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Mariposa USD Universal Grading Guidelines Providing a consistent experience for our students and parents 8/20/14
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Page 1: Mariposa Unified Grading Guidelines

Mariposa USD Universal Grading Guidelines


Providing a consistent experience for our

students and parents


Page 2: Mariposa Unified Grading Guidelines

All of the following are guidelines,

with room for variance -

for example, an AP class will

have differences from a TK class.

The spirit of all of the guidelines is a consistent

experience for kids between teachers and classes.

The goal of these guidelines is to provide parents and

students a point of reference on their performance and what

their feedback should be, in general, in most cases.

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Mariposa Universal Grading Guidelines

Why?We should provide

a smooth gradebook

experience district wide

from K-12

TK 12

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Mariposa Universal Grading GuidelinesProviding a consistent experience for our students

1. Grades should typically be updated online once a week. ! Students and parents need routine feedback. !

Larger projects may take longer to grade. !

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Mariposa Universal Grading GuidelinesProviding a consistent experience for our students

!2. As a guideline, classwork and homework should equal approximately 60% of a student grade, with tests and quizzes comprising the rest. !Some models might include: 60/40 or 30/30/40 or 30/30/20/20, with a balanced approach that doesn’t overrate either tests or classwork/homework.

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Mariposa Universal Grading GuidelinesProviding a consistent experience for our students

3. Coding: Work should only get a ZERO if no points were scored. When students are absent or have time to make an assignment because of sports or some other legitimate event, teachers should check the box in Aeries that is labelled “Work can be made up”. A note in the parent portal indicating that the reason of the low score is an ideal addition. !These codes will give parents more information when they access grades. !

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Mariposa Universal Grading GuidelinesProviding a consistent experience for our students

Grade 4 and up !4. Late work: missing assignments should be marked at a maximum of 70%, losing 10% point value per week, until the trimester or quarter ends. !At the end of a grading period (quarter or trimester), the score becomes permanent. !*In class assignments may be given a “no makeup” option - these are typically completed in less than one class.

*Absences always receive makeup time This process will not likely be needed below grade 4

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Mariposa Universal Grading GuidelinesProviding a consistent experience for our students

!!5. In the place of “extra credit”, meaning additional work done outside the normal scope of class, students should be able to earn bonus points for finishing and turning in work before established deadlines. !This encourages students to finish their work early and have time for feedback before the assignment is due. !!

The idea is to get kids finishing work earlier and not have the option of raising a grade at the “last second”

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Mariposa Universal Grading GuidelinesProviding a consistent experience for our students

!!6. Emails or messages from parents or students regarding grades should be returned within three business days. !Ideally, answers will happen in one business day - but sometimes folks are busy with projects and events. !

The time frame is a suggestion

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Proposed Mariposa Universal Grading GuidelinesProviding a consistent experience for our students


Timeline to implement grading guidelines

Fall 2014


Winter 2014

Training for staff begins: Webpages, handbooks updated

!Teachers may begin using the

processes and language


Spring 2015

Full Implementation

As grade cycles are completed, parents, student and teachers continue to implement and refine feedback processes.

!Parent and student surveys provide

feedback from stakeholders

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1. Grades should typically be updated online once a week.

2. As a guideline, classwork and homework should be balanced with test and quiz points that are available

3. Assignments that are missing should be marked as able to be made up and noted as such, when applicable !4. Late work: missing assignments should be marked at a maximum of 70%, losing 10% point value per week, and closing the end of a quarter or semester.!5. In the place of “extra credit” students should be able to earn bonus points for finishing and turning in work before established deadlines. !!6. Emails or messages from parents or students regarding grades should be returned within three business days.

Mariposa Universal Grading Guidelines