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P P P RINCIPAL RINCIPAL RINCIPAL RINCIPALS R R R EPORT EPORT EPORT EPORT Wednesday 30th March 2011 Wednesday 30th March 2011 Wednesday 30th March 2011 Wednesday 30th March 2011 Issue 8 Issue 8 Issue 8 Issue 8 Principal: Jenny Omachen Principal: Jenny Omachen Principal: Jenny Omachen Principal: Jenny Omachen School email School email School email School email - - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] GARDEN AND CHOOK GARDEN AND CHOOK GARDEN AND CHOOK GARDEN AND CHOOK SHED SHED SHED SHED This structure is well underway thanks to the parents, and Mr. Holloway who have been working on this construction over the past few weeks. Last Sund ay there was a major working bee that resulted in the vegetable garden area being weeded and cleaned up. The garden shed is almost finished with ju st the concrete floor and final cladding to be completed. Thank you to the parents who attended and provided their labour. This sup port and labour means that this construction can be completed at very low cost, and the effort is greatly appreciated. Thank you to: Heath & Kristen McLachlan Eve & Chris Armytage Chris Wheelwright Stacey Meehan & Mark Pearce Justin De Rosa Di Thompson, Jemimah Welsh, Julie Costello and Wayne Holloway. NEW ZEALAND STUDY TOUR NEW ZEALAND STUDY TOUR NEW ZEALAND STUDY TOUR NEW ZEALAND STUDY TOUR Last week I attended , with 12 other Principals from the Geelong North Network , a study tour of  New Zealand schools in Auckland. My learnin g int ention was to focus upon the work of  Professor John Hattie and the impact his work had on 300 New Zealand school, and the outstanding effect this has had on student learning. I am ever diligent in obtaining information about teacher practice and behaviours that will positively influence learning outcomes at every level to support student learning. I came back from the study tour with many practical ideas to support student learning that I will share with staff, and in particular the understanding and use of clear, student focussed learning with constant assessment to inform teachers and students about their student learning. There were many similarities with the teaching that is provided in our school, but the strong connection to the students understandin g and participating in their learning was a message that I have taken from visiting these school. Students in the North Island often don’t wear school shoes to school, or take them off at school and lose them. The l ost prop erty store room (not just a box) in some schools was something I am really glad we don’t have to manage. Our focus for the en d of term i s to do our personal best with our learning. Jenny Omachen Principal DATES TO REMEMBER DATES TO REMEMBER DATES TO REMEMBER DATES TO REMEMBER  Friday 8th April Friday 8th April Friday 8th April Friday 8th April Last Day Term 1. School finishes at 2.15pm. Wednesday 27th April Wednesday 27th April Wednesday 27th April Wednesday 27th April First Day Term 2. Monday 9th to Friday 20th Monday 9th to Friday 20th Monday 9th to Friday 20th Monday 9th to Friday 20th May May May May Intensive Swimming Program 1 for Years 4 to 6. Saturday 25th June Saturday 25th June Saturday 25th June Saturday 25th June Trivia Night & Silent Auction.

March 30, 2011 Ashby Primary School Newsletter

Apr 08, 2018



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