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Macross 30: Voices Across the Galaxy Translation FAQ/Guide Version 0.75 D!"#AM$%: This FAQ is meant for personal use only, if you wish to host this guide on your own website,  please ask for permission. The latest version of this FAQ will always be available at  and at my blog, . & '0(3 )y *.F. Fox Traducci+n al es,a-ol de este a )y eyla 1 ,s3,irata.co2 To dos los crd itos a * .F. Fox ,or esta excelente 4ua 6T%D8""6 ¡ Bienvenido a mi traduccin !u"a para el #across $%& las voces por toda la gala'ia. (#across $% es un )uego de *+! de accin especial desarrollado por dArtdink -tudio para celebrar el $% aniversario de la animacin de la -uper imensional Fortress #across, /ue primero sali al aire en octubre de 0123. +roducida por -tudio 4ue, escrita por 5awamori -hou)i y dirigida por 6shiguro 4oboru, -uper imensional Fortress #across es conocida como una de las series de anime cl7sico todos los tiempos y ha sido profundamente influyente en tanto medio, as" como )apon8s ciencia ficcin en general. 9s mi esperan:a /ue esta gu"a puede, en cierta medida  pe/ue;a, ayudar los fan7ticos occidentales de #across apreciar me)or ese legado fino<<)ugando un gran partido al mismo tiempo= -eg>n mi mantra habitual& he intentado montar toda la informacin contenida en este documento en tan lgica, concisa y organi:ada una manera como sea posible. 9sta gu"a es actualmente ?y  perpetuamente@ un work<in<progress y como tal no puede esperarse /ue sea un recurso completo, infalible. on el tie mpo, debo procurar este documento Ay ude a convertirse en una gu"a cada ve: mayor, a>n me)ores, cada ve: m7s >til. 6ndependientemente de su estado actual, espero /ue usted encontrar7 esta gu"a para ser un recurso valioso mientras )uegas el )uego. Te nga en cuenta /ue esta gu"a est7 escrita con la suposicin de /ue el lector tiene al menos un familiaridad de paso con las convenciones y el vocabulario de )uegos, as" como la fran/uicia #across. omo ea detenidamente a esta gu"a, te dar7s cuenta muchas im7genes del )uego. 9n un intento de hacer m7s f7cil seguir las diversas traducciones de men>, me he tomado la libertad de edicin de im7genes del )uego para sustituir el te'to )apon8s con te'to en espa;ol. 9s mi esperan:a /ue estos foto<traducciones har7 /ue los segmentos de la traduccin de la gu"a m7s accesible, aumentando as" la eficiencia y la utilidad de esta gu"a como una herramienta de referencia.

Macross 30 Translation Guide

Jan 07, 2016



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Macross 30: Voices Across the Galaxy Translation FAQ/Guide Version 0.75


This FAQ is meant for personal use only, if you wish to host this guide on your own website, please ask for permission.

The latest version of this FAQ will always be available at and at

my blog,

& '0(3 )y *.F. Fox

Traducci+n al es,a-ol de este a )y eyla 1 ,s3,irata.co2

Todos los crditos a *.F. Fox ,or esta excelente 4ua


¡ Bienvenido a mi traduccin !u"a para el #across $%& las voces por toda la gala'ia.

(#across $% es un )uego de *+! de accin especial desarrollado por dArtdink -tudio para

celebrar el $% aniversario de la animacin de la -uper imensional Fortress #across,

/ue primero sali al aire en octubre de 0123. +roducida por -tudio 4ue, escrita por 5awamori

-hou)i y dirigida por 6shiguro 4oboru, -uper imensional Fortress #across es conocida como una

de las series de anime cl7sico todos los tiempos y ha sido profundamente influyente en tanto medio,

as" como )apon8s ciencia ficcin en general. 9s mi esperan:a /ue esta gu"a puede, en cierta medida

 pe/ue;a, ayudar los fan7ticos occidentales de #across apreciar me)or ese legado fino<<)ugando un

gran partido al mismo tiempo=

-eg>n mi mantra habitual& he intentado montar toda la informacin contenida en este documento entan lgica, concisa y organi:ada una manera como sea posible. 9sta gu"a es actualmente ?y

 perpetuamente@ un work<in<progress y como tal no puede esperarse /ue sea un recurso completo,

infalible. on el tiempo, debo procurar este documento Ayude a convertirse en una gu"a cada ve:

mayor, a>n me)ores, cada ve: m7s >til. 6ndependientemente de su estado actual, espero /ue usted

encontrar7 esta gu"a para ser un recurso valioso mientras )uegas el )uego. Tenga en cuenta /ue esta

gu"a est7 escrita con la suposicin de /ue el lector tiene al menos un familiaridad de paso con las

convenciones y el vocabulario de )uegos, as" como la fran/uicia #across.

omo ea detenidamente a esta gu"a, te dar7s cuenta muchas im7genes del )uego. 9n un

intento de hacer m7s f7cil seguir las diversas traducciones de men>, me he tomado la libertad de

edicin de im7genes del )uego para sustituir el te'to )apon8s con te'to en espa;ol. 9s mi esperan:a

/ue estos foto<traducciones har7 /ue los segmentos de la traduccin de la gu"a m7s accesible,aumentando as" la eficiencia y la utilidad de esta gu"a como una herramienta de referencia.

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"urrent FAQ/Guide !tatus:

Currently, this is the first iteration of my Translation Guide for Macross !. "t#s $ery much a

%bare bones% affair, but hopefully it should still be a useful resource. " am $ery busy with school this

 semester, and ha$e little time to play the game myself&let alone write a guide for it&so " am

relying on community contributions 'from Game()*s, the Macross +orld (orum and the apanese+ii site to fill out this guide. $en so, " am sufficiently busy that it would not be wise to e0pect to

 see this guide fully completed any time soon.

6F%MA"6 D$# *8$G

#across $%& Coces a trav8s de la gala'ia es un trepidante )uego de accin<combate con

fuertes elementos de *+!, /ue incluyen subir de nivel mec7nicos, actuali:aciones estad"sticas,

mech personali:acin, retos, etc.. Fue desarrollado por el enorme talento y e'periencia Artdink 

-tudio, /ue han sido responsables de una serie de fant7sticos )uegos #across y !undam publicados

en +laystation +ortable, +laystation Cita y +laystation $. 9ste t"tulo marca el cuarto titulo de la saga

#across de Artdink en la +laystation $, sino /ue ?e'tra;amente@ es su primer )uego reali:ado

completamente en la plataforma.

#across $% presenta una flamante historia tiene lugar despu8s de los acontecimientos de

#across Frontier, fusin de los moldes ?y mecha@ de cada serie animada de #across ?e'cepto

#across 66@ en una historia bastante elaborado estilo crossover con un elenco original. 9l )ugador 

asume el papel de piloto de pruebas -#- eon -akaki despu8s 8l aterri:a en el planeta misterioso


*elease ate February 32, 3%0$ ?Eapan@

+latform -ony +laystation $

+rice 2,$2%

*ating 9*D BG

+ublisher 4amco Bandai !ames

eveloper -tudio Artdink  

 4ota& 9*D es la computadora entretenimiento valorar organi:acin, /ue clasifica a los

 )uegos electrnicos en Eapn usando la siguiente escala&

9*D A onveniente para todas las


9*D B onveniente para las edades

de 03 y para arriba.

9*D onveniente para las edades

de 0H y para arriba.

9*D onveniente para las edades

de 0I y hasta.

9*D J 4o recomendado para ni;osmenores de 02 a;os.

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Kay tres es/uemas de control predefinidos para $% de #across. 9l primero se basa en los

controles utili:ados anteriormente en Artdink #across t"tulos en la +-+ de -onyL el segundo se basa

en controles de shooter en tercera personaL y la tercera se basa en el c7mara<con el ob)etivo de

mec7nico. +uede alternar entre estos es/uemas de tres control en cual/uier momento a trav8s de losmen>s de opciones o sistema.

uando se utili:a el men> de opciones, te dar7s cuenta /ue hay dos tipos de controles de

vuelo disponibles. ontroles normales son, como era de esperar, el valor por defecto. *eales

controles le permiten volar su avin como un luchador en un )uego de Ace ombat M balanceo con

movimiento hori:ontal stick analgico, /ue le da un mayor control sobre su trayectoria de vuelo.

+or desgracia, tambi8n seleccionar controles de vuelo *eal presenta varios elementos KN molesto

/ue son gran distraccin, por lo /ue no lo recomiendo.

+or favor tenga en cuenta /ue $% de #across, como la mayor"a de los )uegos )apones,

invertir no las teclas por defecto confirmarOcancelar. 9sto significa /ue el botn c"rculo

?correctamente@ est7 relacionado con el comando (confirmar( y el botn cru:ado para el comando(cancel(. mo guardar y cargar el )uego, sin embargo, utili:a los mismos botones de comando

como regin del hardware de la +-$. 9sto significa /ue los )ugadores /ue )uegen en consolas

europeas y americanas deben ser conscientes de /ue los botones de confirmarOcancelar se

(invierten( .

De los tres ,lanes9 2e encontr con control de esue2a A ser el 2s natural y eica;9

aunue < ta2)in ue 2uy =til. >o reco2endara contra el uso de control ?lan A9 co2o

utili;ando el ,ad direccional ,ara el 2o@i2iento y el stic anal+4ico ,ara la transor2aci+n es

2uy intuiti@o.

"ontrol !che2e A

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*ight Analog -tick amera

eft Analog -tick Np Transform ?Fighter@

eft Analog -tick eftO*ight Transform ?!9*PA5@

irectional +ad eftO*ight Transform ?Battroid@

irectional +ad #ovementircle -econdary Peapon

ross Boost

-/uare +rimary Peapon

Triangle #elee

*0 ock<Dn

*3 4OA

*$ enter amera

0 !uard

3 4OA

$ 4OA

-tart 6n<!ame #enu

-elect 6ssue Drders

"ontrol !che2e <

*ight Analog -tick amera

eft Analog -tick #ovement

irectional +ad Np Transform ?Fighter@

irectional +ad eftO*ight Transform ?!9*PA5@

irectional +ad own Transform ?Battroid@

ircle -econdary Peapon

ross Boost

-/uare ash

Triangle #elee*0 +rimary Peapon

*3 !uard

*$ enter amera

0 ock<Dn

3 Peapon -election #enu

$ Joom

-tart 6n<!ame #enu

-elect 6ssue Drders

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"ontrol !che2e "

*ight Analog -tick amera

eft Analog -tick #ovement

irectional +ad Np Transform ?Fighter@

irectional +ad eftO*ight Transform ?!9*PA5@irectional +ad own Transform ?Battroid@

ircle Peapon -election #enu

ross Boost

-/uare ash

Triangle #elee

*0 +rimary Peapon

*3 -econdary Peapon

*$ enter amera

0 ock<Dn

3 !uard

$ Joom

-tart 6n<!ame #enu

-elect 6ssue Drders

9n el modo !9*PA5, usted necesitar7 el doble clic en el botn de impulso ?ru:@ para


omo es el caso con otro mech )uegos de combate de Artdink, tienes un medidor de -+ /ue

llena poco a poco mientras usted toma y recibe da;oL 9ste medidor puede ser agotado para usar

movimientos especiales y ata/ues.

Action !? "ost "o22and

A#- Anti<#issile -ystem 0 !uard ash

*eload Peapon 0 +rimary Peapon ?double<tap@

Activate -kill 0 !uard Peapon #enu

harged *anged Attack 0 !uard -econdary Peapon

harged #elee Attack 0 !uard #elee Attack  

harged Boost 0 !uard Boost

Activate -upport -kill 3 Triangle ircle

-pecial Attack 3 ircle ross

 1ota que dio el nombre de la funci2n de costo 3 45 acciones en lugar de los botones porque

$a a cambiar los comandos de entrada para habilidades de 45 3 costo basado en cu6l de los

esquemas de tres control usas. 7as habilidades de 45 8-costo, sin embargo, se acti$an con el mismocomando de entrada no importa qu9 esquema de control utilia.

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GAM$?#A> T?!

#across $% may be an action<*+! based on a long<running series of action<combat games,

 but it also introduces a number of new skill<based mechanics. 6d like to take a moment now to point

out some tips for new players to help them better take advantage of these new mechanics, as well as

to point out some basic tips to help make your e'perience with the game less frustrating and more


General Ti,s

• *emember to manage your inventory= 6f you have a full stack of any item, you will not be

able to ac/uire any additional items of that type. 6f your inventory itself is full, you will not

 be able to receive any additional itemsMincluding /uest rewards.

• -ell your )unk parts= Phen assembling new aircraft, you want to use /uality applicable parts

?you want to use a CF<% 9ngine while building a CF<%-, not a Eunk 9ngine, for e'ample@.

This means )unk parts are a very useful means of additional income.

• -ave your game at every opportunity= 9nemies can re<spawn at random, andOor gang up onyou en masse suddenly and une'pectedly. Kigher level enemies with special weapons can

dish out a lot of damage very /uickly, and if you are destroyed you have to start over from

whenever it was that you last launched from your ship.

• 9very time you launch from your ship, head to the nearest town and make certain you have a

decent stock of recovery items and ammunition bo'es for your secondary weapons.

Ammunition bo'es for your secondary weapons are applied automatically when you run out

of ammoL if you dont have any ammo bo'es, you wont be able to reload your secondary

weapons, and you do not  want to suddenly find yourself without any missiles.

"o2)at Ti,s

• 6n Battroid and !9*PA5 modes, locks tend to RslipS off enemies, re/uiring you to

actively aim. This third<person shooter mechanic allows for skill<based gameplayMnot only

do you have to lead the target to score hits ?aim where the enemy aircraft will be, not where

it is@Mand mechanics. 6f you score hits in the central body of an enemy aircraft, you will do

e'tra damage ?critical hit@L if you score hits on the cockpitOhead of an enemy aircraft, you

will do even more e'tra damage ?headshot@.

• #ost aircraft have two types of missiles& multi<lock ?usually assigned to -ub<0@ and rapid<

fire ?usually assigned to sub<3@. #ulti<lock missiles are ?obviously@ best for taking out

multiple targets simultaneously, but because the missiles e)ect away from the aircraft before

they ignite, they are not well suited for use while in Fighter mode. ?Phen used in Fighter

mode, they tend to over<shoot the target and miss@. 6t is, therefore, best to use multi<lock

missiles in Battroid and !9*PA5 modes, and save rapid<fire missiles for Fighter mode.

• Phile in Fighter mode, your primary weapon will automatically lead the target provided you

are RpointedS directly at it, more or less. This makes strafing a very viable tactic.

• Phile in Fighter mode, dashing causes your aircraft to roll to in the direction you hold the

analog stick. This is very useful for breaking, as well as avoiding enemy weapons fire. Also

keep in mind that for situations where you cannot avoid incoming fire, you can use your

A#- ?Anti<#issile -ystem@ to shoot down incoming missiles ?!uard ash@.• amage effects two separate variables on enemy aircraft& permanent damage and

momentary damage. This means that if you do not completely destroy an enemy /uickly, it

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will slowly regenerate a portion of its K+. For larger enemies that regenerate K+ /uickly, try

alternating between primary and secondary weapons while reloading ?thus maintaining a

constant stream of fire@ to stall this process.

• Phen enemy aircraft e'plode in pro'imity to the player, you are awarded tuning points ?T+@

and e'perience, regardless of whether or not you destroyed the enemy yourself. estroyed

enemies also drop items in the form of glowing orbs& yellow orbs are money, purple orbs are


Tunin4 Ti,s

• Though you have the option of purchasing tuning points ?0,%%%T+ for 0,%%%!@, 6 would

strongly recommend against doing so. 6 think its important to get a good feel for an aircraft

 before deciding which stats andOor weapons you want to upgrade, as well as to get an

appreciation for an aircrafts base stats.

• our primary weapons have infinite ammunition, which makes them absolutely essential to

your survivability during long<term flights. 6 would, therefore, recommend tuning the primary weapon?s@ before anything else, especially bolstering power, accuracy and

 pro)ectile speed.

• #ost Calkyries third secondary weapon ?-ub<$@ is a head<mounted laser turret. These

weapons are not entirely worthless ?in fact, they can be very useful@ but they are very much

a stop<gap measureMso dont bother investing any T+ into them. ou wont get enough of an

increase in effectiveness to )ustify the cost.

• Phen you apply tuning points, you e'tend a yellow bar marking the increased stats.

9ventually this bar will turn red. Phen you reach the Rred threshold,S each additional

upgrade will cost more T+. *ed tuning is called Rover<tuning,S and should not be done until

after you have fully tuned all of the aircraft and weapon stats to their ma'imum yellow valueunless you are specifically setting out to make a speciali:ed build.

• -ome aircraft have multiple primary weapons. !enerally speaking, its better to choose

whichever primary weapon suits your play style best, and only tune that weapon.

M$68 T%A6!#AT6!

#across $% is an open<world style game, so there is no central menu tree to navigate. There

are three basic menu clusters you will use as you play the game& the #y -hip menu, which serves as

your game hubL the 6n<!ame menuL and the Town menu. 9ach menu is accessed from the field. Toview the #y -hip menu, you must enter the circular blue field pro)ected underneath your

mothershipL to view the 6n<!ame menu, you must press the -tart button while in the fieldL to view

the Town menu you must land in the blue field of a Town building.

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our ship, a rather angular carrier, is fairly easy and obvious to spot. Towns, however, can

sometimes be hidden by terrain, and appear as simple ?large@ buildings. Both pro)ect blue fields that

you must interact with in order to RenterS town or RlandS on your carrier. Phile in blue fields, you

can go to the ship ?left@ or town ?right@ by pressing Triangle, or save your game by pressing the

-elect button.

M> !B? M$68:

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The R#y -hipS menu is actually the bridge of your -#- carrier, the !efion, and it serves as

the central hub of the game. ou can manage your aircraft, items and s/uadron from the KangarL

move your ship to a different field ?over<world@L view movies, sound files, and loading screen

wallpaper, or even peruse through a #across encyclopedia in the !alleryL save or load your gameL

or alter your options.

Take special note of the general information window in the upper right corner& it displays

your ?eons@ level, the total amount of money you have, your current play time and selecteddifficulty. 6t also informs you of your current position in the main /uestMthose first two numbers in

the photo<translation above, U<0, indicate that the player is currently in mission 0 of chapter U.

ou can launch ?e'it the !efion and return to the field@ at any time by pressing -tart, or buy

selecting the aunch option from the menu.

Ban4ar Menu:

6f the R#y -hipS menu is the heart, the Kangar is the brain. Kere youll find all of the really

important stuff. ou can manage your characters and aircraft, as well as purchase and apply tuning

 points from the Flight eckL you can construct new aircraft in the #echanics *oomL manage yourinventory and item storage in the 6tem Bo'L go back to the carriers bridge ?#y -hip menu@ or take<

off immediately.

The -/uadron -ettings menu should look very familiar to anyone whos played any of

Artdinks other #across or !undam games.

Nntil you clear the game and move into 4ew !ame +lus, the player character will be locked

as eon -akaki. The window on the left side of the screen is your s/uadMcan select your pilot

?after clearing the game@, the pilots for your allies, and your aircraftMas well as a support character,

who brings a uni/ue -upport -kill to the game. 6ts all very simply and efficiently set up, so you

really shouldnt have any trouble selecting pilots, support characters or aircraft.

ou can view the respective stats of your pilot here, as well, but beyond setting a skillgrowth type ?which effects how skills grow when you level up@ and selecting up to three auto<skills,

theres no real customi:ation.

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The real RmeatS of the -/uadron -ettings screen is the tuning menu, on the right. Kere you

can spend Tuning +oints, or T+, to enhance the stats of your aircraft and its weapons. There are two

things you need to know about tuning& first, tuning upgrades are not permanentMyou can remove or 

redistribute tuning points at your leisureL and second, there are two levels of tuning. Phen you

apply tuning points, you e'tend a yellow bar marking the increased stats. 9ventually this bar will

turn red. Phen you reach the Rred threshold,S each additional upgrade will cost more T+. *edtuning is called Rover<tuning,S and should generally not be done until after you have fully tuned all

of the aircraft and weapon stats to their ma'imum yellow value.

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Also note that each aircraft can only be tuned so farMsee the T+ limit displayed as a fraction

in the upper right.

9ach aircraft has si' stats that can be tuned& K+ effects your total amount of healthL ranged

defense effects how much damage you take from ranged weaponryL melee defense effects how

much damage you take from melee attacksL speed effects your normal ?unboosted@ movement

speedL boost effects the consumption rate of the boost gauge, allowing you to boost or dash for

greater lengths of timeL mobility effects your general Rturning ability,S or maneuverabilityL radarrange effects the ma'imum distance at which you can detect enemy aircraft.

-econdary weapons, or sub<weapons, appear in the menu screen in the same order as they do

in the weapon selection menu. -ub<0 will be the secondary weapon linked to TriangleL -ub<3 will

 be the secondary weapon linked to circleL -ub<$ will be the secondary weapon linked to ross.

Before moving on to the other menus, 6 should point out that you e/uip secondary

e/uipmentMarmored packs, ghost boosters, etc.Musing the small sub<selection function of the

aircraft selection bo'. Eust play around with the menusMits all straightforward enough you should

 be able to easily figure things out without help from me.

MechanicCs %oo2 Menu

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The #echanics *oom is where you go to upgrade old aircraft and construct new ones. To

construct a new aircraft, you will need two things& a blueprint and parts. +arts come in three color<

coded categories& blue represents frame parts, green represent armor parts, and red represents

engine parts. 9ach new aircraft re/uires a certain total value of points in each category, and each

 part has a certain intrinsic point value.

 4ote that you cannot use more than twelve parts total to build an aircraft.

Phen youre able to upgrade aircraft ?rank 3, rank $@ its important to fill out all of the ranks

 Mbuild a rank 0 before a rank 3, both a rank 0 and a rank 3 before rank $, because the part values

used in the construction of one aircraft affect the re/uired part values of its ne't incarnation.

61GAM$ M$68

The in<game menus consist of five separate menus, and defaults to the third menuMthe item

screenMwhen you open it. For clarity, 6 will describe the menus in left<to<right, in the order of

-tatus, Quest, 6tem, #ap and then, finally, -ystem.

-tatus menu& this menu depicts the status of your aircraft, specifically. ou will see your pilot character at the top of the screen, along with all of his ?or her@ stats listed. These are the same

stats ?in the same order@ as what appears in the pilot select screen ?see hangar menu@.

The Quest menu displays you active /uests ?both story and !uild@ as well as /uests that have

not yet been turned in. ou can see /uest descriptions and clear conditions on the right side of the


The 6tem menu displays all of the items in your inventory. -ee the 6tems section for details.

 4ote that some items cannot be used in certain aircraft forms. Kand grenades, for e'ample, can only

 be used while in Battroid mode.

The map is fairly simple. -ee the !uild Quests section for translations of town names.

Towns appear in gold, cavesObases appear in green.

Finally& the system screen. The first option here is R*etry #issionS V selecting this will

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reset your progress to the last time you left the carrier. The middle option is RDptions,S and the third

option is R*eturn to Title,S which will e'it the game.

ou cannot save from the in<game menu. To save, you must enter a blue field at either a

town or your ship and press select, or from within the #y -hip menu.

"BA%A"T$%! !T%>

#across $% features an original storyline written by 5odachi Nkyo ?who wrote the

noveli:ations for #across Frontier@ with supervision by #across creator 5awamori -ho)i. -et one

year after the events of #across Frontier, players assume the role of -#- test pilot eon -akaki as

he e'plores the alien world Duroboros. haracters from other #across series, including -uper

imensional Fortress #across, #across Jero, #across +lus, #across -even and #across Frontier

all play a role in this new story in the #across saga.

!T%> ?%$M!$

6t is the year 3%W% A... Dne year has passed since the Frontier olonial Fleets battle with

the Ca)ra ended, and since then the gala'y has been at peace. eon -akaki, of the -#- -ephira

 branch, is sent to the vicinity of planet Duroboros on a mission, but is forced to crash<land on the

 planet after being attacked by an unknown enemy.

eon is rescued by Aisha Blanchett, head of the -#- Duroboros branchMbut she is unable

to recover his prototype CF<3H due to a mysterious phenomenon known as the RDuroboros Aurora.S

eciding to work together to solve the mysteries of Duroboros, eon and Aisha set out to

e'plore the planets underground ruins. There, they discover a mysterious sleeping girl.

This is the story of what transpires when she awakens.

eon -akaki, allied with the legendary singers and pilots of the past, must fight not only for

the fate of Duroboros, but for the fate of the gala'y itself.


• #eon !aai: The main character of #across $%. A passionate test pilot with e'ceptional

skill and a strong sense of )ustice. The story opens when he arrives at planet Duroboros.

Coiced by 6rino #iyu.

• Aisha <lanchett: The first heroine of #across $%, she is a Jentraedi prodigy who was given

command of the -#- Duroboros branch at a young age. -he is very positive and has a bright personality, and is primarily focused on studying the ruins that litter Duroboros

landscape. Coiced by 6noue #arina.

• Mina Forte: The second heroine of #across $%, she is a mysterious, amnesiac girl who was

discovered sleeping in ancient ruins. The story will unravel as she recovers her memory.

Coiced by higusa Karuka.

• %od <alt2ar: eons rival *od is a 4.N.4.-. +ilot assigned to the special task force

RKamaval.S Ke has known eon since they where children, but the two became estranged

from one another after a certain incident. Coiced by #iyano #amoru.

• 8shio Todo: ommanding officer of the 4.N.4.-. -pecial task force RKamaval,S he seemsto be conducting an independent investigation in the ruins of Duroboros.... Coiced by

 4akada Eo)i.

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?#T !8MMA%> E!?#$%!

...oming soon=

!##!There are two different types of skills in #across $%& auto<skills and support skills. Auto<

skills either activate only once, automatically, when certain re/uirements are met ?typically when

you lose a certain amount of K+@ or are constantly active. 9ach pilot can select up to three different

auto<skills. -upport skills are a little different. These are dependent on your selected support

characterMso if you dont have one, you cant use emMand are activated directly by the player

?command& !uard Peapon #enu, see ontrols subsection for details@.


con !ill 6a2e $ect



Automatically guard against attacks in Battroid and

!9*PA5 modes.



*estore up to 2%X of K+ when K+ falls below U%X

?only activates once per sortie@.



6ncreases both aircraft speed and lock<on range by



*olling +lus

6ncreases speed by $%%X while rolling in Fighter



*escue +arty

6ncreases effectiveness of K+ recovery items by



Jentraedi Blood

6ncreases melee combat damage by $%X.


ounterattack -ignal

Fills all W -+ gauge bars when K+ falls below $%X.


Treasure Kunter 

isplays complete map of the entire dungeon.


Boost #ania

ecrease boost gauge consumption by 3HX.


*egular -hop ustomer 

!et a discount on town shops item 0. ?The first

item in each shops inventoryY@

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Bombing 5ing

6ncrease capacity of all armaments by 3%X.



Fill all W -+ gauge bars when starting at the start of

a combat /uest ?sub)ugationOBounty@.


+ineapple ake

Phen K+ reaches %, recover with invincibility for a

limited time ?only activates once per sortie@.



6ncrease damage of sniper rifles by H%X.



ecrease -+ gauge consumption by 3HX.


#issile -/uadron

6ncrease capacity of A#- ?anti<missile system@ by



Battleship rusher 

eal H%X e'tra damage to battelships.


Tuning over 

Ac/uire H%X more T+ when shooting down enemy



+rofessional +ilot

Ac/uire 0%%X more e'perience when shooting

down enemy aircraft.


Phen K+ falls below $%X, :ero<cost -+ attack will

activate ?only activates once per sortie@.

!8??%T !##!

"haracter !ill 6a2e General $ect $ect at #e@el 50



+lanets radle 6ncreases defense and K+


6ncreases defense by 00%X and

recovers up to I,3%% K+.



-ong of *uin +owerful damage to a

wide area.

Attack power 00,%%%.



#ayan Blessing 9rects a +inpoint Barrier

to prevent damage.

Barrier can withstand a total of

H,%%% damage.



o ou *emember


ecreases attack power

and defense of Jentraedi

aircraft, recovers K+.

ecrease attack power and

defense of Jentraedi aircraft by

I%X, restores I,UH% K+.

<=  #across annon #across cannon attack. Attack power 1,%%%.

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CD69- *esurrect wingman and

recover K+.

*ecover wingman with I,3%%

K+ recovery.



-harons Temptation 6ncrease attack power of

all allied aircraft.

6ncrease attack power of all

allied aircraft by 00%X for 02



Totsugeki ove Keart 6ncreases attack power and

K+ recovery.

6ncrease attack power by I,3%%,

increase K+ recover 0U%X.



# F*694- *estores K+ and prevents


*estores up to I,3%% K+.





*estores K+ and pauses

enemy K+ recovery.

*estores up to I,3%% K+ and

 prevents enemy K+ recovery for 

0H seconds.



!ala'ys Fairy 6ncreases attack power and

K+ recovery.

6ncreases K+ recovery by 00%X,

attack power by I,I%%.グレ/ス 


6mplant 4etwork 6ncreases attack power and


6ncreases both attack power and

defense by 00%X.

F$#D MA?!

#across $% is a semi<open world game. The game world is split into three large fields, with

scattered dungeons, towns and enemies throughout. 6n the maps 6ve provided below, 6ve indicated

the players ship ?the !ef)on@ with a cyan iconL towns with yellow iconsL and dungeons with red

icons. These are still rough translations of area names 6m using, so dont e'pect that katakana 6m

 basing the location<names after to match with the proper anglici:ed 4orse names that appear in

9nglish in the game.

>8%A A%"B?$#AG

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HHH D$!$%T

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HHH G#A"$% 

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B86T$% G8#D Q8$!T!

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Aside from the missions of the main plot, you can also take part in a number of optional

side<missions known as Kunter !uild /uests. +articipating in Kunter !uild /uest offers players

greater challenges, and greater rewards. There are five types of !uild /uests, and each is color<


• B, or Bounty /uests ?purple@, involve hunting down and destroying a specific enemy. These

enemies will be marked on the map with a green iconMtravel to it, and youll see blue /uest

icon.. Approach it, and activate the /uest with the Triangle button. This will summon the

enemy youre supposed to take down, so make sure youre prepared= 6 strongly recommend

stocking up on repair kits and ammo bo'es, as these enemies can deal out a lot more damage

in a very short amount of time than your average mooks.

• -, or -ub)ugation /uests ?red@, involve going to a specific dungeon and destroying a set

number of enemies. These are pretty straightforward. 5eep in mind you do not get a map<

marker for these, so if you dont understand kana youll probably want to keep the translation

tables below handy.

• 9, or 9scort /uests ?YYY@, are e'actly what youd think they are. oull be given a /uest

marker for an area, and once you arrive, youll be tasked with defending an allied unit froman enemy attack.

• , or elivery /uests ?green@, involve either transporting an item from one location to

another, or seeking out a specific item in the world. For transporting items from one town to

another, youll need to look behind the town building after accepting the /uestMthere will be

a container. Dpen it to receive the transport item, and then take it to the destination. For

delivery /uests where youre tasked with finding a specific item, youll typically see a large

 blue circular field in your mini<mapMthis is your search area. -ometimes the items youll

need to find will be in containers, sometimes theyll be blue ?uni/ue@ item points. 6n either

case, the blue search field will disappear from the mini<map once youve discovered all of

the items you need to complete the /uest.• D, or Dther /uests ?YYY@, involve hunting down and destroy specific enemies or groups on

enemies in the field.

There are multiple open<world areas, or fields, in the game. 9ach field contains a number of

towns and dungeons. 6 have organi:ed the following Kunter !uild Quest translation tables by town,

 but indicate the field ?e'., uria@ after the town name with a dash. For help finding town and

dungeon locations, please refer to the Field #aps section.

Guild Quest !tatus: (IJ out o '0( EK(L

DA%$6 1 >8%A E@オレン 

aoren is located in the far -outhern area of the uria Archipelago Field. -ee Area #aps section for 


Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

-   シャーク団の!-hark Teams Ambition

efeat 0% bandits in

*atatoskr ave.プラA!グレBードC+lasma !renade 666


Blessing of the Porld Tree

eliver H Tree -ap to

Crlitwhal ity.


Kand !renade 666   "ン#ットの$

Bandit 4est

*ecover U materials

from Fovos Base.

I>J#/スKリーLKippo<ow 6ce ream

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  MのNのOPTrial of the -ea +illars

*ecover H Kunter


%&'()爆*++ro'imity #ine 666

  リーロンの*QR*irons Feelings

Dbtain Bukan<gu?Y@.   #Sター>ー.ーTAfterburner 6

  #リ"リー,- 0

elivery Drder 0

Transport order from

aoren to ue.


Tuna Z 9el   #リ"リー,- 3

elivery Drder 3

Transport order from

aoren to Bowen.

シェリルのイ.リン/-heryls 9arring

  #リ"リー,- $

elivery Drder $

Transport order from

aoren to eopold


vf<0ZスI4YZZ[\]^_TCF<0 -kull Blueprints ?6@

`ハンターラ/aンスOblass< Kunter 9'am

Dbtain lass<

certificate in #imir



*epair 5it 666

B`ハンターラ/aンスOblass<B Kunter 9'am

Dbtain lass<Bcertificate in #imir


CF<0Ede\]^_TCF<0E Blueprints ?6@

A`ハンターラ/aンスOblass<A Kunter 9'am

Dbtain lass<A

certificate in #imir


CF<0Pストラ/K0&K]^_CF<0P -trike +ack Blueprints

-   リガードfg*egult #op<Np

efeat H *egults. CF<%-スI4YZZ[\]^_TCF<%- -kull Blueprints ?6@

  hiトレー"ングTraining elivery

*ecover 0 Kunter


ハンドグレBードCKand !renade 666

V%#TNBA# "ity 1 >8%A Eリタ/$jィ 

Crlitwhal ity is located in the central area of the uria Archipelago Field. -ee Area #aps section

for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B 0H%%!の00,H%%! Bounty

efeat the anyon


 #Sター>ー.ーkAfterburner 66


#ishima #ushroom ?-peed@B 33%%!の0

3,3%%! Bounty

efeat the Porld Tree


プラA!グレBードC+lasma !renade 666


#ishima #ushroom ?oncentration@

B   uvwx&yzoート-pecial #ission& Todos 4ote

*epel the onvict



ions #ark #ishimas #ushroom



#ishimas #ushroom ?-piritia@

D `wx&ゼントラ•€<*ank #ission& Jentora Feud

efeat both Jentraediforces.

‚I>J#/スKリーLKippo<ow 6ce ream


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#ishima #ushroom ?-trength@

9 B`wx„…護†‡ˆ‰B<*ank #ission& !uardian


efend allied forces.   Š‹UVW!igantic Tuna


#ishima #ushroom ?*anged@

9 A`wx&ŒのŽA<*ank #ission& Ally of


efeat the bandits boss.

 #Sター>ー.ーCAfterburner 666


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


B A`wx&4戦5A<*ank #ission& Berserker 

onfront the enemy


 2ン;/‘{|}ions #ark #inmay oll


#ishima #ushroom ?efense@

D -`wx„>ンデ&ト” 

-<*ank #ission& Bandit 5iller 

efeat the Bandit



!races !lasses {|}lmncop?qr@

ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


B -`wx„>ー3K—˜*<*ank #ission& Basaku


efeat the Basaku


 ガBスのS™ー!anesus Fur 


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


9 --`wx&67

--<*ank #ission& -tampede

efend the civilians

from the !uardians.


CF<0E #ylene Blueprints ?66@{|}lmncop?~@

ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


-   ”トレー"ング-uppression Training

efeat H CF<0As.   スjーc?0H%g@

-teak ?0H%g@

  uvwx&š›のœ-pecial #ission& Fomenting


9'plore the Bolverkr


パイン8ラ9+ineapple -alad

  レ#;タ4!žŸ 0

Find the *are #etal oin 0

Find a *are #etal


+ineapple ake ?Block@

  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ 0¥¦§ 

Duroboros *esearch 0

Find Todos notes in

Porld Tree *uins.lmncop?qr@

#ishima #ushroom ?-peed@

  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ 3¥¦§ 

Duroboros *esearch 3

Find Todos notes in

*atatoskr ave.

-C<H0\%:;<-C<H0 Alpha Blueprints ?66@

  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ $¥¦§ 

Duroboros *esearch $

Find Todos notes in

Bolverkr *uins.

CF<%-%:;<CF<%- Blueprints ?66@

  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ U¥¦§ 

Duroboros *esearch U

Find Todos notes in

#imir ave.

CF<%-スI4YZZ[\]^_kCF<%- -kull Blueprints ?66@

  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ H¥¦§ 

Duroboros *esearch H

Find Todos notes in

Cafudr *uins.

-C<H0]%:;<-C<H0 !amma Blueprints ?66@

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  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ W¥¦§ 

Duroboros *esearch W

Find Todos notes in

 4idhogg ave.

CF<0A%:;<CF<0A Blueprints ?66@

  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ I¥¦§ 

Duroboros *esearch I

Find Todos notes in

Colundr ave.


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ 2¥¦§ Duroboros *esearch 2

Find Todos notes in!angleri *uins. ロッ=の>?*ods +hoto

  ¡ロ¢ロス£¤ 1¥¦§ 

Duroboros *esearch 1

Find Todos notes in

Baleygr *uins.リーロンの@ンAーBC*irons Kunter Te'tbook 

  ¨©ª«¬®¯Phat Fell from the -ky

Dbtain U eyewitness


%&'()爆*D+ro'imity #ine 6C

  °±²#ourning Poman

-earch for the

remains near Bowen.


Kigh<+erformance *adar 


ost Poman

-earch for the

remains near thePorld Tree.


CF<% Blueprints ?66@


Fleeing Poman

-earch for the

remains near ue.

CF<%A%:;<CF<%A Blueprints ?66@

  º»wx&リーロンのEF 0 

-ecret #ission& *irons Pish 0

eliver items to


+ro'imity #ine 6C

  º»wx&リーロンのEF 3 

-ecret #ission& *irons Pish 3

Dbtain $ Tree -ap

near the Porld Tree.


Kand !renade 6C

  º»wx&リーロンのEF $

-ecret #ission& *irons Pish $

*ecover H monitoring



#ishima #ushroom ?-trength@

  º»wx&リーロンのEF U

-ecret #ission& *irons Pish U

6nvestigate Todos



#ishima #ushroom ?*anged@

  º»wx&リーロンのEF H

-ecret #ission& *irons Pish H

*ecover H monitoring



#ishima #ushroom ?-piritia@

  レ#;タ4!žŸ 3

Find the *are #etal oin 3

Find H *are #etal



#ishima #ushroom ?oncentration@

  …護†‡の½ 0

+rotect the 9ggs 0

Dbtain H yaus eggs.   lmncop?qr@

#ishima #ushroom ?-peed@

  レ#;タ4!žŸ $Find the *are #etal oin $

Find 0% *are #etaloins.

CF<0I09^%:;GCF<0I09^ Blueprints ?6@


uria -hellfish *esearch

Dbtain 3% uria


+lasma !renade 6C

>8$ O >8%A E¾¿ 

ue is located in the 9astern area of the uria Archipelago Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

  ゼントラÀÁÂÃのÄÅÆDld #an Jentoras #emories Find the old mans precious pipe. スjーc?0H%g@-teak ?0H%g@

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  ÇÃÈÉš›žŸFind the *emains

Find the big ring.   パイン8ラ9+ineapple -alad

  MNOPQFind the #arine -/uadron

Find the transport

ships cargo '2.


+ineapple ake ?Block@


evel U ourse +lans

Find the evel U

course plan. Dbtain0% Duroboros -tones.


Afterburner 6

  ÊmvHRーST%:Uevel H ourse +lans

Find the evel H

course plan. Dbtain

0% Duroboros -tones.

ハンドグレBードkKand !renade 66

  ÊmvWRーST%:U evel W ourse +lans

Find the evel W

course plan. Dbtain

0% Duroboros -tones.

%&'()爆*++ro'imity #ine 666


evel I ourse +lans

Find the evel I

course plan. Dbtain0% Duroboros -tones.


+lasma !renade 666

  Êmv2RーST%:Uevel 2 ourse +lans

Find the evel 2

course plan. Dbtain

0% Duroboros -tones.

ハンドグレBード¼Kand !renade 6C

  Êmv1RーST%:Uevel 1 ourse +lans

Find the evel 1

course plan. Dbtain

0% Duroboros -tones.

‚³´レー@ーKigh<+erformance *adar 

  Êmv0%RーST%:Uevel 0% ourse +lans

Find the evel 0%

course plan. Dbtain

0% Duroboros -tones.

CF<33%:;GCF<33 Blueprints ?6@

-   XYーXZ[\]戦Cafudr Dperation

efeat 0% bandits in

Cafudr *uins.


9el Z Tuna ?ouble@

-   XYーXZ[\]戦 3

Cafudr Dperation 3

efeat 0H bandits in

Cafudr *uins.


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


#$?#D "T> O >8%A EレオË4ド$jィ 

eopold ity is located in the 4orthern area of the uria Archipelago Field. -ee Area #aps section

for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B   ÌÍKoly -word

efeat the enemy


CF<%S™スト0&K]^_CF<% Fast +ack Blueprints


#ishima #ushroom ?-peed@

9 `wx„>ジ7ラž…=

<*ank #ission& +rotect the


9scort the Ca)ra.   3ラのÎリ¡Ï/-aras arivei


#ishima #ushroom ?*anged@

D B`wx„ゼントラ•€ 3 efeat both Jentraedi   パインケーキ?Ðー4@

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B<*ank #ission& Jentora Feud


forces. +ineapple ake ?Phole@


#ishima #ushroom ?efense@

B -`wx„スÑードÒ-<*ank #ission& -peeder 

Arrest the speeder.   UVWX?@4@

9el Tuna ?ouble@


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


B --`wx&¡ロ¢ロスのÓ--<*ank #ission& The

Duroboros Polf 

efeat the Polf. CF<019Iイシャ^%:;<CF<019 Aisha Blueprints ?66@


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


-   ?ー$ャj4Ôガー” 4ushateru -ub)ugation

-   クY=ラン_ロー[\Queadluun<*au -ub)ugation

  Êmのタ/プIプa4 0

Archipelago Time apsule 0

Kelp #ina with her


CF<0E%:;<CF<0E Blueprints ?66@

  Õ¬®»Öost Treasure

!et a picture of the


Iルトの`ab^Altos +aper Airplane

<N$6 O >8%A EËー¡Ïン 

Bowen is located in the far 4orthwestern area of the uria Archipelago Field. -ee Area #aps

section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B   c撃+ursuit

efeat the bandit


-C<H0]×Ø_T [ 0

-C<H0 !amma Blueprints ?6@

lmncop?qr@ [ 0

#ishima #ushroom ?-peed@

D `wx&"deラfg,-<*ank #ission& Ca)ra apture

apture the Ca)ra.   パイン8ラ9?ゼントラÙ@[0

+ineapple -alad


#ishima #ushroom ?oncentration@

D B`wx&ÚÛÜž”ÝB<*ank #ission& *evenge of

the Bounty

Arrest the Bounty.   Shーキ?3%%g@[0

-teak ?3%%g@


#ishima #ushroom ?-piritia@

D A`wx&ゼントラ•€ $

A<*ank #ission& Jentora

ispute $

rush both Jentraedi



Breras Karmonica


#ishima #ushroom ?#elee@

- CF<0E[\ 

CF<0E -ub)ugation

-   ゼントラーディßà efeat 3% Jentraedi.   lmncop?qr@[0

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Jentraedi -ub)ugation #ishima #ushroom ?-peed@

- CF<00B[\ 

CF<00B -ub)ugation

-   Vラiンjklm 0

Fight the Flamingo 0

efeat 2 Flamingos in

 4idhogg ave.lmncop?st@[0

#ishima #ushroom ?oncentration@

- -C<H0\[\ -C<H0 Alpha -ub)ugation

-   VYロS[\]戦Faros Dperation

efeat 0% bandits in

Faros Base.


#ishimia #ushroom ?efense@

- CF<%[\ 

CF<% -ub)ugation

-   Vラiンjklm 3

Fight the Flamingo 3

- CF<%-[\ 

CF<%- -ub)ugation

- CF<%A[\ 

CF<%A -ub)ugation

-   XYーXZ[\]戦Cavudr Dperation

efeat 0% bandits in

Cavudr *uins.


Kippo<ow 6ce ream

-   "ーnイ/[\]戦Baleygr Dperation

efeat 0% bandits in

Baleygr *uins.


CF<33- Blueprints ?6@

-   oン/nリ[\]戦!angleri Dperation

efeat 0H bandits in

!angueri *uins.


CF<0A -kull Blueprints ?66@

-   qルXェルク[\]戦Bolverkr Dperation

efeat 0H bandits in

Bolverkr *uins.


F<30 Blueprints ?66@

9 --`wx&rstuのvw--<*ank #ission& Ally of


*epel the enemy and

 protect the civilians.

CF<002ー.\]^_ká 0

CF<00 #ina Blueprints ?66@

 {|}lmncop?1撃@á 0

#ishima #ushroom ?*anged@

"#$$F TN6 O HHH EKリーSタ¡ン 

leef Town is located in the YYY area of the YYY Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions !!1%an Mission: %eard

B H%%%!の0H,%%%! Bounty

efeat the Dasis



#ishima #ushroom ?efense@

IVAー"ーWーDAfterburner 6C

9 B`wx&"deラkxyB<*ank #ission& +rotect the


efend the Ca)ra.   "8ラのzAーBasaras !uitar 


#ishima #ushroom ?-peed@

B --`wx&ÚÛÜž”Ý--<*ank #ission& *evenge of

the Bounty

Arrest the Bounty. F<30oル=^%:;<F<30 !arudo Blueprints ?66@


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ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


  ¡ロ¢ロスの£¤ 0%¥¦§Duroboros *esearch 0%

Find Todos notes in

Alfathr *uins.‚³´レー@ーKigh<+erformance *adar 

  ¡ロ¢ロスの£¤ 00¥¦§

Duroboros *esearch 00

Find Todos notes in

!rotti ave.


#ishima #ushroom ?*anged@   ¡ロ¢ロスの£¤ 03¥¦§

Duroboros *esearch 03

Find Todos notes in

-anngetall *uins.

CF<0I09^Iルト^%:;GCF<0I09^ Alto Blueprints ?6@

  ¡ロ¢ロスの£¤ 0$¥¦§Duroboros *esearch 0$

Find Todos notes in

Keithrun ave.

CF<0-%:;<CF<0- Blueprints ?66@

  ¡ロ¢ロスの£¤ 0U

Duroboros *esearch 0U

Find Todos notes in

Alv ave.

CF<00Bイ8{^%:;<CF<00B 6samu Blueprints ?66@

  ¡ロ¢ロスの£¤ 0H¥¦§Duroboros *esearch 0H

Find Todos notes in

overugu ave.{|}lmncop?1撃@

ions #ark #ishima #ushroom

?*anged@   ¡ロ¢ロスの£¤ 0W¥¦§

Duroboros *esearch 0W

Find Todos notes in

Keruburindi *uins.

F<31Sーパーパック%:;F<31 -uper +ack Blueprints

-   |ルRS[\]戦Drkos Dperation

efeat 0H bandits in

Drkos Base.lmncop?st@

#ishima #ushroom ?oncentration@

-`ハンターラ/aンスOblass<- Kunter 9'am

Dbtain lass<-

certificate in Alv



#ishima #ushroom ?-trength@


 lass<-- Kunter 9'am

Dbtain lass<--

certificate in Alvave.


CF<01- Blueprints ?6@

M%"6$ B## O HHH EÞリpーBâ4 

#oricone Kill is located in the YYY area of the YYY Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

-   /ロッh}[\]戦

!rotti Dperation

efeat 0% bandits in

!rotti ave.


#ishima #ushroom ?*anged@-   IルV~Zル[\]戦

Alfathr Dperation

efeat 0H bandits in

Alfathr *uins.

F<31|Z•^%:;GF<31 D:ma Blueprints ?6@

-   8ン€Aル[\]戦-anngetall Dperation

efeat 0H bandits in

-anngetall *uins.o{リンの,!amlins *ing

B $%%%!の0$,%%%! Bounty

efeat the esert

anyon bandits.

‚I>J#/スKリーLKippo<ow 6ce ream


#ishima #ushroom ?oncentration@

B `wx&ÚÛÜž”Ý<*ank #ission& *evenge of

the Bounty

Arrest the Bounty.   2レー?のãース#ylenes Bass


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#ishima #ushroom ?-piritia@

9 -`wx&‚ƒ„団 -D-

-<*ank #ission& onvoy -D-

efend the convoy. CF<3HFIルト^%:;<CF<3HF Alto Blueprints ?66@


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


9   "deラk…†‡Those who hunt Ca)ra

efend the Ca)ra. *CF<3Hルカ^%:;<*CF<3H uca Blueprints ?66@


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom

- CF<0-[\CF<0- -ub)ugation

efeat H CF<0-s.   lmncop?23@

#ishima #ushroom ?#elee@

- CF<00[\CF<00 -ub)ugation

efeat H CF<00s.

- -C<H0][\-C<H0 !amma -ub)ugation

efeat H -C<H0


-   äåの…護†‡”esert !uardian -ub)ugation

efeat 0% !uardians.

- CF<33[\ 

CF<33 -ub)ugation

efeat H CF<33s.

-   æー"&âÞンスター” 

5onig #onster -ub)ugation

efeat $ 5onig


-   ˆイZルーン[\]戦Keithrun Dperation

efeat 0% bandits in

Keithrun ave.

IVAー"ーWーDAfterburner 6C

  çèの¾ーリ#éThe harm of uria -hellfish

Dbtain $% uria


#ishima #ushroom ?-piritia@

  8‰hンŠ‹actus !athering

Dbtain 3% Duroboros


#ishima #ushroom ?-trength@

  8‰hンŒクンŽactus Caccine 0

eliver cactus

vaccine to Crlitwhal



CF<01A *aven Bleuprints ?6@

%AMAD O HHH Eラ!ード 

*amad is located in the YYY area of the YYY Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B A`wx„êëìí¯A<*ank #ission& urkers in

the ark 

efeat the enemies. CF<00Sーパーパック%:; 

CF<00 -uper +ack Blueprints

B -`wx„ÚÛÜž”Ý 

-<*ank #ission& *evenge of

the Bounty

Arrest the Bounty.   27ンのレスレ&ト#yuns Bracelet


#ishima #ushroom ?efense@9 --`wx&îï

--<*ank #ission&

efend the civilians

from the !uardians.

CF<33-2リ#\]^_kCF<33- #illia Blueprints ?66@

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ounterattack    {|}lmncop?st@

ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


  ðñòのóÇôðawn rop<Dff 

eliver the lunchbo'.   ‚³´レー@ーKigh<+erformance *adar 

  õmのóÇôðFloating 6sland awn

eliver the parts.   %&'()爆*D+ro'imity #ine 6C

  ö÷のóÇôðFortress awn

eliver the message

to -urudoheimu



-teak ?3%%g@

  äåのÖøesert Treasure 0

Find the ancient

Duroboros treasure.パイン8ラ9?ゼントラÙ@

+ineapple -alad ?Jentora@

  äåのÖ 3

esert Treasure 3

Find the ancient

Duroboros treasure.


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


  äåのÖ $

esert Treasure $

Find the ancient

Duroboros treasure.プラA!グレBードù 

+lasma !renade C

  äåのÖ U

esert Treasure U

Find the ancient

Duroboros treasure.


*estoration 5it C

  äåのÖ H

esert Treasure H

Find the ancient

Duroboros treasure.


9el Tuna

  äåのÖ W

esert Treasure W

Find the ancient

Duroboros treasure.


CF<0- -kull Blueprints ?66@


Iesert Treasure I Find the ancientDuroboros treasure.

2ン;/‘#inmei oll

-   ?ー$ャj4Ôガー” 4ushateru<!a -ub)ugation

efeat 0% 4ushateru<



Afterburner 6C

-   クY=ランsロー[\Queadluun<*au -ub)ugation

efeat 0% Queadluun<



*FC<0I09^ uca Blueprints ?6@

-   ゼントラーディ†”Jentraedi -oldier -ub)ugation

efeat 0% Jentraedi



CF<00 Blueprints ?66@

-   クY=ランsnI[\Queadluun<*hea -ub)ugation

efeat 0% Queadluun<


Kigh<+erformance *adar 

%AGB<A% O HHH Eラグ> 

*aghbar is located in the YYY area of the YYY Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B ’“”c撃<*ank #ission& +ursuit

Arrest the bounty.   パイン8ラ9?ゼントラÙ@

+ineapple -alad ?Jentora@


#ishima #ushroom ?*anged@

B A’“”–—0k[˜ Arrest the bounty.   oル=の™xš

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A<*ank #ission& *evenge of

the Bounty

!arudos Amulet


#ishima #ushroom ?#elee@

D --’“”@ンAー›œ--<*ank #ission& Kunter *iot

-ubdue the riot.   !&Kスのú[û|#a's aptains Kat


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


  äåのタ/LIプa4øesert Time apsule 0

Kelp #ina with her


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


  砂漠のタイムカプセル2 esert Time apsule 3

Kelp #ina with her


ステーキ(200g -teak ?3%%g@

  üU®>/オリン-tolen Ciolin

*ecover the stolen


巨大まぐろ 9el Tuna

  üU®オ4ýー4-tolen #usic Bo'

*ecover the stolen

music bo'.‚I>J#/スKリーLKippo<ow 6ce ream

  üU®ス0/ス-tolen -pices

*ecover the stolen


+ineapple ake ?Phole@

*8%G$6 O HHH E¾4þン 

Eurgen is located in the YYY area of the YYY Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B B’“”&nイXンZB<*ank #ission& *avens

efeat the enemies. Cf<00Bイ8{^%:;GCF<00B 6samu Blueprints ?6@


#ishima #ushroom ?-trength@

9 -’“”&xžŸの¡-<*ank #ission& !uardian


efend the civilians.   ILジンの!ント5amu)ins loak 


#ishima #ushroom ?*anged@

B --’“”&ÚÛÜž”Ý--<*ank #ission& *evenge of

the Bounty

Arrest the bounty.   2リ#の/Îリング#illias 9arrings


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


-   Sルー=ˆイ{[\]戦-uroduheimu Dperation

efeat 0% bandits in



パインケーキ?Ðー4+ineapple ake ?Phole@

-   =¢ェル/[\]戦overugu Dperation

efeat 0% Jentraedi

in overugu ave.

ステーキ(200g) -teak ?3%%g@

-   £¤S[\]戦

 4omosu Dperation

efeat 0% bandits in

 4omosu Base.


Afterburner 666   äåvWRーST%:U

evel W esert ourse +lans

Find the level W

course plan. Dbtain

高性能レーダー Kigh<+erformance *adar 

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0% Duroboros stonesL

obtain H -hiera -tars.

  äåCIRーST%:Uevel I esert ourse +lans

Find the level I

course plan. Dbtain

0% Duroboros stonesL

obtain H -hiera -tars.

ハン!レ"ーC Kand !renade 666

  äåv2RーST%:Uevel 2 esert ourse +lans

Find the level 2

course plan. Dbtain

0% Duroboros stonesL

obtain H -hiera -tars.

#$%大&'(¼ +ro'imity #ine 6C

  äåv1RーST%:Uevel 1 esert ourse +lans

Find the level 1

course plan. Dbtain

0% Duroboros stonesL

obtain H -hiera -tars.

プ)*+!レ"ーù +lasma !renade C


evel 0% esert ourse +lans

Find the level 0%

course plan. Dbtain0% Duroboros stonesL

obtain H -hiera -tars.


*estoration 5it C

8%TB% O HHH E¡4A 

Nrthr is located in the YYY area of the YYY Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B A’“”¥¦A<*ank #ission& 9'pert

efeat the 9'pert. £ーラのjー/ル 4oras !oggles


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


B  A0123456 A<*ank #ission& eserter 

Arrest the eserter.   ジÏSリーのú[ûEeffreys aptain Kat


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


D -’“”"deラfg]戦-<*ank #ission& Ca)ra apture

apture the Ca)ra. CF<0-de\]^_kCF<0- 6chi)o Blueprints ?66@


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


B -’“”§の¨-<*ank #ission& 6ce Fang

efeat the Kavamaru


CF<%Aシン^%:;<CF<%A -hin Blueprints ?66@


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


9 -’“”xžŸの¡

-<*ank #ission& !uardian+aradise

*epel the enemy and

 protect the civilians.


Queadluun<*au 5lan Blueprints ?66@

  üU®ÿ *ecover the vase. F<01%:;<

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-tolen Case F<01 Blueprints ?66@

  üU®茶‡-tolen Tea -et

*ecover the tea set. CF<3Hトル©ー=パック%:;CF<3H Tornado +ack Blueprints

  坊RゃUの夢!entlemans ream


-earch the gentle<mans ompany

2ン;/の!/K#inmeis #ic

-   ハーヴ™!ー4ž殲滅よKavamaru Annihilation

estroy the

Kavamaru -/uadron.

CF<01F%:;<CF<01 Blueprints ?66@

  氷河vWRーST%:Uevel W !lacier ourse +lans

Find the evel W

ourse +lans. Dbtain

0% Durobos #ona


リ¬Iキット*epair 5it C

  氷河vIRーST%:Uevel I !lacier ourse +lans

Find the evel I

ourse +lans. Dbtain

0% Durobos #ona


‚³´レー@ーKigh<+erformance *adar 

  氷河v2RーST%:Uevel 2 !lacier ourse +lans

Find the evel 2

ourse +lans. Dbtain

0% Durobos #ona


ハンドグレBードⅴKand !renade C

  氷河v1RーST%:Uevel 1 !lacier ourse +lans

Find the evel 1

ourse +lans. Dbtain

0% Durobos #ona


プラA!グレBードⅴ+lasma !renade C

  氷河v0%RーST%:Uevel 0% !lacier ourse +lans

Find the evel 0%

ourse +lans. Dbtain

0% Durobos #ona


nSトnーシンキット*estoration 5it C

V$%TBA6D O HHH EヴÏ4ザンディ 

Certhandi is located in the YYY area of the YYY Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.

Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B -’“”§の¨-<*ank #ission& 6ce Fang

efeat the Kavamaru


!オのÜ飾É#aos 4ecklace


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


B --’“”–—0k[˜--<*ank #ission& *evenge ofthe Bounty

Arrest the Bounty.   ルカの£ートパ®Rンucas aptop


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom

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B --’“”§の¨--<*ank #ission& 6ce Fang

efeat the Kavamaru


|Z•の FBÀÖディスKD:mas Firebomber *ecord


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


B --’“”–—0k[˜--<*ank #ission& *evenge of

the Bounty

Arrest the Bounty. CF<3H!2ハ¿4\]^_kCF<3H! #ichael Blueprints ?66@


ions #ark #ishima #ushroom


  氷河のタ/LIプa4 0

!laciers Time apsule 0

ook into things for



#ishima #ushroom ?-trength@

  氷河のタ/LIプa4 3

!laciers Time apsule 3

ook into things for


CF<01AnイXンZ^%:;<CF<01A *avens Blueprints ?66@

  氷河のタ/LIプa4 $

!laciers Time apsule $

ook into things for

#ina.未=の水着写真#isas -wimsuit +hotos

-   ラ/Wロク¯klm-trike the *agnarok +arty

efeat 0H machines

in Feunir ave.

CF<33%:;<CF<33 Blueprints ?66@

-   "deラk°±²³Ca)ra *escue

efeat 3% Ca)ra in the


CF<3I]%:;GCF<3I !amma Blueprints ?6@

!8#D EスK4ド 

-kuld is located in the YYY area of the YYY Field. -ee Area #aps section for details.Quest 6a2e "lear "onditions %eard

B --’“”´Fµ¶の·--<*ank #ission& *ed -pectre

efeat the mysterious

red aircraft.

CF<3H-|Z•^%:;<CF<3H- D:ma *ank 66 Blueprints

-   Io.ス”5anonos Dperation

efeat 0% aircraft in

5anonos Base.


#ishima #ushroom ?-piritia@

-   Vロ¸ト[\]戦Furoputo Dperation

efeat 0% aircraft in

Furoputo Base.lmncop?st@

#ishima #ushroom ?oncentration@

-   o/ンラーZ[\]戦

!agnarthor Dperation

efeat 0H machines

in !agnarthor Base.


CF<3H Armored +ack Blueprints ?6@

-   イ.ールク[\]戦Kropt Dperation

efeat 0H machines

in Kropt Base.イŒ£Vの¹º,»¼6vanovs +iloting #anual

  ¢ロ‰ロS½¾ 0I 789 

Duroboros *esearch 0I

Find Todos notes in

Furoputo Base.シンのA/-hins Tags

  ¢ロ‰ロS½¾ 02 789 

Duroboros *esearch 02

Find Todos notes in

!agnarthor Base.

IVAー"ーWAfterburner C

  ¢ロ‰ロS½¾ 01 789 

Duroboros *esearch 01

Find Todos notes in

Kropt Base.

CF<01-%:;<CF<01- *ank 66 Blueprints ?6@

  ¢ロ‰ロS½¾ 3% 789 

Duroboros *esearch 3%

Find Todos notes in

Feunir ave.

CF<33-%:;<CF<33- *ank 66 Blueprints ?6@

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  ¢ロ‰ロS½¾ 30 789 

Duroboros *esearch 30

Find Todos notes in



!B?! T$M!

>8%A A%"B?$#AG !B?!Daoren !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes

リ¬IキットG*epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66



*epair 5it 666



*estoration 5it 6



*estoration 5it 66


*¿BD^?u殊 0@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@


*¿BD^?u殊 3@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@



u殊$@ Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@ 0%%


Kigh<+erformance *adar 



CF<%- Blueprints ?6@



CF<% Blueprints ?666@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<%A Blueprints ?666@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<%- Blueprints ?666@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<%- -kull Blueprints ?666@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<%A -hin Blueprints ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

Vrlithal "ity !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes

リ¬IキットG 3U%

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*epair 5it 6


*epair 5it 66



*epair 5it 666


nSトnーシンキットG *estoration 5it 6



*estoration 5it 66


*¿BD^?u殊 0@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@


*¿BD^?u殊 3@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@


ÀÁV~ール=sÂーSAー-imple Fold Booster 


CF<0-%:;GCF<0- Blueprints ?6@


CF<0-%:;+CF<0- Blueprints ?666@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

CF<0-SカルpQQ‘^%:;+CF<0- -kull Blueprints ?666@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

CF<0-de\]^_CCF<0- 6chi)o ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

パŒー=sSーÃ%:;G+owered -uit Blueprints ?6@

3,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


+owered -uit Blueprints ?66@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

パŒー=sSーÃ%:;++owered -uit Blueprints ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

リoー=%:;G*egult Blueprints ?6@

$,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


*egult Blueprints ?66@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

リoー=%:;+*egult Blueprints ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


Queadluun<*au Blueprints ?6@

U,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

 クY=ロンsロー%:;<Queadluun<*au Blueprints ?66@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

クY=ロンsロー%:;+Queadluun<*au Blueprints ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

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クY=ロンsロー?#F@%:;GQueadluun<*au #F Blueprints ?6@

H,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


Queadluun<*au #F Blueprints ?66@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


Queadluun<*au #F Blueprints ?666@

W%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

>ue !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes

リ¬IキットG*epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66



u殊0@ Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@ 0$%

*¿BD^?u殊 3@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@



Kand !renade 6



Kand !renade 66



+lasma !renade 6



+lasma !renade 66



+ro'imity #ine 6



+ro'imity #ine 66


-C<H0\%:;G -C<H0 Alpha Blueprints ?6@



-C<H0 Alpha Blueprints ?666@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


-C<H0 !amma Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


-C<H0 !. 4ora Blueprints ?66@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


-C<H0 !. 4ora Blueprints ?666@

1%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


-C<H0 !. 6vanov Blueprints ?66@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

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-C<H0 6 !. 6vanov Blueprints ?666@

1%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

#eo,old "ity !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes

リ¬IキットG *epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66



*estoration 5it 6


*¿BD^?u殊 0@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@


*¿BD^?u殊 3@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@ 

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@



Kand !renade 6



Kand !renade 66



+lasma !renade 6


プラA!グレBードk +lasma !renade 66



+ro'imity #ine 6


%&'()爆*< +ro'imity #ine 66 0,3%%


CF<00B -uper +ack Blueprints



CF<00B Blueprints ?666@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

CF<00Bイ8{^%:;+ CF<00B 6samu Blueprints ?666@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

<oen !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes


*epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66


リ¬Iキット+ *epair 5it 666


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nSトnーシンキットG*estoration 5it 6


nSトnーシンキット<*estoration 5it 66


*¿BD^?u殊 0@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@


*¿BD^?u殊 3@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@



-teak ?0H%g@



+ineapple -alad


パインケーキ?Âロック@+inapple ake ?Block@



Kippo<ow 6ce ream



yaus 9gg



CF<0A Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0A -kull Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0E Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0E 6chi)o Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0E #ylene ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

"lee Ton !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes


*epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66



*epair 5it 666



*epair 5it 6C


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nSトnーシンキットG*estoration 5it 6


nSトnーシンキット<*estoration 5it 66



*estoration 5it 666



*estoration 5it 6C


*¿BD^?u殊 0@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@


*¿BD^?u殊 3@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@


CF<00%:;G CF<00 Blueprints ?6@



CF<00 Blueprints ?666@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<00 #ina Blueprints

W%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

Moricone Bill !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes

リ¬IキットG *epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66


nSトnーシンキットG*estoration 5it 6


*¿BD^?u殊 0@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@


*¿BD^?u殊 3@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@



-teak ?0H%g@



+ineapple -alad



+ineapple ake ?Block@


I>J#/スKリーL Kippo<ow 6ce ream


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F<30 Blueprints ?6@



F<30 Blueprints ?666@

3H,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<33 Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<33- Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


F<30 !arudo Blueprints ?666@

W%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<33- #a' Blueprints ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<33- #illia Blueprints ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

CF<33-o{リン^%:;+ CF<33- !amlin Blueprints ?666@

H%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

%a2ad !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes


*epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66


*¿BD^?u殊 0@Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@



Kand !renade 6



Kand !renade 66



+lasma !renade 6



+lasma !renade 66



+ro'imity #ine 6



+ro'imity #ine 66


CF<0I09^Iー•ー=パック%:;CF<0I09^ Armored +ack Blueprints



CB<W Blueprints ?6@


CB<W%:;< CB<W Blueprints ?66@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

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CB<W Blueprints ?666@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0I0 Blueprints ?66@

0%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0I0 Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0I09^ Blueprints ?66@

3%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0I09^ Blueprints ?666@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0I09^ Alto Blueprints ?66@

0%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0I09^ Alto Blueprints ?666@

$%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

*CF<0I09^ルカ^%:;< *CF<0I09^ uca Blueprints ?66@

0%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


*CF<0I09^ uca Blueprints ?666@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0I09^ !anesu Blueprints ?66@

U%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.


CF<0I09^ !anesu Blueprints ?666@

1%,%%% Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

%a4h)ar !ho, n@entoryte2 "ost 6otes

*ur4en !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes

8rthr !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes


*epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66



*epair 5it 666



*epair 5it 6C


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*epair 5it C



*estoration 5it6



*estoration 5it 66


nSトnーシンキット+*estoration 5it 666



*estoration 5it 6C


nSトnーシンキット*estoration 5it C


*¿BD^?u殊 0@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@


*¿BD^?u殊 3@Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@



Kigh<+erformance *adar 



-imple Fold Booster 



CF<3HA Blueprints ?6@


Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

Verthandi !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes


*epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66


リ¬Iキット+ *epair 5it 666



*epair 5it 6C



*estoration 5it6


nSトnーシンキット<*estoration 5it 66



*estoration 5it 666


*¿BD^?u殊 0@ 30%

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Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@

*¿BD^?u殊 3@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@


Shーキ?0H%g@-teak ?0H%g@



-teak ?0I%g@



+ineapple -alad



+ineapple -alad ?arge@



+ineapple ake ?Block@



+ineapple ake ?Kalf@



Kippo<ow 6ce ream



Nltimate Kippo<ow 6ce ream



CF<3H- Blueprints ?6@


Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

!uld !ho, n@entory

te2 "ost 6otes


*epair 5it 6



*epair 5it 66



*epair 5it 666



*epair 5it 6C



*estoration 5it6


nSトnーシンキット<*estoration 5it 66


nSトnーシンキット+*estoration 5it 666


*¿BD^?u殊 0@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@


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*¿BD^?u殊 3@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@


*¿BD^?u殊 $@

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@



Kand !renade 6



Kand !renade 66



Kand !renade 666



Kand !renade 6C



+lasma !renade 6


プラA!グレBードk +lasma !renade 66



+lasma !renade 666



+lasma !renade 6C



+ro'imity #ine 6



+ro'imity #ine 66



+ro'imity #ine 666



+ro'imity #ine 6C



CF<3I Beta Blueprints ?6@


Available in 4ew !ame +lus.

"6!8MA<#$ T$M!

te2 6a2e *a,anese <uy !ell Descri,tion

*epair 5it 6   リ¬IキットG  3%% 0%% 3,%%% K+

*epair 5it 66  リ¬Iキット< 0,%%% H%% U,%%% K+

*epair 5it 666  リ¬Iキット+ 3,%%% 0,%%% 2,%%% K+

*epair 5it 6C   :;アキ/,¼  0,H%% 0,W%% K+

*epair 5it C   :;アキ/,ù  $,%%% Full K+ recovery

*estoration 5it 6   nSトnーシンキ 0,%%% H%% *evive ally

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ットG  3,%%% K+

*estoration 5it 66   nSトnーシンキット< 

3,%%% 0,%%% *evive ally

U,%%% K+

*estoration 5it 666   レス,レー-.ンキ/,C  3,%%% *evive ally

2,%%% K+

*estoration 5it 6C   レス,レー-.ンキ/,¼  $,%%% *evive ally0W,%%% K+

*estoration 5it C   レス,レー-.ンキ/,ù  W,%%% *evive ally

Full K+ recovery

9el Tuna   まぐろ<  IH% *ecover $ -+ units

9el Tuna ?ouble@   UVWX?@4@  0,H%% Fully -+ gauge recovery

#inmei oll   =ン>イ?@  0H,%%% -+ generation rate

!iant Tuna   巨大まぐろ  3,H%% Full K+O-+ recovery

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<0@   *¿BD^?u殊 0@  0%% H% 0 #aga:ine -ub<0

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<3@   *¿BD^?u殊 3@  0%% H% 0 #aga:ine -ub<3

Ammo Bo' ?-ub<$@   *¿BD^?u殊 $@  0%% H% 0 #aga:ine -ub<$

Kand !renade 6   ハンドグレBードT 3%% 0,H%% damage

Kand !renade 66   ハンドグレBードk U%% $,%%% damage

Kand !renade 666   ハンドグレBードC 2%% U,H%% damage

Kand !renade 6C   ハン!レ"ー¼  0,W%% W,%%% damage

Kand !renade C   ハン!レ"ーù  $,3%% I,H%% damage

+lasma !renade 6   プラA!グレBードT 

U%% -tun ?2 seconds@

+lasma !renade 66   プラA!グレBードk 

2%% -tun ?03 seconds@

+lasma !renade 666   プラA!グレBード +

0,W%% -tun ?0W seconds@

+lasma !renade 6C   プ)*+!レ"ー¼  $,3%% -tun ?3% seconds@

+lasma !renade C   プ)*+!レ"ーù  W,U%% -tun ?3U seconds@

+ro'imity #ine 6   %&'()爆*G  $%% 0,H%% damage+ro'imity #ine 66   %&'()爆*<  W%% $,%%% damage

+ro'imity #ine 666   #$%大&'(C  0,3%% U,H%% damage

+ro'imity #ine 6C   #$%大&'(¼  3,U%% W,%%% damage

+ro'imity #ine C   #$%大&'(ù  U,2%% I,H%% damage

Kigh<+erformance *adar    ‚³´レー@ー  I%% $H% *eveal map ?cave@

-imple Fold Booster    ÀÁV~ール=ÂーSAー 

3,%%% 0,%%% Parp to entrance ?cave@

-teak ?0H%g@   Shーキ?0H%g@  IH% Attack H%Xefense <H%X

-teak ?0I%g@   Shーキ?0I%g@  0,H%% Attack I%X

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efense <H%X

-teak ?3%%g@   ステーキ(200g)  W,%%% Attack 0%%X

efense <H%X

+ineapple -alad   パイン8ラ9  U%% efense H%X

Attack <H%X

+ineapple -alad ?arge@   AインB)ダ(大C)  0,3%% efense 0%%XAttack <H%X

+ineapple -alad ?Jentora@   AインB)ダ(Dン,)C)  $,W%% efense 3%%X

Attack <H%X

+inapple ake ?Block@   パインケーキ ?Âロック@ 

1%% Attack 3%X

+ineapple ake ?Kalf@   パインケーキ ?ハーV@ 

0,2%% Attack U%X

+ineapple ake ?Phole@   AインEーキ(Fール)  H,U%% Attack 2%X

Kippo<ow 6ce ream   カバGアイスH:ーム  H%% efense 3%X

Nltimate Kippo<ow 6ce


IJカバGアイスH:ーム  0,3H% efense U%X

-uper Kippo<ow 6ce


K高カバGアイスH:ーム  H,%%% efense 2%X

Afterburner 6   IVAー"ーWーG W%% -peed ?0% seconds@

Afterburner 66   アフターバーナーk  0,3%% -peed ?0H seconds@

Afterburner 666   アフターバーナーC  3,U%% -peed ?3% seconds@

Afterburner 6C   アフターバーナー¼  U,2%% -peed ?3H seconds@

Afterburner C   アフターバーナーù  1,W%% -peed ?$% seconds@

#ishima #ushroom

?-trength@lmncop?ƒ+@  H%% 3 -trength

ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?-trength@

LMNOPQキRS(TU)  0,%%% H -trength

#ishima #ushroom

?*anged@lmncop?1撃@ H%% 3 *anged combat

ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?*anged@

LMNOPQキRS(VW)  0,%%% H *anged ombat

#ishimias #ushroom


 lmncop?23@ H%% 3 #elee combat

ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?#elee@

LMNOPQキRS(XY)  0,%%% H #elee combat

#ishima #ushroom


lmncop?’“@ H%% 3 efense

ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?efense@

LMNOPQキRS(Z[)  0,%%% H efense

#ishima #ushroom ?-peed@   OPQキRS(\])  H%% 3 -peed

ions #ark #ishima LMNOPQキRS(\])  0,%%% H -peed

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#ushroom ?-peed@

#ishima #ushroom


OPQキRS(^_)  H%% 3 oncentration

ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?oncentration@

LMNOPQキRS(^_)  0,%%% H oncentration

#ishima #ushroom?-piritia@

lmncop?~@ H%% 3 -piritia

ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?-piritia@

LMNOPQキRS(`)  0,%%% H -piritia

#ishima #ushroom ?evel@   lmncop?v@ H%% 3 evels

ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?evel@{|}lmncop?v@

0,%%% H evels

 1ote: stat effects ';efense, speed, weaponry, etc. are all temporary.

 1ote: Grenades and mines can only be used while in <attroid mode.

!?$"A# $Q8?M$6T

-pecial e/uipment can be e/uipped in the inventory screen ?select the item you want to e/uip and

 press circle@. Phichever item is e/uipped will be highlighted in cyan ?light blue@. -pecial

e/uipment confers special bonuses ?and, in some cases, penalties@ so be careful which items you

e/uip. Also note that you can only e/uip one single item at a time, so theres no point in keeping all

of the special e/uipment in your inventoryMtake the items you dont need to e/uip regularly and

dump them in storage=

te2 6a2e *a,anese Descri,tion

eons +endant   リ|ンの¬ン9ント  H #elee ombat

H oncentration

0% -pirit

Aishas !lasses   IイシャのÆo©  H *anged ombat

0% efense

#inas Kairpin   iーWのÇÈš  0% *anged ombat

0% #elee ombat

*irons Kunter Te'tbook    :ーaンのハンターbc  $% *anged

$% -peed

!anesus Fur    d"スのフeー  0%% #elee

<0%% oncentration

*ods +hoto   a/のfg H% *anged

<H% -piritia

-hins Tags   -ンのタ!  3% oncentration

3% efense

-aras ariuei   B)のh:ijイ  3% oncentration

$% -piritia

#aos 4ecklace  +kのlmn 

H% -pirita<0% oncentration

 4oras !oggles   Rー)のoー!ル  0% *anged

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0% -peed

6vanovs +iloting #anual   イpRフのqrstu  0% #elee

0% -peed

Titanium Task<Force #edal   vのwタxiムy>ダル  H *anged

H #elee

H -peed#inmeis #ic   =ン>イの+イH  H% -piritia

#isas -wimsuit +hotos   z{の|}fg  $% -peed

U% -piritia

<H% oncentration

5amu)ins #antle   カム~ンの+ン,  0H #elee

3% efense

!arudos harm   dルの•€n 0% *anged

0% oncentration

$% -peed#yuns Bracelet   =ンの‚レスレ/,  $% -peed

$% oncentration

H% -piritia

Altos +aper Airplane   アル,のƒ„…† 

Breras Karmonica   Ânラの@ー¤Éカ

-heryls 9arring   シェリルのイ.リン/

!races...Y   !レイスの‡‡ 

D:mas Firebomber *ecord   |Z•の FBÀÖディスク

D$#V$%> T$M!

te2 6a2e *a,anese <uy !ell

Duroboros -tone   ¢ロ‰ロSÊ  3H%

Tree -ap   F液 

uria -hellfish   HーリIJ  0%%

*ing   指輪 

A%"%AFT D$V$#?M$6T ?A%T!

te2 6a2e *a,anese De@elo,2ent ?oints

Eunk Frame 6   ジャンKSレーL0ーツT  0 ?Frame@

Eunk Frame 66   ジャンKSレーL0ーツk  $ ?Frame@

Eunk Frame 666   ジャンKSレーL0ーツC

CF<% Frame 6 CF<%Vnー{パーÃG  3 ?Frame@

CF<% Frame 66 CF<%Vnー{パーÃ<  U ?Frame@

CF<% Frame 666 CF<%Vnー{パーÃ+

CF<0 Frame 6 CF<0Vnー{パーÃG 3 ?Frame@

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CF<0 Frame 66 CF<0Vnー{パーÃ<  U ?Frame@

CF<0 Frame 666 CF<0Vnー{パーÃ+

CF<00 Frame 6 CF<00Vnー{パーÃG

CF<00 Frame 66 CF<00Vnー{パーÃ<  U ?Frame@

CF<00 Frame 666 CF<00Vnー{パーÃ+  W ?Frame@FOCF<01 Frame 6 FOCF<01Vnー{パーÃG

FOCF<01 Frame 66 FOCF<01Vnー{パーÃ<  W ?Frame@

FOCF<01 Frame 666 FOCF<01Vnー{パーÃ+ 

CF<0I0 Frame 6 CF<0I0Vnー{パーÃG

CF<0I0 Frame 66 CF<0I0Vnー{パーÃ<  U ?Frame@

CF<0I0 Frame 666 CF<0I0Vnー{パーÃ+

Jentora +- Frame 6   ゼントラ +-Vnー{パーÃ

3 ?Frame@

Jentora +- Frame 66   ゼントラ +-Vnー{パーàk

U ?Frame@

Jentora +- Frame 666   ゼントラ +-Vnー{パーÃ+

Ca)ra Tail 6   "deラのËÌG  3 ?Frame@

Ca)ra Tail 66   "deラのËÌ<

Ca)ra Tail 666   "deラのËÌ+

yaus Frame 6   #}.¢SVnー{パーÃT 

3 ?Frame@

yaus Frame 66   #}.¢SVnー{パーÃk 

U ?Frame@

yaus Frame 666   #}.¢SVnー{パーÃ+

yaus laws 6   #}.¢SのÍÎG  3 ?Frame@

yaus laws 66  #}.¢SのÍÎ<   U ?Frame@

yaus laws 666   #}.¢SのÍÎ+

*egult Frame 6   リoー=Vnー{パーÃG 3 ?Frame@

*egult Frame 66   リoー=Vnー{パーÃk 

*egult Frame 666   リoー=Vnー{パーÃ+

Eunk Armor 6   ジャンK装甲0ーツT  0 ?Armor@

Eunk Armor 66   ジャンK装甲0ーツT  $ ?Armor@

Eunk Armor 666   ジャンK装甲0ーツk 

CF<% Armor 6 CF<%装甲0ーツC 3 ?Armor@

CF<% Armor 66 CF<%装甲0ーツk  

CF<% Armor 666 CF<%装甲0ーツC

-C<H0 Armor 6 -C<H0装甲0ーツT 3 ?Armor@

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-C<H0 Armor 66 -C<H0装甲0ーツk  U ?Armor@

-C<H0 Armor 666 -C<H0装甲0ーツC

CF<0 Armor 6 CF<0装甲0ーツT  3 ?Armor@

CF<0 Armor 66 CF<0装甲0ーツk

CF<0 Armor 666 CF<0装甲0ーツC CF<00 Armor 6 CF<00装甲0ーツT  3 ?Armor@

CF<00 Armor 66 CF<00装甲0ーツk

CF<00 Armor 666 CF<00装甲0ーツC

CF<0I0 Armor 6 CF<0I0装甲0ーツT 3 ?Armor@

CF<0I0 Armor 66 CF<0I0装甲0ーツk  U ?Armor@

CF<0I0 Armor 666 CF<0I0装甲0ーツC

Jentora +- Armor 6   ゼントラ +-装甲0ーツT 3 ?Armor@

Jentora +- Armor 66   ゼントラ +-装甲0ーツk  U ?Armor@

Jentora +- Armor 666   ゼントラ +-装甲0ーツC W ?Armor@

*egult Armor 6   リoー=ÏÐパーÃG 3 ?Armor@

*egult Armor 66   リoー=ÏÐパーÃ<  U ?Armor@

*egult Armor 666   リoー=ÏÐパーÃ+ W ?Armor@

 4u)a Armor 6   ?ージャ装甲0ーツT

 4u)a Armor 66   ?ージャ装甲0ーツk  W ?Armor@

 4u)a Armor 666   ?ージャ装甲0ーツC

Ca)ra -hell 6   "deラのÑÒG

Ca)ra -hell 66   "deラのÑÒ<  3 ?Armor@

Ca)ra -hell 666   "deラのÑÒ+

yaus Armor 6   #}.¢SÏÐパーÃG 3 ?Armor@

yaus Armor 66   #}.¢SÏÐパーÃ<  U ?Armor@

yaus Armor 666   #}.¢SÏÐパーÃ+

Eunk 9ngine 6   ジャンK¿ンジン¾"&トT

0 ?9ngine@

Eunk 9ngine 66   ジャンK¿ンジン¾"&トk 

$ ?9ngine@

Eunk 9ngine 666   ジャンK¿ンジン¾"&ト+

H ?9ngine@

-C<H0 Turbofan 6 -C<H0Aー‰VYンdェッG 3 ?9ngine@

-C<H0 Turbofan 66 -C<H0Aー‰VYンdェッ<

-C<H0 Turbofan 666 -C<H0Aー‰VYンdェッ+

CF<0 Thermonuclear Turbine 6 CF<0熱核タービンT 3 ?9ngine@

CF<0 Thermonuclear Turbine 66 CF<0熱核タービンk  U ?9ngine@

CF<0 Thermonuclear Turbine 666 CF<0熱核タービンC

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CF<00 Thermonuclear Turbine 6 CF<00熱核タービンT

CF<00 Thermonuclear Turbine 66 CF<00熱核タービンk  W ?9ngine@

CF<00 Thermonuclear Turbine 666 CF<00熱核タービンC

CF<0I0 Thermonuclear Turbine 6 CF<0I0熱核タービンT 3 ?9ngine@

CF<0I0 Thermonuclear Turbine 66 CF<0I0熱核タービンk  U ?9ngine@CF<0I0 Thermonuclear Turbine 666 CF<0I0熱核タービンC

Jentora +- 9ngine 6   ゼントラ +-¿ンジン¾"&トG

3 ?9ngine@

Jentora +- 9ngine 66   ゼントラ +-¿ンジン¾"&ト< 

Jentora +- 9ngine 666   ゼントラ +-¿ンジン¾"&ト+

*egult Keat *eactor 6   リoー=ÓÔ反ÕÖG 3 ?9ngine@

*egult Keat *eactor 66   リoー=ÓÔ反ÕÖ<

*egult Keat *eactor 666   リoー=ÓÔ反ÕÖ+

Ca)ra Thin Ping 6   "deラの×ØG 3 ?9ngine@

Ca)ra Thin Ping 66   "deラの×Ø<

Ca)ra Thin Ping 666   "deラの×Ø+

yaus 9ngine Nnit 6   #}.¢SÙンdンHÉットG

3 ?9ngine@

yaus 9ngine Nnit 66   #}.¢SÙンdンHÉッ


U ?9ngine@

yaus 9ngine Nnit 666   #}.¢SÙンdンHÉット+


Aircrat Ty,e *a,anese 6otes

CF<%A ?6@

CF<%A ?66@ CF<%A%:;< Crlitwhal ity& Fleeing Poman

CF<%A ?666@ CF<%A%:;+  aoren& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<%A -hin ?6@

CF<%A -hin ?66@ CF<%Aシン^%:;< Nrthr& -<*ank #ission& 6ce Fang

CF<%A -hin ?666@ CF<%Aシン^%:;+  aoren& Buy for H%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<% ?6@ CF<%%:;T -tarting aircraft, cannot build

CF<% ?66@ CF<%%:;< Crlitwhal ity& ost Poman

CF<% ?666@ CF<%%:;+  aoren& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<%- ?6@ CF<%-%:;G  aoren& Buy for 3,%%%!

CF<%- ?66@ CF<%-%:;< Crlitwhal ity& Duroboros *esearch $

CF<%- ?666@ CF<%-%:;+  aoren& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

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CF<%- -kull ?6@ CF<%-SカルpQQ‘^%:;G

aoren& *egult #op<Np

CF<%- -kull ?66@ CF<%-SカルpQQ‘^%:;<

Crlitwhal ity& Duroboros *esearch U

CF<%- -kull ?666@ CF<%-SカルpQQ‘^


aoren& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<% Fast +ack CF<% VYSトパック%:;

eopold ity& Koly -word

-C<H0 Alpha ?6@ -C<H0\%:;G ue& Buy for $,%%%!

-C<H0 Alpha ?66@ -C<H0\%:;< Crlitwhal ity& Duroboros *esearch 3

-C<H0 Alpha ?666@ -C<H0\%:;+  ue& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

-C<H0 !amma ?6@ -C<H0]×Ø_T Bowen& +ursuit

-C<H0 !amma ?66@ -C<H0]%:;< Crlitwhal ity& Duroboros *esearch H

-C<H0 !amma ?666@ -C<H0]%:;+ ue& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

-C<H0 !. 6vanov ?6@

-C<H0 !. 6vanov ?66@ -C<H0]イŒ£V^%:;k 

ue& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

-C<H0 !. 6vanov ?666@ -C<H0]イŒ£V^%:;+ 

ue& Buy for 1%,%%% ?4!@

-C<H0 !. 4ora ?6@

-C<H0 !. 4ora ?66@ -C<H0]£ーラ^%:;< ue& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

-C<H0 !. 4ora ?666@ -C<H0]£ーラ^%:;+ ue& Buy for 1%,%%%! ?4!@-C<H0 Twin Booster -C<H0ツ/ンースター

%:;ue& *ace $ ?-ilver@

CF<0 -kull ?6@ CF<0 SカルpQQ‘^%:;G

aoren& elivery Drder $

CF<0 -kull ?66@

CF<0 -kull ?666@

CF<0A ?6@

CF<0A ?66@ CF<0A%:;< Crlitwhal ity& Duroboros *esearch W

CF<0A ?666@ CF<0A%:;+  Bowen& Buy for $%,%%% ?4!@

CF<0A -kull ?6@ CF<0ASカルpQ^%:_T

ue& *ace W ?-ilver@

CF<0A -kull ?66@ CF<0ASカルpQ^%:_k

Bowen& !angleri Dperation

CF<0A -kull ?666@ CF<0ASカルpQ^%:_C

Bowen& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0 -trike +ack CF<0 Sトライクパック%:;

ue& *ace 2 ?-ilver@

CF<0E ?6@ CF<0Ede\]^_T aoren& lass<B Kunter 9'am

CF<0E ?66@ CF<0E%:;< eopold ity& Archipelago Time apsule 0

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CF<0E ?666@ CF<0E%:;+ Bowen& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0E 6chi)o ?6@

CF<0E 6chi)o ?66@

CF<0E 6chi)o ?666@ CF<0Ede\]^_C  Bowen& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0E #ylene ?6@CF<0E #ylene ?66@ CF<0EinーÚ^%:;

 kCrlitwhal ity& --<*ank #ission& -tampede

CF<0E #ylene ?666@ CF<0EinーÚ^%:;+ 

Bowen& Buy for H%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0- ?6@ CF<0-%:;G Crlitwhal ity& Buy for 0%,%%%!

CF<0- ?66@ CF<0-%:;< leef Town& Duroboros *esearch 0$

CF<0- ?666@ CF<0-%:;+ Crlitwhal ity& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0- 6chi)o ?6@

CF<0- 6chi)o ?66@ CF<0-de\]^_k Nrthr& -<*ank #ission& Ca)ra apture

CF<0- 6chi)o ?666@ CF<0-de\]^_C Crlitwhal ity& Buy for H%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0- -kull ?6@

CF<0- -kull ?66@ CF<0-SカルpQQ‘^%:;<

*amad& esert Treasure W

CF<0- -kull ?666@ CF<0-SカルpQQ‘^%:;+

Crlitwhal ity& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0P -trike +ack CF<0P Sトライクパッ


aoren& lass<A Kunter 9'am

CB<W ?6@ CB<W%:;G  *amad& Buy for 3U,%%%!

CB<W ?66@ CB<W%:;<  *amad& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

CB<W ?666@ CB<W%:;+  *amad& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<00B ?6@

CF<00B ?66@

CF<00B ?666@ CF<00B%:;+ eopold ity& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<00B 6samu ?6@ CF<00B イ8{^%:;


Eurgen& B<*ank #ission& *avens

CF<00B 6samu ?66@ CF<00B イ8{^%:;k

leef Town& Duroboros *esearch 0U

CF<00B 6samu ?666@

CF<00B -uper +ack CF<00B Sーパーパック%:;

eopold ity& Buy for 00,%%%!

CF<00 ?6@ CF<00%:;G  leef Town& Buy for 00,H%%!

CF<00 ?66@

CF<00 ?666@ CF<00%:;+  leef Town& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@CF<00 #ina ?6@

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CF<00 #ina ?66@ CF<00 iーW^%:;k

Bowen& Ally of Eustice --

CF<00 #ina ?666@ CF<00 iーW^%:;+ 

leef Town& By for W%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<00 -uper +ack CF<00 Sーパーパック


*amad& A<*ank #ission& urkers in the ark 

CF<0I0 ?6@

CF<0I0 ?66@ CF<0I0%:;<  *amad& Buy for 0%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0I0 ?666@ CF<0I0%:;+  *amad& Buy for $%,%%! ?4!@

CF<0I09^ ?6@ CF<0I09^%:;G Crlitwhal ity& Find the *are #etal oin $

CF<0I09^ ?66@ CF<0I09^%:;<  *amad& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0I09^ ?666@ CF<0I09^%:;+  *amad& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0I09^ Alto ?6@ CF<0I09^Iルト^%:


leef Town& Duroboros *esearch 03

CF<0I09^ Alto ?66@ CF<0I09^Iルト^%:_k 

*amad& Buy for 0%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0I09^ Alto ?666@ CF<0I09^Iルト^%:_C 

*amad& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0I09^ !amesu


CF<0I09^ !amesu



*amad& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0I09^ !amesu?666@


*amad& Buy for 1%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<0I09^ Armored



*amad& Buy for 33,%%%!

*CF<0I0 uca ?6@ *CF<0I09^ルカ^%:;T 

*amad& Queadluun<*au -ub)ugation

*CF<0I0 uca ?66@ *CF<0I09^ルカ^%:;k 

*amad& Buy for 0%,%%%! ?4!@

*CF<0I0 uca ?666@ *CF<0I09^ルカ^%:;

*amad& Buy for U%,%%%! ?4!@

F<01 ?6@

F<01 ?66@ F<01%:;< Nrthr& -tolen Case

F<01 ?666@

CF<01A *aven ?6@ CF<01AnイXンZ^% :;G 

#oricone Kill& actus Caccine 0

CF<01A *aven ?66@ CF<01A nイXンZ^%:;<

Certhandi& !laciers Time apsule 3

CF<01A *aven ?666@CF<019 Aisha ?6@

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CF<019 Aisha ?66@ CF<019 Iイシャ^%:_k

eopold ity& --<*ank #ission& The

Duroboros Polf 

CF<019 Aisha ?666@

CF<01F ?6@

CF<01F ?66@ CF<01F%:;< Nrthr& Kavamaru Annihilation

CF<01F ?666@

CF<01- ?6@ CF<01-%:;G  leef Town& lass<-- Kunter 9'am

CF<01- ?66@ CF<01-%:;< -kuld& Duroboros *esearch 01

CF<01- ?666@

F<30 ?6@ F<30%:;G #oricone Kill& Buy for 30,%%%!

F<30 ?66@ F<30%:;< Bowen& Bolverkr Dperation

F<30 ?666@ F<30%:;+  #oricone Kill& Buy for 3H,%%%! ?4!@

F<30 !arudo ?6@F<30 !arudo ?66@ F<30oル=^%:;< leef Town& --<*ank #ission& *evenge of the


F<30 !arudo ?666@ F<30oル=^%:;+  #oricone Kill& Buy for W%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<33 ?6@ CF<33%:;G ue& Find the evel 0% ourse +lans

CF<33 ?66@ CF<33%:;< Certhandi& -trike the *agnarok +arty

CF<33 ?666@ CF<33%:;+  #oricone Kill& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<33- ?6@ CF<33-%:;G Bowen& Baleygr Dperation

CF<33- ?66@ CF<33-%:;< -kuld& Duroboros *esearch 3%CF<33- ?666@ CF<33-%:;+  #oricone Kill& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<33- !amlin ?6@

CF<33- !amlin ?66@

CF<33- !amlin ?666@ CF<33-o{リン^%:_C 

#oricone Kill& Buy for H%,%%% ?4!@

CF<33- #a' ?6@

CF<33- #a' ?66@

CF<33- #a' ?666@ CF<33- !&Kス\]^_C

#oricone Kill& Buy for H%,%%%! ?4!@

CF<33- #illia ?6@

CF<33- #illia ?66@ CF<33- iリI^%:;k

*amad& --<*ank #ission& ounterattack 

CF<33- #illia ?666@ CF<33- iリI^%:;+ 

#oricone Kill& Buy for H%,%%% ?4!@

CF<3HA ?6@ CF<3HA%:;G  Nrthr& Buy for 3H,%%%!

CF<3HA ?66@

CF<3HA ?666@

CF<3HF Alto ?6@

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CF<3HF Alto ?66@ CF<3HF Iルト^%:;k

#oricone Kill& -<*ank #ission& onvoy -D-

CF<3HF Alto ?666@

CF<3H! #ichael ?6@

CF<3H! #ichael ?66@ CF<3H! i@Ùル^%:


Certhandi& --<*ank #ission& *evenge of the


CF<3H! #ichael ?666@

CF<3H- ?6@ CF<3H-%:;G  Certhandi& Buy for 32,%%%!

CF<3H- ?66@

CF<3H- ?666@

CF<3H- D:ma ?6@

CF<3H- D:ma ?66@ CF<3H- |Z•^%:;k

-kuld& The *ed -pectre

CF<3H- D:ma ?666@

*CF<3H uca ?6@

*CF<3H uca ?66@ *CF<3Hルカ^%:;< #oricone Kill& Those who hunt Ca)ra

*CF<3H uca ?666@

CF<3H Armored +ack CF<3HI•ー=パック%:;

-kuld& !agnarthor Dperation

CF<3H -uper +ack CF<3HSーパーパック%:;

Nrthr& *ace 3 ?-ilver@

CF<3H Tornado +ack CF<3Hトル©ー=パック%:;

Nrthr& -tolen Tea -et

CF<3I Beta ?6@ CF<3I_%:;G -kuld& Buy for 3I,%%%!

CF<3I Beta ?66@

CF<3I Beta ?666@

CF<3I !amma ?6@ CF<3I]%:;G Certhandi& Ca)ra *escue

CF<3I !amma ?66@

CF<3I !amma ?666@

CF<3I -uper +ack CF<3ISーパーパック%:;

Nrthr& *ace W ?-ilver@

F<31 D:ma ?6@ F<31|Z•^%:;G #oricone Kill& Alfathr Dperation

F<31 D:ma ?66@

F<31 D:ma ?666@

F<31 -uper +ack F<31Sーパーパック%:;

leef Town& Duroboros *esearch 0W

+owered -uit ?6@   パŒー=sSーÃ%:;T

Crlitwhal ity& Buy for 3,%%%! ?4!@

+owered -uit ?66@   パŒー=sSーÃ%:;k 

Crlitwhal ity& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

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+owered -uit ?666@   パŒー=sSーÃ%:;+

Crlitwhal ity& Buy for H%,%%%! ?4!@

*egult ?6@   リoー=%:;G Crlitwhal ity& Buy for $,%%%! ?4!@

*egult ?66@   リoー=%:;<  Crlitwhal ity& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

*egult ?666@   リoー=%:;+ Crlitwhal ity& Buy for H%,%%%! ?4!@

Queadluun<*au ?6@   クY=ロンsロー%:; T

Crlitwhal ity& Buy for U,%%%! ?4!@

Queadluun<*au ?66@   クY=ロンsロー%:; k

Crlitwhal ity& Buy for 3%,%%%! ?4!@

Queadluun<*au ?666@   クY=ロンsロー%:;+

Crlitwhal ity& Buy for H%,%%%! ?4!@

Queadluun<*au 5lan


Queadluun<*au 5lan?66@


%:;< Nrthr&-<*ank #ission& !uardian +aradise

Queadluun<*au 5lan


Queadluun<*au #F


Crlitwhal ity& Buy for H,%%%! ?4!@

Queadluun<*au #F



Crlitwhal ity& Buy for $%,%%%! ?4!@

Queadluun<*au #F



Crlitwhal ity& Buy for W%,%%%! ?4!@

!$"%$T! $PT%A!#across $% features a small number of special, e'tra content beyond the re/uisite trophies.

ou can apply custom music to support skills, unlock an Nltimate ifficulty setting, and start the

game over with a 4ew !ame +lus function.

6$N GAM$ ?#8!After clearing the game, you will be prompted to save your cleared game data. oading the

cleared data will allow you to start a 4ew !ame +lus= 4ew !ame +lus lets you re<select the games

difficulty level ?it will also unlock Nltimate difficulty@, and lets you carry over all aircraft, pilots,

 pilot levels and stats, and aircraft parts. 6t will also unlock the option to replace eon with any of

the 4+ pilots.

5eep in mind that /uest<related items and tomes do 4DT carry over to 4ew !ame +lus.

6n 4ew !ame +lus, Town -hops carry many additional itemsMmost notably new, high<rank

aircraft blueprints. -ee the -hops Z 6tems section for shop inventories.

%A"$!There are a number of (races( you can complete to earn special items in the game. The first

set of islands can be found in the uria field, in the town of ue.

>ue %aces

ourse 4ame !old *eward -ilver *eward Bron:e *eward

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0   はVmpース6sland ourse


#ishima #ushroom



-teak ?0H%g@

ハンドグレBードkKand !renade 66

3   ;リーýーランド#erry<!o<*ound


#ishima #ushroom


パイン8ラ9+ineapple -alad

%&'()爆*<+ro'imity #ine 66

$   ÂリAイISnックThe Britai -tretch


#ishima #ushroom


-C<H0ツ/ンースAー%:;-C<H0 Twin Booster

Blueprints ?6@

プラA!グレBードk+lasma !renade 66

U   シeーh}ン/-hooting


#ishima #ushroom


IVAー"ーWー<Afterburner 66

nSトnーシンキット<*estoration 5it 66

H   @オレンの!"The aoren Arch


#ishima #ushroom



Kippo<ow 6ce ream

リ¬Iキット+*epair 5it 666

W   #$のºHThe Twin Keights


#ishima #ushroom


CF<0ASカルpQ^%:;GCF<0A -kull Blueprints




I   MのNThe -ea +illars


#ishima #ushroom


IVAー"ーWー+Afterburner 666

ハンドグレBードCKand !renade 666

2   ÂリAイシh}1撃ÛCrlitwhal ity

-hooting *ange


#ishima #ushroom


CF<0Sトライクパック%:;CF<0 -trike +ack


%&'()爆*++ro'imity #ine 666

1   HーリIÜÝÞßツ#ーuria Archipelago

-ightseeing Tour 


#ishima #ushroom



#ishima #ushroom


プラA!グレBード++lasma !renade 666


8rthr %aces

ourse 4ame !old *eward -ilver *eward Bron:e *eward0 ATTA5 NB9=

Attack ube={|}lmncop?23@

ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?#elee@

‚I>J#/スKリー{Kippo<ow 6ce ream

リ¬Iキット*epair 5it C

3   ¢ルZのàáÝNrthrs *ocky



ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?*anged@

CF<3HSーパーパック%:;CF<3H -uper +ack


nSトnーシンキット*estoration 5it C

$ CF\%&Calkyrie #aneuvers

{|}lmncop?ƒ+@ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?-trength@


+ineapple ake?Phole@


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U   o¢~ークs"イISロン!avokku Biathalon


ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?-piritia@


+ineapple -alad


ハンドグレBードùKand !renade C

H   âã戦-iege


ions #ark #ishima




-teak ?3%%g@ÀÁV~ール=ÂーSAー-imple Fold Booster 

W K69 and -995 

Kide and -eek 


ions #ark #ishima

#ushroom ?*anged@

CF<3ISーパーパック%:;CF<3I -uper +ack


プラA!グレBードù+lasma !renade C





*ur4en %aces

ourse 4ame !old *eward -ilver *eward Bron:e *eward

0   Säー=åARーS-peed ourse A


#ishima #ushroom



+ineapple ake ?Kalf@


Kand !renade 6C

3   リトルsリæート

ittle *esort


#ishima #ushroom?-peed@


+ineapple -alad ?arge@


+ro'imity #ine 6C

$   =ラッ/nーSrag *ace


#ishima #ushroom



-teak ?0I%g@プラA!グレBード¼ 

+lasma !renade 6C

U   '()inosaur *ock 


#ishima #ushroom


¤ºI>J#/スKリー{Nltimate Kippo<ow

6ce ream


*estoration 5it 6C

H   Mの*¯hampion of the


lmncop?1撃@#ishima #ushroom


IVAー"ーWーD Afterburner 6C リ¬Iキット *epair 5it C






T%?B> #!T6ve taken the liberty of dividing the trophy list between those trophies that show up automatically

in the ^#B list ?normal trophies@ and those that are hidden.

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6or2al Tro,hies

Tro,hy Ty,e %euire2ents

ç‘èéêë„団9ndurance +layer 

Bron:e +lay the game for $% hours.

¢ロ‰ロSìットャートí(Top of Duroboros harts

Bron:e Dbtain H%%,%%%!.

C9!AÂラックカー=îï‡Cega Black ardholder 

Bron:e -pend $%%,%%%!.

 "ルキリーð5+rofessor Calkyrie

Bron:e Dbtain 0%% blueprints.

 +,の-ë.¹¯Face the Ancients #ystery

Bron:e Find H% pieces of -late ?/0@.

!Kロスオー4スターA#across All<-tars

Bron:e Nnlock all characters.

IイシャñòóôAishas Already -atisified=

Bron:e evelop additional e/uipment for all aircraft ?other

than @.

トndャー@ンAーTreasure Kunter 

Bron:e Cisit all of the caves, ruins, bases and fields.

熱Ò123S™ンevoted -ongstress Fan

Bron:e Nse all of the support<skill songs.


-hutsugeki ove Keart

Bron:e -ortie 0%% times.

i8イルのõö#issile Fairy

Bron:e Fire 3%,%%% missiles.

4566タ"¡L78Titanium Task<Force #edal

Bron:e -hoot down 0,H%% enemy aircraft.

インVYイト_IAッカー6nfighting Attacker 

Bron:e estroy 0%% enemies with melee attacks.

i8イル_Ânイカー#issile Breaker 

Bron:e Nse A#- to shoot down H%% missiles.

XYリIÂル_VYイAーCariable Fighter 

Bron:e Transform 3,%%% times.

¨ž9:®Å;The 6 Pant To Fly= -ickness

Bron:e Total travel distance e'ceeds 0%,%%%km.

¿ース0/ロ&トAce +ilot

Bron:e lear the game on 4ormal difficulty ?or higher@.

<=の{|The -trongest eon

-ilver Attain ma'imum level with eon -akaki.


---<*ank Kunter 

-ilver lear all Kunter !uild /uests.

Iイシャñ(òóôAishas Already Kappy=

-ilver evelop all aircraft to *ank $.

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¢ロ‰ロS÷ønー8ーDuroboros Fastest *acer 

-ilver Achieve gold record time in all of the Bankisshu


>河â&ト6ャート'(Top of the !ala'ys harts

-ilver Dbtain 0%%,%%%!.


-olve the Ancients #ystery

-ilver Find all 0%% pieces of -late ?/0@.

-D*T69 9^+D-6D4 

-ortie 9'plosion

-ilver -ortie 3%% times.

i8イル‰ン"#issile Bomber 

-ilver Fire H%,%%% missiles.

ロイ_V~ッカーùú*oy Fockers #edal

-ilver -hoot down $,%%% enemy aircraft.

ˆッ=シット_•SAーKeadshot #aster 

-ilver Achieve 0H% headshots.

-.#.-¢ロ‰ロSûüのöÍ-#- 9lite Duroboros Branch

!old Attain ma'imum level with 0% characters.

Vルeーン_•シーWリーFully<Tuned #achines

!old ompletely tune 0% aircraft.

Bidden Tro,hies

Tro,hy Ty,e %euire2ents

ðBのCDEBeginning of the -tory

Bron:e lear hapter 0.

èýkçþÿ±会F9ncounter Beyond Time Z -pace

Bron:e lear hapter 3.

FGHThe 4ew Keaven Z 9arth

Bron:e lear hapter $.

リ|ンの過去、iーWの記憶eons +ast, #emories of #ina

Bron:e lear hapter U.

Iv+arting of Pays

Bron:e lear hapter H.


Birth of a 4ew -ongstress

Bron:e lear hapter W.

シャロンの誘惑-harons Temptation

Bron:e lear hapter I.

HルXY_Iーoへôuruva Agahe=

Bron:e lear hapter 2.

¤ºの¿ース0/ロ&トNltimate Ace +ilot

!old lear the game on Nltimate difficulty.

MはNÇcスžす¹OPho Pill ou 5issY

!old Ciew all of the ending.

>河žPV2QCoices Across the !ala'y

+latinum 9arn all other trophies in #across $%.

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"8!TM M8!"#across $% uses has a very limited custom<music feature. From the options menu, can can

choose to replace certain game tracks with music saved on your +-$. +lease note that you can only 

replace music that is used for support skills. ?Phen you have a singer as your support and activate

their support skill by pressing circle and cross@.

-elect which tracks you want to replace from the options menu accessed via the #y -hip

menu ?see #enu Translations section for details@. ou are allowed to make $ sets of combinations<< playlist 0, playlist 3 and playlist $. Nse the shoulder buttons ?*0 and 0@ to cycle between playlist


Dn the left hand side of the screen are the songs currently assigned to the set. ?By default, all

three sets are the same, so you wont notice any change when you press *0O0@. -elect the song you

want to replace and press circle to see a list of the audio tracks you have stored on your +laystation

$s K. -imply choose which of your own music you want to replace the game music, and when

youre done press -/uare and confirm by selecting (yes.(

6f, at any time, you want to remove all of the custom audio selections, simply press the select

 button to return everything to its default state.

Before e'iting the menu, make sure youve got the playlist you want to use highlighted

?remember to use the shoulder buttons to cycle between all three playlists@. +ress the start button,and you should be good to go. The ne't time you activate a support skill with a musician ?Triangle

ircle@, you should hear your custom music instead of the default song.

D#" A%"%AFT#across $% has a small number of Aircraft, all of which ?so far@ are re<skins of aircraft

that e'ist in<game. All aircraft are available in the hangar upon completion of the tutorial

missions ?at the commencement of chapter 0<U@.

Aircrat %elease Date "ost

CF<3H -heryl Z *anka #arkings Feb. 32, 3%0$ Free with all first<printings of the game.

aircraft do not have different color sets to choose fromL the special skins are typically

RshowS colorsMvibrant, detailed illustrations of songstresses from the #across franchise

embla:oned across the Calkryies fuselage.

M!"$##A6>The #iscellany section is, well, a dumping ground for miscellaneous content that, while

important enough to )ustify inclusion in the guide, is not important enough to necessitate its own

uni/ue section. Pant to see the FAQ part of the FAQO!uideY This is where youll find it. Pant to

see what fine people have contributed to the construction of this guideY This is where youll find

them. Pant to find my email address so you can forward me your /uestionsOcommentsOconcernsY

Again& right here.

F%$Q8$6T#> A!$D Q8$!T6!

Pill this game ever be locali:ed in 4o. There is absolutely :ero possibility of this or any

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9nglish and released outside of EapanY other #across game ever being locali:ed.

6s this game import<friendlyY es and no. 6ts not a pure action game, like previous

Artdink titles, so it does re/uire greater familiarity with

menus, te't, etc. and a willingness to wade through vast

amounts of dialog and e'position. The Kybrid +ack

#across titles ?for +-$@ are much more import<friendly,

 but it is my hope that, with this guide, anyone should be

able to easily import and en)oy the game without any

knowledge of Eapanese.

6s this game similar to the +-+ #across


es and no. The basic mechanics are the same, but the

controls are somewhat different<<more refined. -ee the

ontrols section of this guide for details. 6t also

incorporates many *+! elements, like side</uesting,

inventory management, and a leveling system.

6s *oy Focker in the gameY 4o.

Kow do 6 play as someone other thaneonY

ou can only select different pilots after clearing thegame, in 4ew !ame +lus.

Phy cant 6 use the Fire CalkyrieO4ekki


Dnly Basara is allowed to pilot the Fire Calkyrie, and

conversely, Basara is not allowed to pilot any aircraft

other than the Fire Calkyrie.

Phy arent all of your translations

0%%X accurateY

Two reasons. First and foremost, dont e'pect perfection

 M6m far from fluent. -econd, in many cases 6 avoid

direct translations in order to best convey information as

directly and concisely as possible. For translation guides

such as this, clarity is paramount.

Kow do 6 earn the (Pho will you kissY(


urrently, 6m not certain. As far as 6 know, no one has

obtained this trophy yet.

8?DAT$ #G• Cersion %.H%& uploaded to !ameFAQs #arch 00, 3%0$.

• Cersion %.H0& added lots of item information Z guild /uest information for the uria

Archipelago region.

• Cersion %.WH& added a ton of hunter /uest information, item information, and shop


• Cersion %.I%& added ?complete=@ -kills Z Field #aps sections.

• Cersion %.IH& added first half of Eurgen races Z I0 guild /uests.

"%$DT! A"6N#$GM$6T!6d like to thank the following wonderful people for helping me construct this guide. 6

couldnt have done it without you. Thank you very much=

Jach Jimmerman !ame screenshots

hronocidal, of #acrossPorldForum !uild /uest informationEuton, of #acrossPorldForum #ap information

Page 64: Macross 30 Translation Guide

7/17/2019 Macross 30 Translation Guide 64/64

ragon 5night Tonal, of !ameFAQs Typo correction Z map information

eifang3%%%, of !ameFAQs ustom music information

3han #$% Piki -ummary ?E+4 -ource@ #ap information Z skill information.

#across $% Piki ?E+4 -ource@ !uild /uest infromation Z item information.

6f you have any /uestions, comments, concerns or contributions for me, please feel free to

contact me at mwulf.!!=>?