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Page 1: MANAGING YOUR MIND July 11, 2009. MANAGING YOUR BRAIN July 11, 2009.


July 11, 2009

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July 11, 2009

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Your Brain - Your Life

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You are the Master

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left side

Good at remembering names

Uses few gestures when communicating

Logical thinker


Listens to the meaning of words

More verbal

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right side

Good at remembering faces

Uses a lot of gestures when communicating

Responds to emotion

Often late for appointments

Listens to how something is said rather than what is being said

More visual

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Crazy Brain Facts

Your brain itself feels no pain because there are no nerves in your brain that can register pain.

Your brain weighs around 3 pounds or approximately 1.4 kg

The average sized brain has around 100 billion neurons. A neuron is a cell that is designed to transmit information

Every time you learn something new, your brain makes new connections and you can continue to make new connections throughout your entire life

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Crazy Brain Facts

Although you lose some neurons every day, this amounts to very little in comparison to the number of neurons in your brain. Also, recent research has shown that the brain can and does produce new neurons in response to stimulation

When you are stressed, angry or feeling hostile, your brain releases a chemical known as Cortisol which inhibits learning so to learn effectively you need a stress free environment

Music can synchronise your brain waves, improve your mood and help you to learn more efficiently

Your brain needs a constant supply of oxygen and uses around 20% of all the oxygen you breathe. If the brain is deprived of oxygen for 10 minutes, the brain will suffer damage.

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Crazy Brain Facts

It takes only 8 to 10 seconds to lose consciousness if the blood supply to the brain is cut off

Using brain imaging data, it is possible to tell whether a person is thinking about a face or a place.

Your brain is composed mostly of fat and needs the right kind of fat as fuel so that it can function efficiently. This is why oily fish or fish oil containing Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is so important in the diet; your brain needs it but cannot produce it.

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baby brain facts

Each person has about the same number of brain cells at birth as in adulthood, but those cells grow, reaching maximum size at about age six.

A newborn’s brain triples its size in the first year of life (no wonder babies have such big heads!).

The sense of touch is the first sense to develop in a fetus, with the lips and cheeks experiencing this sensation at eight weeks.

Keep exercising your brain, because mental activity stimulates the creation of new neurons throughout your whole life.

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Our Brains

Nerves play crucial and varied roles in your brain. Scientists can see this using MRI scans

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Our Brains

MRI scans have taught us much about the brain, including how our sense of altruism works

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Our Brains

Shown here are the areas of your brain that react to different stimuli -- your brain even perks up when you use swear words.

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Our Brains

Fear is the brain's reaction to a stimulus where chemicals are released that raise the heart rate.

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Our Brains

Drugs are highly addictive and have many effects on the brain

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Take Care of Your Brains

With optimal brain function you will be able to remember all sorts of technical details, troubleshoot problems faster, come up with creative approaches to tough technical challenges, and help you manage the stressful life a student can have. You need to remember to take care of your brain to optimize your performance.

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Four Pillars of Brain Health


StimulationPhysical Fitness





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Rest that Brain

Getting a good night's rest may also help your subconscious solve problems while you are dreaming.

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Feed that BrainUnlike muscle fibers, your brain cells cannot store glucose. To give your brain a constant supply of glucose you must consume complex carbohydrates. When blood sugar levels are low there is an increase in serotonin and adenosine which cause fatigue and decrease dopamine. Higher dopamine levels contribute to increased concentration and focus.

A banana or a rice based snack (lemper) can do amazing wonders! Carbohydrates make up the foundation of the food pyramid.

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Water that BrainThe human body is made up of approximately 60% water. Water is essential to life and continued health. I think that most humans do not drink enough water each day to keep their internal systems well lubricated. If you don't drink enough water then your essential organs will pull water from other parts of your body in order to function causing other problems. If you drink the right amount of water daily that all your bodily systems operate better and that includes your brain.

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VitaminsThere are several vitamins that can boost your brain waves.

Vitamin-C is said to make a big improvement on memory.

Orange (1=70 mg)

Grapefruit (1=88 mg)

Red Pepper raw (1=226 mg)

Mango (1=60 mg)

Kiwi (1=74 mg)

Broccoli raw (1/2 cup=93 mg)

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B-complex vitamins can help with mood and reducing stress.

Nasi/ kacang hijau/ kentang/ ikan, tempeh/hati, sayur hijau/daging/ jamur/telur, susu, ayam

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Your brain sheath is made up of fats and it has been shown that omega-3 fatty acids improve brain cell communication. Eat good fats found in fish, nuts and olive oil

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Increase Blood Flow

The brain uses about half of your body's total supply of oxygen in your blood. If you can improve your ability to get oxygen into your bloodstream then you have directly improved your brain's function. Through exercise, taking vitamins and antioxidants you will lose fewer brain cells over time and be smarter for longer.

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Visit friends/family

Studies have shown that remaining socially active is very important in reducing your chances of dementia.

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Teka Teki Everyday

Exercise your brain and maintain cognitive function by doing puzzles and brain teasers everyday

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Read the newspaper, a magazine, books, and online material to keep your brain sharp and to challenge yourself to learn new words and information.

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Don’t Stress

Stress affects memory and can also cause tension headaches, so remember to relax and unwind.

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Do something new

Whether it’s learning a phrase a day in a foreign language, jumping out of a plane or reading a different kind of article in the newspaper, challenge your brain to explore a new topic.

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Create Change

Even small changes in your daily routine will help you stay sharp and introduce you to new elements and variables while you shop, garden, take a walk, or call a friend.

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Our brains work for us …. But brains are smart …

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Trick #1

I'd be happier if I just had less to do

Our minds often try to trick us into thinking we'd be happier if we didn't have to work.

We imagine a life of leisure and deceive ourselves into thinking this kind of lifestyle would make us happy.

However, the truth is that idleness often leads to boredom and depression. We are industrious, creative beings. We need challenge and accomplishment to be happy. Get up and invest yourself into something significant and you will find that your happiness factor will rise!

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Trick #2

It's not me, it's you

Many times our minds lead us to believe we are unhappy in class due to our teacher, parents or some other person in our lives. We throw blame around like food in a middle school cafeteria. Of course, it takes two to tango.

Generally, we are as much, if not more, to blame than others in our lives. We need to accept responsibility for our situation and do our part to make the best of it. Taking personal responsibility for our actions is the beginning of true happiness.

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Trick #3

I just need to discover the secret to success to be happy

There are no "secrets" to happiness or success. As much as authors, publishers and our own minds would like to convince us that shortcuts exist, they do not.

Living a successful life is pretty simple. You create a vision for the future, formulate a strategy and then work hard to achieve it. There are no shortcuts or secrets to this formula. Accepting this will get you much further down the path to happiness than anything else.

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Trick #4

If I just had...

Our minds deceive us into thinking we'll be happy when we get the right job or more money or more luck. There is nothing wrong with wanting better things or circumstances, but these do not automatically make us happy.

It is the journey that makes us happy.

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Trick #5

I like things just the way they are and never want them to change

Believing this is just letting yourself be set up for a fall. Life is a journey of constant change. Some of which we control and some we don't. Resisting change or trying to control the change out of life is self-defeating. It will drain you and rob you of your happiness. Change is inevitable.

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Trick #6

If it hasn't happened yet for me, it never will

Our minds often get discouraged and disillusioned when success is just around the corner for us. Colonel Sanders didn't start franchising his KFC restaurants until he was 65, forty years after he started serving chicken at his service station. Perseverance is very important in achieving happiness. Never let your mind trick you into giving up. You don't know what tomorrow holds. One more day may be all it will take to realize your dream!

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Trick #6

If it hasn't happened yet for me, it never will

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If it hasn't happened yet for me, it never will

Our minds often get discouraged and disillusioned when success is just around the corner for us. Colonel Sanders didn't start franchising his KFC restaurants until he was 65, forty years after he started serving chicken at his service station. Perseverance is very important in achieving happiness. Never let your mind trick you into giving up. You don't know what tomorrow holds. One more day may be all it will take to realize your dream!

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Trick #7

I'll just avoid the things I don't like doing

It is usually the difficult tasks that our minds try to trick us into avoiding. Unfortunately, these are oftentimes the very things that would result in the greatest rewards for us. What do you put off doing? Why? Procrastination and avoidance of completing important tasks or resolving nagging issues only delays your march to happiness. Attack these head-on and you will find a deep sense of gratification that will fuel your happiness.

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Trick #8

The world is scary and something bad might happen to me

Our minds tell us there are a lot of things beyond our control. For instance, the way that crime and terror is sensationalized on television might lead us to think that bad guys are lurking around every corner waiting to do dastardly deeds to us. However, crime rates have actually fallen in recent years. According to FBI statistics, violent crime is lower now than it was 20 years ago! Fear is a powerful emotion our brains use to get the better of us. We must seek and trust the facts to break free and be happy!

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Trick #9

I'll decide when I know for sure what to do

Over-thinking every decision will leave you stymied. Weighing the risks, analyzing the possibilities and making a plan are important, but nothing ever happens until a decision is made and action is taken. We very rarely have perfect information when making choices. Stop sweating it so much! Failure is not the end of the world.

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Trick #10

I know I shouldn't , but

Our minds try to trick us into denying the effects of our bad habits and rationalizing our behavior with flimsy excuses. This seems especially common with health issues. For example, have you heard someone say, "I know I shouldn't smoke, but it helps me keep the weight off." Or, how about, "I know I shouldn't eat this, but life just isn't worth living if I can't enjoy it." A major health issue like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes will certainly challenge your happiness. Don't let your mind get away with this trick!

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Trick #11

Dreams only come true for those that are lucky

Thomas Jefferson said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." Our minds will sometimes trick us into thinking we are victims of fate. They will lead us to believe "nothing good ever happens to me". What our brains credit as the luck of others, generally is the result of years of practice, hard work and preparation. Pursue your dream with your whole heart and you might be surprised at the "luck" that comes your way.

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Trick #12

I could never

Our brains often trick us into thinking we can't. For example, have you heard, "I could never go back to school. I don't have the money." or "I can't learn to do that. I'm too old." Don't fall for this trick! Your mind is very persuasive in the way it uses this one. It will lead you around like a dog on a leash if you let it. You are full of potential and although your circumstances might add a degree of difficulty, it is nothing that a little persistence and ingenuity can't overcome. Henry Ford said, "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."Don't let these tricks steal your happiness!

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Brain Management in Action

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The Basics

Manage stress (write down exercise)The Five senses (use them)Move your bodyCenter YourselfBreathe WellUnify Mind and Body

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Sukha Pranayama

Concentrate on breathing (Sukha Pranayama)Method:.Keep the palms on knees in gyan mudra (mudra of

knowledge).Concentrate on the breathing for a minute.Give a gap of 10 - 20 seconds.Repeat this process for 5 minutesSpecialty:As you concentrate only on breathing, you will

forget all other things at this time. This increases the concentration.

Benefits:.It enhances the efficiency of nervous system.It relieves stress and hypertension

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Bee breathing (Bhramari)Method:.Inhale slowly and thoroughly through the nose.Let

the inhalation touch the throat.Now close your eyes.Gently plug the ears with the respective index fingers.Exhale slowly producing a long and humming sound

Specialty:This process resembles the bee sound, hence the name bee breathing. Deep inhalation and exhalation strengthens both the lungs and heart.

Benefits:.It increases the efficiency of vocal cards.It increases the efficiency of lungs and heart.It is very much beneficial for pregnant women

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Teeth pressing (Sitkari)Method:.Press the sides of the tongue against the

teeth.Close your lips and draw the air thoroughly as if you are sipping air.Exhale

Specialty:In this process sound is caused when tongue is pressed against the teeth. This cools the mouth and upper respiratory tract.

Benefits:.It cools the nervous system and total body.It regulates blood pressure

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BhastrikaVigorous breathing (Bhastrika)Method:.Close the right nostril with right thumb.Exhale

through left nostril and immediately inhale forcibly.Close the left nostril with right ring finger and exhale through the right nostril.Repeat this process vice versa.Repeat the total process increasing the speed of the inhalation and exhalation.Contract and expand the abdominal muscles while inhalation and exhalation.Slowly return to initial speed after you did as much as you can

Specialty:As this process includes high speed it is very good for respiratory tract and diaphragm.

Benefits:.It tones the abdominal structure.It improves the function of digestive system.It relieves you from allergies

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KapalabhatiCleansing breathe (Kapalabhati)Method:.Exhale through both nostrils while contracting

lower and middle abdominal regions.Slowly inhale without releasing the contractions.Release the contractions with another forcible exhalation.Now inhale passively without effort.Increase the duration of inhalation.Take a deep breath and now exhale

Specialty:This process mainly strengthens the skull and brain. So the correlation and coordination increases.

Benefits:.It improves abdominal function.It enhances the efficiency of the brain.It fights against diabetes, allergies, asthma and bronchitis

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Tongue breathing (Sitali)Method:.Keep the palms on your knees in gyan mudra (mudra

of knowledge).Draw out the tongue.Roll it up from the sides to form a tube like structure.Slowly inhale through it and fill the lungs.Withdraw the tongue and close the mouth after full inhalation.Hold the breath for some time.Now exhale slowly through the nostrils

Specialty:You can repeat the process as many times as you can. But don 稚 practice it too many times first as this process involves holding the breath.Benefits:.It cools body by reducing tension.It reduces high blood pressure and purifies blood

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Flex Your Brain

Surprise your Brain (read a strange book)

Step out of Comfort Zone

Break your habits

Remember something new everyday

Create your life

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Flex Your Brain

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Cleaning your Cache

Looking within

Delete some files

Empower your smile

Use your emotion

What is nothingness?

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You are what you make

Seek Fulfillment

Choose your identity

Set a lofty goal

Plan for Success

Be Truthful

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Meet the Challenges


Step beyond your limits

Develop a lofty character

Trust yourself

You need interaction

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Your Brain - Your Life

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Thank - you