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Link Link Link Link October 2016 Making known God’s Love in Jesus Christ Inside this month THE CHURCH Editorial buddy wanted Would you like to practise your computer skills ? Do you have some spare time ? Are you interested in what is happening in the church ? Do you like hunting down a good story? If you answered yes to one of these questions please contact Julie Nicholson in the church office. How hot is your Vindaloo ? Page 3 Thank Offering Page 7 Shoebox appeal page 4 Meet the Players page 2 Photo Gallery page 12

Making known God’s Love in Jesus · PDF fileMaking known God’s Love in Jesus Christ Inside this month ... I believe I have a very bright future. ... or have a dusty clarinet in

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Page 1: Making known God’s Love in Jesus · PDF fileMaking known God’s Love in Jesus Christ Inside this month ... I believe I have a very bright future. ... or have a dusty clarinet in

LinkLinkLinkLink October 2016

Making known God’s Love in Jesus Christ

Inside this month


Editorial buddy wanted

Would you like to practise your computer

skills ?

Do you have some spare time ?

Are you interested in what is happening

in the church ?

Do you like hunting down a good story?

If you answered yes to one of these

questions please contact Julie Nicholson

in the church office.

How hot is your

Vindaloo ? Page 3

Thank Offering

Page 7

Shoebox appeal

page 4

Meet the Players

page 2

Photo Gallery

page 12

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Sunday Services 11.00 am and 6.30 pm

Barclay Viewforth Church - Church Office: 0131 229 6810 Minister Rev Sam Torrens 229 6810 [email protected] Pastoral Associate Elaine Hogan 229 6810 [email protected] Mission Facilitator Rev Iain Sutherland 07843089598 [email protected] Church Administrator Julie Nicholson 229 6810 [email protected] Session Clerk Robert Miller 447 1339 [email protected] Clerk to Board Katharine Ellis 228 4136 [email protected] Assistant Clerk Christine Wight 447 5498 Treasurers Janet Darling 447 1578 [email protected] John Ritchie 558 1381 Roll Keeper Helen Miller 449 4470 [email protected] Organist and Choir Andrew Robertson [email protected] Master Organist Michael Bonaventure Magazine Editor Marie Renfrew 261 8060 [email protected] Web Master Mike Ellis 228 4136 [email protected] Church Officer Chris Hogan 229 6810

Barclay Viewforth United - Meet the Players

Scott Elder, plays and right back and in centre midfield. He is highly

motivated, trains hard, always gives his best, and brings energy and

enthusiasm to the team. When he’s around there’s a sense of fun and

a zest for life, mixed with a real combative attitude. At his best


“Hi, I’m Scott! I'm in recovery from drugs & alcohol for nearly 18

months now. I am currently acting (Scott is too modest to tell you

that he appears in the new Train-spotting film! ST), volunteering in

various areas of society (service to others is important to me). I’ll be applying for further education next term & just moved into a

new flat in Edinburgh which is testing but exciting. I have an

amazing family & wonderful friends today. I was introduced to the

team by a friend in Recovery and it has been a massive and exciting part of my recovery so far. I believe I have a very bright future. Since joining the team I feel my energy & confidence has definitely

increased. We have a great team of guys from personnel through to players. I have faith that this team is strong enough to compete at the top of this league and it's a matter of time

before we show what we are truly capable of!”

Well, life has its challenges and so does our team! Results haven’t been as good as our performances

would merit. Since drawing 2-2 with Charlotte Chapel at the start of the season, we have lost all of our

games to date, being defeated by Bristo, St Mary’s, Oxgangs and White Lightning. Considering our start we

have decided to put off winning the League until next year! We keep reminding ourselves that our purpose

isn’t simply about football scores!

Sam Torrens

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From the Manse

How hot is a Vindaloo curry? Is it too hot to handle? Why do I ask? Well, last

Thursday evening, after our latest three day Community of Practice event at

Central Church, I took the family to an Indian restaurant in Morningside.

I was keen to treat them but also keen to experiment with something related to

a ministry goal going forward. For a while now I have been exploring the

meaning of what is termed a congregational “red hot centre”.

By that we mean a corporate experience of passionate spirituality, committed

community, and creative mission, fired by a love for God and others. Our goal is to love the Lord our God

with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, and to love our neighbours as ourselves.

This Great Commandment, Matt 22:36-40, fuels our Lord’s Great Commission, Matt 28:18,20. Assessing

where we are at this moment in time we might be likened to a Korma! That’s not to detract from the real

warmth, passion, community and creative mission that already exist.

I love Korma, but in terms of heat, could we become more connected to God and to one another in the fires

of the Spirit’s love that the spiritual temperature rises? Can we move from a Korma to a Vindaloo?

Well I looked at the menu and felt the urge to simply go for it, but then, whether it was fear or wisdom, I

hesitated, pulled back, and decided to build up to it slowly, and opted for a Madras instead! Beginning in

the New Year I hope to lead us in a series entitled Passionate Spirituality, an exposition of 1 Corinthians, and

connected to this across the weeks up to Christmas is the use of tried and tested congregational audits,

already sampled by the Kirk Session in June, entitled, “Discovering your Spiritual Type”.

The aim is not to be novel but to enable all of us individually and corporately to encounter God, for it is out

of this red hot centre that everything else grows!

Sam Torrens

Eco-congregation Scotland

As a church we are concerned about the environment around us

and the world we live in. We take measures to make our impact on

the earth lower than perhaps was once the case. As a

congregations we are now signing up to become an eco-

congregation. As a starting point, this is a statement of intent, that

jointly we are concerned about the environment and want to

commit to do something in the future to help God’s creation.

If this is something you want to get involved in, please get in touch

with me.

Julie Nicholson

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We started the new term at the beginning of September, and were very happy to see all but one of our

members return, one of them bringing a friend along.

The plan was to continue with the "I am" sayings of Jesus, this time "I am the bread of Life". The activity

planned was to use bread bases to make individual pizzas; this proved very popular, although we would be

glad if a mathematician could join the group, as we seem to have trouble counting heads; we made a few

extras for people who were late, made some more as we seemed to be short, and then had at least three

left over. Loaves and fishes came to mind. Some people were very creative with ways to identify their own

cooked pizza....

It was lovely to hear all the news about the summer holidays and to see all the happy faces around the tea


Looking forward to the next time, when we discover how many of us remember the memory verse.

Elaine Rumney

PS We were in receipt that night of some of the delicious cakes brought home from Glendoick — thanks

very much!



The sun was shining

on Tuesday 6

September, when the

members and friends

of the Afternoon

Fellowship (around 30

of us) set out on our annual outing to Glendoick Garden

Centre, Perthshire where we had time to wander round the

Centre and admire or purchase some of the beautiful

things for sale.

And explore the beautiful gardens or just sit and enjoy the

sunshine before gathering again to enjoy a delicious

Afternoon Tea.

A good day was had by all and a big thank you goes to the



Blythswood Shoebox Appeal For a number of years we have been

involved in collecting shoeboxes on

behalf of Blythswood Care to be sent

overseas as a Christmas present for

children and adults who would otherwise

receive nothing.

This year's Shoebox Sunday will be on 6

November. Look out for leaflets early in

October with all the information required

about packing your shoebox.

Elaine Hogan

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Autumn at Barclay Viewforth It’s not often that you can be so close to BV and not see it. The misty morning recently was one occasion, which reminds us of the changing season and changing rhythms of our lives, both individually, as families and communities and as a church family. As the summer months start to fade, we can look forward to getting back involved in things that have taken a break, but it’s also an ideal time to get involved in something new, as clubs and groups start up again. Here’s a flavour of what’s happening at BV, but keep an eye on the weekly notice sheet for updates, and Facebook if you use it. Missional Communities. If you want to join TCP, Connect Plus, Celebrate Recovery or The Net, let someone know. There are folk around on Sunday’s from all these groups. Or if you have an idea about starting a new missional community, speak to Sam, Iain or Elaine. The choir meet fortnightly on Thursdays. In the run up to Christmas more people are encouraged to go along, so even if you don’t want to commit year-round, there are short-term opportunities to sing God’s praises this way. Speak to Andrew. If you couldn’t make the band jam session but sing or play an instrument, get in touch with Sandy or Scott. All instruments welcome, so if you are a secret accordion player, or have a dusty clarinet in your cupboard, now is the time to bring it out! Ends of the earth will next meet on Saturday 19 November to think about the church in the world. Speak to Iain for more details. There’s lots of other stuff going on. Toddler group meet every Tuesday with Katharine and lots of small children and carers from the community. The church halls are really well used, and it would be great if more church members could get involved in these groups. Wednesday sees an ‘Aging Well’ class at 11am run by Edinburgh Leisure for gentle exercise, there’s Beavers and Cubs on a Friday and lots more from dog training classes to Tai Chi. If you want to find out more, speak to Julie or email the office. Julie Nicholson

Congregational Roll


"Let the children come to me..."

1.9.16 Hugo Magnus McLaren, son of Angela and Keith


"The greatest is love."

3.9.16 Bryony Few to Matthew MacLennan


"I am the Resurrection and the Life."

7.8.16 Forsyth Scott, Abbotsford Court, Edinburgh

19.8.16 Helen Taylor, Gillespie Crescent, Edinburgh

Flowers in the Sanctuary

2 October: Donated and arranged

by Lawrence and Irene Hall

9 October: Donated by Margaret

Robertson, arranged by June


16 October: Donated by Moira

Bain and arranged by Isobel Anderson

30 October: Donated and arranged by Evelyn


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Over the summer

people have been

sending postcards back

to Barclay Viewforth in

order to raise funds for

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). MAF fly to remote

areas all over the world bringing help, hope and healing.

All of the postcards received over the summer – 244 –

were entered for one of the three categories:

• Furthest travelled in the UK

• Furthest travelled in the world

• Most interesting.

We had lots of fun looking at all the postcards and

working out how far they’d come, but we eventually came

to three winners:

• UK - from Noss Mayo, Devon, sent to Rena Young

• Worldwide - from Hawaii, sent to Mr and Mrs


• Most interesting – cats having tea, owner to be


A special mention goes to the postcard of a plane landing

on Traigh Mhor – the beach runway on Barra. Prizes will

be available shortly.

Thank you to everyone who sent in cards, the Barclay

Viewforth family has now provided almost one thousand

postcards for MAF’s fundraising.

Heather Tweedie

Trek to the Roof of Africa

Another BV person is Tanzania-bound in a few months –

I’m going to visit a child that we sponsor through

Compassion UK. We’ve sponsored Eden since 2003 and

he’s almost ready to graduate from the programme that

his church runs. Eden lives close to Kilimanjaro and he’s

written about going on trips with his church to the

Ngorogoro crater and seeing lots of animals there. After

meeting with Eden and his family, I’m going to (try to)

climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa at


I’m going with a group organised by Compassion UK. As a

family we’ve sponsored a number of children all over the

world. Compassion UK work with local churches to

provide education and training to children and young

people and their families. As a sponsor, we write and

receive letters – we have a HUGE file from Eden now –

and it is wonderful to see how a child develops over the

years. To begin with we get letters written by their

teachers because the children are too little, then there is

the excitement of a letter that has actually been written

by the child themselves. If they learn English, then we

may receive letters that they have written in English too.

A young lady that we sponsor in Kenya is just finishing

teacher training and she is looking forward to making a

difference in the lives of so many young people in her

home town.

We’ve enjoyed writing letters and sending drawings out

to our “children far away”, involving the family in

deciding what to send – one year it was paper

snowflakes covered in glitter, another time we ALL made

handprints and sent them to the children. You are

allowed to send paper items up to A4 in size – once I sent

out a little Manchester United team poster to a football-

mad “son” – he was so excited to receive it!

Sponsoring a child though Compassion costs £25 per

month and it makes an incredible difference to the life of

the whole community. There is lots of information at the

Compassion web site – – and

please ask me any questions about it. If you were to

decide to support a family in this way, please let me

know as I have my sponsorship target reduced if I find

new sponsors!

I hope to speak a little about Compassion’s work at a

service before the end of the year, and also to organise

some fund-raising events and sponsorships, in between

lots of stair-climbing training. If you would like to

sponsor me in the meantime, please see me around BV,

or the web site is at


Thank you!

Fiona Tweedie

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I’m never happier than when pottering about in the kitchen (not that I have a lot of kitchen for pottering about in)

and have to confess to owning a vast array of utensils and gadgets, most of which I do use! Last year’s kitchen

gadget purchase was an ice cream maker which is much easier to use and clean than I had expected. Following on

from Sundae Sunday, which I wasn’t able to be at, I decided it was time to dust off the ice cream machine and see

what I could create. Of course this meant I needed to find some willing volunteers to come for lunch after the

morning service to help eat the ice cream. Unsurprisingly everyone seemed more than happy to sample the


This recipe is one that Melissa uses and is nice and simple. If you don’t have an ice cream maker don’t panic, you just

have to be willing to spend a bit more time looking after it. We decided the addition of 100g of honeycomb pieces

worked really well and it was possibly as good as Mackies Honeycomb ice cream.

1 cup double cream

½ cup milk

Scant ¼ cup white sugar

Flavouring/fruit/honeycomb pieces/choc chips/crushed candy canes etc.

Heat the milk slightly to allow the sugar to dissolve.

Once the sugar has dissolved whisk in the cream.

Turn on the ice cream machine and pour in the sugar milk and cream mixture.

Once the mixture has thickened and started to freeze add the flavouring and continue to churn until the mixture is

fully thickened and frozen.

If you don’t have an ice cream machine I found these instructions online; they also recommend you freeze the ice

cream in a shallow container to encourage it to freeze quickly. About 45 minutes after you first put your ice cream

base into the freezer, take it out and rather vigorously churn it with a fork, spoon or electric hand mixer – you want

to break up any frozen parts and mix everything together into a quite uniform “slush”. Return the ice cream base to

the freezer, wait another 45 minutes and repeat. Then repeat one, or possibly, two more times at the same


Linda Garside


“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love

endures for ever” Psalm 107:1

In the tradition of harvest thanksgiving it is again

the time of year when it is customary to give

thanks to God for His goodness and blessings.

Although not the only way of doing this, a

practical way is financially with a special offering

and Thank Offering Sunday will be 9 October

when envelopes and forms will be available.

The 9th of October is not the only opportunity to

give Thank Offerings as they can be given on any

Sunday until 27 November.

Instead of or even as well as making a Thank

Offering it could also be a chance to review your

regular giving.

The support given to Barclay Viewforth in many

ways by members and non-members is very

much appreciated.

Janet Darling, Treasurer

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Items for inclusion in the November Link Magazine should be submitted

to the Editor by Tuesday 18 October

Edinburgh Barclay Viewforth Church of Scotland Registered Scottish Charity No. SC014757 1 Wright’s Houses, Edinburgh EH10 4HR Tel: 0131 229 6810

Bryony Few and Matthew MacLennan

Sam being crafty in the office

Hugo Magnus

McLaren, son of Angela

and Keith Connect Plus lead worship

on Ability Sunday

Afternoon Fellowship outing to Glendoick

Garden Centre

TCP receiving a warm

welcome from Claudia, one of

the local shopkeepers

Exceedingly good cakes.......