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We believe no country is “closed” to the Gospel — but many nations have strong political or religious opposition that makes it necessary for us to be very cautious in what we publish, to protect our Christian partners. We can’t tell you the name of the “sensitive” nation the following stories come from, but we can tell you, God is at work! Islam is the official religion here — about 96% of the population follows Islam — yet there is an enthusiastic Christian presence, believers who are excited to partner with us. Last December they reached out to 7,000 (mostly Muslim) children through Christmas outreaches. Saladin’s Story An 11-year-old girl named Saladin attended a Christmas program and heard about a Children’s Club she could join. She and a friend eagerly went to the next club meeting — and there Saladin received the very first card in the God’s Big Story program. MARCH 2015 You brought him new life ....................................... 2 Reach the next generation .................................. 4 Listen to the “don’ts” by President Rob Hoskins .................................... 6 INSIDE THIS ISSUE In a “sensitive” nation, you’re bringing hope! Saladin came to Christ because of God’s Big Story. You can reach Muslim children like her with the Good News! Every dollar touches three young lives with the Gospel. “The teacher told us a story,” Saladin recalls. “I listened carefully to the story — and the card helped me remember it. I shared the story and showed the card to my sisters. Now we have learned that God has a plan for our life.” Saladin chose to commit her life to Christ, and now she is learning to live for Him! No “closed” countries!

March 2015 Global Report

Apr 08, 2016




This month’s issue highlights sensitive regions around the world! We also have updates from our programs in the Middle East. Be sure to look at a special word from president Rob Hoskins!
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: March 2015 Global Report

We believe no country is “closed” to the Gospel — but many nations have strong political or religious opposition that makes it necessary for us to be very cautious in what we publish, to protect our Christian partners.

We can’t tell you the name of the “sensitive” nation the following stories come from, but we can tell you, God is at work!

Islam is the official religion here — about 96% of the population follows Islam — yet there is an enthusiastic Christian presence, believers who are excited to partner with us. Last December they reached out to 7,000 (mostly Muslim) children through Christmas outreaches.

Saladin’s StoryAn 11-year-old girl named Saladin attended a Christmas program and heard about a Children’s Club she could join. She and a friend eagerly went to the next club meeting — and there Saladin received the very first card in the God’s Big Story program.

M A R C H 2 0 1 5

You brought him new life ....................................... 2

Reach the next generation .................................. 4

Listen to the “don’ts” by President Rob Hoskins .................................... 6


In a “sensitive” nation, you’re bringing hope!

Saladin came to Christ because of God’s Big Story. You can reach Muslim children like her with the Good News! Every dollar touches three young lives with the Gospel.

“The teacher told us a story,” Saladin recalls. “I listened carefully to the story — and the card helped me remember it. I shared the story and showed the card to my sisters. Now we have learned that God has a plan for our life.”

Saladin chose to commit her life to Christ, and now she is learning to live for Him!

No “closed” countries!

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You brought him new lifeNigeria is a nation where Islam is on the march — in many areas where Shariah law has already been implemented, it’s now dangerous to be known as a Christ-follower.

Rapula repented of being a thief and turned his life over to Jesus. You can reach more children like him with the Good News — and every dollar you give reaches three young people.

But your brothers and sisters in the Lord are not deterred. They’re sharing the Good News with the next generation using The GodMan film, God’s Big Story, the Book of Hope and other Scripture engagement programs.

A boy named Rapula saw The GodMan and was impressed with Jesus — and especially with the character of Caleb, which we added to the film: the boy Caleb is a thief, and has his first encounter with Jesus in the film while running away from the scene of the crime.

Rapula identified with Caleb in the film ... because Rapula, too, was a thief. He had stolen money from his family, and from the purses

of his mother’s friends ...

When he saw how Jesus still loved and forgave Caleb,

and helped him become a better boy, Rapula wanted that for himself. He repented and asked Jesus to come into his life.

Today, Rapula’s mother and neighbors are amazed by his transformation. Thank you for sending the Good News to Rapula and countless children like him in the Muslim world and beyond.

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Your gift of hope changed the entire family!Your prayers and generosity made the difference for Tripti, a 12-year-old girl in Nepal — and for her entire family.

Nepal is a majority Hindu nation — in fact, until very recently, it officially called itself a “Hindu Kingdom.” And Nepal’s Hindus don’t regard their faith as just a religion ... rather it encompasses their history and tradition. Sharing God’s love here is truly difficult.

But last Easter you helped present the Gospel to multitudes of children and young people through “Reach Nepal,” a program combining TV broadcasts of The GodMan film with Book of Hope distributions, church showings of the film, and other outreaches.

Tripti saw The GodMan and received the Book of Hope. She, and her elder brother and sister all chose to follow Jesus as Savior! They were happy and excited to know they were beloved children of God. And they began attending their local church.

Trouble at homeTheir father was not happy. In fact, he was enraged. How could his children leave the faith of their forefathers? How could they turn their backs on centuries of history and tradition? He wouldn’t let them!

One Sunday as they prepared to go to church, he exploded! He began beating all three of them viciously — and finally locked them in a room together.

Then his anger made him irrational. If they wouldn’t return to their traditional religion, he would send them to the God they claimed to love. He would set fire to the room where they were!

Divine interventionAt that moment, a friend from church came to the house — it was one of the leaders of the children’s ministry. She stopped their father from setting the fire.

Shaken that he had come so close to murdering his own children, the man sat down with his visitor and listened to her as she explained the Gospel and God’s love to him. He even agreed to watch The GodMan film with his family ...

And afterward, he and his wife committed their lives to Christ!

Today, by God’s incredible grace, the entire family is worshiping together in their local church. A family is eternally transformed because you sent them the Good News. Thank you!

Tripti, her sister Bina and brother Taran all came to know Christ after seeing The GodMan film and receiving the Book of Hope. Their entire family was transformed! You can reach another family like theirs with your generous gift today.

Their lives were saved!

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You’re helping reach the next generation across the Middle East

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Despite the challenging struggles for Christians in the Middle East right now, you’re still there, sharing the Good News with the next generation, through several innovative internet and media outreaches.

4th Dimension Media WorkshopResearch among young people showed youth are eager to express themselves through media — this was the catalyst for creating the 4th Dimension Media Workshop.

Taught by film professionals, this 8-week program engages teams of young people in creating, writing, and producing a video based on a Scriptural story. When the entries are complete, they’re posted on a Facebook page where the students and their peers can vote for their favorite project.

Over the last two years, the program was conducted in 20 schools with 665 participants. Voting was then joined by more than 16,700 students!

This program has tremendous potential to impact not only the students enrolled in the workshop, but the thousands more who will vote on their work. We expect to reach 20,000 lives through 4th Dimension Media Workshop this year.

Masraho.comThis unique website offers free arts-based ministry resources, created by OneHope for schools and churches throughout the region. (Masraho roughly translates to “your stage” in Arabic).

Churches and schools can download our original dramas, complete with musical soundtracks, director’s notes and more in order to put on their own productions. The Biblical themes and content transform the performances into powerful outreach events as students invite their friends and family to attend.

We’re excited — more schools are downloading and presenting the productions than churches (although lots of churches are participating). And the demand is high for even more content! One of the schools which uses it the most has only 5% Christian students — the other 95% are Muslims.

We expect to reach about 39,000 children and youth through this year.

Media is a key to reaching the next generation in the Middle East. Your gift today can help reach Muslim children and others in “sensitive” areas with the Good News.

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7 Lessons of ChristmasChristmas is a socially accepted holiday in many areas of the Middle East, celebrated with music, lights and parties, but not with the message of Jesus Christ.

In 2014, we did extensive research into young people’s impressions of Christmas and their understanding of the holiday’s meaning. Based on this research, we’re producing a 7-episode TV broadcast series which will explain the true meaning of Christmas.

These 20-minute programs will be broadcast during the 2015 Christmas season, and will direct viewers to a website for more information and offer competitive activities to get children and youth involved in regional online Scripture games.

This TV and web-based ministry has the potential to bring multitudes of young people to faith in Christ, even in countries where we do not have ministry on the ground! We expect to engage nearly 200,000 children and youth through 7 Lessons of Christmas.

You’re making a difference!In these critical days when radical Islam is flexing its muscles, it has never been more important to extend the Gospel’s message to Islam’s next generation.

The only answer to hatred and terrorism is the love of Jesus Christ that transforms hearts and minds. Thank you for sharing it with these young people!

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One thing God

has taught us to

do is listen when

the world says,

“Don’t!” — and

then ignore it!

f Russia was a “don’t even think about it” nation back in the 1980s. Today we’ve reached tens of millions of children and youth with God’s Word there — and our programs have been integral in the planting of more than 900 churches.

f The Muslim world is a “hands-off!” place for Christian missionaries — a place where indigenous believers themselves are often struggling for survival. Through strategic partnerships with local churches and innovative media ministries, we’re seeing Muslim children and youth come to know Christ.

f China was “IMPOSSIBLE” just 10 years ago ... Last year we gave a Book of Hope to our ONE BILLIONTH child — a girl named Liu Chunxue in China — and this year our goal is to reach another ONE MILLION young people in China alone.

f The closed countries, the places where we have no contacts and know of few churches ... Many of those unreachable places are now receiving the Good News: The Bible App for Kids has now been downloaded more than 5 MILLION times in every region of the world.

If you listen to the don’ts, the impossibles, the hands-offs, and have the heart to ignore them and go with us anyway — then you know the joy we’re experiencing every day as we pursue the vision of “God’s Word. Every Child.” Thanks for helping to make it possible!

Listen to the “Don’ts”By President Rob Hoskins

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Maria felt alone, even in the crowds at school, because she thought the other children didn’t like her or want her around. She’s a Quechua Indian from high in the Andes mountains. In her town of Ayacucho, she felt out of place ... and lonely. But then you sent the Book of Hope in her own heart language of Quechua. Maria discovered God’s love and chose to follow Jesus as her Savior. Today, she’s active with teams from her church, sharing the Good News with other children. She’s happier than she’s ever been before.

Although he was just a teenager, Fidele had years of bitterness and anger inside. His parents were both dead — he felt abandoned and unwanted.

An uncle took him in, but treated him badly — and his aunt was outright abusive. She didn’t like having to provide for the poor relation of her husband ... and she made Fidele’s life miserable.

But then you sent a OneHope team, showing The GodMan film in their neighborhood. Fidele was impressed with the love and kindness of the Savior. How he had wished for such a Friend in his own life!

Fidele chose to follow Christ. He is worshiping with other believers in the local church, and God is doing a work inside him: he has forgiven his aunt and uncle and is learning to walk in new faith and joy. Praise God!

CAMEROON — Forgiveness and freedom!

PERU VENEZUELA David’s story was similar to

Maria’s. He suffered with low self esteem and was teased by the other children at school. He felt like he didn’t belong anywhere — until you sent the Gospel to him, through the pages of the Book of Hope. Now David knows he is a beloved child of God! He dedicated his life to Christ. Now he is faithfully attending church and Bible club, learning and growing in God each day.

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600 SW 3rd Street Pompano Beach, Florida • 33060

1.800.GIV.BIBL (448.2425)

* Some photos used in this publication are representative of the people whose stories are told. In some cases,

names and location details have been changed to protect those involved.

In 2014, OneHope reached its billionth child — a young girl in China — with a relevant Gospel message. This year

OneHope will reach nearly one hundred million additional young people with Scripture programs that are age-

and culturally- specific based on research it conducts among children and youth, leaders and educators in each

country it works. Since 1987, OneHope has helped kids experience God’s Story by collaborating with churches and

ministries — and working with local governments, schools and non-governmental organizations — by bringing a

message of Hope to children and youth in more than 100 countries.

Pram was filled with bitterness until you sent a team to share the Good News with him. Now he’s following Jesus! You can reach more like him — and every dollar you give reaches three children and youth with the Gospel.

God’s Word. Every Child.

You showed Pram a better way

His abusive father slapped him around — and his fearful mother did nothing to stop it. Pram hated both of them. He knew as soon as he could, he would get away from them — and never speak to them again.

But then you stepped in — and sent a OneHope team to his school.

They presented a puppet show, gave every child the Book of Hope, and explained the Gospel story ... Pram was amazed. In his traditional religion, there were many gods, and some were quite destructive ...

How wonderful to hear of one true God who loved and valued Pram as a beloved son!

The team invited any of the children who wanted to know more about Jesus to come to a Christmas party later that month. Pram was among 20 who attended, and they all made a decision to follow Jesus.

Today, by God’s grace, Pram has been transformed. He has forgiven his father — and tries to communicate with him. He is reconciled to his mother — who opened the family home for the OneHope team to meet weekly for Bible study with these new believers.

Thank you for reaching out to Pram and showing him the way to a better future.

Hatred and anger were burning through a boy named Pram (who lives in a “sensitive” area of Asia).