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March 1998 Audubon Log Northeastern Wisconsin Audubon Society

May 29, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 March 1998 Audubon Log Northeastern Wisconsin Audubon Society


    Bimonthly Newsletter of theNqfiheastern \visconsin Audubon society, htc.March - April 4995

    IssueNo. 457A Passion fot Phenology Our \Vofld of 'WonderAlook at oyer100Vhenologicalventsin theGreenBayArea,Wednesday,March ,l4 6:/1f V.m.Bay Beach Wildlife SanctuaryThe eas ies t ay to descr ibe heno logys to

    explainwhat one would observeand record. Watch-ing and not ing he day the f irst daf fodi lsbegin obloom, reesas they f lower and leaf ,or ice eavingthe Eas tR iver re a l l examples f pheno log ica levents.Gary Fewless, erbar iumCuratorat the Univer-sity of Wisconsin-Creenayand a memberof N.E.W.Audubon 's oardo f d i rec to rs , as made rack ingthese ypesof eventshis passion or more than adecade. He wi l l sharewi th us an i l lus t ra ted resen-tat ionon phenology n the CreenBayArea.Cary has been careful ly rackingover '100eventsfor the past 12 years. Someyearshe hasevenob-served ver 700 pheno log ica i c t iv i t ies . ost o ftheseobservat ions re on plantsat the UWCB am-pus , bu t manyother s i tes n Nor theas te rn iscons inare also part of his study.As a scient ist ,Gary r ies o fol low the same reeor plantyearaf teryear. This is done in an attempt ocorrelate he t iming of these eventswith heat ingdegreedaysor some other measurable eatherdata.One of the results hat has surpr isedGary s howvar iable henological vents eal lyare, not too muchis guaranteed. t 's hard o predictdatesor show at ight connect ionbetweenevents.After he meet ing,everyone s invited o theEstuaryRoom or refreshments.

    Creating l nflturfll"woild of wonder"for theyoungand theyoungat heafi,Wednesday,AVril E 6:4f V.m.Bay Beach WildliP SanctuaryLook ing t the wor ld th rough he eyesof a ch i ld

    can he lp us f ind and apprec ia tehe smal le r e ta i l s nour wor ld. As adults,we don't seem o haveenought ime to stop and examinenature, ike when we weref ive yearsold. This programwil l help us f ind thatinqu is i t i ve ide once aga in .Our Apr i l speaker s RandyKorb. Randy s ownerand CEOof B ioph i l ia , s we l l as one o f N.E.W,Audubon 's ormer pres iden ts . l t houghmost o fRandy's rogramsare directed o schoolage chi l-dren, Randywil l be giving us a program gearedmore for adults.Randywi l l sharesome of thq reasons , h i loso-ph iesand exper iencesor c rea t ing is company ,B ioph i l ia . e be l ieveshat what is good and beaut i -ful in the naturalwor ld should be part of everyyoung person 'si fe . B ioph i l ia ' s iss io r i s to maketh is connec t ion .Whenwork ingwi th s tudents ,Randybe l ievesn hands-on xper iences nd h is programtopics include rogs, Monarch butter f l ies,and howto grow plants that attract butterflies.Our Apr i l programwil l especial ly e of interestto teachers nd parents. Randywil l also haveonhand some of h is produc ts ike MonarchMag ic .This is sure to be a wonderfulspr ing program,of fer ing oadsof ideasand inspirat ionon how toenjoy he wor ld around us. Refreshments ndd i s c u s s i o n i l l f o l l o w .

    76eez/hb coa,tr/4,:ted,tofterad

  • 8/9/2019 March 1998 Audubon Log Northeastern Wisconsin Audubon Society


    Ri$er-BayClean UVField Triftti thbre olks it's a pleasureogreet ouagain. Aftera longhiatus

    followingmy head's ollisionwiththepavement, y brainhasstopped attlingaround ike amarblen a tin cup.It'sgetting ime for our River-.BayCleanUp Day again,whichwillbe Saturday,May 9 this year. Asin thepast, call on Audubonmemberso help,and make hisdaya field rip. Wewill meetandgetstarted t 9:00a.m.on thenorthend of Bylsby venuewhichdeadendson the bayjustwestofthe Pulliam owerPlant. Whenwefinish here,we'llgo a few blockssouth o Riveruiew arkwhich son thenorthend of Broadway ndtheeastendof Prairie venue.Afterwe sanitizehis site,wehead or KenEversNatureAreaonthe nonhend of Mi litaryAvenueandwork till the RiverRally tartsat I the Neville ublicMuseum.That celebration ill be heldon the riverbankwith a program,entertainmentnd a vastassort-mentof refreshmentso satisfli hemosthungryof us.In preparation,ringgloves,save nd bringmanysmallerplastic rocery agswhichwe willfill andput in the argegarbagebagswhichwill be supplied.I hope o see ou before henandwill go intogreaterdetailatthe Audubonmeetings.

    UVcoming Field T?ifOWortunitiesThis spr ingN.E.W. udubonandthe BayAreaBirdClub have eamedup to offer a varietyof field ripoppor tu t ies .The fol lowing hree ield r ips,

    offeredby the BayArea BirdClub andcosponsored y N.E.W. udubon,wil l be leadbyJanHansen f the BayAreaBirdClub:c Sunday,March IA tr ip to LakeMichigan'shore,as far south as PortWashington,for waterfowl and earlymigrants. Br inga lunch.o Sunday,March 8A trip southof De Pere or CrayPartridge,HornedLarks,SnowBunt ings nd ear lymigrants.o Friday-Sunday, pril 24-26An extended r ip. Whitef ishPointBirdBanding tat ion nMich igan 's pperPen insu la ,o rSpring Hawk, owl, waterfowlmigrat ionand unusualnof thernbirds. Hotel reservations reneeded.These hree birding r ips wil lbeg ina t Wi ldB i rdsUn l imi ted ,3 l S .MilitaryAve.,CreenBay. Bring ood

    and wateralongwith appropr iateclothing or al l t r ips. Cal l anHansen t 592 9398 for departuret imesand detai ls f t r ip.

    N.E.W.A u d u b o nf ield tr ipscos on oredby the BayArea BirdC l u bw i l l b elead by PaulHartman,BrownCounty/UWExtens ionHoft iculture gent. Paulwil l leadtwo Sundayafternoon ield trips intothe BairdCreekParkway rea.Paulwil l exploreone of CreenBay'sunique and controversialnatural reas. he hikeswil l astaboutone and a halfhoursand heterrainwil l be hi l ly. Wearappropr i-ate clothingand bootsas therewil lbe wet and muddyareas.ThedatesareSunday, pr i l l9an d Sunday,April 26. Both ripswill begin at ChristaMcAuliffeParka t l : 00 o .m.No registrat ions necessary,ustmeet at ChristaMcAuliffeParkat1 : 00p . m.Paul s alsowil l ing o leadhikeson other Sundayafternoons,fpeople equest.CallPaul t 39. l-4615 f you wou ld ike o h ikeonanotherSunday.

    'Weatherfr iend Cal endarCorrectionYour 99B Weatherfr iendhe-nologyCalendar asan error n the

    t imesgiven or the dai lymoonp o s i t i o n s .We mistakenly ubtracted ixhours o allow or the differencebewveenCreenwichMean ime andour Central ime. Forexample,February rd givesa moonr iset ime of 4:56 a.m., t should eadl0 :56 a .m.and he moon-overhead 'is g iven s I i : 53 a .m. , t shou ld ead5:53p.m. , ndso on .

    lf you note in your Weatherfriento add 6 hours o the dai lymoont imes,your calendar an st i l lbe avaluable oo l to enjoy n .|998. Weare truly sorry or the inconveniencthis may havecaused.We dependon you calendar urchaseso wecancont inue ur I 9 yearvolunteerphenology tudy project .Thankyou for your kind under-stand n this matter .


  • 8/9/2019 March 1998 Audubon Log Northeastern Wisconsin Audubon Society


    Summer CamVs 62ScholarshiVsMembers. . .are an y of yourchi ldren nterested n at tending asummer camp with a definite con-servation agenda and cirricula?Would they if they could ge t somefinancial assistancei, An y middleschool through high school student

    living in Brown County ma y applyfo r a partial scholarship to on e ofthree summer camps. One of thescholarshipsources is the BrownCounty Conservat ion Fund throughthe Brown County Park Department.Hereare some of the requi rements:l . Students: rades - I 22. Amountof a id: $ 95 or nomore han 75%of cost3.Camos:"Glacier ollow," elsonville,,WWildlifeedention"CentralWlEnvironmental tation,"Amhurstjunction,l,WisconsinNR'TreesforToniorrow,"Eagle iver,Wl,TreeHaren4. Sessions: nysessionhatdealswithnature, poftinguses fnature, nvironmentalr .ecologicalhemes.5.T ime: I to 2 weeksessions,June August6. Appl icat ions:h ismoney s prepaidto the camps, herefore t is on afirstcomebasis. oumustapplywi th hecampand hey n urnwill bil l BrownCountyonceyour

    childha sbeenacceptednto anappropriateession.The NortheastWisconsin hap-terof TroutUnlimiteds onemoresource f scholarshipsor sumrnercamps. he equirementsre:

    l . Students: rades - I 22.Amount f a id: $ l 503. Camps:SAME SABOVE4. Sessions:SAME SABOVE conversation, cologyorientated5. Time: SAME SABOVE6. Applications:Requestsor atten-oance ontact:KennKiesner4657 CreekValley an eOneida,Wt54i 55920 -865 -4019A i 50 word hemeon "why hiscampwould be a valudble xperience"is required.First om ebasis.Coniactshouldbe madeas soonas possiblenMarch/April, s heyar eusedupquickly.


    Christmas Bird Count ResultsThe i 997 Christmas irdCount(CBC) ith 60 species dentifiedwasthe fourthhighest ountevercon-ducted '89 & 94 with 62 speciesand 92 with 63 werehigher) .Uncommon i rdsnoted nc lude :Rose-breastedrosbeak, eregr ineFalcon, nowyOwl, ClaucousGull ,

    RuddyDuck,HoodedMerganser,Buffiehead, edhead, reatBlueHeron,AmericanCoot. RuffedGrouseand PileatedWoodpecker.The SnowyOwls,ClaucousCullsan d Peregrine alconswere all seenat the mouth of the Fox River.BaldEagle,Cooper'sHawk,ScreechOwl, an d Double-crestedCormorantare relatively egularCBCbirds now. We ha d a fairlygoodf inchcount,but no PineCrosbeaks.

    EveningCrosbeaks r BohemianWaxwingswere spotted.OcontoandDoor Countieshaveseengoodnumbersof thesebirds his winter.Birds ot seenon the count,but thatar e probablyhere: BeltedKingfisher,Red-headed oodpecker, ornedLark,SnowBunt ing,Red-wingedBlackbird,Cray Partridge,Merlin andSaw-whetOwl.Th e weatherwa s very mild, lowwind an d no snow cover. The mildweatherwas probably he biggestfactor avoring he high count.Overall t was anotherexcellentcount hanks o the helpof our 26field observers nd 22 feedercounters. he l99B CBCwil l be heldSaturday, ecember |9.

    John Jacobs

    Baird CreekParkway rThe Finat P*ehThe final fush for the presena.tion of ttfe BairdCreekHeights

    area s now underway.This34acre ractof old growth orest slocatedeastof F43,nextto ChristaMcAuliffePark.The city purchasedthe tract of land the first weekofFebruary.Paymentor the propertywill come rom the Cityof 6reen 'Bay, he WsconsinDepanment fNaturalResourcesnd the BairdCreekParkwayPreseruationFoundation.The BairdCreekParkwayPreservationoundation aspledgedo raise$200,000 owardthe totalcostof approximately$1,000,000.Their und raisingSoal is to have his money aisedby May , I 998. lf you havebeenlooking or a goodcauseodonateo, this s theone. In hewordsof PaulHartman,notedhorticulturist ild N.E.W. udubonmember,his is the most mpor-tant onseryationattle n GreenBay ince he cleanup f airandwaterpollutionby local ndustryback n the seventies. his sanopportunityor area esidentsomakea statementhat t is impor-tant to savesomeof the "lastbestplaces"or today'scitizensandespeciallyor the children ftomorrow. The BairdCreekParkwayPreservation oundatjonis looking or donationsrom $5to $5,000.-Donaiionsanbemade o the BairdCreekparkwayCommittee f N.E.W. udubonandsent o:N.E.W..Audubonociery170] NinthStreetGreenBay,Wl 54304lf you would ike to view hisstretchof land,Paul.Flartmanil lbe guiding ours or our club nApril. Please ee he article n theprevious age, Upcoming ieldTrip Opportunities"or datesandtimes. CharlieFrisk

  • 8/9/2019 March 1998 Audubon Log Northeastern Wisconsin Audubon Society


    Mark Your-Calendars!TheN.E.W.udubon nnual anquetas een etforWednesday,ay 3.Socialwillegin t5:30 .m., ithdinner t6:00p.m. his ea/s peakerwilleBill olkertfrom heDNR n Horicon ndamember f severalntema-tional ildlife dvisoryommittees.Billsanexcellentpeakernd ivesverynterestingprogramnLakeBaikal. illhas isited akeBaikalnSiberiafilreimeso study ndmakemanagementecommenda-tions. ake aikalssimilaro heCreat akesn hat t dlsocontais20% f heworld'su faceres water nd ssufferingrompollution.wenty-threepeciesfanimdsare ndemictohis ake.Watchhenext ssue f heLog ormore etails ndabanquetegist-auonorm.

    '1997-rSChaytukadqsOFFICERSPresidentVice-PresidentRecordingecretaryCorres. ecretaryTleasurerBOARDMEMBERS

    MembershipEducationConservationBairdCreek arkwayNewsletterPublicityCalendarsEndowmentHistorianProgramsFieldTripsSocialRefreshmentsPast resident

    Boardmeetingsreheld t 7:00 .m. he hirdTuuday fmonth ttheBat Beach

    John acobs 412-2438TB.D.MartyGallagher448-4375w)Gary ewless 435-5563Joe pangler 494-6347

    Carl cholz 743-3411Dorothy ummers 65-6729RonEichhorn 430-9747Kenn iesner 865-4019Charlierisk 468-1956Charlierisk 468-1956MaryNovotny 498-9663CarlHujet 491-1954Dennisrusik 499-9689DorothyDelsart 435-8494TB.D.Lavonnealbraith498-2248CarmellaBlecha 34-1,807CharlieFrisk 468-1956

    Audubon Soc-ety, Inc.lr0l ilinth StreetGreen Bay, Wl 5,43,o,4

    We ualueyour membe6hlpl ffthe date on themalllng label has been hlghllghtet lt meansyourmembe6hip ln the Northeastem lmsconsln AudubonSocleql, nc. has lapsed. Pleasecall Dennis Prusikat 4,99-9689to reestabilshyour membeEhlp todaylIts that ea,/

    TheAudubonlqEzisublishedimonth\zby heNoftheasternsconsin udubonSoaety leaseendnformationyououldlikendudedndreLog o: MaryNwotnyz30852r Ct.,Green ayW 543 3Pnntedonreg/dedpaper

    tortheastern Wisconsin NON.PROFIT RG.U.S.PostagePAIDPermitNo.227Green Ba5l,Wl