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‘Trump Card.’ By Chris Farrell 6766 Marshall Foch Street NOLA 70124 U.S.A. [email protected] (504) 251-3110 CHARACTERS: Donald Trump—personifying America’s greatness. Despot Kim Jong-un—personifying tyranny.

Make America Great Again!

Dec 11, 2015



Chris Farrell

Political satire.
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Page 1: Make America Great Again!

‘Trump Card.’By Chris Farrell

6766 Marshall Foch StreetNOLA 70124

[email protected]

(504) 251-3110

CHARACTERS:Donald Trump—personifying America’s greatness.

Despot Kim Jong-un—personifying tyranny.

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Adolf Hitler—personifying National Socialism.

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Islam’s so-called Prophet Moham-head wearing a Palestinian Rag with an old fashioned cannon ball shaped bomb with the fuse alight in it—personifying Islamo-fascism.

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Mexican Bandito Pancho Villa wearing Sombrero backed by three Mariachis representing advocates of illegal immigration.

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Cocktail server. (I’d love for Paula Priesse to play this part.)

Paula Priesse

Vlad ‘the Impaler’ Putin: Personifying Liberal-fascism, (id est Socialism, Liberalism, or Progressivism.). Bare chested wearing a stereo-typical Russian furry hat with the two flaps over his ears.

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Rodney King—personifying Liberal-fascism, or Liberal-socialism, or Liberalism, or Progressivism, or Socialism, or Communism, etc…, etc…., ad nauseum.

Mr. Obama, the Manchurian Muslim Mulatto and Messiah to Marxists from Mombasa—personifying an enemy agent of Islam practicing taqiyya who has criminally usurped the office of president of the United States of America.

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Lesbian lovers Hillary and Huma: Sitting at bar in background cuddling with each other and Hillary endlessly texting and tweeting on multiple devices. [Dialogue bubbles made to appear showing precisely what she is messaging.]

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Delusional African Sign Language interpreter Thamsanqa Jantjie, played by ‘Saturday Night Live’ star Kenan Thompson who did the hilarious impersonation of the fraudulent interpreter.

Clint Eastwood—as one of Trump’s Security personnel.

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SCENE: Poker table in one of Trump’s casinos with Lakers

game playing on a television monitor hanging on a wall stage right.

Act One:Mexican Bandito Pancho Villa deals the hand with Mariachis playing softly behind and says: “Borders? We don’t need no stinkin’ borders!”

Vladamir Putin: Opens the hand with an unspecified handful of checks, (a.k.a. chips), discards one card and boasts laughingly: “We are all Socialists now! Dah?”

Kim Jong-un, looking at his cards suspiciously, lifts his head in a paranoid manner to eye the other players and exclaims: “You are all plotting against me! I will defeat all of you!” Turns to the basketball game playing on the television screen and excitedly blurts out, “Wait a minute! That was traveling! I saw it! I don’t care what the referee decreed. I declare that was traveling! Traveling I tell you! Get me a line to Dennis Rodman NOW! I want that referee shot and his family imprisoned. I just love basketball! It’s so much fun!” [Folds his hand abruptly.]

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Adolf Hitler: Checks his hand and calls: “ALL Socialism is National Socialism—you must all agree to be members of our Communist…, I mean Fascist,…I mean Socialist, or even better LIBERAL SOCIALIST Community wherein everything one needs will be provided by the state free of charge: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need–Now I need two cards.” [Throws out his two discard cards, receives his two cards and folds his hand in disgust.]

[Hillary Text Bubble Appears: “Bill, I guess we now know exactly what the meaning of ‘Is’ is! Get it? ISIS! LOL!”]

Islamo-fascist Prophet Moham-head calls the hand and questions: “Are these pork rinds? They’re not so bad! Hey waitress, why is your face not covered?” Stands up and cuts off the head of the cocktail server screaming “Allahu ahkbarrrrrr!” [then pushes out an enormous stack of chips.] “I’ll raise 50 trillion in Islamo-fascist state financed petro-dollars of CIVILIZATION JIHAD. Let’s see the Western infidels call this hand! I just don’t know what it’s going to take for you Infidels to understand that Islam is a religion of peace.”

Liberal-fascist, Socialist, Progressive poster child Rodney King looking as if he had just gotten out of the hospital after his beating by the Los Angeles Police moans the Liberal’s pathetic call for toleration of evil mantra: “Can’t we all just get along?” then takes a hit on a crack pipe.

(Cut away to The Chapelle Show’s video of Rick James sitting on a sofa stating, “Cocaine is a hell of-a drug!”, then back to the next player at the table, Donald Trump.)

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Trump: Looking at his hand then around the table pushes out an equally large stack of chips and says to Moham-head, “I’ll call your petro dollar funded Civilization Jihad…,” then interjects…, “Rodney, I want to make America great again. Why don’t you put down your Liberal utopian, delusion inducing ‘Progressive’ pipe go apply for the job—that’s spelled ‘J’, ‘O’, ‘B’—as a cocktail server in my casino; I believe there’s an immediate opening.”

Trump turns back to Islam’s so-called prophet and continues, “…and Moham-head, I’ll raise you the truths that ‘We the People’ hold as self-evident…, that all men are created equal. You might call that my ‘Trump Card’ over your Islamo-fascist system of enslavement that you call Sharia as well as against the American experiment’s internal enemy: Liberal-fascism or Liberal-socialism, or Liberalism, or Socialism, or Progressivism.”

[Hillary Tweets: “@Benghazi#man/portable/ant-iaircraft/rocket/ At this point, what difference does it make? LOL!”]

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Hitler states defensively: “Remember Herr Trump, I am a ‘moderate’ National Socialist…, yes…, a ‘moderate’ NAZI! I like that!”

Moham-head interjects: “Yes! And I am a ‘moderate’ Muslim! Yes, I like that too! You know Adolf, we Fascist birds of a feather must stick together. I belong to the moderate sect within Islam that does not embrace the Koranic dictate for world domination and the establishment of a world-wide Islamic Caliphate under the totalitarian and tyrannical system of governance over every sphere of society we Muslims call Sharia wherein non-Muslims are

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reduced to the de facto slave status of being what we Islamo-fascists term ‘dhimmis.’ Well, until enough of my people have populated a society under siege. I forget what branch of Islam it is though that does not espouse the strategy of Civilization Jihad unto the conquest of all non-Islamic societies. Was it Shiite or Sunni? Wait…, maybe it was Salafist…, no, no, no…, Wahhabism…, that’s it! I can’t remember what division or denomination of Islam it is that is “moderate”. No matter; as president Osama said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Obama, wearing a rag identical to the so-called prophet Moham-head’s less the explosive ordnance comes out as the new cocktail

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server and asks while the Saturday Night Live actor who satirically played the fraud in Africa who pretended to be able to sign for the deaf during one of the ‘Empty Chair’s’ speeches hilariously signs what Obama is saying while standing at the fraud-in-chief’s side: “Would anyone here like some Kool-Aid?”

[Rodney King waves him over enthusiastically.]

[Scene transitions to close up of television screen where a news report interrupts the ongoing basketball game with video of Mr. Obama bowing to Saudi king and Japanese Emperor, and the infamous photo of the ‘Empty Chair’ Barack Hussein, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, or as his mother listed his name in one of her U.S. Passports as ‘Soebarkah,’ taking off his shoes at a mosque then camera moves out to pick up on Trump.]

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Trump carries on: “There’s no room at this table for any of you spineless Fascist sons of bitches” [Cut away to following graphic for a few seconds as Trump continues.]

[Cut away for 4 seconds of Megan Kelly shot.]

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[Switch back to camera on Trump.]

“Rodney, on second thought I don’t want you working for me. Take your Liberal-socialism, Progressivism, or whatever else you decide to call your particular stripe of Fascism, with you and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!”

[Cut away to the following two graphics in one shot for a few seconds.]

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Trump continues: “Hitler, Take your National Socialism with you back to the Fascist, Socialist, Progressive hole you crawled out of with your Islamo-fascist brother Moham-head!

Kim, Call me if you’d like to work a comedy show in one of my clubs.

Vlad, Get over yourself comrade! You are not imbued with any superior verstehen as sociologists try to assert a superior breed of men are, or gifted with any superior enigmatically originating Gnostic illumination from any so-called ‘Spirit of this age’ or Zeitgeist than the rest of Mankind!

You are not one of Nietzsche’s so-called Übermensch, or as sociologists today often define malignant narcissists like yourself who believe themselves superior to the rest of Mankind and supernaturally imbued with an authority to rule over the rest of society—you are NOT a “Master Thinker.”

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[Transition to the following three graphics in sequence for a few seconds each.]

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Trump proceeds: “Vlad, You do not have a right to rule over the rest of humanity and certainly not over ‘We the People’ who hold certain truths as self-evident—first and foremost that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights including but not limited to the rights to life, to liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness.

You are NOT, as Frederic Bastiat described delusional would-be tyrants like yourself, a ‘Superman.’

[Transition to the following three graphics for a few seconds each.]

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Trump continues with his tirade: “And Pancho, my security personnel would like to see some identification NOW! If you are illegally in the United States then you are illegally in my casino and in that case you will be turned over to Federal Immigration officers to be deported immediately…, and not to Mexico Amigo!

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Henceforth all illegal immigrants apprehended within the United States shall be deported to Somalia; after all Pancho, you don’t need no stinkin’ borders, right? One location is as good as another to you, right?”

[Trump flips over his hand and all the cards have his picture with ‘Let’s Make America Great Again!’ written on them.]

[Clint Eastwood enters the scene from off camera as one of Trump’s Security personnel and hands the Donald notification that his employee Obama is terminated due to failing his employment security background check.]

Trump rakes in the pot and says, “And Obama, bad news for you Barry you didn’t pass the employee security background check…, apparently the birth certificate you submitted is an amateurishly

manufactured electronic file—a forgery. You’re fired!”

[Phony African Sign Language interpreter Thamsanqa Jantjie drags his finger across his neck in a satirical translation of Trump’s last words to the Manchurian Muslim from Mombasa, Mr. Barack Hussein Osama…, I mean Obama.]”

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Close scene with Kenny Rogers’ song ‘The Gambler’ playing: “You got to know when to hold ‘em; know when to fold ‘em; know when to walk away; know when to run….” playing over the following four graphics in sequence:

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