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Management Control System Maitee 02.05

Apr 09, 2018



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    Influencing people to change Leading

    their behavior

    Management control systems can be framed in terms of following three types of controls.

    Action controls involve ensuring that employees perform (or do not perform) certain

    actions known to be beneficial (or harmful) to the organization

    Results controls focus on results that involve rewarding individuals (and sometimes

    groups of individuals) for generating good results or punishing for poor results.

    Personnel & cultural controls ensure that employees control their own behavior or

    control each others behaviors. Such controls aim at helping employees to do a good job

    and are based on employees natural tendencies to control themselves.



    Personaland cultural




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    Management control system can be viewed from functional perspective

    Control System framework






    Task Control





    R & D



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    Elements of Control Systems


    Strategic MeasurementUncertainties


    Planning includes the projects, ideas, programmes and activities

    that organization intends to take up over its planning horizon.

    It articulates the strategic intent (Prahalad and Hammel) in an environment of strategic

    uncertainties created by technology, consumer preferences, competitors strategies etc.

    M easurementprocess involves measurement of the actual performance against targets.

    Reporting involves achievement reporting by comparing the actual achievement

    with the desired achievement.

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    Hierarchy of control (Strategy, Management control and operational/ Task control)

    Old Framework New Framework

    (Anthony & Dearden) ( Anthony & Govindarajan)

    Strategic planning Strategy Formulation

    Management control Management Control

    Operation control Task Control

    Management control and strategic planning and control

    Strategic planning focuses on a single aspect of the corporate life at a timewhereas management control focuses on all the operations of differentsubdivisions or units of an organization.

    The domain of strategic planning comprises unstructured or unprogrammeddecisions whereas management control is rhythmic and regular.

    Nature of information required for strategic planning tends to be tailor made forthe problem, largely external, futuristic and less accurate whereas management

    control requires integrated, largely internal, historical and accurate information.

    Strategic Planning often uses techniques like SWOT analysis (Strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis) whereas management control

    relies on budgeting.

    Time frame of strategic plans tends to be long, say beyond one year whereas the

    management control operates by a year, quarter or even smaller timeframes.

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    Strategic planning is a creative and analytical activity whereas managementcontrol is largely administrative and persuasive in nature.

    Appraisal of strategic plan is extremely difficult compared to management controlwhich is relatively easy to evaluate.

    Management control and operational control

    Management control focuses on all the operations of a subdivision or unit of an

    organization whereas operational control is limited to a single task or transaction

    The domain of operational control involves little judgment and greater reliance on

    rules whereas in management control there is greater degree of judgment anddecision making.

    Information needed for operational control is often tailor made to the operation,

    nonfinancial, precise and real time whereas management control often uses

    integrated, financial, futuristic and historical information.

    Time horizon of operational planning and controls tends to be day to day where as

    management control works with weekly monthly or yearly time frame.

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    Organization Structure and Control process

    Functional Structure

    Divisional structure

    Matrix structure

    Network structure

    Functional Structure: Production, Marketing, Finance, HRD etc.

    Divisional Structure

    Structure based on a product lime or a group of product lines that constituted division.

    Matrix Organization

    Structured along product/projects and functions

    Network structure or horizontal structure

    Common in IT structured on the basis of network requirements. Various parts of

    organization are interdependent, interwoven

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    Integrating TQM and MCS

    Fundamental idea in TQM is PDCA. Plan, DO, Check and Act. The focus was on total

    quality and to gain control through quality. TQM has focused on customer through defect

    free service. Manufacturing and Marketing has come closer. Kaizan continuous

    improvement PDCA cycle is modification of planning coordinating, communicating,Information Evaluation of information Deciding the action influencing people.

    Top Mgmt. Middle Mgmt. Supervisors and


    TQM Innovation Kaizan Maintenance

    MCS Strategy Formulation Mgmt. Control Task Control

    Integral Visioning Decision-action Task Performance


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    J I T & M C S

    JIT aims at eliminating waste

    Two approaches:

    1. Produce, hold inventories and wait for customer orders

    2. Get the customer orders, then produce

    In JIT the following are considered important

    Reduction in production cycle time

    Production flow smoothening

    Quality focus

    JIT can be considered important operational control mechanism with reduced cycle time

    leading to better efficiency and productivity. The goal of the JIT is to have Zero

    inventory wherein the optimum lot size is one-- goods are produced or ordered when theyare.

    Anthony and Govindarajan (1994) observe that the better phrase would be Minimum

    Inventory driven system (MIDS)

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    Benchmarking and MCS

    Initially developed by Xerox to achieve Leadership through quality

    benchmarking is the process of continuously comparing and measuring an organizationagainst business leaders anywhere in the world to gain information which will help the

    organization take action to improve its performance.


    Identification and implementation of best practices to achieve customers result and

    business performance.

    Benchmarking is a process. Benchmarking by itself does not improve performance; it

    provides information you can use to improve. It is a discovery process aimed at

    exceeding customer expectation.

    Benchmarking is broadly classified in following three categories:

    Competitive benchmarking:

    Attempts to determine what competition is doing with respect to product design.

    Focuses on benchmarking product cost.

    Process benchmarking

    Scope of the process to be benchmarked

    How does the process work? How do we measure it?

    What do we want to learn about the process from the benchmarking partners?

    Strategic benchmarking

    Idea is to create and implement a new strategy---either to create a shift in strategy oradoption of new business practice.

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    Activity Based costing (ABC) and Management Control

    Activity Based Costing is essentially a system of allocation of overheads on the basis of

    activity caused by the product. In this system, the word activity is often used instead of

    cost centre, and cost driver instead of basis of allocation, and the cost system is called anactivity-based-cost system.

    ABC has important implications for management control.

    It yields better picture of the product costs facilitating decision making relating to pricing,

    product mix, make or buy decisions etc.

    Responsibility Centre


    As the organization grows and becomes larger the business complexities arise and it

    becomes necessary to share the authority of decision making and responsibility with

    others through delegation .The mangers to whom the authority and responsibility isdelegated have to be held responsible for the consequences of their decision making. This

    necessitates evaluation of the performance of the managers.

    Responsibility Centre:

    A responsibility centre may be defined as an area of responsibility which is controlled

    by an individual. Anthony and Govindarajan defined responsibility centre as an

    organization unit that is headed by a responsible manger.

    Expense Centre

    A Cost or expense centre is a segment and division of an organization in which the

    managers are held responsible for the cost incurred in that segment.

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    In a manufacturing organization, production and service department is the cost centre.

    In a marking department, a sales region or a single sales representative may be taken

    as expense centre.

    Two general types of expense centre

    1) Engineered expense centre - Those elements of costs which can be predicted with fairdegree of accuracy e.g. cost of raw materials, direct labor, water and electricity etc.

    2) Discretionary costs are costs for which output cant be measured in monetary terms

    e.g. the costs incurred for administrative and support units like accounts department, legalDepartment, public relations department research and development departments, most of

    the marketing departments.

    Revenue Centre

    Primarily responsible for generating sales revenue.

    Revenue centre manger has no control over cost or the investment in assets.

    The performance can be evaluated by comparing the actual revenues with the budgeted


    Profit Centre

    Segment of business often called a division that is responsible both for revenue and


    The main purpose of profit centre is to earn targeted profit.

    Profit centre mangers are more concerned with increasing centers is to earn targeted


    Profit centre mangers are more concerned with increasing centers revenue by

    increasing production or improving distribution methods. The performance is evaluatedby the variance between actual and budget profits.

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    Advantages of profit centre

    Quality of decision improves as the mangers are aware of the ground realities

    Higher management can focus on macro issues leaving the micro issue to be

    talked by operational mangers

    Profit consciousness is enhanced

    Mangers are free from micro restraints and use their creativity and initiative

    Profit centers train the mangers to take responsibility for higher position

    Profit centers create a reservoir of managerial talent which the company can use.

    Difficulties with Profit center

    Managers may be lacking competence

    There may be unhealthy competition among various profit centers

    There may be disagreement among different profit centers regarding transfer

    price sharing of common cost ,sharing of revenues generated by joint efforts

    Profit centre mangers might lay emphasis on short term profits by neglectingcrucial areas like man power training and development, maintenance and

    research and development effects.

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    Investment Centre

    An investment centre is responsible for the profits and investment

    If a manger controls investment, that area of responsibility can be called as

    investment centre.

    He is responsible for the returns on investment.

    The manger of the investment centre has more authority than the mangers of

    revenue centre, cost centre and profit centre.

    Performance Measurement of Profit centers

    The concept of profit is to be made clear the goal of the organization-- whether

    short term or long term profit, current profit or future profit.

    Emphasis on current profit may hamper future growth

    Again if we emphasize on R & D it will affect the current profit.

    Cost of training and development may adversely affect current profit

    Cost of training and development may adversely affect current profit

    Concept of profit

    Book profit --- As per books of account

    Real Profit calculated after taking the economic value of resources.

    Profit contribution Profit contribution directly by the division. It may also be

    Described as additional or incremental profit earned solely as a result ofoperations of the division.

    Question of expression of profit

    Absolute amount or a margin on sales? Or as a return on investment?

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    Transfer price and Profit centers

    When internal exchange of goods and services takes place between different

    divisions of the firm that requires their valuation in terms of money.

    Problem of analysis of profit centre results

    Usual practice is to evaluate the performance against budgets. But the varianceoccurs due to the combined effect of a host of factors, unless these influences can be

    segregated and understood the major objective of control would not be achieved.

    Investment Centre

    Investment centre is a responsibility centre in which inputs are measured in terms ofcost expenses and outputs are measured in terms of revenue and the assets employed.

    An investment centre manager is responsible for the production, marketing and

    investment in the assets employed on that division or segment of the organization. He hasto take decisions related to credit policy inventory policy as well as investments in

    equipment to be used for production and Marking

    Investment Base

    Investment on asset responsibility implies the authority to buy sell and use assets. This

    Involves taking decisions related to identification of the assets and liabilities for

    determining the base of the investment centre.

    Meaning Investment centre performance

    Return on InvestmentProfit before Interest andTax

    ROI = Net operating Investment

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    Residual Income

    An alternative measure of financial performance of an investment centre is residual

    income. It is an amount that remains after deducting on implied interest charge from

    the operating income.

    Performance Measurement

    Performance measurement is a value adding process, which has a direct impact on the

    competitiveness and improvement

    Metrics: Metrics are the methods to quantify the measured information

    Prioritize indicators:

    A clear purpose helps to prioritize the indicators to identify the most important ones.

    Choose appropriate measurement methods:

    Important purpose of performance measurement

    a) Decision support

    b) Monitor effects of strategic planc) Performance

    d) Diagnosis

    e) Manage a continuous improvement processf) Motivation

    g) Comparison

    h) Record development

    Types of Metrics

    A. Hard metrics: Facts those are possible to measure directly e.g. input, production, netprofit etc.

    Soft Metrics:Used to measure intangible e.g. customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, employee

    satisfaction etc.

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    B. Financial vs. Non-Financial Metrics:

    Financial performance metrics Non-financial performance metrics

    Budget vs. Actual variance

    Product / Inventory TurnoverProduct group

    Labor efficiency

    Profitability Capacity Utilization

    Cash flow Defect ratio

    Return on total capital Lead-time

    Overhead absorption Delivery precisian

    Bad debts

    EBIT, Market penetration

    Current Assets turner New product sales


    Three basic types of financial performance targets are:

    1) Model Based vs. Historical vs. Negotiated Targets

    Model based targets are used in the situation where stable deterministic causal

    relationship like input output exists


    Historical targets are derived from the previous year performance and the

    managements view of the superiors and subordinates

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    2) Internally versus externally externally derived targets

    Internally derived performance targets are totally internally focused.

    In recent years, two types of externally focused target setting have become common

    a) Target Costing

    b) Bench marking

    In target costing cost targets are price driven e.g. Tata motors introduced a family carcosting 1 lakh. The price and cost are set in such a fashion that on selling of product or

    service the company will earn a preset price.

    Bench marking is a process in which on organization studies other organizations bestpractices and implement process and systems to entrance its own performance

    c) Achievement versus process Metrics:

    Achievement metrics lays emphasis on achievement whereas in the process metricsemphasis is on important characteristics of the process that has an impact on the output.

    Business performance model based on three performance dimensions

    Achievement metrics - direct metrics for business achievement.These are hard facts and

    can be measured directly and require little or no interpretation e.g. net profit, return oninvestment, market share, export share etc.

    Diagnostics metrics:

    Diagnostic metrics are indirect metrics for business achievement

    Explain the trends in achievement

    Based on trends provide an early warning based on which remedial action can be


    Competence Metrics

    These metrics described how well the company is prepared for the future.

    Investment level in product and service development

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    Time to market new product.

    Relationship between achievement diagnostic and competence metrics:

    A good measurement system should contain a balance mix of the above three metrics.

    Fixed vs. flexible targets

    Fixed targets do not vary over a given period

    Flexible targets are changed according to the business conditions prevailing

    Balanced score card

    Traditional method financial parameters

    BSC takes into account all parameters- financial, nonfinancial performance



    1) It brings strategy and vision at the centre of management focus.

    2) It brings together in a single management report many of the seemingly disparate

    elements like customer orientation, shortening response time, improving quality etc.

    3) BSC provides the management with a comprehensive picture of business operation

    4) BSC provides strategic feedback and learning

    Major components:

    1. Customer Perspective

    2. Internal Perspective

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    3. Innovation & Learning Perspective

    4. Financial perspective

    Thus, the scorecard provides a view of organizations overall performance by

    integrating financial measures with key performance indicators.

    Learning and growth-- People and learning

    Internal perspective- performance of key internal processes.

    Customer perspective- customer satisfaction

    Financial perspective - the results the organization delivers to its shareholders.

    Process of creating a balanced scorecard:

    Identify vision

    Identify Strategy

    Identify critical success factors

    Identify measures


    Create action Plan

    Follow up and mange

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    Internal failure costs

    External failure costs

    Framework for TQM Process

    Problem identification






    Management by Objective

    MBO is a comprehensive management approach focused on objective or expected results

    for providing a framework for managerial decisions

    In MBO, objectives should be the central focus. Objectives are based on outputs or


    MBO emphasizes on the development of the systems capability as well as individual

    managers competence.

    In order to be effective MBO process should be integrated with key activities of the

    management process, e.g. planning, organizing, staffing directing, and controlling.

    MBO is said to have gone through three phases over the past twenty years:

    1) Performance appraisal

    2) Planning and control method3) Method of managing producing by objective

    Implementation process1) The manager and his key executives study the systems and processes

    2) The top manger and subordinates set up measures of organizations performance

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    3) Objective setting methods extended up to first line of supervisory level goals are set

    through discussions and meetings between members of organizational units and their

    superiors coals are mutually agreed upon

    4) The required changes are undertaken in appraisal system, reward and compensation

    system, delegation of authority and responsibility undertaken.

    Activity Based costing

    Meaning of ABC

    ABC or activity based costing is an accounting methodology that assigns the costs,both overhead and direct, to various products and services on some scientific basis

    ABC assigns cost to activities based on their use of resources. It then assigns cost to

    cost objects, such as products or customers, based on their use of activities.In traditional costing overhead are first related to cost centers (Production & service

    centers) and then to cost objects i.e. products .In ABC overheads are related to activities

    or grouped into cost pools. Then they are related to cost objects.

    Purpose and benefits of activity based costing

    ABC is particularly needed by organizations for product costing where:

    Production overheads are high in relation to direct cost

    There is great diversity in the product range.

    Products use very different amounts overhead resources

    Consumption of overhead resources is not primarily driven volume.

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    Enterprise Resources planning

    ERP solutions peek to streamline and integrate operation processes and information flows

    in the company to synergies the resources of an organization. men, material, money andmachine through information.

    Meaning of ERP

    ERP software attempts to integrate all department and functions across a company into asingle computer system that can serve all those departments particular needs. ERP

    combines all computerized departments together with the help at a single integratedsoftware programmed that runs on a single database so that various developments can

    easily share information and communicate with each other.

    Benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning

    1) Product costing

    2) Inventory Management

    3) Distribution and delivery Reasons for implementation of ERP by companies

    1. Improve companys business performance

    2. Standardize manufacturing process

    3. Integrate financial data

    4. To standardize HR information

    Value added Analysis

    As per porter strategies to create competitive advantage three strategic

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    a)Cost leadership b) Differentiation c) Focusing are relevant. To follow any of the

    strategic one has to follow value chain.

    The process involves certain activity and each activity consumers resources and

    influence the cost structure of the company. The value chain shows the total value, value

    activities and margin

    Emphasis of value chain is to segregate a firm into strategically relevant activities in

    order to understand the behavior of cost and the existing potential