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PowerPoint Presentation

Before choosing a design for our magazine advert I decided to draw out the layout of the design on paper first. My research into the codes and conventions of a magazine advert also came into affect when planning the layout design. For each design I decided to experiment with the layout in order to gain a better design that is professional. I also looked at existing magazine adverts to help me create my advert. For the advert I wanted to use an image of the artists as a way of marketing the artists to her fans. The identify of the artists is vital because its a way of connecting the artists to the audience.

A rang of fonts from a website called The dafontBefore creating the magazine advert I decided to look at existing magazine adverts to help me understand and the code and conventions to include in my product in order for it to look professional and suitable for the target audience. For our magazine advert I wanted to include an image of the artists as this was common within the singer songwriter genre. We didn't want to challenge this convention as this would make it hard for the audience/ fans to identify the artists from the album. I looked into existing magazine adverts that inspired me and also some that had a similar genre. examples of a magazine advert I took inspiration from was Adeles and Lana Delrey.From our photo shoot we decided that we wanted to place the artists behind a plain black background as a way of allowing the audience to focus on the artists. The final product was great however we wanted to experiment with the background by throwing red roses at the background in order to make it more interesting .


I then decided to try a different idea using a totally different image as we felt the previous one was too dull and plain. From the photo shoot I picked this image as the background was more interesting In this edit I also added the name of the artists, the album cover and the name of the hit song from the album. The record company logo is normally found on a magazine advert at the bottom. We choice to make the artist are freelance artists therefore we had to used our production logo instead of a record labels logo. After creating the first edit I also realized that I needed to crop the image because it wouldn't fit into a magazine. At this point I didn'tt change any colouring effect on the advert. The layout of the text is quite basic and simple. EDIT 2

on the front of the magazine advert is a image of the artists in a black and white effect. I wanted to try this concept as this would have linked the advert with the music video which is partly in black and white.EDIT 3 I added when the album is out, name of the song and the album name.

For this edit I decided to change the colouring of the advert as it was quite dark and depressing which was a common feature in all singer songwriter advert. I wanted to challenge this convention by choosing to experiment with the colours by adding a bright pink colour. EDIT 4 The bright pink colour wasnt successful as it didn'tt work with the other products . The colouring wasnt suitable for the type of genre and song we had. The feedback I received from the audience wasnt positive therefore I had to change it. A white font is also a common feature within the singer songwriter genre. I therefor decided to use this feature for the artists name as it created a more fresh and pure feel to the advert.

Final product This is the final edit of the magazine advert. I am extremely happy with the final edit as it links all of the products together and it looks fairly professional. I choice to create a album instead of a EP. This was illustrated at the top of our magazine advert.