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1 · M-- \u25a0 \u25a0 IKO.II PETERSB_ItU. [SPBrI.L B Or THB DI«r.\TCH.], April20, 1801. Thin dny will long be remembered by the peopleof Petersburg.

Oct 27, 2019



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Page 1: · M-- \u25a0 \u25a0 IKO.II PETERSB_ItU. [SPBrI.L B Or THB DI«r.\TCH.], April20, 1801. Thin dny will long be remembered by the peopleof Petersburg.

M-- \u25a0 \u25a0


[SPBrI.L B Or THB DI«r.\TCH.], April 20, 1801.

Thin dny will long be remembered by thepeopleof Petersburg. God grant that 11 maynot be a day of "mournful memories"?a sol-emn anniversary which the widow and or-phan shall k_ep,"with tears andbitter lamentsfor the young and the brave who went withhighhopes, but returned "never mair " Thevolunteer companies received orders ouThursday to hold themselves in readiness tostart off at any moment. Since then all hasbi«en bustle and activity?the ladies shillinginthe general interest, and lending their aid tothe arrangements of knapsacks and othernecessaries. This morningwas intended forairrand muster and supervision, but it wasdestined to be a time of momentous import-ance. At an early hour the streets wen?thronged. Soldiers were hurryingto the ren-dezvous, crowds ofanxious friends and rela-tives followed, and soon thesound of trumpetproclaimed tlietipproachof our cavalry.

Suddenly the scene changed?the peopleturned back, thesoldier* marched quickly by,and it was wh tapered " they aroordered awayand will leave directly." What a thrill thesefew wor<ls caused, and how many hearts beawith conflictingemotion*. Follow the crowd?their courseis now downward ;eagerly theyrush to the depot. That gained, a pause?alittle time remains, too precious to be lost-Alas! Thecars are-ready, the "Good-bye"must be spoken,, and then in a few momentssilence will reign, and gentle ones will turnaway with aching hearts, to retrace their stepshomewards. With the exception of the Ligh1.racoons, tbe whole volußl-er force of the cityn umberingover 400 men, and tillingsevencarsleft thedepot for Norfolk at _ o'clock. Thscenesat t lie depot previous to the departureof the troops, were the saddest aud most, impressive I ever witnessed. They beggur aldescription,?therefore itwere fruitless to attempt to describe them. Tears might bseen and shrieks heard, that in their intensity of feeling might call down aeternal punishmentupon the miserable causof them at Washington.

Trulya martial spirit pervades the wholecity ; efforts tire now making,and with eir.ilient success, to form other companies. Thresponse of the people to volunteerfor the defence of their native State is generous anhearty. The face of affairs iv Viiginia hachanged, and we areprepared to meet it.

.lolin Ford, a brother of the proprietor ofaextensive book establishment and newspaptdepot, was to-d-ty ordered to leave Ibis cityon nc.omit ofbteapproval of ..orthern meand means, lt is stated that he has treqnently expressed himself very freely on the pre.ent condition of affair., and always In a.probation ofLincoln's Government. To-d.ihe was advised to seek the society ofmorecoigenial spirits, and warned that his presentwas neither needed nor desired here.

Everything like business hasbeen complete-ly susjieiided ; the tobacco factories havebeen closed, aud the negroes turned out in nstate of wild bewilderment and alarm. Mer-chants are suffering by tin*crisis, and mone-tary affairs growing more precarious eachday.

But the time for action has arrived. Thereis no time for iegrets. To your posts, then,menofVirginia! Look to God forsupport. Gotorth as did the Israelites of old, and remem-ber that right niu-t conquer: and though ty-ranny wear a bold front, it will quail andeventually fall, before the cause of truth andjustice. ' Mo.. C.r.t'R. I

P_T__._iirß>i, Sunday, April 21.NotwithetanUing the tranquilizing influ-

ences of the Sabbath, the excitement con-tinues unabated. While the ladie3 attendedthe churches to-day in large, theproportion of gentlemen was much smallerthan usual. Startling rumors have beenrife?people hurried to and fro on the streets,or collected round the bulletin boards?theConrt-Honse Hell summoned the Home Guardto me-1 in the public square?and everybodyseemed anxious to render all ne.-dful service. I

Six volunteercompanies left here yesterdayafternoon f-Jr Norfolk, viz: Company A,itfrays,) Capt. Lvon ; do. 8., do., CaptainBond ; City Guards, Capt. May :Kitlem.ii,Oapt. Hodson : Artillery, Capt. Nichols-andLafayette Guards, Capt. Jarvis?numberingin all about 400 men. An immense crowd ofboth sex.-s attd of all ng'~s gatheredat the de-pot to witness their departure. It was themoat affecting sec*? I e~.r beheld; not onlyaffecting, but painful and heart-rending;]wives taking leaveof their husbands, mothersof their sous, sisters of iheir brothers, r. ta -lives and friends?all invoking a blessing onthe heads ol" thebeloved ones, some of whomthey might nevrsee mon*. .In all that vast jIsemblage there was scarcely a dry eye, jhile in numberless cases tears cours-il j

wn the cheeks of those all unused to weep. Ihatmade the scene the more touching is thert that the troops are composed of the veryIiwer of our youth, fully three-fourths beingider twentyyears ofage. When, st length.c train was ready to moveoff, the Rev. Mr.Iia-tt, ot the Episcopal Church, deliver** the IBowingbrief and solemn address :?Soldiers! (Li forth upon yearadsdoa of de-Iace, -strongand sustained in the mightyo.vic- I>u_ of right- In these thrice are yoa armed,ie history of sar lag inye*, te be written, aud,v are a portion of the brave ineti wlm are to Iliieve Its Victories aud establish its glory. Be;iverful to <.od, and with your loula washed in Icprecious blood of Hit Son, be firm to th# duty Inuired by yourcountry. Drive bark the Inva-rs from our soil, aud the most deep prayers of"tlier?, sis-taj. and wives will hourly ascud t.i Ic God of banlcs for safety and slices'.. Ivc name of this vast n.uhitude and <f the wh. 1.mmuuitv, 1 bid you farewell; acd may Uud the Iither. Go* the Son, aud God the Holy Ghost,ess, preserve aud protest you."As the train moved slowlyoff, vociferations Iid cheers from thousands of voices rent the IThe scene was marred by the occurrence ofpaniful accident to one af Ihe ladies. Mrs.ampbell,a widow, whose only son, a no.uthof about nineteen years, was among.luuteers, h:ul ,-tlall from tbe cars by whichcsuffered the fracture ot one of her

The ladies,ever lor.mo_t in every benevolentork, have contributed laige quantities ofindages and lint lor the use of our troops.?

' icy have also formed themselves into a sew-g society, and numbers of them have beentually at work to-day, toassist in whatever

\u25a0reparation is needed to thoroughly and ini-nediately equip the new companies that haveBen formed within the two past days. Thereewcompanies arethe Cockade Rilles, Capt.oseph V. Scott, which was organized lastght, numbering. 1-0 men. Archer Volun-ers, also numbering 100, formed yesterday,

'apt. F. 11. Archer, a popularand eilkient of-tcerinthe Mexican war. And another com-.any fanned last night, at Ettrick's, on thejtpositeside oi the river.commanded by Capt.

I>. Perkins.The Richmond Greys,Capt. W. M. Elliott,

lassed through this city to-day ou their wayo Norfolk. A largo crowd was present atie depot to greet ihem, and there was im-

mense cheering.Gen. Walter Gwynn, who superintended

tie erection of the forts and batteries atCharleston, and conducted the attack on Fortumter, went to Norfolk to-day with R. R.

Collier, C. F. Collier,and l»r. R. E. Robinson,: s his staff. All made eloquent speeches.JudgeGholson adjournedhis Court in Not-

toway yesterday, in consequence of the ex-cited state of the public mind.

As there are generallysome black sheep inevery large flock, SO there are supposed to bea few Abolitionists iv this patriotic communi-ty. Two or thre-e ._?rsons were yesterday or-dered to leave, who had been guilty of someoffensive language. Ma* Co_-_.

Thb Widow's Mite?A Southern matronwrites to the Mobile Evening News, as fol-lows : Hearing thatapublic loan is to be sub-scribed for, tor ihe protection ot ourSouth.rnhomes, and the maintenance of Southernrights, and being a widow, poor, and, alas !unable to contribute even the small sum oftitty dollars from my limited means, 1 take thelibertyof sending you with this notesixbilverspoons?relics of once prosperous days?as afree contribution to the Government, hopingthatalthoughot little value, they will be re-ceived from one who (did her means permit)would cheerfully give thousands for the sup-port of a cause so patriotic and so holy. 1 begyou, Mr. Editor, to devise the means necessa-ry for forwarding my humble giltto ivproper

Cocittkt RasiiißNCß B_k__d.?On Fridaylast, the residence of Mr. Joseph Archer, InChe~t~rt-_ld, situated about thirteen milesathia city, was destroyed by Are, having

ie ignitedaccidentallyIrom thechimney.;e portion of the furniture wassaved,io oue being at home but the smaller

children of Mr. Archer, aud a lew of the ser-vants, nothingelse could be done. The build-ing was the prgperty of Mrs. Sarah Lynch, ofPetersburg, aud was uninsured, lt was aframed structure, in the country villa style,and originally cost between two and threethousand dollars.

Well. 1-oxb, Abbahsas.?We understandthat acompany numbering oae hundred andut ty men havearrived here liom Arkansas totender their services to Gen. Bragg. Theyhave organized and traveledhere at their ownexpense, and aredetermined to participate intheassault on Fort Pickens whether receivedor not. All honor to those brave and gallantmen.?Pentacola Observer.

Mr. James I. Miller, formerly of Rich-mond. Va.. has sold bia lvtares i la tb* At-lanta(fra) lutellii«nc*r,

MEDICAL HOSPITALS...nsi'llU, OF TM F NBDICAL COL-II ? . \u25a0\u25a0? \u25a0"*- V IR01!H_ Til- ll~*~4-(iit_!. erect-

uraliiyof tbeKta'e, at aeost efmore\u25a0-. u,.~«- completed, and rf-.ti r.»i the

,o of p»il»a-i. Itt« admirably adept** Ay..»i ?,-. for __? ace»?-sadaHea ol the nek. .v.d I*r-fol-shi- with ,»erv i'.'ti4-~-rtl.n. c re<int«tt_ for. --Tn! treatment it* ilt-

t, Mar-hall street, e-.»t ot istb, lasassdl-ths Ksdteal Cellege,while rei aire, la _t th* bsom thaeeeetraL, uud,:,,,,,..\u25a0 fi . -- from *!t parts ef tbeelty.. \u25a0 \u25a0 : the Imiaetllat*chargeef

..,-\u25a0::'..\u25a0 « ??-. w lin :.ia_.- rinPvya soapeteat Resides-! Physt-. -\u25a0! _Mi ii.--i or Surgical treat-y fi He Ix.AKB, Bad those

.:..:... .* Mil . I\u25a0-?.*?. AM-OTHER l>._. 1~101 I

I. . v \ \v. vk*~. both wlv.ta end eolO-*db, re-.-:»: sare aad sttenth \u25a0. NABOB*,? -rd, M_d:i-_: Attend .no, he .a - . ...>\u25a0? p,-i wt'.-k,81*1 t* 6 " "

Aid at the saa-s rats for fractteas"c~f awaeb.. . , \u25a0 ta** oas wesb,*! j-.~i Say, aptethsfl 'ek. :'.. I atk Boob* have4 led for tk-nae*a»irißs separat* _.c>i_ 'rh« chargt ; i :!..-. a dill vary lr.-ui

|-i \r. .' . * . a fee ral <in._ fr-im *'l

-. ? :\u25a0 i required, in addltlea to tue aboverelet

fr£- . ' '? ?emcval nt the pat,ent.I bs r ol !\u25a0'?«\u25a0.» placed nt ths disposal

ol i !..,! tab ? a-- K_*tioa«, al *lSs pet _Baas_,.. *\u25a0 aaaaallyt -rs*as*trsspußdlag rats\ SI. Uths

:» . BVSyed '" <r from tbe Uesßdtal in ap-rarMed axprsasly far tbepar*pass.Bgen .re invited to visit tlio

I*l, .it._ ii.-r- --.' .is n.rittc ii,?;-..-.Ur. 1 - JOl

Atiei liciaas? Ar*. TUCKER, COS-Wll . nu.i RcCAW.Aitesdlog Nnrgeoa*?-Drs. GIBSON, PBTICO-i-A-, IDIWI..-ideal PhysicUa?Dr ISAIAH 11. WHITE..-\u25a0_-.-.,-: r'. :~i PARlbtt. ap-i-ly

pKLLEVIE HOSPITAL.I> I Hl"riftl RILL, KICHMO.NI>, VA.Whits l'AT;_-Tr_!n wn._k, W per week; Idprivate r.-- \u25a0*, 11 t > il r per week.Bt .if.*-45 i~or Tr-*e~< Less thaa a week, fl j>«r

day* bi*.' BS4 Is etteeed ?,S per week. Fr_ct!on-,Trr the firs! week 71 Vents per day.Nt BBfra that ct except f..r .nrgu-«l <vp»-r: .-?? bss.n.l then an additional fee raagtag trom -r- ti ttwill be charged Bi 'tpayati* en the reemeal of tht1ttient. >"'* K-iall-p-U? admitted.a ess-erod lertag tr** - wiil convey p«*i»_ts Is... the Heap!tal vii»c desired Orders may

al tbe ii -i ltal,er at the st?ss *i A. L. Bo_--1» ,_t, Uth Htri-et, between and Cary.

I -~._-ci.!.'~t. whs b-" bees c .nae., ed wltbthe ißMituttoa *_acs ie fc-asd-tiea, having bl« exelasirs eharge,'aided by ct aipeteut

s--.-i.-.vis. solicit* * c~in'..a____e oi "the nbera!;-i t 'sags at hi_ _ud of the pnb.ic geus-rally.

A'-.-8.-Ing l'hVhicla- ar-d -*.nrfr~-.>D,JAMES BOLTON, M. D.,

Or.oe street, *tb and 6th.-SSISTABTSc. w p. BROCK, M. D..

Church H'.ll, cor. llth aud MHrshali titC. M. H.'.NTKK.

la I??iy Re*l_eat Physlclsß.

MAIN ST. HOSPITAL FOR SLAVES.--This Hospital Is sttßated ne.r the corner of

M . _ »nd AHA streets, :iai l- adrnirablv adapted iaair .:*???-. | rivaev _:. 1 bealth-alaesi oi'po-ltioa, to\u25a0 . I itpose* for which It lm* besa lastitatsd, \u25a0 Y. t MEDICAL. BTJROICAL and OBfeTE-. -'. trsatmsal of-LAV-S. The nuea aadregalatloßl g ?-?-\u25a0?riing thin lastltnttoa a'r.-lv been pab lahed. A circular oontainiiiK fullpartlculitrs will be fnrri'.shed IbsM ivho may de-»:re further Information.

Ts__->. ? l'a'.ieiit. per week. f5; le_» than a week,f 1 per diem : but the amreynH thai! -_/ mceed th*- ..~;u -A t-ueßtaatteßdiaji the daiivBxamlaatloai [a till rab]*__t forEfO*f.TALCO-f-

--i > .ill-Si .'cbarced the recnlar fee adopted byth* profeesloa at 'ar_;e. Tb" above sbargss in-i.uie b.ard, B*_idae, l&e_-_al alteudance andanrsiag. Bargical operatloas charged according

her Hospitalsof tbsdty. F-r further? ;\u25a0 _. apply to ttie Phyric*anresi-1-nt at the\u25a0 , orto oi'rtsr of the aa4srslgas4 Phy*i-c*Uce aad l'roprlstotr*.

IR*. W. HAHCOCK, M. D.,R.'.a «:., bet. ti and «tb, or 80. IIS Main st.

.T. 080. PEACHY, M. D., Hotels -i ??:., bat. -tb and 6th.

K. s. V__T, M. D., Pranklis .st.,>*ar Baliurd Hoa.s,or cor. Main and 7t_ nt..PHIIIP. HARCOCK,M. U.,Ket-id.'ut Piivt-ician.

J. O. tRIVILIAR, M. l>.,& p IJ?]j --.ient At-tnt-t-Dt.

DRY GOODS, Ac.T'OLOICS'S WIM-OW SHAD- UEI'DT,IT BBOAIJ HI KEUT.U«r-.jit .-I;-".--\u25a0.i ot l y ~~;d stock ..f Shade- at

~ 1 hay* u--. ..; .-ned a large aud b-~aiiuiult--? i tin-I.'. sll bbw atylea:. ! Border .-liAL.ts, only 75ct*nts, with la-

in re*Isad Velvet,, wor-.h *_ SS;

i G l* aad VelvetCentre, _-._-,very rich;Ldgnt aa : '.'itk Landscape*, '"i centa only ;

_»s large OIU-Framed PARLOR PICTVKEs, dif-.-. raal ssaasiy,at ths law j-nce of *2.-'', worth-\u25a0

l.ioo FIX- BCBEESB, .' .:\u25a0 c-n's earh ;?«j WIM'.'W COBNICES, from7sceaf- to At oo:

E_gl_.h. Oerman and Ami ricaa OIL CLOTHS, ail_ .li _», aad rery cheap.Call at the Dry Ooods and "Window shade De-I \u25a0 ' " H GOLDEN,as Broad st.f .BEAT BA* FOE 1 ASH.?I am' t Bit.ll e,.-iiJ_ out niv j.-enent stuck of IKY"UCODSaI a gr__t*_eriae* foreasb. Those hay-IDg I ;..\u25a0 i eady cash will f._d it greally to their la-tere«t toemllaad aaasaiae iv? *tock before rar-i!ia-!L,i P:(.ewliere, as I am detenuined to selldvery artiels without reeetd t>. cost.

_p i?li.t J.N.. L. -MITHEB. Ro. 3* Bniu at.

/ i HI"AA" BAKGAIN- IS s.i.KS.-r.'"J yards" T (..necked siik- at i>:> and li ct" ; s<>o jiat--1am* Bed M!k at fl-, *!3 and *.-}; 100 rich siik

\u25a0: d*? «t *.'. aad Sjts, -,r..nii doable tbeariOßey:ivy her~-_» nnd Orgßß-i* JN'l-ea at half price; !l>ooi?J, Berege Aairtai.. at 1..c per yard; rich Ksn-

retlaad i'nuie.i Bsrsgs Angiaic: Rrothe»- aad M»saa«b-n_ass. piain Crape Ber-ge

xid iiereire at 'lie., worth _:| aud ;"uc. K'.r bar-taini. in all style, ot Dress Uood*, call at M Main[ami] CHKi-TiAA' ISG DRY GOODS?Ws hai - "receivedij r Spring ?lock ef Fancy and staple Dry. . the p.hi'c to'exainine our _tockan,-I pric-s .efors parelu?ißg, a_ we are offt-ring- real iuduc-iilei.t.- lor Bach .JOHH-01l 4 HAKWoOD,

bp lt bo. j 1 Mala strest.

' » PK-aCLAMATItfr. OB THB «_OV XXV__OR, Issaed m the I7tfa icts., sails lor all the

volunteer* to hold themselves in ro_aiuc__. 'Tia-~ BScessaiT '.Oat they fl.ou.d eupplv them-with Blanket-.-, largo assoftaaeßt el which caa. \u25a0_ be found si the lowest piles* at LEVY'S.»f AWTII-LAS,MANVIIXA-i?Ws are bow.'1 i" receipt or aew styles of -lack ..ilk, Ka-

rags, ißglai*. andblack Lace M ANTli.LAK,whichw. are lellii i ??' pri-tM to suit the ti_o.~s.

ap i. Ji>H>so.N \ HAKWfioli, 77 Main at.O. IA MOk _TTl i SDbOME _vr_tlN<-_.' MI ii, 'O-LLS-, opening ihie noralsg, at onlya nioflpeuc. ihu yard, *t KZEKiKL'B,

ti.h ft t\ sl»'n st . MaMeit". .-.ld otand.I,'SI.LIMI Bbii-l't: AT <,_. ?E-allah B<P_ rege at «_ aud wi. bAiidvine Print-Sd do. at 1»... with Otber .ir.--.- reod* 4nio_liyiu-:,i' [*»»] CHILEO A CHWRBRY.HLACJI ShIKT HKAIO.-


Foil liuea of lb.- aboveQooiu just received andfor . ale lo tbe trad* by

f_.7 t;i.NTKK. AI.VKYJk __________I>;\7,.IC 1*HICB», lib CAM!. EST,

At Wllo_.E-.AL_ aud RETAIL,_y J'.SKPII -TRAC-B, bs-3 -Main street.

Jo~*t bought Bt in** than lo ceuta t~u the dollar,k largs stack ~~t rich Lawn* at nl. \u25ba>, lv *:.i 11 sts ;r :ui- Ja. ~._e._ and Ci^-11. lis*, life, i". he : DsbSitsse, I cle., bt «s., aiid higher ;BeieKe-., ali colors,at «*., 2rct_., he, texl "u.;ul*.'_ie li~-re?e fstella. I a Wit with t':..-u:i!e tin broidery,at *!-'-, worth- , Slacb aud C~_i~-reJ .Silk P*ra_ois, from 75ceuw and upward. : ft-.-t -!or. d I'atico, at "i and? c-nte, cheap at 10 jL.-iie*.' _ii_ 'J' Olove,. .ullet-, at l-i aud tS cc-ui* ;short ami iong. k Mit*, at 37J and '\u25a0>*> -ent.-. worth double the

>a.y Rosenes, Linen Handkerc.bief*. Iriah1..1i.-u and B~'«o_i_, Brown and Black . birtiug.-astir, vug ,Pillow Cu.*- Mu-lm aL.I Tewsliag;I-reach Seedre-werltedCollarsfr..ui l_|to_»ct».;Cambric aad Swiss Rbad*, the lasettrork in thecitf ' aud Liven Oooas for Men audB V-' wear Lilack and l.'olored .ilka, and great!__«v raors Oooda, toonui__rou_to itieu'.ion, willbe found at pries* that a.t.ulsh every body thati.!U at 80. 27 Main atreet. Look <mt fT.r the right


O KK..T, PAIHI & CU., _rt

_____luiportera aud wholesale dealer* la FOBBIOR

»-l iioM_*TICDKX OOODS, So. 103 and iiSMaißi«et. Kicbn.ond We are receiving, and have» >vr tv uti/ie. a largs and de~«irabls stock of

li__hrjpr~._;~ Qeods,eoaslstlßl of tl.e imual varie-ty. aii.iemt,r_.ingt-v.,ryUe.irabic style of Forelgßaud D~.ini_.tic Uo.d», which we are prepared to\u25a0C< rto ..tu SBBti .in.its upon tbe uio»l favorable'\u25a0\u25a0-mi. We shall, iv coo«t_(Bxuce ol the diaturb-«\u25a0 I tuuditl.a of SOB-S-Sn iai u.atter., conbue ouri.4i« f to .a.baud pr.juji.l »ix moath*' buyer*, for

t*§*ti and to .uch,gre-l induceiueut*will be otfsre*. Our . t .ck will be kept up dui.ugtbe, aud uot i.c »urt<4M«d, lv varietyaad ..1.-'., byauv Uou.e ln the Soulhern State*.Juour CUmilb. DEPARTMENT we arepre-;~i \u25a0) r. t-xlitUit a large, fsahio-nable and fr**h\u25a0tock, of our own bianufaetars, and gottes upex-liremily forour own trade. BROW- _UK-T_L_,__aud BHIKTI-IOtS will be «'dd tl uettCa.b, in bs.ij*_.ble luudt. Order* are *orrened, :aud wili re» onr pro?ipt aud iieiaonai attea-lloa |iah-j ttMT, PAIR!bCO.HARU.AI'.b, 9bst«.lif«av MAKriAi?.*.- i-u»t received. * large lot of _._gli»li Bereg*,at very low price* for li»* time.. I nhall olferIbeio at the low figureof 19 cent* per yard. AUo, Ia i.i of tliu.t- fcs-_r'id_i*d diiui, at oue »hllitUM. |All ladier la waul of ch.ap Dre_* <-o_~d*. will dowell it, g|v« ,v- a i ..I: bofore uarchaaiug,a* 1 am I

that 1___

east grif-t iudueoioenl*. Iihay* * j/reatau-iy ~_ooda is store that 1 an il.hrgaTa. iv _.iL_ aa llaadk-re-ta-a. C011.r.,Iri.b Lis_rti sLiit Ifroat*.»«d vaiwu*othsr good*.XrlMrCtmAuSWEmn

llirhmon-i pispatrh.TVF.SHAY MORNING APRIL 23, 1861.

THE mmVßummSmn OK VIRfiIMA.Tli4> Southern newspapers continue to bring I

account* of the eiilhiisiastic reception of the Jnews of Virginia's s**ea*tsa_ The Atlanta I(t)a.) Confederacy, of the inst , says:

lor a. short time, every one that met his Ineighbor hurriedlyand anxiously asked, "Is Ittruer' _ii_.ii. however, all doubts were re-moved from the minds of the most skeptical,and all over the city ch.STB and shouts of ex-ultation went up. Frii-uda and neighbors metBaeb other with laces beaming with smile*and with joy. The bells all over townwere t_et to ringing,"and kept up a joyou* dinol longand loud peals. Our Sui>erior Courtwas iv -m~ ..-ion, but Judge Hull, on receivingthe news, promptly adjourned the Court.??Soon the l.iud-uiouiUiHi cannon wa* broughtout. and a salute ot eight guns were final*boaOT oi the assail Ills Honor Judgii Hulllinng off the tir. t oue Everybody wa*. filledv. it ti leiouing that noone tried to conceal.?Even those who lately were "indiffertut"about the od mission ol the border States?or,perhaps, uppaatd ta if---oon caught tb* na-rnntrulabls lire of joyous delight at the event,and joined as heartily as any one iv lhe d_-tiioii~->lrations ol

The greatest oultiur.sts ol enthusiasm, how-ever, occurred at night, lhe BtraStS were il-lumined with the lurid light of numoroiislockets. The boys well Blfb exhausted thesupplyOS* torpedo-, in U.a_.ily. 1-ir*woi_?_ud pistols were discharged on every band.?80-tirM were built. Pi. uu*Sanaa with musicpanuiedour streets. A large number ol houseswero illuminated. The enterprising proprie-tress of the Trout House bad every windowof the building?--trom ground to garret"?

brilliantlylighted up. The negroes joinedinlbs geaeral aaaail-atatto-s of joy at the event,aad barrabed quite eotbaslastkaHy lor "OleWirgiuny." Altogether,our peopleweremoregeaaraUe enthused than they havebeen lormany years : and the d' moustrations werebapsap to a late hour.

The Augusta lUa.i Constitutionalist says:Tins auspicious event was not unexjiected

by our rIIHrT_T How could it be otherwise,ni view of the great emergency, and of the al-ternative upon which onr patriotsand states-men were called to decide? The question withher was, _li__l she adhere to an aim slaverygov.rninent, and aid in the slaughter of herfriends and brother., kinuied in blood, sym-pathies and institutions; or will she .corulul-iy break loose from the contaminatingembraceo't iit.olition miscreants and demons, and seekunder the banner of the Confederate Statessafety and honor? Her patriotic and saga-cious" sons have decided lor her wisely andwell. They have resolved to sustain tbe pres-tige of tin- Old Dominion for wisdom in coun-cil. They will notfail to vindicate her fanMu~r courage in the field. Henceforth the starof VirKiuia, that shone so brightlyin tbeoldgalaxy of the I nited States, will glitterwithiiudiiiiiued lustre iv the Southern constella-tion.

Thedelight of our citizens at this noble ac-

I cession to the Southern Confederacy is un-bounded and irrepressible. The event sheds aroseate light of hope and promise on the fu-ture path of the young Republic. The exam-ple of Virginia will be conclusive on theotherborder States, and will give the Southern Con-federacy a material, moral and intellectualji-owerbefore the world that will extort re-spect and compel an honorable peace.

Tho Montgomery Confederation,of the,says :

The native Virginians residing in thiscity,appreciating the noble response of the OldDominion to the cause of Southern indepen-dence and equality,tired one hundred guns onvesterdny afternoon at 5 o'clock, in honor oflier secession. Several ladie. participated Inthe enjovm.Nt, and tired two or three of the.guns The crowd assembled was very large,and the enthusiasm exi-tinf. made r.s feelproudof the place ofour nativity. Amongthemany Virginians present, we observed JohnTyler, Jr., son of Ex-President Tyler. Mr.Tylerhad the pleasureof tiring a gun in honorOC thenoble act of his State.

The demonstration on last night was wellworthy of the people of Montgomery. At 8o'clock a large crowd gathered in front of theCentral Bunk, and iv the midst of large bon-fires and the displayof fireworks, wereenter-tained with speeches by Alex. H. ClitheralL001. Fiunie, of Memphis, John Tyler, Jr.,Mr. Hullock. ofKentucky, Jas. Hoilgson, SHarris. D. Workman, Mr. Chilton, John Pol-lard, and others.

The Mobile Tribune, of the 19th inst., thus i

describes the scene in that city, on the recep-ttOß of thenews :

We have never seen so much excitement!and so general an exhibition or joy as there .was yp-t-rdav, after thereception of the newsthat" Virginia had joined our Confederate-States. Houses were illuminated, bells were!rung in all directions, and especially on our jsteamboats. Crowds were gathered together,and speeches were made. Guns and pistolswere .hot off in all directions, and there wasa general disposition to make a noise. TheCadetsand the Rifles turned out and firedvolleys. In tho evening, the excitement in-creased, and a meeting was held at the cornerofSt. Francis and Royal Streets, where theenthusiasm seemed to culminate.

Onr good friends, the negroes, partook of theexcitement ; and especially those who take apride in "Old Virginuy." Theyweredelight-ed, and on the steamboats rang the bells witha utnt which would have astonished Old Abeand per. otis down-east ofhis kidney.

The news was received at Columbus,Miss., with every demonstration of joy. TheDemocrat 6ays:

The announcement that Virginia has se-ceded, will producea thrill of joyin the hearts-ol all true patriots. It will revive the weakand timid ; strengthen and encourage thebrave ; and it will make the success of theSouth brillitnt and complete. The with-drawal of Virginia is the crowning event of jthe secession movement?it unites the Sou tli. ,Hut how could it have been otherwise ? The.noble old mother never faltered yet in tlieiperformance of a duty; it is too late for her jlodo so now. Rich as she is in deeds iha.iare writ upon the brightest pages of history, jthis last work of duty aud patriotism sur- .passes them all.

A ladyof New Orleans thus amends of " Virginia and the Confederate "Wag- Ion " : iHurrah ' forold Virginia,

She's slow but verysure?H_r Wis men urged, her 08, and vow

hhe's knocking at the doorOf the brave becessiou wagou?

Then __t it -pen wide.We've kept acozy corner for

Her dearobi self inside. |.Hoars.?Room in the wagon I

Room in the wagon »In the strongCoufe>ler_te wagon,For ourdarlingaud our prideI

The New Orleans Picayuno of the 19th in-.ltrill. _mv__ ?| The reception, yesterday, by telegraph, of

the glad tidings of Virginia's determination to! join the Confederate States,produced in ourcity the most enthusiastic excitement. Wehave never witnessed anything comparablewith it. The accession of the "Mother ofStates" to the Confederacy was universallylooked upon as an event of happiest omen, jand as the news spread electrically from man!, the interest felt in it manifested it9elfIy possible mode ol joyous expression, jof artillery were heard fiom several

f the city, and every "coigne of van-frotn which the I.ouisiaua and Con-. States flags could be displayed, wased for thatpurpose. Cheersand shoutsaair, hands were clasped in exultantuilatiou, while health and long life torgiuiawas the ruling toast in many a'ircle. The city presented the ap|iear- |a day of jubilee?of universal holiday,ge and enthusiastic meetingof native,ans was held at the St. Charles Hotel,Orleans, last Friday night, lt was !to order by Col. D. A. Wilson, whoited thefoliowiiiggentlemenforofficersineetlng:dent.?P. E. Bonford.President*.?A. D. Kelly, W. H. Pax- |las. M. M-ta-ie, W. C. Lipscomb, Hon.

Stith, Charles R. Wheat, Charles'<rdo, J. D. Denegre, T. I_. Macon,ill Smith, George McMurdo, D. B. 'i, Robert B. Scott, Walter Cox, JudgeJohn K. McMurdo, C. D. Yancey,B. Walton. M. Semple,L. M. Mum-

ionford,on taking the chair, addressedningfor a few minutes in an eloquentriotic strain, congratulating those pre-the proud attitude ol Virginia,

following resolutions were adopted,! amid vociferouscheers :

Resolved, That, «.» n*tlv«s of ths Old»"«**- B_"'n-we hays received tbs asws of her ttteteiou wit*.uuboun-sdjoy. .___\u25a0 .--?

Resolved, That we »end hsi our hsartfelt grset--1 ing*, aad will bail ths sdvest of herassr »lar inth* gßl*ayof out glertoasSonthsraCoafe'lsi-tioß:with prlds sod plsasare. t .

R*m4md, Th_t whtls,a* oKi.eas of LooUUna by; adoption, our Br-i allegtauee I* to bar, j"*l **? pledgeout-civ**, bow as evsr,lo bs trap to \lr-giui_'* raliytsgsry, "»is bemaer Tyrannls."

?.»_iW, fhat the eeiion of tbe Oovsraora ofNorth Candl-a,Te*aes*ee,Kcs.ucky aad Ml--_«url, Indicating on* uaainmou. feeling of resUt-*__« saioaa tha South*.-, people, OJIS oar Insert\u25a0. ,

Patriotism ia Lynchbarg. IThe Lynchbarg Republican informs us that

there is not a man, woman,child or negro ln Jthat town, who 1* not right upon the great Ique.,tion of the day, _jid ready to do or die.? ITho ladies are working with true patriotismLynchburg will turn ont at least six hundred Jmen, at lhe first tocsin of war, as brave aud j

\u25a0a true as ever marched to the battle field.We copied from the Republican, * day ot\

two since, an offer made by Hbxbt D. Flood, IEsq., to be oneol* ten to give Aye hundreddollars forequipping thevolunteersolLynch-burg. We now learn that the number wasmade np on Saturday. We give tho name.ofthe patriotic and liberal gentlemen: Heskt X).Flood. StsrH Wooi.roof, Geo. D. Davis, A. ii.R.rKKS, CHIB.VK__ I.AUSK*., SaML MiCoR-TK,Jobs T. Davis, Gko. M. Ki'cikr, John Wm.-d-KBBi.i., Jos. 11. Wilson. All honor tothem now and hereafter.

ln addition to the above, we learn from theRepublican that the Merchants' Hank Direc-tory, at a meeting Saturday evening, agreedto contribute, in iheir individual capacity,thesum of four thousand dollars in aid of tho vol-unteer companies. The Hoard of Directors ofthe Exchange Hank ofLynchburg, at a meet-ing .Saturday, made a donation of MO dollarsto each one of the volunteercompaniesof thatcity, making1,000 dollars in all.

Mr. L. 11. Lya*, of Lynchburg, formerlyofthe U. S. Navy, having tendered his servicesto Gov. Letcher, left yesterday fur Norfolk,in obedk'tiee to the following dispatch:

"Lt. Leonard 11. Lyne?Services accepted.?Report to Capt. Forrest at Norfolk. Com-mission will be sent to you nt Norfolk.

" W. MI'.NPt'RU,'?Secretary of the Commonwealth."

Dr. Thomas L. Walker, of Lynchburg, hasoffered to uniform and fullyequip any aadallpersons who intend to jointh" companies nowformed, or tobe formed, in that city, for thedefenceof the State.

Tiie Artillery Company of Lynchburg re-turn their most sincere acknowledgment,to"a lady,'" for her donation of one hundreddollars to aid in equippingthe company.

Affair* at Pb.sacola.?A letter from aGeorgian at Pensacola, dated April .Sth,says:

Day liefore yesterday a few of Slemmer'smen came over to Haraneas wharf", and someindiscreet soldier told them that tbey wouldsee eights in Pickens before morning. The lactis, it was understood that we were to havemade theattack that night on Fort Pickens.At alxiutnine o'clock at night.Col. Torneyrode up tocamp, and ordered the'three Geor-gia companies to got ready at a moment'swarning. Theintention was to convey usoverto Santa Rosa Island, upon which Fori Pick-ens is built. Every man was immediatelycalled up, donned his uniform, belt, cartridgebox, Ac. The Augusta and Georgia boyswere prompt in responding, and were readyand in time. While we were anxiously ex-pecting the order, "forward," about lo o'clockat night,we heard the boomingof heavy can-non irom Fort Pickens, which was lollowedby a number of congreverockets, which weresent up to lhe fleet to land reinforcements,which they did in Pickens. They effected alodgment on Santa Rosa Island without ourfiring a gnn,thereby completelycheck-matingus. I now suppose that the attack will bedelayed some several days.

Libkralitt.?We copy the following fromthe Augusta(Ga.) Chronicle, in the hope thatpatriotic Virginians may be found willingtoimitate the example i

We have already noticed tho formation ofthe "BlodgetVolunteers." Thecompany wasorganized on Wednesday night. Capt. Rlodg-et started immediatelyforMilledgeville?sawGov. Hrown on Thursday?procured fromhim his commission as Captain, and an orderfor the arms of the company, and returnedyesterday. An instance of energetic workwhich does great credit to Capt. Blodget, andindicates that he will not prove an unworthyson of the man who volunteered alone tbswim the Withlricoocbee, in defiance of anambush of hostile Seminoles. Capt. Blodgetand his company will be h<-ard of with honorin this war. They will be ready to r. ..pondto their orders in about ten days.

In this connection, we cannot refrain fromnoticing the generous conduct ofone of ourcitizens, who is not the man to blazon hisgood deeds to the world. Mr. Hlodget had en-gaged to uniform and equip the company athis own expense, and was" making prepara-tions to raise the funds for the purpose. Hisdesign became known to Thos. S. Metcalf,Esq., whoat once sent to Capt. Blodget thenote which is subjoined. The donation in ef-fect amounts to nearly two thousand dollars.

We accidentally learned that Mr. Metcalfpresented fire hundred dollars a few dayssince to the families of those now absent atPensacola. He,as well as manyothers ol" ourcitizens, make such donations in so quiet away that they are ouly to bo heard of acci-dentally,or we should have noticed the factbefore this.

Benjamin Conly, Esq., piesented to theBlodget Volunteers thesum Of one hundreddollars, and we understand, tiiso, thai JudgeA. P. Robertson gave one thousand dollarstowards tho relief fund for the families of ab-sent soldiers.

ArucsTA, April I_, 1861.FriendBlodget: You asked me this morn-

ing to assist you in clothing your new com-pany to go to the wars. Ido so cheerfully.?Have a complete suit for each member madeand send the bill to me. While on your tourof duty,I will haveplaced to your credit fiftydollars a month ta the Mechanics' Bank ofthiscity, and you cau draw your checks forthe same from time to time, for the most need-ful ofyour company, to be distributed here totheir families, or to themost deservingin yourcorps for other reasons.

Respectfully yeurs, Thob. S. Metcalf.

The Harper". Fbrky Affair.?The follow-ing is communicated to us as a correct state-ment of the takingof thb Federal post at Har-per's Ferry :

"Col. Crump, Special Aid ofthe Governor,was dispatched on Wednesday last to t:tk_Harper's Ferry. When lie arrived at Stras-burg, lie had 70. men. He gave up that com-mand and went ahead to Charlestown. Ougetting there he ordered the Jefferson Regi-ment, of .Oiimen, and Capt. Ashby's troop ofCavalry to surrouud the town and cut off allcommunication, and if a reinforcement wasattempted, to burn the bridge. When theregiment got to the edge of the town, thearsenal and armory, containing 14,000 guns,were blown up, and the carpenter shop 6et ouAre. The citizens saved-,<)_u improvedarms;the machine shops did not take lire, and themachinery was s___od. The Virginia flagwasrun up at 13 o'clock at night. Col. Crumpsurrounded the town with picket guards, de-clared marshal law iv the place, and remainedin that position until the rear guard arrived,about day the next morning.''

Newspaper Scspbkubd.?The editor of theBedford (Va.) Democrat, Mr. John T. S. Per-ry, publishes ing card to his sub-scribers in his l-sT-san*:

The sudden call for troops has made it thedutyof thesubscriber to complywith his en-gagement as a member of the " Old DominionRifles," and repair to the scene of service.

As lie is not only the editor, but the printerina great part of"what appears iv his paper?with all the compositors called irom hisoflice foractive service, it will be impossiblelor liim to continue its regular issue until heshall resume it at his return.

During this unexpectedsuspension the sub-scriber muat throw himself upun the indul-gence of his patrons. To those who wish it,

Iwe will mi>ke good the number of paperswhich may thus be wantingto the year's sub-scription.

lv place of the title which our paper hashitherto borne, we -hall adopt ln our nextis-sue thatof "Southern Patriot." Under thistitle all can unite. In this cause all can co-OBStuAS.

Tb»J*_sske.-?The peopleof Memphis are in aperfect phr.nzy of military excitement. Ten-nessee will give a goal account of herself inthe gieatrevolution. The followingis an ex-tract from a letter dated Cleveland, Tennes-see, April l*:

"Tennessee Is revolutionised at last. TheAre burns all tbemore fiercelyforhavingbeenrepreased so long. Our boys are ready tospring to the conflict. Our Legislature meetsagain next week. Military companies to re-sist Lincoln are being organised all over theStale. Iexpect tobe in Virginia,or whereverelse tbe fight is to be made,as soou as Tennes-see can place herself In lightingtrim.

\u25a0' Rely upon It, our State is uot going tostandneutral in this conflict."

Rep t-i-A i.m ? The detentionofMem phis pro-perty at Cincinnati, heretoforeaoticed by tel-

\u25a0egrapb, naturally provoked tbe inhabitantsof the first named elty tomake reprisals. The

rs Lady Jackson, Capt. Samuel Dean,incinnati, and tbe Citizen, from Pitts-si. both waited on and informed thatould ba detained at Memphis till sochthe people ot Clueiuuali forwarded thalegal!, arrested.

' - ?\u25a0

DAILY DISPATCH.?" \u25a0 i -'* ?' \u25a0 \u25a0 - .'....... i \u25a0 j» \u25a0 \u25a0 " ' ? i 1 ______?I


Charged with Forgery.? On the 13th of thepresent month, the Mayor issued his warrantfor the .apprehension ofCharles Smith, some-times called Abraham Clayton, for forging, onthe 4th ol" April, and passing ne gonuine, acheck purporting to be signed by Warwick A.Barksdale, for *41.15, payable to Abraham _..Taylor, at the Exchange Hank. The prisoner,who Is a young man of genteel add res*, wasImplicated sometime .tneeby oneCarter, nowin .i-_ullii-__.e_t awr-iting trial for a similar of-fence, and, it is said, left tbe city and went toNew York, hiving but latelyreturned. Thepolice .noei-ede-d in layingbold ol" him Sundaymorning,and he was brought before the Re-corder on yesterday. After an investigation,lie was so,, ton lor examination by the Hust-nigs Court, on the -_d Monday la May, notonlyon the abovecharge, but also for forgingthe names of Warwick A Barksdali- to acheckdated April Sth, for *31.75, payable to RobertCrouch, at the Exchange Bank, and to acheck lor#49 13, payable to Wm. P. Watkins,all of which offences were established againsthim by the evidence Hdduced.The same party awaits examination on oth-ercharges of a similar nature, viz : forging P.T. Moore A, Oo.'s nameto three checks,one for#21.15, payableto Edmond It. Steane, passed to(Jeoi'Kß lleulel ; onefor*_4.l7, payableto Wm.L. Seiiiion, pa*Sßdi to Jno. V. Kohler, aad ouefor #16 Ti, payable to Edward E. Wilson, to Isaac Jacobs.

There were four other forged checks in theofficer's hands, which the prisoner is chargedwith having uttered, and some dozen more brought to light to-day, when tbe ex-janimation will be resunu-d. It is proper to*iy that some of the checks passed by James

|E. Carter, are undoubtedly written by thesame hand as those produced in Court yester-day. The father of the accused, aa estimableand worthycitizen, is much distressed at therevelations abovenoted. As the examinationwas about to conclude yesterday, (fotleibMaisch appeared in Court and produced aforged check passed on him by young Smith.

Col. Robert E. Lee, said by General Scott tobe the best engineer officer iti the UnitedStates Army,and to whom is due the brilliantresult of" the operations conducted by theAmerican Army in the Valley of Mexico, du-ring the war with that country, having re-signed his ofliee in the late United States Ar-my, has returned to the bosom of his nativeState to olfer to her, in this, hei- time of need,the homage of his unquestioned talent andgenius. lie arrived yesterday eveningvia theCentral road from Gordonsvi lie., and all alongthe route was cheered on his return. At thecars in this city his greeting was warm andenthusiastic. He was in_t by Jadce .TohuRobertson, AdjutantGeneral Richardson, andother friends, and escorted to the SpotswoodHotel. Here there Was an immense crowd ofcitizens congregated anxious to pay their re-spects, and after a brief retirement,"he had torespond to their urgent entreaties by an ap-pearance and a few remarks, in wbicb hepledgedhimself to the performance ofhis dutyand his whole du_ty to the landofhisbirth. Col".Lee's presence acred with magic influence onthe citizens, who feel that in him theJ havesecured indeed a prize of no ordinary magni-tude. Col. Lee will no doubt, be tendered ahigh command iv the Virginia army. He isequal to any station that he could be called to.

Arrest ofSuspicioni /'. rsstss.?Taro Individ-uals latelyemployedin this city,callingthem-selves Frederick Spindlerami Frank Hiner,were arrested on Sunday, in Caroline county,as. suspicious characters, by the VigilanceCommittee established in that region. Theywere brought to this city yesterday, and car-ried before Recorder Cas'kie. The utteranceof words of a seditious character was provedon Spindler by persons who worked iv thesame shop with him at IJinford & Porter's.?Against Hiuer there was nothing speciallyproved, save that he was taking a very roundabout way of gettingout of town towards theNorth, and professed entire ignorance of theextensively published proclamation of theGovernor, requiring non-residents to leavewith a permit. The Recorder said he did notwish, even in times of excitement, to do any-thing contrary to law and justice, and iiewould continue the case till this morning, inorder to allow the accused an opportunityof proving their innocence of designing to actin a way to disturb the peace and dignity olthe State. Th*accnaed were sent to jail.

.! Number of the Componies attached to theIstRegiment, paraded yesterday evening, un-der the command ol" 001. Moore, and madean unusually line appearance, clearly demon-strating that the war fever had permeated therank-., and that each individual soldier wasready and eager for the fray, come when itWill. In speaking of the l?ilitary, we maysay that the Young Guard, Capt." Charters,and Virginia Lite Guard, Capt. J. StewartWalker, also paraded yesterday, with veryfull ranks, and were drilled and Inspected onthe Square, in squad, company and battaliondrill. The rank and tile of the 17-th Regimentare ready to go wherever duty calls, and doand dare anythingthat any men would in thecause of their State, and of justice and equalrights.

«triet.? Yesterday, before the Recorder,lave of James Thomas, was ordered B-for cuttingTom, slave of C. M. Nim-

-I'he latter, arrested for lighting in tin.street, wa. let off.?Lewis Clo»e, was com-mitted until to-day lorexamination lor fight-ing in the Star Saloon.?Jas. A. C.arke,foundin possession of IS glass tumblers, supposed tohave been stolen,was acquitted.?Peter Law-son gave Emanuel Rebiiutn as surety on thecharge of assaulting Cary Bolton.?Wm.Scott, colored, was ordered '25 lashes for usingIndecent and abusive language to CatherineJehu.on, white. The prisoner appealed andgave security to appear beiore the HustingsCourt.?A. J. Cox, charged with indecentlyexposing bis person lo the street, wa. triedand acquitted.

Manchester alias te the Importance of theCrisis.?Within the last lew days CompanyB, of the I.7th regiment of Virginia Militia,lias increased its effectivestrength to IVi men.The recruiting is still going ou, and those whodesire to join will apply at the rendezvous,in Manchester, as it is contemplated to form abattalion during thb present week. Ouryoung iiiend, Louis F. Bossieux, of Rich-mond, is captain of the company, and no bel-ter leader could be found in times of trial anddanger. A good and substantial uniformwill be furnished all tiie members, withoutcost to themselves. Roll on the ball. Hur-rah for Manchester, and the "yellow jack-ets."

P'driotic Woman. ?The ladies ofthe SecondBaptist Church and congregation met yester-day morning, and unanimously resolved tooffer their services to the Governor, for thel-r.inufa. lureof military uniforms, bandages,lmt, ice, _.ud some of them to act as nurses,wheuever and .vherever jpfuired. Theyhave a force sufficient, wi_b BB,c aid of thesewing machines owned by fflbaa, to makeuniforms for a company of one hundred sol-diers iv twenty-lourhours. An order will begiven them to-morrow, forone hundred uni-lorms lor one of the companies justorganizedin mis city. All honor to these patriotic wo-men. May their noble example be imitatedby all the daughtersof Virginia 'TAe Home Guard.?This company, consist-ing only of persons exempt from militaryduty, has increased in a few days to morethan 400 men, and is still increasmg in num-bers. It has been reorganized as a battalionof four companies. Wyndham Robertson,Lieutenant Colonel: Judge John A. Meredithand Col. Thos. B. Bigger, Majors ; P. J. Ar-cher, Wm. Y. Sheppard, Geo. 11. Tompkiu*and R. O. Ha..kius, Captains. The protectionof the city, in the absence of the youngermen, will be amply providedtor, Dy this audtheother corps, ol which several are organ-**? __

The Right .Spirit.?The Itidteti of the GraceStreetBaptist Church held a meetingat theclose of the religious ssrvbsas on Sundaymorning, and informed the Governorof theState of their readine-* to render any servicein their power iv lilting out our volunteer*lor militaryduty. They met again yesterdayto organize themselves for prompt and effi-cient service. They take this method of in-forming the authorities, and the voluuteercompanies, that any demand for their labor,left with Ragland J. Brother, corner of llthand Main streets, will meet with ready andcheerful attention.

Major Robert 8. Gamrtt, of Essex county,U. S. A., one of General Taylor's staffofficersin the arduous cauipai. n loiidncted by thatdistinguishedGeneral iv Mexico, has sent hisri-siguati.iu to the Secretary of War, and is nolonger in the service of the late United states.Major fl. will enter the service of the SouthAll of the truesons ol the Old -Dominion areHocking to her aid. She ta truly rich in thepo.-M_._iou of noble sons.

Rebecca Chandler, a dissolute whit* femal*.of uiipiea-ing exterior,wa* carried before Re-corder O-skt-e yesterday, forbeing drunk anddisorderlyin the street. She was t-ininiitedIndelliultof *100 security to keep the pencetowards Wm, B. Brown. Mi*s Chandler'snose was somewhat impaired in beauty bythe removal ol a seeiiaa of tha cuticle nearthe bridge?supposed, irom appearances, tohave been effected by violet,i means.

Mai. Jot. Retien Bad Col. Jno. Bank headMagf-der, oftbe U. 8. A., have bulb tend*redtheir resignation* to tbePresident, andofferedtheir ssrvk« to Virginia, theuluiive Stat*.

L. t. Blues.? This .lorlous old companycommanded by Capt. O J. \Vi»e, has »_-111 i-*t-?**a large number ol men, who are now nmb-rconstant drill, and anxiouslyawaiting a callto perilous ilnty. Mr. Wm. L. Mau le wasfleeter! senior 2d" I.le'it»»nant of the corps lastFriday night. The Bl***, who are the oldestjcompany iv the Suite, and can boa»t of his-toric renown, are not willing to live on theglories of the past. Their motto haa everbeen "upwardand onward." Under tbe lead-ership of so chiV-lrou~- a gentleman as Jen-nings Wise has ever provedhimself to be, theyhave become asan unit, and ro act, anil sowill continue to act, whether as peaceful vol-unteers "pl_,ving soldier" or amid tli. din ofthe battle Held and warn alarums. The Illuescan be counted on as surely as the sun rise*and sets. There is not a man, woman or childIn Richmond that could not en trust bia orherhonor to their keeping, assured that it couldbe preserved to the death.

Thriving Company.?The MontgomeryG-nard, Capt. John Dooley, mainly, it notentirely, composed of citizens of Virginia ofIrish birth, have espoased the cause of theiradopted State with the devoted earnestnesscharacteristic of the generous-hearted peo-ple of which they are the representatives.As a general thing, no matter where ltx-ated,

Bi South has ever found true friends inshmen. Yesterday the Montgomery Guard

paraded to the number ot Itt?eighty beingrecruits, some ol" __*\u25a0_ Sturdy six-i'oot-andover fellows, who have served in theOr!-MB,ami areaccustomed to the shock of bittle.?Micheal Seayers, Esq., well-known in con-nection with the I! O O. V., and an estima-ble and worthy* gentleman in private life,was lately elected Second Lieutenant .of theifuard, which election makes its corps ofolhc.-rs complete.

There are a large, number of brave menwho wonld readily unite themselveswith ourvolunteers, were they assured that theirfamilies during their absence would not becalled upon to eat the bread of want an.l pov-erty, while they were periling their life onthe "tMited ili-Ul," in defence nf the honorolthe State. We m:iy say to all fnch, that wehave the best assurance that their familieswill not be allowed to fuller. Measures arenow being initiated looklac to the speedy at-tainment of such a desirable consummationI Those who are desirous to serve their State| need not fear that either Old Virginia or tbe

I citizens of Ricbmqad will see their families| want for any thing during their absence. It

i« both patriotism ami duty that would impel| tbem to such a course.

CityRailwag.?Thisl work progresses,though?we imagine it will hardly M completed tinssetison, all circumstances beinu taken into AC-I count. The track-layers were at work las:Saturday in front of the County (Jourt-Hoase,operations having beeu commenced at thejunction of Main and Pear streets, nearKocketts. A small vessel was union.lingironat the Dock, a day or two a_ro, which, wesuppose, is fur this railway. A citizen, whowas looking at the work on Main street, a.-kedus whyit was tbat all the laborers were imported from theNorth, when so many of ourown citizens were out of employment? Wecould uot answer the Interrogatory.

Company "_?-,'" Chisteifield Dragoons.? Thisfine body of horsemen were introduced againto our citizens on yesterday by Capt. mil,their accomplished commander There wenabout seventy-live in line. The people ofChesterfield were ever noted for the prompt-

ss with which they responded to the call ofuty. There is nota cent of discount ou theiravery. The county will furnish its quota

infantry and troopeMfe"good ineii audne." j**The Gunstnilhs, and other »«lier-» of suchings, of this city, hive raised the price ol1 warlike implements, 000 per cent Thi-on the principle of ki~t~p all you hive and'tall yoa caa. Were floordealers aad proision merchants tofollow the nob!" example,ie vox pupal i would be completely skinned'c are opposed to making money out of th.ipposed necessities of the people.Return of Military.? The Howitzers, Cora-any V, and Fayette Artillery; returned tohis city yesterday, and reported all quietbeow ou James river.The Governor's Montifed Guard, Captain

btbell, a?Sabering about 7;> uniformed uii-uiban and ti recruits, who had been on a tourof duty,also returned yesterday.

Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Vice-President ofthe Southern Confederacy, arrive<l iv Kich-mondat4 o'clock yesterday morning, and isstoppingat the Exchange Hotel. During theday he had several conferences with the Gov-ernor, on the subject of his mis.-ion here,wbicb is in re-p-ot lo tbe p.«tpe_t of Vir-Kia's becoming a member ofSbs Southern

nfederacy. IA rery long train of empty cars left the

Fredericksburg depot last evening about 4o'clock, aud on inquiring of the Superin-teiident, we learned that tliey were dispatchedafter the Lexington Cadets and other com-panies along that line of travel, who will, nodoubt, arrive here today. Col. Smith, ofthe Institute, has been in town for severaldays.

Beverly Randolph, late a Lieutenant tn theUnited States tNavy, having been appointedto a similar post in the Virginia Navy, hasbeen ordered tt) report himself to C.ipt Rob.B. Pegram, Commander-in-Chief at Kicti-mond.

Capt. Macaulcy ant Lieut., latelyat the Portsmouth Navy-Yard, arrived lastnight,and had an interview with GovernorLetcher. They are stopping at the Spots-wood House. The natuie oi their businesswas not divulged.

Company "..," Capt. Gordon, of the FirstRegiment, now numbering l'_o effective men,are announced as ready for any serviceat onehour s call. This is promptitude worthy ofall praise.

j The State Authorities seized .It t* Army re-volvers, belongingto Williams, Peter" & Co.,on Sunday. They were tound at the AdamsExpress Company's office, in this city. TheState pays for them, of course.

immti uitioa.?Volunteer companies using?.fins others than those obtained Irom lhe Ar-mory in Richmond, will read an miveriise-ment of the Ordnance Department concerningthe means of obtainingammunition.

Fined ?Y. A. Kuper was fined t~5 in two in- jStances yesterday by the Recorder, beforewhom it was proved that his teams had beenurged at au unlawful rate of speed on Caryand I>'ii.ii -Mi-i-et.s.

The Pump House is in lull operation now,Ering the last day or two, owingto theübsjdence of the flood in James river,teado.s not a preponderence asly of >g to txcellent arrangements made ajy"Mayo forpreserving*the publicpeace,"ing notice of danger, we hear of butisorder in Richmond now-u-days.

7overnor yesterday accepted the ser-f a tine volunteercompany Irom Dan-,umberingover onehundred men.


pttrtuerohtpheretofore existiug b.twetu thenuilersigu.ii, under the -ituul l~ '."?..\ _ T|L~BOTT, is tots day dissolved by mutual consent.

THO.. J. TAl.r.'.'l I is aloae authorized lvcol-lect tbe debts due to the Aim, so I to h.tile it-business,and ho will pay all tbe debts due by thsAll havingclaims ag_.iu_t the firm, arsreqiiHs'S'l l'~ pre.eulthem iiinn. .1 lately to I lineJ. TALBOTT. <l_OK__ K.BONN,

TUOb. J- TALBO.T.Richmond, April IS, 1..1. ap i.-l.t_ClO-PAK INI-K-HIP.?VV _. lhe~tiud.isi Mu,o,

i have this day foinied a co-partnership, uu-dertbe firm and style of JOYN _X - CO., tor lhepurpose of jjoudn.tißg a UL.NII.AI. ii-h.'.;... VaodI.IQCOK BU SINKS.,at ths old staud of J.VV. .\i~~e a Co., No. -?' Maia street, where theywoald be pleased tosee their fneud-. iB. W. JOYN'EK.

Late of Jones A Co.! WI- L.-LAT-.K., Late of J. VV. Nlpe 4 Co.MIL-*CA_r,

ap I?lm .'orw-rlyof Lynchburg.'P-*K*»I>T!» PA TTH; ~STKAM IHIVIXX

! f_.m_- if Mam ._J Thtttmnth earest*, AuhnmmA, FaI This «? ÜblLhuienl, (titling iu_ nut . ,ui\ ~;vPriatery ib the South, botha* regard* Types, ur-aament_, Ac, and the latest aad uio.t Appi'.vedMachine Press-t,) i» daily turaiug out tbe laest~? joR PRINTIMQIseca ASPAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BHJLB OB UIIHNGCHECKS, Ac, \u25a0 T,^-.

POBTBRB, PIW-AMM-b aVd HANDBILL*.Psjrticularatteuttouglveuto Has work for Banks,Public offlces, lusuraace, Hat'troad aod Transpor-tatton Companies, Tobacco K-ctor., ac.THL cv card presses,m Vn**.t MW Mschluee, for Card*. Bill Heads,Small Ctrettlara, Labela, be., are capable of tara-tug off 1,60. per hour, thereby ea-almas the patrousof this establlsh-teai to vbtalathis .sscrlptioa of work st tbs shortest posaiblsaotles.

?WPrlsss rsduced ta propvrltoa to tbs last****,jarPriatla|{lß varioas colored BRONZES aadINK* executed ia tbe ht«bsst atyle of the art latbta b-aaob ci tba sueiaeas, tbs yroprieiors caa

I saltlj ebaiisßgs ««*HHiiUlo*l ja_~t»

FOR RENT AND SALB.fiF--_t hE-IT.-eThe ueaf oa7th

street, ..pp.-it.. CityBprißga, l« bow f r rsator lease. To agood leuaat the t«ra_s will

be accomm"dating It hs* In-tt rod* fhronghcompleterepairs?papering, painting, whltenm..Be. Apply to D. h. HKowv.* .Vest door t" Theatre.FOR REST.-l -ißafl _iW__-l!_<--

NorsK on Bauk street, b<iw o-enoleit by_r»Jeter. 1V.i«.,.il givee by li.h May. or

.<n .-.-. Apply to Mra. Jsraa, orap 1»--t JOHgPfl ALLEN.

FOR K-.V1.-Tbe mo Bew HToKKf,with Iron fronts, on fi-akliostreet, appositeMetropolitan Hali To good tenant.-, th.

rent will be moil-rate. Apply toapi.-lw BOLLIN-W. HAXALL.

'--"- FOR ll r.Yl'' fno hoase oa MsrshailM'-J street, between Stb aud sib, now oceupi.d byVV. L. .Wiring. Applyat

JOHN A. La.>.:a.TER * SON'S,*X> t»? ,w__ itto W. _. Waaisci.

MF6iFil "eo_-fo_table DVV_bL1SOII"USE. with s~x row-.., on 4th street, (Wantside,) between Clay and Leigh It Is la good

repair; bus___

In all the r.onn, with watsr,kitchen aad ucai-house ln tha yard Applytoap 12-tf ALFKKJ. 1.. HQU.AIiAJ.i-i- »t.

cFOR REMt-A .<"L"..t_ os Way »tre.7~near ths c >rner of Adams, wit* bib s. ??? Iru.tuH, with slosels; Kitchen with lure..rooms, wood sod coal house, gas lo all th.~ room.

iv the hou_e, watsr In ths yard For terms, ap-ply to wm. s. I'uiLLiPs.oßinh,

*P 10?ts U~ilwit.ii -Uiu and Bank street..

MST O R ifAS 9 JpWKiiLl-. wA808RRST.?lsi, The STOKE on Carystreet, be-tween U'b and Uth streets, is by 7» feet, .

.lories, m.w occupied by Conrad h Crew. Puss**;sit.v gi . ~u Mli April next.2d. The upper part or ths HOUSE oa Uth strest,

between Malaand Kranklia mreet*. a*»at door tvlaiu.s -iatea, with kiUheß aad back yard. Poe--.? at A small DWELLING,corner Leighand Car-rlugtoti street*, near Magnolia, with aay desired(uanlity of rich garden land, aod agood wsll ofwateriu the yard. Possession immedial*. App.yi.ynote, through my box, at Liaaesapb's stable, ou.1 street, or laperson at Magnolia.* __ **____.s_____" *a FOR tt__l._'.-*b* STbD-i aad tl_"EIAO- H<)U.-.?tnth. rear of Ihe restden*.I'trmerly occupied by I)r. J. V. Hobson, oa

?tt street, near Main street, between Main sadCary street Applyio_p9-U REDWOOD A REACH. 64 Mala st

©808 mmAS?*h* upper pari ol thell' >\u25a0" -t. on .-ixthstreet, couiainlngMxroom-,suitable for afamily residence, aad Id d"<.-

rum the Vegetable Naffest. I'o.seasl.iß caa bebad iinmedi_ioly. Apply tohp ._tf WM. TYRKK

SOFFI-K I Oil X I-KT.-K<i.iU~- suita-ble for offices, iv the building corner lit;.aud Maiu streets, lorrent. Apply toPUr-CELL, LAl>l> *CO Draggl.ta,

mh 39?ts Coroei Main an. Uth afreets~~l_K~H_-N-?T_e upperpariof IB* HOUbKrer the store of tbe »u-_erib»ir. a: t>re»eaicnpledbythe Richmond Club App'vto-t__ i. F. bDVAL.WOk HB*rt OK -7__b.'7T_« -aiaaßi*HICK Kb-IDKM X, formerly ..-tupied by

it.ich_.rd Mc'iriider, situated on stb it., bew__u Clay and Leigh its. Apply at OBce .if the;-:»--?.»i- ? Compauy of the -~ta"t* of VirginiaOder I he America- Hotel. «.. j?ts

JK. IOR Uk-.1-lt.. ihi'.Nl KO> Al. ..»-.£.:: ...r-tore, siiitabl~-. f"r oOce or lodglu*rooms"-* ll.Hir- [_ ._...] li Ri»tl.

_ 4?" ,- .-

A.-KICIEl la.L IAIK t.Hlil*lU<KOl_ KENT -The CKNTKAL AUKICULTU-RAL-OCI-TT wisn lo rent out the FAIH

KOTJFDB for one year,or a term ofyean,ressrv-ag the right to bold r'airsaad Caitieaai'W.. Ths-nantwili be allowed the asc ot _a sxeelleßlrlc. Hon._eand the .alooas, with ths privilegeof

\u25a0 ? v.-"t._-, as a g T.ifii, ten acres ol .'id _v.sing the Hor.e Track sud .tables for a Trotttn.\u25a0-'.rit, Hab'ect to snch regnlatb'ns as i_e _»\u25a0_ i

iye Committee m_ v preaciib.. whisb will be madsmown belors reating.The tent mv.-i be p.idunarterly,_adj>nn_,wits

>.~d t»ecur"v. sriveD for it Apply tole -.-ts JAMEg LYOWb, Hrss't^

**}. KIBAttO FAcrOKV lUb HE.IT.yyjl The large TOBACCO FACTORT ob Csry-?!\u25a0. \u25a0:. between llth aad Uth, with ths vacant

ot adioining, for rent byte".-?tt. KENT . si,\?ai:o.

fcflt"~Fl7\E COIIOX LA.\O- IS J-OllHf*W» C aK"Li N A ?Will be s.ld at private sal*»? on aec.'Uimod.tingterms, TWO 1 hOU-staJfO ACR_> OF -0"U Ci-TTO- AbL> (IRaINI.A.V-9, situated ou tho bead water» of Cooper

|!r, 47 nii'e.i from t'h_rleston, 3 miles from thetieast-rn BatlS-B*. On the place U a fineiling-hoiis'-, with aotoiiuuodations for about?groes. For further particulars, apply to lhe-patch otli.\u25a0_," Kiilimon.l, Va.i -.-?'.'awlin*

thjmx nHBIt tlOOU ~T»IX KOITHS ST. -*t9B This beantifa) MAHKET ..-BM, one mileths city of Is still for rent

the person who routed it havingfailed to romplvwith bis contract H. IS HAXALL,

.'_ is_t. LVo___:MILLINLRY«__ DRESS-MAKINGiWTa pari*rA.Hib-S!"' __t _J

MISS l: KB F. (('A SEM o returned with her --\u25a0*- ,-*\u25a0 "*~*T

ForLadies sßd Children,And r.~-pet ?ful i v Invite the Ladies and lientlemeuduwn to examine her complete _t_ek of SKWPATTEBJfH, comprising the followiag named~>ty!e>., such as ?

'-:?._-. -:i _>aits fur Boys; Zonave aad Josephlae»ac>iue for Boys: Totnas and Hoplaae Jacket forBoys. Maireppa and Prince Albert Apron forBoys;(ucular Bliii.e lor PrlnseS Psletat forUirls; Children's Kraukliß DreaSj beautiful StLawrence Dress for little lilrU: Misses' Cherab..i ,'i~ . l-.i. ?. irimi Apr..ii lor (ilrls, children ». ...\u25a0 i iAp' ii. lhe Paiu" .!" Apron: the Mi--. ?'

I'ulie Waist: avariety at Wai-t and _le~ yePat-.eras: a variety of V. si king baeqnes for Mioses: alisred Ure-s i' r M..«.*. an Arabian Mautle for-pneg, for Ladies; a new »tvle Zoaate for Ladies:/'-uave _hlrt for little Boyn: Paisaetto Walking- U'l'j- for _lis«es; also, a great m_uy other bswttyle i-.'.ienis now rua.r. Persons ln waat of...meiuiug handsome will call dowa soon.

M.-. .-._...0n Is bow ready to BMBRolI) sadBKAID-lUiyleaof.N'eelle \Vork;aud .TAMPIJIIi.PINKINU _ vl MARKI.VU d'tie at ths shortestuotice. An satire wardrobe for lßtants; Ladlea'F'lßDßel bbirls embroidered. Country orderspromptlyatteuded to. Ob hand asd for sale.silcolors ofFrench and German Embroidery Hilk.?Ladies, bow call down and _cc for yourself?tt Ismy motto to uie__e Tbaukful 'or your paint patr.'Bßge 1 wWha contluoausj Uf the tame. l» \u25a0'\u25a0? 'forget tbe place, at Mr. _. N_s»>'» re_tdeßoo, two

i doors below tbo St. Charles Hotel, Main _t , (u;>-tKiri ) [ap »?lm) REBECCA .KMON./f_?_ 1>0!. J uTb-l?The property of K. V.

\u25a0'* ' "- will stand thia seauoa at the<^*f *\u25a0 i_u_bles of his proprietor, Bear Drake's

....._- ?*30 the iieason ; BU> insarance. Mareskept on nsual terms.

l-.-t-i~.KKK.- By Imp. Oleacoe, dam Darkaees byWager; -.1, Lady Urey, bybir Richard . 3d. Ogle tlinear: 4th, Imp. Uurvesiev; -th, Imp In .nt~~_

DON JUAN I* a rich blo'.d bay, witu ut white:I.i hands ; weight 1,100 lbs. He ran J. races aaiproved himself ahorse of speed ttud b-.tiom.

Address, R. V. _AlN__.1 ay I?lm* Drake . Branch.ULI.VIK PKOPVLA.viI_.I_..:Hi A NhVV REMbDV F>»R RHEUMATISM.j We invite tLe attenti.ia of the Hs-ical Profes-slob. and per_'.as sutfering with Rheumatliia,tvibe ??_.__ Xiti I>K<_PVLAMi.NK,"aaBB-osil>K<_PVLAMi.NK,"aaBB-osi valaa-ble and eligible pi-para:ion of tbe Chloride ofPropylamiue, which b ~s beeu sB-ceesfally aa<texteusiveiy used iv Kurope asd Amenra. la tnetrealuieot of this dUease It ts net aaeaek nottrum,Mi.F-t i.i u.i_ct'."Us_K todose, ac, accompany eacubottie. _ifc.ADK * BAKbr.

i'h_rrr..4.euti-ts. 1»4 Maiu street,I mh .. Cornerabove tbe Peetottee.r-FlTliT!. J. ..lIL7II-H. e-reev U'b aud CaryO have iv .tore a full aasurtuienl OKo-CKUiFs. WINK.-, aud LiUUORS, ofchoiceqoalltle_, which they are dispone* to sellal the'loweaimarket prices for cash, or oa Ihe usual titae toprompt-paying cu-itoiuers. lacl-d«d iv onras-Hortmeut will be found the -Best quantise ofBrandiee aod Wines liuporleil iulo tin. country,a Urge portiou of which have bsaa liaoorie*byourselves to _u!t ihe waats of those desiriagthevery eboi. e-t k.'".l« iw '?>~ll llttl*s>. -a i *» o.ts. oiu __v v.» .tup _,u_--.Ucovado M.?,__--_. SSS iri>ae> Adamau-.iuel audus, -..'-.' bbis. M~ untaln Rye Whi«key, very old,tun bbls. Common VAbi.key. Ola aa* 1reachBrandy; T,»*. World's r'air rlagar-Cuted Hain-very .uperi.i &-> hhds. atdea, -Boalder*. Piwee. UMI CIUShS-. A, li, Lstra l .sad Po-der-d . ugars, aud a large sio.k of _r~u-

I C-11.-4 erall kind*, tor sale oy»p« In~ v 1..-*:t-4. vit i.

_~._! aiiettu...,I > tiercea Krea~>t Pi. ccc; b. tierce* pian. *a* *a-gar cur.d to pug* Refiaee Lard. SS paiuTaiuiiy Lard, .- bbls. Weatsra Lard; -m. wholeand half boxes Adamantlae Candies, toe toxe.'I allow Caadles; « boxes Plae Apsio Chsese; teboxes hutfii~4t.D-.iiry ( b.ese;6S Bbl. bates "C"aug-r; lv hhds. urltus ol* liacoa Bhoulders. For»_»> **y t»p -J MAB.IC bFJEABAbfS.

t-LlbAtVA-A Cordial altxlr offe-I. ru-uu Bark ?This uapreparaiiou ot the Pe-ruvisa Bark, aud ba* aaagreeabletslurii-i taste,lt ia very valuable IB Cases ol UeMilty Bad la Boavalenceace tr~~ui proeirstiag di*eaaea Pvrsuastaklag Cod Liver Oil will lad tt vary eldest tedii>gaisethe tails aad ?saint ihe astloa ol U_Uar-ticle. Prepared aud sold bya* s Dt-s*_t_ta. No la Sale -xtettt

* -...iTiVhai _.-»?_ Ml.1 - make soap withoai lias, aa* with little .r *?trouble, aad wltb bat very itHte anaaasa; asavlsg cf both time aa* asoaey. Jj*f jm\abels-

a[* U Corses AtniSh aab IMbsis.|'iOI»aI-I»»-'a*' re-ass* «a* B-sasaat isV take, »i.t.> per box ,Th .ra's farafiT_?saßlva aa* aassapartlla ,bolldilad k Tlß_ir llttl_ski...i_l.a. Piauua's (. ai'sulea, aa* OaaCeawassiThese aVb all soiae ol the best [AShaßmßi Stmui

ap >» _ Coras, ajjErKsii _:H__ta.e> pur*article, boasht burlafAMT wlalss. wbaathe pries was esrs low->w-M ba**M I* Bsbataa.easteaiare en .**' ?*"' W» bMI*Hsp i> -Q-sbbsJNi_~~-ba4*.an ds*>


~«jr-THE IUII.T DISPATCH I* nerved to snb-»? Bl_ »_\u25a0- a or.aTKa ,'KWTS ru wbrs,

.v»i- ste ths OarrlsrBsshre. Price for mailing,_.' ??», or tr f" for sta months, tn advance.rV iV hEMI-WEEKLY dispatch Is I*sned_._--, T i#»<lsv and Kildiy st »-, in adrsae*.?hSTTHE WTSBKLI DWATCH le Issued overy» rTr, T ar.d mailed :.-v«nl>»rr!hers st *1 paranasal.

lit[)nwttti 'oi^!u%TKKMIOf ADVSRTUf*f«

tsaeare.lday ?s.Wilsansrn.iasjr* fj ?1. de... -days.... ».»(1...d0... iiafi J»i...d0... Sdays.... »??l ..d0... 4dsys.... 1.-ifl- -do., l month I.W

liaryer advertisement* in matt prtmerttsn.KVAdverttsements pnhlrshed sstll IhrWd. wll!

be eharired Jeete. p«r -square ofsinnrturnsfor tbs*r-> lu-ertl"o. snd Ifcents fnrsseh rostlsussse