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Mars Orbiter Mission PSLV-C25 Mangalyaan


May 15, 2015




Presentation on Mangalyaan
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Page 1: Mangalyaan

Mars Orbiter MissionPSLV-C25 Mangalyaan

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About Mars Introduction to Mars Why named Mars Difference in boulder fields Why Mars is most discovered Moons of Mars Tallest mountain in Mars Evidence of Aliens Researches on Mars The First Rover Mars exploration rovers Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) Objectives Payloads Settlement on Mars Conclusion

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MarsMars is the fourth planet

from the Sun & is commonly referred to as

the Red Planet.

The rocks & soil have red due to the Iron Oxide (Rust) they contain.

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Mars is the seventh largest planet in our solar system. Average Distance from Sun: 2.279 x 108 km Mars is named after the Roman god of war. The equatorial radius of Mars is 3,397 km. The diameter of Mars measures 6,794 km. Atmospheric components on Mars consists of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon. Average Surface Temperature: 530 C

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Why named Mars?The planet was

named after Mars, The Roman God of War, who was one of the most worshipped & revered Gods in ancient Rome.

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Difference in Boulder Fields

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Why Mars is most discovered? Natural conditions are

similar to Arctic & Antarctic zones of Earth.

Surface conditions are habitable.

Similar geology as compared to Earth.

Availability of Water in the form of Ice & Glaciers.

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Moons of MarsMars has 2 moons,1. Phobos2. Deimos

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Tallest mountain in MarsThe tallest mountain in

the Solar System is the Olympus Mons on Mars. It rises up 27 kilometres above the surrounding plains. Olympus Mons is a shield volcano formed gradually over billions of years. Some lava flows on the volcano that planetary scientists think that it might still be active.

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Evidence of Aliens

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Dozens of spacecraft, including orbiters, landers, and rovers, have been sent to Mars by the Soviet Union, the United States, Europe, and Japan to study the planet's surface, climate, and geology. As of 2008, the price of transporting material from the surface of Earth to the surface of Mars is approximately US$309,000 per kilogram.

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The First Rover Mars Pathfinder was the

first instrumented lander and robotic rover to study

the surface of Mars.

Findings from the investigations carried out by scientific instruments on both the lander and the rover suggest that Mars was at one time in its past warm and wet, with water existing in its liquid state and a thicker


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Mars Exploration Rovers

The Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, was studying how past water activity on Mars has influenced the red planet's environment over time.

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Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) Mars Orbiter Mission is

India's first interplanetary mission to planet Mars.

The Mission is primarily technological mission.

The launch vehicle which carried Mangalyaan is PSLV-C25. PSLV-C25 launched on 5th November, 2013 & it will be reach at Mars orbit on 21st September, 2014 at 5:21 PM.

The total cost of Mars mission is 73 million US dollars.

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One of the main objectives of the first Indian mission to Mars is to develop the technologies required for design, planning, management and operations of an interplanetary mission.

Major objectives:- Technological Objectives:-

1. Deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and management.

2. Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations.

Scientific Objectives:1. Exploration of Mars surface features, morphology, mineralogy and Martian atmosphere by indigenous scientific instruments.

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Payloads mean which types of content or apparatus included in Mangalyaan..

1. Mars colour camera (MCC): - Optical imaging.

2. Thermal Infrared Imaging & Spectrometer: - Map surface composition & mineralogy.

3. Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM): - Detection of Methane presence.

4. Mars Enospheric Neutral Composition Analyzer (MENCA): - Study of the neutral composition.

5. Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP): - Study of Escape processes through Deuterium/Hydrogen.

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The Mars One Foundation announced that around 200,000 people have filled up the application for joining an ambitious private mission to send a group of four men & women to Mars on 2023 to establish a permanent space in the Red Planet, Mars.

This first mission is going to demonstrate technology which is going to be involved in a permanent human settlement on Mars & if everything goes well then the first pioneers may land on the Red Planet by 2025.

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Certain features on Mars are similar to the features of Earth.

The features on Earth are known to have been caused by the existence of water in those locations.

Most scientists now believe that these features on Mars are evidence that water has existed on Mars in the past & may, in fact, still exist below the surface today.

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Presentation is accomplished by Suman Karmakar, Zeenat Parvin & Palomi Ssinha