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Maidens of Jannah

Oct 21, 2015



Fitri Yusof

This book was written by by Moulana Abdullah Nana describing the beauty of maidens in Jannah. May it motivate us to be a good mukmin InsyaAllah
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Page 1: Maidens of Jannah

Revise Edition


Compiled by:Moulana Abdullah Nana


Page 2: Maidens of Jannah


[ALL RIGHTS RESERVED l Table of Contents

Name of the Book: The Maidensof Jannat (Paradise)

Second Authorized Edition 2004

Published by:

Zam Zam PublishersUrdu Bazar Karachi-Pakistan.Ph : 021-7760374

: 021-7761671Fax: 021-7725673

E-mail : [email protected]: [email protected]

Available in U.K

AI-Farooq International1Atkinson Street,Leicester,LE53QAPh : 01162537640Fax: 01162628655Mobile : 07855425358Website: [email protected]

Foreword 6

Chapter 1: The greatest pleasure in Jannat? 12

Chapter 2: The superiority of the pleasures of Jannal. 14

Chapter 3: A person's every desire will be fulfilled 16

Chapter 4: Introduction to the maidens of Jannat 21

Chapter 5: The adornments & features of the maidens

of Jannat 25

Chapter 6: The beauty of the maidens of Jannat.. .. 31

Chapter 7: A continuous increase in the beauty of Jannat. .... .34

Chapter 8: The beautiful voices & singing of

the maidens 39

Chapter 9: The perfect and most loving wives .41

Chapter 10: The number of wives 44

Chapter 11: How to gain more wives in Jannat. .47

Chapter 12: Intimate relations in Jannat.. .48

Chapter 13: Will there be childbirth in Jannat? 56

Chapter 14: Shahid (Martyr) with the maidens

of Jannat. 57

Chapter 15: How to achieve Jannat.. 62




First Edition

Second Edition

Compiled by

Page 3: Maidens of Jannah



The temporary life of this world is a great test for man.Temptations are many and man is weak. Thepossibilities of faltering and sinning are not remote. Ofall the temptations, the temptation relating to theopposite sex is thc highest. If the sexual urge of man isleft unchecked and unregulated, there will be total

anarchy and mischief in the world. Therefore, AlmightyAllah ~ placcd various rcstrictions upon man in thisregard.

To control and rcgulatc lhis desirc, any limn of illicitaffiliation with the opposite scx is slriclly I()rhiddcn. Tomaintain a high Icvel of moral ily, (Shllll has ordaincdvery strict laws and mallY rest ricI iOlls 10 ell rIa iI Ihcunlawful, carnal desires of ma II.

All of these strict restrictions wcigh heavily Oil IIIl"I/(/j.\'

the bestial self - of man. The 1/{{j.'V COllsl;lI11lyslTkscarnal gratification and indulgence or ils desir-Los.Tocontrol the wild desires of the nafs is no easy lask. I[ C;III

be likened to riding a strong, wild horse. Eithcr the riderwill keep the horse in check with great effort or thchorse will throw the rider off. This is the constantstruggle that exists between man and his desires in thisworld. For the youth, the struggle is even more intenseand great.

For those people who restrain and control the desires ofthe nafs in this world, Allah ~ has promised immenserewards in the Akirah (hereafter). Man sometimesforgets these rewards and becomes inclined to sin. If heis reminded about these rewards, his resolve to controlthe nafs becomes stronger and more vigorous. Itbecomes easier to sacrifice the desires in view of these

great rewards of the Hereafter. Besides the promise of

these eternal rewards of the Hereafter, there is little thatcan control the desires of man, especially the desires ofthe youth.

In this book, some of the rewards of the Hereafter,especially those relating to the gorgeous, celestial, wide­eyed beauties - the hurs - of Jannat, have been Set out ina clear and concise manner. By reading and ponderingabout the bounties of Jannat and its beautiful virgins, theyouth will feel a renewed vigour to fight the carnaldesires and strive for the pleasure of Allah ~ by doingrighteous deeds. Furthermore, the beauty of the womenof this world will appear pale and insignificant beforethe beauty of those stunning damsels of Jannat.

There is not much authentic literature on this specifictopic, and hence this book fulfills this requirement in acaptivating way. I would recommend every youngster toacquire a copy of this book, to read it, and ponder overits contents. May Allah ~ accept and reward the effortsof MI. Abdullah Nana of the US in compiling thisbeneficial book and may Allah ~ inspire him to producemany beneficial writings in the future as well. Amin.Was-Salaam

Mufti Zubair BayatStanger, South Africa1 Rajab 1423, 8 September 2002

Page 4: Maidens of Jannah


Allah ~ has placed in every human being the naturaldesire and inclination for gold, silver, money,transportation (cars), land, and other items of this world.The test for a person is how he responds to his desire forthese items. If he uses these items to prepare for thehereafter, he will be successful. On the other hand, if hedevotes himself to fulfilling his desire for these itemsand forgets about his purpose in this world, he will beamongst the losers in the hereafter.

Similarly, Allah ~ has placed in every person thenatural desire for the opposite sex, and out of all thedesires found in a person, the greatest test for a Muslimis how he fulfills this desire. He can either fail this test

by spending all his energy to unlawfully satisfy thisdesire, or pass this test by remaining chaste and fulfillingthis desire lawfully through marriage. Rasulullah ~ saidregarding the severity of this test, "I have not left a moreharmful and severe temptation for men than women. ,,1

This test is even greater for us today because of thegenerally evil environment in which we are living in. Ithas become very easy to commit evil and it has becomesomewhat difficult to do good deeds because of this

environment. As Rasulullah ~ predicted, holding on tothe commands of Allah ~ and staying away from evilduring this time has become like holding on to a burningcoal.

In order to motivate us to pass this test, it is veryimportant for u<; to know what is the reward forcontrolling one's desires and staying away from evil. Itbecomes very easy for a person to undergo difficulty andhardship to carry out an action when he knows whatreward he will receive for doing this action. Forexample, a person will happily go to work every day andtire himself because he knows that he will receive his

paycheck at the end of the month. In the same way,Allah ~ and his Rasul have given us a detaileddescription of the reward for controlling one's desires inthis world, i.e. Jannat (paradise).

Jannat is a place where a person will have all that hedesires, and he will live a perfect (lad ever-lasting life.Each pleasure of Jannat will be far more superior thanthe comparable pleasure found in this world, and aperson will be able to completely fulfill his desire forthat pleasure. For example, a person in this world isalways drinking liquids to quench his thirst. No matterhow many delicious and tasty beverages he consumes, hewill always become thirsty again in a few hours. But, inthe hereafter, a person will be able to drink as much ashe desires and quench his thirst permanently.Similarly, the women of Jannat will be far more superiorthan the women of this world. Once a person comes toknow of this, it will become very easy for him to stayaway from evil and work towards the hereafter. Thisbook contains a detailed description of these women


~)I~..;I ~I ~~ Lal HJSJI ~~-J ~ ~ -J .i.W

The Maidens of Jannat (Paradise)and other bounties in the li~ht of the

Quran and Ahadith


I (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

Page 5: Maidens of Jannah


based on the verses of the Qurfm, tafsir (explanation ofthe Quran), Ahadith, and stories of the pious.

The purpose of this book is to motivate us to worktowards the hereafter and to control our desires in this

world through marriage. We should not read this bookas a fairy tale or a fantasy; rather we should understandthat the contents of this book are a reality for which weshould all work towards. It is our fundamental belief thatJannat and Jahannam (hellfire) are already in existenceand a person will fulfill all his desires in Jannat bothphysically and spiritually.


The permissibility of using a weak hadith fordescribing virtues of actions

The majority of the ahadith in this book are authenticahadith. However, I have also included weak ahadithbecause thi~~is a topic related to virtues. The famousShafi' scholar, Imam Nawawi says in his introductionto the 'arbain' (40 ahadith) that the scholars have agreedon the permissibility of using weak Ahadith fordescribing the virtues of actions.

Hafiz ibn Hajar has further fixed three conditions forusing weak ahadith. One is that the hadith must not bevery weak, i.e. at least one chain of narrators of thishadith must be free from a narrator who is a liar, isaccused of lying, or is known for making great mistakes.The second condition is that it should fit under a generalprinciple, which is established and acted upon. Finally,the third condition is that the person acting upon thishadith should not believe it to be established, but heshould exercise caution in this regard2•

Only those weak ahadith have been included in thisbook, which meet these conditions. The classification ofthe ahadith by the eminent scholars of hadith has beenincluded with the hadith in Arabic.

2 (Tadrlb Ar-Rawi Pgl96 Qadim Kutub Khanah, Karachi )

Page 6: Maidens of Jannah

Chapter 1: What is the greatest pleasureof Jannat?

J-A: ~ J j- All\ 61 : JIJ ~ All! J-..9"-".J61 ~ (,j .J.u..ll ~ ~\ r:.P

~.l:J ~ ~\ J ~.ilt.J.oII J Li:.J ~ 6Jl# ~\ JIlll Y : ~I JIll'J

.6.:l~iLd.j::.~.l..l§ t..Lw . '';IWLA ·.I •••~ -. t"J'.'~\" _ J ..J _ ~Y- J u~..r::-~.J U'" ..r::-

~\ ~~ (,jl J 6Jl-.9¥cl\j ()4 ~\ ~\ ';II J# ~ ()4 \~\

~ ~ - l..l.;ll oJ2.: ~ ~I ~ ~I~.J ~ ~\ J# cl\j ()4

(7140) ~, (5649) If.J\...:;..,J\ /

Abu Sai'd Khudri narrates that RasGlullah said that

Allah ~ will say to the people of Jannat, "0 people ofJannat." They will answer, "0 our Lord, we are presentand all goodness is in your hands." Allah ~ will then sayto them, "Are you pleased?" They will say, "0 our Lord,how could we not be pleased when You have given us[those bounties] which You have not given to any of Yourcreation?" Allah ~ will say, " Should I not give yousomething better than all this?" They will say, " What canbe better than all this?" Allah will say, "I enter you intoMy happiness and I will never become angry at you."3


~. ,II I....l.:lo.l l.l.i..1! . t.~I W ~G...:lJ1 UJ..s.J WI' U::....i:i ~!~..lji"\Y'::"'. -.y.- .• _.J (.)A.J.

(449) ~O\3.J- r+:.J.)! ~I ()4

Suhayb narrates that RasUlullah said, "When thepeople of Jannat enter into Jannat, Allah ~ will say tothem, 'Do you want anything else?' They will say, 'Didyou not brighten our faces and enter us into Jannat? Didyou not save us from Jahannam?' Then, Allah ~ willremove the veil and they will not be given anything morebeloved to them than the sight of their Lord. ,,4

A person will only be able to completely enjoy thebounties of Jannat when he knows that the owner of

these bounties is pleased with him and will neverbecome angry with him. His enjoyment of these bountieswill increase when he knows that it is iplpossible for himto lose them.J-A: JIJ ~\ ~I JIlll ~J Ijj JIJ ~ All\ J-..9"-".J6\ ~ ~ r:.P

~I\ lA • - ~II •• 1•• ,~~ ~(.I.I'\ l.l.i..1 • .1.1 - IULj ~ w:i All\\" ~J ~ \" u~..r::- r _.J _ uJ _Y- if. J .J.

3 (Sahi'h Bukhari, Sahi'h Muslim)

4 (Sahi'h Muslim)

Page 7: Maidens of Jannah


Chapter 2: The superiority of thepleasures of Jannat

One second of Jannat is enough to make one forgetall the difficulties and pleasures of this world

.)Wl ~\ ()A l;:.i.lll ~1 ~~ ~.J:! : ~\ J--","".) J\.§ : JIJ 4l~'u-JI {p~ ~ l~ ~l.) ~ ("..ll ~l 4 J~ ~ ~ .)WI ~ ~ ~~\ ("-J:!

()A l;:.i.ll\ ~ ~): u-uW1 ~4~.J:! -J y.) 4 ~ 13 ')/..J-# ~ ~ .:l: JA

~~): ~1.) ~ ("..ll ~14.u Jt:¥ ~\ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~1o~ ~l.) ')/3 ~ u-u): ~ JA \..Q y.) 4 ~13~ J.# ~ o~ .:l:JA JIll

.. (7088) ~ 013')- ~

Anas narrates that Rasu.lullah said, "On the Day ofJudgement, that dweller of Jahannam (hellfire) who hadlived the most luxurious life in this world will be

brought and he will be put in Jahannam for a second andtaken out. He will then be asked, '0 son of Adam, didyou ever experience any good? Did you ever experienceany comfort?' He will say, 'No, I swear by Allah, myLord.' Then, that dweller of Jannat who lived the mostdifficult life in this world will be brought and he will putin Jannat for a second and out. He will be asked, '0 sonof Adam, did you ever experience any difficulty? Didyou ever experience any hardship?' He will say, 'No, Iswear by Allah ~, my Lord. I never experienced anyhardship and I never experienced any difficulty. '" 5

This hadith gives us a comparison of the pleasures ofthis world and the pleasures of the Jannat. A person whoenjoys the pleasures of Jannat for just once second willforget all the pleasures and difficulties of this world.Therefore, all of us should work towards those pleasureswhich are everlasting.

'i (Sahlh Muslim)

Comparison of this world to the hereafter

o-.?-~\ ~ l;:.i.lll \..Q • ~l J--","".) J\.§ :J\.§ ~ ..ll~ ~ ..l.)~ {p~ o\~.) - ~.J:! r-: M ~\~ ~1 rs..u.1~ \..Q ~ ')/1

(7197)Mustawrid narrates that Rasu.lullah said, "Thecomparison of the world to the hereafter is like di ~pingyour hand into the ocean and examining how much wateryou have taken out from it. ,,6

In this hadith, Rasu.lullah has compared the pleasuresof this world with the pleasures of the hereafter using aconcrete example which we can understand. Otherwise,the pleasures of this world are not even a drop in theocean compared to the pleasures of Jannat. This isbecause the pleasures of Jannat will last forever, whereasthe pleasures of this world are temporary.The pleasures of Jannat are un-imaginable

~..l..\pl : ~~ ~I J\.§ : ~l J--","".) J\.§ : J\.§ 0.J:!~ ~I {py1.: ~ ~ ~ ')/ 3 u...w. 6j\')/3 d.) ~ ')/\..Q UpJ~1 ($...l~

/ " ...•• _ ,· •• ~l 0 .~. ~.\. a .•..\ \..Q, ."a1 ~\.~ ~ ~W '1 \ ' ·~l.. ~ u::- ..r (j'l ('T' -r- u-- r-- rw (,J, 33..r 3(7132) ~ (3244) t?)~.\\

AbU. Hurayrah narrates that Rasu.lullah said thatAllah says, "I have prepared for my pious slaves [inJannat] those comforts which no eye has seen, no ear hasheard, and no human being has ever imagined. Recite ifyou wish, "No person knows the joy which is hiddenfrom them. 7" ,,8

From this hadith we can understand that no one can fullycomprehend what Allah ~ has kept for us in Jannat. Theactual pleasures and bounties of Jannat will be far moreenjoyable than what we can imagine them to be.

6 (Sahih Muslim)7 (32: 17)

8 (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

Page 8: Maidens of Jannah


Chapter 3: A person's every desire willbe fulfilled

Allah ~ says,

UJ..I.lG..~ ~I J ~~\ ltiJ ~'JI ~ 1.4 ~ J

"And in Jannat will be whatever the inner-soul desires

and whatever the eye finds pleasure in, and you will staythere forever. ,,9 Everything in Jannat will be inaccordance with a person's desires and wishes.

~\ (jA ~~I ~ ~.ll u! : J1.2 ~I J"...,.) ul O.J:I.Jko ~\ (p.ill '\j Aj J ;•.• ' J .0 •• ~ t •.• .oj J ;•.•. ~ ' -, Aj J ;•. '\U .;-::- ~ .;-::- _ U"' • .;-::- ..,.--;:- (jAJ • .;-:: U~ 0\).)- .oj~l oy!;&. J ~ J-:li J1.2J1.2ui u-ll4£A ~ J ~ 1.4

(451 )Abu Hurayrah narrates that RasUlullah said,"Definitely, the lowest position of Jannat which one ofyou will receive is that Allah ~ will say to him, 'Wish[for whatever you desire].' Then he will wish [forwhatever he desires]. Thereafter, Allah ~ will say tohim, 'Have you wished [for whatever you desire]?' Hewill say 'Yes.' Then Allah ~ will say to him,'Definitely, you will receive double that which you haddesired. '" Abu Said said, "You will receive what youdesired and ten times thereof. ,,10

A person will receive everything that he ever desired inJannat and more.Jili IJ~ US 1.4Ja.: ~.l.4.ll: ~ I.Y'~ 6: ..1 \ ~ .wI dlA.w.(p~\ Jb W ~: J1.2uiu-ll ~~\ jS~ ~I ~) 1.4I.Y'~ 6:4<.::.i.J.l.:l..llo~ ~..11 .)J .I\) \j~ uLA.J.wls ~ ~ o~ ~ J1.2


10 (Sah'ih Muslim)

~ ,1..:~ :.• I .1\ .a.J Lil .1\ ~ ,.LlLU..u ,..c. .oj clill\j I A : •.•••• <-.. ' .w.l\~ ~ U 3" ,3" •.••••- '-' ~ (.)A _,

..1ll.u.,~ \..9~Y' 4i..l.l1 (,?-'I 0!) 01).) Jill ~.) l,?.)iuJl J1.9 - Wl\.S W ~flJ1.9 / ( u ~'U 'I c....WS..JI 518 /4' <....l.lll> .•·.\1 L...l.l.C:. 011) ,j-»! ,.~, - .. " j-'-' j ," - ~ul ~y..::W 'j ~ JySJI l.J-o t~ yJ\ JG... ) Jill 4.A.::...) ~ 0!1 ~l::JI

'j.j ~ ..1~)IJ JL,.... 'j Lou4l,JIy,.'JI uc h~ ~ l,?ill (,?-'~I J~

( 53' ,ell :.i..J:'.j :'''',II;u, ") LlJ' :. \ W '\..u, ':L", <ll,J-=' ' C Y-" J=-" Y ,,,.r C Y-" j U ,--, CJ-"'-'

Simak narrates that he met Abdullah ibn Abbas in

Madinah after he had lost his eyesight and he asked him,"[Tell me about the] clothes of Jannat." Ibn Abbasanswered, "There is one tree in Jannat which will bearfruit similar to a pomegranate. When a friend of Allahwill desire clothes, the tree will automatically present tohim 70 pairs of clothes, each with a different colour.[After he has chosen what he desires,] the tree willreturn back to its place. "II

..11 J"...,.) 4 ulli J.P..lI ~\ U.iS : J1.2~ O.lCL... 6: ~.J\ ~ (p~ .ill u\.S ~)\ ~ 4 ~\ ..1\ &3 ...1\ u! : Jili Jp. ~\ ~ JAl

Jill 4.A.::...) l,?.)iuJl J1.9 - ~ ~ cl: -# ub~ .oj <.::.i~4(jA"I.Y'.).

4.A.::...) ~4-0..ll\ J1.9j ( 545/4: '-:4 yJI) di> 4.:i\).) ) ~\ybl\ 0\).)

J1.9 ) ( :;s.." ~\ ~ - l004 : (:-!I)I ~I) d..9.:i <lll:>-.) Jill

)..1- 413 / 10 : ..l.JI))I~) uli> <lll:>-.) Jill 4.A.::...) ~I( .' - II l-.iAl1'-l) -»! (,?-' yw .

Abdur Rahman ibn Saidah narrates that he used to

love horses, so he said to RasUlullah "0 RasUlullah,will there be horses in Jannat?" RasUlullah said, "0Abdur Rahman, if Allah ~ enters you into Jannat, you

II (Ibn Ab'i Dunyfl)

Note: Hafiz ibn Hajar mentions that the saying of a Sahab'i

(Companion of the Prophet) who did not take from the narrations ofthe Jews and the Christians which discusses such a topic which

cannot be determined by a person's logic and deduction is equivalent

to a h·,d'l h which is directly from Rasulullah :i'ii.

Page 9: Maidens of Jannah


will receive a horse made from a ruby which will havetwo wings. This horse will t1y you wherever youdesire." 12

()A yl~\ ~ 4J\ ~\ ()A J.?)I u\: JL94...l£;.. ~LA\ iftl UC

J1j - 4..i~ Jl ..I-J'Y ~ yy1# o..l;!~.9 ~ J.:~'41•.~ ~I" yly14: ~yJl) ~ ..lLl....,~ \..9~yo 4l..J.l1 (,5""!i 0:'\ D\-3.J '&1 4.A.::...J (,-?.J~\

( 524/

Abu Umamah said, "Definitely, a person from Jannatwill desire the drink of Jannat. Then, a glass will appearand fall in his hand, He will drink from this glass, [andafter he is finished,] it will return to its original place. ,,13

A person will drink a pure wine in Jannat which doesnot intoxicate and does not cause head-aches.

JL... ~ ~\ ~ 0~ ..IJ~I J1;j1 : JIJ ~ • 0"Lp 6:l\ UC~\ [~ ~\~ JS ~ I"~ ~14 4J.b ~ ~I ySl)1 ~ 1.4 .J.l§

~ .• ~,~ •• Q .• JIJ"IAII.:. . Q .• ~~".1J" uC U.':'11 1•.\ WIJ ,.,---. ~ .. "'0"""'"' u- (..JJ-l ~ r ~ J Y'-' U'" ..ulS ~ ~ o~1 cl\:; ~j~"Jr~1 ()A~.) kl J....~4-i.l.l1~ jS~

L9:1...rb lJ..o \..9y§yo 4l..J.l\ (,5""!i0!\ DI j.J ,&I 4.A.::...J (,-? .J~I J1j - 4-i.l.l1 ~

j ~l:,J1 -3 ~j.:.. 0!1 ~ ~ -3 fl ~ -3 0! ~ l.F e:Jt......o 0! ~ j~ '&1 ~.J ~40..J.lI J1j -3 (520/ 4: ~yJ\) (,-?i.fll ~

(,-?.J. ~ D..lLl....,)-3 ~y:. yll~'&1 4.A.::...J ffi 0!1 J1j -3 (987 : ~I)(3 0 :\"'1/ WI ... .':< ' I .,.)..' jDjY"': ~():l ~ ~

Ibn Abbas said, "The extended shade (mentioned inthe verse 56:30) is a tree in Jannat. Its trunk will be solong that it will take a fast horse-rider 100 years to travelfrom one side to the other. The people of Jannat willleave their rooms and go to the shade of the tree to talk

I.' (T abrfml)

13 (Ibn Abi Dunya)

to each another. They will talk about the amusements ofthe world and will desire them. Allah will send a

wind from Jannat which will shake this tree, causing itto re-create all the amusements of this world. " 14

u! : ~..I411 ()A J.?.J o..Gc -.9 .!:J~ ulS ~ u+1Jl u\ • oJ:!~ ift\ UC

~ JL9~ ~ ~l.u Jl1St.Jj.\l ~ <\.:.J"ujLJ....,14..i.::J1 ~\ ~:J4..Joj~1 -.9 4...J\~1 J 4.:i~ upl .J..\~ .J~ JL9t.JJI u\ ~I ()S.l -.9

- ~..uJ1 •.~ ~ ':l 4..ilj 1"..I16:l4cl.iJ..Ikl JJ¥ J~\ J~\ ulS.9

(2348) (,-?)~I DI-3.J

Abu Hurayrah narrates that RasUlullah wasspeaking whilts villager was sitting by him.Rasulullah said, "A person in Jannat will ask Allahpermission to farm. Allah ~ will say to him, 'Don't youalready have whatever you desire?' He will answer,,Yes, but I love farming.' He will plant his crop, and ina split-second it will grow tall and be ready for harvest.[After it is harvested,] this crop will be as big asmountains. Allah ~ will say to him, '0 son of Adam,take this because nothing will satisfy you.'" 15

':l Jt!;:H ~14 L9~~1 ~ u!:~ ~I J~.JJL9: JL9. ~ UC

- ~~..I 0J~ J.?YI~I ul J4>yl J •.L...llI ()A J~\ ':l) •.Iy10! ~)I -¥=-) ~...rb lJ..o ~ pi ~,&I 4.A.::...J ~ 0!1 ~GJI J1j

~ lJ..o ~ ~ 4JI .uy§ C-" D~ .u ().u= -3 ~y:. J1j -3 (,-?i.yJ\ (06)~ ~p 0!\ .u CPI -3 pi ~..l.:>. ~...rb lJ..o ~l:,J\~ -3 4.1:.i:..

.u -3 ~ ~)\ -¥=- lJ..o ~I ~ J1j uSJ pi (~) lJ..o f4-aJ1

'-;-lIE ~ ~i.J 1..0 ~ (..b..uo}:ll) ~ ~1y1J\ ~p\ J!l:>- ~..l.:>. lJ..o ~~

. ~ D..lLl....,\ \- ~I -\ J1j ,. ..::.w.bJ\ .<:09 ii..JJ ('-.l.lA, ::\\ <-..d:. ::11)l.,? , ~ (""' ~ .. y (,-?.J ... J""' j ... J""'

D..lLl....,!~ j L»ho 0!'&1 -¥=- 0! ~ ~y ~ '4Ic ~-3 ~ (..b..uo-3'JI)

( 81 ..J.....u.J\ J _~11) " .bJ\ .(' .. ~u 11' G...: ..l -"'" ~ y~ ~ Y> -3 ~ ~.J:! 0! J! .

14 (Ibn Ab'i Dunya)

15 (Sah'ih BukharJ)

Page 10: Maidens of Jannah


Ali narrates that Rasullah said, "Indeed, there will

be a market-place in Jannat where buying and sellingwill not take place, but there will be outer appearancesof men and women. When a person desires a outerappearance, he will immediately take the form of thatappearance [temporarily]." 16

16 (Tirmidhi)

Chapter 4: Introduction to the maidensof Jannat

The two types of women in Jannat

10 Human woman

The first type is the human woman of the world who willbe re-created according to the beauty of Jannat. Allah ~says,

wI Lil w .Co \ lS..l\ .0.• ~\.~& s:.t..:z..jl ,0LLlWu\ ul0.J" o~ -J 0 ~ , V1r"We created them as a new creation. And we made them

virgins, loving to their husbands, equal in age." 17

Allah will make old women into young women and non­virgins into virgins. No matter how their appearance wasin this world, Allah ~ will make them all beautiful andgood-looking in accordance to the beauty of Jannat. 18

What will a woman of this world receive in Jannat?

Mufti Mahmud was asked that if men will receive

hurs, what will women receive? He replied that thewives of the believers will stay with their own husbands.Women who never married in this world will be given achoice to get married with any (unmarried) man theywish. If they do not like any of them, a special man willbe created for them (similar to the hurs) and Allah ~will join both of them in marriage.19 Allamah Alus!also mentions in his tafs!r that a person's wife in this

17 (56:35-37)

18 (Safwatut Tafi'isif 3/309 - Darul Qalam, Beirut)

19 (Fatawa MahmCtdiya 5/298)

Page 11: Maidens of Jannah


world will remain his wife in the hereafter. 20 The lovebetween a Muslim husband and wife is a true lovebecause it will last forever.

Superiority of the human women over the hurs

~\ ~I y..i.l.ll•.l.....J~I JY-"J Y ~ : w.l124S ~I ~J ~ ~!~~ 0J~I ~ ~I J~\ ()A ~l y..i.l.ll•.l.....JJ.i J12~I J~Iu-u:J1 ~.l~ -.9~~ -.9~~ J12\jIA: ~I JY-"J Y ~ AJ\J¥I~ ~~I ~ 01~1 ~ J:!~l ~.l~\ -.9J~I ~~-.9 ~I

-.9wy.l ~ wl.l.lWI ~ ~ yAl.llI ~~\ J.l.ll ~jA4--a u-bJ1.' ~\ 1.lJ\ •._1.:.: ~ wL.Ui.JI " L..i ~ wW:-WI'·' ,~ -.9 , U""""'-' _ ~ -.9 (j.JJ, ~

~.J ~I JG- l:J 0lS -.9Jj ill ()Al ~~ \~\ ~ ')Ij\

~p ~\ 0! uL,,;L w..llw) c}) .6,3'11) pi c}~1y.hJ\ 013.J.Jil1(418/10 ~\) ~.~ j

Umme Salamah narrates that she said to

Rasulull:lh "0 RaSlllullah, are the women of thisworld superior or the hurs?" He replied, "The women ofthis world will have superiority over the hurs just as theouter lining of a garment has superiority over the innerlining." Umme Salamah then asked, "0 RasUlullah,what is the reason for this?" He answered, "Becausethey performed salah, fasted, and worshipped [Allah].Allah will put light on their faces and silk on theirbodies. [The human women] will be fair in complexionand will wear green clothing and yellow jewelry. Theirincense-burners will be made of pearls and their combswill be of gold. They will say, 'We are the women whowill stay forever and we will never die. We are thewomen who will always remain in comfort and we willnever undergo difficulty. We are the women who willstay and we will never leave. Listen, we are happy

20 (RClhul Man125/ 136 - Dar Ihya At-Tawrath AI-A'rabi, Beirut)~~~~~~~~~~==~====~~=======~~~~~===--~-.

women and we will never become sad. Glad tidings tothose men for whom we are and who are for us.' ,,21

Allah will make the women of this world morebeautiful and attractive than the hurs. Wherever in thisbook the 'women of Jannat' are mentioned, both th ~ hursand the human women could be meant.

2, Hilrs

What is a hur?

The second type of women will be those celestial womenspecially created for the people of Jannat known as thehur a'yn. A hur is a young, beautiful, fair-skinnedwoman with intensely dark eyes. Another interpretationis that there will be a sharp contrast between thewhiteness and darkness of her eyes which is consideredto very beautiful. Or it could also mean that her beautywill dumbfound and astonish others. The meaning ofa'yn is a woman with big, attractive eyes, which is alsoconsidered a sign of beauty. 22

What will the hurs be made of?

The following is a narration of two Sahabah(Companions of the Prophet),6:\ W -.9 ~~ ~ LS-.9jA l~ -.9 01~j.I1 ()A ~I J~l ~: rl-.9J~1 LS.ll::.) .lkl~ -.9'~ ~I W -.9~u ~ -.9u-JI -.9 (j.JJ~

(274It is narrated from Ibn Abbas Anas Abu Salamah

and Mujahid that the hurs will be created fromsaffron. Saffron is an orange-coloured product extractedfrom a flower and it is used to add colour and flavour to

2\ (Tab ranI)

n (Hadiyul Arwah 259 - Daru! Kutubu! A'raby, Beirut)

Page 12: Maidens of Jannah


food. When the present creation of mankind (which iscreated from sand) has the best of forms and beauty,then you can imagine the beauty of women created fromsaffron! 23

There will be no jealousy between co-wives

Another interpretation of the verse "equal in age" is thatthe women of Jannat will all be equal in age, which willensure that they get along with one another and make thebeliever's life peaceful. 24 It is normally the case in thisworld that co-wives have quarrels and arguments whichmake the husband's life miserable. However, in Jannatthere will not be any jealousy, malice, or hatred betweenthe people. A hadith in Sahih Bukhilri and Sahih Muslimmentions that the hearts of the people of Jannat will beone and there will not be any difference between them.Allah ~ also says in this regard,

~ ()A ~ JJ..l..a .) La ts.j.i -J

"And we will take out all [mutual] hatred from theirhearts. ,,25

This will ensure that all of a person's wives will getalong and will never become jealous of one other.

23 (Hadiyul Arwah)

24 (RCihul Mani 13/220)

25 (7:43)


Chapter 5: A description of theadornments and external features of the

maidens of Jannat

Internal and external purity of the maidens of Jannat

Allah ~ says,lH.llL. ~ ~ -J;;~ (!l-Jjl ~ ~ J

"And they will have pure wives in Jannat and they willstay there forever. ,,26 Qatadah mentions that thesewomen will be pure from all external impurities such asmenstruation, urine, excreta, and saliva. They will alsobe free from all evil internal qualities such as malice,hypocrisy, swearing, evil character, etc. Thus, they willnot have within them the smallest amount ofdisobedience to their husbands. 27

The lovely skin colour of the women of Jannat

Allah ~ says,6~1 )3).UIJti..1S ~ JF- -J

"And they will have fair females with big, lovely eyeswho will be like hidden pearls. ,,28 The women of Jannatwill be like fresh pearls because of their cleanliness andfair skin colour.

Allah ~ states in another verse,6~~~1S

"[These women will be delicate and pure as if! they werepreserved eggs. ,,29

26 (2:25)27 (Hadiyu1 Arwah pg. 257)28 (56:22)

29 (37:49)

Page 13: Maidens of Jannah


Allah ~ says,

Allamah Alusi explains that the verse refers to thoseeggs which human hands have not yet touched, so theyare clean from any dirt or dust. In the same way, thehurs will be clean and free of all impurities. The

comparison between the hurs and eggs is also madebecause of the yellow-whitish colour of both, which isknown to be the most beautiful skin-colour for women.

Another explanation for this comparison is that the partsof an egg are known for being perfectly proportionedand conforming to one another. In the same way, all thebody parts and features of the hurs will go perfectlytogether. 30

64-~1 J w~~1 ~LS

"[In beauty] these women are like rubies and smallpearls. ,,31

The comparison between the hurs and rubies is intransparency. A person can see through a ruby and knowwhat is on the other side. In the same way, a person willbe able to see through the hurs because of the cleanlinessand delicate nature of their skin and body. Allah ~ has

also compared the hurs to small pearls because of theirsoftness, whiteness, and pleasant sight.32

The perfume and radiance of the women of Jannat

0A »oJ~ JI ~I ~ uA ~J) : Jt:! ~ ~I JJ"-"-J61 ~ u-J1lP0A»<l.bJ"-" ~ ~ ~-JA Jl ~~i (.Y'~~\.ll J 1# LAJ 4J.llIw~L.:::l'lI~-J'lI1 u-ll ~I ~I ~I 0A 51jAI 61 -Jl J 1# LAJ 4J.llI

30 (Ruhul Mfmi 22/89)31 (55:58)

32 (Safwat At-Tafasir 3/301)


-1# LAJ 4J.llI0A» ~i-J~ ~J ~-J~J~LA

(2796) l,?JL;..,J1 ol.)J

Anas narrates that RasUlullah ~ said, "One morningor evening in the path of Allah is better than the worldand all it contains. A hand-span or a whip's length ofJannat is better that the world and all it contains. If one

woman of Jannat were to glance towards the earth, shewould fill the space between the earth and the sky withlight and perfume. The scarf on her head is better thanthe world and all it contains. ,,33

If just a smal~ part of Jannat is better than the world andall it contains, then how will the rest of Jannat and all itspleasures be? Also, if just the scarf on the head of onewoman of Jannat is better than the world and all itcontains, then how valuable is the woman herself?

61 -Jl : J~ ~ ~I JJ"-"-J~ : Jt:! ~ f':!~ 6: jA~ 6: ~ lP~j'lI J ~ ~':u ~-J'lI1 w~ ciy.;,\ ~I ~j s:-t......J0A 5\jAl

ill I 4...=.Jl,?J~ Jl§ .) )j,JI.)~I?I ol.)J - ~I J ~I s:-~

( 533/ 4 : ~ yJl) w~tWl ~ l.J-u=o..lli....,J

Sai'd bin Amir says that he heard Rasulullah ~saying, "If a woman from Jannat were to look towardsthe world, she would fill the earth with the smell ofmusk and [her beauty] would overpower the light of thesun and moon. ,,34

0A IJ.;61 -Jl : Jili LA-J:!~ ~ ~ ~~ US : Jt:! ~ (.Y'Lp 6:1lPW ~-J'lI1 4J ws:-L.:::l'lI4.l ~I.F- J ~4: ~lA...JI 0A 6,:z.l1-J~I

~Lu 4.:0. .IG ~ ~.iJ ~ WI Jt:! ~ W.llI h. 'lI .... ~.ll . ~J •.. -:1". ~ ~ ,~~ U'" ~ ~~

.) 4i..l.l1~i l.J.:lI o\.)J- o~-J:lj J oj.lj.l J .d"j~4 J ~w J.u~ J ~.. (998 : ~\) ~ lY'~ 'J o..lli....,Jill! 4...=.J ~4-0..l.l\ Jl§

33 (Sahih Bukhiiri)

34 (Tabrfmi, Bazzar)

Page 14: Maidens of Jannah


Ibn Abbas narrates that we were sitting with Ka 'bone day and he said, "If the hand of one hur were todangle from the sky, the whiteness and the rings of thehand would illuminate the earth just as the sun giveslight to the world. What I said was just regarding herhand, so how beautiful will her white face be when it isadorned with a crown, ruby, pearl and emerald? ,,35

The beauty of the crowns

..) ~ ~jl\ ul : ~o ill \ JY-"-J J~ :J~ ~ cS-J.uJl~ u-:\ (.P

~\JA\ 4t.J ~ J-M ul ~ ~ ~ ~\J-J ~. J .u... ~ ~I

lA ~~ ~ .J.l.J.l ~..I\ u1 J ~TyJI u.a ~f ~.ii. ~ ~J ~..::.u\ u.a 1+lL...:J ~l 4:!-~.l~ ~ ~ ~.j...J\J J~l U:!-:

u.a uw..i.l\ ~ ~ U.l\ l:Ji u~ ~ u~ <li1 J .l:!jA.l\ u.a u\ J~~ u\ J .illj ~l-JJ u.a ~t.....~ i..S~ ~ o~ ~ '\A~:~ ~.jbol_u - ~.j...JI .J ~l U:!-: lA ~~ ~ .J.l.J.l u1 J u~\).l- 245/9 : uL...:...)fI) .&\ 4..A.:>...) uL.p. 0!\ ~ .J ~ .Y.! .J .l..=o.!

o.lU\ ub.:iJ) ~ o.lI..h.,JI.&\<I...o..:>..-J ~\yJ\ JIj.J (w.J..J:H~\ y:;sJI

W.l.::..\ .ll..h.,) ~I JIj .J (w.J..J:Hfl\).l - 543 / 10: ~\(419 /10: ~\) ~

Abu Sai'd Khudri narrates that Rasulullah said, "A

person will recline and relax in Jannat for 70 years, oron 70 cushions before he moves. Then a woman will

come and tap him on the shoulder. He will see his facein her cheek as clear as a mirror. (This will be due to theclearness of her face and its brightness). The smallestpearl that she will be wearing will fill the space betweenthe east and west with light. She will greet him withSalam and he will respond to her greeting. He will askher, 'Who are you?' She will answer, 'I am from theextra.' (This is referring to a verse of the Quran whichsays, "And we have more by Us [for the people of

35 (Ibn AbiDunya)

Jannat] ") She will be wearing 70 [different types of]garments, and the lowest garment will be red and madefrom a tree in Jannat. He will be able to see the marrow

of her leg through the clothes. She will be wearingcrowns and the smallest pearl on these crowns will lightup the space between the east and west" 36

~\ JA\ ~L...ju.a ~iJA\ .;.I: ~ illl JY-"-J J~ :J~ ~ ~l (.P

lA J ~..l.ll u.a ~ ~i-J ~ ~U\ J \'''':U~ lA .::.~ u::=jJl .)1/ 4: ~yJ\) ~ o.lI..h.,J.&\<I...o..:>..-J ,-?-Jil.J\ JIj.J ~\y.bJ\ 01.J..)- ~

(418/ 10: ~\) ~ o.lI..h.,J~~\ JIj.J (532Anas narrates that Rasulullah ~ said, "If one womanfrom Jannat were to glance towards the earth, she wouldfill the entire atmosphere with perfume. The 'crown onher head is better than the world and all it contains." 37

A person in Jannat will see through the clothes ofhis wife

~ ~l ~J:i ~JAj JJI ul : J~ ~ ~l (.P ~ ~~..Jkl u-:I (.P

J ~lA...Jl ~ I.$. -J.l ySfi ~~I ~. ~ ~\ J -J-¥ll ~ .;Ail\- ~-J~

~ J ~I ~\-JJ u.a ~Y-" ~ cS~ u~\ U~Jj ~ 1SJA\ JSJ

, (3254) ,-?..)L:;..,J\ / ~ 0ll.. - ~jcl ~\ ~ lA J ~l u.a ~IJ-J(7147) ~

Abu Hurayrah narrates that Rasulullah said, "Thefirst group to enter Jannat will have the appearance ofthe full moon on the fourteenth night of the month. Thenext group will have the appearance of the brightest starin the sky. Every person from amongst them will havetwo wives and the· marrow of their leg can be seenthrough their skin [out of beauty]. There will be nounmarried person in Jannat. ,,38

.16(Ahmad, AM Ya'Ja)

37 (Tabrani).18(5ahihBukhari, 5ahih Muslim) I



Page 15: Maidens of Jannah


CJ.4U~Jj ~ ..b.IJJS.l : Jt.e ~ o+ill :..P~ ..I~ ~l ~ I ¥ lP~~ ~1..U CJ.4~I~.t cS";; tb: u~ ~Jj J.S~ ~I .)~I3 ~I~I 013')~ ~ .~. I ~4-j.l1 ~ ~~I yly1l1 cS";; W~.jyss ly,'J :u,.J1 ~) L~\.b~·~ i.?.JL \i.l,.&\ ~.) ,,~I J~oj\.iu,j .&\ ~.) i.?.)ii..J\ J~ 3 (u3~ ~\.Si.ll ~\ ~j-o - 117 :

-': .. \1 J~ (529/4 ... :11)' \.iu,L, ~- .. Ii 1~ 3 : '-;-J;!C.J'" ~. oj " ~ 03.) 3 ~: ~\) ~ j~ ly,1 j\.iu,) 3 .h.u,J'J1 ~ ~1~1 0\3.).&\ <1..=..)

(411/10Abdullah Ibn Masud narrates that Rasululah said,"Every person of Jannat will have two wives from thehurs. Every wife will have 70 layers of clothes, and themarroW of her leg can be seen through these clothes justas a red drink can be seen in a white glass." 39

Outwardly, a person may consider it repulsive anddisgusting to see the marrow of the leg of the women ofJannat. However, one narration clarifies this matter andmentions that he will be able to see through her legbecause of her beauty; not because of some defect inher. The purpose of mentioning this is to emphasize thesoftness of the skin, clearness, and the delicateness ofthe women of Jannat.40 Another benefit of being able tosee through her clothes is that he will be able to enjoylooking at her beautiful clothes and what is underneath atthe same time.The large breasts of the maidens of JannatAllah ~ states,

4\jil Y"I-'p J"And the people of Jannat will have full-breasted womenwho will be equal in age. ,,41

The breasts of these women will be round likepomegranates and they will never sag down becausethese women will never become 01d.42

39 (Tabrani)

40 (Mirqat 9/576 - AI-Maktabat AI-Haqqaniyat, MuItan)

41 (78:33)

42 (Hadiyul Arwah 267)



Chapter 6: The beauty of the maidensof Jannat

The permanent youth and beauty of aU theinhabitants of Jannat~ u1 ..It..l.4 ',?..ILi:! : Jt.elti1 All I JY-".J ul 5..;;y, -.r.1 J ~.r, I :..p

ul ~ u! J \.l.:I·I~~ ~ l~ ul ~ u! J 1.l.:1\~ ~ I~ ul0\3,) - ~.u..ll 1.l.:11Y-"L.u ~ I~ ul ~ u1 J 1.l.:1 \.JA~ ~ l~

(7156) rL-oAbu Sa'id and Abu Hurayrah narrate thatRasUlullah said, "[When the people will enter Jannat],a caller will announce, 'Definitely, for you is life; youwill never die. For you is good health; you will neverbecome sick. For you is youth; you will never grow old.For you is luxury and comfort, you will neverexperience difficulty. ,,43

Both the men and women of Jannat will remain youngforever.J \..4y, 'J J ~.JA:J ..b.1 CJ.4LA: Jt.e ~ ~I JY-".J ul ~ ..I1Jl.J1 :..p

~I CJ.4uLS u'J t1..., 6:¢tj J ~~ ~I ~ 'Jl cl\j ~ ~ ,-,""L.U\ W1

i.?.)ii..J\ J~ - y-9:!1 ~ J u....-9:! &.J~ J ('..II ~ ~ 6LS ~l

~I J~ 3 (501/ 4 : ~jiJ\) ~ oj\.iu,~ ~I 0\3.).&1~.)

3 (334 110 : ~1) ~ whl 0:!j\.iu,~ ~1~1 0\3,).&\ ~.)

-..jG..:;))~ j\.iu,4 ~\3 ~ y,\ 0\3,) .&1 <L=...) i.?~~1 J~(u::>y.) ~)1 ~- 520 110: ;;~\ ;;y.:J\

Miqdad narrates that Rasulullah said, "Everyperson who dies as a result of miscarriage or of old ageor of middle age will be resurrected at the age of 33. Ifhe/she is from the people of Jannat, then he/she willhave the form of Adam ~\, the appearance of Yusuf~\, and the heart of Ayyub ,,44

43 (Sahih Muslim)

44 (Abu Ya'Ia, BayhaqI)

Page 16: Maidens of Jannah


The people of Jannat will never grow old and willremain permanently at the age of 33. The wisdombehind this age is that a person is at the height of hisphysical strength and his body parts are fully developed.Therefore, he/she can experience maximum pleasurefrom the bounties of Jannat.

J\j u\ u-l!~..b.llfi~ JI~4 4\: J\j ~ ill\ J~-J u\ ~ ~I LP(41 I) ~ 0\ j.J ~ ~I p.1 ~\ ~ y. Ij! -J u.-...-J:H wi Ij~

Anas narrates that Rasulull:lh said, "I came to

Yusuf ~\ and he was given half of all beauty. ,,45

By combining these two hadith, we can conclude thateach man and woman of Jannat will have the beauty ofhalf the people of this world. This will be the minimumbeauty of the people of Jannat, as they will always beincreasing in beauty.

A'ta Salami said to Malik bin Dinar "Definitely,there is a particular hur in Jannat upon whose beauty thepeople of Jannat boast and brag. If Allah ~ had notallowed death for the people of Jannat, they would diebecause of her beauty. "46Hakim met another person and asked him, "Do youhave any desire for the hurs?" He said, "No." Hakimthen told him, "Desire them, because the light on theirfaces is from the light of Allah." The man fellunconscious and was taken to his home. The narrator of

the incident adds· that we visited to this person for onemonth after this incident [to console him during hissickness] .47

45 (Sahih Muslim)46 (Hactiyul Arwith pg. 277)

47 (Hitdiyul Arwith pg. 277


Ibn Abi Dunya relates that Yazid Ar-Raqashi said,"I have heard that a light will shine in Jannat, and everypart of Jannat will start shining because of this light.Someone will ask, 'Where did this light come from?' Itwill be said to him, 'One hur smiled at her husband.'The narrator Salih says," A man from the c'Jrner ofthe gathering started screaming and continued to screamuntil he died. ,,48

The beautiful faces of the women of Jannat

Allah ~ says,u4~ ~-J ~ './1 ~ ~ u~ ~.JP.~

"In these gardens there will be women with goodcharacter and beautiful faces. Then which of the bounties

of your Lord will you both [man and Jinn] deny?"49

A human being has his own understanding of beautywhich is confined to his limited and deficient knowledge.Allah ~ - in his infinite knowledge and wisdom - hasdescribed these women as beautiful, so we can imaginehow beautiful these women must be!

4R (Hfldiyul Arwith pg. 277)

49 (55 :70)


Page 17: Maidens of Jannah

50 (Sahih Muslim)

Chapter 7: A continuous increase in thebeauty of Jannat

4 JS4-i.ji~ 'J~ ~I ~ 01:J'J Ii~I J~J 0\ ~ ~\ tp':114- J u.......:.. 0J.l\.l~ ~~. J ~~J ~ ~ J~l ~:u ~~IJ ~~I ~ J.# ':114- J u.......:.. lJ.ll.ljl ~ J ~l ~! 0~~J u.......:.. u.lly ~.l.ljl .Ill ~\J ~\ J 0~.# ':114- J u.......:.. ~.l.lj\ .Ill

(7146) ~ 013~- ':114­

Anas narrates that Rasulullah said, "Definitely, theinhabitants of Jannat will visit a market every Friday. Anortherly wind will blow and it will spread [goodness]upon their faces and clothes, causing them to increase inbeauty. They will then return to their wives after havingbecome more beautiful than they were before. Theirwives will say to them, 'We swear by Allah, you havedefinitely increased in beauty.' They will also say totheir wives, 'We swear by Allah, you have alsoincreased in beauty _,50

~ ,j\~.::J ~ ~ 0\ ~\ JL...I~\ u.: ~ J'J ~ ~..HJA 41 0\~ ~lj ~ ~ ~ J'J : J'J 01 ~! ~..uJ1 .fi~ ~I J~~ J'J ~ ~J ~ 4.1 \J~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u ~~ 6A A..:b....

~\ LA \J~ ~Ifll 6A r-SJ ~.l$.\ LA~! \-.9A~ ~ J :F-~J J~~ J ~ ~! 0~\ J:;.iJ~ LA ~ ~~l ~ uL.. ~ 'J~ 0J~ J'JJ tl+.! ~ ~\ LA W ~ J'J ,,:,~I ~ ~ ~ J 01S~1 ~

~yl J:¥ J'J ~ ~ ~l Jkl\~ J~I .a\j ~ J (.S~ ':11(.S~ LA ~J~~.l ~ LA J <liJ..lY. 6A ~ ~yJI ~j..WI Jj, \ ~ t~.~. - .u...l.:o. '\. ~~ W ;j \ •• 1\ LJ.1I' ~~ _ ~~ _ .p. ~ ~ J(,j", (JA _

W '\..i..a II u ..• J'J t. ,Q ,.- '\..l.:o.'i "':11 4..J'J.a\j <li.4J (f', y.a..u f-l ~ LJ~ LJ ~ ' J~l J J~\ 6A ~ 0\ J d-:- .Ill ~I J Lp..JA u.I¥ ~IJjlul-a\~,:Q

t_ 'L.:lJ\ III ..11u...Jbu\ J .-a.Q ~ ~ IJ w t. __"\J ~ J Y J" ,J ?'~ , . ..r::- _ J u--

51 (Tirmidhi, Ibn Abi Dunyft)

Jl9 Lw..l.ll \. I io ::\101 _ \.l.J1j\ LA t~ •. ~ -\ ~3 .. f..?! U:' 3 '-? ? 3~ , ~, LJ _

~ '-?ioyJl) ~~I I~ l.J-o':lj wy.,! ':l '-:-l:!y:. ilJI <L=..~ '-?ioyJl011~~ u4=:- i.J-!1~ 3 ( 4..S...~I 4..,GS.JL686/4: pL:;, .l..o.::>.1

<-,ii\.5. Y, ~)I .l!C ilJI <L=..~ '-?~ii.JI Jl9 3 (264/ 9: u~':ll)

f..?!\ i.J-!1013~ ~ 3 G\ii j\..i.u,;il:;\3~ ~ 3 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1j3':!1Y, 3 ilJl .l!C ~ 3 ~ 4...a..u,13 ~lj3~1 <-,ii\.5. j~j i.J-! ~ l.JC 4i..l.l1

<-,ii\.5. Y, ~)I .l!C '-;-J\:jSj1y..l ~ Jl9 ~ 0yP 3 ~ '"-! r~\ ~ ~~G.y'l 3.l..o.::>.14li3 3 '-?~~ ~ ~WI Jl9 3 ~j ~ ~Ij;':ll

(541/ 4: ,-=-,*yJI)Abu Hurayrah .said to Said ibn Musayyab, "I askAllah that he joins me and you in the market of Jannat. .. They will be enjoying themselves in Allah's companywhen suddenly a cloud will come over them and rainupon them a perfume which they will have never smeltbefore. Then our Lord will say to them, I Rise to thehonour which I have prepared for you and take whateveryou desire. I They will find a market surrounded byangels. In this marketplace, there will be what no eyehas seen, no ear has heard, and no heart has imagined.They will take whatever they desire without any buyingor selling. The people of Jannat will meet each other inthis market. A person with a good appearance will comeb,fore one who is less beautiful than him - no one willhave a bad appearance. The second person will like theclothes and appearance of the first person, and beforethey finish speaking, his appearance will become betterthan the first person This is because it is not appropriatefor anyone to be unhappy in Jannat. Then we will returnto our houses and our wives will receive us saying,'Welcome. Definitely, you have come to us adornedwith more beauty and perfume than before.' The dwellerof Jannat will say, 'Today we were in the company ofour Lord, so it is rightful that we return in such a [good]condition. ,,,51



Page 18: Maidens of Jannah

52 (Ibn Abi Dunya, Tabrf:mi, Hakim)

away from her, she will ~::em 70 times more beautiful tohim. It will be said to him, 'Look' and he will look .Then it will be said to him, 'Your kingdom is thedistance of one hundred years which the eye can see."Ibn Masu'd says that Umar said," 0 Ka'b, didn'tyou listen to what Ibn Masu'd said regarding thelowest level of Jannat.? [If the lowest level is such], thenhow will the highest level of Jannat be?' Ka'banswered, "That which no eye has seen and no ear hasheard. I have heard that Allah has created a house andplaced in it as many wives, fruits, and drinks as Hewilled. Then he sealed it shut so no one can see it; noteven the angels. ,,52

Ijl: Jili ~~I \~ • ~1.1U.l\r.): ~ .:J..I.:I.• .l~ 0:l.&\ ..I.p 01~-J Y J# ~I ()A ~l: .u ~ Jt.20\ ~l ~~\ .jS~ (.}"L.i.llybcllYJ J# oJ#. ~L...J ~.l\ 12l! ..,.k.!1.S¥ J# ~41II~ ~..I\Y> lA: ~ .Yo ~ <ill.~ Jt.2"Ji;. J.UL..\ ';/ ~..I\ 01 ~---4- J\-I w J'.'~~.~ III ~ . ~ .•.•.~"..~ .I-\-IW .u ~ j\ ~• -J _ --:r-::- _ -7'" I.S _ I..!r" -.r---::-.;::o. " \--,_

~~ J clly J,J~"oJ#. ~L.:..:i';/ ail r&'Y r-lJ\ ~~ \~ ~..I\4J~ 4lS ~I~\ &) ~.l:l ~ <ill.~ Jt.2oJ#. cl.lLu.1';/ ~..I\ 01J# ~ iillW, LA J# Aj ~ I.SY> ol-J\j~ JJl31~ ~-J ~ ~

~ UJ\ ~ 0LA~ UJ\ 4.11 .) J1l0LA~ lA.l1J# ..r..J ~I~l: .u ~ ~ lAlW..I!I.S J:! W lAl~\ I.S J:!4..l...Jl0~ 0:L~ JS ~J [IJj\ J ~I~\ ~ y4 JS ~ l:l: 0~ ~ ~\.#o..lj4j 0Adl.lJw ~ ~~ J~ (.}"ls.Il .uJ~ ~.Jj ~ ~ ~Li.a J .JY-"

~Jw ~ ~':l 4J J.jA; J ~ ~ cl.lj ~ ~ ~\ (.}"ls.I\

~J:! ~ 4-l\~! ~ ~ J ~ ~ J1lj ~ ~ ~I (.}"ls.I\

4...A:>..J ...?-"" 0:'\ ..h~1...:,J1JL9 ,~ 4.,1~ \.J 0:' Jl.::......,J 0 13.J - ~~\ ~Lu. ~- 47/ 10: 4W\ y1\.b.J\) wtlj .uL,...J .3 ~ ~ .lli....,) \~ '&1

wG,.:j)) ~ o-lli....,j ,&\ 4...A:>..J ~ -»'-'" yll JL9 3 (:is.. ~\ :\+&JI(341/10: o?1 o~1


Jt.2~\ Aj ~ ~ 4.ALA\ ~ : ~ ~I ~ • ..I~ 0:l1~~ ~LL J ~~\ J ~\~! J 4lltl.... ;U~ o-J..I()A Y> J

• . w Ie W· 1.,~ \ ~ \ •• - ~~ ~ • U- ~. W~ '"I\"::"" ~ ~ • ~ ~ 0Y-,* .0~ J#. ~ 0Y-,* ~l ~ 0Y-,* JS ~ ~I~ 0Y-,* ~l~~ ~IJ.? LJAlW..I!....i.I~JJ J [IJj\ J JY-" 0Y-,* JS ~ 1.Sy..'J1o¥ J .ulj4 lAl¥ 4J.b. ~I-JJ ()A ~Lu. ~ I.S,~ 'i.b. 0~ ~.u Jt:¥ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,'..Ijl ~I-..FI ~ ~-..F\ Ijl t+l1j4~ Jt.2Jt.2~~ o~ I"'li 4JLAo~ &la Jj Jt:¥ u~ u~1~ ';/ j...i.A ~\ ~ \ ~.l\ C? yC y ..I.p 1"'\ 0:l\ I.l:i.b.:! LA ~ ';/\

~ AlII 0\ ~ 0..11 ';/ J ~\-J c.J:iC ';/ LA ~).JI .J:!-'ll Y J~ ~~I~ ~~'JI J ~I~\ J [IJj'J\ ()A ~WLA 1# ~ 1)..1 ~ o.jSj0:'\ o\,;U - ~~I ()A o~ ';/ J Ji..>A- ';/.a...9J..:.. ()A..I.:I.\lAlJ:!~~!l.r" 0 -.?-I 3 lc. y9y -l.J"-'-"A 0:'1 LP 1~ rSl::J\ .3 ~I y.hl\ .3 4i..ll\ (,?"\

rSl::J\ JL9 .3 ~ ~ w~yo o-.?-1~) \).1 0b. oJ:.j J-?'&\ uJl .u~

).1 589 /4 : (J.~'.~"~\\ ~ ~-J..l.i.u..J\) -lli....,i/\ ~ ,&\ 4...A:>..J

~ ~\y.hl\ J...;b hi ,&\ 4...A:>..J '-?.J~\ JL9 .3 (W3~ :i..9y..JI

yC ~\ JL,...J.uL,...J'&\ ~.J~\ JL9 3(503/4: ~jiJ\)(342/ 1 0: ~\) ~ Y. 3 ~':1\..ll\ ..llh (,?"\

Abdullah Ibn Masu'd narrates that RasUlullah ~ said,"[The person in the lowest level in Jannat] will goforward until the palace is opened for him. He will be ina hollow pearl and the roofs, doors, locks, and keys willalso be made from pearl. This palace will face a [large]green jewel will red lining in which there will be 70doors. Every door will lead to another green jewel withan inner lining. Every jewel will lead to another jewelwith a different colour. In every jewel there will bethrones, wives, and female slaves. The lowest wife fromamongst his wives will be a hur with large and lovelyeyes. She will be wearing 70 layers of clothes throughwhich the marrow of her leg can be seen. Her inside willbe a reflection of him and his inside will be a reflection

of her. (There will be complete harmony between themand their hearts will be united in love) When he turns






Page 19: Maidens of Jannah


39Abdullah Ibn Masud narrated this hadith to U'mar ibn

AI-Khattab "A door of Jannat will be opened for [the

last person to enter Jannat), and he will say, '0 my Lord,enter me into this door.' AW'th will tell him, '0 My slave,it is possible that if I enter you through this door, you willask Me for something else.' He will reply,' I take the oathof Your majesty and grandeur that I will not ask You foranything else if You enter me in this door.' He will enterthis door and while he is amazed with what is in this first

door, another door will be opened. The contents of the first

door will;eem trivial to him and he will ask Allah again,'0 my Lord, enter me through this door.' AW'th will tell

him, 'Didn't you say that you will not ask Me for anythingelse?' The person will say, 'I take the oath of Your majestyand grandeur that I will not ask You for anything else.' Inthis way, he will enter four more doors; each time askingto be entered into the new door. Then, he will be greetedby a person who is radiating with light. Upon seeing him,the dweller of Jannat will fall in prostration before him.

The person with light radiating from him will ask theperson, 'What is the matter with you?' He will answer,'Are you not my Lord?" The person radiating with light

will say, 'I am just one servant out of your thousandservants who oversee your one thousand palaces.' Betweeneach palace is the distance of one year and he will be able

to see the farthest palace just as he can see the closest

palace. Then, a door made of green emerald will be openedfor him in which there are 70 doors. In each door there

will be wives, cushions, and servants. He will then sit with

his wife and she will give him a cup [of wine]. She will sayto him, ,You have increased in beauty 70 times from thetime I gave you this cup.' He will say to her, 'You havealso increased in beauty 70 times from the time you gave

me this cup.' She will be wearing 70 different pairs of


clothes through which the marrow of her leg can beseen. ,,53

Chapter 8: The beautiful voices andsinging of the maidens of Jannat

~ ~l ~l [IJj\ 6! : ~ ~I JY-"-JJ~: J~ ~ ~ 6:1 r:.P

~ : A..;i ~ lA.46! J .l::1§ .u.\ ~ LAwl~\ ~L: ~IJj\A..;i ~ lA.46! J 6~1 ;;~ 6s~ ('Ifi ('~ [IJj\ 6~\ wl.JP-lI~ w~1 ~ J..ull..i ~ WWA~I~ J ~ ~ wljJG...\1~ill\ ~.J l5 .JiLJ\ Jl9 3 ~I, }11 cs9 ~I y..b.llol.v - ~

ill1 ~.J ~\ Jl9 3 (538 /4 : c4jJ\)~\ 0\3.J ~13.J(419/ 10 : ~I) ~I J4-.J <\J4-.J

Ibn U'mar narrates that RasUlullah said,"Definitely, the wives of the people of Jannat will singfor their husbands with the most beautiful voices that

anybody has ever heard. One of their songs will be, 'Weare the women with good character and beautiful faces.Weare the wives of noble husbands who look at us with

the coolness of their eyes.' Another song will be, 'Weare the immortal women; we will never die. We are thewomen full of security; we will never get scared. We are

~ the women who will always remain forever, we willnever leave.' ,,54

~ ~ ~I.) J~l 61 : ~ ~l J.J-'"'-JJ~: J~ ~ u-U1r:.P

.hu,)il\3 J4JI cs9-~\y..b.l\ 13.J- ('Ifi [IJj'lll..l:l~ 6~1 J~l ~

.hu, }11 J4-.J illi"~.J ~I Jl9 3 4iJ\ ~1lJ.!\ 3 ~I 3 ~\ 3

~ ~ lJ.!1~.b.ill\ ~.JL,?y...a~\ Jl9 ~(419(1O: ~I) ~30 ... 11 0 ..~II wG.:il) -.-.-11 01 . 1'0':1 ..~ -II .hu,)l1Yt""'"' ~ ,l.""'-'--- 3.J ~ 3.J ~ 3 3


53 (Ishaq bin Rahway54 (Tabrani)






Page 20: Maidens of Jannah


Anas narrates that RasuluUah ~ said, "The hurs ofJannat will sing, 'We are beautiful women who havebeen given to honorable husbands. I ,,55

14 : F -J ~ .&\ uk .&\ J~-.J JtJ : JtJ ~ ~L.Jl ~141 ~i CPJ~I 0A ul.:.i.1i ~.J ~ -J ~i-.J ~ ~ -J ~l4J\ ~~ ¥- 0Au¥J1 -.J:!-'l1JA:'(J-"::J -J ~l -J 0"-i~1 ~ ~~ ~4 4..iIJ:;'j ~\

J ~\ yhJ\ D\.U - Aill U"':l~ -J.&l ~ ~l-J-.J ~ -J ~l ~ i.JS.l-J

(547 / 10 : 0.-;!;'uJ\ o.lL.ul\ wl.::...:.i!) ~ o.ll.h.,J ,&\ 4..A:.. J ~\ y.l\ J19

Abu Umamah narrates that Rasulullah ~ said, "Everyslave [of Allah] who enters Jannat will have two hurssitting by his feet. They will sing with the most beautifulvoices that humans and jinn have ever heard. Theirsinging will not include musical instruments fromshay tan, but it will comprise of hymns of praise andglory for Allah. ,,56

55 (Tabrani)

56 (Tabrani)

Chapter 9: The perfect and most lovingwives

A wife who is a perfect match

Allah ~ says,~ JF>-: ~-Jj -J dlls

"And so it will be, and we will join them with thehurs. ,,57

Ibn Qayyim mentions that the contract of marriagebetween the believers and the hurs is not meant in the

verse. Rather, the meaning is that Allah ~ will make thewomen of Jannat perfect pairs and partners for theirhusbands just as one shoe is made to be a pair for theother.58

The hurs I eagerness and desire to meet theirhusbands

~-.J jQ:l\ l,r.)1I\ ~ -J ~ -J :P .& \ J~ ~ ylLb ~\ &: ~ CP

y4 ~ 4..s.J~\ ~t.:Qt:; -J : JtJ ul ~! ~..u..\\ fi~ \.JAj ~\ ~!u~\ ~)l.l1.S ul..l.l~\ ~t.:Qt:; -J l,r.)..l.lG.tA~.l~ F~ ~ ~\u\..l.l-J~ W ~ u~~ ~.&I ~l La.: r+l-J~ -.J~\ ~)l.l1.S -J

\~dl ~\ -J lls dl .&\ ~I AI u~~ ~I &;.:H F4 ~..l.ll ~l~4 ~ ~4- ~ J# ~\-Jj\ 0A 4sj.l1 ~! ~ i'~\ ykl~ ~

J~ 4-:4~l ~ i'jkJ~ (~\16a':"-:,,~ ~..l.l\ ~A..:~~ ($.1I1

3 ~ .ll.h.,~ 19b.u,) 0!\ O\3J ,&\ 4..A:..J l?'~yl\ J19 -- ~\-.J .:Jlo~\ o~\ wl,.J)) J4-0 ¥ l?'1.Jl ~ :OJ t~yJ\ ~ 4....&..

(464/10Ali narrates, "The angels will greet the dweller ofJannat on the door of Jannat and will say, "Peace beupon you. You have done well, so enter Jannat in whichyou will reside forever. ,,59 Young boys will also greet

57 (44:54)58 (Hactiyul Arwah pg. 260)59 (39-73)


Page 21: Maidens of Jannah


them who will be like preserved pearls and scatteredpearls. They will inform the dweller of Jannat of whatAllah has prepared for him and will go around servinghim as friends would tend to each other in this world.One young boy will say to the dweller of Jannat, 'Behappy, because Allah has prepared for you this-and­this.' Then the boy will go to one wife from amongst theperson's wives and tell her that your husband so-and-sohas arrived (using the same name which he had in thisworld). She will be overtaken by joy and will stand onthe doorstep saying, 'Did you really see him? ",60

fi~ ~J 4.Jj.JA 411 ~I ~.lj u1: Jt.2~I Jy....J u1~ ~ u-:\ r:.P

'''_'1 --'I' o\..h. . ~ t.:.~ ~ t.:...l.J ~ .Jt.2.\ II ~..uJ1U:I"'-' J~ 0A • ~J _ '-""'" __ '-""'"_ f'".l • U If, _LA JLa ..b.\ ~ \ LA J-# Jt.2 .ill u~\ ~ Ul d~l ~ ~l U'r~

.. (464) ~ol.JJ- ~\

Abu Sa'id narrates that RasUlullah said, "Then, hewill enter his house and his two wives from the hurs will

come to him. They will say, 'All praise is for Allah whohas created you for us and has created us for you. I Hewill say.' No one has received what I have received. ,,61

Women who will desire and love only their husbands

Allah ~ says,yljil u~1 ~y.derA~ ~

"And they will have by them chaste women who willrestrain their glances [on their husbands only] and willbe of equal age. ,,62

Allah ~ has made these women devoted and loving totheir husbands only. They will not desire anyone else

60 (Ibn Ishaq)

61 (Sahih Muslim)62 (38:52)

and will not even raise their eyes to look at anyone elsebesides their husbands. Another interpretation of thisverse is that these women will be so beautiful that theywill keep their husband's glances fixed on them only.The women of Jannat will also have the same age astheir husbands so that they can relate to each other betterand have a perfect relationship. 63

The love and attachment of the hurs to theirhusbands

.) ~~j olJAI (.SjJ:i 'il: ~ ~\ Jy....J Jt.2 : Jt.2~ J.A. u.: j~ r:.P

~~ ~ w! ~ j' dtt.2 <l:~ 'il ~I J~\ ()A ~~j Jt.2 'ill 4-l.i.l\

~ ~h.iiJ1 4..A.:>..JJ)j .J lSioyJl I.J.J - ~! ~JLi;! u1 d...:i..J:! ~.l

.iiJ1~.J J)j.J .ljl.l ~l 0::.;bLJ..o~ill "4-y..l .J (407/3 : t,?i.oyJ\)

;;JL...,)\ U"-'-".JA ~ 47 / 4 : ,,)4.iJ\ (")\ ..»-") ~ ~ o.lli...,l


MuMh narrates that RasUlullah said, "If anywoman troubles her husband in the world, his wife fromamong the hurs says to her, 'Don't bother him, what iswrong with you! He is only a temporary guest by you,and he will soon leave you and come to us. ,,, 64


63 (Ruhul Mani 13/220)64 (Tirmidhl, Abu Dawud)

Page 22: Maidens of Jannah


Chapter 10: The number of wivesHow many wives will a person have in J:mnat?

.u UAJJj..iA~I (fl..ll 61: ~ ~l Jy.u-,;J~ : Jl' ~ ;J.I~ ~\ (Pf'.llJ..tJ~ .u 61J ~L...JI ~~ J t.....lL...J1~ ~ J ~4--,;.l&'-"

.) yAj (.)."J~ 'l11~\ 'l1J ~ 4JlAJ~ f'~ JSCIJ:!J ~ (5~UA!J ~J\ ~ w L1ll~! ~ .wI J (5~~1 .) ~ 6J.l ~ JS

w il~! .llJj ,U! ,J p.'lll .) ~ yly1 ~Li1JS~ ~LiJ4J~ A..:y1~\~ ~ ~9L,0.i.l1J;bi ~j ~ ~jl J.l y-,; ($.1 Jj4l.w! J .uJI ~~ J 6.~;;~~~\ J~I ~ .u 61 J ~ ($. ~ lA.a d\j ~~w ~ ;;~I~I 61 J 4l.i.l\ ~ '4-IJ) (5y.u A..:IJJ.) .lUJ ~Jj~ w~ 4J~J,ili1 ~J ~\ Jl9j ~i 013J- LY»n ~ ~-,;J§

013J,ili1<l.A.:>.Jl,?~~\ Jl9j(400 / 10 : ~\) ~ ~ ~(484 / 10 : 0~I 0y.:,J\ ul,.:j)) w~ <G13J3 ~I 3 ~ 3:'\

Abu Hurayrah narrates that RasUlullah said, "Theperson in the lowest level of Jannat will have sevenstpries and he will be on the sixth story below theseventh. He will also 300 servants who will bring him300 plates of food in the morning and evening. Theplates will be made of gold and silver, and every platewill have a type of food different from the other. He willenjoy the taste of the last plate just as he enjoyed thefirst. The servants will also bring him 300 glasses andeach glass will have a type of drink not found in theother. He will enjoy the last glass of drink just as heenjoyed the first. He will ask Allah, '0 my Lord, if youpermit me to feed and give drink to all the people of theworld, this would not decrease my kingdom in the leastbit.' The person of Jannat will also have 72 wives fromthe hurs besides his wives from the world, and one ofthem will have the width of one mile. ,,65

65 (Ahmad, Abu Ya'li't)

The inhabitants of Jannat will be enlarged in size in

order to gain maximum pleasure from the luxuries ofJannat. This hadith also proves that one's wife in thisworld will remain his wife in the hereafter,

[JJ:I.l ~I ~\ UA ~yl 61 : J~ ~ h:L... u: ~y\ ~ (P;;~\J JS J.illy <-& u'l1! ~W J ~ ...a'l1!~) J ~\-,;-.?4J~3 ~ \.3)y> ,ili\ <I.A.:>.-,;~\ 0\.9) - 4l.i.l1.) o~ )L ~

(563 : J3~\) ~Abdur Rahman bin Sftbit said, "Definitely, a personin Jannat will marry SOOhCtrs, 4,000 virgins, and 8,000previously married women, He will have sexualintercourse with each one for as long as he lived in thisworld, ,,611

JJ).l4 ~l ~\ ~.l\ 61 :J~ ~ ~\ Jy.u-,;J~: J~ ~ ~ ~\ (P~ ~ .u ~ J ~Jj 6~ J 6t:ill1 J f'.llJ..UJj 6J-iW .u ($. 1I\

,JJI.L=.,) l,?i..ji\1 01j) - ~~ J 4:4J1 6:hlW ~jy J ~,->:lj J .J.l~LS '-;-'>l> ~ Lr.>1-wti uSJ3 ( 695/4 :(,$i..j.1l1)k.uJ Lr.>0:1~ J-! ~ jl.c",i L;c CI).J ~ L.I 3 ( 509/4: ~ j.1l1),ili1~J l,?JiWl'.::.

U:!:! ~ ~ yo:"" ,ili\<l.A.:>.J~I.::JIJl9 .ill l,?JhJ1~ ~i L;c ~I, \ I .. "I (212/1' c2.l ~\) 1.':\ ....h,a 1.··._ -. ~ 1 .~\':~ .. 1U:' '-\t-;' F 3 . J "&-' 3J L9 3 ~ '-,? ~ r ~ 3 ,-?i..j.1l\~ c.ill'.::.S.3 6~ Lr.>\c.ill:£ 3 ~ ~ ~j:i....hgb:J\ ~I 'L.';l\ -':;'\\. ~ ..hgI.::JI c.ill'.::.S. ~I \\., ,,::,j.d\.=>.i3 '-? 3 c...~ '-,? 3 ""1r."

,,~';ll ~~ ~ ~\yJ\

Abu Sai'd narrates that RasUlulah said, "The

person who will be in the lowest level of Jannat willhave 80,000 servants and 72 wives. A palace made ofpearls, emeralds, and rubies will be raised for him[whose length and width] will be the distance betweenAl-Jabiyah (A city in Syria) and Sana' (A city in

67 'Yemen)."


67 (Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban) l

Page 23: Maidens of Jannah


The distance between these two cities is approximately2,150 kilometres. Thus, we can imagine how great andbig this palace will be!

The ahadith mention different amounts of wives for eachperson in Jannat. In Sahih Bukhari it is mentioned,"Every person will have two wives." However, there isno contradiction between this hMith and other ahMithwhich state a person will have more than two wives.Hafiz ibn Hajar mentions that one interpretation ofthis hadIt11is that two is the minimum number of wives aperson will have. Another interpretation is that thenumber two is also used in the Arabic language for alarge quantity and greatness of something. Thus, themeaning here is not to fix an exact amount and limit forthe number of wives a person will have.6g Mulla AliQari says that the best interpretation is that the twowives mentioned in this hadith refer to the women of thisworld and each person will have a minimum of 72wives; 70 from the hurs and 2 from the humans. (,9

Where will a believer live with all his wives?

'.U· ~ ~l . ~, ,··1l'I, Jl§ diilt .:tl'\ ,,., 1 .'.~~~ (JA - • i..r UA~ (j, • ~ (ft'*' (j ~ (f"'-JA ifl u-u~ u~1 \+.!.9 ~~ ~ u~ s:-LwJi .) lfJ-Jb JJ~ ;;~I-.9

'(3243) WI/4...l.b ..... _ ~ ~- ~. '•. tl d ,t<""_I..S..) .•• ~ , ,--..--. I..S ~ (JA..:;- ~

.. (7158) ~Abu Musa narrates that Rasulullah said,"Definitely, in Jannat there will be a mansion made froma hollow pearl whose height in the sky is 60 miles (111kilometers). The believer will have wives in thismansion and he will go to them. These wives will notsee each other. ,,70

(,S (Fathul Biirl'6/325 - Darul Ma'rifah, Beirut)

69 (Mirqiit 9/600)

70 (Sahi'h Bukhiiri, Sahi'h Muslim)

Chapter 11: Huw to gain more wives inJannat

Controlling one's anger

ul uk- -JJl§ ~ -.9t.¥ ~ (.)A : Jl§ A ~l ul~ ~l 6: jl£.4 UC~ ~4il1 ("-J:: J.l~1 i.J"-.9.J-J ~ ~~ -.9 <lj~ ~l o\.pJ o~

.ili\ <Lo.::..j JL§ j t?~y1I.J .l.JI.lYo! 01.J..)- s:-W:.1..4 ~I -J~l (.)A o~

( 372/ 4 ~ ..:11) '. ".l.=:..: t? J-'-''-:-l:!.r ~ '-l:!

Mu'adh bin Anas narrates that RasUlullah said,"He who swallows his anger despite being able toexpress it, Allah will call him in front of the entirecreation and allow him to choose whichever hth hedesires. ,,71

Good deeds

Imam Razi mentions that Allah ~ will give a believeras many wives as Allah ~ desires for every good deedthat the believer does. 72 The exact number of wives for

each person will vary according to a person's obedienceto Allah ~ and his level in Jannat. Thus, we should tryto do as many good deeds in this world in order to enterJannat and thereafter gain as many wives as possible.


II (AbCtDiiwCtd,Tirmidhl)

n (Tafsi'r Razi 15/168 - Daru] Fikr, Beirut)

Page 24: Maidens of Jannah


Chapter 12: Intimate Relations inJannat

Loving nature of the women of Jannat and theirskillfulness in sexual intercourse

Allah describes the women of Jannat as," L:lyl L:-.P

"Loving in nature and equal in age. ,,73

Some scholars have translated the word u'rub in two

ways. One interpretation is that they have intense lovefoc their husbands and the other interpretation is thatthey are skillful at having sex with their husbands.74

Sexual intercourse only with virgins

Allah ~ says,

6L:ki ~.1 ~'iT ~ ~ 64- 'i J ~ u-Jl ~ rJ

"No human or jinn has touched [these women] before.Then which bounty of your Lord will you both [humansand jinns] deny?,,75

The reason for these women being virgins is because aperson generally derives more pleasure in having sexualintercourse with them. As mentioned above, Allah ~will also make all the human women into virgins inJannat. Imam Razi also says in the commentary of thisverse that Allah ~ mentions sexual intercourse of theworld with indirect words. However, in this verse he has

73 (56:39)

74 (Hftdiyu] Arwfth pg. 266)

75 (55-74)

mentioned the sexual intercourse of the hereafter in clear

and direct words. The objective of this is to show thatsexual intercourse in this world is not free of faults and

is not perfect, whereas sexual intercourse in thehereafter will be perfect and free of all faults. 76

..) u~l....J ~! ~\ iiI\ J Y-".1 Y J.!§ : Jl2 u. ~ oJ:!jkl 0-:1\ (p~ ~y\ 6i" oJ::-: ~ 1.5.i.\\J Jl2 ~ y.iJ..l1 ..) ~l ~ W ~\~~I\ 3 )j,J\ 3 ~ r.i·013.1 - ~\.1~ tiLa~! o~l~\ ol.iiJ\ ..).. -

.by:;, ~ l.?~ ~.J.::JI IiA, J~.1 .5 ,&\ 4..=..1 (,?'"".JiJ1hl)1 ~ Jt.S

~\ybJ\ J~.1'&1 ~.) ~\ Jl3.5 (300 : ("\3,)';1\ l.?.J\"':")~\

Jl3 j (417 /10: ~\) ~ ~ 3 '-,-l\j; 01 ~ yC ~I J~.)

(485/2: Jy. ~ .o.:,\3j~) ~,&\ ~J ~ 01\ ..h9L::J\

Abu Hurayrah narrates that RasUlullah was asked,"Will we have sexual intercourse with our wives in

Jannat?" He answered, "A person will have sexualintercourse with 100 virgins in one morning. ,,77

He will find his wife a virgin every time he comesto her

1.5.i.\\J :Jl2 ~\ ..) \.hi\ ~ ill\ JY-".1 ~ :Jl2 ~ oJ:!jkl 0-:1\ (p~\ ~ - \.JS..:"" o~ ~.1 ~ ("l2 \j\-9 ~..1 ~j o~ ~

(246/ 9: u~';1\)'&\ 4..=..) u4-=>-­

Abu Hurayrah narrates that RasUlullah was asked,"Will we have sexual intercourse in Jannat?" He

answered, "By the oath of that being in whose hands mylife is, yes. [Sexual intercourse will be with] hardpushes. When one of us completes the task ofintercourse with his wife, she will once again become avirgin and a pure woman. ,,78

J(, (Tal'slr Ruzi ]5/130)

II (i\hll Ya'lft, Bayhaqi, Tabrfml, Bazar)

IX (lhl1 Hibban)

Page 25: Maidens of Jannah



Complete satisfaction of sexual desire

: JL9 ~ S-J:!~ iftl UC Jl.aJ"j1 l.JA~J UC ~~I ~ 6: ~ UC

~) Aj~ ~~I fij,2 ~~\ l.JAUllb ~ ~ ~ ~ .ilil Jy...-J LW.b.

~ ~I~j~ uJC~ ~.l.ll ~ ~! 14 ~l: ~ 'illl ~ : JL9 Ul

."" \<'- ~ t_ t:..w ~b ~<L.....a ~I 'L 4.h.ll t.·l· ~<~<L.....aU;!-l.l..I !..r"" ,.,.- - ~-J ~ _ ~ ~ "'" ~-J •• U'" 0A r-l.JA~ ~ ~f'.ll';': .l.l~l.JA~~.ili1 ~ ~~~j ~~l.JAlj~ ~ ~ ~~':;I ~ ~.l;1 ~.l.ll ~ .ilil l4l.l~ .ilil Wul

~ (JJ'.l..l....u~ 4~j u~ 4\;~ Sljl\l: ~ ~j l.JA-J:!Y-"~ ~~l.;!

1 . llll.l.t...::l· .l.J II .t:.~. "I ••n~(· .l.J . "- - I9-)~ 0A -J 0A 0 •• If, ~ ~ ~ I...J:H0 _ ~ ~ (j~,

\1~<·W\';;L...· \It:.~.t4J1 \ •• _\ llll.l.b. 1 •• \1jIf, r ~ 'it"' 1:A If, ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ "\l'":'_'lIllll.l.ic -JA ~ Sly <U llll¥ ~ Sly 4J o¥ w~~1 ~ ~ ~I

~ ';1 ~ ofij ~ 14 9-IJ~ llll~~ ';1) oy ~~ ';1 ~ 4.1.J ~ ~

-j 4J1 ';1\ L~ ';1 L~';1 ..1,j1 U2 ,e. ~ ul .I' jl .1lls. .1>. ~ 1.L;;. V"'-' ~ V"'-' ~ ($ ~, .:r __ ~

.l1.: S.b.I~ o.b.l~ ~~ [~ llll~ 4\~Ji .1l Ul ';1) ~ ';1 ~ ~

~I ~ LA~ ~ ~l ~ ~I ~ 14 .ilil~ w.\L9O.b.\~ 9-4 t....IS

JIJi J ;;LJ:-" ~ ,&1 A....=..) t?'JiLJl j~) - ~..uJ\ ~ ~I ,-;=! ~i' '\ ' c1c~I:\.,\ '4...lUS· j , ~, ,,1\ L, I Icr. U:' e J U:' .. ,,' JJ lY', Y. ~ ~ J ~ ~ 0 JJ

~ JIJi J ~ 0! ~ LJ:- j~j cr.! 0! -':!)1 0! ~ LJ:- ""-! jy..;1 c-9\ J

~ oL:w J olJ ;;~llJ.iY c-9\) cr.! 0! c-9IJ0! J,cL.u.,,\ '-;-Jt6J\ piJ~ t?'JW\ ~ I~ ~ J rW\ ~! ~ ~ lji.,jiJl JIJi jJIJi,&1 ~J ~ 0!\ JIJi j (534 / 4 : '-;-J;!Cy1I) ~..w\ '-;-JJ\.io 4..9:i~

0! J ~..wl \ik, j <Lo~ 4..1 0 j\ Y! .h.,l..11A....=.. J ~..\..o.ll ~ yo 0! ..h9loJ\

wlii ~lu,i LJ:- 0P ljJY ~ 14 ~w ~ ~ U.o ojl1u) ~ 0\.S

(wjY:'~1 ~I )j-141 :~~\)Muhammed ibn Ka'b Al-Qurazi narrates from aperson of the Ansar (people of Madinah) thatRasulullah said, "I take the oath of that Being whosent me with the truth, you are not more acquainted withyour wives and houses than the people of Jannat. Aperson of Jannat will come to 72 wives which Allahspecially created in Jannat (hurs) and 2 human wives .The human wives will have virtue over the [hurs]because they worshipped Allah in the world. He willcome to the first of his wives in a room made of rubies.

[They will be on a] bed made of gold which is adorned

with pearls. This bed will be made of 70 different typesof silk. He will place his hand between her twoshoulders and he will see his hand through her clothes,skin, and flesh. He will see the marrow of her leg just asa person can see the thread inside a ruby. His inside willbe a reflection of her and her inside will be a reflectionof him. He will be in this condition; he will not becomebored of her and she will not become bored of him.

Every time he comes to her, he will find her to be avirgin. His sexual organ will not tire and her sexualorgan will also not experience any difficulty. [While heis in this condition], someone will announce, 'We haveknown that you will not get bored and you will not makeher bored. Both the man and woman will not experienceejaculation of sperm. You will have other wives besidesher.' He will go to the other wives one by one.Whenever he will go to a wife, she will say to him, "1swear by Allah, there is nothing in Jannat more belovedto me than you. ,,79

4.h.l\'~.';"'\I.·.e.J' cw, '~\I'\ ~. ~.I... '1.hl\~~."II··'e.• i..5"" c-:- v- y... ll.IF!..S't""' U JA u.: r::-- ~ r..r ~ v-~J)..ll4 Ls:wl ~ ~"~)I ul ~ ~ 'lI-fij ~ ~ J.:l: : J~0\ - ~ wll ~ - ""I 14 4..UL~ ';1 ~ J .. ';1 ~JJ .. ~ ~ .. - - ~ ,~

~ L:;, 4..1..1I_:-=- J l.?,.J:!-'-"=' yJI JIJi j tiL:,. cr.! 0!1 J ~U cr.! 0! G yJ"0~I ;;y.OJ\ -wl:...:i!) ~ ~ 0\..,t::..0!1 01JJ J ~ cr.! ~.b.. U.o

/ (570 : JJ.o,JI) wG:; 4..14-J J.." yo ..11 A....=.. J ~~I JlJij (473/ 10:'::li J..".J:! 'i <\..i\ ~\:jjl "O..l\..c l.JA W y::- 0\..9 ..1\ ~ J y>o-=>- 0!\ ,b9l:,J\ JIJi

l)fi.b..\ .YO j Jl.:l:,.,'::!\ ('L¥ ~j1l1 ~) ufi.l.:>..A.l\ J~ ~~ 4..9:iLJ:­

1".11" ") \.i.l.ho ~! '<1\ ."cIUI J" 1.,,'.\j \~<\.k,y , .. 0~J-'"j~ Y~j~ j.JA.::..

(41 : fl\ ~ cy:u

llaylham At-Tai and Salim bin A'mir relate thatRasCilullah was asked regarding sexual intercourse in./(IIJWII. He said, "It will be with a powerful desire and a

7<) (AbC! Ya'la)

Page 26: Maidens of Jannah


penis which does not tire. Definitely, a person will havesex with a woman for 40 years. [During this time] hewill not move away and nor will he tire. He will havesexual intercourse as much as his soul will desire and his

eyes will find pleasure in." (Harth bin Ab' u~lmah, IbnAb! Hatim) RO

r+JI ~I ~\ ~ 0A O! : J\] ~ ~I J~-.J 01 ~La 0: ~ UC4~ t.b~ ~I ~ 0~3:! r+JI J ~I J y\.h.JI ~ OJ-.JJIJ.:i:!J.=:.3 y;. ~\ ~L.';,~ I~ ~ 4JJ:IS~ J~ 'J J~JY'J 4.L.t?~l OJ.l# ~ oj! 'J J wl-.J UP- 'J LA ~ 4.:G..uJI ~ ~~

l.:...;!) .0JI (,'i ~lAi J~ dlj ~ ~ ~ p..J1 JIJ:!W ~OJJ.:..~~W 0C J r+J~i 0C ~ 0A \..j~ ~ ~j)A ~~) JSj J ~Jj-.J ~ J ~.)~ ~ J ~J:P. ~I"'; ~ ~I dlj.) J r-~I dl:i .) cl......JIdlj ~ ~ ~l La~ 4 ~~\ W:.La II I n~';;\ - .. 1:", :. wull\' dlj w 1,':'11~ (f. ~ ~ u~ ~ . _ (jA (.9~ _ J ~J ~i La J-.9¥4b ~ dlLA\ ~I ¥ y .!l.llJi ~ (.9JLi:j olyJllj~oi ..II J ••~~.1jlS.A.lWA1c w.jSLAJ ;•.~~ ~ . u! J ;.~~~I ..r-.r- . .rr . J . J-.J .r- (jA

~lj.:..up-\ o-.ft 0A ~ ~ILA ~ ~ ~ J\] ~w ~I oj ~ LAJi~yJl dlj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-.J J ~ J-.9¥ o~ \"';\.S LA.:

~I 0A ~ .jP; LA'Jl ~ ~ LAJ J~ 'J J ~ 'J ~.? ~)D.lJ3\ -3 cY4:- t.Y. ~Lu.,! ~\3J lJ-o ~.ll\ <.,?-'i l.;!\ D\-3J - ~lfll J

(543/4: ~jiJ\) "LF" .b9.1,:01\ 4.A::..Jl?J~\

Shuffi ibn Mati' narrates that Rasulullah said,

"Definitely, one of the bounties of Jannat is that thepeople of Jannat will visit one another on swift animals.

RO Hafiz bin Hajar ~ says that if the Tabi' (Person who saw theSahabah) sometimes does not mention the final narrator of the hadith,but it is known that he only narrates from those narrators who arcreliable, then most scholars of hadlth along with Imam Ahmed do notpass a judgement regarding this hadith because of the possibility of itbeing acceptable and un-acceptable. However, such a narration(known as mursal) is accepted un-conditionally according to thescholars of KOJa, the followers of the Mftliki school of thought, andaccording to one view of Imam Ahmad.

A horse will be brought to them with a saddle and reins.(It will be ready to ride). This horse will not excrete andnor will he urinate. They will ride this horse until theyreach the place which Allah desires. Then, they willcome to a cloud which will contain is what no eye hasseen and no ear has heard. The people of Jannat will askthis cloud to rain upon them [whatever they desire]. Thecloud will continuously rain upon them [whatever theydesire] until they receive that which they neverimagined. Then, Allah will send a gentle wind and itwill spread mounds of musk on their right and left. Theywill apply this musk on the foreheads and necks of theirhorses. They will also apply this musk on their ownheads. Each man will keep his hair as long as he desires .This musk will stick to their hair, horses, and the rest oftheir clothes. They will keep proceeding on their animalsuntil they reach the place which Allah desires. Then,suddenly a woman will call out to one of them, '0 slaveof Allah, don't you have any desire for us?' He will askher, 'What are you and who are you?' She will reply, 'Iam your wife and beloved.' He will say to her, 'I did notknow about you.' She will answer, 'Didn't you knowthat Allah said, "No person knows the joy which ishidden from them as a reward for their deeds. '" He will

say , 'Yes, I swear by my Lord.' Then, it is possible thathe becomes preoccupied with her for 40 years [havingsexual intercourse]. [During this time], he will not turnhis attention elsewhere and will not leave. His onlyconcern will be the pleasure and honour which he isenjoying. ,,81

IjLa J-H tqJI ~L: 4.:b...JI~ ..yj.JI 0A ol : JI.! 0.)-'\ 0: ~ UC

~~I LJ.ll~ J~ JI.! IJp... 'ill ~ O~ ~ r-Sp...101 OJ..yy

RI (Ibn Ab! Dunya)








Page 27: Maidens of Jannah


)L.,y> c:l).~1 0!1oI3~- w~jA ($.)~ ~~\ '+' r:).}.'-J ~j ~IillI ~J ~~I Jl9 / (u3J:!-:l ~I ~I )j- 486 : ~yl '-;-JL:lS)

bye 3 ~ (,?IYJ ~.J." 'J 3 ~I UC 'J! h~ Ul.~ 'J L"" oy.-i 31

'-:-':!J.J::J) J..., yo ~ lY> t~yJI ul 'Jl (,?"-J1.:iJl ~ J~ 1:05;3 <.::..JS Wi ~ J-"

(100: (,?31)1

Kathir Ibn Murrah says, "Amongst the 'extra'bounties of Jannat (referring to a verse of the Qurfmwhich says, "And we have extra by Us [for the people ofJannat] ") is a cloud which will come over the inhabitants

of Jannat. The cloud will say to them, 'What do youwish tl at I rain upon you?' Whatever they wish for willbe rained upon them." Kathir said, "If Allah gives methe opportunity, I will definitely ask the cloud to rain forme beautiful women. ,,32 H3

.!ncreased ability for sexual intercourse

~ : Jill ~ ~I ~! yWSJI ~l (}'l ~.) ~4-:Jt.2 4ih ~) 6: .l;j r.:P

~ u...ii ($.lll-J ~ Jt.2u-J-:y1; -J 6~~ ~I ~l 6! ~j:i ~W\ 1..:1

o13~ - t~\ -J yp\ -J JS>:II ~~.) 4.J1.4 o~~ ~.u.l 61/)~'-:-':!y:. ~ ill! ~J (,?ioyJI Jl9 3 )j,J! 3 ~13 ~Wl 3 (,?ioyJI

~ r-t-! ~ ~W\ ;;13.)ill I ~~ (,?.):uJ\ Jl9 3 (677/4 : (,?ioyJl)

I '..11 J6. ill\ ~ };..I! Jl9 (524 / 4 . ' ::11) - ,_. -II3 J ...}-!-' • .) ~ ~ 3 .... ...r c-::---3 (769/ 10 : ~I) ~ Y. 3 ~ 0-! 4.-oW.Ji:- ~I J4..) ~\~\)\ ~I) ~ ju....,~~W\ 3 ~I oI3~'&\ ~~ ~4-0.1l\ Jl9;;jL.J1 w6.:i!) ~ ju....,~ ~WI oI3~illl~.) ~I~I Jl9 3 (882 :

(540110 LJ#WIZayd bin Arqam reports that a Jew came toRasulullah ~ and said, "0 Abul Qasim, you claim that

82 (Ibn Abi Dunya)83 Hafiz SuyOti .o':fi, says that the saying of a Tabii (A person who sawthe Sahabah) in such an topic which could not have been determinedby a person's logic and deduction is equivalent to a hadith which isdirectly from Rasulullah except that it will be in a mursal in hisright.

the people of Jannat will eat and drink." Rasulullahsaid, "By the oath of that being in whose hands my lifeis, every person in Jannat will be given the power of 100men in eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse. "S4

Since a person will have many wives in Jannat, Allahwill increase the sexual power of the men of Jannat sothat they can completely satisfy their desires.

84 (Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Bazzar, Nasal)

Page 28: Maidens of Jannah


Chapter 13: Will there be childbirth inJannat?

~ .lJ~\ ~\ Ijl UAj.J\ : ~ k\ J",,""-J JIJ :JIJ ~ ~ ..,-:1 r:.P

~ 1.S~y.l\ 01-..9-J- ~ W ~L....~ .u..... -..9~-..9 -..9~ 68 ~\>'-~\ JIJ ~ ( 6~51 4: t?~y.ll) Y-1~ ~ ~..u.,l.ikl k\ <I.A.:..-J JIJ

: ~ (.>:'J ~l~) F by.:. ~ t?~ l.ikl -..9~\ <I.A.:..-J ~iWl

-..90-"-..9t..b.s~W\ UA ~~ r:.P Jii J -J ~\ <I.A.:..-J ~ l.>:l JIJ 1 (145J ~ l.ikl -..9~ .lJ-J;! 'J ~\ 61 ~~ J ~\ &lj:l) J ~~

jl.J:! -J\j 4i.lJ\ 61.2 4i.lJ\ ~ ~\~\ ~ LASI.lJJ ~ 'J ~~ 61 cl.\j

6JS..:! 'J 14J -..9;:ill\ >'-~ 4-: jl~1.2 ~\ \.41"-..9~ J....i.\\ >'-ll: 4-l4

-?Jj ~J .l..l~l ~.b.1 ,-:=i lj! US-l-..9~~ ;jJ ~ ~ ~~ ~

~) ~\ ~ I 1.S ~ cl.\js 6J>'- ~ \.4 ~ r+l ~ULi ~ \ JIJ ..l:!.J:! W(146: ~ l.>:'J ~\

Abu Sa'eed Khudri narrates that RasululHlh said,"When a believer desires a child in Jannat, thepregnancy, birth, and growth of the child [to the age of33] will be take place instantly. "xsThe scholars have differed on whether or not there willbc childbirth in Jannat. Ibn Kathir says, "Tawus,Mujfthid, and IbrahIm An-NakhaI' hold the view thatsexual intercourse will take place in Jannat withoutchildbirth and this is correct. There will not be childbirthin Jannat because there will be no need for it. Childbirthis necessary in this world for the continuation ofhumanity, whereas in Jannat the objective is lastingpleasure. This is why there is no ejaculation of spermduring sexual intercourse in Jannat because it would endthe pleasure. However, when the people of Jannat desirechildren, they will immediately receive children. This isbecause Allah ~ has said, "They will have in Jannatwhatever they desire. In this way Do We reward thepeople who carry out Our commands and refrain fromevil" (16:31)

85 (Tirmidhl)

Chapter 14: A Shahid (Martyr) and hisspecial virtue with the maidens of


~ ~ 61 : ~ kl J",,""-J JIJ : JIJ ~ yfi 1.S~ l.>: jliW\ r:.P

-..9~\ ~ 0~ 1.S.J:! -..94..Aj UA Wj JJI ~ .u ~ J~ u...... k \

~w ~\~ ~ ~-J;! -..9 J-?~\ tjil\ UA UA4 -..9 ~l y\~ UA ).~

~ J 6L:ill ~-..9J:! -..9~ \.4 J4i.lJ\ UA ~ 4..i.4 ~~L;:J\ -..9-JIJ~\

013') - ~-JIJI UA LiL.....l) ~ ~ ~ -..9~\ -J~\ UA ~-..9j

: t?~yJl) '-:-1:!y ~ ~ G"h l~ at! "'-=-.) Jl§ 3 t?~ y\~ --9~L..., ~ ..llj ~I ')IIo~ ~Ip\ 3 ~\ 013') 3 (187/4j (320/2 : ~y\) ~ o..lli.u.j at! 4...0..::...) t?.)~\ Jl§ 3 6~')I! :(h"'-=-.) ~\ Jl§ 3 (512 : ~\) ~ o..lli.u.) atl 4...0..::...)~4-0..l.l1 Jl§...?-"'- i.J.!1 ~b..\1Jl§ 3 (293/5 : ~I) u~ ~I pi 3 ~I J4..) atl

( 1616: t?.)41I~) ~ o..lli.u.j 3 ~\pl 3 ~I 0\3,) atl "'-=-.J

Miqdad narrates that RasUlullah said," A Shahidwill have 7 qualities when he reaches Allah:1. His sins will be forgiven upon the first drop of hisblood, i.e. he will see his place in Jannat.2. He will receive protection from the punishment of thegrave.3. He will be in security from the great fear, i.e. day ofjudgement. --4. A crown of honor will be placed on his head. OneI'llhy from this crown is better than the world and all itL'( lI11ains.

.').IIc will marry 72 wives from the hurs.(1. lie will intercede on the behalf of 70 of his relatives.

7. Ill' will be made to wear clothes oflman (faith). X6

0(' (Tirmidhl, Ahmad, Tabranl)













"11 ..·'



Page 29: Maidens of Jannah


The hurs eagerness to meet their martyred husbands

~ ':/ : Jll2 ~ ~I Jy...-J •.1~1 jSj : JU $> 0-.>.l-Jkl3:1 lP

~I-J-J ~ -J~1 01~ ~Ls o~-Jj 0-J~ ~ ~II'..l i.J.4 ua}ilJ ~jjl i.J.4 ~ ~ ~ o.b.l-J JS ..I:! ~ -J ua}JI i.J.4 I Ag \~~ t:l.\..lQ\

0-!1 JIJi 3 ( 322/ 2: ~ j:J1) "lJ-C" ~ t?-J~I oJ-J3\ - l# LA

lY-=- jl1.u,i yl> j 4.=..1o 0-!1 j ~ (,?-'i 0-!\ 01j-J jul ~ -J ~4-0J.l\ <yW\

~)\...u,;/I 'WI Ij 74(/ ')- "L::uJ\ t L....a... 1\ .• \ :-;/1 t l.....::w),- ,Y - -J ) ~ - (j -J i.S', (j.Y-" -J


AbCI Hurayrah narrates that someone mentioned the

martyrs by RasUlullfth and he said, "Before the

ground can dry from the blood of the martyr, his twowives rush to him as if they are a breast-feeding camelwho has found her lost child in an empty and barrenland. Each woman will have a pair of clothes in her handwhich will be better than the world and all it contains. "X7

This is an example to show that the love and excitementof the hurs for their martyred husbands will be like thatof a breast-Jeeding camel who has found her baby camel.Another interpretation is that the tenderness andcompassion of the hurs for their husbands will be likethat of the mother-camel who - out of her love for her

child - protects it from the sun in a barren land in whichthere is no shade.

A Shahid will enjoy his wife in his grave

.u~ J~ i.JA.4 $> o~ U:..I:!J:! 0LS -J o~ U:.l:!J:! lP '..lAl~ lP0·1._11 WI ~ \jl J ~ 'LS JU 'i Ij ~.l.:i...ll .<j,2u..J:u. W-J ~ (j-" , ~ lJ -J lJ (f. ~ J-' ,

-J -JW1 yl3:1 ~ -J ~I y\3:\ -J •.lA...JI yl3:\ ~ JWll..\ \~

J.l..l\ jj! -J o~1 ~I ~ ~yl ~i \j~ ~I-J ~\ J~I 0:/j

~I -J ~\ ~ lS~ I',jJI 0-R--Jl~lj.u ~I ~I ~ -J <UA~l~ •.~ JS ~ <\ ~ ofl J-Jl 0~ ~I J~I I-J~ ':/ -J

X7 (Ibn Abl Shaybah, Ibn Majah)

0':/jiJ -J~-J lP yl~1 0~ ~I J~l i.J.4 0~-Jj 4) JJ-.l:: -J

ju\ ~-J LS-J~\ JIJi 3 cs-i1y.bl1 0\3-J - LUj Ul~ J.jQ.:i -J d.l UIJ§.u

~-J ~4.0J.l1 JlJij (321 /2 : ~j.iJ\) ~-'"'>;;~ ~~ ..l.::>.i

~\ JlJij (517 : ~\) 1j~Y' ~ Jl1.u,~ ~\yh11 013-J jul0-!\ JIJi j (294 / 5 : ~I) ~\ J~-J w..l.::>.i J~-J ju\ ~-J

jl1.u,~ 1~ 1..9~Y' ~ (,?-'i 0-!1 0\3-J ju \ ~ -J ~4-0J.l1 <yWI

0-"\ 01j-J 3 C~ .J\..l.uJ~19~Y' 01j)1 .l,>.c 0\3-J <2lJis:.3 ~

(743/ 2: &~';J\ t-Jl.....::w)~ w..l.::>.i 0.-!-9,,~Mujahid narrates that Yazid bin Shajarah - one ofthose people whos~ actions agree with their speech ­delivered a khutbah (sermon) and said, "When the

people are arranged in rows for Salah and when they arearranged in ranks for combat, the doors of Jannat openedand the doors of hellfire are locked. The hurs beautifythemselves and watch the battle. When a person headstowards the enemy, they make dua' (invocation) to Allahto help him. When a person runs away from the enemy,they conceal themselves from him and make dua' to!\ IIflh to forgive him and to destroy the enemy. The hursS;IY to the fighters, 'May our parents be sacrificed forYOII, don't disgrace us.' The first drop which is spilled01 the fighter's blood wipes out all his previous sins. Histwo wives from the hurs come down to him and wipe thedill from his face. Trey say to him, 'May we bec;;ll'li fil'l'd for you.' He says to them, "May I also be,c;;lnllil'cd for you. ,,88

~) l,~\ .0JI Jy...-J Y : Jll2 ~ ~I ~I\ ~-J 0\ ~ u-JI lP

0i[j ~I ~ •.':/~ u.\:ju ul 0lj ~ JLA':/ ~-Joll ~ ~yl 0W\.11 .••• \.Ill • ~ Jll2 r.I;;. ,~I\oulj l~t. ~ \~ueWI ~JU ~ ul9 ~9 ~ ~ ~ u-"" (~ (.>' ,r.r

)~\ LJA '~3j U;I\-J Jll o~ -.9\\~ JU -J d.lLAj;s\ -J .:l;),,:u ~

" ~c,\-,. II 0\ 'J ) ~:u.;. 4...hl I:. J:j ui o....<:l :w> .u ~ ~ ',U'··· II\ .• , -..r;;-; ~ •• u-"' -7- ""- , , ~ ~

/ .) : ,.\ )\,,,,,,\1) .(j]\ ~-J ~ill 0.)1 3 jl1.u,)'\ ~ jul ~-J JIJi


xx (Tahrani)




Page 30: Maidens of Jannah


Anas narrates that a black man came to Rasulullah

and said, "0 Messenger of Allah, I am a black man withbad body odour and an ugly face. I c1on't have anywealth. If I fight against these people U' ,til l am killed,where will I be? RasUlullflh said, "In Janna1." So he

fought until he was killed. The Prophet came to himand said, " Indeed Allah has brightened your face, madea good smell emerge from your body, and has increasedyour wc(l!th." The Prophet said to him or to someoneelse, "Definitely I saw his wife from the hurs take offhis wool cloak and come between him and his cloak. ,,89

0~~J.! <l:~\ ~ ~ ~ i.ft\y::.\ ~~ j4 u+U\ 0\ ~ y&- 6:\ CP

~!Iiill\ J-.9-'-".J~ i'ftll ~ Jill ~LpJI ()4 ~\.j ~ly::.~l ~.) ~jil\

~ <iJ ~ I.' 0~ 4i.i11 u:c.y::. ()4 ~ JI1e ~jill 0~~J.! <l:~\.JLu. ~ ~U .u fi: ~l ~ ~\ r:.»: ~ ~ ~Wi.ll 0~~ o.JS..:0~..I~~<l:~\ ~ ~ ill\ J-.9-'-".J~l ofiH -J-i~ ~ ~

~l ~~ u-J oUl o~ ~ L9.llI~ L9~\ .) 1~..Iill\ J-.9-'-".JJI1e

I ~ - 4......\ ~ ~ ;wU,M.· .:\\ cll~ ;U i1~~.';"n~ .a..l11· .•I;'~.J llIJ3' ~ • ...>Po..."...- ~ ~

\~ ~~\.J ill\ J-.9-'-".JY ~ ~ u:c.y::.1~ ~ \.J~~ J~ JI

i.?.J~..)'JJJ~ ~\ i.?.J~\ ()4 ~\.J tA tAl JI1e ~ ~y::.\ ~ ~

0\.2~ ..,...a\y::.l tAl ~ ~ J Y ill \ ~ ~J.J ~lfi ()4 ~I.J t..J.e

t?.)il.,J\ J~ ) ~\ 01).) - 4......\.J ~ 0\1\ ~l .J~l ()4 ~Jj

lill <Lo..::...) ~40..l.l1 J~ ) ( 273 / 2 : ~ fll) ~ oj\..h.,j lil\ <Lo..::..)

o.l\..h.,! lill <Lo..::...) ~l:!-"..l.l\ L)-"WI 0:>\J~ -3 (520 : ~\) ~ o.l\..h.,j

(767/2: Jly:;,';l\ t.)L::u,) ~

Ibn Umar narrates that RasUlullah and his

Companions once passed by a bedouin's tent on theirway to a battle. The bedouin lifted the side of the tentand said, "Who are these people?" Someone told him,"RasUluliah and his Companions are on their way to a

~9 (Hakim)

battle." He then asked, "Are they acquiring wealth?"Someone told him, "Yes. They are acquiring booty andafterwards it is distributed among them. " Heimmediately went to his young camel, tied a rope to itsleg, and joined RasUlullah and his Companions. Hetried to bring his camel close to Rasulullah but the

Companions prevented him. Rasulullah thereaftersaid, "Allow the person from Najd to come closer to me,because - by the oath of Allah - he is from the kings ofJanna1." The bedouin then fought the enemy in the battleand was killed. The Prophet was informed about himand came to him. He sat by his head smiling happily,and then he turned away. We said, "0 Messenger ofAllah. We saw you smiling happily, and then you turnedaway." He said, "I was happy because of the greathonour of his soul to Allah ~, and I turned awaybecause his wife from the hurs is by him now. ,,90


'II} (Baylwqil

Page 31: Maidens of Jannah

Allah, 1 ask you for Jannat and 1 seek refuge with youfrom Hell. ' ,,92


Chapter 15: How to reach Jannat


The importance of praying for Jannat

0-<>~ )~I L. : ~ iiJ\ Jy.u-.JJIj : JIj ~ OJ:!Y ~1l.F~ )~I u)l9 c.B~ d l.;-J -.J Y -.J\jjl ujlj ':1J wi y C:Lu> -.J\jjl

01 l.;-J -.J Y ~I ujlj ':1)wi y C:Lu> ~l ~ JL ':1-.3 0 ~l.9

~-JliA.lI J~ -J ~ .9:11 ol-J-J - ~I 4.b...ll.9 ~L u)l9 c.B~

4: ~ ~I) ~ -J (,?-J~l .b~ ~ o·J~J AlII ~-J

u~....~....wo II .k~ ~ o..l~! AlII ~-J ~~..l.ll J~ -J ( 450/~ .b~ ~ -J AlII ~-J ~ 6:1J~ -J ( 673: ~I)

(184: ~ 6:'J ~\~)

AbG Hurayrah narrates that RasGluWih said, "Whena person seeks refuge from Hell seven times, Hell says toAllah, '0 my Lord, Your slave so-ancI-so sought refugefrom me, so give him refuge.' When a person asks forJannat seven times, Jannat says to Allah, '0 my Lord,Your slave so-and-so asked for me, so enter him into


~y it. u+U1J\l : J\l it. ~I yb.w:ll ~ CP u1fij ~l....::lu-:l cpcl; j' , 1.""~I cl1t....l ' "'I :""1 J "I ~"lJ\l & .1 -'I . J ~"1...i.S• .JC -J. cr. ~ ,j9 -J ~ ~ ~ ~ "

65: )Sj'1\) ~ .Ju.::,~.0..)1.0 J-!I01.J.)"&1 4..=...) (,?.J.iJ1 Jt.§ - .JCJ! ~ul:..j1ilI) L~..&I 4..=...) y:>-=>-l.>-!I.1:.9l,J1 JL9 .J (u.J.Y-! ~yJl ).0­(,? ~ y,J1 JL9 .J ( u.J.Y-! - (,?"iyJl wi yJl •.~I ).J-. 3 17/ I : ~~yl)..l-- 183 : ~4.)1 L~) utli 4..l4..J ~ .J'-.i.u,! 11l, ..&14..=...J

( ... \..i..,J\'-lJ..J:!-! LJ .

Abu Salih Dhakwan narrates from one Sahabi that

Rasulullah ~~ asked a person, "How do you make dua'in salah?" He said, "1 make tashahhud and 1 say, '0

91 (AbO Ya'Hi)

We should try to learn this simple dua' and use it to askfor Jannat. There will be more blessing in this duabecause it narrated from a Sahabi who recited in front of


The importance of worldng towards Jannat

No one from amongst LIS has a guarantee that he willreach .Iannat. One hadlth in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih

Muslim mentions that a person will do the actions of the

people of .Iannat until he is only a hand-span away from.Iannat. Then, what is written for him will overtake himand he will cIa the actions of the people of Hell until heenters into hell. It is true that Allah has guaranteed to

eventually enter into Jannat anyone who recites theKalimah with sincerity, but no believer has a guaranteethat he will leave this world in a state of iman. Therefore,

it is necessary for every believer to constantly work toplease Allah Sin order to die with iman.

Allah Ssays,

U~llliJl ~~ cill~~ j

"And for this let all those strive who want to strive. ,,93

Allah ~ al~ says,

'I' (/\hlll);lw(l(l)

"I (X\:.l.())
























Page 32: Maidens of Jannah


w.oc\ ~J'J\-5 w~\ ~y ~ -5~J 0-<> oyu~) 1y;.)_uJ-5'''~': .11~

"And hasten towards forgiveness from Your Lord, and fora Jannat prepared for the pious, as wide as the heavens

94and the earth."

Ibn Abi Dunya narrates from Sulayman Ad-Daranithat there was a youngster living in Iraq who used toworship Allah in abundance. He went on a journey withhis friend to Makkah, and he would perform Salah whenthey would rest. When they would cat, he would fast. Hisfriend put up with him until the journey ended and theywere about to go their separate ways. Then, he said tohim, "() my brother. Please tell me, why are you doingthis?" He answered, "In my dream, I saw a·palace fromJannat. There was a brick of gold and a brick of silver.Where the building finished, there was a balcony made ofruby and a balcony made of emerald, Between these twobalconies was a hur standing with her hair loose. She waswearing silver clothes which moved when she moved.She said, 'Work towards the pleasure of Allah to reachme.' By Allah, I am working towards the pleasure ofAllah to reach her and this is why you see me fasting and

performing Salah. ,,95

Price of Jannat

Allah ~ says,

_AI 'G _All \ "1 ' ' 'd\\' .' :'\ ~I '\~ U. ~JA -3 ~ ~y.u UA I..S~ U,

<Uk. I.k- '. \':::. '. \':::.4 ~ I J+.w; ". \':liJ ~\.' -3 U.J-U-":: -3 U~ ,,, ~ U..Y-' ...

lJA o~ ~-31 lJA -3 01,)11 -3 ~';11 -3 oljjjJ\ ~ \.h


05 (Hildiyul Arwilh 436)

j~\ ~ ~j -3 ~ ~~ <Jill ~',:,\.'.' \-3~1..9 ~l~l

"Definitely, Allah has purchased the lives and wealth orthe believers for the price of Jannat. They fight in the pathof Allah, so they kill the enemy or are killed. Allah hasmade this promise with truth in the Torah, Gospel, andthe Qurflll. Who can be more true to his promise than'Allah? Be happy with the transaction which you have

I I TI' [ . 'J' h ,,96comp etee, . 11S transactIon IS t e true success.

Allah has made Jannat the price for the lives andwealth or the believers, i.e. AlIilh ~ is the buyer withJannat as His price and we are the sellers of our lives andwealth. When we spend both in the path of Allah, we willdeserve this price.

Fulfilling one's desires in Jannat can be achieved onlyhy controlling one's desires in this world

Allah says,

~\ 01..9I..S~I uc ~l ~ -3~.J r~ Wb.lJA-3

I..S)..JI ~

"And Jannat will be the place of residence for that personwho fears standing in front of his Lord and restrains

himselffroin evil desires and lust." 97

'I" ( l): I I I )

'II (II) ,10)

Page 33: Maidens of Jannah




~ l.JA: ~.:&\ J~J JIj: JIj~ ~ ~ ~ UC

01 - ~\ 4J' . \ . ~ ~. ~ \SJ . ~ ... J ~ -3 .... U:H I..,?'

(6474) ($.-J~I

Sahl bin Sa'd narrates that RasfIlullah said, "He who

guaranlccs me that he will protect his tongue and privateparts (by protecting them from evil and fulfilling his

desires lawfully), I will guarantee him Jannat.,,98

The great reward for controlling one's sexual desiresin this world

lJ..<l : .:& \ JJ-Ul) JIj : JIj .:G.c..:& \ ~ J l.i"l4c ~\ UC

~-J ($.JG.....JIIJ\j - ~.~ ~W ~ ~ ~~ lc ~ JA ..\kl4--a DC -Jl.i: C,H -.>:-:Yl 0 IJ-J AlII

[~~l ~yt.A ~ ~~ C,HIofij J ~~I y:iS.11)J - 187 : ~I 0A ~1~1

~-J ~t¥1 ~J.ll WlA-J-: ~Wl "' ~ J (~J~~J.lI ~~ ~Wl "' ...0 J JL.k.l1 JI ~l ~ AlIIfij ~ ~l ~\~l 4.:US ~ ~l ~-J ($.I-J..,'~JI

~JA ~ ~LS o~ Jt1e~I 6A ~~J11111 6Ao~l ~WJ\ 6A~~wLSwl J~~ J~~

~-J ~\j-Jyl ~~I ~ J 4.: J~ ~ ~ ~

~Jjjl "'....""..0 J ~I ~l.i.Jj 0-J~I ~ ~I~-J ($.).Ai.31 ~l ~WI J\j J ofij:UI ~ ~l-~-J

98 (Sahih Bukhari)

• .A11 .t:. ~l '".... WI' ';' IDC L» ' ~ -JJ ~) •.••..••....0 J,g Y. ~~ A).\

«($. -Jw.JI .agbjj ~ ~ 6A ~.u.lbn Abbas narrates that RasnIullah said, "The personwho falls in love, remains chaste, conceals this [fromothers], and dies is a shahid."

Munawi explains that the love mentioned in the abovehadith refers to a love with a woman with whom marriageis possible and it is such a severe love which affects allthe body parts. Although this love could occur because oflooking and hearing, this is not necessary because AlHih~ can place this love in a person's heart without anyapparent cause. The person who remains chaste despitebeing afflicted by this severe love and thereafter dies willreceive the reward of a shahid in the hereafter. The rankof a person who remains chaste is similar to the rank of aperson who dies fighting in the path of Allah ~ becausehath have sacrificed their pleasure for the sake of AWih

Just as a fighter sacrificed his life for the uplifment of[he religion of AWih, the chaste person strived against his

desires for the sake of Alliih ~.99 The youth especiallyshould strive to remain chaste in order to gain this virtue.

The need for struggling and undergoing difficulty inorder to reach Jannat

.:&\ ~.:&\ J~J JIj :JIj.:G.c..:&\ ~J ~\ UC:~\ LIb. -3 w\~~ ) ..:J\ LIb. : rL -3 ~~ ' (6487) '-:?J~\/ ~ ~ - 0JlS..J~(7130)

.•.• (1':lydlllil ();Hlir Mn Darul Ma'rifah Beirut)

Page 34: Maidens of Jannah


Anas bin Malik narrates that RasUlulHlh said,

"Hellfire has been covered with desires and Jannat has

been covered with difficulties." (Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

The road to Jannat is filled with difficulties. A person has

to worship Allah ~, stand in salah, spend from his

wealth, cat only that which Allah ~ has allowed, and

many other obligations. This requires him to go against

his desin?,<; and strive to please Allah ~. On the other

hand, it is 'cry easy to follow one's desires and reach the

hellfire. A smart person will undergo the temporary

difficulties of this world in order to gain the eternal

pleasures or the hereafter.

.3 ~\ ,&\ 0h LJ:~ ,ili\ J.J-Ul.JJ19 : J~ 0J:!Y> ~\ l.P4k '1 ~ w..J~ I L, ~) .3 4::J) pI Jw J1~ J...,) .J\.lll

JG.9 .u.\1 . I •.• 1.1",'1 ,&1 ~l L, II 1, ,II ,1:.:. "-w.3 .', C?'YI ~ ~ cs-', .3 ~,~ '

J19o).,S ..J~ ,,,,.,:,,q ~ y\j 4h..J ':1) hI ~ ~ ':1 c:lliy:.\j~ C?'~ J19 ~ 4k '1 w..J~ I L,~) j 4::J)p19 4::J) C?')':1 ,I ~ ..JS.I c:lli. Jw .u.\\ ,q 0 \5..Jl.J ~..ll\ .l\u " JC .3 .', I!:::?- J".J ... I..,?'

w..J~\ L, ~) .3 ~) p19 .J\.ll\ ~) ~j\ J19 hI 4h~~ \j~ ~ 4k'1'&\ ~l L,~).3~) ~ "-~ ~ 4k'1I",I~~ hI I .. ':1c:lli. Jw . ~ I. '--. i......lS~ .' ~ ~ JC .3 I!:::?- YI . ~ . J:!

. \ ~ .ill c:lli. JG.9.u.\\ ,q wI .. :·Il.J ~ 1 •• \jU .. JC.3 ..,C?'J"~. ~y4.A.:...J ~ 6:1 J\l J .l4.:t.1 01J.J - 4h..J :l) hI ~ ~ ':1

O\J.J J (190 : ~ 6:'i ~\ 4.i..A) ~ O..lI.l..J! ~I

J (692/ 4: ($.lA->U1) ~ ~ ~\ 4.A.:...J J\lJ ($.lA->u\

/ 6 : ($..J4-1\ ~) ($.jJ o..ll.l..Jl ~I 4.A.:...J~ 6:\ ~W\ J\l


AbG I-lurayrah nalTates that RasGlulHlh said, "When

Allah ~ created Jannat and Jahannam (hellfire), He sent

Jibrail to Jannat and said, 'See what I have prepared

for its inhabitants,' .Iihr:liI .1' I,ll (':111Wand saw what AlHlh

~ prepared for the illll;i1\II:IIII~; (II' .!annat. He returned to

Alla,h ~ and said, ' Itv III\' (lalll of Your honour, every

person who Iwars :i11lI111.I:lIlllal will enter it.' Allah ~

commanded :lIld .1:11111;11II':I~; SllITOLlIlded by hardships and

d ilTicul1 y, A II:III\\I~, Illid .IIIHaj I 8':5!l1 to go to J annat once

:lgaill :llId It) 1'\:1111111\'II lit- returned and saw that now

.1:11111:111\\,;1:-, :.11111111111it'd hy difficulties. He returned to/\11;111 :Illd '.:1111,'II\, III\' (lalh of Your honour, I fear than1111IIII\' \\'i1II'1I11'1 111111,1;llIllat now.' Allah then said to

111111,' (;11 fll 1.111.11111:1111:lIld see what I have prepared forII', 11111:1"1101111'.'IIIH:11I ,toUI came to Jahannam and saw

,,11.11 .\11.111 ILld prepared for its inhabitants. He saw

111.1111.llf'. III 1:111;11111;1111were riding on each other. He

1IIIIIIll'd III :\llall, and said, "By the oath of Your

Iii II Ii1111 I \ ,'I \' pnson who hears about Jahannam will.1\, Iii I 1'llfl'IIII)' II.' Allah commanded and Jahannam

"d'. '.\111'1I1111"'d hy desires. Jibrail returned to

1.111.11111.1111:11111said, , By the oath of Your honour, I fear

111.11,1,'1 \'lllW will ent~r into Jahannam""lOO

,.,111 '--jj\~ ~: ~ .&\ J~J JIj: JIj ~ o.>.!y ~1l.F·\_.LJ c) ':11 ~\.c .&\ ~ uJ ;;1Jj...LJ\ ~ ~jl u-a.J

~j, ~ ~..u. JIl J ",~jll\ o\J-J - ~\ .&\

~jj\ 0)\ J ~W\ ~ :a J (633/4 : ,:?~jll\)( 308/ 4: ~-J~\)

Ahn Hurayrah narrates that RasUlullah ~ said, "He

who fears will travel during the first portion of the night,

alld he who travels during the first portion of the night

11111 (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)

Page 35: Maidens of Jannah


will reach his destination. Listen, Allah's merchandise is

lxpensive. Allah's merchandise is Jannat."lOl

'[he meaning of this hadjth is that when a person has fearover losing something, he undertakes difficulty andhardship to secure and protect it. The most valuableobject of a person is Jannat and pleasure of AlHih ~ inthe hereafter. Therefore, the traveler on the journey of thehereafter should sacrifice his desires and comforts in

fulfilling the commands of Allah ~. If people are willingto sacrifice years of effort, time, and money for a goodlife in this temporary world, then how much moresacrifice should be made for the permanent life of Jannat?

The purpose of hearing about Jannat is to turn one'sattention to the hereafter

ul9 ~ ~ '11 : ~ ~I JY-"-.JJIj : JIj ~ ~LI uc..' .' 4...ihJ \r~ - ~I w <l.1 ,L '1 4...i.::J\3~ .--.J3 .. J~ .. -.J3~ ~ .

>'~ ~-3j -3 ~;;..# ~l9 -3 j~ ~J ~ ~

~\.c. -.J-3j ~;;y4j 3;;~ ~ 1.l,l1f'~ ~;;..# Jh -3 ~

'1 I J ..Jlj ~l J W 1. \, .. ,.. \\ .. \ Jlj'- ~U, y ~ Y-"-.J .- '+' U3~ <..P--l y ~ .'.{ul ~.) I$.~~I J\l J '4-Lo 6:1 olJ.) - ~.l:Jl ~I >'~

~t.rul u! 6~ 6:1o.JSj r.S ~Ut...JI~~I Jl.iA ~ j~! 1~~~ 6: 6~ J J~ ~~l ~¥ u! ~lll J\l J~I .ftl ~! ~1J:jj~~1 J~.) ~L: J 4..j. , .i-,~.;.4 I$.~'JI

(359/2 : ~~jll ~~)

Usamah narrates that RasUlullilh :I; said, "Listen, is

there anyone preparing for Jannat? [You should all

prepare for Jannat] because no one can imagine whatJannat will be like. I take the oath of the Lord of the

101 (Tirmidhl)

Ka'bah, Jannat is a lighf WillI II ~;IIIIIl·S.III Jannat, there arefragrant plants which ,';W;IVIII III\' IlI\'\'/,e, lofty mansions,long rivers, ahllildilllllqll' 111111,kalilifllI wives, and manyclothes. IThe d\Vl'lkl 1)1 LrIIlI;1Iwill he in] an eternal placewhere there will Ill' 11.1111)111\':;:;alld brightness. [He willlive illlhi).II, :;;d(', dlI\IIW,IIIIr11l1rooms." The Companions

,s;lid, "WI' will \\1111"10w;lI"(ls Jannat." RasGlullah

111\'11~;aid, ".'~a\ /111.\/\,111 will do sol if Allah wills.,,102

WI\III' It I', \," \ I III"v,i1dl' In learn about Jannat, the real\01'11'111\\ I', III \\1111..Illw;mls Jannat. All the readers"III!ldd ,ii'" Ill.d, III\' 1I111'Iliionto make the herafter the

P'"I"I',\ 1111/1\II Ilk

ill 11\' Wlilt ,fJ4 g1't1111 liS the ability to strive for His1'/l'iI\lIII' III tillS world and grant us a death with fman.'\/11\' '''/ilt 114.: grallt ellery Muslim the highest level ofIIIIIII/If, "fin/11I1's. May Allah iff grant us the greatest/lolIlI(ln 0/ Jilllllllt; His pleasure and the sight of His/1/'111.1: ,Hill' ,Wdh ;f/f. guide the Muslim youth to1I111//'I'!III1t! (I/(' reality of this world and the reality of the1t/'II'III(a .• 'mill

,\ 111111I;111king has his own understanding of beautyWillI" I:; confined to his limited and deficient knowledge.,'\11."1,\1\'. in his infinite knowledge and wisdom- hasdC',(II!wd the women of Jannat as beautiful, so we can1I11:1!',illt'how beautiful these women must be!1~;I.';IIII1I1(\h said, "If one woman of Jannat were to

!',LiIllT towards the earth, she would fill the space!wIween the earth and the sky with light and perfume.The scarf on her head is better than the world and all it

l"lIlIlains." (Sahih Bukhilri)

10,' (Ihn MfLjah)

Page 36: Maidens of Jannah


If just the scarf on the head of one woman of Jannat isbetter than the world and all it contains, then howvaluable is the woman herself? It becomes easier to

sacrifice the desires in view of these great rewards of theHereafter. Besides the promise of these eternal rewardsof the Hereafter, there is little that can control thedesires of man, especially the desires of the youth.In this book, some of the rewards of the Hereafter,especially those relating to the gorgeous, celestial, wide­eyed beauties - the hurs - of Jannat, have been set out ina clear and concise manner. By reading and ponderingabout the bounties of Jannat and its beautiful virgins, theyouth will feel a renewed vigour to fight the carnaldesires and strive for the pleasure of Allah ~ by doingrighteous deeds. Furthermore, the beauty of the womenof this world will appear pale and insignificant beforethe beauty of those stunning damsels of fannal.

There is not much authentic literature on this specifictopic, and hence this book fulfills this requirement in acaptivating way. I would recommend every youngster toacquire a copy of this book, to read it, and ponder overits contents.