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Magazine Ana Teresa Herreros Fernandez

Jul 22, 2016




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Page 1: Magazine Ana Teresa Herreros Fernandez
Page 2: Magazine Ana Teresa Herreros Fernandez


Tigers! My magazine is dedicated to people who are interested in billboard. In addition,

you can find different articles focus on our relation with the Internet.

I am considered a great adventure; therefore I enjoy writing about topics like the

English gastronomy, so I can compare this with my native country food which is Spain.

Like a tiger, each person is special and unique. I feel identify with this specie because I

can be solitary but when I am falling in love I am able to do whatever for someone.

If you are a tiger, like me, and you are interested in these types of articles, you should

not waste it!

Page 3: Magazine Ana Teresa Herreros Fernandez


'The Reader'

'The Reader' stars Ralph Fiennes, David Kross and Kate Winslet, and is directed by

Stephen Daldry. The script is an adaptation of David Hare's screenplay of the award-

winning novel by Bernhard Schlink published in 1995. After 123 minutes I was left


'The Reader' begins by

presenting Michael Berg

(Ralph Fiennes) currently,

but his mind is somewhere

else, in another time; a

distracted look through the

window takes us back in

time to his youth in

Germany after World War

II. That past is linked to

another central character in the story, Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet), a mysterious and

lonely woman who helps him one day when he is sick, which then maintains a torrid

romance. Berg (David Kross now) is still a teenager and is fascinated by both, who is

much older than him, and sex, which becomes the subject of a curious exchange; in

order to get it, Michael must read books to Hanna. One day she disappears without

explanation, leaving no trace. Years pass, Michael grows and begins his law studies.

Germany also "grows" and thus the young man attends the trial of a group of women

who worked for the SS. They had committed crimes for the Nazis, and Hanna is one of

the accused.

The first half presents the affair of the protagonists. I liked his first steps, the story as a

flashback posed with scenes of sensuality overflowing with intriguing an air...

In the second half, all details presented above make sense. 'The Reader' builds a very

wise metaphor for the relationship of the German people with Nazism, an extremely

complicated subject but treated with great delicacy.

Secondly, Daldry tape includes an exciting hymn of love for literature.

The weight and centre of the entire film is the complex character of Hannah. Winslet

faces a very difficult character, an embarrassed woman who hides terrible secrets, and

clings to this adventure with a young man as the only way to feel alive. She gets that we

feel sorry for her despite being involved in something so abhorrent, and she does

everything with astonishing ease, without much fanfare, disarming with just a glance.

Hannah feels out of place between duty and shame in all situations of your life, it is on

the final scene where she feels she has done right for the first time.

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David Kross, a young actor, also brilliantly solves a difficult character for a man of his


The supporting actors also do good interpretations as Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria

Lara and Lena Olin.

Stephen Daldry has told us a beautiful and courageous story that goes beyond any story

about the Holocaust in which he has introduced us to the victims and executioners. The

film talks about the consequences that were in German society and why, like Hanna, the

Germans also become victims of much horror. I would absolutely recommend this film.

If I had to highlight something negative about the film, it would be the final

characterization of Kate Winslet.

So, if you like beautiful and powerful films, I recommend that you watch this film.

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Running is fashionable

Yes, running is in fashion. I do not mean when we leave college running to pick up

bread, to grab a bite to eat and then back to the library running, again, to get some books

up until 8pm when you go to the supermarket again in a hurry because you forgot

something for dinner. I know this is not sport but it almost could be considered one.

To be honest, years ago I didn't like running very much, not for lack of desire or

attempts. I thought that it was exhausting and bored me right away. In the high school it

was another story, I liked the days when we played in Physical education. I was amused

because I did it with more people. There was a healthy rivalry to set the fastest time.

About two years ago, something changed. My friend Lorraine and I used to go running.

When I was in college I went out for a run alone, I normally got lost (literally) in

Alicante and I forgot everything. Solitude, calm, disconnected feelings; I think that was

definitely what hooked me. I learned to enjoy such a rare moment for me; I didn't miss

to share them with anyone. On the contrary, running became a necessity.

And, as I was saying, running is fashionable. Nowadays, more and more people go out

running: alone, in pairs, in groups. Early in the morning, afternoon, evening ... You

always find people running.

The number of marathons and fun runs around the world is growing. There are people

who are encouraged to run only for that, because it is fashionable. Besides, there is more

and more clothing and footwear to

make this attractive sport.

Whatever the reason, all are good if

they serve to start on something that

brings so many benefits for body

and mind.

Another essential thing to make

each race a pleasure: music. Music

is the perfect complement while

running and helps us when the

forces fail us to follow.

With all this I do not mean that all we have to go jogging. There are many other sports

just as healthy and beneficial to the mind and body. We should do things that we like

and cheer up our lives, whether it is fashionable or not.

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Do not complain

I take a few weeks where I do not stop for a second. I guess, like most people, I wish the

days had a few more hours, just so I could get to everything. The fact is that I feel the

tongue goes without all day.

On Saturday, I was eating in a restaurant, I heard one person complain repeatedly: "It is

good but the service is too slow... and very well priced but the table they have given us

is not the best... how good the cake is! But they could have given a larger portion..." I

swear she was complaining the whole lunch period.

I will not be the one to cast the first stone with this topic because I think we all have that

little "vice": the complaint. Often we focus on the "buts" without enjoying the "plus".

We are more of a "How well I’ve eaten but there’s too much noise in the local" than an

"Everything was great and also the deal is extraordinary."

We waste time and energy to emphasize what we do not like rather than to say what we


If somebody has made the complaints undoubtedly social networks grow. Back when

we did not like something we told a person who was close, or a friend. Now everything

is different, we all have our mobile close to hand to complain, sometimes ruthlessly,

when it is not to our liking. Sometimes we do not realise the damage we can do

depending on which comments we choose to click the send button on. I, for now, if I do

not like something, I prefer

saying it to my friends,


All these reflections come

because last week a friend

suggested to me a challenge,

the challenge of going 21

days without complaining.

Try to focus only on what we

like, rather than what we

dislike, getting well to be


The original idea of the challenge stems from Will Bowen, US pastor who in 2006

proposed to his parishioners go 21 days without complaining. He gave a purple bracelet

to parishioners and whenever they complained they had to change the bracelet of wrist

and start again.

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The original bracelet is sold on the Will Bowen website but to join this initiative you do

not need to have it. We can do it ourselves with a purple bow, if we want that colour, or

use any other we have, even change a ring.

Why 21 days? 21 days without a single complaint is outrageous, but makes sense. This

is not a number chosen at random. It's purely psychological, experts of this branch say

21 days is what it took humans to generate a habit and undo another.

The idea is that after three weeks without criticizing or complaining also leave to do

mentally, being better person.

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"Problems with the connection" Skype warns me. Another day and the same problem

arises, great!

Currently, everything what we want have to be instantly! Such as, quick answers,

immediate solutions, we do not expect anything and this also applies to when surfing

the Internet. The connection is always available and immediate and in the case of

smartphones it is sometimes an agonizing wait.

This was what I thought last Tuesday, whilst I was surfing the Internet and the pop-up

window from Skype appeared on my computer.

Internet quality has always made me nervous but luckily when you're at home and pay

for a service, it is usually acceptable. Although you always have the problem of paying

for a number of megabytes and then when you carry out a speed test normally happens

that we have less megabytes through which we have contacted previously. However, it

can still be worse, things change when the Internet is in charge of the accommodation

that you live in, and then problems arise: endless waiting, strain, the burdens and

despair. All this happens as a

consequence accommodation does

not contract sufficient megabytes for

many students who are connected to

the same network.

The freshman year and this year too,

internet was included in the payment

of the residence. So I know exactly

what the feelings described above

are. Watching a movie and suddenly

the image becomes frozen, skyping

with friends or family who are far

from you and then the audio does not work or the image usually freezes. Occasionally,

not often thank God, my computer unexpectedly turns off, probably due to the weather.

When this happens you mutter things such as “shit” and “what the hell happened”?

Once you are angry with the whole world, you usually take you laptop and go to the

common room where Internet usually operates well although it is quite useless to skype

with everyone studying or talking.

On the one hand, similar to the dependence of a mobile phone, through the internet we

have the opportunity to access a vast amount of information. That we can do from our

home. The internet allows us to communicate instantly with the world, so the following

of information in real time is possible through the Internet. In many cases, saves time.

In addition, there is no time limit.

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On the other hand, there are also many disadvantages such as, the distribution of false

information. Also, if used excessively, it can become an addiction, bring psychological

problems such as depression and affect interpersonal relationships (which is common

among young people in big cities). Furthermore, Internet can be very insecure because it

can steal our personal data and it can be dangerous because Internet may contain viruses

that affect our computers.

Nowadays, the internet is a good tool but like everything around us we must make good

use of it, we can have devastating consequences if we are not responsible. We never

would have thought a few years ago what currently the Internet is for us.

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'Still Alice'

After wanting to watch 'Still Alice' for some

days now I finally got the chance to watch it.

The film is an adaptation of the novel 'Still

Alice', by Lisa Genova.

After 101 minutes I was left speechless and I

must confess I cried a lot.

'Still Alice' stars the incredible Juliane Moore

with an excellent cast of actors such as, Alec

Baldwin, Kristen Stewart and Kate Bosworth.

It was directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash


Alice is a reputed doctor and university

professor who is unexpectedly diagnosed with

Alzheimer’s. His case is very strange because Alice is very young. Her symptoms

emerge faster than expected and she and her family have to learn how to adapt to this

new situation. The plot is simple: a successful woman and her family trying to cope

with the emergence of a disease.

It was so quiet in the cinema that you could hear a pin drop. I am sure that this film

touched the hearts of everyone watching it. Moore reflects with restraint and austerity

her journey from light to darkness. With small gestures, subtle movements, transparent

looks, we see Alice change.

Obviously it's a film that try to remove our emotions, but without losing the sense of

elegance. In short, it is a poignant film, calm and beautiful. The soundtrack is a very

positive aspect of the film. Ilan Eshkeri creates a very dramatic but beautiful leitmotif, it

is constantly repeated and helps getting with more sadness the symptom of Alice.

People close to me, specifically my grandmother suffers from the disease. All who are

affected by this disease know that it is not only the patient who suffers from it but also

everyone around them.

If you like beautiful and powerful films, I recommend you watch this film.

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How to survive a week without the Internet

A week ago I lost my mobile phone during a holiday in Amsterdam. A week later, this

afternoon I got it back and started to think about how being without my mobile phone

for one week has affected me. It can be a challenge, because spending a week without

TV or WhatsApp or adopting healthier diet are positive changes that we all try to make

at some point, but do not always continue with these changes, unless we're forced to do


Today, "smart phones" are now integrated into our lives. Always being connected to the

internet can lead to people becoming very dependent on it as they can connect to the

world through their mobile phones within seconds.

When I lost my mobile phone I felt a sense of vertigo and disorientation as I was unable

to communicate with my family. At the same time, also I felt insecure and unprotected

because I was unable to access my email or social networks every five minutes to see

what new or urgent messages I have . Although, this may be an exaggerated comparison

I felt like someone walking down the street blindfolded to see how blind person feels.

Despite knowing full well that I had no phone and could not check my messages, I was

searching constantly for it in my bag. I even dreamt of my mobile phone returning to me


Besides the above feelings that I had, I felt anxious and bored during my downtime for

example at the bus stop, I usually checked Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, or listened

to music.

In fact, while I did nothing, the rest of my friends or people around checked on their

mobile; perhaps I even felt strange.

But as the hours and days passed, I realized I did not need to look at the screen every

five minutes because it is not so important to follow up the last picture you posted on

Facebook or Instagram. It seems that the day had more hours and to start doing things.

When I began to comprehend that I would not have a mobile phone for a few days, I

began to see the positive side of things, I began to relax, to enjoy the little things that if I

had my mobile close, I would not have enjoyed. In addition, I realised when I was with

my friends that I had deep, interesting and more sincere conversations, but my friends

were sometimes looking at their mobile phones desperately in search of a notification.

The absence of my mobile allowed me to use my time in a better way. For example, I

could arrive at my engagements on time because I had nothing to disrupt me.

On discussing the topic of time I am going to use the example of my alarm clock: can

someone wake up currently with a traditional clock there? Fortunately I'm on holiday so

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I did not have to worry about this, otherwise I do not know what I would have done

during the week.

The vast majority of people, when they wake up, they heat up water to make coffee. Or

go to the bathroom, brush their teeth and wash their faces. Others, first of all, look at

their emails and their mobile phone.

I wonder if there is life without all of that and if there is, how it will be. I do not

remember how I lived without the Internet before my adolescence. Because I had no

mobile phone, I used the computer to connect to some social networks but I was not

connected 24 hours a day. I wonder what would have happened if I had lost not only my

mobile phone but also a computer and could not access the Internet in any way.

I guess that we should not forget mobile phones forever because it is undoubtedly a

great invention, but learning to control our impulses is what matters. Through this

experience, I have learned that nothing happens if we are disconnected for four hours, or

eight or ten.

Within hours, I'll have my phone with me again, with its bright screen begging for

attention. But now, I will turn it off for two or three hours a day in order to use my time

in a better way.

Excuse me while I go and read a wonderful book that I started six days ago.

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Why does English food have such a bad reputation?

Every time I've talked to people who have travelled to London, the comment that I

always hear is that the UK has terrible food. Having lived here for eight months, I have

to say I disagree to some extent. During these months I have tried eating dishes to have

a somewhat clearer picture of "English food" and I've been pleasantly surprised.

In Spain we eat very well and I have heard many times that the English lack

gastronomy. "English people have no gastronomy culture, they just eat junk." Yes, but


When you come to England, you have to understand that meal times are different from

other European countries. A typical English breakfast is composed of different foods

such as eggs, sausage, bacon and toast, all accompanied by a bowl of cereal and ending

with a cup of coffee or strong tea. Given that breakfast is quite filling lunch is simpler.

The British eat at around 12 or 12:30, and it usually consists of a sandwich. Having an

early lunch means that you will probably get hungry by mid-afternoon so, it is common

to have a snack before dinner, which is

known as a "tea break".

During my stay in England I tried

traditional dishes like sausage with

mashed potatoes and gravy which is

known as “Bangers and mash”, various

types of Shepherd’s pie and the famous

Fish and Chips, a huge piece of a very

tender crispy battered cod, accompanied

by tasty fries.

To be honest, after trying Fish and Chips I understand why Fish and Chips have such a

bad reputation among Spaniards. I believe that it is a plate of Fish and Chips, nothing


Besides, I had never tried Shepherd’s pie or many pies so when I went to PieMinister in

London, a small pie chain that specializes in just pies, I decided to try it, and I enjoyed

it. It was a thick pie, with a crisp and slightly flaky crust filled with a mixture of stewed

pork with different dressings, with a honeyed texture but a very intense flavour. It was

accompanied with mashed potatoes and gravy. Also during my stay herein Canterbury, I

became interested in tea. I tried many but grapefruit tea was definitely my favourite.

In short, my experience with English gastronomy has been very satisfactory; completely

contrary to everything I had been told. I've discovered that there are many excellent

dishes that you can find, some healthier than others, but all with charm; what makes it

worthwhile is tasting every one of them.

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Among the most important and typical dishes, I would emphasize Roast Beef and

Yorkshire Puddings, Cottage Pie, and Shepherd’s Pie. When speaking of English

desserts, I cannot avoid naming the exquisite and appetizing pancakes, fruit cakes,

chocolate and cheese.

Apart from the many dishes, I would like to also highlight the beers, although I don't

like beer, I tried to drink the typical "Guinness" which is a kind of dark beer with

intense bitterness that is very refreshing. Moreover, England, offers the possibility to

enjoy any of their excellent beers either at minimalist style pub, or the more traditional

tavern. For example, there is a rough pub in Canterbury called The Unicorn, where you

can taste typical English dishes with a good beer.

However, from what I've seen these days, it may be that the majority of Spaniards

coming to London for a few days don't adapt to the schedule of British meal times but

try to eat at the same time as Spain. What is the problem? The problem is that they are

forced to eat the only things around: fast food and sandwiches. So, of course the food

won’t be very good. And indeed, I have my own theory as to why Spaniards usually eat

around 15:00, while in the UK is usually eaten much earlier (say between 12:00 and
