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& Savior Catholic Church Christ Our King United in Christ, All for the Glory of God. Unidos en Cristo,Todo para la Gloria de Dios March 18, 2018 6341 LAKE OCONEE PKWY. GREENSBORO, GEORGIA 30642 PHONE: 706 - 453 - 7292 | FAX: 706 - 453 - 7095 WWW.COKAS.ORG

March 18, 2018 Christ Our King Savior · 2018. 3. 18. · & Savior C a t h o l i c C h u r c h Christ Our King United in Christ, All for the Glory of God. Unidos en Cristo,Todo para

Nov 10, 2020



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Page 1: March 18, 2018 Christ Our King Savior · 2018. 3. 18. · & Savior C a t h o l i c C h u r c h Christ Our King United in Christ, All for the Glory of God. Unidos en Cristo,Todo para

& Savior C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

Christ Our King United in Chris t , All for the Glory of God.

Unidos en Cris to,Todo para la Glor ia de Dios

March 18 , 2018


PHONE: 706-453-7292 | FAX: 706-453-7095 WWW.COKAS.ORG

Page 2: March 18, 2018 Christ Our King Savior · 2018. 3. 18. · & Savior C a t h o l i c C h u r c h Christ Our King United in Christ, All for the Glory of God. Unidos en Cristo,Todo para

Parish Information

Father Roberto Herrera

Business Manager John Steadman

[email protected]

Accountant Millie Browning

[email protected]

Director of Faith Formation

Bev Fox

[email protected] Youth Ministry Coordinator Kasey Lansford

[email protected]

Communications Coordinator Emily Faz

[email protected]

Pastoral Administration

Lily Vaughn

[email protected]

Maintenance Clarence Drinkwine

[email protected]

Front Office Tamara Prendergast

[email protected]

Monday - Friday 9am-2pm

Parish Office

S u n d a y — 9 : 0 0 a m S p a n i s h — 1 1 : 4 5 A M M o n d a y — 9 : 0 0 a m & 6 : 0 0 p m T u e s d a y — 9 : 0 0 a m & 6 : 0 0 p m W e d n e s d a y — 9 : 0 0 a m & 6 : 0 0 p m T h u r s d a y — 9 : 0 0 a m & 6 : 0 0 p m F r i d a y — 9 : 0 0 a m S a t u r d a y V i g i l — 5 : 0 0 p m ( A n o i n t i n g o f t h e S i c k ) A L L M A S S E S M a r c h 1 9 t h - M a r c h 2 2 n d w i l l b e a t 9 a m & R E P E A T E D a t 6 p m w i t h F r . M o o r e f o r o u r L e n t e n S p i r i t u a l R e t r e a t .

Mass Schedule

Important Info

Confessions Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45pm or call for appointment Eucharistic Adoration 1st Friday 9 am – 6 pm SVdP Hotline 706-453-4744 Rosary Before Mass 8:40am

Page 3: March 18, 2018 Christ Our King Savior · 2018. 3. 18. · & Savior C a t h o l i c C h u r c h Christ Our King United in Christ, All for the Glory of God. Unidos en Cristo,Todo para

St. Joseph

March 18 St. Joseph was probably born in Bethlehem and probably died in Nazareth. He was an ordinary manual laborer although descended from the royal house of David. In the designs of Providence he was destined to become the spouse of the Mother of God. His high privilege is expressed in a single phrase, "Foster-father of Jesus." About him Sa-cred Scripture has little more to say than that he was a just man-an expression which indi-cates how faithfully he fulfilled his high trust of protecting and guarding God's greatest treasures upon earth, Jesus and Mary. The darkest hours of his life may well have been those when he first learned of Mary's pregnancy; but precisely in this time of trial Joseph showed himself great. His suffering, which likewise formed a part of the work of the redemption, was not without great provi-dential import: Joseph was to be, for all times, the trustworthy witness of the Messiah's virgin birth. After this, he modestly retires into the background of holy Scripture. Of St. Joseph's death the Bible tells us nothing. There are indications, however, that he died before the beginning of Christ's public life. His was the most beautiful death that one could have, in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Humbly and unknown, he passed his years at Nazareth, silent and almost forgotten he remained in the background through centuries of Church history. Only in more recent times has he been accorded greater honor. Liturgical veneration of St. Joseph began in the fifteenth century, fostered by Sts. Brigid of Sweden and Bernadine of Siena. St. Teresa, too, did much to further his cult. At present there are two major feasts in his honor. On March 19 our veneration is directed to him personally and to his part in the work of redemption, while on May 1 we honor him as the patron of workmen throughout the world and as our guide in the difficult mat-ter of establishing equitable norms regarding obligations and rights in the social order. St. Joseph is invoked as patron for many causes. He is the patron of the Universal Church. He is the patron of the dying because Jesus and Mary were at his death-bed. He is also the patron of fathers, of carpenters, and of social justice. Many religious orders and commu-nities are placed under his patronage. Patron: Against doubt; against hesitation; Americas; Austria; Diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; California; Belgium; Bohemia; bursars; cabinetmakers; Canada; Carinthia; carpenters; China; confectioners; craftsmen; Croatian people (in 1687 by decree of the Croatian parliament) dying people; emigrants; engineers; expectant mothers; families; fathers; Florence, Italy; happy death; holy death; house hunters; immigrants; interior souls; Korea; laborers; Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin; Archdiocese of Louisville, Ken-tucky; Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire; Mexico; Diocese of Nashville, Tennes-see; New France; New World; Oblates of Saint Joseph; people in doubt; people who fight Communism; Peru; pioneers; protection of the Church; Diocese of San Jose, California; diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota; social justice; Styria, Austria; travelers; Turin Italy; Tyrol Austria; unborn children Universal Church; Vatican II; Vietnam; Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston West Virginia; wheelwrights; workers; working people.

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Please Join us in

the Social Hall after

9am Mass for

Coffee and Donuts!

P r ay e r Requests M a s s Intentions

“If anyone would serve me,” says Jesus in today’s Gospel, “let him follow me; where I am, there will my servant be.” In what way is Jesus inviting me to follow Him? What service is He asking of me?

Stewardship Scripture Reflection 5th Week of Lent

For those in critical need of daily prayers. Note: Names will stay on the Prayer list for 6 weeks and then they will be removed. Call 706-453-7292 x 4 or email [email protected]

with updates.

Military Personnel

Tarah Thompson

Steve Piller

Nicholas Piller

Rod Piller

Barbara Koch

Deborah Stritt

Linda Chelena

Harriet Thompson

Vicky Abbott

Sonya Stephenson

Christopher Stephenson

Sean Scott

Walter Cochran

Andrea Vasquez

Stanley Sides

James Hause

Freeda Karwisch

Jeffery Crane

Guadalupe Patiño

Carolyn Cates

Isabel Montiagudo

Jacob King

Larry Subacz Family

John Stathas

Amanda Parker





















Ryan Parish Library

The Father Ryan Parish Library located on the second floor of the Parish

Life Center is open on

Sundays 10:00-11:30 and is available for individual use at other times by

obtaining a key from the parish office during office hours. To search the

collection of the Ryan Parish Library, visit our website at

Under “Questions” tab, click on “Online Library.”

We have an extensive collection! Check us out!

Page 5: March 18, 2018 Christ Our King Savior · 2018. 3. 18. · & Savior C a t h o l i c C h u r c h Christ Our King United in Christ, All for the Glory of God. Unidos en Cristo,Todo para

March 17th Confession 4:00pm 18th DONUTS After 9:00am Mass Social Hall 18th Faith Formation 18th CLOW 19th Monday Morning Bible Study 19th Mass & Mission w Fr. Moore Lent Spiritual Retreat 9:00am-10:30am 6:00pm-7:30 (repeat of 9am) 20th Mass & Mission w Fr. Moore Lent Spiritual Retreat 9:00am-10:30am 6:00pm-7:30 (repeat of 9am) 21st Mass & Mission w Fr. Moore Lent Spiritual Retreat 9:00am-10:30am 6:00pm-7:30(repeat of 9am) 21st Life Night/Edge Night 6:30pm 22nd Mass & Mission w Fr. Moore Lent Spiritual Retreat 9:00am-10:30am 6:00pm-7:30 (repeat of 9am) 22nd Lenten Penance Service 7:30pm-9:oopm 23rd Stations of the Cross 5:00pm Sanctuary 23rd Stations of the Cross (SPANISH) 7:00pm Sanctuary 24th Confession 4:00pm 24th Anointing of the Sick 5:00pm 25th DONUTS After 9:00am Mass Social Hall 25th Faith Formation 25th CLOW

L o o k i n g Ahead

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true

measure of our thanksgiving. Offertory At Mass 3/3-3/4/18…......... $ 10,072. Online Giving 3/1/18-3/4/18… 3,290. Total $ 13,362. March second collections: 3/25/18—Holy Land

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Go to:

Online Giving Questions—Call or email: Millie Browning

706-453-7292, ext. 9, [email protected]

S t e wa r d s h i p of Treasure

The Knights of Columbus congratulate the following men

who advanced to the 4th Degree of the Order on Saturday,

February 18, 2018, in a special ceremony at Holy Family

Catholic Church in Marietta, Georgia.

Our new 4th Degree Knights are:

The principle of the 4th Degree is Patriotism and puts special

emphasis on service to our veterans and our active duty

military. We also provide financial and spiritual support to

Seminarians who are planning to become Military Chaplains.

Ernie Ceccato Bill Lee

Mike Grunnet Todd Sterrenberg

Mark Holihan David Williams

Page 6: March 18, 2018 Christ Our King Savior · 2018. 3. 18. · & Savior C a t h o l i c C h u r c h Christ Our King United in Christ, All for the Glory of God. Unidos en Cristo,Todo para


Supper Club is back for Spring, 2018! Calling all parishioners, single or married, come on out and join the parish Supper Club! You will be divided into groups of six, to meet once a month during April, May and June 2018. You only need to provide a meal for six one time! There are no requirements other than a desire to share good food and fellowship. This is a great op-portunity for renewing friendships or making new ones, and you might even find a new recipe to enjoy at home! To learn more about Supper Club, call Jim and Sharon Liebeck, 706-999-1669 or email us at [email protected], if you would like more information or to sign up!



is Closed

The Golf Tournament Commit-tee is pleased to announce that all the golf slots have been filled!

Also, please remember to sub-mit your raffle tickets to the Church office either in the col-

lection basket or to the Church office by April 6th

or in person at the tournament by noon on April 9th. If you need additional raffle tickets, please contact the Church Office at 706-453-7292 ext. 4. The drawing will be held at the end of the tourna-ment and attendance in NOT required to win.

Knights of Columbus Present

The third Lenten Fish Fry 2018 Friday, March 23 in the Social Hall from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM.

Fried fish and baked fish are

available with side items and


The price is just $10.00 per person for

adults and $5.00 per child under age 12, families $25.

Come and enjoy the food and friendship with members of our parish.

Profits from this event are donated to charity. For more information visit




When: April 26th Time: 1:30 pm

Spring into Fashion with


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El Sacramento de la Confesión es todos los

Sábados de 4:00 pm a 4:45 pm

Clase de Primera Comunion

2° - 5° Grado

Miercoles 21 de Marzo

6:00-7:30pm en el PLC

Clase de Primera Comunion

6° - 8° Grado

Domingo, 18 de Marzo

de 10:30-11:30 en el PLC

Domingo, 8 y15 de Abril

de 10:30-11:30 en el PLC

Se ofrece cuidado de niños(gratis), durante las reuniones de los miércoles por la noche,

para las Familias de los alumnos de las clases de Preparación de Sacramento

(1° Comunión y Confirmación)

Todos los viernes de

cuaresma ha-brá viacrucis en Ingles, a las 5:00pm y en Español a las 7:00pm

Semana Santa 2018

Jueves, 22 de marzo Servicio Penitencial a las 7:30 p.m.

Con los Padres García, Orellana, Young, Mattox, y Herrera

Sábado, 24 y domingo, 25 de marzo

Domingo de Ramos 5:00 p.m. Misa de Vigilia

9:00 a.m. Misa de Domingo de Ramos (Ingles)

11:45 a.m. Misa de Domingo de Ramos (Español)

Todas las Misas comenzaran afuera

Jueves, 29 de marzo Jueves Santo

7:00 p.m. Misa Bilingüe Viernes, 30 de abril

Viernes Santo 2:30 p.m. Vía Crucis (Ingles)

3:00 p.m. Pasión del Señor (Ingles) 6:00 p.m. Viacrucis Viviente (Español)

7:00p.m. Pasión del Señor

Sábado, 31 de marzo Sábado Santo

8:00 p.m. Vigilia Pascual

Domingo, 1 de abril Domingo de Pascua

Misa en Ingles: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00 am Misa en Español: 1:00 p.m.

Via Crucis Vivientes

Viernes, 30 de abril a las


Servicio Penitencial Jueves, 22 de marzo a las

7:30 PM con los Padres Herrera, García, Mattox, Orellana,

y Young