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Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD In the framework of the project “Support to the Africa-EU Dialogue on Migration and Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive and was prepared as background information for the Rabat Process Thematic Meeting on Diaspora Engagement, 5-6 October, Bamako, Mali 1. INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND PROCESSES / NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCIES NAME GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS and/or LOCATION WEBSITE and CONTACT REMARKS Fields of action relevant to the Rabat Process, contact persons, additional information African Development Bank Africa, Côte d'Ivoire African Development Bank Group Avenue Joseph Anoma 01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01 Côte d'Ivoire Diaspora investments, Remittances African Institute for Remittances (AIR) Africa, Kenya Remittances Contact person: Amadou Cisse African Union (AU) Africa, Ethiopia Directorate of Citizens and Diaspora Organisations (CIDO) +251‐11 518 21 08; +251 11 51 77 00 cido@africa‐ Mobility, migration, diaspora Agence Belge de Développement (CTB) Worldwide, Belgium Rue Haute 147 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique +32 2 505 37 00 [email protected] Development, Migration Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Worldwide, France 5 Rue Roland Barthes 75598 PARIS CEDEX 12, France +33 1 53 44 31 31 Development, Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive

Jan 20, 2020



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Page 1: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive

Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement

Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive and was prepared as background information for the

Rabat Process Thematic Meeting on Diaspora Engagement, 5-6 October, Bamako, Mali



WEBSITE and CONTACT REMARKS Fields of action relevant to the Rabat Process, contact persons, additional information

African Development Bank Africa, Côte d'Ivoire African Development Bank Group Avenue Joseph Anoma 01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01 Côte d'Ivoire

Diaspora investments, Remittances

African Institute for Remittances (AIR)

Africa, Kenya Remittances Contact person: Amadou Cisse

African Union (AU) Africa, Ethiopia Directorate of Citizens and Diaspora Organisations (CIDO) +251‐11 518 21 08; +251 11 51 77 00 cido@africa‐

Mobility, migration, diaspora

Agence Belge de Développement (CTB)

Worldwide, Belgium Rue Haute 147 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique +32 2 505 37 00 [email protected]

Development, Migration

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Worldwide, France 5 Rue Roland Barthes 75598 PARIS CEDEX 12, France +33 1 53 44 31 31

Development, Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

Page 2: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

[email protected]

Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM)

Worldwide, Germany +49 (0)6196-79-3500 [email protected]

Migration and Development

Department for International Development (DFID)

Worldwide, United Kingdom 22 Whitehall, London SW1A 2EG +44 20 7023 0000

Development, Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Worldwide, Germany Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn, , Germany +49 6196 79-0 [email protected]

Development, Migration (different topics, including diaspora) Contact person: Stephanie Deubler, Sektorvorhaben Migration und Entwicklung

Expertise France Worldwide, France 73, rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris +33 01 70 82 70 82 [email protected]

Migration (different topics, including diaspora) Contact person: Camille Constans

Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)

Worldwide, Switzerland GFMD Support Unit15 Route des Morillons,1218 Le Grand Saconnex,Geneva, Switzerland+4122 788 49 46 / +4122 788 49 [email protected]

Migration and development;Informal government-led process open to all States Members and Observers of the United Nations.

Global Migration Group (GMG)

Worldwide, New York UN Women 220 E42nd Street, 18-55 New York, NY 10017 GMG Support Team: [email protected]

Migration (different topics, including diaspora) Current GMG Chair: UN Women

International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP)

Worldwide, Spain Beatriz de Bobadilla, 18 4ª planta 28040 – Madrid – España +34 91 591 46 00 [email protected]

Development, Migration

Page 3: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

Worldwide, Austria Gonzagagasse 1, 5th floor 1010 Vienna, Austria +43 1 504 4677 0 [email protected] [email protected]

Migration and development, diaspora, migration dialogues Contact person: Malin Frankenhäuser, Programme Manager of the Migration and Development Competence Centre

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Worldwide, Italy Via Paolo di Dono, 44 00142 Rome, Italy +39-0654591 [email protected]

Development, diaspora, remittances Contact person: Pedro De Vasconcelos, Programme Coordinator, Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR)

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Worldwide, Switzerland 4 route des Morillons CH-1211, Genève 22 Switzerland +41 22 799 6111 [email protected]

Labour migration, diaspora Rabat Process Focal Point: Michelle Leighton: Chief International Migration Branch

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Worldwide, Switzerland International Organization for Migration (IOM) 17, Route des Morillons CH-1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland [email protected]

Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI)

Worldwide, Belgium JMDI, UN House, 14 Rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels, Belgium +32 2 235 0550 [email protected]

Migration and development Global inter-agency programme led by UNDP in partnership with IOM, ITC-ILO, UN Women, UNHCR, UNFPA and UNITAR

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Worldwide, Switzerland +41 22 739 8111

Refugees, diaspora Rabat Process Focal Point: Annabelle ROIG GRANJON, Senior European Affairs Officer

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Multilateral, France du Sahel et de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CSAO/OCDE)2, rue André-Pascal, 75775 Paris cedex 16, France [email protected]

Migration and development

Page 4: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

Mediterranean Malta Palazzo Spinola, St. George Road, St. Julians, STJ 3207, Malta +356 22 48 42 00 [email protected]

Migration (different topics) Contact person: Ambassador Sergio Piazzi, Secretary General

Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)

Worldwide, Spain Avda. Reyes Católicos, nº 4 28040 Madrid +34 900 20 30 54 [email protected]

Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)

Worldwide, Switzerland Freiburgstrasse 130 3003 Bern +41 58 462 34 75 [email protected]

Development, Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

Africa, Ethiopia Menelik II Ave. P.O. Box 3001 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 251-11-544-5000

Diaspora, development

Union for the Mediterranean

Mediterranean Spain Palacio de Pedralbes Pere Duran Farell, 11 08034 Barcelona, Spain +34 93 521 4100 [email protected] [email protected]

Migration (different topics)

United Nations Capital Worldwide, United States UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) Two UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 +1-212-906-6565


Page 5: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

[email protected]

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Worldwide, United States One United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 USA

Development, Migration, Diaspora

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Worldwide Vienna International Centre Wagramerstr. 5, P.O. Box 300 1400 Vienna , Austria +43 1 26026-0

Industrial development, diaspora, entrepreneurship Contact person: Jesse Ojobor

World Bank Worldwide, United States

http://www.worldbank.org1818 H StreetNW Washington, DC 20433 USA(202) 473-1000

Migration and development, remittances Rabat Process Focal Point: Massimiliano Paolucci, Head of Migration Research Department



WEBSITE and CONTACT REMARKS Fields of action relevant to the Rabat Process, contact persons, additional information

African Diaspora Policy Centre

Africa, the Netherlands Laan van Meerdervoort 70 2517 AN Den Haag The Netherlands +31707537731 [email protected]

Diaspora, migration and development, migration and climate change

Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies, University of London

Worldwide, United Kingdom

+44 20 7898 4434 +44 20 7898 4009 [email protected]

Migration, diaspora

Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations,

Worldwide, Sweden Department of Social Anthropology at Stockholms

Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

Page 6: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

University of Stockholm universitet SE-106 91 Stockholm +46 8-16 20 00

Groupe de recherche et de réalisations pour le développement rural (GRDR)

France, West Africa Head office: 66/72 rue Marceau 93558 Montreuil Cedex France +331 48577580 [email protected]

Migration and development Research clusters: Coordination Mauritania: +222 4 525 64 92; [email protected] Coordination Mali: +(223) 20 22 25 89 / 20 23 12 52 (P) 69 79 10 12; [email protected]; Coastal cluster (Guinea-Bissau, Casamance): +(245) 9085106

International Migration Institute, University of Oxford

Worldwide, United Kingdom 3 Mansfield Road Oxford OX1 3TB [email protected] +44 1865 281738

Migration (different topics, including diaspora) Contact person: Oliver Bakewell, Co-Director and Senior Research Officer

Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development, University of Maastricht

Worldwide, the Netherlands [email protected] or [email protected]

Migration, development Contact person: Costica Dumbrava, MACIMIDE Executive Coordinator

Migration Policy Institute Europe (MPI Europe)

Worldwide 155 Rue de la Loi, 5th Floor 1040 Brussels, Belgium + 32 2 235 2113

Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

Network on migration research on Africa (NOMRA)

Africa, Nigeria 164a Ikeja Way, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria +234 8023061845; +234 8034881727; +234 702861966 [email protected]; [email protected]

Various, including diaspora Contact person: Professor Aderanti Adepoju, Coordinator

Overseas Development Institute

Worldwide, United Kingdom 203 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ United Kingdom +44 20 7922 0300

Development, Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

Page 7: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

[email protected]

Up! Africa Limited Africa Development consultancy, Diaspora entrepreneurship Contact person: Chukwu-Emeka Chikezie, Director

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)

Worldwide, France

www.ird.frLe Sextant44, bd de Dunkerque, CS 9000913572 Marseille cedex 02+33 4 91 99 92 00+ 33 (0)4 91 99 95 13 / 62 (MeetAfrica)[email protected]

Migration (different topics, including diaspora)

Campus France Worldwide, France + 33 1 40 40 58 83 [email protected]

Student mobility, higher education, diaspora entrepreneurship

Diaspora Matters Worldwide, Ireland Maryville House, 43, Carysfort Avenue Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland +353 1 210 8875 [email protected]

Diaspora, consultancy, research Contact person: Kingsley Aikins, CEO

Homestrings Africa, United Kingdom 2nd Floor, Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square, Mayfair London W1J 6BD

Crowdfunding, investment platform Contact person: Eric Guichard, CEO

Observatoire International des Transferts de Fonds de Migrants (OITFM)

Worldwide, Benin Remittances An initiative of the Conference of Least Developed Countries

Developing Markets Associates (DMA)

Worldwide, United Kingdom

150 Tooley Street London SE1 2TU +44 203 117 2500 [email protected]

Remittance and payment systems consultancy

Page 8: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”



WEBSITE and CONTACT REMARKS Fields of action relevant to the Rabat Process, contact persons, additional information

Africa-Europe Development Platform (ADEPT)

Africa, Europe, United Kingdom Rich Mix Building 35-47 Bethnal Green Road Shoreditch, London E1 6LA United Kingdom + 44(0)20 3326 3750 [email protected]

Migration and development, diaspora List of member organisations:

African Diaspora Youth Forum Europe (ADYFE)

Africa, Europe, Austria

[email protected] Diaspora Contact person: Youssouf Simbo Diakité, Chair

African Foundation for Development (AFFORD)

Africa, Europe, United Kingdom Rich Mix Building, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch, London E1 6LA Tel: + 44 (0) 203 326 3750

Migration and development, diaspora

Algerian International Diaspora Association

Worldwide, Algeria Quai des Bergues 27 Geneva


Algerian Start-up Initiative Algeria, United States Diaspora network (Silicon Valley - Algeria)

Association des Tunisiens des Grandes Ecoles (ATUGE)

France, Tunisia MDA 14eme - BP55, 22 rue Deparcieux Paris, France [email protected]

Higher education, diaspora

Association le Tocsin Burkina Faso 01 BP 937 Ouagadougou 01 +226 70233650 / 78557722 / 76404083 [email protected]

Development, Diaspora, Reintegration Contact Person: Arouna Savadogo, Chair

Association of Algerian Competences (ACA)

Algeria, worldwide Diaspora network

Berghof Foundation Worldwide, Germany Altensteinstrasse 48a, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Refugees, diaspora

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Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

Tel: +49 (30) 844154 - 0 Fax: +49 (30) 844154 - 99

Caritas International Worldwide Palazzo San Calisto Vatican City State V-00120 + 39 06 698 797 99 [email protected]

Diaspora, refugees, trafficking in human beings

Club France Maroc France, Maroc Diaspora, highly qualified migrants, alumni club

Comic Relief Worldwide, UK 89 Albert Embankment London, SE1 7TP +44 20 7820 2000

Diaspora, Investments

Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l’étranger

Worldwide, Morocco Mahaj Ryad. Imm 10. B.P 21481 - Hay Ryad - Rabat 10 000 - Maroc +212 5 37 56 71 71 +212 5 37 56 66 22


Conseil des gabonais de France

Gabon, France Diaspora

Conseil des Nigeriens de France

Niger, France 9 avenue Blaise Pascal,77420 Champs sur marne.+ 33 (0)7 53 91 69 [email protected]


Conseil mondial de la diaspora Togolaise

Worldwide, Togo Diaspora

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

Worldwide, United States

1825 I Street, NW 7th floor Washington, DC 20006 Micro-finance, remittances

Coordination Générale des Ivoiriens de la Diaspora (COGID)

Worldwide, Côte d'Ivoire


Danish Refugee Council Worldwide, Denmark Borgergade 10, 3rd floor

Refugees, diaspora

Page 10: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

1300 Copenhagen K., Denmark +45 3373 5000 [email protected]

Development Fund Norway Africa, Norway Mariboes gate 8, 0183 Oslo +47 23 10 96 00 [email protected]

Development, Diaspora

European Centre for Development Policy Management

Worldwide Rue Archimède 5, 1000, Brussels, Belgium +32 2 237 43 10 [email protected]

Development, Migration (different topics, including diaspora) Contact person: Anna Knoll

Fórum da Diáspora de S. Tomé e Príncipe

Worldwide, Sao Tomé e Príncipe +351 919 704 210 +351 962 271 727 +244 928 076 100 Email: [email protected]


Forum des Organisations de Solidarité Internationale issues des Migrations (FORIM)

Worldwide, France 14 passage Dubail 75010 Paris, France Tel. 01 44 72 02 88 / 01 46 07 61 80 [email protected]

Diaspora, migration and development Contact person: Khady Sakho, Chair List of member organisations:

Forum Socio-Economique de la Diaspora (FOSED)

Togo http://fosed-diaspora.org123 Avenue Nicolas Grunitzky-Nyékonakpoè07 BP 12775, Lomé, Togo +228 22 34 33 23 /+228 90 53 20 15 [email protected]


Forum Syd Worldwide, Sweden +46850637177

Development, Diaspora Contact person: Lisbeth Petersen, Head of International Programme Department

Foundation for Women’s Health Research and Development (FORWARD)

Africa, Europe, United Kingdom

Suite 2.1 Chandelier Building 8 Scrubs Lane

African diaspora women’s organisation, tackling discriminatory practices

Page 11: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

London, NW10 6RB +44 20 8960 4000 [email protected]

German-Moroccan Competencies Network (DMK)

Germany, Morocco Deutsch-Marokkanisches Kompetenznetzwerk Postfach 10 21 06 66021 Saarbrücken, Germany [email protected]

Diaspora, entrepreneurship, competence network

Global Coalition on Migration

Worldwide [email protected]

Migration (various), including diaspora Network of migrant associations, migrants rights organizations and advocates, trade unions, faith groups and academia Contact person: Colin Rajah, International Coordinator

Haut Conseil des Béninois de l’Extérieur

Benin, Belgium, France


Haut Conseil des Maliens de France

France, Mali 9/11, Rue Genin 93200 SAINT-DENIS +33 9 82 30 70 22 [email protected]

Diaspora Contact person: Hamedy Diarra, Chair

Haut conseil des Maliens de l’extérieur

Worldwide, Mali

+223 76 45 49 16 [email protected] [email protected] +223 76 45 49 16

Diaspora Contact person: Sam Bouda, Permanent Secretary

International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)

Worldwide, Switzerland

1, rue de Varembé, P.O. Box 96, 1211 Geneva 20 +41 22 919 10 20 [email protected]

Development, Diaspora

International Diaspora Engagement Alliance (IDEA platform)

Worldwide, United States C/O Calvert Foundation 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1000W

Diaspora Contact person: Leigh Moran

Page 12: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

Bethesda, MD 20814 [email protected]

Medgeneration Mediterranean ANIMA Investment Network 11 b rue Saint Ferréol, 13001 Marseille, France +33 4 96 11 67 60 [email protected]


Migrants Rights International

Worldwide, Switzerland C.P.147, 1211 Geneva 20, [email protected]+41 22-5349313skype: migrantsrightsinternational

Migration, including diaspora

Migration and Development Civil Society Network (MADE)

Worldwide, United States MADE Global Coordinating Office ICMC Rue Washington 40 1050 Brussels Belgium +32 2 646 7400 [email protected] [email protected]

Diaspora, migration and development Contact person: Sophia Van Haasen, Programme Coordinator

Nigerian Diaspora Direct Investment Summit (NDDIS)

Nigeria, UK London Study Centre UK: Unit 11. Second floor, 44 Broadway, Stratford London E15 1XH +44 (0) 203 005 5330 + 44 (0) 203 130 0763

Diaspora, Investment Contact person : Bimbo Roberts Folayan, Executive Director

NGO Associations des femmes rapatriées de Côte d’Ivoire à Sikasso

Africa, Mali Sikasso, [email protected] Socio-economic reintegration, Diaspora, Entrepreneurship Contact person: Dialia Keita, Chair

Niger Diaspora Worldwide, Niger, Belgium Rue de Suède 4


Page 13: Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora … · Mobility (MMD)” Mapping of Stakeholders in the Area of African Diaspora Engagement Disclaimer: This mapping is non-exhaustive


Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

1060 Bruxelles +32 474 71 58 20 - +227 80 63 36 54 [email protected]

ONG Diaspora CEDEAO ECOWAS, Côte d'Ivoire

Diaspora Contact person: Don Alexander, Chair

Organisations des Femmes Africaines de la Diaspora Europe (OFAD)

Africa, Europe 100 rue de la Tourlourette 91280 Saint Pierre du Perray +33 650945458 [email protected]

Federation of businesses managed by women part of the African Diaspora Contact person: Madame Suzanne Bellnoun, Chair

Oxfam International Worldwide, United Kingdom Oxfam House John Smith Drive Oxford OX4 2JY, United Kingdom Tel. +44 1865 780 100

Diaspora, refugees, climate change

Pan African Network in Defense of Migrants' Rights (PANiDMR)

Africa The official website ( is suspended. +254 710571968 [email protected] [email protected]

Protection, diaspora Contact person: Milka Isinta, Chair

Positive Planet Worldwide, France

44 rue de Prony 75017 Paris, France +33 1 49 21 26 26 [email protected]

Development, Finance

Réseau des algériens des Grandes Ecoles (REAGE)

Algeria, France Alumni network

Réseau International Diaspora en ligne

Europe, Africa Villa N° 5399 Cité Icotaf III Pikine Dakar-Sénégal +221 77 484 67 60


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Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

[email protected]

MALIAN CIVIL SOCIETY Agence pour la Promotion des Investissements au Mali

Boulevard du CICB +223 20229525 [email protected]

Diaspora, Entrepreneurship, Investments

Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d’Agriculture (APCAM)


Assemblée Permanente des Chambres de Métiers (APCM)


Association des Municipalités du Mali (AMM)


Association des Professionnels des Banques et Etablissements Financiers (APBEF)

Diaspora investments

Association des Professionnels des Institutions de Microfinance (APIM)

Diaspora entrepreneurship, investments

Association malienne des Expulsés (AME) Djélibougou, Rue 312 Porte 626, Bamako BP 9155 +22320223016 / +223 79 16 36 77 [email protected] [email protected]

Return migration, Socio-economic reintegration Contact person: Ousmane Diarra, President, M. Alassane Dicko, Communication Officer

Banque de Développement du Mali (BDM-SA) Av. Modibo KEITA BP 94 Quartier du fleuve, Bamako +223 20 22 20 52 [email protected]

Remittances, bank loans, migration and development

Banque Internationale pour le Mali (BIM) Diaspora, socio-economic reintegration, remittances, bank loans

Centre d'Informations et de Gestion des Migrations (CIGEM)

Hamdallaye ACI 2000 - av. du Mali, BP E. 1581 +223 20 23 85 63 [email protected] [email protected]

Migration and Development, Policy development, Research M. Abdoulaye KONATE, Directeur

Coalition des Associations de Migrants Migration, Diaspora

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Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”


Confédération malienne du travail (CMT) Development

Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du Mali (CSTM)

Bamako quartier du fleuve, rue 303 Porte 264 +223 20 23 82 59 +223 66 69 02 95 [email protected] [email protected]

Migrant workers, Labour migration Contact Person: M. Traoré Nassoun Guindo, Migration focal point

Conseil National des Jeunes (CNJ)

Conseil National du Patronat du Mali (CNPM) Quinzambougou, route de Sotuba, porte 2291 BP 2445- Bamako +223 20 21 63 11 +223 66 71 08 42 [email protected] [email protected]

Labour migration, socio-economic reintegration Contact person: Modibo TOLO, Secrétaire Général adjoint,

Conseil Supérieur de la Diaspora Malienne (CSDM)

Coordination des Associations et ONG Féminines du Mali (CAFO)

Fédération des Associations d’Appui aux Migrants (FASAM)

Fédération des Associations de Migrants (FAM)

Hamdallaye ACI 2000,rue 420, porte [email protected]

Civil society federation, Return migration, Socio-economic reintegrationContact person: Karembé Rokiatou Diarra, President

Fédération des Communautés Africaines au Mali (FECAM)

Fédération Nationale des Artisans du Mali (FNAM)

Fédération Nationale des Collectifs d’Organisation Féminine du Mali (FENACOF-Mali Nyèda Kura)

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Project funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICMPD

In the framework of the project

“Support to the Africa-EU

Dialogue on Migration and

Mobility (MMD)”

Réseau des Associations de Migrants pour le Développement Local (RAMDEL)

Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Mali (UNTM)

Bourse du travail, Bamako Coura +223 20 22 20 31 [email protected]

Labour migration Contact person: Fousseyni Touré, Administrative Secretary