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Page 1: Madison Berry
Page 2: Madison Berry

Table of contents

Page 3…………………………………………….All About Me.

Page 4...…………………………………… A Cumulative Story:

The Boy Who Lost His Jacket.

Page 5………………………………………A Cumulative Story:

The Garbage Can.

Page 6…………………………………………………..At the lake.

Page 7……………………………………..……………In the Cell.

Page 8………………………………………………..In the Woods.

Page 9……………………………………………….Words Poem.

Page 10………………………………………………....I Am Poem.

Page 11………………………………………….Just Because Poem.

Page 12……………………………………………….Flowers Poem.

Page 13………………………………………………...The Castle.

Page 14,15………………………………………………The Island.

Page 3: Madison Berry

All About Me

My name is Madison Berry and I believe that I am very unique

and in the way I live my life. I love animals and love that when people

aren’t there for you they always are and just that you become close

with them in ways you can’t with other people. Music defiantly plays a

big role in my life, family and friends means everything to me, people

tell me that I’m strong because of what I have been through for my

age, such as a year ago my dad passed away shortly after Easter

break, when we took our family vacation to Hawaii. I have a big inter-

est in art so my mom has signed me up for art classes that start very

soon. I have a lot of hobbies such as I have always found archery very

interesting, something’s I used to do with my dad was ride his motor-

cycle, and learn how to work with tools and glass because of the type

of job he had. I was in Girl Scouts for six years. After I quit girls

scouts, I joined an organization called Job’s Daughters, there they

teach you things that you will use when you are older and offer great

things like college grants and show you how to work for the things you

want and how to meet standards and have to participate equally along

with other, and to make new friends._____________________________

Page 4: Madison Berry

The Boy Who Lost His Jacket

A little boy named Justin who had lost his jacket after walking

around his school when some of his friends called him to play a game. It was

so hot outside that he didn’t want to wear the jacket so he put it down and

went to play.

When the bell rang the school became quiet after all the kids shuf-

fled their feet into the classroom, when all of a sudden Justin remembered

that her left his brand new leather jacket on the bench outside all the way

across school. He couldn’t wait for the lunch bell to ring in order to go get it

he knew that he had to go now, so he got up and asked the teacher if he could

go get it the teacher denied him so he sat down sadly. He had his eyes glued

on the clock staring and watching the minutes go by until he could go get it.

He didn’t want to have to go tell his parents that he had carelessly lost his

new jacket.

The bell finally rang! Justin raced out of the room as fast as he

could but when he got to where he had last seen his jacket it was not there

and he was worried the whole rest of the day, his thoughts going from “what

am I going to tell my parents”, to “who took it? Will I ever get it back?”

Justin walked all the way home with his head down until he finally reached

his house. When he walked through the door he tried acting like nothing had

happened until his mom asked “where is your jacket?”

“I don’t know” said Justin.

“Well that was an expensive, nice, new jacket and I have no choice but to

punish you” said the mom.

“I know” Justin said with a horribly sad look on his face.

Page 5: Madison Berry

The Garbage Can

One day I walked into my kitchen and noticed that the

wastebasket was a little bit full. So I tried to push down all

the garbage to make more room for the incoming garbage.

There was so much gross stuff that I didn’t want to touch it

so I used my foot, well I didn’t know from the angel of my

foot that it would get stuck. When I tried to full my foot

back out I thought to myself……..Ugh Oh!

When I saw that I couldn’t get my foot back out I

started to feel a little panic. So I yelled for someone to help,

luckily my mom was there to help me out.

My mom helped me by pulling on the garbage can until

it came off. I was so happy that I was free and my foot

wasn’t in all the gross garbage anymore.

Page 6: Madison Berry

At the lake

When John had finished telling Sara his secret, he took

a big sigh of relief and then held his breath because he was

so nervous for what Sara was going to say next, but she did-

n’t she was silent. Sara then said “wow”……… I have a se-

cret too. I can’t swim either. She was nervous much like

John was when he told Sara his secret. Both of them sat

there looking at each other.

Then Sara said “I really needed the money for college.”

“I needed money for college too and just to get away from

home.” John said happily then sadly. “I was always terrified

that someone would start drowning and I would be alone

and have to go in, but I had always just thought that you

would be there and you would go in. I guess I was wrong.”

Sara said. “Yeah I guess we should both quit then……... oh

well.” John replied.

Page 7: Madison Berry

In the Cell

In the cell I looked around constantly watching my back because if I got

caught I would be sent to horrible punishment. My name is Noah, I live in

medieval times. I come from a poor farm family and here if you go against

the king, emperor, or anyone of royal power you are sent to punishment.

Looking around again and again I asked the little boy what he was in the

cell, how old he was and a lot more questions. He answered me by saying.

“My name is Jonah, I come from a poor family, and I am eight years old,

my family went against the king’s wishes and they removed me from my

home and took me here. I’m pretty sure they are going to kill me. Jonah said,

“How old are you? Where did you come from? Why are you here? How did

you get here without being spotted?”

“My name is Noah; I come from poor back ground like you, I’m here be-

cause I was walking around and heard you screaming, and because my fam-

ily and I are very poor I was going to try and find food, so for that you have

to be sneaky. I’m very good at sneaking around people.”

“If you are so good at sneaking around people, could you help me by help-

ing me escape?” Jonah asked.

“We can try but it’s risky. Said Jonah. But is we get caught be are both

going to be in deep trouble, I mean serious trouble, life ending trouble!”

Together we started walking down the hall, trying to act as normal as

possible. We got all the way down the hall almost out of the castle when they

got stopped by a guard. I talked my way passed the guard and then went

outside. Noah was very, very thankful. Then the both of us our separate

ways .

Page 8: Madison Berry

In the woods We were in the woods, all of us just sitting by the fire telling ghost stories. Alyssa, Gary, and myself, when we heard an ear shattering scream come from nearby. The last story told was about a boy and a girl that went into the woods to go hunt for a crazed monster thirsty for anything alive, living, or with a heartbeat. This creature was more powerful than any weapon or any amount of people work-ing together to stop it. This thing was unstoppable, crazy, but never seen. Many people have tried to go hunt for the creature, but nobody had ever seen it, nor been able to get a picture. There has been no one known to go in after it and come back out to tell stories, this thing was a monstrous, ferocious, and “beast-like” character that was blood thirsty. Many myths about this creature were altered, but they all had the same setting, in these very woods. Marjelene:

Gary, Alyssa, and I were looking for an adventure. We all gave each other l0oks of both terror and excitement. “Let’s hunt for this creature. I say if he wants to eat us, we use Alyssa as bait!” an-nounced Gary. “What? Why me? Why not you?” Alyssa said with fear. “No one is going to get eaten. How do we even know this creature exists?” I asked. “We’ll just have to find out for ourselves.” Gary replied. We packed water, food, matchsticks, a first aid kit, and a pocket knife. We left our tent on which we called “HQ” (head quarters). We lit a lantern and walked all around the woods. We saw trees, dirt, plants, trees, rocks, trees, dirt, birds, small creatures, and trees. We also saw many trees. I think it was about 12 midnight. Alyssa was about to fall asleep. Then we heard screaming again. Jonathan: Alyssa immediately jolted awake, looking around in terror. My heart raced, excited at the promise of adventure. I could tell Gary was feeling the same way. We rushed toward the source of the scream, dragging Alyssa along with us. As we neared the source of the scream, we could see a faint glow coming from around the corner. Alyssa, filled with fear, was trembling horribly. We slowed down as we went to hide behind a bush, hoping to spy on whatever was there stealthily. It was hard merely to keep Alyssa quiet. As we peeked at the source of the light, hearts pounding, Alyssa was pulled away with great force. Looking back in shock, we saw a middle-aged man holding her by the arm, looking impatient and angry. “What are you kids doing, spying on me? Can’t I watch a movie in peace?” he

snarled, the movie projector, which was playing a horror movie, gave off occa-

sional screams and flashes of light. Knowing it was not likely to have found any-

thing supernatural, none of us were too surprised. We were soon released and

headed back to HQ, chattering with excitement.

Page 9: Madison Berry

Words Poem

Some words are sweet, some words are kind.

But there are those mean ones that just pop into your mind,

you know they are mean, you know they are hurtful.

You say them anyways and hope you don’t get an earful.

Words have power, more power than you know.

When you say these words people’s real emotions can


so think them through, before you say them.

People, who say mean things, don’t really mean them.

But they still bother you, just remember…..

I’m rubber your glue. What you say to me will bounce back

at you. Words said in anger are just words.

Don’t make them personal,

They don’t define who you are,

those people they just want to hurt you. I

know why they say them just between me and you.

Page 10: Madison Berry

I Am Poem I am a happy. I am also sad. I am worried. I am not the smartest person in the world. I am a teenager. I am angry sometimes. I am human. I am not perfect. Who asked me to be?

Page 11: Madison Berry

Just Because Poem

Just because, I don’t understand something as

well as you, doesn’t mean I am stupid.

Just because, I don’t feel a certain way about

something, doesn’t mean I am wrong.

Just because, I get new things, it does not mean

I get everything handed to me and not have to

work for what I want.

Just because, I seem strong doesn’t mean I

can’t be hurt or broken.

Just because, I don’t always want to do some-

thing, doesn’t make me lazy.

Just because, I talk a lot isn’t an excuse to be


Page 12: Madison Berry

Flowers Poem

The flowers, open and they close.

They come in all different, colors, smells, looks.

They can brighten your day.

There is even an expression.

Stop and smell the roses, you can realize the importance if you do.

The point of this is to tell someone,

stop with the busyness in your life.

If you smell the roses watch out for the bees,

they help the earth,

as well your life.

But bother them and they could make you cry.

Page 13: Madison Berry

The Castle

There once was a girl named Amy. Her only dream was to escape

her holding castle. Instead of school Amy’s parents thought that It

would be better for everyone to keep her locked away from the out-

side, home school her, and put her in a secret location. Amy’s parents

lived in another location away from their daughter, most of the time.

Every once in a while they would come and spend some time with

their child, and explain why they were doing this. Amy didn’t want to

hear it every time. She knew how to say the speech they always give

her, like it was the back of her hand.

One day while Amy’s parents weren’t at the holding castle, Amy

snuck out and felt what well the real world felt like. She didn’t have a

yard and wasn’t allowed outside so she just felt the air through a small

whole it the wall that lead outside. She had left a note on her dresser

that said why she had left. Amy had got what she wanted freedom. In

the note it read……..

Dear: mom and dad

I have left my room and this castle to see, experience, and feel what

the outside world was like. All you have done is lock me away to keep me

safe and out of trouble, but that’s not what I want. I wanted to be free

and see what everybody else sees. I know I am your only child and you

want to protect me, but I need to do things on my own to. I do not know

when I will be back, or if I ever will come back. For I don’t want to be

locked up in that castle any more like a prisoner.

Love you both

- Amy

Page 14: Madison Berry

The island

There is an invisible island deep in the center of the ocean.

Nobody knows exactly what ocean, but they know that it’s al-

most impossible to find, even the president has sent out heli-

copters to try and find it from above. Ships have been crawl-

ing all over the oceans looking for it, anybody that had access

to a ship or boat, or anything that can float. Was out there

looking for as long as they could.

The reason that everybody is looking for this island is be-

cause, aliens have landed there and turned it invisible. They

have also made it into a secret hideout for themselves, as they

have landed a priceless jewel. Everyone is just itching to dis-

cover this place, not just for the fame and the credit but for all

of the money. Whoever finds this would be able to support

their families, their children’s family, their children’s, chil-

dren’s families, and so on and so on.

There was a group of children that had their minds set

on finding this treasure and splitting the money evenly. The

kids all worked together, made plans to built a great boat, re-

searched. After a while the kids thought about other ways that

they could get to it, but they realized without telling anybody

else what they were doing in order to keep all of the money for

their selves. Without money, an adult or anything they could

go anywhere, their parents would worry about where they

went if they just left the house. The children became very sad

“We can’t just give up. We have basically found it ad now we

can be up to our ears in money. Come on guys we can’t quit,

who’s with me?” - said one of the boys in the group.

“I’m in!” - said another girls from the group.

Sooner or later all of the kids have agreed that they

would still go on when all of a sudden they tuned on the radio

in the hideout the kids had made in the garage of oldest mem-

bers house. One the radio the announced how a local fisher-

man had ……...

Page 15: Madison Berry

hit the island on the shore of the island and discovered eve-

rything. All of the kids were horribly depressed for days,

they told their parents everything they had planned to do

and how far they had come.

Later on the kids all meet back up in the garage to talk

about what had happened and that they waited too long be-

fore they made their move on the search. All of the children

started talking about how their plan really was not going to

work, no matter how hard they were hoping it would. The

pep talk they were given was good, but everything they

wanted to do was way too far out of their reach. The chil-

dren went on they felt a little better to see how everything

they wanted to do was great but they couldn’t do anything

about it. They accepted what happened and moved on, all of

them would just wait for the next adventure. When that day

Page 16: Madison Berry
Page 17: Madison Berry

The Stranger

Characters: Stage Director, Two teenage girls, Sammy, Megan Mad Scien-

tist, teenage guys.

Act 1

Scene 1

(Two girls freshly on summer break are talking to each other in the

street as because, they are neighbors.)

Sammy: Hey! Megan how about we drive down to the beach? It’s really

nice today.

Megan: Sure! Sounds fun. Just let me go inside to get my stuff.

Sammy: Me too.

(Megan and Sammy come back out with all of their stuff.)

Sammy: Already! Now do you want to walk or drive?

Megan: Drive, defiantly.

Sammy: Ok.

(The two went off in set of the beach. Lights dim, Lights come back up

with Sammy and Megan on the crowded beach)

Scene 2

Sammy: Wow! There are a lot of people here. Hope we can find a place to

set up.

Megan: Yeah.

Sammy: Look! There is a spot over there.

Megan: Cool lets grab it before someone else gets it.

(Megan and Sammy run to the spot set up and sun tan on the beach

while listening to some music)

Megan: Turn it up I love this song!

(Together Sammy and Megan start singing, a group of guys walk over)

Guys: Hey girls, do you want to come for a swim with us?

(The girls share a look, that tells them no)

Sammy: no thanks.

Megan: I’m ok.

Guys: that’s cool can e hang out over here with you guys then?

(After a while the guys leave, and the beach is now almost empty)

Megan: Look at that weirdo guy over by the water!

Sammy: He is creepy.

Megan: Well he’s coming this way!

Sammy: Let's walk in the other direction.

(The girls walk the other way. Light dim)

Page 18: Madison Berry

Scene 3

(Lights come back up, with the girls walking towards the parking lot

still being followed by the strange man)

Sammy: STOP! , Stop following us!

Mad Scientist: No! I just want to ask you a question?

Megan: Stop there and u can ask us!

Mad Scientist: Do you like experiments?

Megan/Sammy : NO!

(The girls run off into the parking lot still being followed)

Sammy: Do you see him?

Megan: No! I can’t find him anywhere.

(The girls felt relived.)

Scene 4

(The Mad Scientist appeared out of nowhere, no longer hunched over,

Standing up straight he said)

Mad Scientist: Well where were you two going?

Megan: Anywhere you’re not!

Mad Scientist: Well I think now that is a mistake. I tried being nice before

but now you are just asking for trouble.

Sammy: No. We are asking to get out of here.

(Megan and Sammy try to get around the scientist but with each move;

he moves and blocks their path. The mad scientist grabs the girls by the


Mad Scientist: Now let’s try this again, do you like experiments?

Sammy: let’s try this again, no!

(Sammy and Megan work together to fight and knock the man down.)

Megan: Who was asking for trouble now!

(The girls laughing walk away from the man lying on the ground

moaning in pain. Their voices getting fainter and fainter as they walk off-

stage the two girls walk together and talk about what happened.) Sammy: Well I guess we know how to take someone down, we showed


Megan: Yeah we did!

(The girls’ high-five, the light dim and the stage is now clear.)