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MANAGEMENT - University of Kent · books, ebooks, databases and journals at the University’s Templeman Library. Our expert subject librarians are on hand to help you find your way

Jul 23, 2020



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The UK’s European university


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MANAGEMENTAT KENTStudying Management develops you as anentrepreneurial and innovative businessprofessional. You gain essential skills inaccounting, human resources, marketing,strategy and operations, alert to the globalchallenges that organisations face andsensitive to their social responsibilities.

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Support forstart-upsTake the Business Start-upJourney and develop theskills you need to becomea successful entrepreneur.You get advice from businessexperts to develop your ownbusiness plan, pitch your ideasand potentially win a cash prizeto help fund your start-up.

World-leadingresearchYou learn from leading experts.Our staff undertake researchof international quality; writeand contribute to journalarticles and books; and provideexpert comment to the media.They put you in touch with thelatest ideas.

InspirationalteachingGreat teachers inspireenthusiasm and provokedebate. Whether they’relecturing on leadership orsparking a debate aboutbusiness ethics, our staff areskilled at bringing their subjectto life and drawing you intothe conversation.

Academic supportUniversity is different fromschool. You need to be self-motivated and well organised tosucceed. We help by assigningyou an academic adviser andorganising peer mentoring.You can also get help withacademic skills, such asessay writing and referencing.

CMI accreditationAt Kent Business School youhave the opportunity to gainthe Chartered ManagementInstitute’s (CMI) Level 5Certificate in Managementand Leadership alongsideyour degree. CMI qualificationsare highly sought after byemployers.

ExcellentresourcesAccess more than 1 millionbooks, ebooks, databasesand journals at the University’sTempleman Library. Our expertsubject librarians are on handto help you find your wayaround and get the mostfrom our specialist collections.

PlacementopportunitiesSpending time on placement isa great way to gain experienceand give you an edge in the jobmarket. Kent Business Schoolhas connections with globaland local organisations in awide range of sectors andwe support you in findinga managerial placement.

Lively campusKent is a campus university,so everything you need iswithin walking distance. Youcan watch a play or film at theGulbenkian arts centre, danceat The Venue nightclub, keep fitat our sports centre and meetfriends at one of many campuscafés and restaurants.

Career successEmployability is a priority atKent. By studying, you sharpenskills that are useful in workinglife, such as time managementand team work. You haveopportunities to gain workexperience and access tocareers advice, boosting yourCV and your confidence.


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The Complete UniversityGuide 2019• Business and ManagementStudies at Kent ranked 27thoverall (out of 122 institutions)

National Student Survey 2017• Over 89% of final-yearManagement Studies studentswho responded to the surveywere satisfied with the overallquality of their course

Research ExcellenceFramework• Based on the most recentResearch ExcellenceFramework, Kent was rankedin the top 20 for researchintensity by the Times HigherEducation, outperforming11 of the 24 Russell Groupuniversities

Destination of Leavers fromHigher Education (DLHE)• Over 95% of Kent graduateswho graduated in 2017 andresponded to a nationalsurvey were in work or furtherstudy within six months

Teaching ExcellenceFramework• Kent was awarded gold,the highest rating, in theUK government’s TeachingExcellence Framework*

Independent rankings

Focus onaspirationAt Kent, we encourage you to pursue your own interests in business.Through our course materials, Business Start-up Journey, businesssimulations, year in industry (placement and self-employed) and yearabroad opportunities, we help to nurture your ideas, develop the keyskills you need and accelerate your progress into a fulfilling career.You study in brand-new, purpose-built facilities designed toencourage collaboration and innovative thinking. Heading for thecorporate sector? Starting your own business? Becoming a socialentrepreneur? All paths start from here.

*The University of Kent’s Statement of Findings can be found at

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What do you think of thecampus and the facilities?I like the view. When I’m walkingacross main campus there’s a niceview of Canterbury and it makes mefeel happy. Practically everything’son campus, you don’t really needto leave! You’ve got the groceryshop and the gym, and thelibrary’s massive!

What social activities areyou involved in?Right now, I’m in the PakistaniSociety – we have games nights ordinners, things like that, and I mademy friends from there. I am lookingto join the gym in the sports centre.They’ve got quite a wide range offacilities.

How do you think you’vechanged since coming to uni?I was very anxious before I cameto uni and now I feel I’ve becomemuch more independent andconfident in meeting new people.I’ve also gained time managementskills because the School throwsyou a lot of work but you also wantto have a good social life, so youneed to balance them. Not toomuch of both, but not too littleof either!

Any advice for future students?If you’re feeling nervous aboutstarting uni, like I was, don’t worry.Teachers and generally everyone oncampus are quite accommodatingand that makes you feel at home.

Basra Khan is in thefirst year of his BSc inManagement. This iswhat he told us abouthis course.

Why did you choose to studyManagement?I started studying Business Studiesat GCSE level and continued withit in sixth form and I enjoyed that.I also did ICT and Media Studies.I felt that, on this course, at this uni,I would be able to use the skillsI learned in all three of the subjects.

And why did you choose Kent?Kent is quite a high-rankinguniversity, which was appealing tome, and I really liked the campus.Also, this degree covers differentareas, like accounting, financeand marketing. I liked the ideathat I could cover all these and,once I understand the area Ireally like, I can choose tospecialise in the third year orI can keep my degree general.

Was the opportunity to spend a year in industry a factor?Yes, I was specifically looking fora degree with a year in industry.From the applicant days and theopen days, I understood that goingfor a year in industry increasesyour chances of having a job soonafter you graduate. That’s helpfulbecause it’s quite a competitivescene at the moment.

How is your course going?What have you really enjoyed?I enjoy the interaction in theseminars with the group andthe seminar leader. Last semesterI got a lot out of the module onmicroeconomics. Economics isn’tmy strong point and becauseof that I found that I was studyinga little bit more for it. That extrastudying, that extra work I wasputting in, I felt it paid off. I’m alsotaking part in the Business Start-upJourney programme: they’re helpingstudents get their minds rolling onstarting their own business in thefuture. Just yesterday there was aguest speaker from Google talkingabout digital marketing.

As a visually impaired student,how easy has it been to getthe support you need?I’ve had a sighted guide support, soI can go from my accommodation tomy classes. I also have a note-takerin the lectures and in the seminars,which helps a lot, and I can studyoutside of the classes with them toprepare for seminars and do myessays. I also get extra study hours.

What do you think of thesupport available from yourlecturers?They are really approachable.They try to help as much aspossible. Also, having an academicadviser from the School is extremelyhelpful because I can just approachthem, talk to them about my essayif needed, and they give me advice.Having lecture recordings greatlybenefits my additional learning.


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Our Management degreesgive you the broad-basedknowledge you need fora successful career.

You have the option to choose:• Management BSc (Hons)(

or:• Management with a Year inIndustry BSc (Hons)(

Management can be studied full-time over three years or part-timeover six years. You can add a yearabroad if you wish.

Management with a Year in Industryis studied full-time over four years.See p10 for further details.

Either programme can be studiedalongside another subject as a jointhonours degree (see p15). Jointhonours students take some or allof the compulsory modules fromeach of their chosen subjects; theygenerally choose fewer optionalmodules as a result.

At Stages 1 and 2 (the first andsecond years of a full-time degree),you build your knowledge of keyfunctions such as strategy, humanresource management, accounting,marketing and operations.

In Stage 3 you develop yourunderstanding of these areasand also choose optional modulesrelevant to your chosen careerpath or specific interests.

Please note that the followingmodule lists are not fixed, as newmodules are always in developmentand choices updated yearly.See for themost up-to-date information.

Stage 1Compulsory modulesSingle honours students take thefollowing compulsory modules:• Business Analysis Tools (CB364)• Business Skills and Employability(CB311)

• Financial Accounting, Reportingand Analysis (CB369)

• Global Business Environment(CB343)

• Introduction to Management(CB312)

• Introduction to Marketing (CB370)• Introduction to Statistics forBusiness (CB313)

• Microeconomics for Business(EC313).

Stage 2Compulsory modulesSingle honours students take thefollowing compulsory modules:• Creativity, Innovation andOrganisation (CB744)

• Digital Information Systems:a Management Perspective(CB756)

• Human Resource Management(CB5011)

• New Enterprise Development(CB612)

• Operations Management(CB514)

• Project Management (CB750)• Research and ConsultancyMethods (CB757)

• Strategy Analysis and Tools(CB676).

Stage 3In Stage 3, you have the opportunityto specialise in areas thatparticularly interest you, such asmarketing, human resourcemanagement, strategy oroperations.

Compulsory modulesAll single honours students take thefollowing compulsory modules:• Business Ethics and SustainableManagement (CB733)

• Contemporary ManagementChallenges (CB678)

• Corporate and Business Strategy(CB679)

• Employee PerformanceManagement (CB6004)

• Entrepreneurship (CB613) • Leadership and ManagementDevelopment (CB6003).

Optional modulesYou also choose up to two optionalmodules from a wide rangeavailable. For example:• Business/Consultancy Project(CB755)

• Decision Analysis (CB688)• Digital Marketing Applications(CB602)

• Digital Marketing Strategy(CB587)

• Diversity in Organisations(CB658)

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• European Business (CB605)• International Business:Theoretical Insights (CB6005)

• International Business: Modesand Functions (CB749)

• International and ComparativeHuman Resource Management(CB753)

• Marketing Research (CB545)• Marketing Communications(CB546)

• Psychology of the ContemporaryWorkplace (CB751).

International studentsIf you need to extend your existingacademic qualifications or abilityin English to study at universitylevel, Kent’s one-year InternationalFoundation Programme (IFP) givesyou the opportunity to do so.

A good pass from the Kent IFP withan overall average of 60%, includingpassing all components, guaranteesyou entry to the first year of theManagement degree programme.See for details.

Teaching and assessmentTeaching methods include lectures,group discussions or classes, andseminars. You also have sessionsin the computer labs to develop ITskills. You have around eight to 12hours of class time per week, andregular access to an academicadviser. All modules involveindependent study. Assessment isusually by coursework and end-of-year examination. For details ofassessment methods for individualmodules, see

Further informationFor details on all our programmes,see

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Year abroadGoing abroad as part of yourdegree is an amazing opportunityand a chance for you to developacademically, personally andprofessionally. You gain confidenceand independence and furtherdevelop many of the transferableskills employers are looking for,such as the ability to communicateeffectively and to plan and organiseyour time. You also demonstrate thatyou are flexible in your outlook andhave the enthusiasm and drive tosucceed in a new environment.

For many students, their yearabroad is a life-changing andrewarding experience. Having risento the challenge of living in anothercountry, they have a renewed beliefin their ability to succeed.

We work with a wide range ofpartner universities in manycountries, which currently includeAustralia, Chile, China (Hong Kong),a number of European countries,and South Korea.

You need to have reached certainacademic standards in your firstand second years in order toparticipate. Your year abroad isassessed on a pass/fail basis anddoesn’t count towards your finaldegree classification. Seegoabroad/opportunities/az.htmlfor more information.


Why not broaden yourexperience by spendinga year in industry on aprofessional placement or developing your ownbusiness? Alternatively,you could spend a yearstudying overseas.

The year in industry or abroad isusually taken between Stages 2and 3 of your degree (the secondand third years if you are studyingfull-time).

Year in industryThe year in industry has two routes:• placement (working for anorganisation)

• enterprise (self-employment).

Spending a year in the workplacegives you the opportunity toevaluate a particular career pathand gain knowledge of the businessenvironment. Employers are keento employ graduates who alreadyhave work experience, so your yearin industry can enhance your jobprospects.

The skills and knowledge youacquire will also help you in yourfinal year at university. Generally,students who have been on a yearin industry see their gradesimprove by 5-10%, as a resultof their increased confidence,experience, commitment andbusiness acumen.

Finding a placement We provide you with lots ofinformation and support to helpyou find a placement. Kent BusinessSchool has connections with manyemployers, and opportunities formanagerial jobs are available ina wide range of sectors. Followinga successful placement, you mayeven be offered a position with theorganisation after graduation.

Salary and holiday entitlements varyaccording to the employer you workfor. Many students find that theyearn enough to be able to savesome of their income, and thisoften helps them in their finalyear of studying at Kent.

Enterprise yearIf you are interested in startingyour own business, you mightprefer to spend your year in industrydeveloping your ideas. You needto complete the Business Start-upJourney during Stage 2 if you wishto take this option (see p12 or more details).

AssessmentWhether you choose the placementor self-employment option, you buildup a portfolio of evidence over theyear and at the end of the year youwrite a reflective report about yourexperience. These are assessedand your marks count towards yourfinal degree classification.

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• arranging note-takers, signersand other support workers for you

• discussing exam accessarrangements

• helping you with emotional,psychological or mental healthissues

• applying for relevant fundingto support you.

Find out more

“At the open day, the StudentSupport and Wellbeing teamspent as much time asI needed to talk to them aboutmy needs and requirements.They have provided me witha lot of support to help methrough my education.”

Basra KhanManagement


We’ll support youthroughout your timeat Kent, from helpingyou adjust to universitystudy to discussingmodule choices andessay topics with you.

You are assigned an academicadviser in your first year, and theyhelp you get the most from yourdegree programme. They meetwith you regularly to discussgeneral academic issues orspecific assignments. Theywill assist you in developingacademic skills and refer you toother sources of help if you need it.

Peer supportThe best advice often comes from people who’ve been in yoursituation. On our Academic PeerMentoring scheme, first-yearstudents can request to be matchedwith second- or third-year studentson a similar degree programme.

Peer mentors will help you settle into university life and find your feet.They can help you to discuss ideasand improve your study skills as youprogress through your first year.

Study skills adviceSuccessful students take control oftheir own learning. Kent’s StudentLearning Advisory Service (SLAS)can help you to increase yourcompetence and confidence andfulfil your potential. You can requesta one-to-one appointment or attend

workshops on a diverse rangeof topics, from making the mostof lectures to writing well andavoiding plagiarism.

Student support andwellbeingYou might need extra help to getthe most from university. If youhave a medical condition, specificlearning difficulty, mental healthcondition or disability, the StudentSupport and Wellbeing team isthere to support you.

The team is committed to improvingaccess to learning for all studentsat Kent and can assist with manythings, including:• talking to your lecturers aboutany help you need in lecturesor seminars

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What do you hope to do once you have yourdegree? Whether you havea specific career path inmind or haven’t yetthought much beyonduniversity, we can helpyou to plan for successin the future.

Build your CVYour degree studies help you todevelop skills such as thinkingcritically, expressing yourself clearly,solving problems and working bothindependently and as part of ateam. These transferable skills arevalued by employers and will alsobe vital if you go on to further study.

At Kent, you have lots of other greatopportunities to enhance your skills.For instance, you could:• join a society or sports club (evenbetter – get involved in running it)

• volunteer in the community• work in a part-time job or takeup a summer internship

• represent your fellow studentsas a student rep, or becomea student ambassador

• learn a new language or skillwith Study Plus.

Getting involved like this means thatyou can earn Employability Points,which you can exchange foremployability rewards. The morepoints you earn, the more valuablethe rewards: we work with local,national and international employersto offer internships, work experienceand a range of other activities thatprepare you for the world of work.

Plan your first businessParticipate in the Business Start-upJourney alongside your degreeprogramme and learn the skillsyou need to become a successfulentrepreneur. Over 12 weeksyou get support and advice frombusiness experts to develop yourown business plan and learn aboutessential aspects such as marketresearch and protecting yourintellectual property. You pitch yourideas and have an opportunity towin a cash prize to help turn youridea into reality.

Find a great jobManagement graduates from Kenthave taken up positions with a widerange of employers, includingDeloitte, IBM, KPMG, Sainsbury’s,Tesco, Transport for London andThames Valley Police. Some haveset up their own business ventures.

Kent Business School’s qualifiedcareers practitioners providesupport to all Managementundergraduate students bothduring their studies and for upto three years after graduation.

Visit our careers fair to talk topotential employers and useour award-winning Careers andEmployability Service for adviceon preparing your CV. Our trackrecord speaks for itself: just sixmonths after graduating in 2017,over 95% of Kent graduates whoresponded to a national surveywere in work or further study(DLHE, 2017).

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A typical day involves me visitingour IT specialists in Southendto discuss project progress,co-ordinating meetings betweenHMRC teams and individualstakeholders, and updatingour project plan.

Next year, I’ll be spending sixmonths on secondment, perhapswith a charity or in the private sector,and then six months in a differentgovernment role that complementsproject delivery. The Fast Streamis designed to be an acceleratedcareer path to leadership, so I hopethat one day I’ll be leading on someof the most exciting and challengingprojects the country faces.

I have no regrets about choosing tostudy at Kent. It’s a very welcominguniversity and it has a wonderfulinternational mix of students; I nowhave friends from around the world.Sibson – the new KBS building –only opened in my last year, so I’mvery envious of all the new students!The new library extension iscomplete now, too. The sportsfacilities are very impressive andthere are plenty of cafés dottedaround campus for a caffeine boost.

Advice for someone thinking ofcoming to Kent? Study a subjectyou are genuinely interested in,enjoy it and take every opportunityyou can. If you have the opportunityto spend a year in industry orcomplete a summer internship,I really recommend taking it.

I visited a number of universitiesbefore Kent, but as soon as I sawthe campus, I knew it was right forme. Surrounded by beautifulcountryside, close to the sea andwith quick transport links to London,it was the perfect location. When Iattended the open day hosted byKBS lecturers, I was impressed bytheir experience and knowledge.I didn’t know what I wanted todo as a career, but I knew thata business degree from KBSwould open up opportunities.

In first year all my modules werecompulsory, and many in thesecond year were too. At the timeit was frustrating not to be ableto choose my own options, but Iappreciate now that it is importantto study the foundations beforespecialising. For example, it wasonly in my final year that I realisedproject management appealed tome; if it had been an option in myfirst year it is unlikely that I wouldhave chosen it.

My favourite modules were the ones that looked at the link betweenpsychology and marketing. Ienjoyed studying psychology atcollege and I appreciated beingable to apply psychology in adifferent environment at Kent.

KBS staff are experienced,passionate about their subjectareas and always there to supportyou. However, it is easy to rely ontheir teaching to get you through –ultimately it is down to you puttingthe hours in.

One reason for applying to KBS wasthe amount of support it offers forspending a year in industry. My firstplacement didn’t work out, but withthe help of the KBS employabilityteam and the Careers andEmployability Service, I was ableto complete my year in industry.Without this experience I haveno doubt that I would not be inmy dream job now.

When I started at Kent I thoughtmarketing was right for me, butthrough my studies and workexperience I changed my mind(don’t be surprised if you do too!).I realised I needed a job that trulymakes a difference. I’m now sixmonths into my first placementin the Civil Service Fast Stream,on the Project Delivery Stream.

I’m currently working in HMRC onthe Border Systems Programme,where I’m responsible for ensuringall stakeholders affected bycustoms changes are able tocontinue to export and importtheir goods at Brexit Day 1.


Abigail Lowy studied Business Administration (nowcalled Management) at Kent and graduated with afirst-class degree in 2017. Here’s what she told usabout her studies and life after Kent.

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Choosing a universityis a big step, so it’simportant to find out asmuch as you can beforeyou make your decision.Come and visit us to seewhat we can offer you.

Open DaysOpen Days are a great way to findout what life as a student at Kent islike. For instance, you can:• learn more about the courseyou are interested in at asubject presentation

• ask questions – talk to theacademic teams at theinformation stands

• experience our teaching ata taster lecture*

• find out about student finance,opportunities to study abroadand extracurricular activitiessuch as Kent Sport.

Explore the campus at your ownpace on the self-guided walkingtour. You will be able to visit differenttypes of accommodation, chat tocurrent students and enjoy thestunning views over the city ofCanterbury.

Open Days are held in the summerand autumn. Book your place

Applicant DaysIf you apply to Kent and we offeryou a place (or ask you to come for an interview), you will usually be invited to an Applicant Day.Applicant Days run in the autumnand spring terms and are anopportunity to find out about thecourse in more detail. You spendtime with your academic schoolmeeting staff and current students,and take part in activities that giveyou a flavour of your prospectivecourse and university life.

Informal visitsIf you can’t make it to an Open Dayor Applicant Day, you can still visitus. We run tours of the campusthroughout the year.

If you live outside Europe, weappreciate that you might find itdifficult to attend our scheduledevents, so we can arrange apersonal campus tour for youand your family.

Let us know you’re comingScheduled tours and personalcampus tours (for internationalstudents) need to be booked inadvance – you can do this

Meet us in your countryOur staff regularly travel overseasto meet with students who areinterested in coming to Kent.We also have strong links withagents in your home country whocan offer guidance and information

* Programme of events variesaccording to subject.

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on studying at Kent. Find out moreat

Self-guided toursIf you prefer to explore on your own,you can download a self-guidedwalking tour at: pick up a copy from us.

A self-guided audio tour is availabletoo, which allows you to learn aboutKent without even leaving home.See

Explore onlineIf you can’t come and see us,you can find out more about theacademic team, the course andevents in the department andSchool online

Keep in touch with us:•



Contact usIf you would like more informationon Kent’s courses, facilities orservices, please contact us on:T: +44 (0)1227

This brochure was produced in June 2018. The University of Kent makes every effortto ensure that the information contained in its publicity materials is fair and accurateand to provide educational services as described. However, the courses, services and other matters may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date information,see and for full details of our terms and conditions,

For the University to operate efficiently, it needs to process information about youfor administrative, academic and health and safety reasons. Any offer we make toyou is subject to your consent to process such information and is a requirement in order for you to be registered as a student. All students must agree to abide by theUniversity rules and regulations at:


AwardBSc (Hons)

Degree programmes

Single honours• Management (N206)*• Management with a Year inIndustry (N207)

Joint honoursManagement and ...• Economics (LN12)• English Language andLinguistics (QN10)*• French (NR11)• German (NR12)• Hispanic Studies (NR10)• Italian (NR13)• Law (MN13)*• Philosophy (VN10)*

Programme typeProgrammes marked with anasterisk* can be studied part-timeas well as full-time. Otherprogrammes are full-time only.

Offer levels

Single honoursABB at A levelIB 34 points overall or 16 pointsat HL including Mathematics 4at HL or SL

Joint honours As above

Required subjects

Single honoursGCSE Mathematics and Englishat grade C/grade 4 or above

Joint honoursFor details of entry requirementsfor joint honours, see the subjectbrochure for that subject or

Access and BTECAccess and BTEC Level 3Extended Diploma applicants areassessed on an individual basis.Please contact us for moreinformation.

Year in industry/year abroadSee p10 for details.

Scholarships and bursariesFor details of scholarships andbursaries, please

Offer levels and entryrequirements are subject tochange. For the latest courseinformation,

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