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Machine tools and mass production in the armaments boom: Germany and the United States, 1929–44 1 By CRISTIANO ANDREA RISTUCCIA and ADAM TOOZE* This article anatomizes the ‘productivity race’ between Nazi Germany and the US over the period from the Great Depression to the Second World War in the metal- working industry.We present novel data that allow us to account for both the quantity of installed machine tools and their technological type. Hitherto, comparison of productive technologies has been limited to case studies and well-worn narratives about US mass production and European-style flexible specialization. Our data show that the two countries in fact employed similar types of machines combined in different ratios. Furthermore, neither country was locked in a rigid technological paradigm. By 1945 Germany had converged on the US both in terms of capital- intensity and the specific technologies employed. Capital investment made a greater contribution to output growth in Germany, whereas US growth was capital-saving. Total factor productivity growth made a substantial contribution to the armaments boom in both countries. But it was US industry, spared the war’s most disruptive effects, that was in a position to take fullest advantage of the opportunities for wartime productivity growth. This adds a new element to familiar explanations for Germany’s rapid catch-up after 1945. R earmament in the 1930s followed by the industrial effort for the Second World War unleashed an unprecedented boom in worldwide metalworking production. Over the entire period from the early 1930s to the end of the Second World War, the combatants between them produced in excess of 600,000 military aircraft and many times that number of highly sophisticated aero- engines. They launched in excess of 12,000 major naval vessels. They produced more than 300,000 tanks and countless other motor vehicles. The arsenals of the major industrial countries were stocked with more than fifty million rifles and hundreds of thousands of new-fangled automatic weapons, which fired tens of billions of rounds of ammunition. 2 This enormous armaments production *Author Affiliations: Cristiano Andrea Ristuccia: Faculty of Economics and Trinity Hall, University of Cam- bridge; AdamTooze: Department of History, Yale University. 1 Research for this article has been supported by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR grant no. 203.10.39; 204.4920), and by a Research Grant from the ESRC (No. L138 25 1045).We would like to thank Solomos Solomou, Merritt Roe Smith, Albrecht Ritschl, Stephen Broadberry, Charles Feinstein, Martin Daunton, and Cliff Pratten for their comments and/or support. Useful comments were also received from participants at seminars at the Bank of Italy; at the Universities of Cambridge, Birmingham, and Münich; and at the LSE. The help of Chris Beauchamp in the retrieval of archival material was invaluable. The usual disclaimer applies. 2 Data in Harrison, Economics, pp. 15–16. Harrison’s useful compilation is marred by the absence of ammu- nition, which made up a large share of total armaments output. Economic History Review, 66, 4 (2013), pp. 953–974 © Economic History Society 2013. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

Machine tools and mass production in the armaments … · Machine tools and mass production in the armaments boom:

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Page 1: Machine tools and mass production in the armaments … · Machine tools and mass production in the armaments boom:

Machine tools and mass production inthe armaments boom: Germany and

the United States, 1929–441


This article anatomizes the ‘productivity race’ between Nazi Germany and the USover the period from the Great Depression to the Second World War in the metal-working industry.We present novel data that allow us to account for both the quantityof installed machine tools and their technological type. Hitherto, comparison ofproductive technologies has been limited to case studies and well-worn narrativesabout US mass production and European-style flexible specialization. Our data showthat the two countries in fact employed similar types of machines combined indifferent ratios. Furthermore, neither country was locked in a rigid technologicalparadigm. By 1945 Germany had converged on the US both in terms of capital-intensity and the specific technologies employed. Capital investment made a greatercontribution to output growth in Germany, whereas US growth was capital-saving.Total factor productivity growth made a substantial contribution to the armamentsboom in both countries. But it was US industry, spared the war’s most disruptiveeffects, that was in a position to take fullest advantage of the opportunities forwartime productivity growth. This adds a new element to familiar explanations forGermany’s rapid catch-up after 1945.

Rearmament in the 1930s followed by the industrial effort for the SecondWorld War unleashed an unprecedented boom in worldwide metalworking

production. Over the entire period from the early 1930s to the end of theSecond World War, the combatants between them produced in excess of 600,000military aircraft and many times that number of highly sophisticated aero-engines. They launched in excess of 12,000 major naval vessels. They producedmore than 300,000 tanks and countless other motor vehicles. The arsenals of themajor industrial countries were stocked with more than fifty million rifles andhundreds of thousands of new-fangled automatic weapons, which fired tens ofbillions of rounds of ammunition.2 This enormous armaments production

*Author Affiliations: Cristiano Andrea Ristuccia: Faculty of Economics and Trinity Hall, University of Cam-bridge; Adam Tooze: Department of History, Yale University.

1 Research for this article has been supported by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR grant no.203.10.39; 204.4920), and by a Research Grant from the ESRC (No. L138 25 1045). We would like to thankSolomos Solomou, Merritt Roe Smith, Albrecht Ritschl, Stephen Broadberry, Charles Feinstein, MartinDaunton, and Cliff Pratten for their comments and/or support. Useful comments were also received fromparticipants at seminars at the Bank of Italy; at the Universities of Cambridge, Birmingham, and Münich; and atthe LSE.The help of Chris Beauchamp in the retrieval of archival material was invaluable.The usual disclaimerapplies.

2 Data in Harrison, Economics, pp. 15–16. Harrison’s useful compilation is marred by the absence of ammu-nition, which made up a large share of total armaments output.


Economic History Review, 66, 4 (2013), pp. 953–974

© Economic History Society 2013. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 MainStreet, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

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required further gigantic investments in industrial plant and infrastructure,which stretched the capacity of the world’s engineering industry to the limit.

The development of metalworking output from peak to peak, 1929–44, isspectacular in both Germany and the US (see table 1), and it follows a strikinglysimilar trajectory.3 German labour productivity grew less rapidly than in the USduring the war. But given the widespread use of forced labour, particularly inarmaments production, these figures for per capita labour productivity growth area lower bound estimate.4 The amount of output squeezed out of the half-starvedand brutalized labour force would make the Nazi war economy appear even more

3 We attribute the contrast between our results and those proposed by Field, ‘Impact’, and idem, ‘Technologicalchange’, to the breadth of his macroeconomic approach, as opposed to our focus on metalworking and moreimportantly to his decision to evaluate growth over the sub-periods 1929–41 and 1941–8.This periodization hasthe effect both of minimizing the impact of the double-dip recession in the 1930s and of treating the peak of thewar effort as an anomaly that is excluded from analysis. Between 1944 and 1945 alone, output in US metal-working plunged by 25%. On the problems of measuring state-sponsored capital accumulation in the US duringthe war, see Higgs, ‘Wartime socialization of investment’.

4 This may be compounded by our reliance on Hoffmann’s employment figures which overstate employmentgrowth between the 1920s and the 1930s; Hoffman, Das Wachstum. See Fremdling, ‘German industrialemployment’.

Table 1. Output, labour, labour productivity


output 1929 = 100US metalworking

output 1929 = 100

Germanemployment index

1929 = 100US employment

index 1929 = 100


productivityUS labour


1929 100 100 100 100 100 1001930 811931 491932 231933 30 601934 451935 62 891936 103 82 113 911937 931938 611939 160 83 164 97 931940 115 1041941 190 1831942 2641943 3741944 325 382 222 233 147 164

Sources:Germany: To match our comprehensive figures for machine tool stock we calculated a broad measure of output for the‘metalworking and metal producing’ industries.The German estimates are conservative.They are based on the production figuresfor 1933, 1936, and 1939 estimated by Gleitze, Ostdeutsche wirtschaft, pp. 169–72, from the 1936 production census. His figuresanticipate the adjustments recently proposed by Fremdling, ‘German industrial employment’, and adopted by Ritschl, ‘Anglo-German industrial productivity puzzle’ (see Fremdling and Stäglin, ‘Input-output table’, pp. 2–13). We chain these forward to1944 with production indices taken from US Strategic Bombing Survey, Report 55 (for a full discussion of the data sources, seealso Tooze, ‘No room for miracles’), and backward using a combination of output indices from Hoffmann, DasWachstum, and therevised machine-building and metal-working data from Ritschl, ‘Anglo-German industrial productivity puzzle’, tab. 5, p. 545. Forlabour, the series for 1929–39 is from Hoffmann, DasWachstum, tab. 15, pp. 196–8, chained to Wagenführ, Die deutsche Industrie,tab. 3a, pp. 140–2, for the war years. On the recent debate on the comparative productivity of the German manufacturing sectorbefore the Second World War, see also Broadberry and Burhop, ‘Comparative’; Broadberry and Burhop, ‘Resolving’; Fremdling,de Jong, and Timmer, ‘British and German’; Ritschl, ‘Anglo-German’.US: From data from US Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract, p. 277, we calculated an index of production at constant prices.For labour, we used US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Handbook of Labor Statistics, tab. A3, p. 10; US Bureauof the Census, Historical Statistics, part 2, tab. P58–67, pp. 677–81, and Kendrick, Productivity trends, tab. D-IV, pp. 473–5, andtab. D-VII, p. 488.


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‘efficient’ if an adjustment was made for ‘human capital’ input, or simply for thenutritional status of the average worker.

This story of parallel development is consistent with the analysis of long-runlabour productivity differences offered, for instance, by Broadberry.5 Large trans-atlantic differences in absolute productivity persisted across the twentieth centuryas a result of broadly parallel productivity growth. Many factors clearly contrib-uted to this persistent differential in labour productivity. Insofar as capital isinvoked as an explanatory factor, it tends to be in two distinct, sometimes over-lapping arguments. One is the standard neoclassical account of factor proportionsin which the relative scarcity of suitably skilled labour in the US led to a highercapital intensity and higher labour productivity.This argument of capital intensitycan then be supplemented or married to an argument about technological styles.Metalworking is one of the crucial sites for the development of these narratives. Asearly as the late nineteenth century, the US was credited with having pioneered anew type of mass production ‘American’ tools, whereas engineering in Germanyand Britain remained wedded to general-purpose machine tools and customizedproduction making use of a relatively abundant labour force with craft skills.6

However, this begs three questions. First, how do we account for paralleldynamic development in labour productivity, in radically distinct technologicalparadigms? Second, what do we actually know about the technologies employed inmetalworking in the US and in the countries that were the leading Europeanproducers, notably Germany? Third, how did common shocks such as thedemands of wartime production impact the different productive systems?

To date, the literature discussing questions of capital and technology has suf-fered from two limitations. It has tended to focus on case studies of particularindustries and particular plants, and has been largely devoid of a systematiccomparative dimension.7 This article aims to give more quantitative precision tothis debate by introducing a novel set of sources. These allow the construction ofa closely matched comparison of the entire stock of machine tools installed inGermany and the US in the 1930s and 1940s.This is significant, because machinetools are quite commonly treated as the emblematic locus of the two productionparadigms—widespread use of specialized tools in the US as opposed to flexiblegeneral-purpose tools in Europe. In his highly influential comparison of the majorwar economies, Milward adapted this narrative to the Second World War. Therewas, he argued, particularly in the German case, relatively little technologicalinnovation during the war.8 Milward in turn borrowed this thesis from the USStrategic Bombing Survey (USSBS), which attempted the first comparative analy-sis of German metalworking industries in the immediate aftermath of the conflict.The USSBS discovered that Germany had by 1944 accumulated a gigantic stockof machinery. By the end of the war they estimated that there were more machines

5 Broadberry, ‘Manufacturing’, pp. 776–7; idem, Productivity race, tab. A3.1(c), p. 49; tab. 8. 1, p. 106; tab. 8.2,p. 107.

6 For the first in-depth, comparative, and critical investigation of the emergence of these stereotypes, seeRichter, ‘Der Amerikanische und Deutsche Werkzeugmaschinenbau’. See also Piore and Sabel, Second industrialdivide, pp. 19–48.

7 For the case of Germany, see Abelshauser, ‘Rüstungsschmiede der Nation?’, and for Japan, Sasaki,‘Rationalization’.

8 Milward, War, pp. 189–91. For a traditional characterization of the US and German war economies, see alsoOvery, Why the Allies won, pp. 190–207.


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per worker in Germany than in the US.To reconcile these remarkable figures withfamiliar assumptions about capital intensity and the large gap in labour produc-tivity, the USSBS radicalized the familiar story about technological difference.They argued that the German machine tool stock was large but unproductive.During the war manufacturers had horded large quantities of tools as a hedgeagainst inflation. To US eyes this might appear wasteful. But there was little costto this strategy because the abiding European commitment to flexible general-purpose machinery meant that the large German stocks of machine tools were notsubject to rapid obsolescence. They were not so much productive capital as asavings bank.9

There are two problematic aspects of this characterization. The first is thepresumption that, whereas US machine tools embodied a dynamic and constantlyimproving technology, German machine tools embodied an unchanging, tradi-tional, technological style. This is hard to reconcile with the stylized facts ofproductivity development.There may have been a large productivity gap, but it didnot widen.10 Whatever technology the Europeans were using, whether or not it wasradically different from that employed in the US, it was clearly not ‘static’. Second,it must be asked how useful it is to apply simple labels such as ‘mass production’or ‘flexible specialization’ to entire industries. For the US, Scranton has shown,through a combination of case studies with analysis of the census results, that in1923 only 12.2 per cent of the value added generated by US metalworking firmswas attributable to out-and-out mass production. Of the rest 47.1 per cent wasaccounted for by ‘specialty’ producers and 33.7 per cent by industries involved ina mixture of flexible ‘specialty production’ and ‘bulk production’.11 The impor-tance of flexible, ‘European-style’ machine tools in the US has also been drivenhome forcefully in Hounshell’s excellent study of the rise and fall of the ‘Americansystem’.12 In a similar spirit, Zeitlin has argued that US aircraft production duringthe Second World War was largely organized around flexible production princi-ples.13 On the other hand, von Freyberg and Siegel were the first to cast doubt onthe characterization of German metalworking technology offered by Milward andthe USSBS.14 They show how German metalworkers creatively adapted ‘Ameri-can’ technologies, combining ‘American’ design elements with the flexibility nec-essary to respond to smaller and more diverse markets.15 Between the extremes ofthe special-purpose machine and the general-purpose machine tool von Freybergand Siegel describe a new category of machines known as ‘multi-purpose’ tools,which could be set up to perform a sequence of operations at high speed with

9 US Strategic Bombing Survey, Effects, pp. 8, 21, 43–51; idem, Report 55.The US Strategic Bombing Surveywas established on 3 Nov. 1944 to provide a comprehensive and authoritative study of the effects of the 1943–5Allied bombing campaign over Germany.

10 Broadberry, Productivity race.11 Ibid., pp. 341–3; Scranton, Endless novelty, pp. 341–3. Sabel and Zeitlin, ‘Historical alternatives’, p. 137, show

that even in the 1970s less than a third of US metalworking output was mass-produced.12 Hounshell, American system, pp. 9, 85–96, 162–4, 169, 174, 178, 182–7, 194, 198, 202–4, 231–3. See also

Lewchuk, American, pp. 33–5.13 Zeitlin, ‘Flexibility’, p. 48.14 von Freyberg, Industrielle Rationalisierung; Siegel and von Freyberg, Industrielle Rationalisierung. See also

Benad-Wagenhoff, Industrieller Maschinenbau; Ruby, Entwicklungsgeschichte; Haak, Die Entwicklung.15 See also the restatement of Sabel and Zeitlin’s position in Sabel and Zeitlin, ‘Stories’. On the successful

process of technological imitation and counterfeit of American machine tool designs by German machine toolmakers from the late nineteenth century to the 1920s, see Richter and Streb, ‘Catching-up and falling behind’.


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minimal operator intervention, but which also retained a high degree of flexibility.This meshes with recent work which sees the Second World War as a trainingground in which German manufacturers learned to combine their techniques of‘flexible specialization’ with methods of mass production.16 These revisionist worksare compelling, but they do not address themselves explicitly to the transatlanticcomparison and, with the exception of Scranton’s work, they are not quantified.


To build the basis for a comparison of metalworking technologies we start withGerman data drawn from the unpublished results of the so-called Maschinenbe-standserhebungen for 1935 and 1938.17 In these remarkable official surveys theStatistical Office counted the distribution of 174 different types of tools across 27sectors of German metalworking and by geographical location.The results appearto cover all plants with more than five employees.The machines are distinguishedby age and by size. Imported machines are counted separately. The 1938 censusalso compiled information on whether or not the machines were equipped withdirect drive as opposed to old-fashioned belt and pulley drive trains. The result isan astonishing database of which a single article can give only a rough impres-sion.18 Unfortunately, the archive offers virtually nothing by way of backgroundinformation on the design and conduct of the Maschinenbestandserhebungen.19

However, there is no evidence to suggest that these surveys were ever used as aplanning tool.There is, therefore, no reason to worry that their results might havebeen biased by the effort of firms to manipulate the planning process. The surveywas compiled with the active collaboration of the Engineering Business Group,which for 1941 compiled an extension of the results on the basis of detailed salesdata.20 This report also includes sales data for 1942. With a little manipulationthese can also be used to produce a set of prices for the most important classes andmany sub-classes of tools. For 1942–4, we rely on the less detailed informationpublished inWagenfuehr’s well-known study of German industry during the war.21

The American data are from five surveys conducted quinquennially from 1925to 1945 by the engineering magazine American Machinist.The American Machinist‘Inventories of metal-working equipment’ were sample surveys. They typicallysubdivided metalworking machinery into more than 100 classes of machine tools(120 in 1930). Distribution of each class was provided by 20 industries and from1935 by 12 Federal Reserve Districts (in 1940 and 1945 by nine geographicsections) covering the territory of the US. The inventories also counted thenumber of tools that were more than 10 years old. The inventories refer tothe machinery installed on 1 January. Companies were also asked to provide thenumber of employees on 15 December of the year before that of the survey (thatis, on 15 December 1934 for the 1935 survey).22

16 For the aircraft industry, see Budrass, Flugzeugindustrie.17 Bundesarchiv Lichterfelde, Lichterfelde, Berlin (hereafter BAL), R 31.02 6203.18 See Tooze, ‘ “Punktuelle” ’.19 For the general development of the Reich’s Statistical Office in this period, see Tooze, Statistics.20 BAL, R 31.02 6258.21 Wagenführ, Die deutsche Industrie, pp. 162–3.22 American Machinist.


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The methodology of the American Machinist in compiling the 1935 survey wasdescribed as follows:

The results here presented are based on the returns from 10,000 questionnaires sent outby this paper. In preparing the mailing list, Mc-Graw-Hill records were supplementedby over 100 code authority lists and trade associations’ memberships in this field. Everyeffort was made to compile a list of names truly representative of the metal-workingindustry . . . The returns were first divided into the twenty industrial groups indicated,and the total of wage earners of reporting firms was obtained for each group. Thiswage-earner total formed the basis of an extension factor for each industrial classifica-tion which, when applied to the machine units as reported, gave an approximate total ofmachines of each type in each group . . . The factors were derived by comparing thewage earners for reporting firms with those given in the latest Census of Manufactures(1933). It will be evident that there was a year’s difference in the Census wage-earnersfigures, which were taken for December 15, 1933, and those reported on the question-naires. To overcome this discrepancy the Census figures were modified by the ratiobetween the Department of Labor’s index for December 1934 and that for December1933.23

The same article seems to suggest that the returns covered between 15 and50 per cent of the wage earners in each industry, a large sample by any standard.Unfortunately, there is no way to ascertain the presence and the likely direction ofa no-return bias in the sample used.The compilers clearly assumed that the capitalintensity of the sample was representative. In relying on the statistical methodologyadopted by the American Machinist we join a host of predecessors, including theUSSBS, the US War Production Board, which relied extensively on the AmericanMachinist inventories’ data, andWagoner, the author of the only in-depth technicalhistory of the US machine tool industry in the first half of the twentieth century.24

Our comparison includes all the equipment that can be defined as machine toolsor ‘power driven machines, not portable, that remove metal in the form of chips’.25

The only exceptions to this rule are the exclusion of drills that could not be directlycompared due to differences of classification,26 and the residual machine toolsclassified as ‘other machine tools’. To the machine tools proper we have added,wherever possible, a number of significant non-portable power-driven machinerysuch as welding machines, forging machines, swaging machines, presses, bendingmachines, shears, and riveting machines.

When comparing the two surveys, one is immediately struck by the broadagreement in the nature of categorization. Dozens of sub-classes can be matcheddirectly.This similarity of classification strongly hints at our most basic conclusion:the statisticians in the US and Germany were dealing with similar families oftechnology. This is not surprising, perhaps, given the highly internationalizednature of the engineering profession. However, it is at odds with the claim thatfundamentally different types of technology, locked in by strategies of local learn-ing, predominated on either side of the Atlantic. Furthermore, neither of the twosurveys employs the dichotomous distinction between general-purpose and

23 ‘How the figures were compiled’, American Machinist, 79 (24 April 1935), p. 328.24 See Stoughton, History, p. 7; Wagoner, US machine tool industry, p. 60.25 This definition was taken from: American Machinist, V. 89, 5 July 1945, p. 98.26 The German compilers counted multiple ‘gang’ drills by the number of spindles and it was not possible in

the US data to isolate ‘gang’ drills from the other machines.


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special-purpose tools that is the staple of general historical accounts.The main lineof division, in both cases, is by tool type.27 It is only within categories such as lathesthat we find sub-categories that can be mapped onto the distinction betweengeneral-purpose and special-purpose machinery. Both surveys distinguish betweengeneral-purpose ‘engine lathes’, turret lathes, and automatic lathes of variouskinds. Of course, custom-designed machines, by their very nature, defy standardcategorization. However, in both countries the vast majority of tools could clearlybe included in the general classification of tool types. In total, the Maschinenbe-standserhebung of 1938 lumped roughly 10 per cent of German machinery into ageneral category of ‘specialized machinery not otherwise classified’.28What is moresurprising is the absence of the category of special-purpose tools, which suppos-edly occupied such a large place in US manufacturing, in any of the surveysconducted by American Machinist. In 1945 the American Machinist inventoryallocated only 2.6 per cent of all the machine tools to a category of ‘other machinetools’.29 In the war history of the War Production Board Tools Division, ‘special-purpose machines’ went unmentioned.30


In both countries, the installed metalworking capacity in the late 1920s was a resultof investment during the preceding upswing, as well as the metalworking boom ofthe First World War. The figures in table 2 capture US metalworking in the firstflush of ‘Fordism’. If there was ever a moment at which one would expect to seea difference in the types of machinery installed in America and Europe, this wassurely it. Our basic results are summarized in this table which shows for each classof machine tools the number of machine tools per worker in Germany divided bythe number of machine tools per worker in the US.Though there is no major classof tools that was wholly absent from either country, this table does reveal verystriking differences in the proportions of tools employed. For three largeclasses—lathes, milling machines, and presses—the numbers are roughly in pro-portion to the number of workers employed in metalworking. However, in twoareas, which were at the cutting edge of technical development in the1920s—production grinders,31 and welding and cutting equipment—the numbersinstalled in Germany in 1930 were half the figure in the US, allowing for therelative size of the workforces.The deficit in welding and cutting equipment wouldseem to be offset by a significant preponderance of other cutting tools, particularlyshears, in Germany. Though the numbers were small, it is also significant thatbroaching machines and honing and lapping machines were significantly under-represented in German metalworking. All were particularly important in the mass

27 The US and German machine tool classification are almost identical to that described by Hornby, Factoriesand plants, p. 301, in relation to wartime British machine tool demand. For a general introduction to machine tooltypes, see Habicht, Modern machine tools; Rolt, Tools for the job; Fermer, Machine tools.

28 BAL, R 31.02 6203.29 Our calculation based on data from: ‘American Machinist 1945 inventory of metal-working equipment by

twenty industrial divisions’, Supplement to American Machinist, 5 July 1945.30 Stoughton, History.31 Woodbury, History of the grinding machine, pp. 151–61.


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production of internal combustion engines. Similarly, Germany’s relatively smallnumber of gear-cutters, an automatic machine by definition, is telling.32

This pattern of difference comes more clearly into view if we break down thelarge categories of lathes and production grinders (table 3). It is within these broadclasses that we find the truly emblematic tools of mass production. One group ofmachines worthy of particular attention are centreless grinders. These tools werein many ways the iconic equipment of Detroit’s engine production lines.33 In acentreless grinder the piece to be worked is not fixed between ‘centres’ as in aclassic lathe, but is forced against the grinding wheel by the opposite rotation ofa second wheel. The workpiece can simply be dropped between the wheels andfalls down when it has been ground to the predetermined dimensions. Centrelessgrinders were among the categories of tool least represented in German metal-working in 1930.

Lathes were the most numerous machines in metalworking in both countries.But within this enormous class of machines, we see a significant pattern ofdifferences. Turret lathes were the standard batch production tool of the interwarperiod. These were not automatic machines, but ‘multi-purpose’. They could bepreset by a skilled operator, so as to enable unskilled hands to move the tools intoposition in a predetermined sequence, simply by operating a set of levers and

32 Woodbury, History of the gear-cutting machine, pp. 120–6.33 See Woodbury, History of the grinding machine, p. 11; Scranton, Endless novelty, pp. 306–7; Hounshell,

American system, pp. 49, 81.

Table 2. Similarity and difference in machine-intensity in German and USmetalworking, 1930

Type of machineMachine tools per

employee, Germany/USaUS, total units

in placeGermany, total units in

place (minimum estimate)

Broaching machines 0.20 4,396 660Honing and lapping machines 0.21 4,345 661Riveting machines (not portable) 0.27 22,080 4,316Welding and cutting machines 0.43 45,201 14,344Production grinders 0.48 94,224 33,100Keyseaters 0.55 4,379 1,764Boring machines 0.63 28,033 12,940Gear-cutting machines 0.71 20,006 10,407Forging machines 0.78 32,598 18,602Milling machines 0.83 116,978 71,474Pipe-cutting and -threading

machines + thread machines0.89 42,142 27,531

Lathes 1.00 308,170 225,749Presses (excluding forging presses) 1.02 174,379 130,303Cutting-off machines 1.02 39,719 29,931Shapers 1.05 36,316 28,108Planers 1.15 19,401 16,385Bending machines 1.80 23,324 30,944Shears 1.90 32,106 44,792

Grand total of classified tools 0.91 1,047,797 702,011Variance 0.23

Notes: a Col. 1 is calculated as the number of tools per employee in the German metalworking sector divided by the number oftools per employee in the US metalworking sector. As such it is a normalized measure of machine intensity where the USconstitutes the norm.The figure of 0.2 implies that there were five times more broaching machines per worker in the US than inGermany.Sources: No. of machine tools: see section II above. Labour: see tab. 1.


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switches. They offered a compromise between the advantages of mass productiontools and flexibility. It is interesting, therefore, to find them equally well repre-sented in the US and Germany. By contrast, high volume productionlathes—semi-automatics and automatics—were significantly underrepresented inGermany by comparison with the US. At the other end of the scale, the residualcategory (‘all other lathes’), dominated by general-purpose types such as ‘enginelathes’, was overrepresented in Germany.

To find these differences so clearly marked in the data is confidence-inspiring,in that it confirms the ability of our sources to describe what, by all accounts,were very dissimilar industries, with a productivity differential of at least 2 to 1in favour of the US. At the same time our results also strongly confirm the basicclaim of the revisionist literature, which insists that mass production technolo-gies were only ever one element in a portfolio of technologies employed acrossUS industry.


The crisis of 1929–33 devastated the metalworking industries in Germany and theUS alike. Across the decade of the 1930s, however, the fortunes of the twoindustries diverged drastically.The US industry continued in the doldrums duringthe second half of the 1930s. Owing to scrapping and limited investments, themachine tool capacity recorded for 1940 was substantially lower than in 1930.Thisconfirms Field’s contention that the 1930s were a decade of ‘modest investmentsin instrumentation’ in US manufacturing.34 By contrast, German metalworkingwas one of the chief beneficiaries of the Nazi rearmament boom.35 By 1938 bothemployment and the machine tool stock in Germany exceeded that in the US.According to our data, the German metalworking industry used 989,852 machinetools in 1938 while the comparable number for the US metalworking industry in

34 Field, ‘Technological change’, p. 216. See also idem, ‘Equipment hypothesis’, tab. 2, p. 52.35 On the previously underestimated surge of investments in war-related industries from 1934 to 1944, see

Scherner, ‘Nazi Germany’.

Table 3. Lathes and production grinders in the German and US metalworkingindustries, 1930

Type of machineMachine tools per

employee, Germany/USaUS, total units

in placeGermany, total units in

place (minimum estimate)

Production grinders 0.48 94,224 33,100External cylindrical, plain and universal 0.66 33,281 16,217Internal cylindrical 0.51 9,752 3,669Centreless 0.42 4,273 1,320Surface, horizontal and vertical + disk,

horizontal and vertical0.35 46,918 11,894

Lathes 1.00 308,170 225,749Turret 0.98 41,894 30,255Automatic and semi-automatic 0.53 68,158 26,716All others 1.16 198,118 168,778

Note: a As for tab. 2.Sources: See tab. 2.


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January 1940 was only 940,829. In addition, contrary to the USSBS’s claims,Germany’s large stock of machine tools was not the result of long-term hoarding.The German tools were on average more up-to-date than those installed in the US.In May 1938, one-third of the machine tools installed in Germany were less thaneight years old. By comparison, at the end of 1939 only 29 per cent of the machinetools in the US had been purchased since 1929.

Table 4 confirms that there was catch-up in technological terms as well. As asummary measure of convergence, table 4 compares the variance of the normal-ized machine-to-labour ratios in 1938/40 with that in 1929/30 (table 4—first

Table 4. The new pattern of convergence: machine intensity in Germanmetalworking industry in 1938 relative to the US in 1940a

Type of machineMachine tools per employee,Germany, 1938/US, 1940b

US, 1940, totalunits in place

Germany, 1938,total units in place

Broaching machines 0.23(0.20)

4,731 1,201

Riveting machines (not portable) 0.36(0.27)

21,855 8,616

Welding and cutting machines 0.51(0.43)

75,900 42,140

Boring machines 0.68(0.63)

27,309 20,201

Production grinders 0.74(0.48)

56,823 45,831

Gear-cutting machines 0.75(0.71)

20,753 16,856

Forging machines 0.86(0.78)

27,537 25,521

Presses (excluding forging presses) 0.94(1.02)

185,633 189,111

Cutting-off machines 0.94(1.02)

43,097 44,068

Honing and lapping machines 0.96(0.21)

2,413 2,514

Milling machines 1.02(0.83)

94,113 104,235

Shears 1.13(1.90)

34,373 42,184

Planers 1.14(1.15)

15,248 18,825

Bending machines 1.17(1.80)

35,938 45,409

Pipe-cutting and -threadingmachines + thread machines


28,503 36,449

Lathes 1.19(1.00)

235,235 303,884

Shapers 1.22(1.05)

27,369 36,310

Keyseaters 1.50(0.55)

3,999 6,497

Grand total of classified tools 0.97(0.91)

940,829 989,852

Variance 0.11(0.23)

Notes: a As for tab. 2.b Corresponding figure for 1930 in parentheses.Sources: See tab. 2.


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column, 1929/30 figure in parentheses). We interpret the halving of the variance,combined with the increase to close to one in the ratio for the grand total ofclassified tools, as strong evidence for convergence. In all the machine tool classesin which Germany was lagging in 1930 the disadvantage was either reduced orturned into a German advantage. Similarly the classes of machine tools in whichthe Germans were ‘overstocked’ in 1929/30 saw this excess reduced by the end ofthe 1930s.

Among specialized modern production tools the pattern was the same (table 5).For production grinders, the relative gap halved from 50 to 25 percentage points.There was also a significant increase in the welding equipment available to Germanindustry, offset by a fall in the relative ‘over-equipment’ of German industry inshears. Lathes run against the trend of convergence, but only in the sense that theywere now significantly more numerous in German industry than in the US.

Where the gap was biggest in 1930, catch-up was most rapid. Internal cylindricalgrinders, surface grinders, and centreless grinders all show pronounced patterns ofconvergence. Germany by the late 1930s showed all the signs of an economy toolingup for the mass production of internal combustion engines on the lines pioneered by

Table 5. Lathes and production grinders installed in Germany, 1938,and the US, 1940a

Type of machineMachine tools per employee,Germany, 1938/US, 1940b

US, 1940, totalunits in place

Germany, 1938,total units in place

Production grinders 0.74(0.48)

56,823 45,831

Gear tooth 2.24 461 1,118External cylindrical, plain and universal 1.12

(0.66)17,935 21,747

Thread 1.04 767 861Internal cylindrical 0.91

(0.51)6,166 6,056

Centerless 0.77(0.42)

3,105 2,593

Surface and disk (horizontal and vertical) 0.48(0.35)

29,617 15,435

Other 0.11 17,291 2,088

Lathes 1.19(1.00)

235,235 303,884

Turret 0.93(0.98)

47,908 44,058

Automatic and semi-automatic 0.71(0.53)

55,866 39,285

Semi-automatic 0.82 7,093 5,732Automatic single-spindle

(incl. screw machines)0.98 29,674 28,777

Automatic multiple-spindle(incl. screw machines)

0.25 19,099 4,776

Bench, engine, and other lathes 1.55(1.16)

131,461 220,541

Bench 1.82 21,798 43,077Engine (incl. toolroom) 1.42 95,003 146,639

Notes: a As for tab. 2.b Corresponding figures for 1930 in parentheses (when available).Sources: See tab. 2.


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the US in the 1920s. Interestingly, whereas German industry used the investmentboom of the 1930s to ‘Americanize’, there is evidence in the US data of a shift awayfrom more typical mass production equipment.The number of grinders installed inUS industry fell more sharply than the number of lathes between 1930 and 1940,and within the class of lathes there was a highly characteristic pattern: whereas thenumber of automatics and semi-automatics fell by almost 20 per cent, the numberof turret lathes, a compromise tool combining bulk production capacity with adegree of flexibility, actually increased between 1930 and 1940.


This analysis of the 1930s sets the stage for a proper appreciation of relative trendsduring the Second World War. The expansion of US metalworking between 1940and 1945 is the stuff of legend. Machine tool shipments, which had run at $100million per year between 1929 and 1938, increased to an average of $100 millionper month between April 1942 and June 1943. The number of machine toolsinstalled in the metalworking industry, which had been 896,000 at the beginningof 1940, had reached 1,518,000 by the end of 1944. But the drama of thisexpansion was, of course, in large part an effect of the extraordinarily prolongeddepression in the US in the 1930s. As we have seen with regard to output andlabour inputs, compared peak to peak, the expansion of German and US metal-working was, in fact strikingly similar. Moreover, the evidence for machine toolinvestment suggests what is at first a surprising conclusion: German expansionfrom the late 1930s onwards was in fact relatively more capital-intensive than thatin the US (table 6). It is quite possible that by 1944, the number of machine toolsin Germany had doubled relative to the level in 1929, while those in the US hadonly increased by 50 per cent. Germany ended the war with more machine toolsper worker than the US in 10 of the 12 main classes for which the comparison ispossible. In the remaining two classes (gear-cutting machines and productiongrinders) the differential was only 25 per cent. In only one sub-class, productiongrinders, Germany lost ground to the US, but then only by 5 per cent. Inparticular, even classes like centreless and external cylindrical grinders, that saw asubstantial US investment effort during the war, show only the transformation ofa slight German advantage in 1940/1 into a slight US advantage by 1944 (table 7).

In only one class of modern machine tools was the process of convergencerelatively limited in its impact. During the war, in the US resources were pouredinto the expensive and highly sophisticated multiple-spindle automatics, doublingthe total stock. Clearly, multiple-spindle automatics were a priority for Germanindustry as well. German holdings also doubled. However, one must suspect thatsupply constraints were binding in this case, since German industry remainedseverely underequipped relative to the US. By contrast, German holdings ofsingle-spindle automatics, which were widely available from German manufactur-ers, were almost twice those of US industry by the end of the war.

The main difference between German and US wartime investment was that USinvestment was more targeted. By contrast, German firms continued to accumu-late traditional tools: engine lathes and bench lathes. By the end of the war, therewere almost three times the number of engine lathes per worker in Germany than


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there were in the US. One may conjecture that it was the ubiquity of these mostcharacteristic general-purpose machine tools that confirmed the USSBS in itsmisplaced stereotypes.

The USSBS was right to believe that the German accumulation of machinetools was remarkable. And there may well have been a hoarding impulse on thepart of German firms.They were heavily incentivized to invest internally and wereon the look-out for inflation-proof assets. But the further claim that this strategywas linked to a static European production paradigm with low rates of deprecia-tion is rejected by the evidence.The huge accumulation of tools was not due to thedisproportionate retention of old machines, but to new acquisitions. Many of theseacquisitions were of high volume production equipment. When we compare Ger-many’s position in 1944/5 with its position in 1929/30, it is clear that Germanmetalworking not only modernized its machinery, but even managed a substantialdegree of convergence with the US. Despite spectacular and highly focused USinvestment during the SecondWorldWar, there is no category of ‘mass productiontool’ in which Germany’s relative position in 1944/5 had not improved whencompared to 1929/30.

Table 6. Capital intensity by class of installed machine tool in the Germanmetalworking industry relative to the US, January 1945a

Type of machineMachine tools per employee,Germany, 1945/ US, 1945b

US, total unitsin place

Germany, totalunits in place

Gear-cutting machines 0.74(0.70)

55,034 28,621

Production grinders 0.75(0.80)

158,706 82,869

Boring machines 1.10(0.72)

50,337 38,924

Presses (excluding forging presses) 1.47(0.81)

255,030 225,294

Milling machines 1.31(1.02)

171,763 157,874

Lathes 1.84(1.25)

418,501 538,271

Cutting-off machines 1.86(1.22)

62,069 80,819

Pipe-cutting and -threadingmachines + thread machines


45,219 55,472

Bending machines 1.93(1.00)

18,107 24,468

Planers 2.10(1.04)

16,427 24,166

Shapers 2.52(1.38)

36,703 64,783

Shears 3.94(1.66)

34,456 95,114

Grand total of classified toolsc 1.47(1.00)

1,517,518 1,565,394

Variancec 0.92(0.15)

Notes: a As for tab. 2.b Corresponding figures for Germany, 1941/US, 1940 in parentheses.c Includes classes not shown.Sources: See tab. 2.


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If output expanded only slightly faster in the US than in Germany between1929 and 1944, and if US labour input was only slightly larger whereas Ger-many’s investment in machine tools was considerably heavier, then it followsthat German labour productivity was able to keep pace with that of its fabledUS counterpart only at the price of disproportionately heavy investment, that is,at a considerable opportunity cost. For every machine tool it installed, NaziGermany could have had an additional artillery piece for the Wehrmacht, or atractor to release scarce labour either for the front line or the engineering fac-tories. It also follows that if US labour productivity in metalworking did not pulldecisively ahead between 1929 and 1944, growth in capital productivity out-stripped that of Germany.

Table 8 shows averages across all machines installed. An even more dramaticpicture emerges if we perform a rough calculation of the incremental productivity ofcapital. If we assume that the stock installed in 1929 was still surviving in 1944 and

Table 7. Lathes and production grinders installed in the metalworking industry,January 1945a

Type of machineMachine tools per employee,Germany, 1945/US, 1945b

US, totalunits in place

Germany, totalunits in place

Production grinders 0.75(0.80)

158,706 82,869

Centreless cylindrical 0.75(1.16)

14,769 7,785

Surface, horizontal and vertical 0.63(0.52)

61,583 27,238

External cylindrical 0.89(1.11)

55,277 34,577

Internal cylindrical 0.70(1.00)

27,077 13,269

Lathes 1.83(1.25)

417,871 535,951

Turret 1.22(0.94)

101,912 87,056

Automatic and semi-automatic 0.98(0.65)

92,694 63,531

Automatic multiple-spindle(incl. screw machines)


45,098 9,492

Automatic single-spindle(incl. screw machines)


30,991 45,232

Semi-automatic 0.76(0.72)

16,605 8,807

Bench, engine, and other lathes 2.46(1.61)

223,265 385,364

Bench 2.44(2.08)

48,926 83,653

Engine (incl. toolroom) 2.89(1.62)

140,214 283,786

Other lathes 0.75(0.88)

34,125 17,924

Notes: a As for tab. 2.b Corresponding figures for Germany, 1941/US, 1940 in parentheses.Sources: See tab. 2.


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operating at the same intensity that it had in 1929, every new tool added to theGerman stock was contributing in 1944 twice as much as the average tool of 1929vintage.36 In the US, on the same somewhat artificial assumption, the new machinesadded since 1929 were more than six times as productive.The armaments boom andthe new technologies associated with it were dramatically capital-saving.

Of course, all things were not equal. In both cases the labour force had doubled.Furthermore, there is good reason to assume that there were productivityenhancements across the board affecting old capacity and new alike. To gain atleast an approximate sense of the relative size of these different factors, we can usea simple growth accounting framework.




TFP= + +α β


is the growth in output over time;ΔKK

is the growth of the capital input

over time,ΔLL

is the growth in labour over time; and a and b are non-negative

constants with a + b = 1. In line with conventional assumptions we set a = 0.3 andb = 0.7.37 There are obvious caveats to apply to any standard Cobb–Douglas-typegrowth accounting exercise and these are particularly severe with regard towartime economies, but the framework can nevertheless be helpful in allowing usto summarize the implications of the data.

The unusual richness of our data allows us to elaborate this simple growthaccounting exercise by exploring several different measures of ‘machine toolcapital’ and its composition. The machine tool censuses of course allow a crudecount of the number of machines installed, but as we have begun to set out above,

36 The current authors have dispelled the myth that US industry tended to replace machinery more often thanits German counterpart and that, by default, US metalworkers were endowed with more modern and productivemachinery. See Ristuccia and Tooze, ‘Cutting edge’, pp. 10–12, 37–48.

37 These values for a and b are in line with those calculated for individual German aircraft companies byBudrass, Scherner, and Streb, ‘Fixed-price contracts’, p. 122, n. 69.

Table 8. Capital productivity and capital productivitygrowth in the German and US metalworking sectors

(output per machine tool)

Capital productivity Capital productivity growth

US/Germany US Germany

1929/30 1.811929–44 119% 50%1929–39 0% 19%1939–44 131% 28%

Sources: For output, see tab. 1. For capital, see tab. 2. The capital figures for the USinclude all main machine tool classes except presses, forging machines, and drills.Thecapital figures for Germany included the same machine tool classes as for the US withthe exception of welding and cutting machines. Note that the figure for Germancapital in 1939 is in fact for 1938. For the US/G comparison we use RM/$=4.2.


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we can also compare the stocks in terms of vintage and in terms of the actual typesof tools installed. Furthermore, to enable valuation of the stocks we have compiledone extremely detailed set of prices for German machine tools purchased in 1942and a coarser set of data for prices paid in the US in 1942.

Table 9 shows total factor productivity (TFP) estimates where capital inputs aremeasured in terms of the number of machine tools installed, at German 1942prices, and with the coarser set of US data for the same year.38 The estimates arebroadly unresponsive to changes in the methodology adopted to calculate thegrowth of capital. This suggests that they are reasonably robust.

The results are dramatic. The peak-to-peak calculations for the period 1929/30–1944/5 show a very large ‘residual’ for both the US and Germany. TFPaccounts for almost half of output growth in the German case, while capital andlabour inputs grow in line with each other. Due to the modest rate at which capitalinput increased, the ‘residual’ is even larger in the US case. Depending on theestimate of capital used, TFP contributed just under two-thirds of the entireoutput growth, whereas capital investment accounts for between 3 and 6 per cent.The size of the TFP terms is certainly striking, but given the obvious scaleeconomies to be reaped in wartime mass production it is not surprising. Nor it issurprising that the US was more able to take advantage of these opportunities.Whereas the US Home Front was barely affected by the depredations of the war,German industry had to struggle with difficulties, many of which, including thelarge-scale deployment of slave labour, were alien to modern factory managers inthe US.

Comparing machine tool capital valued at German and US prices results in aninteresting pattern of differences. One striking fact about the data in table 9 is thatwhether weighted by German or US prices the German capital stock grows invalue terms less than in terms of numbers.The reasons for this become clear whenwe consider that according to German prices a bench lathe cost as little as 1,500RM, an all-purpose engine lathe was priced at 6,000 RM, whereas a multiple-spindle automatic cost on average 27,900 RM. As we have shown, Germany wasbuying a large number of very modern machine tools, but at the same time it wasalso acquiring large stocks of cheaper tools that had no equivalent in the US andthat tended to depress the average price of Germany’s new acquisitions.The effectof this diversified investment was compounded by differences in the structure ofprices.When valued at US prices, both stocks grew faster. But in the US case thiseffect was dramatic.Valued at US prices, the US stock grew twice as fast comparedto valuation at German prices. Unfortunately the US data are too coarse to allowa really detailed comparison of prices, but table 10 shows a comparison of averageprices for broad categories of tool on the basis of an exchange rate of $1:3.80 RM,a rate used by German experts in 1941–2 to compare war expenditures.39 Thisconfirms the hunch that the structure of US prices tended to give particularlyheavy weight to rapidly growing categories such as gear-cutting machines.

Given what we know about the composition of new purchases in categories suchas lathes, it is not surprising to find that the average lathe purchased in the US was

38 For aggregate TFP growth in the US during the Second World War, see Rockoff, ‘United States’, p. 106.39 See, BAL R2501 7009, fo. 2, ‘InternationalerVergleich derWehrmachtsausgaben’ (Aug. 1942).These figures

diverge dramatically from the $2.5:1 parity used by Goldsmith, ‘Power of victory’.


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Table 9. TFP in the German and US metalworking sectors




Germany, 1929–44

No. 2.25 (8.2) 1.25 (5.6) 1.22 (5.5) 1.02 (4.8)17 38 45

German 1942 prices 2.25 1.11 (5.1) 1.22 1.06 (4.9)15 38 47

US 1942 prices 2.25 1.15 (5.2) 1.22 1.05 (4.9)15 38 47

US, 1929–44

No. 2.82 (9.4) 0.36 (2.1) 1.33 (5.8) 1.78 (7.1)4 33 63

German 1942 prices 2.82 0.27 (1.6) 1.33 1.81 (7.1)3 33 64

US 1942 prices 2.82 0.57 (3.1) 1.33 1.72 (6.9)6 33 61

Germany, 1929–39a

No. 0.60 (4.8) 0.43 (3.6) 0.64 (5.1) 0.02 (0.2)22 75 4

German 1942 prices 0.60 0.38 (3.3) 0.64 0.04 (0.4)19 75 6

US 1942 prices 0.60 0.4 (3.4) 0.64 0.03 (0.3)20 75 5

US, 1929–39

No. -0.17 (-1.9) -0.16 (-1.7) -0.11 (-1.2) -0.05 (-0.5)28 45 26

German 1942 prices -0.17 -0.24 (-2.7) -0.11 -0.02 (-0.2)42 45 12

US 1942 prices -0.17 -0.16 (-1.7) -0.11 -0.05 (-0.5)28 45 26

Germany, 1939–44b

No. 1.03 (15.2) 0.57 (9.4) 0.35 (6.2) 0.61 (10.0)17 24 60

German 1942 prices 1.03 0.53 (8.9) 0.35 0.63 (10.3)15 24 61

US 1942 prices 1.03 0.54 (9.0) 0.35 0.62 (10.1)16 24 60

US, 1939–44No. 2.82 (30.7) 0.61 (10.0) 1.61 (21.2) 1.51 (20.2)

6 40 54

German 1942 prices 2.82 0.67 (10.8) 1.61 1.49 (20.0)7 40 53

US 1942 prices 2.82 0.86 (13.2) 1.61 1.44 (19.5)9 40 51

Notes: % contributions to output growth in italics. Annual compound growth rates in parentheses.a Capital growth refers to the period 1929–38.b Capital growth refers to the period 1938–44.Sources: As for tab. 1.We calculate the growth capital input over a subset of machine tool classes for which we have consistent figures in both the USand German datasets for 1929/30, 1938/9, and 1944 and for which we also have 1942 German price data. For the US price comparisons we have useda different selection of classes (those for which US data exist). Note that US prices cover more classes than German prices (they include all main classesexcept presses, forging machines, and drills). Moreover, the no. of classes of machine tools included for the US calculations with US 1942 prices islarger than that used for the German calculation (which excludes welding and cutting machines).


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more expensive.For the entire population of tools we know that the average machinetool purchased in Germany between 1938 and 1945 cost 7,355 RM, while thoseadded in the US between 1940 and 1945 valued at US prices cost an average of20,958 RM (at 3.8 RM to the dollar). If we break down the US aggregate and applythe German prices for 1942 to each sub-class, the US machines purchased duringthe war would have cost on average 9,811 RM at German prices. Of the totaldifference of 13,602 RM in the price of the average German and US tools, adifference of 2,456 RM, less than 20 per cent, can be explained by the US tendencyto concentrate their investment on more expensive tool types.The rest is attributableto the higher price paid in the US across the board.

The US price premium may be an artefact of accounting rules. The US pricesare for machine tools complete with attachments, tools, and engines. It is possiblethat these were excluded from the German data.There were severe supply bottle-necks that inflated US prices. Given the extraordinary urgency of its armamentsdrive, the US certainly had good reason to incentivize the production of those tooltypes most in demand.40 Moreover, given the extraordinary TFP opportunities tobe exploited in the US, it is not surprising that US manufacturers were willing topay a premium to start up production. All of these contextual factors may explainsome of the difference. But it is also likely that given the truly remarkable incre-ment to output attributable to each newly installed machine in the US, someelement of the price premium is due to ‘within-class differences’ in the technologyand productive potential embodied in the US tools. From a basic engineeringstandpoint a turret lathe in 1940s Germany and the US may have been the same,but the US version is likely on average to have been larger, faster, more highlypowered, and thus both more productive and more valuable to its purchasers.Thiswould confirm simple intuitions about the proper relationship between the pricesof factor inputs and their productivity. But even if we take the US machine toolprices at face value, the basic conclusions of the growth accounting exercise stand.It was Germany, rather than the US, where capital intensity was increasing morerapidly.

40 On the severity of US supply shortages in machine tools, see Smith, Army, pp. 564–6.

Table 10. Price comparison in RM ($1 = 3.8RM)

German unit prices US unit prices Ratio US/Germany

Grinders 6,605 14,729 2.3Lathes 7,456 19,464 2.6Millers 6,821 19,670 2.9Boring 18,351 53,872 2.9Broaching 9,023 34,045 3.8Gear-cutting 8,116 30,626 3.8Planers 27,836 115,941 4.1

Sources:US: US National Archive and Records Administration (National Archives at College Park, College Park, Maryland),War Production Board 179-1-403, Tools Division, Equipment Bureau, Office of the Operations Vice Chairman—WarProduction Board, ‘History of the tool division of the War Production Board and its predecessor agencies’ (draft version Sept.1945), pp. 31–2.Germany: BAL, R3101 Anh./ alt R7 Anh. MCC 96 fo. 1; BAL, R3101 Anh./alt R7 Anh MCC 162.


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In 1929 the essential elements of the familiar story of transatlantic productivitydifference all lined up. US labour productivity in metalworking was much higher.US workers were equipped with more machines per head. Even though thedifference in capital intensity was rather less than a standard neoclassical narrativemight suggest, the mix of technologies employed on either side of the Atlantic wasmarkedly different. As this article has shown, over the course of the armamentboom the story becomes much more complicated. Output expanded to a compa-rable degree. Labour productivity increased rapidly, but in parallel, leaving thelabour productivity gap little changed. At the same time a striking differenceopened up with regard to capital inputs. In terms of basic metalworking techniquesGermany converged on the US. But the investment patterns were strikinglydifferent. Germans bought mass production tools, but they also accumulated alarge general-purpose capacity. US investment was remarkably concentrated. Thefamiliar story in which US-style mass production technology is associated withhigher levels of overall capital intensity no longer holds good. But does this meanthat capital, technology, and machine tools did not matter? Do we conclude thatbecause the capital input term is surprisingly small, TFP did ‘all the work’?

Deriving such interpretations and causal evaluations from growth accountingexercises is a notoriously tricky and paradoxical business. After all, if we have asmall capital input term, does this mean that growth was ‘driven’ by disembodiedTFP, or does it mean that since capital productivity increased, thanks to embod-ied technical change, every machine tool ‘contributed’ more? If US metalworkingoutput was able to expand to 380 per cent of its 1929 level with only a 40 percent increase in the number of machines installed, this certainly implies remark-able ratios for machine tool productivity taken as a whole. But the aggregateshide all-important differences. There were a series of important tool types forwhich the rate of expansion between 1929 and 1944 came close to matching orexceeded that of output as a whole. We see clusters of technology—precisiondrilling, gear shaping, thread grinding, honing and lapping, and finally the newelectric and gas welding technologies—in which investment substantially out-stripped output growth (table 11). Nor were these small groups of tools. Onextremely restrictive criteria there were one-third of a million tools that fell into

Table 11. Bottleneck tools in the US, 1940–5

Factor of increase,1940–5

No. of machines,1945

Precision boring machines 6.34 15,636Gear-cutting machines—generators—shaper type 6.65 12,367Gear-cutting machines—generators—bevel, spiral bevel, and hypoid 3.55 7,193Internal cylindrical grinders 4.39 27,077Thread grinders 7.75 5,941Centreless grinders 4.76 14,769Honing and lapping machines 6.69 16,134Milling machines—duplicators and profilers 4.05 13,562Welding and cutting machines—electric arc 4.23 146,808Welding and cutting machines—gas 5.57 58,549

Sources: See tab. 2.


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these high growth areas in US industry in 1944.Their ‘productivity’ did not soar.If we think instead of these as bottleneck tools, essential preconditions for outputgrowth, we get a clearer idea of the way in which embodied technology andarmaments output may have been positively related. Behind the overall patternscharted in this article lies a hugely complex story of technological adjustment,through which selective investment and redesign of particular elements of theproductive processes allowed an unprecedented rate of output growth at rela-tively lower overall capital intensity.

Returning, to conclude, to the big picture and shifting focus from the US toGermany, the story we are telling for metalworking over the growth cycle from1929 to 1944 points forward to the postwar industrial boom. Our data providestrong support to the familiar argument that West Germany’s economic miraclewas prepared by large-scale investment in Hitler’s rearmament boom. We addthree points to that story.The expansion under Hitler was not merely quantitative.Not only was the capital stock younger by 1945, but in metalworking there hadbeen considerable qualitative modernization as well. Second, during the warGermany, like other combatants, benefited from economies of scale and otherefficiency-enhancing effects. It learned new skills of mass production. However, asmeasured by TFP growth, it did so to a significantly lesser extent than the US.Once the stresses of the war economy were removed, this points to a significantsource of catch-up potential. But what the US experience also taught was thatbuilding state-of-the-art mass manufacturing capacity did not, as is sometimesimagined, depend simply on piling up ‘modern mass production machinery’.TheUS armaments boom, coming in the wake of the convulsive shock of the greatdepression, pointed the way towards a far more selective and complex model ofproduction, which was capital- as much as labour-saving.There is every reason tothink thatWest Germany exemplified precisely such a complex strategy. But we areonce again reminded of how much more we have to learn about the history ofmodern mass production after Fordism.

Date submitted 17 May 2011Revised version submitted 2 June 2012Accepted 15 June 2012

DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.2012.00675.x

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