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ASSOCIATION Of {5317:} Ma M 101 6, 1, iSSN 0811—5311 DATE-JUI‘VE, 21103 'GJt‘ #****************¥****************it********tit#1t!******************#*#****** LEADER Peter Hind, 41 Miller Street, Mount Druitt. N. S. W. 2770 SECRETARY: TREASURER: Ron Wilkins, 188b Beecrofi Rd., Cheltenham NSW 2119 Email: [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Mike Healy, 272 Humffiay St. Nth” Ballarat. Vic. 3350 fl. E—mail address: jmhealy@netconnect. SPORE BANK: Barry White, 24 Ruby Street, WestEssendon. Vic 3040 ********i********iik***********t***************************i************* PROPAGATING PLATYCERIUM BY ROOT TIPS RON ROBBINS Fern Society of Victoria Newsletter Vol.25, Number 3 May/June 2003 How ofien have you tried growing Platyeeu'ums, from spare, you will have found out that even though rewarding, it can be a very long, tedious and time consuming procedure that can take up to, perhaps years. With the clumping or pupping varieties, of "elks" we are led to believe that if we are to cut a pup from a parent plant, it should be at least 20% in size of the parent plant for a quick and successful result. These "Elks" normally produce the clumping effect by growing new eyes fi'om root tips which come A in contact with light and moisture. I found by accident a quicker and much easier way to grow these plants, as alternative to growing from spore. This speedier procedure to propagate “eiks” could be tried as follows, Cut off a small, or smaller than usual pup, leaving on a healthy sized amount of pad, bed the pad into damp Sphagnum moss and place in a sealed or semi sealed Container, an excellent one is a Yates Mini Greenhouse, place in a well lit and warm position. Afier a period of time not only will you have a healthy pup, well attached to the Sphagnum moss with a good root system but severai small new growths, plantlets or pups on the outer edge of the cut pad. These are plantlets that have developed from the root tips, This growth 1 find is considerably faster than the time taken with spore and can be equally as re- warding. Please realize that although this has worked successfully for me, the procedure is open for discus- sion. but in my opinion it is worth a try. form and texture of ferns requires a higher degree of mental perception and a more , cultivated intellect for its proper appreciation Hence we regard the growing taste for the cultivation of fems as proof of mental advancement. " Abraham Stansfield. 1858 Could we be so bold as to say harking' s changed' m 155 years? Ed. SGAP Fern Study Group Newsletter June 2003 I

Ma M101 - Verdigris

Apr 03, 2022



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Page 1: Ma M101 - Verdigris



Ma M 101

6, 1, iSSN 0811—5311 DATE-JUI‘VE, 21103'GJt‘


LEADER Peter Hind, 41 Miller Street, Mount Druitt. N. S. W. 2770

SECRETARY:TREASURER: Ron Wilkins, 188b Beecrofi Rd., Cheltenham NSW 2119

Email: [email protected] EDITOR: Mike Healy, 272 Humffiay St. Nth” Ballarat. Vic. 3350

fl. E—mail address: [email protected] BANK: Barry White, 24 Ruby Street, WestEssendon. Vic 3040



Fern Society of Victoria Newsletter Vol.25, Number 3 May/June 2003

How ofien have you tried growing Platyeeu'ums, from spare, you will have found out that eventhough rewarding, it can be a very long, tedious and time consuming procedure that can take up to, perhapsyears.

With the clumping or pupping varieties, of "elks" we are led to believe that if we are to cut a pupfrom a parent plant, it should be at least 20% in size of the parent plant for a quick and successful result.

These "Elks" normally produce the clumping effect by growing new eyes fi'om root tips which comeA in contact with light and moisture.

I found by accident a quicker and much easier way to grow these plants, as alternative to growingfrom spore. This speedier procedure to propagate “eiks” could be tried as follows,

Cut off a small, or smaller than usual pup, leaving on a healthy sized amount of pad, bed the pad intodamp Sphagnum moss and place in a sealed or semi sealed Container, an excellent one is a Yates MiniGreenhouse, place in a well lit and warm position.

Afier a period of time not only will you have a healthy pup, well attached to the Sphagnum moss

with a good root system but severai small new growths, plantlets or pups on the outer edge of the cut pad.These are plantlets that have developed from the root tips,

This growth 1 find is considerably faster than the time taken with spore and can be equally as re-warding.

Please realize that although this has worked successfully for me, the procedure is open for discus-sion. but in my opinion it is worth a try.

form and texture of ferns requires a higher degree of mental perception and a more ,cultivated intellect for its proper appreciation Hence we regard the growing taste for

‘ the cultivation of fems as proofof mental advancement. " Abraham Stansfield. 1858Couldwe be so bold as to say harking's changed'm 155 years? Ed.

SGAP Fern Study Group Newsletter June 2003 I

Page 2: Ma M101 - Verdigris

An scientist friend of mine once said to me that you never really see anything until youdraw it. I think that is a true observation. The fern literature abounds in beautifuldrawings, but they are the artist’s interpretations of what he or she has seen. Photographs.on the other hand are not so selective in their subject matter, and often one can seeinteresting features that were not remarked upon in the original description. Digitaltechnology also enables the construction of a computer image catalogue and database.However, the quality of photographs in the literature is very variable.

I recently invested in an integrated stereomicroscope/digital camera system. It is anOlympus SZl 1 stereo zoom microscOpe with a trinocular head and C-mount videoadapter allowing the attachment ofan Olympus Camedia 4000 pixel digital meta.Viewing the structural detail of ferns with such an apparatus is, to me, a revelation. I tellmy wife it’s the best toy I ever had. The images are viewed on the monitor screen and

software which comes with the camera allows one to perform a number of imageenhancing operations, as well as expand. reduce or crop the image. The few examples 1will show in monochrome give a very poor impression of the image quality in colour as

seen on the screen.

The total magnification varies from 18 to 110 depending on the zoom magnification inthe normal setup. For the general low power viewing of fern pinnules and thearrangement ofthe sori, however, an auxiliary 0.5x objective is mandatory as in the

example below (Fig. l).

The specimen of Pobsticlzumfallax wastaken from Peter Hind's garden on theoccasion of our last Sydney study groupmeeting. I find it best to carry the portion

of fern frond from the point of collectionto the microscope, flattened betweenmoistened tissues. Fig. 2 gives a more

detailed view of a pair of sori of Rfallax.The almost black mature sporangia are .covered by a pitted translucent the next stage the indusia develop a whitesugary texture and begin to crinkle like apotato crisp before their ultimate release.

Meanwhile, the exposed sporangia begin toopen and to spray their spore contents withsome violence. This is fascinating to observe.With a focussed light source, heat from thehalogen lamp causes the sporangia to sort of

unzipper explosively making the taking of aphotographic image somewhat uncertain.

SGAP Fern Study Group Newsletter June 2003

Page 3: Ma M101 - Verdigris

The epi-illuminator I use has a built-in

heat-insulating filter. The sporangia still

‘unzipper’ but more slowly, and the spores

may be flung out in clusters, partly retaining

their arrangement within the sporangia. With

careful choice of illumination conditions,

degradation of the specimen during

photography can be largely avoided. In the

accompanying photo (Fig. 3) spores, and some

sporangia are seen littering the frond surface

around the mature sori of P.fallax.

The prothalli of ferns are very interesting to

observe but in general are difficult to

photograph because of their three—dimensional

nature and small size. Fig. 4 shows a prothallus ‘

of Pseudorhynaria caranans which is of rathei

large dimension ( about 1 mm diameter).

Although the sexual organs can be seen, they

are difficult to photograph with this

microscope. The hair—like root growths or

rhizoids which attach it to the underlying

quartz grain are faintly observable. l detached

one of these prothalli and photographed it side

on to better display the rhizoids (Fig. 5). The

original photo shows the pale green prothallus

on the right with pale brown rhizoid filaments

streaming off to the left. The software allows

the image to be viewed in monochrome with

the selection of maximum contrast.

Having written this little piece 1 can’t wait to

get back to the microscope to take some more


Figure 5


From the former South Florida Fern Socier Inc. Newsletter Dec. 2000


- The bracken fem (Pteridium aquifinium): a cross section ofthe stem of one ofthese plants shows a curiousarrangement of the plant's ducts' tissues, which looks like the letter 'C'. Superstitions folk thoughtthat, because the root bore Christ's initial, the plant protected them from witches and goblins. Some

Scots, however, saw in these tissues the mark of the devil's hoof.

- Other legends tell about seed ferns. They were reputed have had dainty blue flowers that bloomed only onenight a year. Just at the stroke of midnight on Midsummer's Eve, these blossoms ripened, and theirshining 'seed' dropped to the ground. If one could catch some of this ‘seed‘ on a white cloth, hewould henceforth possess magical powers. If a pinch were put on the shoes, their wearer was

supposed to be invisible and to travel anywhere without being seen. it was also thought that fem'seeti' gave 'second sight' to look into the past and fiiture, find lost things, and know where to hunt forbuned treasure.

SGAP Fern Study Group Newsletter June 2003 3

Page 4: Ma M101 - Verdigris

- The moonwort (Baridcliium lunailum) was known as Blasting Root People thought that the strongest lockswould give way if brought into contact with it, and that it could even unshoe horses. The shape of itsleaves showed it to be 'under the influence of the moon', and so it was believed that if the plant weregathered by the light of the moon, it would cure lunacy.

- The maidenhair fern was supposed to stop the loss of hair and make new hair grow on a bald head.

These are just a few of the myths that surround the mystique offems, excerpted fiom an article by ArmHarrington ofthe Southwestern Fem Saciegt (rqi The How and fly Wander 800; at Mushroom. Fems. a_mz' Masses,by Amy E]izabelh Jensen}



Compiled by Irene Cullen

Visit to Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens - The advertised visit to Brown's Creek was cancelled at the lastminute - this time by rain.

A visit to Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens was arranged instead. A curtesy bus took our party to theLookout area. From here we were able to visit the Rainforest area around the Lake. A pleasing number ofnative fems were recorded from this area. There was time for a brief meeting and lunch before the busarrived to take us to the newly opened Fem Garden at the base of the Gardens. Although there are not a greatvariety of native fems in it - they are spectacularly displayed. There are a good variety of Tassel Ferns andthe fern walls of small ferns such as Doodias - create much interest. The vast shaded area is a cool oasis andmuch worth a visit

The April fern study of the Genus Cyathea was moved from the Goadbys home to Graham

Nosworthy's. Reason being that Graham had a good number of Cyathea growing in pots and also that itwould probably be the last opportunity most members would have of visiting Graham's Pullenvale acreage.In all there were eight potted specimens of Cyathea - they were Cyarhea baileyana - C. brownii - C. celebica- C. cooperit' C. elexis C. Ieichartiana - C. marcesens and C — rebeccae. So we had species from Nth Old toVictoria and all looking well. As usual Peter Bostoek was on hand to describe the botanical differences. Itwas a session appreciated and enjoyed by all. Final arrangements were made for next month’s excursion tothe Bunya Mts. and Graham was wished all the best in his forthcoming move. He in turn once again had a

number of ferns to give away. We all lefi much enriched.



At the March meeting (held at Peter Hind's home instead of Kyrill Taylor's as was announced in the

previous Newsletter) Peter described the Pobzstichum-"in Australia. There are four mainland species only -he has them all in his garden — and two species on Lord Howe Island. Peter has one ofthese growing too.

Pobzsfichum australiense and P. pralifemm are both proliferous and so easy to distinguish fi-om theother two (Pfallax and Pfirmosum. which are not. To distinguish them from each other is rather difficultFrom the descriptions in the Flora of Australia, involving the measuring of the densely packed shiny scales onthe rhizome and the stipes, and a study ofthe colours of the spore which are described as “dark brown" for P.proliferum and "brown" for P.australiense. Peter pointed out that spore cases will shed their spore whenpicked. even if the spore is unripe, and so display the wrong colour. The lamina of both ferns is described ascorieaceous, but to P. australiense is added "harsh" and "rigid". Your reporter has found that if she runs herhands up the fronds P. ausrrqliense it will scratch it whole lot more than P. proliferum.’_ The common nameofthe former: “Harsh ground Fern" is a guide.

Polystichumformosum, like all the others, has a densely scaly rhizome, scales uniformly colouredand dull. Its fronds are not as long as those of the two proliferous ones and are comparatively quite glossy::Ponstic-humfallax also has dull scales. Peter‘s plant (which came from Mt. Kaputar) is still quite small, but

had a frond with ripe spore cases on it, looking very black, probably the colour of the case only, as the Florasays the spore are fawn. Rose Bach, our champion at germinating spore, took some ofthese . So - in time! wemight all own a little P. tailor! Peter says P. faliax is not found in southern N.S.W. nor on the coast; it prefers

the northem tablelands, and is not very common even there.

Reported by J. Moore.


SGAP Fern Study Group Newsletter June 2003

Page 5: Ma M101 - Verdigris

Here's a tip from Martha Stewart for creating a delightful table by transferring the delicateshape of ferns to table linens. Begin with plain white linen or cotton napkins or a

flue. tablecloth. Place on a smooth floor or sturdy work surface, and slip a piece of heavy paper$5 underneath. Arrange the fern fronds on top and cover with another piece of paper. Hold7 the paper in place so the layers don't slide about, and hammer firmly along the lines of the

ferns. The pounding releases chlorophyll into the fabric to create the image. The linenscan be washed and ironed; over time, the vivid green will fade to a lovely brown.

Pleurosorus rutifolius - Blanket Fern

Pleurosorm rutrfolius is a very small fern that is widespread (particulariy inland) grows among rocks on thedrier areas and in exposed situations. It is exceptionally hardy with the ability to recover from droughtconditions and survives only where a couple of xeriphytic ferns can.

, The fi'onds are soft dark green when growing in deep crevices and usually about 60m (2.4") in length and arefi-equently less than half that size when exposed to sunny conditions. The pinnae are covered thickly withhairs. This plant has been observed growing among rocks in grassland under a sparse tree cover, on a north-facing (sunny) bush position in SE Australia. It is always found in rock crevices. The fern is reported to beeasy to grow but dislikes too much water and humidity!



SUNDAY June lat. Meet 9.30 am at the home of Wendy and Dan Johnston - l4 Bank Road - Graeeville.The Study for the day will be Gleichenia

SUNDAY 60: July - Excursion to Lacey Creek Road Mt. Glorious — meet as prearranged . For fiirtherparticulars on this excursion or other Fern Study matters Contact Peter Bostock on phone Hme 073202 6983 Work 07 3896 9508



SATURDAY May 17'”. Visit to Wheeny Creek. From Sydney take Bell’s Line of road, go throughKurmond. About 1.5km beyond the village turn right into Comberoy road. Follow this forabout 8.0 km. where there is a turn off to the left down bill. [This is just before theComberoy road makes a long sweeping turn to the right]. Go down this Wheeny creek road[not bitumen] to the creek. There is an open area with a toilet block the only building. Meethere at l 1.a.m. Do not drive across the creek, it may be as well to take gum boots if there ismore rain.

SATURDAY June 21" Meet at Betty Rymer’s home, 48 Annangrove road. Kenthuxst. At 11am.We will inspect Betty’s ferns in her extensive garden and discuss tree ferns with Peterleading the discussion.

SATURDAY July 19'”. Meet at Ron Wilkins home 188b Beecroft road Cheltenham l lam.We will discuss the microscopy of ferns.

SATURDAY August 16'“. Meet at the home of Kyrill Taylor 16 Elizabeth Cresent Yagoona atl lam. Subject for discussion ;Lycopods.

SATURDAY September 20'“. Meet at the home of Joan Moore 2 Gannet street Gladesville

PH.98175487. Subject of discussion ; Lastreopsis.


Page 6: Ma M101 - Verdigris


ORDERING SPORE: Spore is available free ofcharge from Barry White, 24 Ruby St._, WestEssendon. Vic. 3040 When ordering please include a stamped self-addressed envelope.

All types of spore are welcome including fresher samples of ones already on the list. There is nonecessity to separate the sporangia from the spore. The whole, or part, frond may also be sent in, allis acceptable. Please include date ofcollection and, if collected in the bush, the area. in the list, themonth and year of collection is shown. The letter B indicates collected in the bush. The area ofcollection is available on request.

Arachniodes aristata 5/00

Asplenium australasicum 2/02Blechnum articulatum 1/02

Blechnum camtieldii 9/02Blechnum cartilagineum 2/02Blechnum minus 5/02Blechnum wattsii 5/02Cyathea cooperi 5/02

Cyathea leichhardtiana l 1/00Cystopteris filix-fragilis /00

Dicksonia antarctica 5/02

Diplazium australe 6/00Doodia aspera 1/02Doodia media 4/03Histiopteris incisa 5/02

Hypolepis glandulifera 1/02Hypolepis rugosula 5/02


Lastreopsis acuminata 10/02Lastreopsis decomposita 12/00ustreopsis microsora 12/00

Lastreopsis munita 8/02Laslreopsis mfesoens 12/00Lastreopsis tenem 12/00Macrothelypterispolypodioides 4/01Microsorum pustulatum 1/02

Pellaea falcata 3/03Platycerium bifurc. cv German

Hybrid 9/0]Platycerium bifurc. cvLemoinei 9/01

Platycerium bifurc. cv Roberts9/0]

Contributed by Barry WhitePlatycerium bifurc. Mt. Lewis

9/01Platycerium bifurc. ssp.veitchii 9/01Platycerium bifurcatum 5/02Platycerium superbum 5102Polystichum australiense 3/03Polystichum fallax 4/02Pteris comans 10/00Pteris tremula 3/03Pteris umbrosa 1/02Pteris vittata 3/03Sticherus urceolatus 5/02

Thanks for spore donations

from Ron Wilkins andLonaine DeppelerD


NEWSLETTER CONTRIBUTIONS SOUGHT — Thanks to those who sent articles this quarter. However, I

would still like to appeal to individuals or groups to send articles, Biographies, mquestions on their favouriteplant, an interesting spot they may have visited, a tip on how to grow, or propagate plants, or problems youmight being experiencing with growing Questions have generated a deal of interest in the past.


Closing date for the Sept. 2003 Newsletter is Aug. 15‘“, 2003.*i*************************i*****************************

If undeliverable return to:

272 Humfl'ray St. Nth.,

BALLARAT. Vic. 3350

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