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Vision : Enhance Teaching and Learning For Individual Excellence Mission: To provide the opportunity for all students to realise their potential and become better citizens. Pulse PTES’s Bilingual Newsletter! 1 For the students, by the students Principal : Cikgu Haji Ismail bin Haji Zainal ADMINISTRATION Office: 2671660 Fax: 2671665 Email: TBA PULSE Issue #2 2015 Kata Mutiara Memimpin Berteraskan Al-Quran Majlis Isra’ Mikraj PP1-2 Kuiz Hari Kebangsaan PP2-3 Seminar Pemulihan P4 Cikgu Tutty in Korea P5 New SRC Premier P6 MAJLIS SAMBUTAN ISRA’ DAN MIKRAJ 1436 Marzilla bte Matjais, BE 14 Para guru dan penuntut yang menghadiri Majlis Sambutan Isra’ dan Mikraj 1436 Pada hari Sabtu, 23 haribulan Mei 2015 yang telah lalu, Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengku- rong (PTES) mengadakan majlis sambutan Isra’ dan Mikraj. Majlis ini diadakan di da- lam Teater Serbaguna PTES bermula jam 7.45 pagi sehingga 9.45 pagi. Majlis ini diungkayahkan oleh pensyarah-pensyarah PTES dan dibantu oleh Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP). Pada hari yang penuh berkat itu, rutin harian pagi seperti bacaan Al-quran, menyanyi lagu kebangsaan dan mencatat kehadiran adalah dijalankan seperti biasa. Selesai sesi mencatat kehadiran bersama guru kelas masing-masing, para penuntut enam bawah


Apr 26, 2023



Khang Minh
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Vision : Enhance Teaching and Learning For Individual Excellence Mission: To provide the opportunity for all students to realise their potential and become better citizens.

Pulse PTES’s Bilingual Newsletter!


For the students, by the students

Principal : Cikgu Haji Ismail bin Haji Zainal

ADMINISTRATION Office: 2671660 Fax: 2671665 Email: TBA


Issue #2


Kata Mutiara




Majlis Isra’ Mikraj PP1-2

Kuiz Hari Kebangsaan PP2-3

Seminar Pemulihan P4

Cikgu Tutty in Korea P5

New SRC Premier P6


MIKRAJ 1436 Marzilla bte Matjais, BE 14

Para guru dan penuntut yang menghadiri Majlis Sambutan Isra’ dan Mikraj 1436

Pada hari Sabtu, 23 haribulan Mei 2015 yang telah lalu, Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengku-

rong (PTES) mengadakan majlis sambutan Isra’ dan Mikraj. Majlis ini diadakan di da-

lam Teater Serbaguna PTES bermula jam 7.45 pagi sehingga 9.45 pagi. Majlis ini

diungkayahkan oleh pensyarah-pensyarah PTES dan dibantu oleh Majlis Perwakilan

Pelajar (MPP).

Pada hari yang penuh berkat itu, rutin harian pagi seperti bacaan Al-quran, menyanyi

lagu kebangsaan dan mencatat kehadiran adalah dijalankan seperti biasa. Selesai sesi

mencatat kehadiran bersama guru kelas masing-masing, para penuntut enam bawah




dan pensyarah diminta untuk menghadirkan diri ke teater serbaguna bagi memeriahkan lagi majlis ini. Tempat duduk

tetamu majlis dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian iaitu disebelah kanan adalah tempat duduk lelaki manakala sebelah

kiri adalah tempat duduk perempuan.

Kira-kira jam 8 pagi pensyarah Haji Zulkiflee bin Haji Jaili sampai ke teater serbaguna. Seterusnya majlis dimulakan

dengan bacaan surah Al-fatihah. Sebelum memulakan tazkirahnya, beliau mengedarkan kertas kaji-selidik mengenai

solat kepada semua penuntut. Beliau memulakan tazkirah beliau yang berjudul ‘Solat’ kira-kira jam 8.15 pagi. Di da-

lam tazkirah itu, beliau menyebutkan tentang penerangan solat, kelebihan solat, keburukkan meninggalkan solat dan

balasan yang akan diterima oleh seseorang hamba Allah itu. Beliau juga membuka minda tetamu majlis untuk melihat

solat itu dari segi perspektif kesihatan yang dapat diambil dari perbuatan solat. Beliau juga menerangkan bahawa bagi

seorang muslim solat adalah disiplin. Juga diselitkan bersama tazkirah beliau, satu video mengenai solat.

Akhir kata, majlis diakhiri dengan bacaan surah Al-Asr dan seterusnya tetamu majlis pun diminta untuk bersurai dan

meneruskan sesi pembelajaran masing-masing. Manakala MPP diminta untuk menolong mengutip kertas kaji-selidik

dan membantu menyusun kembali teater serbaguna itu agar Nampak manis dipandang mata. Setelah itu, semua MPP

diarahkan untuk meneruskan sesi pembelajaran seperti biasa.




Oleh Muhammad Najib Lubawi bin Mohd Sufri, AE 4 Rabu 20 Mei, Kelab MIB Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong (PTES) muncul juara Kuiz Kenegaraan bagi PTE seluruh negara

Sempena Memperingati Penubuhan Jabatan Penerangan Ke-63 Tahun yang berlangsung di Dewan Auditorium Bangunan Tam-

bahan Jabatan tersebut dengan mendapat 125 markah. Naib juara disandang oleh PTE Meragang dengan memperolehi 90 markah, manakala Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muthadee Billah di tempat yang ketiga dengan 50 markah. Hadir selaku tetamu kehormat majlis dan seterusnya menyempurnakan penyampaian hadiah kepada para pemenang ialah

Pemangku Pengarah Penerangan, Awang Mawardi bin Haji Mohammad. Juara, naib juara dan tempat ketiga masing-masing menerima piala iringan, sijil dan wang tunai sebanyak BND 400, BND 300

dan BND 200. Kuiz ini terbahagi kepada tiga pusingan. Pada pusingan pertama soalan berkisar mengenai acara-acara besar yang berlangsung

di dalam negara, manakala pada pusingan kedua pula soalan yang diajukan mengenai dengan penglibatan negara ini dalam

acara-acara besar di luar negara. Dalam kedua-dua pusingan ini para perserta diminta untuk memilih soalan dari 14 soalan yang telah disediakan. Pusingan ketiga pula ialah pusingan yang menguji kepantasan para perserta. Para peserta diajukan sebanyak

20 soalan, peserta yang pantas menekan buzer akan diberi peluang untuk menjawab soalan yang diajukan, jawapan yang betul

akan diberikan 15 markah. Turut menyaksikan kuiz kenegaraan tersebut ialah Cikgu Juridah binti Haji Tamin selaku Pemangku Pengetua, Cikgu Hajah

Siti Ainun Jariah binti Haji Mohd Jaafar Ketua Guru pengawas Kelab MIB PTES, Cikgu Pg Mukmin bin Pg Haji Hamzah dan

Cikgu Khadizah binti Haji Ibrahim yang juga merupakan guru pengawas Kelab MIB berserta para pelajar dari kelab MIB. Kuiz Kenegaraan ini telah disertai oleh 7 buah Pusat Tingkatan Enam seluruh Negara iaitu PTE Sengkurong, PTE Meragang,

PTE Tutong, Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan, Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muthadee Billah Gadong, Sekolah

Menengah Arab Laki-Laki Hassanal Bolkiah dan Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Ali Kuala Belait, yang masing-masing di

wakili oleh 2 orang pelajar.



Peserta dan guru PTES kelihatan gembira selepas PTES muncul sebagai juara





KE-61 Oleh Nur’ Siti ‘Zulzahirah binti Mohd Zulkifli, AE 1

Pada 16 dan 17 Rejab 1436 bersamaan dengan 5 dan 6 Mei 2015 seramai 4 orang pelajar yang terdiri daripada Majlis Pelajar

dan Pembimbing Rakan Remaja Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong telah menghadiri Seminar Pemulihan dan Seliaan

“Melayu Islam Beraja: Asas Intergrasi” Sempena Memperingati Penubuhan Jabatan Penjara Ke-61 Tahun di Goldstone

Ballroom, tingkat 7, The Centerpoint Hotel, Gadong. Turut menghadirri majlis tersebut ialah pelajar-pelajar dari Sekolah

Menengah Sayyidina Husain, Sekolah Menengah Katok, Chung Hwa Middle School dan Pusat Tingkatan Enam Meragang.

Seminar yang bertemakan “Melayu Islam Beraja: Asas integrasi” ini bertujuan untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai akhlak terpuji

bersesuaian dengan budaya negara berwawaskan konsep Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) dalam membentuk generasi

berwawasan dan juga merupakan salah satu usaha serta kerjasama yang bermanfaat selaras dengan Wawasan Negara 2035.

Seminar ini dihadiri 13 orang pembentang dari dalam dan luar negara termasuk pembentang Kertas Perdana, Yang Mulia Professor Madya Dr. Awang Haji Hashim bin Haji Abdul Hamid sebagai Ahli Urusetia Majlis Tertinggi Melayu Islam

Beraja, beliau membentangkan Kertas Kerja dan berkongsi pengalaman serta kaedah bagi menangani isu-isu sosial yang

berkaitan dengan proses pemulihan dan penyeliaan.





Pada majlis seminar tersebut, saya berkesempatan menemubual 2 orang pelajar iaitu Ahmad Nasrul Hakem bin Md. Zalani

dan Dayang Nur Aqidah binti Awang Haji Suhaimi dari BE 2 yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman mereka pada hari

pertama pendaftaran. Hari pendaftaran para peserta dikehendaki hadir pada jam 7.45 pagi. Tetamu Kehormat Majlis pada

pagi tersebut ialah Yang Berhormat Datin Paduka Dayang Hajah Hayati binti Pehin Orang Kaya Shahbandar Dato Seri

Paduka Haji Salleh, Peguam Negara yang juga selaku Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Melayu Islam Beraja tiba tepat jam

Cikgu Harisah bte Hj Awang (tiga dari kiri) bersama para penuntut yang mengambil bahagian dalam seminar

8.30 pagi, diikuti dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah dan doa selamat.

Acara dimulakan dengan ucapan alu-aluan daripada Pemangku Pengarah, Jabatan Penjara Yang Mulia Awang Haji Ismail bin

Haji Murat dan diikuti dengan ucapan tetamu kehormat majlis.

Acara dimulakan dengan Pembentangan Kertas Perdana disampaikan oleh Yang Mulia Profesor Madya Dr. Awang Haji Hashim bin Haji Abd Hamid, Urusetia Majlis tertinggi Melayu Islam Beraja. Dalam pembentangan tersebut, beliau

menceritakan perbezaan di antara Singapura dan Malaysia dalam menangani isu-isu sosial dan mereka yang yang melakukan

kesalahan dan disusuli dengan sesi soal jawab. Pada sebelah petang acara diteruskan dengan dua pembentangan kertas kerja

mengenai dengan Program Pemulihan Dalaman (Pemulihan Kerohanian akhlak, psikologi, latihan kemahiran dan vokasional,

latihan fisikal) dan “Institusi Pemulihan Juvana” dan diteruskan dengan sesi soal jawab. Selepas itu diikuti dengan 2 orang

pembentang kertas kerja yang menyampaikan tentang bagaimana Malaysia menangani orang yang dipenjarakan, yang juga

diikuti dengan sesi soal jawab. Majlis diakhiri dengan bacaan doa dan jamuan.

Pada hari kedua, 2 orang pembentang telah membentangkan kertas kerja mereka, pembentang dari Singapura

membentangkan kertas kerja mengenai dengan Singapore’s “Yellow Ribbon Project” dan Brunei Kawalan Narkotik,

pembentangan di sambung lagi oleh 3 orang pembentang yang membentangkan tentang terapeutik komiti dan ‘Kawalan

Sosial Terhadap Bekas Penagih Dadah.’

Menurut Ahmad Nasrul bin Md Zalani BE 2, dari seminar tersebut dia banyak mendapat pengetahuan, satu perkara yang

dapat dipelajarinya ialah sebagai masyarakat kita perlu menerima mereka yang terlibat dengan kesalahan sosial dan lepasan

penjara dengan penuh kepercayaan dan menurutnya lagi seminar tersebut memang memberi manfaat pada kehidupannya di

masa akan datang kerana penerimaan positif terhadap lepasan penjara tersebut merupakan satu tindakan yang baik.

Menurut Dayang Nur Aqidah Binti Awang Haji Suhaimi, BE 2 yang mengomen dalam bahasa Inggeris:

“I learned that the three countries, which are Singapore, Malaysia and our country, handle ex-offenders or criminals in a lot

of different ways and that these people are taught a lot of skills to help them when they leave prison. I also learned that the

skills they are taught can be developed easily with practice and hard work. I will be able to share the information from this

seminar with my fellow students so that we can all improve our skills to make PTES better than before.”




Some of you may be aware that our Deputy Principal Academic, Cikgu Tutty Hyrneeita binti Hj Abdul Latip, recently attended

a workshop in the Republic of Korea. On her return, she kindly agreed to tell Pulse about her experience.

Cikgu Tutty writes:

The “Asean-Korea Partnership Academy of Education for Sustainable Development: Program for Building ESD Modules” was

organised by the Institute of East and West Studies

(IEWS), Yonsei University, Republic of Korea. It was a

five-day programme on education for sustainable

development which began on 18th May 2015 and ended

on 22nd May 2015 and it was held at Yonsei University

and RCE, Tongyeong Eco-Park and Sejahtera Centre,

South Korea.

I was selected to attend this workshop to represent the

school administration in Brunei Darussalam together

with another education officer, Cikgu Siti Rohaini binti

Saleh, a Chemistry teacher from PTE Tutong. The

purpose of this programme was to share teaching ideas

on how to integrate the concept of sustainable living

into the classroom, an area that should prove useful in

the education policy of Brunei.

The goal of the course was to provide an environmental

training programme and develop teaching skills for the

educational aspect of sustainable development. Thus

this was a course about sharing teaching strategies on

sustainable living among schools in ASEAN countries.

As participants, we discussed problems of

endangerment of the ecosystem and how to motivate

students about sustainable living, and presented lesson


During my time in South Korea, I hoped that there

would be a chance to visit a number of different

educational institutions. However, school trips were

limited to just visiting Hanryo elementary school in

Tongyeong, South Korea. The school is a model ESD

school whose primary students have put into practice

what they have learned about ESD. As proof of this, we . Cikgu Tutty addressing the other delegates

were shown vegetable patches and a mural playground that they have created. Sadly, there was no free time for personal

sightseeing other than the supervised visits arranged by the organisors. Most of the time, participants were busy going to

classes where we looked at some ESD case studies from our ASEAN neighbours.

This course has taught me a new perspective on the possibility of living in a sustainable world. Its teaching can serve as an add

-on topic in the school curriculum. Overall, it was an enlightening experience.




Abdul Matin bin Mohaimin of BE 3 is the new Premier of the Student

Representative Council (SRC) and is studying Geography, Design and

Technology, Applied ICT and GP.

When asked why he decided to stand for the post of Premier he says that

he decided to stand because he wanted some experience of being a lead-

er, which he hopes will help him in his student life and in the future after

he has finished his studies.

However, being appointed to the post was no easy matter as he had to

face three interviews organised by the coordinators of the SRC, Pg Nora-

izan bte Pg Hj Hussain and Md Noorhadzrin bin Halus @ Hj Murah. “I

was interviewed three times. The first interview was with ex-President of

the Student Representative Council, Zainul Asyraf bin Mat Zain; former

vice president Ak Mohd.Fakhrul Aiman bin Pg. Hj. Rosman; and Eddy

Ezra bin Lukas, who was also a member of the Student Representative

Council last year, but I had no idea how well I had done during this first

interview,” he stated in an exclusive interview with Pulse.

His second interview was with DP Administration, Cikgu Hajah Amal

Nuriyah binti Haji Ahmad Kumpoh; DP Academic, Cikgu Tutty Hyr-

neeita binti Hj. Abd. Latip, and Cikgu Norhana binti Hj Ladi of the Stu-

dent Affairs Committee. “They asked me so many questions about sce-

narios and they were amazed at how well I was able to answer their

questions,” the new Premier reveals.

As a result of the responses he gave during the second interview, he was

then selected to face a third and final interview. He confesses that this,

“was a heart-pounding moment because I was interviewed by all the senior Abdul Matin bin Mohaimin

masters and mistresses, and they asked so many questions about the way the school needed to be improved.”

Abdul Matin says that although he explained that he wanted to be a leader, he informed them that he didn’t have any experi-

ence of being a member of the SRC other than having been a member of the PRS (Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya) at his previous

school. He continues the story: “After they told me that I wasn’t very sure of myself, my level of confidence suddenly rose and

I spoke with more assuredness. As part of my new found confidence, I remember saying: “The only good time management is

through praying five times a day.”

Five days after being interviewed, during the course of the ceremony held to officially appoint the new members of the SRC

and the PRR, Abdul Matin discovered that he had been appointed Premier of the Student Representative Council.

This appointment was perhaps the logical next step for a student who had experience of being a prefect before coming to

PTES: “At primary school, I was a prefect in years 4, 5 and 6. Then, at secondary school, I was both a class monitor and a pre-

fect in years 7 and 8. During the next three years – years 9, 10 and 11 – I was a member of the PRS. So the experience that I

had at my previous schools is quite different from my current experience. My current post involves a lot more work. I am now

very busy, and I mean really busy,” he states honestly.

Among the qualities he thinks are necessary to become a good Premier of the SRC, Abdul Matin is quick with his response:

“Patience, honesty, kindness and firmness. In addition, you need to be loving, systematic and must learn not to become too

engrossed in your work at the expense of other activities.”

Questioned about his aims and how he will try to achieve them during his time in office, Abdul Matin again answers without

hesitation: “I hope to be the best in the same way as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – the best leader in the world. I hope that I

can lead fairly and help my other MPs to become good leaders too. I love my fellow members of the SRC as much as I love my

family because, truly, we are a dream team. (Amin.) I hope to achieve my aims by trying to be the best that I can be in this post.

Asked about how he thinks this experience will help him in the future, the new Premier is clearly aware that he is in a prestig-

ious post: “Hjh Amal Nuriyah binti Hj Ahmad Kumpoh, the Acting Principal, told me that my time as Premier of the SRC can

lead to various types of job. It opens up a wide variety of job opportunities such as a government minister or the CEO of a

company,” he concludes before hurrying off to fulfill his commitments as the new Premier.

The editors of Pulse would like to wish Abdul Matin bin Mohaimin all the best in his new post.




Members of the PTES Drama Club recently staged their version of the world-famous opera for children, Hansel and Gretel.

This stage production, which was written and directed by Cigku Roziana bte Hj Juned and and Cikgu Dk Nur Sajidah Rohani

bte Pg Hj Roslan of the English Department and ran for one afternoon and two nights, was hailed an unqualified success by all

that saw it and demonstrated that there is acting talent out there to rival anything that Malaysia can offer. Certainly, leading

lady Nazleena Yoannes bte Yusni Supawarti of AE 11 is a star in the making which is why we were keen to catch up with her.

This is what she had to say when interviewed by Pulse reporter Nur’ Siti ‘Zulzahirah binti Mohd Zulkifli :

What made you decide to join the English Drama Club?

I signed up for the Drama Club during the CCA club registra-

tion day in March 2014. I decided to join the Drama Club be-

cause I think that acting is great fun and it has helped me to dis-

cover new talents that I never knew I had. It has also helped to

make me more confident when speaking and acting in front of a

large crowd.

How were you chosen for the role of Gretel?

I was chosen to play the role of Gretel after the audition, which

was really unexpected because when I did the audition I did it

just for fun.

How many times a week did rehearsals take place?

Initially, the rehearsals took place every day from 3.30 p.m.

until 4.30 p.m. However, as opening night got closer, the re-

hearsals went on until 5 p.m. and some even took place at night

from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Can you give details of any previous acting experience in

Malay and/or English at your primary and secondary

schools? I was actively involved in drama at both my primary school and

secondary school. I went to Seri Mulia Sarjana Primary School

Nazleena with Ahmad Najib Ramlee as Hansel and took part in an adaptation of Mulan – entitled Live, Love and

Legend – as one of the soldiers and at secondary school I was involved in both English and Malay drama. In particu-

lar, I took part in The Lineage’s Broadway Competition, which was an inter-class competition organised by the Baha-

sa Melayu Department)

Are you a member of a theatre group outside school?

I am a member of SEEDS Brunei, which promotes theatre and performing arts for locals and works to develop the

talent of Bruneian students who are studying at government schools.

Do you think that it is important to promote both English and Malay drama in Brunei? If yes, please say why. It is important to promote both English and Malay drama in Brunei because English is a universal language thus, en-

couraging Bruneians to be involved will not only provide sweet memories but at the same time help Bruneians to im-prove their English. As for Malay, it is a good idea to promote Malay drama to ensure that the new generation will

recognise and remember our own traditions and culture as well as the history of our own country, as opposed to forev-

er following western traditions and culture.




What do you think can be done to promote drama in Brunei?

There are many talented Bruneians out there that are ready to shine brighter than the stars. It would be a great thing if

the government of Brunei could build a school of performing arts to help improve and to polish the talent that many

Bruneians have. If this happens in the future, I am pretty sure that Brunei will be able produce many good artists,

probably just as impressive as the Malaysian artists that we often see on the television. Now that you have successfully taken part in the PTES production of Hansel and Gretel, what is next? To know that Hansel and Gretel was a success and that many people were really pleased with it, it would be great to

see the Drama Club produce another play next year to “wow” the audiences! Do you think acting will have any relevance to your future career? Well, we never know what might happen in the future. For now, obtaining a certificate by being active in the Drama

Club is the most important thing as it will be another one to add to my ever-growing curriculum vitae! With the success of the film Yasmine and a local production of Awang Semaun, due to be released in October, do

you feel inspired to try to be part of the film making scene in Brunei? I have always wanted to be a superstar! Maybe, once I’ve finished my A levels I will start going for auditions and luck

may just be on my side. Therefore, pray for me to break a leg, which means wish me good luck in English theatrical

circles! The editors of Pulse hope that Nazleena does indeed ‘break a leg’ in her quest to become a great actress in the future.

Look out for our interview with Cikgu Dk Nur Sajidah Rohani bte Pg Hj Roslan in the next edition of Pulse.


Oleh Md Nor Azlie bin Abdul Samad, BE 7

Isnin 20hb April, 2015, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) telah menganjurkan-

Festival Sastera sempena menyambut Kesusasteraan yang ke 5. Festival Sastera

2015 ini diungkayahkan sebagai satu usaha pemasyarakatan, penyebarluas dan

pemupukan bidang sastera dalam kalangan masyarakat sebagai pendorong per-

kongsian sidang ilmu. Tema Festival Sastera “Sastera Membentuk Generasi

Berwawasan” sangat bertepatan dengan tema sambutan Hari Kebangsaan kita ke

30, pada tahun ini, yang bertujuan untuk menjadikan generasi muda kita sebagai

pewaris bangsa yang proaktif, berpandangan jauh serta dapat menjulang diri mere-

ka ke tahap yang paling maksimum, serta dapat menjadi insan teladan.

Tetamu kehormat Festival Sastera ini ialah Yang Mulia Puan Hajah Aminah binti

Haji Mumin, Pengarah Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka. Festival ini juga dihadiri oleh guru-guru dari Pusat Tingkatan Enam seluruh negara. Pusat Tingkatan Enam

Sengkurong juga tidak ketinggalan untuk menghadiri fertival ini dengan diwakili

oleh seorang guru Bahasa Melayu dan empat orang penuntut.

Festival ini dimulakan dengan ucapan daripada Pengerusi Projek Festival Sastera

2015 iaitu Yang Mulia Awang Muhammad Khairuttaufik bin Begawan Mudim

Haji Sapar, pelajar UBD Major Kesusasteraan Melayu, disusuli dengan ucapan

daripada tetamu kehormat, Yang Mulia Puan Hajah Aminah binti Haji Mumin,

Pengarah Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka. Sejurus selepas itu, beberapa pertandingan

Logo Festival Sastera telah diadakan, antaranya ialah Pertandingan Teater Sckubit, persembahan tarian dan

tayangan video dari kursus sastera dan media.

Acara Festival Sastera diakhiri dengan penyampaian hadiah kepada pemenang pertandingan Teater Sckubit yang disampaikan oleh tetamu kehormat, Yang Mulia Puan Hajah Aminah binti Haji Mumin, Pengarah Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka.




With student assessments for APR 2 now based on project work, lower sixth Sociology students have been particularly active

over the past couple of months, organising a number of fund raising activities aimed at providing people in need with a help-

ing hand. Over the next three pages, we profile some of these projects:

CHECKERS FOR A GOOD CAUSE Jonah Matin bin Jasni, BE 5

The first event was a checkers tournament. Registration took place from 4th to 6th May and over thirty students took part in

the competition. The tourna-

ment itself was held on two

separate days (Monday 11th

and Wednesday 13th May)

with the quarter final matches

being decided on the first day

and the semi-finals and the

final being contested on the

Wednesday lunchtime. After

some very competitive match-

es, the winner was Rasydane

bin Rosland of BE 14 who

walked off with a cash prize

of $30. However, the beaten

finalist Abdul Hafeez bin Hj

Hussin of BE 6 did not walk

away empty handed as he

received $15 in cash.

Altogether, the amount raised

for this event was $108.

A week later, on Thursday

21st May 2015, the Sociology

students were in action again,

this time organising a movie

session. Tickets went on sale

Rasydane bin Rosland (left) receiving his prize from Jonah Matin bin Jasni

two days before and were still being purchased on the day itself. In addition, food and beverages were also sold to help raise

as much money as possible. Around 70 students, most of whom were girls, came to watch the film and we managed to raise


This event was staged with the purpose of trying to help some underprivileged families that were assigned to us by our Soci-

ology teacher, Hjh Soveyanna binti Hj Abas. The money raised was used to buy groceries and school stationery for the fami-

lies concerned.

Although the amount of money raised was not a very large amount, we were still able to help lessen the burden of the fami-

lies in need.

We are grateful to all those students who were kind enough to support the event. Remember: WE CANNOT HELP EVERY-





Dk Onny Nur Farhani Bte Pg Hj Mudmahwadi, BE 1 and Nur Afifah Qistina bte hj Shamsudin, BE 10

As part of our sociology project, we organised a charity badminton tournament. The aim of this was to give the students who

entered an enjoyable way of keeping active, as badminton is beneficial for our health, while at the same time giving a helping

hand to some people less fortunate than ourselves.

Md. Alif bin Sahdun, BE 9 and Ak Md Akmal Zuhair bin Pg Hj Kamarudzaman, BE 3: Boys’ doubles winners

We aimed to encourage as many students as possible to take part in the tournament by advertising it through social media –

especially Whatsapp – so that the news would reach a large number of students. However, we also posted flyers in the foyer

of the administration block, student common area and the school canteen. Furthermore, the event was not only open to lower

and upper sixth students, but to teachers as well. The only restrictions were that it was a doubles only tournament and that all

participants had to be from PTES. Therefore, no outsiders were allowed to participate.

Organising the tournament was not without its problems, though. The original plan was just to sell homemade food at PTES,

but we then decided to hold a badminton tournament in the PTES multi-purpose hall instead. When it was discovered that we

could not use the school hall because examinations were taking place, we had to change the venue at the last minute to the

Muhibah Hall in Sengkurong.

Despite these little problems, a total of 12 doubles pairings registered for the two-day competition which could not have been

organised without the help of a large team of volunteers to act as scorers, line judges, photographers and first aid helpers.

By doing this project we learnt a lot: apart from helping people, we enhanced our leadership skills and, from the work itself,

we were forced to step out of our individual comfort zones and gel our team members and others together to make this pro-

ject happen.

Although we did not achieve all our aims, we still managed to finish what we had started and, most importantly, succeeded in

raising $161 for people in need. We never realised how lucky we were until we saw in real life that there are people who

can’t afford to buy groceries like we do every month and don’t have clean, comfortable homes where they can enjoy home

entertainment. This really opened our eyes and hearts to the fact that sometimes we take our comfort for granted while others

wish that they could live like us. Furthermore, it made us want to do more charity work in future because even a tiny bit of

help can affect people’s lives. And knowing that we lessened the hardship of a few people’s lives made it even better.

Despite the difficulties and not achieving all our aims, the project can still be considered a success and we genuinely enjoyed

every moment. 10



Regular readers of Pulse may well remember the name Espana, the team that lifted the inaugural PTES League Futsal Trophy

back in May last year after beating S T Rangers in a memorable final. Competitive opportunities for both sets of players have been severely curtailed since then, due to the pressure of coursework

and revising for examinations, but when a charity futsal tournament was organised by a group of Sociology students in early May of this year, the players were quick to don their football kit for a good cause. In all, some twelve teams registered for the

event. Espana could have been excused for being a little less sharp after their break from competition, but there were no visible

signs of rustiness. Replicating the silky skills that won them last year’s tournament, they cruised into the final without break-

ing sweat. And there to meet them was an Urban Lima’nom side determined to end Espana’s stranglehold on PTES futsal titles. Cream, as they say, always rises to the top, and it did so once again, with Espana running out winners by two goals to one

and receiving a cash prize of $50. Espana were the winners on the day, but the big winners were really the two needy families who benefited from the $180 that

the organisers raised by holding this event.


PTES FOOTBALLERS WIN BRONZE The charity football tournament (see report above) served as a warm-up for the Under 18 Inter-School Football Tournament

that took place two weeks later.

The PTES squad with more silverware for their trophy cabinet

Fresh from helping Espana to victory in the charity event, Mohd Fadhlullah bin Metassan of AE 3, who was ineligible to play

in this tournament because he was too old, swapped his striker’s football boots for his trainer’s tracksuit as he was made as-

sistant to team manager Shahbudi Waqiyuddin bin Wasli of AE 11.

The event, which took place at Padang Bukit Bendera in Tutong, saw PTES involved in a tight first-round tussle with SM

Masin. After Muhammad Abdul Khaaliq’s first half goal was cancelled out by a determined SM Masin team, the game was

forced into a penalty shoot-out to decide who would advance to the quarter-finals. With both sets of players visibly suffering

from nerves, it was the SM Masin players who cracked under the pressure, with PTES advancing 3 – 1 on penalties.




In the quarter-finals, PTES faced a determined SM Hussain outfit keen to progress as far as possible in the tournament.

Some stubborn defending initially held PTES at bay, but then the floodgates opened with three different players –

Mua’zham (2), Shafie (1) and Saiyid Ahmad (1) – getting on the score sheet to underline the strength of the PTES attack

and seal a more than comfortable 4 - 0 win.

As hosts, and with a partisan home crowd to roar them on, SM Muda Hashim were not going to make things easy for PTES

when they faced each other in what turned out to be a thrilling semi-final that produced seven goals. It was a closely con-

tested match but, in the end, it was PTES who found themselves on the wrong end of a 4 – 3 scoreline.

Despite the heartbreak of missing out on a place in the final, there was still a silver (or should we say bronze?) lining for

PTES when they picked up medals and a cup following the match to decide third place.


MUSIC CLUB MEMBERS MEET BUMBLEFOOT Badzlena Farahiyah Binti Selamat, BE 2

A music workshop organised by the US Embassy was held at

Maktab Duli on 21st April, 2015.

Bumblefoot from Guns n' Roses came to Brunei, specifically to

attend this workshop to share and talk about his experience in the

music industry throughout the years.

Music clubs from other schools were also invited to attend this

event. It was definitely a good time for all of us that were in-

volved. Bumblefoot taught everyone some of the skills and tech-

niques that he has learnt over the years of playing his legendary

guitar. Although, I am a vocalist, it was still fun to watch and

observe him teaching and jamming with the teachers and students

and singing with them.

What I loved most were the good vibes that could be felt in the

room, with people expressing themselves through music. Overall

I am glad I volunteered to attend this workshop because it was a

totally great experience. Plus, he was pretty cool!

Badzlena and Bumblefoot