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Pastor’s Pen Greengs, it has been a while since the last edion of the Pine Chips came out; and I apologize for the delay. I welcome Brieanna Schroeder as our new Administrave Assistant, and as she seles into the office communicaon will resume running smoothly again. As some of you know we have been working on some im- portant issues for our congregaon and I want to share with you a summary of our “State of the Church” presentaons from January and February. Below is a brief summary of the presentaons, we do have both presentaons available on DVD and we will be posng them to our website very soon. As 2015 was drawing to a close our congregaon found itself in a place of concern and anxiety about the health about the future our church. The concerns and anxi- ety were being expressed in a wide variety of ways, but as the leadership and I lis- tened and worked together, we found that the issues centered around two major areas: relaonships and what and how we are doing as church. The concerns about relaonship are primarily about my pastoral relaonship with the congregaon. People were concerned about my effecveness as a pas- toral leader in the congregaon, as well as many feeling disconnected from me as their pastor. There were also concerns about the relaonships within the congregaon, as we see in our struggles with direct communicaon. I acknowledge that there are things that I have done and leſt undone that has contributed to these concerns, I am commied improving these. I am making it a priority to be more available to connect with you in a variety of ways. I am meeng 1 on 1 with people, especially with people who are really struggling with their connecon with the church. In order to build beer relaonship together we will need to work together The Staff Parish Relaonship Commiee (SPRC) and Ministry Council are also working on improving our relaonships as a congregaon. They will be hosng and facilitang small group gatherings of about 8-10 people. The intenon of these gatherings are for us to be able to start to build beer re- laonships and pracce beer direct communicaon. I will be at the gather- ings, members of the SPRC and Ministry Council will lead the me. We are hoping to have one or two gatherings per week. We will have mes and locaons that you can sign up for, but we will also be inving you to aend a group with a personal invitaon. Again, we can only improve our strength our relaonships as a congregaon if we are willing to work together. The Monthly Newsleer of the United Methodist Church of the Pines March 2016 At Church of the Pines, we offer everyone an opportunity to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and to grow in a com- mied relaonship with God. We are Living Christ’s Love NOW through Nurture, Outreach, and Worship.

March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Feb 01, 2022



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Page 1: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Pastor’s Pen Greetings, it has been a while since the last edition of the Pine Chips came out; and I apologize for the delay. I welcome Brieanna Schroeder as our new Administrative Assistant, and as she settles into the office communication will resume running smoothly again.

As some of you know we have been working on some im-portant issues for our congregation and I want to share with you a summary of our “State of the Church” presentations from January and February. Below is a brief summary of the presentations, we do have both presentations available on DVD and we will be posting them to our website very soon.

As 2015 was drawing to a close our congregation found itself in a place of concern and anxiety about the health about the future our church. The concerns and anxi-ety were being expressed in a wide variety of ways, but as the leadership and I lis-tened and worked together, we found that the issues centered around two major areas: relationships and what and how we are doing as church.

The concerns about relationship are primarily about my pastoral relationship with the congregation. People were concerned about my effectiveness as a pas-toral leader in the congregation, as well as many feeling disconnected from me as their pastor. There were also concerns about the relationships within the congregation, as we see in our struggles with direct communication.

I acknowledge that there are things that I have done and left undone that has contributed to these concerns, I am committed improving these. I am making it a priority to be more available to connect with you in a variety of ways. I am meeting 1 on 1 with people, especially with people who are really struggling with their connection with the church. In order to build better relationship together we will need to work together

The Staff Parish Relationship Committee (SPRC) and Ministry Council are also working on improving our relationships as a congregation. They will be hosting and facilitating small group gatherings of about 8-10 people. The intention of these gatherings are for us to be able to start to build better re-lationships and practice better direct communication. I will be at the gather-ings, members of the SPRC and Ministry Council will lead the time. We are hoping to have one or two gatherings per week. We will have times and locations that you can sign up for, but we will also be inviting you to attend a group with a personal invitation. Again, we can only improve our strength our relationships as a congregation if we are willing to work together.

The Monthly Newsletter of the United Methodist Church of the Pines

March 2016

At Church of the

Pines, we offer

everyone an

opportunity to come

to know the Lord

Jesus Christ and to

grow in a com-

mitted relationship

with God. We are

Living Christ’s Love

NOW through


Outreach, and


Page 2: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Pastor’s Pen Continued…

The other main area that there are concerns is about how and what we are doing as a church. What we

are hearing are concerns about how and why decisions were made especially about our Wednesday and

Sunday ministries. There is uncertainty about what we are doing as a church creating a sense of lack of

unity. There is also questions about the effectiveness of the leadership structure of teams, which has de-

creased the number of people involved in the leadership of the church. As well as concerns about the

effectiveness of my leadership in these areas.

To begin addressing these concerns, I am working with a professional pastoral coach to help me grow my

skills as a pastor. I will be working with him on several things including; organizational, leadership, and

relational skills.

Also, the Ministry Council believes that we need to increase the involvement of the entire congregation in

developing our purpose as a church. In order to do this we have asked the Conference for help in bringing

a third party in to work with the leadership and congregation in doing this. We have been connected

with Enrique Gonzalez, the Conference Director of Congregational Development, to lead us through a Par-

ticipatory Strategic Planning Process. This will engage us as a congregation to develop our strategic plan

together. This is vitally important for us, because our decisions should be made based on our plan and

not just our preferences.

As before, this process will only work if you are involved. So I encourage you to prayerfully plan on mak-

ing this process a priority. We are working on firming up the exact details of dates and times with Enrique

but are hopeful to begin the process in March. We will let you know the details as soon as we have them.

Thank you for taking the time in reading this long update. I look forward with optimism for our congrega-

tion, I can see that God is working with us to do great things together.


Pastor Mark

Donna Liebenstein; Hedy Blank; Dick Hewitt; Jim and Nell Goetz; Diane Treu;

Beverly Kramer; Fran Bechtolt; Howard and Alice Fager; Michele Alexander;

Joan Crawford; Marion Burmeister; Jim Bollwinkle; Bill Spetz; Doretta Stras-

burg; Mary Ellen McEwen; Peggy Drehmel; Betty Jones; Barb Saving; Andrea

Yates; Shirley Peterson; Alberta Almekinder; Irene Boudreau; Wayne Gilbert;

Jayne Claflin, William Pointer, Judy Adams, Mary Wechter.

Prayers are needed for our missionaries

Mateus Francisco and Dan and Rachel Gabler, and for their families. Please

also pray for our church and leaders, our pastor, our youth

program, and our Stephen Ministers.

Please Pray For... Share your joys & concerns on our

Prayer Chain so we can support each

other. All prayers are private, and will

not be used in this column without

permission. Call Patty Frandy, (715)

356-2172, or Carolyn Smith, (715) 356

-5931. You can also email the church

office with any requests.

Page 3: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Outreach: Reaching out beyond ourselves & our church in love. UMC Communications suggests that giving up something for Lent isn’t the only way to observe the season. It offers 10 tips for a more meaningful Lent:

Apologize to someone. Lent is a great time to seek forgiveness from those we have harmed.

Perform random acts of kindness. Sound familiar?? Express your love of Jesus by loving others. Keep R.A.C.K. alive at our church!

Delve into a book of the Bible. Enhance your devotions by getting to know a book of the Bible well. Reach out and invite another person to join you in this endeavor.

Serve people in need. We are called to serve.

Visit the lonely. Enjoy time with those whom Jesus said, “when you have done it for [them], you have done it for me.”

Read Wesley’s sermons about the Sermon on the Mount. Reading these sermons (available online) will have you focused on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and give you a sense of what it means to be a Unit-ed Methodist in the tradition of Wesley.

Tell others you love them. Say “I love you” to family members, friends, and everyone else you love at least once this season.

Throw a party for everyone. Host your own Kingdom party! Feed everyone you can and give people an oppor-tunity to be together.

Serve in worship. Offer yourself in service to your church this season. Your church needs you!

Say “thank you”. Each week during Lent send a note of gratitude to those who have helped shape you into the person you are.

There are many ways to reach out during Lent. Be original. Find yours.

Missions: One Great Hour of Sharing

When disaster strikes around the globe—Haiti’s 2010 earthquake or Typhoon Haiyan in 2013—so many watch-ing the drama unfold on our living room televisions feel entirely helpless. How could any one person make a difference in the wake of such widespread devastation? As responders around the globe scramble to help sur-vivors, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, UMCOR, is prepared to act.

So don’t be fooled by the word committee.

Since 1940, when UMCOR’s forerunner was established to meet the needs of those suffering overseas at the onset of World War II, we’ve continued to respond to those in desperate need—today throughout more than eighty countries around the world.

The response of UMCOR isn’t something “they” do, it’s something “we” do.

When You Give You Equip Christ’s Body to Serve in His Name

That’s because your generous giving to One Great Hour of Sharing is what allows UMCOR to act as the arms and legs of Christ’s church, moving toward the most vulnerable in their darkest days. Convinced that all people have God-given worth and dignity—without regard to race, religion or gender—together we are assisting those impacted by crisis or chronic need. (Continue Reading…)

Page 4: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Deborah Circle will meet on Tuesday, March 8th, at 6:00 pm in the Pine

Room. Tina Bonack will host and Patty Frandy will do a program to her trip to


Esther Circle will meet

on Wednesday, March 2nd, at 12:00 pm in the Pine Room. Remember to bring a


Martha Circle will meet on Thursday, March 3rd, at 1:00 pm in the Ministry


Dawn Circle meets Wednesday, March 9th, at 9:30am in the Ministry Center. Elva Spetz and Pat Bechtel will

host. Read the next chapter. RSVP if un-able to attend.

Ruth Circle will meet on Wednesday, March 9th, at 12:00pm at “Holiday Ca-

fé” RSVP to Jean Bishop (715) 356-9289.

Lydia Circle will meet on Thursday, March 10th, at 9:30am in the Ministry Center. Joan Crawford is hosting and

Lonni Harrison is continuing to lead the study “Revival” Faith as Wesley Lived It,

4th chapter.

Remember! Any woman is welcome to attend any circle at any time!

The UMW General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 23 at

noon in the Ministry Center.

United Methodist Women (UMW) Our UMW Circles:

Deborah Circle meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Chair is Patty Frandy, (715) 356-2172.

Esther Circle meets the 1st Wednesday of each month, at noon. Chair is Jeanne Van Order, (715) 356-5706.

Martha Circle meets the 1st Thursday of each month, at 1:00 pm. Chair is Sara Kozeluh, (715) 356-4089.

Dawn Circle meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 9:30 am. Chair is Pat Schuld, (715) 356-6872.

Ruth Circle meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 1:00 pm. Chair is Sue Shapiro, (414) 416-5102.

Lydia Circle meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, at 9:30 am. Chair is Sue Claflin, (715) 358-0343.

Have something for Pine Chips 2.0? Email the church, [email protected], or call

(715) 356-3041.

The Pine Country Fair 2016 will be on Wednesday, June 22. With the Christ-

mas season behind us, now is a perfect time to start thinking “Pine Country Fair!” As always, we will have crafts,

baked goods, a silent auction, pie sale, and a our wonderful luncheon. The

Pine Country Fair is a wonderful day for all, with all proceeds going to support

the missions of the UMW.

Missions Continued…

Because you give, the United Methodist Church’s compassionate response

to human suffering continues today:

— When tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma, we responded

— When children in Zimbabwe lost parents to AIDS, we responded

— When a massive tsunami devastated lives in Japan, we responded

— And when the next mass crisis occurs, we will be prepared to respond

UMCOR will be able to offer aid in Jesus’ name to those who suffer because

United Methodists give through One Great Hour of Sharing. In fact, it’s

your generous giving that allows us to respond when disaster strikes. Not

“they.” We. Ensure the United Methodist Church Can Keep Helping. Will

you continue to give to One Great Hour of Sharing? Will you continue to

meet the needs of the children, families and communities who’ve experi-

enced devastation in the wake of disaster?

When we meet the needs of those who suffer we actually minister

to Jesus, who said: “I

was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me a

drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you gave

me clothes to wear. I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prison and

you visited me.” (Mt. 25:35-36, CEB)

As we respond, we recognize Jesus in those who are reeling in the wake of


Page 5: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Church Staff & Leadership

Pastor Mark D. Gilbert, ext. 4 [email protected]

Coordinator of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries:

Sue Altschwager (interim), ext. 3 [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Brieanna Schroeder ext. 2

[email protected]

Director of Rocking Horse Childcare Center:

Mary Kollath, ext. 5 [email protected]

Custodian: Rudy Vlosak (715) 892-2949

Organist: Sue Meyers [email protected]

Choir Director: Lisa Hernandez [email protected]

Lay Leader: Loran Susor [email protected]

Staff-Parish Relations Committee Chair:

Noah Lottig, [email protected]

Ministry Council Chair: Val Susor, [email protected]

Trustees Chair: John McCadden

[email protected]

Finance Chair: Bob Schuld [email protected]

Treasurer: Cherie Hein [email protected]

Stephen Ministry Leaders:

Dennis Harrison, [email protected] Holly Nash, [email protected]

Outreach Team Co-Leaders: Dennis and Lonni Harrison

[email protected]

Worship Team Leader: Sue Altschwager

Did you get Pine Chips 2.0 in your email?

Not only is the monthly Pine Chips 2.0 sent to our church

community via email, but we also have weekly

announcements and events emailed and posted online!

Contact the church at (715)356-3041

Heather and Bryce Berklund have been mem-bers of the church since they first moved to the

area about 13 years ago. They both work for the WI DNR in for-estry and have 2 kids, Hakken 9 ½ and Sylviann 7 years old. The entire family has been active in the church throughout the years. Early on, Heather and Bryce were active in Church and Society, volunteering for many community based service projects. Heather has taught LAMBS, Kings Kids, been part of the UMW board, assisted in the nursery, ushering and been part of a WOW meal team. Bryce has been part of the Trustees, Ministry Coun-cil, and active on the Rocking Horse Board and assisting with church projects. As a family, they enjoy caroling at the nursing homes and participating in Food for Kidz and are looking forward to joining friends on a Family Mission Trip this summer.

The Life of Our Church

Jamie Jprgensen, March 3

Sue Claflin, March 4

Ken Schmidt, March 7

Linnea Turner, March 8

Eli Bonack, March 9

Bonnie Noonan, March 12

Pam Fashingnauer, March 13

Adam Hinkens, March 13

Mary Nell Currie, March 14

Delaney FitzPatrick, March 15

Skyler Miller, March 16

Erin Jorgensen, March 17

Amy Pointer, March 18

Carli Capacio, March 20

Paul Kuhn, March 21

Tracey Snyder, March 21

Will Backhaus, March 26

Tom Frandy, March 26

Jade Ledferd, March 26

Jodi Capacio, March 31

Dick and Betty Hewitt

Milestone Senior Center

750 Elm St., Apt. 102

Woodruff, WI 54568

Fox Valley Walk to Emmaus

Is an opportunity to have

a weekend retreat with oth-

er Christian men and wom-

en. Information folders are

in the Ministry Center. The

men’s walk is April 14-17,

and the women’s walk is

April 21-24. Contact the

Dennis Lonni Harrison, Don

& Sue Loeffler, Penny McCormick, Jeff Nienow, Sue

Claflin, or Mary Fasse for more information.

Page 6: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Have something for Pine Chips 2.0? Email the church, [email protected], or call (715) 356-3041. Deadline is the 15th of each month.

In 2004, Pastor Cole introduced the concept of Stephen Ministry to the Church of the Pines. Holly Nash (at that time, Holly Frisby) was interested in participating and she and Pastor Gary attended a week-long Stephen Leader course in St. Louis in 2005. The first half of the year of 2005 was dedicat-ed to introducing the Stephen Ministry program to the members of the Church of the Pines. Twelve persons agreed to participate in the 50+ hours of Stephen Minister training, which extended over 6 months. On March 12, 2006, they were commissioned:

In 2012, Dennis Harrison joined our Stephen Ministry program. He had taken his Stephen Minister training and was commissioned in 2009 at the Asbury United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In Spring 2015 he enrolled in the Stephen Leader training course in St, Louis and was com-missioned as a Stephen Leader at the Church of the Pines.

In 2016, the Stephen Ministry program at the Church of the Pines extended their ministry to become prayer servants on Communion Sundays. As prayer servants, Stephen Ministers are available during communion and after the service to pray with those persons who have a joy or concern they would like lifted up.

The Stephen Ministry Program continues to be active at the Church of the Pines. Over the years, through confidential, non-judgmental one-on-one care, many persons from within and outside the congregation who found themselves having difficulties found God’s love expressed through our Ste-

phen Ministers.

Join us on Sunday March 13, to celebrate with our Stephen Leaders

Dennis Harrison and Holly Nash and Stephen Ministers Sue Kivi, Carolyn Smith, Gretchen Voigt, Ted Voigt and Mary Wechter (on sabbatical) as they start their 11

th year of ministry at the Church of the Pines.

Compassionate, Confidential Care in Christ’s name

Cal Doering Nell Goetz Sue Jones

Sue Kivi Bill Null Jan Null

Diane Salls Carolyn Smith Gretchen Voigt

Ted Voigt Mary Wechter June Westphal

If you would be interested in becoming a Stephen Minis-ter, or would like help in connecting someone with a Ste-phen Minister, please contact: Holly Nash or Dennis Harrison [email protected] [email protected] 715-356-6861 715-358-0419

Page 7: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Have something for Pine Chips 2.0? Email the church, [email protected], or call (715) 356-3041. Deadline is the 15th of each month.

Caring Criticism

In February, the Stephen Ministry team began study-ing the book Caring Criti-cism (Building Bridges In-stead of Walls) by William J. Diehm as part of our continuing education pro-gram. This book is full of

techniques we can use to help grow and deepen our most important relationships, both individual-ly and in our Christian community. The book has two parts: Part One discusses how we can learn to give criticism or correction to others in ways that are non-threatening and helpful; Part Two shows how we can find positive ways to respond when criticism is directed at us.

We are being reminded how to: listen without taking offense or feeling crushed help others without criticizing be our own cheerleader instead of critic distinguish between true and false criticizing deal with gossip and slander

This approach combines Christian love with Bib-lical principles as well as psychology to help us break down walls when criticism is present in re-lationships and build bridges that invite people to change without hurt or anger dominating the dis-cussion. It is our hope, through studying this book, that it will make us more effective disciples and members of the Church of the Pines. It is also our hope that this could start to promote a powerful atmosphere of acceptance and love within our church that could prove lasting and beneficial for the entire congregation.


People often ask, “What exactly is a Stephen Minister?” One way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the After People.

.suddenly seems empty.

dreamed possible.

Stephen Ministers are the “After People.” They are ready to come alongside you—or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives—and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed.

Page 8: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Have something for Pine Chips 2.0? Email the church, [email protected], or call (715) 356-3041. Deadline is the 15th of each month.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00 am MOPS


12:00 Esther Circle

3:30 Nurture classes

4:45 Time to be Still

5:00 Gathering / Din-


6:00 Nurture classes


1:00 Martha


4 5


10:00 Worship

11:00 Coffee Hour


5:30 Missions


9:30 Worship @

Milestone Senior


6:00 Deborah



12:00 Dawn Circle

1:00 Ruth Circle

3:30 Nurture classes

4:45 Time to be Still

5:00 Gathering / Din-


6:00 Nurture classes


9:30 Lydia Circle

11 12


10:00 Worship

11:00 Coffee Hour


1:00 Knitters

1:00 Stephen


6:00 Worship

Team Meeting


9:00 MOPS

6:30 Ministry



12:00 Keenagers

3:30 Nurture classes

4:45 Time to be Still

5:00 Gathering / Din-


6:00 Nurture classes


5:00 Turn the

Book Club

18 19


10:00 Worship

11:00 Coffee Hour

21 22

10:00 Between



12:00 UMW General


3:30 Nurture classes

4:45 Time to be Still

5:00 Gathering / Din-


6:00 Nurture classes


8:00 Men’s


7:00 Holy




12:00 Good




27 8:00 Early



10:00 Worship

11:00 Coffee Hour

28 29 30

3:30 Nurture classes

4:45 Time to be Still

5:00 Gathering / Din-


6:00 Nurture classes


Page 9: March 2016 Pastor’s Pen

Children are important…

We offer children the gifts of love, acceptance, and participation. Children learn about the love of God in our LAMBS and King’s Kids programs. Children are invited to participate in Time for Children during worship, and older kids can serve in worship.

So are youth…

Our youth participate in worship in youth group. Students are asked to serve as ushers, liturgists, and with special music. 6th-8th grade students are mentored in our G.R.O.W. Confirmation program, and we plan special events and a summer mission trip.

And adults…

We offer weekly Bible studies, small group meetings, fellowship events, and opportunities for Outreach. No matter your season of life, there is a way for you to encounter God at UMCOP.

Live Christ’s Love NOW.!

We grow in our relationships with God and one another. We reach out beyond ourselves and our church to love others. We live lives that glorify God, every day. Together, we are Living Christ's Love NOW!


PO Box 144 415 Chippewa Street Minocqua, WI 54548

Contact Us

UM Church of the Pines 415 Chippewa Street PO Box 144 Minocqua, WI 54548 (715) 356-3041

[email protected] Visit us on the web at