of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer. The objectives of cross selling can be either to increase the income derived from the client or clients or to protect the relationship with the client or clients. The approach to the process of cross selling can be varied. Unlike the acquiring of new business, cross selling involves an element of risk that existing relationships with the client could be disrupted. For that reason, it is important to ensure that the additional product or service being sold to the client or clients enhances the value the client or clients get from the organization. In practice, large businesses usually combine cross selling and upselling techniques to enhance the value that the client or clients gets from the organization (and vice versa). For the cross selling there can be substantial barriers. Let us see some of them: 1. Presence of multiple vendors. 2. Different purchasing points within an account, which reduce the ability to treat the customer like a single account. 3. The fear of the incumbent business unit that its colleagues would spoil their work at the client, resulting with the loss of the account for all units of the firm. Let us see some forms of cross selling: Selling addon services--- is another form of cross selling. That happens when a supplier shows a customer that it can enhance the value of its service by buying another from a different part of the supplier's company. When one buys an appliance, the salesperson will offer to sell insurance beyond the terms of the warranty. Though common, that kind of cross selling can leave a customer feeling poorly used. The customer might ask the appliance salesperson why he needs insurance on a brand new refrigerator, "Is it really likely to break in just nine months?" The kind of cross selling can be called selling a solution. In this case, the customer purchasing a TV is provided with Direct to home inbuilt set top box. In this case customer can be relived from purchasing a set top box to watch different channels.

  • Examples of cross selling 1. A CDMA mobile 2.A Life Insurance company suggesting its customer sign up for car or health insurance. 3. A television brand suggesting its customers go for a set top box of its or another's brand. 4. A laptop seller offering a customer a mouse, pen drive, and or accessories. 5. A shampoo seller suggesting conditioner of its own company for better result. What is SWOT analysis? It is a structured planning method proposed by Albert Humphrey. It is used to analyse the following factors of an organization: (a) Strengths It includes all the characteristics of a company which is not with other companies. It needs to be exploited. (b) Weakness It gives a inside look of the areas where there is scope for improvement (c) Opportunities It includes external chances that can be used to improve performance of the company. (d) Threats It includes external as well as internal elements that could cause trouble for a project. It can be looming or sleeping.What is USP in marketing? USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition. The unique selling proposition (USP) is a marketing concept that was first proposed as a theory to understand a pattern among successful advertising campaigns of the early 1940s. It states that such campaigns made unique propositions to the customer and that this convinced them to switch brands. The term was invented by Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. Today the term is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar objects. So, USP basically provides uniqueness to a particular product. It impresses a viewer/audience so much that the voice or view of the Ads buzzes into their ears. For example for this site that you are using now, I can propose USP tuition till your service. So, through USP, a seller tries to present his product as a unique one and better than all other competitive products. It provides an instant theme for the buyer to purchase the product. What is Upselling? Upselling is a sales technique whereby a seller induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. Upselling usually involves marketing more profitable services or products but can also be simply exposing the customer to other options that were perhaps not considered previously. Upselling implies selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the seller instead of, or in addition to, the original sale. In a restaurant and other similar settings, upselling is commonplace and an accepted form of business. In other businesses, such as car sales, the customers perception of the attempted upsell

  • can be viewed negatively and thereby affect the desired result. Some examples of upsales include: (a) Suggesting a premium brand of alcohol when a brand is not specified by a customer (b) Selling an extended service contract for an appliance (c) Suggesting a customer purchase more RAM or a larger hard drive when servicing his or her computer (d) Selling luxury finishing on a vehicle (e) Suggesting a brand of watch that the customer hasn't previously heard of as an alternative to the one being considered. (f) Suggesting a customer purchase a more extensive car wash package. (g) Asking the customer to super-size a meal or add cheese at a fast food restaurant. Techniques A common technique for successful upsellers is becoming aware of a customer's background and budget, allowing the upsellers to understand better what that particular purchaser might need.Another way of upselling is creating fear over the durability of the purchase, particularly effective on expensive items such as electronics, where an extended warranty can offer peace of mind. The vendor can tell that you are only investing not so much money so, this particular thing cannot be so durable. Upselling also works with items like cars, where the seller suggests doing rubber paint inside the chassis to make the car more durable Read more: What is product life cycle management? This management is a process of managing a product throughout its lifecycle. It starts from its introduction, growth, maturity and disposal. This management integrates people, data, processes and business systems. It works in the following areas: (a) Product system engineering (b) Product and portfolio management (c) Product design (d) Manufacturing process management (e) Product data management This management process basically involves: (a) Conceive Imagine, specify, plan, innovate (b) Design Describe, define, develop, test, validate (c) Realize Make, procure, produce, deliver, launch (d) Service Maintain, support, sustain (e) Dispose Recycle, disposal, retire What is product life cycle? In the same fashion of our life cycle i.e. birth, growth, maturity and finally death, a product also

  • goes through a life cycle which consists of following stages: (a) Product introduction/market development this is the stage when a new product is first brought to market. It can be on the basis of demand or innovation of a company. In this stage sales are low and slow. However, thanks to our communication channels and modern management techniques that at this stage also sales goes up. (b) Market growth at this stage the demand begins to accelerate and it takes off. (c) Maturity (d) Disposal What is marketing management? It is a business discipline which applies different type of marketing techniques, resources, and trends. The application of this discipline can vary significantly based on businesss size, culture and environment. Marketing management employs various tools like SWOT analysis, product positioning, product differentiation, value chain analysis, strategic group analysis, statistical surveys, ethnographic observations, competitive intelligence, environment scanning etc. So, this discipline is very broad one and to create an effective marketing management, it is very necessary for a company to have its elaborated and objective understanding of its own business model and markets. What is marketing environment? It is an umbrella term used for forces and variables inside as well outside the organization which influence the decision of marketing managers. Marketing environment comprises trends that appear and disappear and determine the success of the organization marketing efforts. For better marketing and formulation of a marketing strategy, it is necessary to scan internal and external marketing environment variables. Marketing environment can be classified into three groups: (a) Micro (internal) Objective of the company Finance Resources like man power, raw material, capital etc. (b)Macro (external) Technology Economic Social Physical National/international (c) Market (just outside) Competitors Intermediaries Suppliers Threats Opportunities What is marketing mix? Marketing mix is a tool in the hand of marketer, which is a mixture of several ideas and plans, to promote a particular product. Different models of marketing mix: Four P model-- This is also known as producer oriented model. It was proposed by EJ McCarthy in 1960.

  • Elements: (a) Product The thing which is offered (b) Price High/low, stable/fluctuating (c) Promotion Brand recognition and positioning (d) Place Convenient for consumers Seven P model It was proposed by Booms and Bitner in 1981. Elements: (a) Physical evidence Interior (b) People Human resources (c) Process Quality Four C model It is a consumer oriented model. It was proposed by Lauterborn in 1993. Elements: (a) Product Consumer (b) Price Cost (c) Promotion Communication (d) Place Convenience/channel for consumers Seven C model Elements: (a) Consumers (b) Cost (c) Communication (d) Convenience/channel (e) Corporation (f) Commodity (g) Circumstances Compass model Elements: (a) N National and international (b) W Weather (c) S Social (d) E Economic Read more: