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Large image sets the focus on the film being a visual experience, gives an impression of the style and atmosphere of the film. Large title indicates the film to catch the eye as someone is flicking through the pages. Details box overlayed onto the image gives additional informatio n, often interestin g or not directly related to the film e.g. informatio n about the actor or director. Highlighted and emboldened text breaks up the monotony and makes the pages look more Film review wraps around images, is detailed and goes into every aspect of the production.
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Page 1: Magazine Article Review

Large image sets the focus on the film being a visual experience, gives an impression of the style and atmosphere of the film.

Large title indicates the film to catch the eye as someone is flicking through the pages.

Details box overlayed onto the image gives additional information, often interesting or not directly related to the film e.g. information about the actor or director.

Highlighted and emboldened text breaks up the monotony and makes the pages look more appealing.

Film review wraps around images, is detailed and goes into every aspect of the production.

Page 2: Magazine Article Review

Large image dominates the page, gives reader a good impression of the films demeanour and genre.

Q&A with star actor to build interest in them and the movie, presented in a box as it is separate from the main review

Massive title catches readers eye and hammers home the name, review is also broken down into simple digestible parts by bars.

Release date features largely to build audience anticipation for its release.

Page 3: Magazine Article Review

Border unites the article and keeps it neatly confined.

Tells the audience at a glance where they can consume the film.

Clear house style is present, oranges and a few different types of text, looks visually pleasing.

Large image, gives the reader an impression of the film visually.

A verdict, can give justification to some readers to see the film.

The large block of text about the film in a small font means that the reviewer can fit a great deal of text in.

By breaking it into columns and breaking it up with emboldened text it keeps the reader from getting more bored.