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Page 1: Management Today at the SA Business Schools Expo
Page 2: Management Today at the SA Business Schools Expo

Management Today Magazine South Africa

on social media

Gaylin Jee – EmeraldAlan Da Sousa Caires – Management Today Magazine

Business Schools ExpoTuesday 7 August

Management Today is the monthly magazine for all managers in business who require knowledge and opinions on the latest developments in

management and business strategy.

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The day has come.

Retail giant Amazon now sells more Kindle ebooks

than ‘real’ printed books in the United Kingdom.

This session:

- social opportunity from personal and business perspective

- journey Management Today Magazine has begun in terms

of going ‘social’

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Changes in the global economy

• shift of economic activity from developed to

developing countries

• increasing awareness of potential in growing and

untapped markets

• increasingly global labour markets

McKinsey Survey 1418 Exec’s around the world, Mar 2010

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New normal


McKinsey calls the ‘new normal’:

a global world with fewer geographical boundaries less predictable economic context fierce competition for market, resources, skills and

talent rapid technological advancement and innovation

with free flow of information

Our global connected economy is changing the drivers of individual and collective success

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Explore changing work context

• Individuals, organisations and societies are experiencing more interconnections and interdependencies

• We have more access to information than we have ever had - supply chains more transparent. We live in the ‘age of the customer’.

• How to survive and thrive? Sustainable competitive advantage: Deeper and more meaningful engagement with

knowledge empowered stakeholders/customers

‘purple cow’ ideas (Seth Godin) Excellence – service, product

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How are organisations changing?


Organisations performing well over time are mastering the ability to navigate the ‘new normal’.

They make sense of complexity and act on the insight they generate

They acknowledge that technological development will continue to push business and social change.

Social business is becoming a core part of who they are and how they engage.

Leveraging people and new technologies for value.

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Where people add value

working in routines and within ‘process’

curious sensing discovering connecting

collaborating purple cow

Can be automated – machine

What is human – not easily automated? Unique?

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Organisation structures

• Flexible: to cope with ‘tighter belts’ and changeable business demands

• Value can be coalesced from disparate participants• Clarity around role requirements, space for autonomy

and scope for development to nurture psychological contract, attract and retain engaged and high performing individuals and teams

• Connected: so that the people who work in them are connected with each other, the people they serve, the context they operate in, the economy, the unpredictable

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‘Gone are the work practices that remain the same for long periods, and going are the formal learning activities to support them, involving hours, if not days, away from the workplace.

Change is now happening over months not years and according to management guru Professor Gary Hamel of London Business School, businesses must seek to be nimble, quickly learning and innovating to ensure they are competitive. This means staff connectivity to current and relevant information is becoming all the more important.’

Dr Naomi Norman, EPIC

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Conversations between people are nothing new. In fact,

they help define what it means to be human.

It’s no surprise then that we’re spending less of our time

consuming broadcast media and more of it having

conversations in communities within social media.

People are talking about brands at all hours of every day,

in countless forms of social media. We increasingly seek

out opinions online about products and services before

making purchase decisions.

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Social media

o Allows connection in the age of the customer: engagement

o Profiles: ‘offer’ + brand

purchasing decisions are often made based on the

opinion/word of mouth that a potential customer has of the


Show yourself as credible, tapped in, trustworthy and helpful

on social networks, it will reflect very positively on your


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BYOD‘What we are seeing now is that workers who have used social media in their personal lives now recognise how valuable it can be in their professional lives, as well as

within their organisations for working and learning.

‘They realise they now have the tools to more quickly and more easily solve their own learning and performance problems ... the solution is just one-click away in their


The time is right for weaving technologies that support quick, informal, anytime/ anywhere learning into the learning landscape – people and

organisations are adapting


Why social media?

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o a contact strategy which nurtures customer / client

relationships ‘fish where the fish are’

o the creation of an on-going conversation with

stakeholders to generate insight that shapes and

enhances the sustainability of the business

o synergistic alliances and partnerships to fuel growth

o innovation around improving business processes,

performance and success.

Social media objectives

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o for knowledge sharing

o for collaborative working and innovation

o for productivity and performance improvement

o for continuous personal and professional


o for professional networking


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Along any axis you measure us, we’re growing faster than we’ve ever grown before.

Twitter users are sending one billion tweets every five days and the service now has more than 200 million registered users.

Twitter chief executive Dick Costolo

 Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference, July 2011

Phenomenal social media growth

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Social media

• Select what is relevant for you• Start innovating around working and learning more smartly: social

media can help us to find the latest trends, to connect and share latest thinking and tap into that sharing of thinking, to learn.

• Feed with great content, and think about the guiding principles


for customer engagementfor continuous personal and professional learning/developmentfor professional networkingfor knowledge sharingfor collaborative workingfor productivity and performance improvement

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Social media business card


What does a Google search return about you?

What is your online foot print?

Your brand? Credible, helpful, informed, involved?

Are you on LinkedIn?

Are you on Twitter?

What does your Facebook account say about you?

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• Business – Profiling products and service offers, brand– We are in the age of the customer: connection is

key, learning is key

• Personally – Age of customer as applied to you: the world of work

is changing


Social media business card

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Social media business card


Boards for different business topics

Boards for issues of the magazine

How about a boards for your personal profile and career?

How about a SlideShare presentation?

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The cure for the common resume

Modern technology makes it possible to design a dynamic, interactive, and visual resume that is significantly more

effective at representing the whole person than a common resume alone.

Don't send a resume. Share your story. Communicate in a visually compelling manner. Instantly create a profile using LinkedIn. Quantify your professional achievements. Examine your traffic with detailed analytics.

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We have powerful new tools at our disposal

At Management Today Magazine we’re asking...

• What tools are available to us?

• How can we use them?

• Who can we learn from?

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Our journey to date


We produce a digital edition of the magazine

We produce the magazine for iPad. This has been our fastest growing subscription base over the past 6 months.

We have just launched a magazine for Android. In Google Play store.

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• Run an informed, topical and up to the minute commentary on a range of business topics.

• Profile events and signpost content in the magazine.

• Connect with those similar interests / focus.

• Circa 740 loyal followers, doubled in the past 6 months.

• Keep our finger on the pulse, we follow others who share insightful commentary with us.


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• Connect with people we meet

• Profile who we are – let people find us

• Keep track of who is who and where they work through network updates.

• LinkedIn Discussion Group on topical business issues.

• Belong to other groups where we comment raise profile

• Listen to what is being said, who is saying it


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We’ve launched a survey on the look, feel and content of our magazine using the basic, free option.

It is use friendly & easy to share to other social platforms. Good tool for small samples.

The newest kid on the block – and we’re experimenting with this one!

Are you using it? How?

We use this platform to open up the face of the

brand and to increase our exposure. Our latest

presentation is on our social journey.

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Learning process


Social media is a Journey and a Change Process Must be aligned to larger business goals – not an end in

itself Metrics: Numbers not everything: who are you engaging

and with what purpose? Feed with great content, and think about the guiding

principles –open up a face for your brand How can we leverage social media? Innovate around

working and learning more smartly: find the latest trends, to connect and share latest thinking and tap into that sharing of thinking, learn.

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Social media - a journey


Social media is a journey for us.

Our goals are to connect, listen, learn, co-create, share.

Want to join us?

Discussion Forum



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Going ‘social’: what does this mean for business and for individuals?

Gaylin Jee

Session 4Boardroom 6

14h15 – 15h00