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EMBRIOLOGÍA Y ANOMALÍAS CONGÉNITAS PULMONARES. Dr. Héctor Alejandro Domínguez Hernández residente imagenología, diagnóstica y terapéutica

Malformaciones pulmonares

Apr 15, 2017


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Page 1: Malformaciones pulmonares


PULMONARES.Dr. Héctor Alejandro Domínguez Hernández

residente imagenología, diagnóstica y terapéutica

Page 2: Malformaciones pulmonares
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Agujero Laringeo. El pulmón se origina como un diverticulo desde el extremo caudal del surco laringotraqueal del intestino anterior al final de la cuarta semana.
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Septum traqueo-esofágicoTabique

Hector Dominguez Hernandez
1. Diverticulo Laringotraqueal.2.Yema respiratoria. Tabique traque-oesofágico.3.Bronquios principales. El bronquio derecho es mas vertical.4.Bronquios lobulares.5.Bronquios segmentarios.6. Van jalando tejido mesodérmico.
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16 2828 36



Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Pulmonary development involves a series of events closely regulated by genetic and environmental factors.A close interaction between the development of the airways and the blood vessels is present from the embryonic stage.The process of alveolization is not yet completed at birth and continues for the first two years of life.Due to a common embryological origin, anomalies of pulmonary development may be associated with anomalies of the digestive tract. These anomalies have thus been grouped under the term bronchopulmonary-foregut malformations.Certain malformations of the respiratory system are asymptomatic and may be discovered late.
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Poca vascularición.No hay intercambio gaseoso.
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
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Movimientos Respiratorios Fetales.Cavidad Torácica.Líquido amniótico.

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El corazón ocupa del 25 al 30% del volumen torácico.

Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Transverse US image of a normal fetal thorax demonstrates homogeneous and sym- metric intermediate echogenicity of the lungs.The heart occupies 25%–30% of the thoracic volume. The interventricular septum (dashed line) is at a 45° angle with the midline (solid line). Only the right atrium (RA) and a small portion of the right ventricle (RV) are to the right of the midline.
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
On a coronal T2-weighted MR image of the fetal lungs at 28 weeks gestation, the lungs (L) demon- strate uniform symmetric high signal intensity relative to the chest wall muscles.The signal intensity of the tra- chea (arrow) and bronchi (arrowheads) is slightly higher than that of the lungs. (See also Fig E4 [online].)
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Axial T2-weighted MR image obtained in a fetus at 28 weeks gestation shows normal fetal lungs (L) with uniform symmetric high signal intensity relative to the chest wall muscles. The heart (H) is dark due to flowing blood.
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Falta del desarrollo Pulmonar

Agenesia Aplasia Hipoplasia

Bronquio rudimentario.No hay parénquima.

Bronquio y parénquima rudimentario.Alveolos y vasos pulmonares disminuidos en número y tamaño.

Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Pulmonary aplasia. Unenhanced CT scan shows the main pulmonary artery (MPA) and right pulmonary artery (RPA), but the left pulmonary artery is not seen.
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Más del 50% tienen otras anomalías, cardiovasculares (DAP, Persistencia del foramen oval), gastrointestinales (fístula traqueoesofáfica, ano imperforado) genitourinarias y esqueléticas.

Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Pulmonary aplasia. (a) Frontal chest radiograph depicts the trachea (white arrow) and the right main bronchus (arrowhead); however, the left main bronchus is not seen. There is leftward me- diastinal shift. Compensatory hyperinflation of the right middle lobe extending into the left hemithorax is also noted (black arrow). (b) Coronal CT scan shows a blind-ending left main bronchus (arrowhead) with absence of the left lung parenchyma. (See also Fig E5 [online].)
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Hernia Diafragmática75-90% Izquierda.

Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Left-sided congenital dia- phragmatic hernia.Transverse US image of the fetal chest shows the stomach (arrow) in an intrathoracic position.The heart is shifted to the right due to com- pression by the hernia.
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia. (a) Transverse US image of the fetal chest shows the liver (Li) within the right hemithorax. The heart (H) is displaced to the left, and there is associated moderate right pleural effusion (arrow) in the anterior chest. (b) Sagittal color Doppler im- age shows the right hepatic vein (RHV) coursing up through the solid tissue in the thorax, a finding that confirms liver herniation. Arrow indicates the dia- phragm. LHV = left hepatic vein, MHV = middle hepatic vein. (c) T2-weighted MR image through the fetal chest and abdomen demonstrates hernia- tion of the liver (Li) into the thorax. Note that there is herniation of the hepatic flexure as well (arrows), a finding that was not identified at US.
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
hypoplasia include CPAM, broncho- pulmonary sequestration, a cardiac or mediastinal mass, lymphatic malformation, and agenesis of the diaphragm.
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Extratorácica Oligohidramnios Severo

Malformaciones genitourinarias.

Ruptura de membranas prolongada.

Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Pulmonary hypoplasia due to bilateral renal agenesis. (a) Transverse fetal US image shows a small chest with severe oligohydramnios. A small pericardial effusion (calipers) is also seen. (b) Frontal chest radiograph demonstrates bilateral pulmonary hypoplasia due to severe oligohydramnios secondary to bilateral renal agenesis. Note the low lung volumes and the bell-shaped configuration of the thorax.
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Pulmonary hypoplasia due to bilateral renal agenesis. (a) Transverse fetal US image shows a small chest with severe oligohydramnios. A small pericardial effusion (calipers) is also seen. (b) Frontal chest radiograph demonstrates bilateral pulmonary hypoplasia due to severe oligohydramnios secondary to bilateral renal agenesis. Note the low lung volumes and the bell-shaped configuration of the thorax.
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Síndrome de JeuneDisplasia tanatofórica

Hector Dominguez Hernandez
El síndrome de Jeune, también llamado distrofia torácica asfixiante, es una displasia con costillas cortas caracterizada por tórax estrecho, extremidades cortas y anomalías esqueléticas radiológicas que incluyen acetábulo en forma de tridente y cambios metafisarios.
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Pulmonary hypoplasia secondary to skeletal dysplasia. (a) Transverse US image obtained in a fetus with thanatophoric dysplasia shows a small chest and short ribs (arrows) that cover only 50% of the chest circumference. Normally, the ribs should extend to two-thirds of the chest circumference
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Pertenece al grupo de las osteocondrodiplasias de curso siempre letal.
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Radio menor de 0.32 es indicativo de hipoplasia pulmonar

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Malformaciones Congénitas de la Vía AéreaEl término ha sido recomendado en lugar de

malformación adenomatoidea quística congénita.

Hector Dominguez Hernandez
ince the lesions are cystic in only three of the five types of these lesions and adenomatoid in only one type
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Large cyst CPAM. (a, b) Transverse (a) and coronal (b) fetal US images demonstrate two contigu- ous cystic lesions (calipers) in the left hemithorax, findings that are compatible with a macrocystic CPAM. The heart (H) is shifted to the right. Note that the diaphragm (arrows in b) is intact and the stomach (S) is in the normal position. (c) Postnatal chest radiograph shows a hyperinflated left lung with rightward mediastinal shift. Two large air-filled thin-walled cysts (arrows) are clearly seen in the left lung. (d) CT scan shows multiple cysts in the left lung (arrow), at least two of which are larger than 2 cm, findings that are compatible with a large cyst CPAM. (e) Photograph of a resected specimen from a different patient shows a large multiloculated cyst (large cyst CPAM) (arrow). (f) Photomicrograph (original magnification, ×20; hematoxylin-eosin [H-E] stain) shows the cysts lined by ciliated respiratory epithelium with focal clusters of mucigenic epithelium (arrow).
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Small cyst CPAM. (a) CT scan shows a complex cystic mass (arrow) in the left lung. All the cysts are small (<2 cm), a finding that is compatible with a small cyst CPAM. (b) Photograph of the gross specimen shows multiple small cysts and solid areas of abnormal lung parenchyma. (c) Photomicrograph (original magnification, ×10; H-E stain) shows closely apposed bronchiole-like structures adjacent to normal lung tiss
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Solid-appearing CPAM. (a) Coronal prenatal US image shows a large hyperechoic lesion (calipers) in the right hemithorax. No cystic areas are identified within the mass. Note that the diaphragm is intact (arrows). (b) Postnatal CT scan shows an ill-defined mass with intermediate attenuation in the right middle lobe (arrow), with an adjacent area of air trapping.The lesion was pathologically proved to represent a CPAM
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
CPAM-sequestration hybrid lung lesion. (a) Transverse US image through the fetal chest shows a hy- perechoic mass (calipers) with a cystic area (arrow), findings that represent a CPAM. (b) Color Doppler image reveals a feeding artery (arrowhead) arising from the aorta, a finding that is compatible with sequestration.
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
CLO. (a) Transverse US image through the fetal chest shows a large hyperechoic mass (arrow) in the right lung. (b) Postnatal CT scan shows organized pulmonary vessels coursing through an overdistended portion of the lung (arrowhead), findings that represent congenital lobar-segmental overinflation. (c) Frontal chest radiograph obtained in a different patient shows a hyperlucent left hemithorax causing rightward me- diastinal shift. (d) CT scan shows an overdistended left upper lobe. (e) Photograph of the gross specimen shows focal enlargement of the lung parenchyma. Arrow indicates the interface between the lesion and adjacent normal compressed parenchyma. (f) Photomicrograph (original magnification, ×10; H-E stain) shows dilatation and an increased number of alveoli without maldevelopment (compare with the normal fetal lung in Fig E2 [online]).
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Photomicrograph (original magnification, ×10; H-E stain) shows dilatation and an increased number of alveoli without maldevelopment (compare with the normal fetal lung in Fig E2 [online]).
Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Photomicrograph (original magnification, ×10; H-E stain) of normal fetal lung tissue shows thin-walled alveoli composed of a single layer of squamous epithelium.
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Bronchial atresia. CT scan shows mucoid impaction (arrow) just distal to bronchial atresia in the right upper lobe. Distal air trapping is also noted. (Reprinted, with permission, from reference 31.)
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Bronchogenic cyst. (a, b) Transverse B-mode (a) and color Doppler (b) US im- ages through the fetal chest show an avascular cystic lesion (arrow) in the left lung adjacent to the ductus arteriosus (arrowhead in a).The lesion was thought to represent either a congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation or a bronchogenic cyst. (c) Contrast material–enhanced postnatal CT scan shows a well-circumscribed unilocular water-attenuation cyst in the middle mediastinum. The cyst has smooth, imperceptible walls with no enhancement and was pathologically confirmed to be a bronchogenic cyst. (d) Photograph of cut sections of a resected bronchogenic cyst speci- men shows a translucent cyst. (Courtesy of Ellen M. Chung, LTC, MC, USA, Department of Radiologic Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC.) (e) Photomicro- graph (original magnification, ×20; H-E stain) shows a bronchogenic cyst lined by respiratory epithelium and containing cartilage plates, bronchial glands, and smooth muscle within its wall.
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Congenital high airway obstruction syndrome. (a, b) Transverse (a) and coronal (b) US images through the fetal chest show enlarged hyperechoic lungs compressing the heart. Note the inversion of the diaphragm (arrow in b) and the dilated trachea and bronchi (arrowheads in b). These findings suggest the presence of congenital high airway obstruction syndrome, likely from tracheal atresia. (c) Photograph of the gross autopsy specimen demonstrates enlarged and edema- tous lungs secondary to tracheal atresia. (d) Photomicrograph (original magnification, ×4; H-E stain) shows an increase in the number and size of airspaces, which are poorly subdivided (compare with the normal fetal lung in Fig E2 [online]).
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Lung sequestration. (a) Transverse color Doppler image of the fetal thorax shows a homogeneous echogenic mass (single arrow) in the left lung. A feeding vessel (double arrows) is seen arising from the aorta and supplying the mass. (b) Coronal postnatal CT scan shows a homogeneous mass in the posterior segment of the left lower lobe. A feeding artery (arrow) is seen arising from the aorta, a finding that is diagnostic for sequestration. (c) Intra- operative photograph obtained in a different patient with sequestration shows variable-sized ectopic masses inferior to the lung, the larger of which (*) is seen with a vascular supply (arrow) from the descending aorta.
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Hector Dominguez Hernandez
Scimitar syndrome. (a) Postnatal frontal chest radio- graph shows volume loss in the right hemithorax with rightward mediastinal shift. The right heart border is not well seen. An anomalous vessel (arrowheads) is seen in the right cardiophrenic angle. This vessel increases in caliber in the caudal direction (“scimitar sign,” so called because of its resemblance to a Turkish sword). (b) Coronal contrast-enhanced CT scan shows the lower lobe pulmonary vein (scimitar vein) draining into the intrahepatic inferior vena cava (arrows). (c) Volume-rendered CT image clearly depicts the anomalous vein (arrow). (Antenatal US images ob- tained in the same patient are shown in Fig E9 [online].)