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Management, Khalid Zaki

Jun 02, 2018



Khalid Elmasry
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  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki



    3) The symbolic view of management impact is useful in explaining the high turnover amongsports coaches, who can be considered the "managers" of their teams.Answer: A!#

    $age %ef: &'Topic: The (anager: mnipotent or ymbolic*b+ective: -ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    &) A dynamic environment is characteri/ed by the absence of new competitors, few technologicalbrea0throughs by current competitors, and little activity by pressure groups to influence theorgani/ation.Answer: A!#$age %ef: &1

    Topic: The #nvironmentb+ective: 2-ifficulty: (oderatelassification: onceptual

    opyright 242 $earson #ducation, 5nc. $ublishing as $rentice 6all

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    ') #nvironmental uncertainty loo0s at the number of components in an organi/ation7senvironment and the extent of the 0nowledge that the organi/ation has about those components.Answer: A!#$age %ef: &1b+ective:

    -ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    8) An organi/ation7s competitors and employees are considered to be sta0eholders who areaffected by the organi/ation7s decisions and actions.Answer: T%9#$age %ef: '4Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    ) A dynamic and simple environment is characteri/ed by the greatest level of environmentaluncertainty.Answer: A!#$age %ef: '4b+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    ;) (anagers of high

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    ) 5n strong organi/ational cultures, employees have little 0nowledge of company history orheroes, what is important is present performance.Answer: A!#$age %ef: '3Topic: rgani/ational ulture

    b+ective: 3-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    2) rgani/ations help employees adapt to the culture through sociali/ation.Answer: T%9#$age %ef: '&Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    3) orporate rituals are repetitive se=uences of activities that express and reinforce the 0eyvalues of an organi/ation.Answer: T%9#$age %ef: ''Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    &) 5n a "ready

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    8) >iving service

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    2) ?hich of the following represents the two views of managerial impact on the success orfailure of the organi/ation*A) omnipotent and symbolic@) omnipotent and reflective) symbolic and interactive

    -) reflective and interactiveAnswer: A$age %ef: &&Topic: The (anager: mnipotent or ymbolic*b+ective: -ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    22) The current dominant assumption in management theory suggests that .A) an organi/ation7s success or failure is due to external forces outside managers7 control@) managers7 roles are increasingly becoming peripheral and staff manage their own areas of

    expertise) managers are directly responsible for an organi/ation7s success or failure-) managers cannot significantly affect an organi/ation7s performance because they areconstrained by the abilities of their employeesAnswer: $age %ef: &&Topic: The (anager: mnipotent or ymbolic*b+ective: -ifficulty: (oderatelassification: onceptual

    23) #lmo %esearch B -evelopment has been going through a rough patch lately. Turnover hasbeen high and employee morale is at an all

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    2&) The omnipotent view of management states that .A) managers7 roles are peripheral and staff manage their own areas of the business@) managers are directly responsible for an organi/ation7s success or failure) managers should allow employees to ta0e part in decision

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    2) ?hich of the following most accurately reflects the symbolic view of management*A) (anagers are directly responsible for an organi/ation7s success or failure.@) (anagers have to ensure that every obstacle is overcome on the way to achieving theorgani/ation7s goals.) #xternal forces are responsible for an organi/ation7s success or failure.

    -) #mployees are directly responsible for an organi/ation7s success or failure.Answer: $age %ef: &'Topic: The (anager: mnipotent or ymbolic*b+ective: -ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    2;) According to the symbolic view, managers have aCn) effect on substantiveorgani/ational outcomes.A) limited

    @) extensive) influential-) significantAnswer: A$age %ef: &'Topic: The (anager: mnipotent or ymbolic*b+ective: -ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    21) The symbolic view of management is based upon the belief that managers symboli/e.A) control and influence in developing plans and ma0ing decisions@) every aspect of an organi/ation7s performance, from the top level to the operational level) the fluctuating fortunes of the organi/ation as they alternate between profits and losses-) the ta0e

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    34) 5nternal constraints that influence managers7 decisions and actions come from .A) the attitudes of customers@) the culture of the organi/ation) the prevailing political conditions-) the fluctuations in the stoc0 mar0et

    Answer: @$age %ef: &'Topic: The (anager: mnipotent or ymbolic*b+ective: -ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    3) -aniel is the # of oo0%ite, a company manufacturing 0itchen appliances. The companyhas been in business for the past ten years and sales were steadily increasing until six monthsago, when there was a significant decrease. Though -aniel held a number of meetings with thetop management of the company, he did not ma0e any changes in the management techni=ues

    and did not blame managers for the drop in sales. ?hich of the following, if true, would indicatethat -aniel was correct in his approach*A) ources reveal that oo0%ite7s competitors saw a similar drop in sales over the same timeperiod.@) The price of technology used in oo0%ite products fell during this period, as a result ofinnovations.) The symbolic view of management, which -aniel holds, is the preferred method in thatindustry.-) -emand for 0itchen appliances has increased significantly over the past year.Answer: A$age %ef: &'AA@: %eflective Thin0ing 0illsb+ective: -ifficulty: -ifficultlassification: ritical Thin0ing

    ;opyright 242 $earson #ducation, 5nc. $ublishing as $rentice 6all

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    32) -aniel is the # of oo0%ite, a company manufacturing 0itchen appliances. The companyhas been in business for the past ten years and sales were steadily increasing until six monthsago, when there was a significant decrease. Though -aniel held a number of meetings with thetop management of the company, he did not ma0e any changes in the management techni=uesand did not blame managers for the drop in sales. ?hich of the following, if true, would indicate

    that -aniel was wrong in his approach*A) oo0%ite7s competitors saw a similar drop in sales over the same period.@) A new competitor entered the mar0et six months ago, and sold products below cost to gainmar0et share.) -emand for 0itchen appliances has increased significantly over the past year.-) The price of technology used in 0itchen appliances fell and oo0%ite subse=uently reducedits prices.Answer: $age %ef: &'AA@: %eflective Thin0ing 0illsb+ective:

    -ifficulty: -ifficultlassification: ritical Thin0ing

    33) ?hich of the following factors is a demographic component of an organi/ation7s externalenvironment*A) lifestyles and behavior@) political stability) geographic location-) stoc0 mar0et fluctuationsAnswer: $age %ef: &8b+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    3&) ?hich of the following factors is an economic component of an organi/ation7s externalenvironment*A) family composition@) education level) disposable income-) geographic locationAnswer: $age %ef: &8b+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    1opyright 242 $earson #ducation, 5nc. $ublishing as $rentice 6all

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    3') The component of an organi/ation7s external environment is concerned with trendsin population characteristics such as age, race, gender, education level,geographic location,income, and family composition.A) economic@) political

    ) demographic-) socioculturalAnswer: $age %ef: &8b+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    38) >rayson7s has been in the publishing business for fifty years. 5n the past two years, thecompany has noticed that boo0 sales have been tapering off, as more and more readers preferformats they can read on erayson7s needs to analy/e the changes in the

    environment so that it can change its business strategies and meet the needs of the new mar0et. 5tcommissions a mar0et research firm to collect information about the recent changes in readinghabits. ?hich of the following =uestions is the most irrelevant for this purpose*A) 6ow many boo0s does an individual customer buy in a month*@) ?hat types of boo0s do customers buy in traditional form*) ?hich format is more reader

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    3;) The economic environment affects the performance of an organi/ation, as was noted duringthe recent recession. ?hich of the following factors is cited as one of the causes of the recentrecession triggered in the home mortgage mar0ets in the 9..*A) high interest rates on mortgages@) massive global li=uidity

    ) lac0 of leverageability for business borrowers-) difficulty in securing housing creditAnswer: $age %ef: &b+ective: 2-ifficulty: (oderatelassification: onceptual

    31) ?hich of the following groups includes individuals who were born between the years 1&8eneration

    @) the >en Den D

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    &) ?hich of the following are the two dimensions of environmental uncertainty*A) degree of change and degree of complexity@) degree of change and degree of volume) degree of complexity and degree of impact-) degree of impact and degree of timing

    Answer: A$age %ef: &1Topic: The #nvironmentb+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    &2) 5f the components of an organi/ation7s environment change fre=uently, the organi/ation isoperating in a environment.A) stable@) secure) dynamic-) constantAnswer: $age %ef: &1Topic: The #nvironmentb+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    &3) ?hich of the following is FT true about the environmental complexity of an organi/ation*A) #nvironmental complexity increases as the number of competitors increases.@) 5t is measured in terms of the 0nowledge an organi/ation needs about its environment.) omplexity decreases as the number of regulatory agencies increases.-) 5t depends on the 0nowledge an organi/ation has about the components of its environment.Answer: $age %ef: &1Topic: The #nvironmentb+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    &&) ?hich of the following is a characteristic of a dynamic environment*A) high level of predictability of changes in environmental conditions

    @) few technological brea0throughs by current competitors) the presence of new competitors in the mar0et-) little activity by pressure groups to influence the organi/ationAnswer: $age %ef: &1b+ective: 2-ifficulty: (oderatelassification: onceptual

    2opyright 242 $earson #ducation, 5nc. $ublishing as $rentice 6all

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    &') ?hich of the following statements is true of dynamic and complex environments*A) They are characteri/ed by a high degree of predictability of change.@) There are usually few components in such environments.) A high need for sophisticated 0nowledge of components exists in such environments.-) The components in such environments are somewhat similar, but are continually changing.

    Answer: $age %ef: &1b+ective: 2-ifficulty: (oderatelassification: onceptual

    &8) 5f the components in an organi/ation7s environment exhibit minimal change, such anenvironment is said to be .A) volatile@) dynamic) stable-) activeAnswer: $age %ef: &1b+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    &) -B@ -esigns has been in the landscape design business in $leasantville for the past twentyyears. As the "first mover" in the mar0et, the company has built a strong mar0et share over theyears and is the best

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    &;) 5n which of the following environments do managers in an organi/ation have the greatestinfluence on organi/ational outcomes*A) stable and complex environments@) dynamic and simple environments) stable and simple environments

    -) dynamic and complex environmentsAnswer: $age %ef: '4b+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    &1) ?hich of the following environments is characteri/ed by the highest level of environmentaluncertainty*A) a stable and complex environment@) a dynamic and simple environment

    ) a stable and simple environment-) a dynamic and complex environmentAnswer: -$age %ef: '4b+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    '4) The term is used to collectively refer to any constituencies in an organi/ation7senvironment that are affected by its decisions and actions.A) competitors@) shareholders) unions-) sta0eholdersAnswer: -$age %ef: '4b+ective: 2-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    ') has been described as the shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doingthings that influence the way organi/ation members act.A) orporate hierarchy

    @) @usiness configuration) rgani/ation culture-) 5ndustrial psychologyAnswer: $age %ef: '2Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    &opyright 242 $earson #ducation, 5nc. $ublishing as $rentice 6all

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    '') A company whose managers focus on results, rather than how results are achieved, mostli0ely possesses a high degree of .A) people orientation@) team orientation) outcome orientation

    -) aggressivenessAnswer: $age %ef: '2Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    '8) ?hich of the following most accurately reflects the difference between strong cultures andwea0 cultures*A) trong cultures tend to encourage employees to try new approaches to changing conditions,

    while wea0 cultures do not.@) 5n strong cultures, organi/ational values are held by top management, while in wea0 cultures,values are diffused throughout the organi/ation.) trong cultures have less of an influence on employee behavior than do wea0 cultures.-) ompany values are more deeply held and widely shared in strong cultures than in wea0cultures.Answer: -$age %ef: '3Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: (oderatelassification: onceptual

    ') ?hich of the following is a characteristic of an organi/ation with a strong culture*A) (anagement strives to delin0 shared values from behaviors as much as possible.@) ulture conveys consistent messages about what is important to the organi/ation.) The core set of organi/ational values is /ealously guarded by the management.-) #mphasis is laid on the future of the organi/ation, rather than ac=uainting employees withcompany history or past heroes.Answer: @$age %ef: '3b+ective: 3-ifficulty: (oderate

    lassification: onceptual

    8opyright 242 $earson #ducation, 5nc. $ublishing as $rentice 6all

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    ';) ?hich of the following is a disadvantage of having a strong organi/ational culture*A) high employee turnover@) decreased organi/ational performance) low loyalty towards the organi/ation-) inability to respond to changing conditions

    Answer: -$age %ef: '&Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: (oderatelassification: onceptual

    '1) is a process that helps new employees learn the organi/ation7s way of doing things.A) #xternali/ation@) ociali/ation) -eculturation

    -) TransculturationAnswer: @$age %ef: '&Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    84) The original source of an organi/ation7s culture usually reflects .A) the present conditions in which the organi/ation functions@) the composition of its productive wor0force) the degree of success that the organi/ation has achieved-) the vision or mission of the organi/ation7s founderAnswer: -$age %ef: '&Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: (oderatelassification: onceptual

    opyright 242 $earson #ducation, 5nc. $ublishing as $rentice 6all

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    8) rgani/ational typically contain narratives about significant events or people inthe organi/ation.A) stories@) rituals) language

    -) material artifactsAnswer: A$age %ef: ''Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    82) The term refers to repetitive se=uences of activities that express and reinforce theimportant values and goals of the organi/ation.A) organi/ational culture

    @) corporate rituals) business ethics-) employee mentoringAnswer: @$age %ef: ''Topic: rgani/ational ultureb+ective: 3-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    83) ?hich of the following is an example of a corporate ritual*A) #mployees swapping stories about the company7s history and past heroes who have madesignificant contributions to the company.@) ompany executives using company

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    8&) 5n an organi/ation whose culture conveys a basic distrust of employees, managers are moreli0ely to use aCn) leadership style.A) participatory@) democratic) authoritarian

    -) laisse/

  • 8/10/2019 Management, Khalid Zaki


    8) An innovative organi/ational culture is characteri/ed by all of the following, #H#$T.A) freedom@) conformity) debates

    -) ris0 ta0ingAnswer: @$age %ef: ';Topic: urrent rgani/ational ulture 5ssuesb+ective: &-ifficulty: #asylassification: onceptual

    8;) ?hich of the following guidelines should managers follow while building a customer