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USER & PARTS MANUAL Version 1b 12/2014

MACH 4 CART Manual V1b - English

Aug 17, 2015




Manual for Cassese Mach 4 Underpinner Machine
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USER & PARTS MANUAL Version 1b 12/2014 Version 1 07/2014 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 2 INDEX I.USER MANUAL / ENGLISH ............................................................................................ 6 1PRESENTATION .................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.AWORK TABLE ..................................................................................................................................................................7 1.BINTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................................9 1.CACCESSORIES SUPPLIED WITH THE MACHINE ................................................................................................................9 1.DTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF MACH 4 CART ............................................................................................................10 1.EOPTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................................10 1.FGUARANTEE .................................................................................................................................................................10 2SETUP .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.A.UNPACKING THE MACHINE ..........................................................................................................................................11 2.AAIR LINE FITTINGS ........................................................................................................................................................12 2.BCONNECTING TO THE AIR SOURCE ...............................................................................................................................12 3STARTING UP ................................................................................................................................................... 14 3.APLUGGING THE MACHINE ............................................................................................................................................14 3.BLANGUAGE SELECTION .................................................................................................................................................14 4ADJUSTMENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 15 4.AADJUSTMENT OF THE SLIDING TABLE ..........................................................................................................................15 4.BPROPER ADJUSTMENT OF MAGNETIC ADJUSTABLE ROD CLAMP ................................................................................15 4.CSPECIFIC USE OF THE SPACER BARS .............................................................................................................................16 4.DSELECTING THE WEDGES POSITIONS ...........................................................................................................................17 4.ETHREE ESSENTIAL RULES ..............................................................................................................................................17 4.FADJUSTING THE JOINING ANGLE ..................................................................................................................................17 4.GMEANS OF JOINING ......................................................................................................................................................18 4.HLOADING OF CARTRIDGE WEDGES ...............................................................................................................................18 4.ICHANGING WEDGES SIZE .................................................................................................................................................19 5PROGRAMMING THE MACHINE ....................................................................................................................... 20 5.AADVANCED SCREEN: PROGRAMMING A PROFILE ........................................................................................................20 5.BADVANCED SCREEN: MEMORISING A PROFILE ............................................................................................................22 5.CADVANCED SCREEN: RECALLING A MEMORISED ARTICLE ...........................................................................................23 5.DADVANCED SCREEN: PREPARING THE EXECUTION ......................................................................................................24 5.D.aSelecting the stapling mode ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 5.D.bSelecting the speed..................................................................................................................................................................... 24 5.D.cResetting the counter ................................................................................................................................................................. 24 5.EADVANCED SCREEN: REVIEW OF ALL BUTTONS ...........................................................................................................25 5.FSIMPLE SCREEN: PROGRAMMING A PROFILE ..............................................................................................................26 5.GSIMPLE SCREEN: MEMORISING A PROFILE ...................................................................................................................27 5.HSIMPLE SCREEN: PREPARING THE EXECUTION .............................................................................................................29 5.H.aSelecting the stapling mode ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 5.H.bSelecting the speed..................................................................................................................................................................... 29 5.H.cResetting the counter ................................................................................................................................................................. 29 5.ISIMPLE SCREEN: REVIEW OF ALL BUTTONS......................................................................................................................30 5.JUSE OF REGULATORS ........................................................................................................................................................30 6SCREENS AND OPTIONS: .................................................................................................................................. 31 6.AARTICLES SCREEN .........................................................................................................................................................31 6.BSETTINGS SCREEN .........................................................................................................................................................32 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 3 6.B.aPage 1: maintenance alarm ........................................................................................................................................................ 32 6.B.bPage 2: counter configuration .................................................................................................................................................... 33 6.B.cPage 2: fine tuning of the shooting position ............................................................................................................................... 33 6.B.dPage 2: changing the language of the machine .......................................................................................................................... 33 6.B.ePage 3: setting date and time ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 6.B.fPage 3: choosing the favorite execution screen ......................................................................................................................... 34 6.B.gPage 3: overriding wedge sensor: ............................................................................................................................................... 34 6.B.hPage 3: reading the statistics ...................................................................................................................................................... 34 6.B.iPage 3: configuring the manual mode ........................................................................................................................................ 35 6.B.jPage 4: Reading input/outputs ................................................................................................................................................... 35 6.B.kPage 5: database management .................................................................................................................................................. 35 6.B.lPage 6: barcode management: ................................................................................................................................................... 38 6.CARTICLE LIST SCREEN: ...................................................................................................................................................38 6.DNETWORK MENU .........................................................................................................................................................39 7MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................................ 41 7.ASAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................................41 7.BMAINTENANCE PLAN ...................................................................................................................................................41 7.B.aDaily maintenance: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41 7.B.bRegular maintenance: ................................................................................................................................................................. 41 7.B.cEvery 6 months: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 42 7.CREMOVING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD ...........................................................................................................................42 7.DLUBRICATING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD ........................................................................................................................43 7.EUNJAMMING THE MACHINE ........................................................................................................................................43 7.FRESETTING THE MAINTENANCE ALARM ......................................................................................................................44 7.GREMOVING THE SIDE PANEL ........................................................................................................................................44 7.HLUBRICATING THE HORIZONTAL COLUMNS .................................................................................................................45 7.ITESTING THE SAFETIES OF THE MACHINE ........................................................................................................................45 7.JTROUBLE SHOOTING ........................................................................................................................................................46 II.MANUEL DUTILISATION / FRANCAIS ......................................................................... 48 1PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................................................ 49 1.ATABLE DASSEMBLAGE .................................................................................................................................................49 1.BINTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................51 1.CACCESSOIRES FOURNIS AVEC LA MACHINE ..................................................................................................................51 1.DSPECIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES ......................................................................................................................................52 1.EOPTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................................52 1.FGARANTIE .....................................................................................................................................................................52 2MISE EN ROUTE ................................................................................................................................................ 53 2.ADEBALLAGE DE LA MACHINE ........................................................................................................................................53 2.BRACCORDS ....................................................................................................................................................................54 2.CRACCORDEMENT A LAIR COMPRIM ..........................................................................................................................54 3DEMARRAGE DE LA MACHINE .......................................................................................................................... 56 3.ARACCORDEMENT ELECTRIQUE DE LA MACHINE ..........................................................................................................56 3.BSELECTION DE LA LANGUE ...........................................................................................................................................56 4REGLAGES ........................................................................................................................................................ 57 4.AREGLAGE DE LA TABLE COULISSANTE ..........................................................................................................................57 4.BREGLAGE DU PRESSEUR VERTICAL ...............................................................................................................................57 4.CUTILISATION DU JEU DE BARRETTES ............................................................................................................................58 4.DSELECTION DES POSITIONS DAGRAFAGE ....................................................................................................................59 4.ETROIS REGLES ESSENTIELLES POUR LASSEMBLAGE .....................................................................................................59 4.FREGLAGE DE LANGLE DASSEMBLAGE.........................................................................................................................59 4.GMOYEN DASSEMBLAGE ...............................................................................................................................................60 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 4 4.HCHARGEMENT DES AGRAFES .......................................................................................................................................60 4.ICHANGER DE TAILLE DAGRAFES ......................................................................................................................................61 5PROGRAMMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 62 5.AMODE AVANCE: PROGRAMMATION DUN PROFILE ....................................................................................................62 5.BMODE AVANCE: MEMORISATION DUN PROFILE .........................................................................................................64 5.CMODE AVANCE: RAPPEL DUN ARTICLE MEMORISE ....................................................................................................65 5.DMODE AVANCE: PREPARATION A LEXECUTION ..........................................................................................................66 5.D.aSlection du mode dagrafage .................................................................................................................................................... 66 5.D.bSlection de la vitesse................................................................................................................................................................. 66 5.D.cMise zero du compteur ............................................................................................................................................................ 66 5.EMODE AVANCE: VUE DENSEMBLE DES BOUTONS ......................................................................................................67 5.FMODE STANDARD: PROGRAMMER UN PROFILE..........................................................................................................68 5.GMODE STANDARD: MEMORISATION DUN PROFILE ....................................................................................................69 5.HMODE STANDARD: PREPARATION A LEXECUTION ......................................................................................................70 5.H.aSlection du mode dagrafage .................................................................................................................................................... 71 5.H.bSlection de la vitesse................................................................................................................................................................. 71 5.H.cInitialisation du compteur .......................................................................................................................................................... 71 5.IMODE STANDARD: VUE DENSEMBLE DES BOUTONS ......................................................................................................72 5.JUTILISATION DES REGULATEURS ......................................................................................................................................72 6ECRANS ETOPTIONS:....................................................................................................................................... 73 6.AMENU ARTICLES ...........................................................................................................................................................73 6.BPARAMETRES ...............................................................................................................................................................74 6.B.aPage 1: alarme maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................... 74 6.B.bPage 2: configuration du compteur ............................................................................................................................................ 75 6.B.cPage 2: ajustage de la position dagrafage ................................................................................................................................. 75 6.B.dPage 2: changer la langue de la machine .................................................................................................................................... 75 6.B.ePage 3: dfinir lheure et la date ................................................................................................................................................ 76 6.B.fPage 3: dfinir le mode dexcution favori ................................................................................................................................. 76 6.B.gPage 3: dsactiver le capteur dagrafe........................................................................................................................................ 76 6.B.hPage 3: statistiques ..................................................................................................................................................................... 76 6.B.iPage 3: configuration du mode manuel...................................................................................................................................... 77 6.B.jPage 4: lecture des entres/sorties ............................................................................................................................................ 77 6.B.kPage 5: gestion de la base de donnes ....................................................................................................................................... 77 6.B.lPage 6: utilisation du code barres ............................................................................................................................................ 80 6.CLISTE ARTICLES .............................................................................................................................................................80 6.DNETWORK MENU .........................................................................................................................................................81 7MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................................ 82 7.AINSTRUCTIONS RELATIVES A LA SECURITE ...................................................................................................................82 7.BPROGRAMME DE MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................82 7.B.aMaintenance quotidienne: ......................................................................................................................................................... 82 7.B.bMaintenance prventive: ........................................................................................................................................................... 82 7.B.cTous les six mois: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 83 7.CDEMONTAGE DE LA TETE DE DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................................83 7.DLUBRICATION DE LA TETE DE DISTRIBUTION ...............................................................................................................84 7.EDEBLOCAGE DE LA MACHINE .......................................................................................................................................84 7.FEFFACEMENT DE LALARME MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................85 7.GDEMONTAGE DES PANNEAUX LATERAUX ....................................................................................................................85 7.HLUBRIFICATIONDES COLONNESHORIZONTALES .......................................................................................................86 7.IVERIFICATION DES SECURITES DE LA MACHINE ...............................................................................................................86 7.JGUIDE DE DEPANNAGE .....................................................................................................................................................87 III.EXPLODED VIEWS/ VUE ECLATEES ............................................................................. 89 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 5 IV.SPARE PARTS LIST / NOMENCLATURE ...................................................................... 103 V.ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS / SCHEMAS ELECTRIQUES ................................................ 110 VI.CE CERTIFICATE / DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE ................................................... 117 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 6 I. USER MANUAL / ENGLISH Your safety is our priority Thissymbolonthemachineremindsthe operator to read this manualbeforeoperating this joiner. Thissymbolonthemachineremindsthe operatortowearacousticprotectionsbefore operating this joiner. PRIOR TO PERFORM ANY MAINTENANCE, MACHINE MUST BE LOCKED AND UNPLUGGED FROM POWER SOURCES (AIRANDELECTRICITY),REFERTOCHAPTERI.7.ASAFETYINSTRUCTIONS(PAGE41).DONOTOPERATETHE MACHINE IF COVERS OR PROTECTIONS ARE MISSING. Thissymbolinthemanualistomentionsome tricks that can help you saving time or improve your production. This symbol in the manual is to mention safety instructions. Thissymbolinthemanualistomention needed tools to perform a procedure. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 7 1 PRESENTATION 1.AWORK TABLE Rebate clamp1 Touch screen2 Magnetic adjustable rod clamp assembly3 Crossbar4 Sliding table handle5 Sliding table6 1st back fence7 Angle adjusting screw8 2nd back fence9 Wedge distributor10 Plunger speed regulator11 Clamp pressure regulator12 Air pressure gauge13 Air valve14

5 3 7 2 6 8 9 10 1 4 13 14 1112 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 8 Loading button15 Pre-clamp button16 Stapling button17 Emergency/stop & start button 18 15 16 17 18 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 9 1.BINTRODUCTION Thanks for having purchased the MACH 4 CART underpinner and for your trust in Cassese products. The MACH 4 CART benefits fromCassesesexperiencesince1976indesigningandmanufacturinghighestqualityunderpinners,forwhichweareworld-famous. The MACH 4 CART will allow you to join, wooden, plastic and MDF profiles (patent n 7522814). Joining operation is carried out by using Genuine Cassese Cartridge Wedges, specially designed to perform perfect and tight frames corners.1.CACCESSORIES SUPPLIED WITH THE MACHINE Z26999: 1 x Magneticadjustable rod clamp Z24703: 1 x Chevron holder Z21524: 1 x Chevron rubber Z506: 1xWedgedriverbladefor usingCASSESEGenuine Cartridge Wedges Z1882: 1 x Allen Key 3 mm Z1884: 1 x Allen Key 4 mm Z1896: 1 x Grease Tube Z1885: 1 x Allen Key 5 mm Z1879: 1 x Allen Key 2.5 mm Z3078: Spacer bars 1 box of 7 mm Softwood 1 box of 10mm Hardwood 1 box of 10mm Softwood Z535: Wedge removal tool USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 10 1.DTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF MACH 4 CART Minimum moulding width: 5mm (3/16) / Minimum moulding height : 7 mm (1/4) Maximum moulding width : 150 mm ( 5 29/32) / Maximum moulding height : 100 mm ( 4 13/32 ) Maximum stroke between first and last wedge (at 45) : 190 mm (7 31/64) 3 wedge types : Softwood, Hardwood & MDF. Use only Cassese Genuine Cartridge Wedges.Cassese Genuine Cartridge Wedges sizes: 5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 mm. Machine gross weight : 97 kg . Dimensions :Width 668mm (2ft 219/64) x Depth 589mm (1ft 113/16) x Height 1171mm (3ft 107/64). Power supply:110/230V, 50/60 Hz, single-phase, Consumption : 500W. Air Supply : compressed air 6-7 bars Average consumption per cycle : 2 Nl at 6 bars (we consider one cycle is a corner with 2 positions and 1 wedge per position) 1.EOPTIONS 1.FGUARANTEE One year guarantee for parts and labor against manufacturing defects. Wearing parts* and those damaged as a result of non-appliance with the instructions of the present manual are excluded from the guarantee. *Chevron rubbers, round clamps and wedge driver blades are considered as wearing parts.Z1783: Yellow round clamp Z25147: Stainlesssteelshelffor wedges and accessories Barcodereader(Contact the customer service) Barcode reader (Contact the Z1791: Green round clamp Z18065: Round clamp holder USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 11 2 SETUP 2.A.UNPACKING THE MACHINE Cut both plastic strips inordertofreethe boxandliftupthe woodcoverwiththe helpofasecond person. Remove the 4 bolts to freethemachine fromthecrate.They arelocatedunderthe pallet. Thescreenisholdin place with 3 screws. 2arelocatedontop of the screen. Afterunpackingthe machine,installand setthe4feettolevel themachine.Make surethe4feetare touchingthefloor, machinemustbe steady. Whenlevellingthemachine,ifthemachineisinstalledagainstaworkingtable,makesurealongframewill notberisenupbythetable,becausethiswouldcausebadjoining.Workingtableandmachineshouldbe levelled together. Figure 2-1 Figure 2-4Figure 2-3 Figure 2-2 Cutter Flat span N.13 & N.17 Allen key N.5 Bubble level Oneislocatedunder the screen. Thescreencanbe installedontheother sideofthemachine using these screws. Figure 2-6Figure 2-5 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 12 2.AAIR LINE FITTINGS Included in the machine Customers air connection Standard hose connector - Z556 Q/R US male connector - Z701 2.BCONNECTING TO THE AIR SOURCE The machine should be connected to a pneumatic circuit providing 6 to 8 bars pressure. Connect the machine usingthequick connectorsas mentionedin chapter I.2.A Wheninstallingthemachine,makesurethefloorwillbeflatandstrongenoughtosupportitsweight.It shouldbeinstalledinadryenvironmentprovidingtemperatetemperature.Thefloorshouldbeflatand clean. Select a location with proper lighting. Figure 2-7 Quick release(Q/R) Female Air Connector - Z749 Quick release(Q/R) Female Air Connector - Z749 TheMACH4CART mustbeconnected totheairsource locatedonthefront panelofthedrawer. Turn the compressed airvalvetoONby rotating its red knob . Theairpressure gaugeshouldshow6 bars(85p.s.i.) minimum. The red knob in Figure 2-8 can be used to secure the machine during maintenance or to prevent non desired use. A lock can be applied toit in stop position so nobodycan turn it back to ON. This will exhaust air from the machine circuit and disconnect it from air supply, but it WILL NOT switch off electrical components. Refer to chapter I.7.ASAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (page 41) for further instructions. Figure 2-8 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 13 If the indicated pressure is not 6 bars (85 p.s.i.), check the pressure at the air source (compressor). Then, if pressure is correct at the air source, it means the regulator of the machine needs fine tuning. Perform the following procedure to adjust it (Figure 2-9 and Figure 2-10) Unscrewboth screwsofthe drawerpanelwitha 3mm Allen key. Thenopenthe drawertohave accesstotheair pressureregulator knob. Pulluptheair pressureregulator knobandturnit (clockwise=more pressure)untilthe needleoftheair pressuregauge reaches6bars (85p.s.i.). Figure 2-9Figure 2-10 Allen key N.3 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 14 3 STARTING UP 3.APLUGGING THE MACHINE 3.BLANGUAGE SELECTION Connectthe electricalplugofthe MACH4CARTtoa grounded220/110V single-phase outlet. Switch on the MACH4 CART, by rotating the emergencySTOP& START BUTTON Figure 3-1Figure 3-2 This screen will come upwhenmachine will start. Somestatistics showingamountof Vnailsandcorners (calledcycles)done bythemachineare alsodisplayed. Touchthescreen anywhereelseto entertheexecution screen. Figure 3-3 Selectyourlanguage bytouchingtheflag inbottomright cornerofthescreen. Pressseveraltimes onthatflaguntilthe requestedlanguage is displayed. Figure 3-4 Figure 3-5 Prior to perform any maintenance always unplug the machine from the wall socket,if the red buttonis pushed it will still leave some alive wires inside the machine. Refer to chapterI.7.ASAFETY INSTRUCTIONS(page 41) for satety instructions. The machine should be connected to a protected electricalsupply according to the laws in your country (surgeand earth protection). Please have a professional electrician checking your installation in case of doubt. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 15 4 ADJUSTMENTS 4.AADJUSTMENT OF THE SLIDING TABLE 4.BPROPER ADJUSTMENT OF MAGNETIC ADJUSTABLE ROD CLAMP Figure 4-5 Whenadjustingtheverticalrodclamp,closeritisfromthetopofthemoulding,andfasterwillbe themachine.Themachinewillnotdamagethemoulding,evenifthedistanceisveryclose.Ifthe distance is superior to 50mm, the wedge will not penetrate fully inside the wood. Amagnetic adjustablerod clampcomeswith yourmachineasa standardfeature. Itfitsthecrossbar thankstothe lockingringand can be set at 1 to 7 positions. Theslidingtable(see page7)needstobe adjusted to be able to setthevarious stapling positions. Todothis,switchon the Pre-Clamp button. Figure 4-1 Unscrewthesliding table handle. Shift the slidingtable inordertotighten bothmouldingswith therebateclamp (see page7). Thentightenthe sliding table handle . Switchbackoffthe Pre-Clampbuttonin ordertoreleasethe mouldingsand removethe mouldingthatwas againsttheback fence. Figure 4-2 Pulltheblackknob tobeabletoadjust thespacebetween theverticalclamp andthetopofthe moulding.Youmust have50mm(2)max betweentheclamp andthetopofthe moulding.Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-6 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 16 4.CSPECIFIC USE OF THE SPACER BARS Exampleofbad settingofthe chevron. Payattentionto properlypositionthe magneticchevron clamp:thesidesof the chevron must be paralleltoback fences 1 and 2. Figure 4-7 Nowwithquick-changemagnetic clamps,itiseasyto change from chevron to a round clamp. Simply pull downthe Z24703tochangeof clamp support. Whenjoiningsmall mouldings(lower thantheheightof thebackfences),it isnecessarytouse thesetofspacer barssuppliedwith the machine. This is an example of abadsetting,the spacerbarnotbeing usedwillcausethe topclampnotto holdthemoulding correctly.The mouldingwilljump up during stapling. Figure 4-10 Figure 4-11 Figure 4-9 Figure 4-8 SPACERS Thespacerbarsare madeoftwosteel barslinkedwitha screwlockedbya nut.Thenutsideis thebottomsideof the spacer bars Herethespacer barsareupside down.Thenutis visibleonthetop, which is not correct. Figure 4-12Figure 4-13 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 17 4.DSELECTING THE WEDGES POSITIONS The MACH 4 CART is designed to join mouldings in 1 to 9 positions. You can stack up to 9 wedges in each position. The selection depends on the width and thickness of the moulding to join. 4.ETHREE ESSENTIAL RULES 4.FADJUSTING THE JOINING ANGLE 1-AMINIMUM2mmclearance(lessthan1/8)abovethewedgesshallbe respected. 2-Samesizewedgescanbestackedupinordertoavoidhavingtochangethe wedge size when joining mouldings with different thickness. 3- The wedge positions should be lined up to the highest points of the moulding. Figure 4-14 Ifthecorneris openedtowards outside Tightenthe adjustingscrewto correct the defect of the mouldings. Checkthequalityof theangleby clampingthecorner againsttheback fences again. Figure 4-15Figure 4-16 Ifthecorneris openedtowards inside. Loosenthe adjustingscrewto correct the defect of the mouldings. Checkthequalityof theangleby clampingthecorner againsttheback fences again. Figure 4-17Figure 4-18 If you get this result : it means your cutting angle is less than 45. Yourcuttingmachineneedstobesettotheright45angle(checkyourcutting machines user manual to make this adjustment). Figure 4-19 Whenselectingthepositionofthetopclamp,alwayspayattentiontoitscontactsurfacewiththe moulding. Select positions that will provide steady seating. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 18 4.GMEANS OF JOINING 4.HLOADING OF CARTRIDGE WEDGES Thankstothecolorcode,youcanrecognizeandselecteasilythetypeofVnailstobe used.PleasenotethathardwoodVnailswillhaveayellowpushertohelpidentifying them. A white pusher will indicate soft wood Vnails. See color chart bellow for identification. Cassese wedges can also be supplied in MDF type dedicated to MDF or very hard wood use. Tey are identified by a red pusher ine the cartridge.Please contact your local agent to try them. Figure 4-20 It is recommended to use the proper type of wedges for joining, always using hard wood wedges in allyourframewillresultinpoortighteningofthecornerwhenthewoodissoft.Afirstapproach consistsintryingtoscratchthewoodwithyournails,ifyoucanscratchiteasily,thenasoftwood wedge should do the job perfectly and you will get the best tightening. Toloadthemachine, rotatetheloading buttonintheload position. Thewedgepusher willmovebackto allowyouto introducethe cartridge. Loadthecartridge andturnbackthe loading button to off. Figure 4-21 Figure 4-22 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 19 4.ICHANGING WEDGES SIZE RepeatprocedureofFigure4-21,thenremovethecartridgeandinsertanothercartridgeofadifferentcolor.Thankstothe cartridge system, no need to adjust anything or change any head. Then turn back OFF the loading button. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 20 5PROGRAMMING THE MACHINE After performing the adjustments of chapter 4 (ADJUSTMENTS). Perform the following procedure: Depending of the configuration of the machine, when you will touch the screen for the first time after power up, two screens can come up. Both of them are showing the stapling parameters. 5.AADVANCED SCREEN: PROGRAMMING A PROFILE Stillwiththepre-clampingbuttonin ONposition,press RAZbuttontoclear lastjobthatwas alreadyinthe memoryofthe machine. Touch the number of the position you wish toprogram.Number oneisthefirst positionthatwillbe executed,number9 will be the last one. TheMACH4CART canstartfromthe backorfromthe frontofthe moulding. Figure 5-5Figure 5-6 Putonthetableonly onechopof mouldingagainstthe fence. Thiswillalloweasy visualizationof stapling positions Rotatethepre-clampingbuttonin the ON position. Figure 5-1Figure 5-2 Ifthisscreenis displayed,please refertochapterI.5.AADVANCEDSCREEN: PROGRAMMINGA PROFILE (page 20). Yourmachineis showingthe advanced screen. Ifthisscreenis displayed,please refer to chapterI.5.FSIMPLESCREEN: PROGRAMMINGA PROFILE (page 26). Yourmachineis showingthesimple screen. Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 21 Touchthevalueof thecorresponding position.Akeyboard willbedisplayedto allowyoutoenter thedesiredposition in millimeter. Onceyouhave enteredthedesired position,pressthe Enterbuttonto validateit.The keyboardwillturn off. CLRbuttoncanbe usedtoclearthe valueifamistake wasdone,DEL erasesthelastdigit entered. Figure 5-7Figure 5-8 Figure 5-9 Usingthesame method,touchthe amountofwedgesto beinsertedinthe selectedpositionand enterthedesired value.

Ifasecondposition isneeded,touchthe number correspondingtothe positiontobe programmedand proceedinthesame waytoenterthe desired values. Instead of measuring thepositionand enteringitwiththe keyboard,itis possibletomovethe shootingheadstep bysteptothe requiredposition. Thisallowstocheck immediatelythatthe positionofthetop clampwillbesteady. Touch the number of therequired position. Usethetwoarrows tomovetheheadin one way or the other untilyoureachthe required position. Figure 5-10 Figure 5-11 Figure 5-12 Figure 5-13 Thevaluetobe enteredisin millimetersand shouldbemeasured from the rebate. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 22 5.BADVANCED SCREEN: MEMORISING A PROFILE Afterhavingproceededtotheprogrammingofthemachine(refertochapter5.AADVANCEDSCREEN:PROGRAMMINGA PROFILE page 20), it is possible to memorize the profile so it can be executed next time without having to program it again. Some extra parameters can also be set to ensure the operator is using proper accessories. Iftheframeis octagonalor hexagonaltype,then touchthe45button severaltimesuntil the right angle is set. Iftheoperator shouldusethe spacerbars,touch thespacersbutton severaltimesto achievetheright setting. Refer to chapter I.4.C SPECIFIC USE OF THE SPACERBARS(page16)toknowwhen useofspaceris recommanded. Figure 5-14 Figure 5-15 Figure 5-16Figure 5-17 Ifyouwishto memorize the type of topclamptobe used,touchthat buttonseveraltimes untilthecorrecttop clamp is displayed. Selectthecorrect sizeofwedge proceedingthesame way. Enterthewitdhof themoulding,by touchingthisbutton. Akeyboardwillbe displayed to help you enteringtheneeded value. Figure 5-18 Touchthatbuttonto beabletogivean articlenametoyour profile.Thisname willbeusedtorecall yourprofilein further joining. Figure 5-19 Thekeyboardwill comeup,useitto enterthedesired name. Press theENT buttontovalidateit. Thekeyboardwill turn off. CLRbuttoncanbe usedtoclearthe valueifamistake wasdone,DEL erasesthelastdigit entered. Figure 5-20 Pressthisbuttonto memorizethearticle in the memory of the machine. Figure 5-21 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 23 5.CADVANCED SCREEN: RECALLING A MEMORISED ARTICLE If you wish to execute an article that was memorized previously, follow this procedure. If the step Figure 5-21 is forgotten, the article wont be memorized, meaning it can be executed but it wont be available for further use. Figure 5-22 Touchthatbuttonto beabletoenteran articletobe executed. Thekeyboardwill comeup,useitto enterthedesired name.PresstheENT buttontovalidateit. Thekeyboardwill turn off. CLRbuttoncanbe usedtoclearthe valueifamistake wasdone,DEL erasesthelastdigit entered. Pressthisbuttonto searchthearticlein thememoryofthe machine. Figure 5-23 Figure 5-24Figure 5-25 Themachinewill displaythevarious accessoriestobeused, in this example: -green round clamp -5mm wedges -squareframe -spacerbarsare needed. Oncetheaccessories havebeeninstalled accordingly,press executebuttonto confirm. Figure 5-26 This screen will come upaskingyouto makethepre-clampingoperation. Refer to chapter I.4.AADJUSTMENTOFTHE SLIDINGTABLEpage 15tosetthesliding table correctly. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 24 5.DADVANCED SCREEN: PREPARING THE EXECUTION Once the parameters are set correctly ( chapter 5.AADVANCED SCREEN: PROGRAMMING A PROFILE), you can then configure the execution. 5.D.aSelecting the stapling mode 5.D.bSelecting the speed 5.D.cResetting the counter Figure 5-27 Select the mode you would like to use for stapling. Press AUTO or MANU. The selected mode will remain black background. MANUALMODE :thismodewillrequiretwoactionstogetthecornerdone.Pressing the pedal will engage the front clamps to keep both mouldings together. You can then check the joining beforelaunching the stapling with the stapling button. Manual mode will be selected by default at each power up of the machine. AUTO MODE: this is the quickest mode, the machine will engage the front clamps and staple immediately when the pedal will be pressed. Theverticalclampspeedcanbeadjusteddependingonthehardnessofthewood. Usingthatbuttonwillsetthespeedoftheverticalclamp.Pressthatbuttontoselect turtle or rabbit mode. TURTLE MODE : this mode will select a slower speed for the vertical clamp, it is useful for very soft moulding. RABBIT MODE: Most of the time this mode will not cause any damage to the moulding and can be used to save time. Figure 5-28 Pressingthisbuttonwillhelptosetthecounter,akeyboardwillappearallowingto reset it or to set it to a certain number. If you set it at zero when starting production, you will see it increasing at each cycle so youknowhowmanycyclesweredone.Youcanalsoconfigureitsoitwilldecrease. Thenenteringtheamounttobedoneinthisfieldwillallowyoutoseetheremaining cycles to be done. This counter can be set so it counts frames or corners. Refer to chapter I.6.B.b Page 2: counter configuration (page 33) for configuration of that counter. Figure 5-29 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 25 5.EADVANCED SCREEN: REVIEW OF ALL BUTTONS This screen will display the 9 positions in only one page, each position has a dedicated box labelled with its position number. No need to navigate in different pages to see the various positions programmed. Alarm messages Joiningangle(if different from 45, youwillneed optional spacers). To indicate if operator needs to introduce the spacer bars Toindicatethetypeof vertical clamp to be used. Positionin millimeters Position number Quantity of Vnails Returntomain menu Size of Vnails to be used Moulding width Recordprofile button Movehead forward. Movehead backward. Select stapling speed Reset cycle (for example after jamming) Quantityofcycles done Referenceofthe profiles Manual mode Automatic mode Tosearchfora reference USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 26 5.FSIMPLE SCREEN: PROGRAMMING A PROFILE Withthepre-clamplingbuttonstill inONposition,press RAZbuttontoclear lastjobthatwas alreadyinthe memoryofthe machine. TouchthebuttonPOSseveraltimeto achievetheposition you wish to program. Thenumberofthe positionisdisplayed onrightsideofthis button.Numberone isthefirstposition that will be executed, number9willbethe last one. TheMACH4CART canstartfromthe backorfromthe frontofthe moulding. Touchthevalueof theposition.A keyboardwillbe activatedtoallow youtoenterthe desiredpositionin millimeter. Onceyouhave enteredthedesired position,pressthe Enterbuttonto validateit.The keyboardwillturn off. CLRbuttoncanbe usedtoclearthe valueifamistake wasdone,DEL erasesthelastdigit entered. Figure 5-30Figure 5-31 Figure 5-32Figure 5-33 Figure 5-34 Usingthesame method,touch severaltimesthe amount of wedges to beinsertedinthe selectedposition untilthedesired valueisdisplayed. Number of wedges is justonrightsideof the button.

Repeatsame procedurefrom Figure5-31forother positions. Instead of measuring thepositionand enteringitwiththe keyboard,itis possibletomovethe shootingheadstep bysteptothe desired position. Use the arrows to get theheadmovingto the desired position.

Figure 5-35 Figure 5-36 Figure 5-37 Thevaluetobe enteredisin millimetersand shouldbemeasured from the rebate. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 27 5.GSIMPLE SCREEN: MEMORISING A PROFILE Afterhavingproceededtotheprogrammingofthemachine(refertochapter5.FSIMPLESCREEN:PROGRAMMINGAPROFILE page 26 ), it is possible to memorize the profile so it can be executed next time without having to program it again.This cant be donefromthesimplescreen,butitcanbedonefromadvancedscreen,eveniftheprogrammingwasdonefromthesimple screen. Iftheframeis octagonalor hexagonaltype,then touchthe45button severaltimesuntil the right angle is set. Iftheoperator shouldusethe spacerstouchthe spacerbarsbutton severaltimesto achievetheright setting. Refer to chapter I.4.C SPECIFIC USE OF THE SPACERBARS(page 16)toknowwhen useofspaceris recommanded. Figure 5-41 Figure 5-42 The simple and advanced screen are linked together, any modification in one screen will affect the otherone,soyoucanswapatanymomentfromsimpletoadvancedscreenwithoutloosingyour parameters. Press the main menu button.

Thenpressthe ADVANCEDbutton or STANDARD button toreturntothe simple screen.

Figure 5-39Figure 5-40 Itisalsopossibleto godirectlyata desiredpositionby touching the position number.Akeypad willallowyouto selectdirectlythe position.

Figure 5-38 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 28 Figure 5-43Figure 5-44 Ifyouwishto memorize the type of topclamptobe used,touchthat buttonseveraltimes untilthecorrecttop clamp is displayed. Selectthecorrect sizeofwedge proceedingthesame way. Enterthewitdhof themoulding,by touchingthisbutton. A keyboard will come ontohelpyou enteringtheneeded value. Figure 5-45 Touchthatbuttonto beabletogivean articlenametoyour profile.Thisname willbeusedtorecall yourprofilein further joining. Figure 5-46 Thekeyboardwill comeup,useitto enterthedesired name. Press theENT buttontovalidateit. Thekeyboardwill turn off. CLRbuttoncanbe usedtoclearthe valueifamistake wasdone,DEL erasesthelastdigit entered. Figure 5-47 Pressthisbuttonto memorizethearticle in the memory of the machine. Figure 5-48 IfthestepofFigure5-48isforgotten,thearticlewontbememorized,meaningitcanbeexecuted but it wont be available for further use. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 29 5.HSIMPLE SCREEN: PREPARING THE EXECUTION Oncetheparametersaresetcorrectly(seechapter5.FSIMPLESCREEN:PROGRAMMINGAPROFILEpage26),youcanthen configure the execution. 5.H.aSelecting the stapling mode 5.H.bSelecting the speed 5.H.cResetting the counter Figure 5-49 Selectthemodeyouwouldliketouseforstapling.PressAUTOorMANUTheselected mode will remain black background. MANUAL MODE : this mode will require two actions to get the corner done. Pressing the pedal will engage the front clamps to keep both mouldings together. You can then check the joining beforelaunching the stapling with the stapling button. Manual mode will be selected by default at each power up of the machine. AUTOMODE:thisisthequickestmode,themachinewillengagethefrontclampsand staple immediately when the pedal ispressed. Theverticalclampspeedcanbeadjusteddependingonthehardnessofthewood. Usingthatbuttonwillsetthespeedoftheverticalclamp.Pressthatbuttontoselect turtle or rabbit mode. TURTLE MODE : this mode will select a slower speed for the vertical clamp, it is useful for very soft moulding. RABBIT MODE: Most of the time this mode will not cause any damage to the moulding and can be used to save time. Figure 5-50 Pressingthisbuttonwillhelptosetthecounter,akeyboardwillappearallowingto reset it or to set it to a certain number. If you set it at zero when starting production, you will see it increasing at each cycle so youknowhowmanycycleswerejoined.Youcanalsoconfigureitsoitwilldecrease. Thenenteringtheamounttobedoneinthisfieldwillallowyoutoseetheremaining cycles to be done. This counter can be set so it counts frames or corners. RefertochapterI.6.B.bPage2:counterconfiguration(page33)forconfigurationof that counter. Figure 5-51 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 30 5.ISIMPLE SCREEN: REVIEW OF ALL BUTTONS This screen will display positions one by one. 5.JUSE OF REGULATORS Alarm messages Positionin millimeters Position number Quantity of Vnails Return to main menu Movehead forward Movehead backward Select stapling speed Resetcycle(for exampleafter jamming) Quantityofcycles done Manual mode Automatic mode Alarm messages lights, will turn to black background when active Cycling time On the side of the machine are located two regulators. When using the machine, if a very soft mouldingis joined, it ispossible to reduce the pressure of the clamps with the regulator CLAMP PRESSURE. Forthatparticularmouldingitwillalsobepossibletoreducethespeedofthetop clamp,asitcouldleavealittlemarkonthemoulding.UsetheregulatorPLUNGER SPEED to adjust it. Thanks to the sensors of the machine,90% of the mouldings can be covered with this regulators set at max value without having to set them.

Figure 5-52 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 31 6SCREENS AND OPTIONS: 6.AARTICLES SCREEN Figure 6-1 All menus will show a MAINbuttonthat willallowreturning to the main menu. Thismenuwillcome upshowingvarious options. Simplescreenand advancedscreenare detailedinchapter I.5PROGRAMMING THEMACHINE(page 20). Thismenuwillallowto managethearticlesin thememoryofthe machine. Youcanprograman article here and execute anotheroneinthe simpleoradvanced screen. Theparameterswillbe enteredasinchapter I.5PROGRAMMINGTHE MACHINE (page 20). Figure 6-2 Figure 6-3 Oncethepositions andoptionsareset youcanalsoadda date. Touchthe3boxes forDay,Month, Yearsetting,you canalsouseGET DATEDMYtosetit to the current date. Figure 6-4 Figure 6-5 Todeleteanarticle, enterthereferenceto be deleted in the field.

Thenpressthe researchbuttonto displaythe parametersofthe article.

Figure 6-6 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 32 6.BSETTINGS SCREEN 6.B.aPage 1: maintenance alarm PressDELETEbutton toconfirm suppression. This page is useful to reset the maintenance alarm (see chapter I.7.FRESETTING THE MAINTENANCE ALARM page 44). It is possible to read the quantity of wedges used since last reset. When this number is more than 50000, maintenance alarm is displayed. In this chapter are detailed the mostimportant parameters that are availablein pages of setting section. Six pages of parameters are available, use the bottom line to display the needed page. Some parameters are protected by a code, it is recommanded not to change any setting without instruction. Contact your Cassese agent for more details if the parameter is not described in this section. Some parameters can affect the safety or functions of the machine, do not attempt to modify any setting without precise instructions from Cassese. Do not communicate codes to untrained people. Figure 6-9 Figure 6-10 Pressthedelete buttontosuppress the reference.

Figure 6-7Figure 6-8 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 33 6.B.bPage 2: counter configuration In the execution screen, a counter (see Figure 5-29 and Figure 5-51) can be used. 6.B.cPage 2: fine tuning of the shooting position 6.B.dPage 2: changing the language of the machine -ifthisfieldissetto 1,theamountof cornerwillbe displayedinthe execution screen. -if this field is set to 4 theamountofframe is displayed. Setthisparameter accordingly. Figure 6-11 If the machine doesnt shoot in the right position, it is possible to calibrate it. Applying +1 to OFFSET 45 will increase the position of all wedges of +1mm. Aftertouchingthatbutton,acodewillberequested,enter9059atprompt.Oncethe setting is done, turn off the machine to lock back the parameters. Thisparametersetat DECMODECOUNT willsetthecounterin decreasemode, counting backwards. Thisparametersetat INCMODECOUNT willsetthecounterin increasemode, counting upwards. Figure 6-12 It is possible to change the language from that page, press the flag several times until the right language is displayed. Figure 6-13 Figure 6-14 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 34 6.B.ePage 3: setting date and time 6.B.fPage 3: choosing the favorite execution screen 6.B.gPage 3: overriding wedge sensor: Incasethewedgesensoriscausingproblems,itispossibletodeactivateit(machinewillnotdetectanymoretheendofthe cartridge). 6.B.hPage 3: reading the statistics Pressthisbuttonto set date/time. Themachinewillask foracode,enterthe code 9059. A keyboard will come ONtoallowyouto enteryour parameters. When the machine is started up,the welcome screen will appear. Changing that option willmakethemachinegoinginsimplescreenimmediately(selectMODE486)orin advancedscreenimmediately(selectMODE3099)whenyouwilltouchthewelcome screen . The machine will ask for a code, enter the code 9059. Once the setting is done, turn off the machine to lock back the parameters. Figure 6-17 Figure 6-18 Themachineismeasuringpermanentlythetimespenttomakeacornertodisplay the following statistics: SEC/C: measures how long it took to make the last cycle (in seconds). C/MIN: tells how many cycles of the last job could be done in a minute. C/HOUR: tells how many cycles of the last job could be done in a hour. C/LAST MIN: measure how many cycles where done in the last minute. C/H LAST MIN: measure how many cycles where done in the last hour. You can also have access to the following: COUNTER NAILS: amount of nails shoot by the machine since it was build. COUNTER CYC: amount of corners done by the machine since it was build. Figure 6-20 Figure 6-15Figure 6-16 Usearrowstoselect thedatatomodify, then + or to change the setting. PressSAVEbutton before to QUIT. Oncethesettingis done,turnoffthe machinetolockback the parameters.

ChangeOPTICAL FIBREtoNONAIL SENSOR . Youwillbeaskedfor the code 9059. Makesurethis parameterisalsoset to NO NAIL SENSOR. Oncethesettingis done,turnoffthe machinetolockback the parameters.

Figure 6-19 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 35 6.B.iPage 3: configuring the manual mode 6.B.jPage 4: Reading input/outputs 6.B.kPage 5: database management The manual mode consist in pressing the pedal to get the clamp activation and then pressoncethestaplingbuttontolaunchthecompletestaplingsequenceofthe corner. It is possible to set the manual mode to a more detailed sequence. The operator will thenhavetousestaplingbuttonateachpositionofwedge,thisallowingabetter quality control for special jobs. You will be asked for the code 9059 to be able to set that parameter. Once the setting is done, turn off the machine to lock back the parameters. Figure 6-21 This page his helpful to check if a component of the machine is working. Leftcolumnisdedicatedtoinputsignals,yellowbackgroundwillcomeonwhen activated. Right column is dedicated to outputs, red background will come on when activated. Thispageisrealtimevisualization,itispossibletoachieveitwhilelaunchinga stapling. Figure 6-22 Figure 6-24 Figure 6-23 The database of the machine can store up to 2990 files. This page is dedicated to its management. Any action in this page, due to the volumes of datas, will take up to 15 minutesduringwhichthemachinecantbeused.Itispossibletoreducethe database sizing to reducethis time. If you know you donthave morethen500 files forexample,thenenter500inthefieldDATABASESIZE,thiswillreducethe necessary time for treatment. Onceyouaredonewiththedatabasemanagement,donotforgettoputitbackto 2990orthemachinewillnotbeabletostorethe2990filesandthefullmemory message will be displayed. You will be asked for the code 0721 to be able to set that parameter. Once the setting is done, turn off the machine to lock back the parameters. Classifying the references: The machine is storing a new file in the first free location of its memory. It means you mightnothaveaAtoZclassification,dependingoftheorderyouhavebeen creating/deleting your files. ToclassifyyourfilesinaAtoZorder,presstheSORTDATABASEbutton.Referto procedureofFigure6-23priortolaunchthisprocedureinordertoreducethe treatment time. You will be asked for a code, enter 0271 to get access to that function. Once the setting is done, turn off the machine to lock back the parameters. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 36 Exporting database: Deleting blank articles: When deleting a file the machine will keep a blank allocation in the list of the articles, ifyouwishtohaveacontinuouslistandremovetheseblankarticles,usethat DELETEARTICLEBLANKbutton.RefertoprocedureofFigure6-23priortolaunch this procedure in order to reduce the treatment time. Youwillbeaskedforacode,enter0271togetaccesstothatfunction.Oncethe setting is done, turn off the machine to lock back the parameters. Figure 6-25 Protecting the database: Youcanpreventoperatorsfrommodifyingtherecordedfiles,pressMODIFBASE ENABLE to allow or not this modification. At this time it is still possible to program some new job, without storing them, if you wantoperatorstouseonlywhatisinthememory,pressbuttonMODIFEXEC ENABLE to allow them or not to do that. Youwillbeaskedforacode,enter0271togetaccesstothatfunction.Oncethe setting is done, turn off the machine to lock back the parameters. Figure 6-26 Itispossibleto exportyourfilestoa USBkeysoyoucan saveyourdatabase ortransferthemto another machine. Priortodothis, switchoffthe machineandunplug it. Remove these 2 back screws . Remove these 2 front screws Openthetopcover andplugyourusb key at the back of the screen. Putbackthescreen innormalposition andplugbackthe machine.

Figure 6-27 Figure 6-28 Figure 6-29Figure 6-30 Goinsettingscreen page5andpress buttonEXPORTTO USB.Waitfor processtobe finished. PressREMOVEUSB beforetounplug your key. Thenputbackin placetopcoverand screws.

USB key fat32 1Giga mini Allen key N.3 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 37 Importing database: Accessories screen: Importing database in a target machine will erase all files that were previously in the memory of that target machine and replace them by the source machines database. RepeatprocedureFigure6-27,Figure6-28,Figure6-29.Thenselectsettingscreen page 5 and press button IMPORT TO USB. Wait for process to be finished. Press REMOVE USB before to unplug your key. Then put back in place top cover and screws.

Figure 6-31 Deleting the complete article file: PresstheRAZDATABASEtodeleteallthefilesinthememory.Becareful,thereisno way to recover the deleted files after doing this! You will be asked for a code, enter 0271 to get access to that function.

Figure 6-32 Whenusingthe machineafter recallinga memorizedarticle themachinewill displayona dedicatedscreenthe variousaccessories to be used.

ThebuttonPRINT ACCESSORIESwill beusedtoactivate ornotthat accessoriesscreen. Removingthat screen will save time butoperatorcould usebadwedgesor domistakes selectingtheir accessories.

Figure 6-33Figure 6-34 USB key fat32 Allen key N.3 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 38 Keyboard configuration: 6.B.lPage 6: barcode management: 6.CARTICLE LIST SCREEN: Ifyouareusingabarcodereader,youcanconfigurethetypeofbarcodesthatthe machinewillaccept.Itcanacceptbarcodesfromoldermachinesuchascs486or cs3099 and of course barcodes that were created for a cs4008. This option is useful if you had these machines and dont want to modify your edition software. For example selecting the BC 486 option, will allow using the old barcodes of a CS486ultra, but the machinewillnotshowtheaccessoriestobeused(suchasspacerbars,typeoftop clamp) as the CS486 didnt have that feature. Touch the button BC4008 and set it to the required value.

Figure 6-37 WhenKEYBOARD NUM is selected only thatsimplekeyboard willbedisplayedfor referring an article.

Whenrecordingan articlefile,a keyboardcanbe usedtoenterthe reference.Ifyou dontneed alphanumeric referencesitis possibletogetonly asimplenumeric keyboard.Press KEYBOARD ALFANUMbutton to configure it.

Figure 6-35 Figure 6-36 All MACH 4 CART are ready to be plugged to a barcode reader, but it is strongly recommended to buy the scanner from Cassese to avoid compatibility issues. The barcode plug is a serial port located under the control panel. Fromthemain menu,select ARTICLES LIST. Thismenuwillbe usedtodisplaythe articlelistinthe memoryofthe machine.

Theleftcolumnis showingthefirst10 referencesinthe memoryofthe machine.Press -10 or-100 to scrolldownof+10 or+100references of the list.

Figure 6-38Figure 6-39 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 39 6.DNETWORK MENU The MACH 4 CART integrates some network capabilities. The machine is designed to have the possibility of receiving a list of jobs to be done through a network. The operator can then select the job he wants to do in this list. The parameters for the execution will then be sent through the network so the machine can be used without having to program it, and even without having to scan anything. This will avoid errors and will save time. It means also the operators dont have to pick up any paperwork, they remain attheirmachinewhichwilldisplaythemthelistofjobstobeperformed.Itbecomesalsopossibletofollowtheproduction status in live time and analyse the production time for each product and have a better view of the exact cost of each frame. AtthebackofthescreenofthemachineisaserialsubDB9connector.Thisserialcommunicationportwillbeusedto communicatewiththemachine.Allmachineswillbeconnectedtotheserialnetwork.Contactourtechnicalserviceformore details and protocol of communicationif you wish to use that network possibility. Whenscrollingupor downagrey backgroundwill showyourcurrent positioninthe memory list.

Thisfileshowsthe positioninthe memory.

Figure 6-40 Figure 6-41 Figure 6-42Figure 6-43 Theleftcolumnis showingthefirst10 moreimportantjobs tobedone.Thislist comesfromthe network. The top line is in top priority. Selecting a referencefrom that left column willloadthearticle parametersfromthe network.

Figure 6-44 Fromthemain menu,select NETWORK.

Ifyouneedto achieveaparticular reference,entera value in this field and pressSEARCHto achieveit.Press NEXTbuttontolook forthenextsame referenceinthe memory.

Ifyouonlyknowthe beginningofa reference,entera value in this field and pressSEARCHPART toachievethefirst referencebeginning bythevalueyou entered.PressNEXT button to look for the next one.

Figure 6-45 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 40 Theexecutionofthejobwillbeasnormaluseofthemachine,butattheendofthejob,theoperatorwillcomebacktothat screen to mention how many pieces were effectively done. The Network menu can be accessed through different screens by pression this button : USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 41 7 MAINTENANCE 7.ASAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 7.BMAINTENANCE PLAN 7.B.aDaily maintenance: It is recommended once a day to clean the table surface with a clean cloth and make sure there is no debris in the distributor head. If some glue is remaining in the distribution block, then perform procedure 7.CREMOVING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 42) and 7.DLUBRICATING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 43). It is important to avoid glue from drying in the distribution head as it could prevent the cartridge from going in the distribution block correctly. 7.B.bRegular maintenance: Every 50 000 inserted wedges, the machine will ask for a maintenance a warning screen will come up asking you to lubricate the distribution head. Refer to following chapter to perform this maintenance: 7.ASAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (page: 41)7.CREMOVING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 42) 7.DLUBRICATING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 43) 7.F RESETTING THE MAINTENANCE ALARM (page 44) Unplugthemachine fromtheelectrical supply Rotateredbuttonin EXH position. Unplugthemachine frompneumatic source. Installalockerto ensurenobodywill turnbackonthe machinewhileyou willbeperforming the maintenance. Figure 7-1 Figure 7-2 The MACH 4 CART is using two types of power sources: electric and pneumatic. It is essential for your safety to make sure that both of them are disconnected prior to make any maintenance. Please refer to instructions below prior to perform any maintenance. Ifusing compressed air to clean some parts, wear safety glasses. It is even recommended to use a vacuum to clean the machine rather than compressed air that will spray dust everywhere. All maintenance and control operations must be carried out by skilled maintenance staff. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 42 7.B.cEvery 6 months: Every 6 months a maintenance should be performed to ensure proper function of the machine, perform the following procedure to do it: 7.ASAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (page 41) 7.CREMOVING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 42) 7.DLUBRICATING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 43) 7.F RESETTING THE MAINTENANCE ALARM (page 44) 7.GREMOVING THE SIDE PANEL (page 44) 7.HLUBRICATING THE HORIZONTAL COLUMNS (page 45) 7.I TESTING THE SAFETIES OF THE MACHINE (page 45) 7.CREMOVING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD Periodically,removethedistributorheadtocleanandlubricateit.First,removethestripofwedges.Todoso,followthis procedure : Removethe cartridge. Rotatetheloading buttonintheLOAD position. Thewedgepusher willmovebackto allowyouremovingthe cartridge. Figure 7-4 Figure 7-3 Withthe2.5mm AllenKey,unscrew thelockingscrew half a turn. Figure 7-5 Pulloutthe distributorheadof the machine. Figure 7-6 Allen key N.2 & N.5 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 43 7.DLUBRICATING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD 7.EUNJAMMING THE MACHINE Removeallthe screwsofthe distributor head. Figure 7-7 Inserttheequivalent ofanutofgreasein thebottomofthe distributor head. Figure 7-9 Figure 7-10 Figure 7-8 Separatethe distributorplates and clean them using acleanclothand lubricant spray. Sometimeawedge oradriverbladecan stuck in top position. Wedge removal tool Z535 Grease tube, Cassese reference Z1896 Lubricant spray, for example WD40. Figure 7-11 Usethetooltotryto pushdownthewedge inthedistribution head.Thetoolneeds tobeinsertedonlyofabout5mminthe distributionhead, thenremovethetool andtrytoremovethe cartridge.

Flat span N.13 & N.17 Allen key N.5 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 44 7.FRESETTING THE MAINTENANCE ALARM 7.GREMOVING THE SIDE PANEL Inordertohaveanaccesstomechanicalparts,itisimperativetoremovetheside panel of the opposite side to the screen. With the 3mm Allen Key, unscrew the 4 locking screws. Then remove the side panel. IfyoucantpushdowntheprotrudingWedge/driverblade,thenputyourhandson topoftheverticalcolumnandgiveashockdown. Anaudibleclacksoundshould confirm the hammer is unlocked. TrytoapplyprocedureI.7.CREMOVINGTHEDISTRIBUTORHEAD(page42)to remove the distributor and be able to remove the jammed hammer. If the distributor head cant be removed, apply again a shock down and try to remove the distributor. Fromtheexecution menu,pressMAIN buttontoreturnthe mainmenuand selectSETTING button. PresstheRAZNAILS ALARMbutton,a keyboard asking for a code will come up. Enterthecode5000 toresetthealarm message. Figure 7-13 Figure 7-14 Figure 7-15 Figure 7-12 Never push with your finger on a protruding wedge, they are very sharpened!!! Allen Key N.3 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 45 7.HLUBRICATING THE HORIZONTAL COLUMNS 7.ITESTING THE SAFETIES OF THE MACHINE Make sure the machine will switch ON/OFF when using the red button. This button should remain in pushed position (OFF) until you rotate it to release it. If not, contact your local agent to replace the button assembly. Go in parameters screen. Select the page N.4. Do not put your hands on the tables, make sure there is nothing on them. PressthepedalandcheckthattheyellowbackgroundcomesonunderthelineX6-PEDALE, the background should come off when the pedal is released. If not, contact your local agent to replace the pedal assembly. Refer to chapter I.7.A SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS(page 41) for safety instructions. Remove the side panel as explained in the chapterI.7.GREMOVING THE SIDE PANEL (page 44). Cleanwithcleancloththe2horizontalcolumnsandapplysomeenginecaroilon them.

Figure 7-16 Figure 7-17 Figure 7-18 Allen Key N.3 Clean cloth with lubricant spray such as WD40 Engine car oil USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 46 7.JTROUBLE SHOOTING if your machine is not working properly, please refer to FAQ bellow, if the solution of your trouble is not in this secton, please contact your local distributor or contact us on our web site: Nothing lights up, the screen is off even when the emergency button is released: > Check, for example by connecting another appliance, that the electrical outlet on which is plugged the machine is not defective. The machine displays the message alarm air pressure and will not staple. > Adjust the air pressure of the compressor or the machine, see chapter 2.B CONNECTING TO THE AIR SOURCE (page 12). The machine displays the message nails maintenance. > Refer to the chapter 7.BMAINTENANCE PLAN (page 41). The machine displays the message pedal and pre-clamp. > The pre-clamping button is still in the ON position during an attempt at joining by pressing the pedal. Turn it to OFF before pushing the pedal. Whenpushingthepedal,themachineblocksthemouldingswiththeclamps,butthenreleasesthemanddoesnot shoot the wedge. The message safety clamping is displayed. > The table has moved back (handle not tightened enough) and proper clamping of the mouldings is not possible. Repeat the pre-clamping procedure, see chapter I.4.AADJUSTMENT OF THE SLIDING TABLE (page 15). > The pre-clamping procedure was not performed correctly. Try again, following the instructions in chapter I.4.AADJUSTMENT OF THE SLIDING TABLE (page 15). The machine appears to be inserting the wedges normally, but the wedges are not completely inserted. > The hammer is broken. Perform the procedure described in chapter 7.CREMOVING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 42). > The moulding is too low or too narrow. Therefore, the vertical clamp cannot block it correctly against the stops. Use the set of spacer bars to join the moulding (see chapter 4.CSPECIFIC USE OF THE SPACER BARS page 16). > Air pressure is too low. Adjust the air pressure of the compressor or the machine, see chapter 2.B CONNECTING TO THE AIR SOURCE (page 12). > The moulding is not properly clamped to the table during the stapling process. Checkthe stapling position for stability of the vertical clamp and that the moulding is properly braced against the table. If you are using the machine near a table supporting the frame, make sure the mouldings remain level. If this is not the case, adjust the furniture or the machine so they are the same height (the machine has adjustable feet). SwitchONthe machineandplug theairin.Gointhe execution screen and switchbackoffthe air. Analarmmessage shouldcomeon indicating pressure is notcorrect,ifnot contactyourlocal agent for diagnostic. Figure 7-19 Figure 7-20 Setthemachinein manualmode, removemouldings fromthetableand trytopressthe pedal.Themachine shouldnt try to shootwithnomoulding andthesafety messageshouldbe displayed.Ifittries tostaple,then contactyourlocal agent for repair. Makesurethatmachineiscompleteandthatnopartwasremoved,allsidepanelsmustbeclosedandall screws in place. In case of missing item, use exploded views to order the missing part. Missing side panel will expose moving part which is dangerous for operators. USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 47 > The pedal was released too quickly. Try stapling again, keeping the pedal down until the cycle is completely finished. The machine blocks, with the vertical presser against the moulding, then releases the pressure and displays the messages alarm nail up. >Airpressureistoolow.Adjusttheairpressureofthecompressororthemachine.DONOTexceed8bars,seechapter2.B CONNECTING TO THE AIR SOURCE (page 12). > The wood is too hard. You can increase pressure, but DO NOT exceed 8 bars. Use hardwood wedges. > Try to use lower size of wedges or decrease the number of wedges at the blocking position (if stacking). > The hammer is twisted or blocked. Perform the procedure described in chapter 7.CREMOVING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 42). > The distance between the top clamp and moulding is too high. Adjust the height of the presser support with the pin. It should be less than 5 centimetres. > The downward movement of the presser is too slow. Use the speed regulator located on the side of the machine to increase it. The machine blocks, with the vertical presser against the moulding, then releases the pressure and displays the message alarm nail down. > The pedal was released too quickly. Try stapling again, keeping the pedal down until the cycle is completely finished. The machine blocks and displays the message start of travel nail. >Thesensorthatinformsthemachinethatthehammerisinthedownpositionsendsinformationthatthehammerhasnot returned down. Perform the procedure in chapter 7.CREMOVING THE DISTRIBUTOR HEAD (page 42). The wedge breaks in the wood. >The wood is too hard. Use special hardwood wedges. >The backs are stained. The distributor is full of grease.>Performtheproceduredescribedinchapter7.CREMOVINGTHEDISTRIBUTORHEAD(page42)andremoveanyexcess grease. Do some stapling in scrap mouldings to purge any excess. Then wipe off the top of the distribution head. Handling the mouldings is difficult. Thehorizontalclampsaretootightagainstthemouldings.Repeatthepre-clampingproceduredescribedinchapterI.4.AADJUSTMENT OF THE SLIDING TABLE (page 15). The corners are crooked. >Make sure to place the first moulding against stop as Figure 5-1. >Makesurethatclampingpressureissufficient.Usetheclamppressureregulatoronsideofthemachinetoadjustitsee chapter 5.JUSE OF REGULATOR(page 30). USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 89 III. EXPLODED VIEWS/ VUE ECLATEES USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 90 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 91 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 92 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 93 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 94 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 95 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 96 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 97 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 98 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 99 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 100 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 101 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 102 USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 103 IV.SPARE PARTS LIST / NOMENCLATURE REFERENCEQTYUNITDESIGNATIONDESCRIPTION 30307NCOI1UBTE 6 CHARGEURS COINS N 7BOX 6 CARTRIDGES #7 30310NCOI1UBTE 6 CHARGEURS COINS N10BOX 6 CARTRIDGES #10 31310BDCO1UBTE 6 CHARGEURS COINS N10 BDBOX 6 CARTRIDGES #10 HW Z100551,00mGAINE ROBOTIQUE D:23 NOIRWIRE PROTECTING BLACK TUBE D:23 Z100562URACCORD 90 D:23RACCORD 90 D:23 Z10332UDROIT6 1/4STRAIGHT CONNECTION 6 1/4 Z103732UECROU GMM-21ECROU GMM-21 Z10441UVIS AUTOTARAUDEUSE4X13ZINGUEEAUTO TAPING SCREW4 X13 Z10971UDROIT8 1/4STRAIGHT CONNECTION 8 1/4 Z10973UDROIT8 1/4STRAIGHT CONNECTION 8 1/4 Z110611UCOLLIER COLSON 9 X 350TIE RAP 4.8 X 368 Z114031UBOUTON ARU VERROUILLABLEBOUTON ARU VERROUILLABLE Z120622UENTRETOISE ACIER D: 10.1 XD: 25XEP:3IRON SPACER D: 10.1 xD: 25xEP:3 Z120641UPALETTE CS55M-CS199MXL-CS299MXL2-CS4008XL-PALETZ125602UPALIER LISSE D: 20D: 28 L:30PLASTIC BEARING SLEAVES Z12704UVIS HC M6-8 POINTEAU - 8.8SCREW HC 6 X8 POINTEAU Z127242UDOUILLE A BILLES DOUBLE SM 20 X 32 X 80BUSHING 20 X 32 X 80 Z12841UFICHE 10/16A 2P+TPLUG 10/16A 2PHASE+GR. Z130413UDROIT 10 1/4STRAIGHT CONNECTOR 10 1/4 Z13111UVIS STF M 6X10 NYLONSCREW STF M 6 X 10 NYLON Z13141UCOUDE 4M5ELBOW 4 M 5 Z13282UECROU H M4NUT Z13312UECROU H M5NUT Z13314UECROU H M5NUT Z133312UDOUILLE A BILLES SM30 X 45 X 64G UULINEAR BEARING 30 X 45 X 64 Z13361UECROU H M6NUT Z13534UDOUILLE A BILLES KH 20 X 28 X 30LINEAR BEARING KH20 X28 X30 Z13631UECROU HM M20FLAT NUT D.20 Z13781UECROU HM M6FLAT NUT D. 6 Z13941UPOUSSOIR A TETON (mini cde 5 pcs)Wedge driver blade retaining screw (mini order 5 pcs) Z13961UCOUDE6 1/8 ORIENTABLEELBOW 6 1/8 Z13981UECROU NYLSTOP M 20NUT NYLSTOP D.20 Z1401URONDELLE DE GRIFFE PIVOTANTEWASHER FOR PIVOTING CLAMP Z14022UECROU NYLSTOP M 10NUT NYLSTOP 10 Z140721URESSORT COMP D: 0,7 DE:8.3 LO:277,5 SPSPRING COMP D: 0,7 DE:8.3 LO:277,5 SP Z140961URESSORT COMP D: 3,6DE:49,5 LO: 1859,5 SPSPRING Z14121UECROU NYLSTOP M4NUT NYLSTOP M4 Z14122UECROU NYLSTOP M4NUT NYLSTOP M4 Z14122UECROU NYLSTOP M4NUT NYLSTOP M4 Z14142UECROU NYLSTOP M 5 zingu blanc 8.8NUT NYLSTOP 5 Z14141UECROU NYLSTOP M 5 zingu blanc 8.8NUT NYLSTOP 5 Z14171UECROU NYLSTOP M6NUT NYLSTOP6 Z14174UECROU NYLSTOP M6NUT NYLSTOP6 Z14221UECROU NYLSTOP M8NUT NYLSTOP D. 8 Z144721URONDELLE Z D: 20WASHER D.20 Z147191UBUTOIR D'AGRAFAGESTOP BAR Z147222UVIS STF M 4X 6 NYLONNYLON SETSCREWM4X6 Z14781UBOUTON ETOILE F: M 4STAR BUTTON M 4 F Z14871,00mCABLE 1X0.75 NOIRCABLE 1 X 0.75 BLACK Z14902UBOUTON TOURNANT 2 POSIT. FIXES BUTTON ZB2 BD2 Z14991UCOUDE6 1/4ELBOW 6 1/4 Z15231UCOUDE8 1/4ELBOW 8 1/4 Z15231UCOUDE8 1/4ELBOW 8 1/4 Z15241UROULEMENT A BILLES 8 X 22 X 7608 2RSBALL BEARING 8 X22 X7608 2RS Z15241UROULEMENT A BILLES 8 X 22 X 7608 2RSBALL BEARING 8 X22 X7608 2RS USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 104 REFERENCEQTYUNITDESIGNATIONDESCRIPTION Z152901UPLAQUE SUPPORT CAPTEURSUPPORT PLATE Z15361,00mTUBE P.U2,5 X4 BLEU (LE M)PU ROLL TYPE 4 x 2.5 BLUE Z15411UCOUDE 10 1/4ELBOW 10 1/4 Z15472,00mCABLE 1X0.75 VERT JAUNECABLE 1 X 0.75 YELLOW/GREEN Z15491UCONNECTEUR MALE SUB.D (9 BR.)CONNECTEUR MALE SUB.D (9 BR.) Z15502,00mCABLE 2X0.75CABLEZ15553,00mCABLE 2X1.5CABLE 2x1.5 Z15566UDIODE 1N4001DIODE 1N4001 Z157101UVIS BHC A EMBASE ULF6X10BUTTON HEAD SCREW ULF 6 X 10 Z157107UVIS BHC A EMBASE ULF6X10BUTTON HEAD SCREW ULF 6 X 10 Z157563UBOUCHON M 1/8 CYLCAP M 1/8 CYL Z15858URONDELLE Z D4WASHER Z D4 Z15852URONDELLE Z D4WASHER Z D4 Z15871URONDELLE Z D5WASHER Z D5 Z15872URONDELLE Z D5WASHER Z D5 Z15884URONDELLE Z6WASHER Z6 Z15891URONDELLE Z D: 12WASHER Z 12 Z159061URONDELLE NORD LOCK D: 12WASHER NORD LOCK D:12 Z15992URONDELLE M10WASHER M D: 10 Z15992URONDELLE M10WASHER M D: 10 Z160281UBUTEE ELASTIQUE D: 15 X 10 M5 POLYURETHANERUBBER END FOR TOP (vertical) CLAMPS Z16042URONDELLE M4WASHER M 4 Z16041URONDELLE M4WASHER M 4 Z16051,00mTUBE RILSAN5X8 BLEU (LE M)TUBE RILSAN5 x8 BLUE (BY METER) Z16061URONDELLE M5WASHER Z16062URONDELLE M5WASHER Z16061URONDELLE M5WASHER Z16064URONDELLE M5WASHER Z16061URONDELLE M5WASHER Z16081URONDELLE M6WASHER M 6 Z16081URONDELLE M6WASHER M 6 Z16121URONDELLE M8WASHER M 8 Z16122URONDELLE M8WASHER M 8 Z16125URONDELLE M8WASHER M 8 Z16191UMANCHON F 1/4COUPLING SLEEVE F 1/4 Z162941UCOUDE4 1/8 ORIENTABLE HAUT 4 1/8ELBOW 4 1/8 Z16441UCAPUCHON PRESSOSTATCOVER OF MANOCONTACT Z16451UPRESSOSTATMANOCONTACT Z16621UPEDALE ELECTRIQUEELECTRICAL PEDAL Z16644UMAMELON M 1/4 CONNIPPLE 1/4 Z16642UMAMELON M 1/4 CONNIPPLE 1/4 Z16711URONDELLE GROWER D:6WASHER GROWER D:6 Z16714URONDELLE GROWER D:6WASHER GROWER D:6 Z167712UDOUILLE A BILLES SM16 X 28 X 37G UULINEAR BEARING16 X 28 X 37G UU Z16852URONDELLE EVENTAIL D.8RONDELLE EVENTAIL D.8 Z16881UREGLET 0 - 500SCALE 0 - 500 Z16903UREDUCTION M 1/4 M 1/8 CYLREDUCTION M 1/4 M 1/8 CYL Z169146,00mCABLE BLINDE 4X0.75CABLE 4X0.75 Z16941US/E BOUTON DE COMMANDE NOIR + NOSUB ASSY PUSH BUTTON Z16971,00mBITUBE PU2,5 X4 BLEU/NOIR (LE M)TUBE PU2,5 X4 BLUE/BLACK (BY METER) Z171URESSORT DE GRIFFECLAW SPRING Z17091UREDUCTION M 1/2 F 1/4REDUCTION M 1/2 F 1/4 Z17102UROULEMENT A BILLES 4 X 12 X 4604 ZZROULEMENT A BILLES 4 X12 X4 604 ZZ Z173971UENTRETOISE POLYURETHANE D:6.2 XD: 14.5 XEP:3SPACER Z174141UBUTEE POM D: 14 LG: 34 M6RETRACTABLE JAWS PLASTIC FINGER Z17764UEMBASE A VISSERBASE Z17761UEMBASE A VISSERBASE Z17762UEMBASE A VISSERBASE USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 105 REFERENCEQTYUNITDESIGNATIONDESCRIPTION Z17782UECROU DE PRESSE ETOUPE N13NUT FOR STUFFING BOX N13 Z17881UCIRCLIPS INT D:22CIRCLIPS INT D:22 Z17931UCOUDE M 1/4 CON F 1/4 CYLELBOW 1/4 MF Z18012UPRESSE ETOUPE N13STUFFING BOX N13 Z18101USERRE CABLE CV-8 D.8CLAMPING RING D.8 Z18121UTE F 1/4 CYLTE F 1/4 CYL Z183741UBARREAU AV FONDERIE USINEALUMINUM CAST BLOCK Z183871UVERIN DOUBLE EFFET MAGNETIQUE D.10 C.150 RODLESS MAGNETIC CYLINDER DOUBLE EFFECTZ184033UMICROREGULATEURAIR REGULATOR Z184441URONDELLE NORD LOCK D: 20WASHER NORD LOCK D:20 Z184501US/E BARREAU DE GRIFFES ESCAMOTABLES 40CLAMPING PISTON ASSEMBLY Z184511USUPPORT VERIN DE SERRAGECLAMPING PISTON SUPPORT Z184531USUPPORT DE GRIFFESCLAMP SUPPORT Z184731UPLAQUE PRINCIPALE GAUCHE USINEE MAIN LEFT TABLE Z184741UPLAQUE PRINCIPALE DROITE USINEE MAIN RIGHT TABLE Z18733USILENCIEUX 1/8MUFFLER 1/8 Z190511USUPPORT CHARGEUR USINE VERIN EMCMACHINED CARTRIDGE SUPPORT EMC PISTON Z190541UTOLE SUPPORT VERIN POUSSE AGRAFESPISTON SUPPORTING PLATE Z190641US/E COULISSEAU VERIN EMC D 6SLIDER ASSY EMC PISTON Z19153UDTECTEUR DE PROXIMIT NPN,NO INDUCTIVE SENSOR NPN NO Z192222UVIS HC 20X70SCREW HC 20X 70 Z192401UVERIN D.80 C.100 RALLONGE +11 MM CYLINDER D.80 C.100 Z192811UCONNECTEUR MOLEX 4 PTS FEMELLECONNECTEUR MOLEX 4 PTS FEMELLE Z192824UCONTACT A SERTIR MOLEXCONTACT A SERTIR MOLEX Z193291UDISJONCTEUR 1P+N 4ADSURGE PROTECTION Z193321UEMBALLAGE 700 X 655 X 1250 INTER. CLOCHE+COUVERCLEBOX Z196531UAMPLI FIBRE OPTIQUEOPTICAL FIBER SENSOR AMPLIFIER Z197661UUNION D 4JUNCTION CONNECTOR D 4 Z198551US/E VALVE D'ECHAPP. RAPIDE 1/2 EQUIPEEQUICK EXHAUST VALVE Z199021UDISTRIBUTEUR 4V210-08 24V DCSOLENOID VALVE V210-08 24V DC Z199321US/E MANETTE DE BLOCAGE DE TABLEFENCES TABLE LOCKING HANDLE Z199481UAXE DE SUPPORT MARTEAUHAMMER SUPPORT AXIS Z199751US/E EMBASE PNEUMATIQUE EQUIPEE EMCVALVES SUB ASSY Z199792UPLAQUE SUPPORT CADREFRAME SUPPORT PLATE Z199801UEQUERRE SUPPORT CADRESUPPORT Z199881UECRAN TACTILE DOP-B05TACTILE DOP-B05 SCREEN Z200051US/E VERIN PRE SERRAGE DE GRIFFESSUB ASSY PRE CLAMPING PISTON Z201021UAUTOMATE CP1L-M30DT-DPROCESSOR UNIT CP1L-M30DT-D+ PROGRAM. Z201031UINTERFACE RS232 CP1W-CIF01INTERFACE RS232 CP1W-CIF01 Z212181,00mTUBE P.U 6 X8 BLEU (LE M)PU ROLL TYPE 6 x 8BLUE Z214392URONDELLE PLASTIQUE D 40 X 8.2 EP 20PLASTIC SPACERD 40 X 8.2 EP 20 Z214921UJOINT METALOPLASTIQUE MPF 24 X 32 X 2.5O-RING Z214991UBOUCHON POUR ECROU M.20CAP PLUG FOR NUT M20 Z215271UCALE CTP 19 X 50 H: 225SPACER Z215281UALIMENTATION 24VALIMENTATION 24V Z216131UPLAQUE BUTEE INJECTION ALU USINEE PEINTESTOP PLATE Z217312UENTRETOISE PLASTIQUE D:5.2XD: 10XLONG 25SPACER 5.2 x 10 x 25 Z221033UVIS BHC A EMBASE ULF5X12 10.9SCREW BHC5 x12 Z221034UVIS BHC A EMBASE ULF5X12 10.9SCREW BHC5 x12 Z2210312UVIS BHC A EMBASE ULF5X12 10.9SCREW BHC5 x12 Z221041UVIS HC8 X30HEAD SET SCREW 8X30 Z223031UCONNECTEUR MOLEX 6PTSCONNECTEUR MOLEX 6PTS Z223551UANNEAU D'ARRET A ARCBOUTEMENT 8LOCKING WASHER Z223911UENTRETOISE ACIER D:8.2XD: 15 XEP:5.1SPACER Z224022UVIS TC FENDUE M2.5 X 20SCREW CYLINDER HEADM2.5X 20 Z224381UPLANCHE AGGLOMEREE 650 mm x 695 mm EP: 22WOOD PLATE Z225211USUPPORT DETECTEURSENSOR SUPPORT Z225454UENTRETOISE HEXAGONALE M/F M 3 x M 3 EP 12HEXAGONAL SPACER USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 106 REFERENCEQTYUNITDESIGNATIONDESCRIPTION Z227611UGRIFFE COURTE COULISSANTESLIDING CLAMP Z227621UGRIFFE COURTE PIVOTANTE AFFLEURANTEROTATING CLAMP Z227631US/E GRIFFES ASSEMBLEUSESUB ASSY CLAMP Z228561USUPPORT FIBRE OPTIQUESTRUT Z228571UENTRETOISE ACIER D:4.1 XD:6XEP: 7STRUT Z228663URESISTANCE 1.2KOHMS 1/4WRESISTOR 1.2 KOHMS Z228871USUPPORT FIBRE OPTIQUESTRUT Z230296UBORNE DE PASSAGE POUR 4 CONDUCTEURS4 CONDUCTORSTERMINAL Z233511UPORTE BAGUE D' ETANCHEITESEALING PROTECTION Z233541UCOLONNE DE POTENCE D: 30 / D: 16 LG: 415SHAFT D: 30 / D: 16 LG: 415 Z233611USUPPORT VERIN D' AGRFAGESTAPLING PISTON SUPPORT Z233841US/E SUPPORT MARTEAUWEDGE DRIVER BLADE SUPPORT ASSY Z233901US/E SUPPORT CHARGEUR PNEUMATIQUESUB ASSY CARTRIDGE SUPPORT Z233921US/E FIBRES OPTIQUESSUB ASSY OPTICAL FIBER Z234401US/E BUTEEAGRAFAGESUB ASSY Z237563UBORNE DE PROTECTION 4 CONDUCTEURS4 CONDUCTORSPROTECTION Z238131US/E PISTON 40 MODIFIECYLINDER D 40 MODIFIED Z239451UBARREAU DE GRIFFES ESCAMOTABLES CLAMP SUPPORT ALUMINUM CAST Z241562UVIS CHC8X45TETE BASSE ZINGUEE 10.9SCREW CHC 8 X45 Z244601UPOULIE RECEPTRICE 20 AT5-0/20-2PULLEY Z248611UECROU POM SPEEDY 16/90 (A DROITE)QUICK DRIVING NUT Z249131UMOTEUR PAS A PAS HIGHTORQUE ARBRE 12MOTOR W/O GEARS FOR ULTRAS Z249400,00mCABLE 1 x 0,34 BLANCWIRE END SECTION 0.34 WHITE Z249410,00mCABLE 1 x 0.34 MARRONWIRE END SECTION 0.34 Z250280,00mCABLE 1 x 0,34 ROUGEWIRE END SECTION 0.34 RED Z250641UPLAQUE SUPPORT DE GRIFFESCLAMP SUPPORT Z251601US/E MOTORISATION POSITION AGRAFESSUB ASSY STAPLING POSITION MOTOR Z251991UCOURROIE 16 AT 5 LG 750TRANSMISSION BELT Z252150,00mBANDE EPDM COLLE 1 FACE 10 X5SEALING ADHESIV TAPE Z253941UVIS RAPIDE SPEEDY P=90 16 LG: 51 PAS A DROITEQUICK SCREW Z253951UBIELLE DE GRIFFE ESCAMOTABLEQUICK DRIVING NUTZ253962UCOLONNE D: 16 LG:60 USINEESHAFT D: 16 LG:60 Z255941UDRIVER ZM-3H2080 PAS A PAS 3 PHASES 110-220VDRIVER ZM-3H2080 PAS A PAS 3 PHASES 110-220V Z255991URAIL OMEGA LG: 270SUPPORTING RAIL Z256081USUPPORT MOTEURMOTOR SUPPORT Z256091UPLAQUE SUPPORT MOTEURMOTOR SUPPORT PLATE Z256131ULESTE BETONCONCRETE BALLAST Z256151UCOFFRET COMPOSANTSELECTRIC CABINET FRAME Z257894UVIS BHC A EMBASE ULF5X16 ZINGUEE 10.9SOCKET BUTTON HEAD SCREW M5 x16 WITH FLANGE Z258761UEQUERRE ARRIERECOVER PLATE Z258771UTOLE SECURITE POTENCECOVER PLATE Z259314UFIXATION PANNEAUPANNEL SUPPORT Z259322UBUTTE D' ARRETSTOP Z259751US/E MAINTIEN CADREFRAME SUPPORT ARMS Z259851UTENDEURTENSIONER Z259862URAIL TELESCOPIQUE 3 ELEMENTSRAIL Z259881UBARREAU ARUSINECAST COLUMN SUPPORT Z259952UPLAT FIXATION RAILPLAT FIXATION RAIL Z260431UENTRETOISE ACIER D:8.2XD: 12 XEP:13SPACER d 8.2 X D 12 X H 13 Z261072,00mCABLE 20X0.34 (LE M)CABLE 20 X 0.34 Z261501US/E SUPPORT MARTEAU ET POUSSOIR ASSEMBLEHAMMER SUPPORT ASSY Z261911UPOULIE MOTRICE 20 AT5-0/20-2 ALESAGE 12MOTOR PULLEY Z262061UBARREAU INFERIEURACCOSTER BOTTOM BAR Z262072UPRESSE ETOUPE N21STUFFING BOX N21 Z262082UECROU DE PRESSE ETOUPE N21NUT FOR STUFFING BOX N21 Z262231UPINCE A COURROIE AT5BELT CLAMP Z262241UEQUERRE DE DETECTION AGRAFAGEEQUERRE DE DETECTION AGRAFAGE Z262281,00mBANDE EPDM COLLE 1 FACE 15 X 15SEALING ADHESIV TAPE USER MANUALMACH 4 CART 107 REFERENCEQTYUNITDESIGNATIONDESCRIPTION Z262511US/E VALVE D'ECHAPP. RAPIDE 1/2 EQUIP