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2009 Breakout Sessions

Mark Logic User Conference 2009 Breakout Session Guide

Apr 11, 2015




This is the breakout session guide for the 2009 Mark Logic User Conference in San Francisco in May.
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2009 Breakout Sessions

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Applications Track DescriptonThe applications track provides invaluable insight into how organizations like yours are using MarkLogic Server to drive business

success. Hear directly from customer organizations through case studies, presentations, and discussions. You will come away with an

in-depth understanding of how others have addressed their content challenges and how they are leveraging MarkLogic Server.

Topics in this track include:

› Find new sources of revenue

› Improve content reuse

› Build centralized XML repositories

› Drive improvements through operational document publishing

› Simplify the custom publishing process

› Drive decisions faster through better search and analytics

› Manageandcollaboratemoreefficiently

› Increase customer loyalty through user-centric interfaces

Applications Breakout Sessions

Bridging the Structured Information Gap in Clinical Documentation by Applying XML and CDA

Craig Wilkins, Webmedex

Over 60 percent of all clinical information in a patient’s Electronic Health Record is comprised of unstructured dictation and tran-

scribed medical text. More importantly, this 60 percent represents the most important data within the chart in terms of patient care,

risk management, and reimbursement: Physician Documentation. The HL7 sponsored Clinical Documentation Architecture (CDA) ini-

tiative provides the standard for representing valuable physician narrative as individual data elements. This data has a myriad of applica-

tions within today’s EHR environment, from standardized clinical reports to improved quality to more accurate coding and billing. The

problem is how to apply the CDA standard to large volumes of unstructured narrative from dozens of disparate sources. The answer

lies within structured XML within the clinical document. This presentation will demonstrate real-world applications of XML technol-

ogy on clinical content. Attendees will learn how to leverage XML and CDA to provide meaningful applications that assist healthcare

providers in recognizing their return on investment in the EHR.

Content Applications Being Developed at the LDS Church

Mike Bowers, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

The LDS Church has adopted MarkLogic as the platform of choice for interactive web sites, content applications, single source re-

positories, and basic content management systems. This presentation explores these applications and how MarkLogic has made them

successful. We will also share how we got buy-in to use MarkLogic as an XML database and application server – a challenging task at

our Oracle, Java, and WebSphere shop!

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Applications Breakout Sessions (continued)

The Nimble Elephant: Bringing Agile Content to Old-School Publishing

Shannon Holman, The McGraw-Hill Companies

McGraw-Hill Higher Education’s origins go back to the industrial revolution. With Mark Logic, MHHE is re-tooling for the information

age, creating a next-generation custom publishing application that gives instructors, not publishers, control over the content, arrange-

ment, and output of their core texts. Hear an in-process, candid view of the successes and challenges that come along with introducing

cutting-edge technology and agile development processes into an established large organization.

Content, Community, and Agile Transformations at BusinessWeek

Isaac Sacolick, The McGraw-Hill Companies

Abstract: BusinessWeek has taken an aggressive approach to transforming its digital products. Business Exchange, a new product


and network with other business leaders. The site showcases new community elements, content processing technologies, and agile

practices that are now being leveraged across other products. Highlights and success factors of BusinessWeek’s transformation will be

presented at this session.

Successfully Building and Transitioning to a Modern XML Content Infrastructure: Lessons Learned Along the Way

Beverly Jamison, American Psychological Association (APA)

Abstract: One of the challenges faced by any business that survives more than a few years is dealing with the aging of systems of


the actual product of the company. It is a big enough challenge to build a secure, cohesive new information infrastructure to deal with

modern tools and then to move the information into that system. Successfully retiring the old systems without any loss of critical infor-

mation or processes is one of the most underestimated challenges in Information Technology. The American Psychological Association

found that XML throughout the publishing and presentation systems was not optional, but the degree of planning and process that


and then build outward toward both production and delivery services. This talk will cover how APA applied lessons learn over several


Driving Politics in America at Congressional Quarterly

Kimberly Hallock, Congressional Quarterly

Using MarkLogic Server and Adobe InDesign, Congressional Quarterly created an automated publishing application for their data-

driven digest Politics In America. MarkLogic Server assembles visually rich InDesign layouts using Xquery. The layouts are delivered to


A Year Later and a Year Wiser: Lessons Learned from Implementing an Authoring and Delivery System Based on MarkLogic, Share-

Point®, and Word®

Murray Christensen, JetBlue Airways

Last year JetBlue University presented a vision and plan for documenting a safety management system using commodity tools for

authoring (Word) and collaboration (SharePoint), with document assembly and dynamic delivery provided by MarkLogic Server. This

year, leaders at JetBlue University will talk about their lessons learned, and how the solution, now in production, is being used by a wide

variety of authors to address critical compliance and safety requirements set out by JetBlue and the FAA.

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Applications Breakout Sessions (continued)

To Boil or Not To Boil

Steve Kotrch, Simon & Schuster

When implementing a potentially disruptive technology like a Mark Logic server you need to proceed with caution. Implementing it

wholesale and across an entire enterprise all at once is tantamount to trying to boil the ocean—you face certain failure.

At Simon & Schuster we proceeded in a stepwise fashion, starting slow and gathering speed and increasing complexity as we gained

experience and skill. We began small, gathering and cataloging our author contracts, and have worked our way up through successive


the process we’ve learned how to mold XML to our needs, build loaders in Mark Logic and integrate it into our technology environ-


Federal SI Executive Panel

Dewey Houck, Boeing; Guy Filippelli, Berico; Michael Kushin, ManTech; William Goodhue, Lockheed Martin

Systems Integrators and solution providers face pressing challenges to enable the Government to discover, analyze, and share informa-

tion in very dynamic, mission critical environments. The use of XML has played a critical role in enabling a new set of solutions and

capabilities for Federal customer. This panel of Federal industry executives will discuss trends in information sharing, and how they are

using XML solutions to address these challenges.

Technology Track DescriptionThe technology track will explore the technology behind MarkLogic Server in greater depth. You will hear directly from the Mark Logic

engineering team on the features and functionality of MarkLogic. You will hear about the latest release as well as see demonstrations

on existing capabilities. Through presentations and discussions, you will come away with an in-depth understanding of the requirements,

options, and possibilities to consider when formulating your strategy for managing, deploying, and delivering content. Talk directly to the

teams that build this incredible product.

Topics in this track include:

› Advanced analytics

› Building alerting applications

› Entity extraction

› Geospatial search

› SharePointandOfficeintegration

› New product innovations

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Technology Breakout Sessions

Introduction to MarkLogic Server

Stephen Buxton, Director, Product Management and John Kreisa, Director, Product Marketing, Mark Logic

MarkLogic Server is used as the platform for a wide variety of content applications from information access and delivery to knowledge

management and custom publishing. This session will provide an overview of the server and introduce the key features in MarkLogic

Server that enable it to store, search, analyze and deliver XML content. This session will help you establish your technical foundation for

the rest of the technology related sessions.

Building ReSTful Services with XQuery

Kurt Cagle, O’Reilly Media

This session explores the idea of using XML Databases (in this case the MarkLogic Server) in order to deploy fully RESTful publishing

services that nonetheless can be used to power sophisticated processes. This session requires some basic knowledge of XPath and the

MarkLogic infrastructure, and will look at the use of WebDAV primitives, XForms and XProc in order to power atom feeds, enterprise

level web applications and more.

Excel-ing (and Word-ing) with MarkLogic Server and Microsoft Office

Pete Aven, Microsoft Integration Engineer, Mark Logic


simple way to deploy solutions in the ubiquitous interface their customers are already comfortable and familiar with. In this session


rich, powerful content applications.

Turning Search Upside Down: Out of the Box Alerting Applications

Wayne Feick, Lead Engineer, Mark Logic


cation, Alerting is a subtle but powerful feature. This session will walk you through what it takes to turn your search upside down and

provide a taste of the content applications that you can be creating today.

GeoNews: Putting it All Together

Telly Stroumbis, Boeing

GeoNews is a prototype, integration effort, designed to explore and demonstrate some of the new features available in MarkLogic

4.0. This effort uses the Content Processing Framework to perform entity extraction and geo-coding of location based entities. This

enriched data is then used to provide faceted navigation using textual and geospatial facets and data trending. This talk will provide

code samples and lessons learned from this effort.

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Technology Breakout Sessions (continued)

Feeding Your Content: Managing and Syndicating Content with AtomPub

Norm Walsh, Principal Technologist, Mark Logic



universal hub for all your syndication needs? In this session we will explore new capabilities in MarkLogic Server that allow it to act as

an AtomPub server. An AtomPub server is an industry standard way to maintain syndication content. Whether you use this technology

to deploy MarkLogic Server as a weblog platform “out of the box”, or build your own syndication applications on top of it, the sky’s

the limit!

Modeling Traditional Fielded Data and Relationships as XML Documents

Mira Bossowska, Cengage Learning


of this modeling includes not only models for data traditionally stored in database tables but also models for relationships between


extensible for subsequent additional content set migrated into the new repository. And last but not least, new models should be easy

to work with, both for humans and for machines. This presentation will describe an approach taken and models created.

Semantic Search: Using Meaning to Mine your Content Stores

Danielle Forsyth, Thetus

A semantic overlay on the Mark Logic content store allows users to see information from different perspectives, to capture and relate

tacit knowledge and to characterize changing situations. This presentation focuses on characterizing people from different perspec-




MarkMail for the Enterprise

Jason Hunter, Principal Technologist & Ryan Grimm, Staff Consultant, MarkLogic has developed over the past year to become the largest collection of public emails on the internet, with over 36M emails,

an average of 30,000 new messages per day, and over 1.5M visitors per month. Many of the users of have asked how

they could deploy MarkMail internally within the enterprise. Learn about the new features of MarkMail 2.0, how MarkMail is leveraged

internally at MarkLogic, and how different visions of the MarkMail idea are being deployed with customers by our professional services

organization to unlock the valuable knowledge in their corporate email lists.

New Release Potpourri

Ron Avnur, Vice President, Engineering, Mark Logic

With each release Mark Logic adds many small and large features for developers and administrators which make it easier to build ap-

plications and administer MarkLogic Server. This session technical session will introduce highlights for these new features many of which


MarkLogic deployment.

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Technology Breakout Sessions (continued)

Search Applications Made Easier with MarkLogic Application Services

Justin Makeig, Product Manager – Developer Services, Mark Logic

MarkLogic Application Services provide a powerful new way to build search applications with MarkLogic Server. Application Services

provide new APIs and interactive tools to simplify building high-performance search applications and enhance developer productivity.

Learn how you can leverage the Application Services Search API to easily provide customizable Google-style query parsing, faceted

navigation and analytics, intelligent result “snippetting”, and real-time search suggestions to your existing applications. We’ll also show

you how to use the interactive Application Builder to construct a full-featured search application from scratch without writing a single

line of code.

Providing More Management and Control of Content with Library Services

Praveen Kankanala, Engineer, Mark Logic

A wide array of content types can be securely stored inside of MarkLogic Server however some of it requires more management and

control. Now applications you build on MarkLogic Server can provide that additional level of control. This presentation will explore

how our upcoming library services maintain document versions, user locks, and retention policies for your content. Find out how to


purposing of content.

Search API Deep Dive

Colleen Whitney, Engineer, Mark Logic

Applications built on MarkLogic Server commonly involve search as a means of locating content and information. Come hear about


Logic has always provided a powerful set of APIs for developing search applications, and the new Search API builds on these capabili-

ties. This session will include a practical demonstration for application developers.

Best Practices Track DescriptionThe best practices track will provide you with invaluable insight on maximizing your MarkLogic Server deployment. Join select industry

partners, as well as developers, the professional services team, and the product management team from Mark Logic to get an insider’s

view on optimizing your Mark Logic deployment with tips, tricks, and how-to’s from the gurus that know it better than anyone. You will

learn about the many aspects of managing, deploying, and delivering content. Talk directly to the people who know how to get the very

most out of MarkLogic Server.

Topics in this track include:

› Search strategies

› Navigation interfaces

› Maximizing scalability

› Deployment best practices

› Best practices in prototyping

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Best Practices Breakout Sessions

Gaining Insight Through Analytics

Kelly Stirman, Information Access & Delivery Sage, Mark Logic

Understanding and getting to the important information that lies beneath a mountain of content can be challenging. Powerful analytic

capabilities built into MarkLogic Server can shed light on the right information and be used to guide users via rich navigation options.

In this session we will review the analytic features and discuss how they are used to give your users the insight and guidance they need

when faced with massive amounts of information.

Design Considerations for High-Availability Deployments

Michael Blakely, Performance Expert, Mark Logic

As more customer facing and mission critical content applications are built the need for guaranteed availability grows with them. Users

have come to expect 24/7 accesses to their content and you need to deliver. MarkLogic Server contains many features that enable it

to be deployed in a high-availability manner. This session will discuss the features and considerations when deploying MarkLogic Server

for high-availability.

Real World Applications of Geospatial Search in Content

Mary Holstege, Lead Engineer – Geospatial Services, Mark Logic

Geospatial information is increasingly included within content yet not exploited. With the increasingly mobile user delivery of content

in a geospatial context is more important than ever. Fortunately MarkLogic Server contains built-in geospatial query and indexing

features to allow organizations to fully exploit this aspect of their information. This session will review real-world scenarios of how

customers are taking advantage of geospatial markup to deliver content in a more focused and relevant context.

Designing For Scale: Strategies for Maximum Performance

Michael Blakely, Performance Expert, Mark Logic

MarkLogic Server was designed for large content sets, from hundreds of gigabytes to hundreds of terabytes. Real-world customer

experience has proven its ability to scale as content sizes grow, providing consistent and predictable performance. This session will

presented by Mark Logics top performance expert and draws from his experience to walk through deployment strategies and consid-


Automating MarkLogic Application Deployment and Testing

David Gurney, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


demonstration will be given of an XML language and XQuery interpreter that was built in MarkLogic for deploying MarkLogic applica-


multiple environments. (Dev, Test, Stage, Production) We will show how this language can be easily extended with custom commands

and processing hooks. There will also be a discussion about versioning and the importance of understanding “temporal” build concepts.

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Best Practices Breakout Sessions (continued)

MarkLogic in the Enterprise: Best Practices for Successful Integration of MarkLogic Solutions in Mission-Critical Architectures

Fernando Mesa, Principal Technologist, Mark Logic

As content solutions move from a disconnected, siloed architecture into the core of corporation’s infrastructure, the need for integra-

tion with enterprise systems grow more important. In this session, you will learn how to integrate MarkLogic into a Service Oriented

Architecture and some of the middleware that enables enterprise interoperability such as an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Busi-

ness Process Management (BPM) solutions. We will also review integration of MarkLogic with RDBMS and Message Queuing Systems,

and will share pitfalls to avoid when integrating these solutions.

The Content Processing Framework – Mark Logic’s Best Kept Secret

Stephen Buxton, Director, Product Management, Mark Logic


cally enrich and improve your content. The CPF is the underlying technology for enrichment, conversion and for modular document

services in MarkLogic. It is underused and very powerful feature that some customers say is the best kept secret of the product. In

this session we will review and describe the way these features use CPF and then we will explore how you can use CPF directly to

improve the way you process, manage and enrich content including showing live demos and code snippets.

Partner Track DescriptionsThe following sessions are presented by our partners.

Partner Track Breakout Sessions

Maximize Brand Impact: Use MarkLogic Server to Provide Consistent Customer Experience by Managing Operational and Learn-

ing Content

Joe Mihalik, Flatirons Solutions

MarkLogic solutions to date have largely focused on content mining, dynamic delivery, and custom publishing. Increasingly, organizations

realize that content can play a critical role in managing the overall brand by helping ensure that customers have consistent experiences

whenever they touch the organization. Content such as operational documentation, training content, and policies and procedures is

key to enabling employees to provide consistent customer experiences. In this session, learn how Flatirons Solutions and MarkLogic

have helped companies solve this problem by making it easier to develop and deliver the content needed to drive and improve core

operational business processes.